July 16,1881
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I THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS, MISCELLANEOUS. MISCELLANEOUS The President’s Condition. ment. What wtuld the framers of the consti- Published the _ THE PRESS. orery day (Sundays excepted,) by tution, and those who founded the government The President’s condition daily grows under PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO., it, have thought if an oath to support SATURDAY more favorable, and tliero is no reason now the government had been asked of them in- At 109 Exc hange Portland. MORNING, [JULY 10. stead of an oatli to St., to doubt of liis ultimate His con- support the constitution? recovery. That was an oath that the men Terms: Fight Dollars a Year. To mail sabserib of 17<J8 never valescence will be but would have ers Seven Dollar? a Year, if paid in advance. We do not read anonymous letters and commun i probably tedious, consented to take. The war and the measures which followed it cations. The name and address of the writer are In there is every ground for believing that the created a new THE government. It came as the result of revolu- MAINE~STATE PRESS all cases indispensable, not necessarily for publica- he received are not and injuries permanent, tionised the passions which it engendered.” is Thursday Morning at a tion but as a of faith. published every $2.60 guaranty good that he will be as well a man as before Of course this is only an if in advance at he incomplete epitome year, paid $2.00 a year. We cannot undertake to return or preserve com of what Mr. Davis said the was shot. upon subject of the m unicat ions are of that not used. changed condition of the Rates Advertising: One inch of ppace, the increasing trade demonstrates tbe fact that government. His ar- cngth of constitutes a gument was and column, “square.” customers appreciate our long intensely interesting. $1.60 per square, daily first week; 76 cents per Every regular attache of the Press Is furnished A Day with Jeff Davis. MEN OF 1HE PAST. week after; three insertions or less, continu $1.00; In ing every other day after first w eek, 60 cent?. ARTIST PHOTOGRAPHER, with a Card certificate signed by Stanley Pullen, discussing the theory of our government, Half square, three insertions or Mr. Davis recited numerous anecdotes of less, 76 oonts; Editor, All railway, steamboat and hotel managers Clay, one week, $i.00; 60 cents per week after. FREE AND FRANK TALK BY THE EX- Buchanan and OPPOSITE FALMOUTH HOTEL. will confer a favor us Calhoun, Webster, others, re- Special one-third additional. upon by demanding credentials Notices, CONFEDERATE CHIEF. marking upon their leading characteristics. Under head of “Amusements” and “Auction of every person to represent our claiming journal. "Webster, he said, “was a but Sales,” $2.00 per week; three inser- great orator, square por Fine a not in the sense in which Mr. tions or less, $1.50. Portrait Work Specialty. Clay was. Mr. Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State Clay possessed the graces of to a f acilities Life The Progress of Illiteracy. Opinion upon the Material Future of the oratory great- Press (which has a large circulation in every part Especial for Size Crayons. er extent than any other man that ever lived of South. the State), for $1.00 per square for first inser- at that Aim;—TO jlyTeodtf It lias been our boast that the Amer- ia this country. His gestures, his manners and cent* Fine, stylish goods prices defy long tion, 60 per square for each subsequent and his were Mr. Calhoun Insert ion. competition. PLEASE._ ican are the most educated speech perfect. people generally had none of the of Address all communications to graces oratory, but did have ^ in the world. We are in some of be- Upon the porcli of his residence, which com- a perfect for and his PORTLAND danger contempt them, pronun- PUBLISHING CO. ciation was ing deprived of the pretext for our self-glo- mands a view of the gulf of Mexico, a staff wretched. But no orator at the present day could influence the or have rification. to Professor Gardner correspondent of the Philadelphia Press found people LADIES’ According the position that these men had in those days. ENTERTAINMENTS^ A of Mr. Davis a few and was re- CARD. the sitting, ago, The Albany Academy illiteracy is increas- days newspapers have taken the place of the French and American Kid and a Button, low vamp, ing in America. Prof. Gardner’s ceived with a hearty welcome. I was, says speaker, greater engine than the news- box toe, quarter over