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1950 The olC lege News, 1950-12-13, Vol. 37, No. 10 Students of Bryn Mawr College

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VOL. XLVII, NO. 10 ARDMORE .nd BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,1950 f'OI,"rIIiM, Tr ••tH. of PRICE CENTS B..,..•• M r (lolle.e, 'VOO 15 Legends Read Strauss Explains Cleverly Staged Human Element By Carpenter In Value Decision 'Deirdre' Shows '�n the Social Science. Be Verse Form Ethioally Neutral T" wa. the que.­ Haring In tion which Dr. Leo StrauM, pro­ At Best Merlin aud IdoneW!, fessor of Politieal Science at the Synge Drama Exhibits Univeruty o.t Cbica.go. di8CUU8d In New Medium, In the Common Room Thursday Excelleut Stage Live Again eve.ning, December 7. ProfflMOr Design Strauss stressed the iprimary Im- origi- "Two Legends in Verae," portrance of a di'Stinetion bebween by Jane Au,uatine, '52 nal compositions, were prelented facta and values. Social acieDCe Deirdre of the Sorrowa, given by Mr. Rhya Carpenter last Mon- as a seienee ia limited to an.w8l'- last Friday and Saturda-y niehta day night. Bel.ON� reel't' Ing h'II ing questions of facta i it can not at HaNellford, "''815 outstanding in oe Carpente stated at p try, Mr. r � .ol problems • ve of value . UDeirdre of the Sorrow8" the beauty Lta technical execl· although the verse w orig al, at � m Max Weber, known fOr hla &_ w re lences, but no,t alwaya in the depth the plota were not. �el�er � EthICl . ., on Protestant and the Counterpoint Displays Good A.rticles, of ita int.enpretation. Gary Rob­ they, a. Mr. Chew aaid In hia In- Spirit of (A.pitaU"'1' II the hero of eTbs' set, a Lotality of bl��ack, troduction,"'in the modem m.ode- • p r .sen" ,u ' "!.-Uay IOCta. I I8CleDtfl.· IDe Suffers by Concentration on Words framed magnificently the costum­ Incoherent, h yater I I un• te11l ell. m gl� eonsid .h • 0 ers a th e pros��...._ t in in red, orange, and turquoise bl e. " by Joan McBride, '52 both nne pieces ot work. Triah'A g Western civilization are elth"-r a waa entitled "The blue. As 48)ECtacle, DeIrdre The tint legend, spiritual renewal or mechanized .\Ithough the fan 1ssue .,f poem interprets the present-day mO im-preaaie, .. permeated wit.h Man Who Married a Statue" con� Counterpoint, which publisherl bitterne" and disillusionment ;n !!Jt petrifaction. In the sociology of the othe� atmQllPhere of wore a large, a dGn marquis satire that well cemed a youth who ethies and religion, sociologist Monday, December 11, containa a the r which waa ,upposed suit. ita mood. By depicting this L ish leipo6; the complu: sec.ret ring to must have a feeling this; few excellent and engrossing arti· world- for this actmlr'lbly mppo tllat win a maid. shakine events and issuea through lighting rted "work disuter" to seems to imply value judgment. cles, it tends to suffel' from a actof1 neco-­ to with the familiar, current-events tenns, air of unreality. The Not knowing what do Value judgment is not merely a common defect: namely, that many she at ome emphasize. the insignificance 0(' tiated the CO!'l91icated set with ring, the boy, looking l reference to values, !but imolves of the authol'S are too intrigued ly one of a beautiful our scheme of things in the uni-, and moved quite «l&tural atatues, saw wise choice as well. ,In social with the tound of their own word�. with her hand out- verul system. "Summer" portrays into beautiful JToupiDgS, but not nude woman, science the phenomena are consti. Before a discussion of this prob· aJtboUi'h stretched. Putting the ring on her lem is undertaken, the outstanding a g1!ntle, spl;nglike melancholy infrequently the poeing, 'ut""·.' ....y va ue J gmen s; bh ese I 'ud • meaninc­ finger, he said, l'thee, alone, god· contributions must be commended. and nostalgia in admirably ex- lovely, was aif�led and combine the advanbages of com- dess I take in troth." Upon re- Joanna Seme1'8 "The Lighthousr pressed imagel. Naomi maintainl less. A look of hauteur waa oc­ Conlinued on Page 3, Col. 2 ceivlng the ring, the statue seemed Keeper" is, perhaps, the best arti an Intriguing rhythm witho,ut be- casionally .at.ituted tor the to trilmble, and frightened Idoneus, de in the magazine. Her portrail coming enslaved by it. What Is mood 04 con:ftdenee in .