TAC Tanker Tales Volume 8 Issue 3 March 2008 Mount Up Partners- We‘re Heading to Texas!!! Tactical Tankers Assn., Ltd 231 King Street Lancaster, OH 43130 At this point in the registrations, we have received a total of 130 participants planning on coming to San Antonio and as you might guess we had to add another Officers 2006-2008 riverboat to our first three contracted. We are delighted, but the 4th boat is fast filling President: up so hop to it if you want a seat. Rufe Mewborn 727-220-1806
[email protected] The hotel, Holiday Riverwalk (1-210-224-2500) has been keeping us posted Vice President: on the reservations and we have passed our expectations of 70 rooms per night. Our Nate Hill 740-653-3835 special rate of $99 ++ will be honored until April 18, as long as they have the rooms.
[email protected] John Bessette, our Historian who spoke on our TAC Tanker history at Wright Secretary: Jim Boyington 509-922-4377 Patterson Reunion, has graciously consented to have another ”briefing‘ in May at the
[email protected] hotel-probably the Hospitality Room. We have scheduled him for Monday afternoon Treasurer: from 3-4:30pm. It will listed in our Yellow Book agenda. Y‘all come!! Bo Ault 804-747-3841 I apologize for the confusion about our Tours 3 & 5. The descriptions were
[email protected] Historian: correct but the titles were misleading. #3 was Ole San Antone (not Antoine-per Bes- John Bessette 703-569-1875 sette) and will be the missions and the Marketplace by Daisy Tours (not Dixie!)
[email protected] Dhrr….