all from alarmingly has vamp, widths, at Mr. papers superseded the orator; that is, the A A to FF. statistics show that in tho correspondent, greatly surprised The St. 1870 the voting popu- telegraph,. People want news an 1 informa- Newbury Sunday School and Parish Davis’s I have seen differ- with lation of the United appearance. many tion, and want it in will their friends will make their Annual I shall not be from a this Summer, Feeble nutl Sickly Persons States was 7,023,000; paragraphs. They Excursion to away my city gallery single day ent pictures of him, none of which resemble hardly stand much more than a paragraph of Recover their a course of Hos- the of the Southern States XjjaJDXEJIS’ our will still continue customers attention as vitality by pursuing voting populatien and rebel at liko an to give my my personal tetler’s most him much more than they do Juliu3 Ca*sar. editorial, anything essay. Stomach Bitters, the popular invigo- was French Slippers and Ties, all rate t and 2,775,000. The number of illiterate Mr. Buchanan was an able but a Long Island, Tuesday, July 19th. Newport heretofore. My Old Orchard Studio will be under my supervision, and alterative medicine in use. General debil- Tho picture in the second volume of his book, man, very Amusenn widths-AA, A, B, O and D; sizo 2% to 8. fever and voters timid one. If he had had the nerve to deal nt* will be provided, such as Croquet, ity, ague, dyspepsia, constipation, rheu- in the United States is 1,580,000, and Base assistants in every and if the gray hair and whiskers could be shorn with the situation as its Kail, Swung?, Foot Ball, &c. Fare for the round managed by competent department. matism, other maladies arc completely removed gravity demanded, I it. Ask the same class of voters in the Southern trip 16 cts. Steamers leave cast side Custom House JLhe that I shall be out of the city this by those who have used it what it has done would bo tho best I have seen. lie is a lithe, doubt exceedingly whether any other State \\ barf at report having got circulated, for 9.00 a. m,; returni ig at 4.45 p. in. them. States was South would have followed South Carolina in- summer lias me For 1,123,000. Twenty per cent, of man, a little above tho 'medium d3t* caused to publish this to the contrary. sale by all Druggists and Dealers generally, sparo height to secession. Had he GENTLEMEN’S the entire withdrawn the troops jiyld ThS&T&wlm voting population of the United I should not moro than 140 Respectfully Yours. weighing, say, from Sumter, it would have been such a con- Low Shoes for your long, slim, narrow feet States and 45 per cent, of the voters of the pounds. As I saw him to-day, be was neatly spicuous act of eonciliation that the other shoes for short, wide full States would I fee!^ Southern States could not read their ballots. dressed in light colored duck trousers, white not, believe, have called con- ventions to consider the question of seces- The total vote cast and vest and linen coat. A watch chain A^ counted at the last light gold sion, or, if they had, the ordinances would not II Grand Summer and Annuel in his his have been was Excursion general election in the whole country was hung buttonhole, spectacles passed. I not one of those who -OF from a black horsehair chain about belioved that there could ever be a peaceful .THE— 9,207,000. Advance sheets of census re- dangled Boots and separation of tiie States, but could not convince his neck. He wore a standing collar with a ports and careful estimates say that from our people of it. I had years before become IRISH AMERICAN neat black tlo, and his whole appearance was convinced association with RELIEF ASSOCIATION 21 to 22 per cent, were illiterate. Ten by my public men, Com/j/ginfs years and -TO- that of an unpretentions gentleman. Closely- especially with Mr. Webster, that the At this ago one voter in five was illiterate. The would season, various diseases of the his entire face and North never consent to it. I knew that Shoes bowels are cropped gray,whiskers fringe secession meant and Ikes are is Sixteen South- war, and, therefore, did Sebago Lak(>, Thursday, July 21, PHOTOGRAPHER. prevalent, many proportion larger to-day. his while is my lost expression, vory firm, quito pleas- utmost to it. When the war dtt through lack of knowledge of a safe ern States contain one-third of the entire prevent came, MUSIC BY sent by mail postage prepaid. when he which it had to met CHANDLER’S BAND. _3li9__._ and sure remedy. Perry Davis’ Pain ant, especially smiles, he often however, be with spirit.