�rio.rity the yout.h, so that he wanted to o,f a broken and yet self-eontentetl especially C!O'mmendable about each w:hiICh m6kes arropnce unaeees­ take i.t back. But the ring 8tuck Walker Discusses old man is'vivid and gripping. Be· of the two poems ia that neither SSf1)' for a true ariatoc:rat.. In her taat to her finger. Relating his cause o( her extraordinary powel'8 of them employs words merely for eaTly scenes, Sue Halperin played experience to a friend, Idoneus Current Problem of Gbservation, the setting, t.he their sound. Although all the I Deirdre with lli.q)lJc.ity &lid die learned that. the goddess had a eh1traderization, and tlhe emotion­ phrases are carefully chosen, they nitro The transition. from a wU� reputation for deceiving, according Of Pacifist Role al influenoe. invoLved achieve thf' are not contrived, .nd carry with ful girl into a woman oo.ring the to Homer. reality of penlonal �lQ)erience them explicit meaning'. '!ull trv.igedy of losing , free One night while the lad was December 6, 1960; Common Room: which is one or the most praise­ The inclusion of Pish Ripley's dom, and youth Sue managed only "Roger Bacon, 'leeping the statue appeared to The Bryn Mawr Alliance for Po­ worthy accom(pliahments of which Thirteenth Century with difficulty and not .tway. aue. Scientist," him, Uunearthly in the live moon­ litical Affairs presented Charle. a story-teller can. ooast. a scholarly paper among cessfully. She Is to be hia'hJy more light." At fint ahe horrified him, Walker who apoke on la Pacifism "Song to Rip Van Winkle" and impressionistic materilll, praised for her intelligent &p­ seems but -her "sUver tones" softened him V.lid Toda,.? Mr. Walker stated: "Summer," by Patricia Richardson a wille choice. Her discus- proach to a slLpremely hard role. Continued on Pa,e 2. Col. , "Pacifism is not only valid, but the and Naomi Ellenbogen respective· sion ot Bacon's acientific advances I:( she could have been to one courtle open to us if we don't ly, in their diverse fashions, are amid Scholastic dogma is well- feel the deep signif\eance of. every want to see World War UI." P.cif­ handie d . expertly-written, and word she �ke In her flnal acene, Planned ism entails the rejection of vio­ CALENDAR fill� with originality and pene- !!he would have azhieved a tragic 'Miracle' lratmg thought. lence and the attempt to apply 0 'heroine stature. con&tructive program. It star� Wednetlday, December 13 "Fl:lculty Tea," by Wayne C. Piotrow made a swaah- By French Club with the individual and eventually Opening of Station WBMC, Booth, i8 an unusual and clever buekJill'l' Nai8'i; hiS unde�tandin, Ilsserts enough influence for eol­ everybody's radio" 7:30 p.m. psychological analysis. Although of his part and hi. ability to play The Bryn Mewr French Club's lective action. Pacifism can be ap­ Thursday, Dec:ember 14 Continued un IJaie 5, Col. 1 'Play for L960 it to !be a 2 Continued Gn p.,e 6, CoL Christmas plied to madmen, tho mental and League Chri8tmas Party for interpretation of Rute· modem morally ill, and to race relations the Summer Camp, Common Miracle de Theophila. Make-up, Lights Redeem 'Jedermann' beu!', Le as as to all other fields 01 Room, 4:15 p,m. Skinner WorikshOlP curtain The conflict including war. The theory Friday. December 15 cen­ From Poor Staging, Unskilled A.cting will rise on this thlrteen'bh is based on the reasoning that an Maids' and Porten' T�a, Com­ P3ct tury with th" devil at 8:30, individual or a nation feels in­ mo,n Room, 4:15 p.m. by Retty·Jeanne Yorahl., '52 dermann, Death, made u.p to look Decern:ber 19. aecure. under the influence of vio­ Sunday, December 17 hollow and c:a.daveroUl, sent shiv. Mr. Morris of the French de­ lence. This insecurity breeds dis­ Christmas Carol Service by the For their annual Christmas -pres- en of horror through tfte audi­ p&rtment is the 'Produc­ content and connict. Bryn Mawr College Chorus, and entation, the Cerman club per- With perlec=t diction aDd ex­ tion. The set, by Mr. Frits Jan­ Pacifism ean apply to politic•. the reading of the Christmas formed Jedennann, Tuesday eve- cellent stage preeeDCe, Thoran aehka, and costumes, Iby Cynthia For eJ[ample, the fighting in Korea story by the Reverend Andrew ning, Dec:ember 11, in, the Skinner SlJ)8rked the presentation with Hfe Sbeaffer, are to be ,imple and atyl­ "meant a terrific stepping up of Mutch, Goodhart, 8:00 p.m. Workshop. Based on a medieval and vigor, and hia entrances ized.Sherrill Cowgill and Mr. Mor­ power conflict all over the world." Monday. December 18 morality story, this play written throughout the evening were al. ria an planning the choreogrJJJ)hy Thia i8 becaWie power interests Current Events, Mia8 Peterson, in verte, is about a rich proftigate wa-ye striking, and appreciated by t

