Some Little-Known Scenic Pleasure Places in the Cascade Range in Oregon by IRA A
.. VOLUME 2 NUMBER 1 '/ MAY, 1916 THE MINERAL RESOURCES OF ORE·GON Published M~nthly By The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology See Capitalize Oregon I Oregon First Scenery Waterfall in Cascade Range Photo by Weister Some Little-Known Scenic Pleasure Places in the Cascade Range in Oregon By IRA A. WILLIAMS 114 Pages ,66 Illustrations Entered as second cl""s matter at Corvallis, Ore. on Feb. 10, 1914, according to the Act of Aug. 24, 1912. OREGON BUREAU OF MINES AND GEOLOGY COMMISSION OniCE ON THE CoMMISSION AND EXHIBIT OREGON BUILDING, PORTLAND, OREGON OniCE o• THE DIRECTOR CORVALLIS, OREGOl-1 JAHES WITHYCOHBE, Governor HENRY M. PARKS, Director COMMISSION ABTHUR M. SwARTLEY, Mining Engineer H. N. LAWRIE, Portland IRA A. WILLIAMS, Ceramist W. C. FELLOWS, Sumpter 1. F .• REnnr, Medford 1. L. Woon, Albany R. M. BETTS, CO\"nucopia P. L. CAMPBELL, Eugene W. 1. KERR, Corvallis Volume 2 Number 1 May Issue of the MINERAL RESOURCES OF OREGON Published by ,.. The Oregon Bureau of Mines and Geology I • CONTAINING Some Little-Known Scenic Pleasure Places in the 1 Cascade Range in Oregon By IRA A. WILLIAMS l . 114 Pages 66 Illustrations 1916 ANNOUNCEMENT With this issue we present the first number of Volume.2 of The Mineral Resources of Ore gon. This is the first issue since December, 1914, and the first to be completed for publica tion giving results of field work during the past season. It is a preliminary paper involving the general geology of the Cascade Range and is to be followed by detailed reports upon the various other economic resources of the Range.
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