'.1. Two THE COll EGE NEWS Wednesday, December 13, 1950 ,

• • THE COLLEGE NEWS Currr.ntRventl' NEWS Tells Use At On Monday, December 11th, Mr. OpuuDH :r011lfD.D Dr ltU lra Reid, profealol' of SocloloJrY Of 'Son' in Hymn at Ha.verford College. QJOke on �liddJe-Size May Day PWtl1*"" ....'11,. aurin. the eon... Tear (u:eept durin, nan"'· ...t.I". Cbrliltmu and Euur holld.&,.. and durin. uamlnatlon wMkl) South Arrica. Mr. Reid outlined Since last week there has been Bt)"IS Mawr Coli... at the Ardmore PrtnUna Compan,. i Greater '- tIM .� of . the problems and policies of mod­ much diseunion conceminc the Prom ses �� PL, and BJ')'ft Ilawr Colle... , ern South Africa.He believes lome connotation of the word 'ISon" in Unification change is imminent, but how and the May Day H,mn to the Son. To the Editor: when It will OCCUr is a problem Dot We want Middle-alze May Dayl tor South Africa but for the world. In order to clanly and perhaps We would be plea led to invite South Alrica haa many varied support our view, we present the EDITORIAL BOARD men to an all college weekend groups not only in raee, but in JOlIn McBrld., '52, Edit or-in-chktf ')riginal lAtin wordl and their planned around M.y Day. Why language aand religious groups IUS Engli.h translation. . would they be any more uneomfort. Jane Augustine, '52, Copy Barbara Joelson, '52, Make-up well. There are four major popu­ able at May Day Rites than animal Julie Ann Johnson, '52 Frances Shirley, '53, Make-up lation croups, in a total population Te Deum Patrem coHmus, hunting! It would be a relle! to Margie Cohn, '52 of about 12 million. The I.rgest Te laudlbus prosequimur, have a full weekend to oUeT'. We group is the natives of mixed AfrJ­ EDITORIAL STAFF Qui corpus clbo reIicl, believe that men will enjoy all the csn (7 million). Both the Euro.­ Judy '53 CoeIesti mentem, gratia. activities, especially the Sophomore Helen Katz, '53 Waldrop. pean or whltel and the colored or Carnival and Arta Nil'ht which in Winifred Sexton, '51 Betty·Jeanne Yorshis, '52 mixtures of Mriean, Aaiatlc and Te .doramus, 0 Jeau turn will gain from their aalOCia­ Sheila Atkinson, '53 Diana Gammie, '53 European, have about 2 million, Te, fill unigenite, tion with May Day. Junior Prom lucy 8alten. '54 Beth Davis, '54 and the rest are the Asiatic Indian Te, qui non indignatul es as a fonnal dance doesn't have to Phoebe Harvey, '54 Ann McGregor, '54 group. The languages spoken by Subire cIaultra virglnil. suffer in any way when Sophomore Anna Natoli, '54 Claire Robinson, '54 these various groups range from Carnival is moved, witneaa the at­ Christine &havier, '54 Mary Stiles, '54 all manner of Bantu dialeett and Actu. in crucem, factus es tendance at the fall Undergrad African, to Engli.b. Their re­ TA Irato Deo victima; dances. Urionl Include aU of the main re­ Per Te, SalvatoI' unice, There haa been criticism of hay· Iigionl ot the Welt. plus thole of Vitae epes nobis rediit. ing May Day on Saturday; we are the East, and the native Bantu. very much in favor of having it on t�B��}i CT1��f::i��;:�!'54 South hal many mce Africa Tibi, aeterne Spirltu a weekend. laws.There II the Color Bar, which BUSINESS MANAGERS ODius aUlaw pepsrit 1. At little May Day we are just keepl aU persons of color from the Kly Laclcritz, - Tama Schenk, Infantam Deum Maria, getting in the mood when the ten Mary '51 '52 professlona, from living in certain Aet.ernum benediclmus. o'clock bell cl8&$88. areas and which will not allow any rlnp to:- BUSINESS BOARD 2. Classes are completely waited '53 colored person to enter the Union. Barbara Goldm.n. '53 Evelyn Fuller. Triune Deus, homlnum on that day because everyone I rt i. lIIeral to have intermarriage Is Margl Partridge, '52 I Susie Press. '53 Salutil auctor optlme: exhausted. between the racel or to have any Vicki Kraver, '54 Immenaum hoe mysterium Considering the amount social participation the the 3. of Ov.nte lingua canimus. work put into little May Day in SUBSCIIIPTION BOARD color line. No person of color may daneing, singing, etc., middle'lbe Lita Hahn, '52, Ch.lrman be in the government, nor aro We worship Thee, God the May Day would not envolve any Ellie lew Atherton, '52 '53 colored persons ever sent to the Carolyn limbaugh, Father, we honor Thee with prais­ mo."} work except for those who U.N. or other International func­ Alice Cary, '52 Trish Mulligan, '52 es, Thou who haa refJ'leshed our are interHted, and the d.ncing '52 tion•. Susan Crowdus, '52 True Warren, body with food and our mind with would be appreciated by more lois Kalins, '52' Gretchen Wemmer, '53 South AIrica as it stands today heavenly grace. We adore Thee, people. • represents a trouble spot in the Nena McBee, '53 o Jesus, Thou son of single birth, The main point is the college uni­ world where tension and feeling • ThOll who art not unworthy to fication which we feel would re­ Subscription, $3.00 Mailing price, $3.50 runa high. It is a challenge to the enter the womb o'f the virgin. lult fl''Om the various activities and Subscriptions may begin at any time U.N. and the world in general. as Driven to the c.ross, Thou has been which ie now lacking at little May to how to eUeet a desirable social made a victim for a wrathful God; Day. Entered as second class matler at the Ardmore. Pa., Post Office change. through Thee, especialiy, Savior, Under Act of Congress August 24, 1912 Sincerely youra, the hope of life haa returned to us. Jane Walker, '61 There is a ool1r'eCtion to the Etemal Spirit, by whose hreath Linnie Lee Waren, '61 Mary bore the Infant God, we Frieda Wagoner, '61 'box on page 3. The Alliance Look Ma! I'm Starvioy! blels Thee everl8!ltingly. Tri· Cyntthia Mason, '62 Assembly rwiU be held on TUe&­ partite God, 8Xcellent originator P.S.-Maybe the change from tra· This year, throughout the campus, there has been an day. Dece.m:ber 19, rather than of the well·being of men: we celt!­ ditional little May Day would break increasing amount of complaint a e menus. It i8 true this boundless mystery with on Monday. brate the traditional had weather wh�h that the rising ooet of food and an ov oaded college budget rejoicing tongue. has jinxed us for 80 long. have conditioned the ordering of:::;r . However, the rna- • ______1 Carpenter Reads Storie. of the Supernatural; ,1ont)' of the complaints have not been directed as much Impetu, To A.rm Leads Htu A.udience Entrwu:ed by Drama and SllSIHlR!e - against the quality af the food. as against the actual plan­ To War, Say. Walker Continued from Pace 1 shoes, and played the harp. Thus ning of individual menus. Continued from Page 1 was Merlin born. five pro. when ehe said, "you may not take meals are a frequent occurrence. But more steps: 1) a suhatantlal gram of reconstruction, realislnl another In my .teed-" When Ida· In the second section we find significant are the criticisms of the all-ebarch meal, or the j that war grows from insecurity; neu. &'WOke, it W8& the morning a discu.saion among the witche", aU-fruit-and-vegetable 'meal. For example, one lunch includ­ 2) world disarmament which is of his wedding day. With all his for they are disturbed that Merlln I is "doomed to die a Chriatlan." De· ed cream souP. roman meal bread: peppel'8 stuffed with noo­ necesaary for reorganiu.tlon and friends plhered around, he drank and ciding to bring him home amone dles, rolls, and cake for dessert. Similarly, another was com­ increases the amount of money a toast to the ltatue, said, available to improve living condi- "turn on U', goddess, your cold the demons, Satan asked who posed af olear vegetable SOUP. f.ruit s"lad.broccoli. and a des­ should be sent to retrieve him; tions; S) world organization; 4) marble f.ce," whereupon the ltatue _ of jello. In the former case one I.... v .. tilte table feeling sUPPOrt of democratic gt'Oupa all feU and ahattered to the ground, Nimue, the beautiful woman, was decided upon, and ahe appeared in full and sluggish; the 1neredibJe realise that armament is • reelpro-- tine and Stranp Fate of Merlin," tiful woman, dad only tn a colden frequency of unbalanced meals. the food does not mlllU ita cal proce'l; UarmameDt is aetually is divided into two part..Beeauae girdle. two pnmary functions: to give energy and to srive 8usten- a weakening of the enemy." ODe the dnil wu aummoned to ereate She then went back to tbe euUe nation mUit beain to an he Iincted out • with him, ..ylne, Uno dml can ance. aet, and. it antl-Chriat. appea.. that It will not be the 80- proaperous man and killed him. .nd take a man that God baa belped. The same food. planned so that the menus had some va,. Tiet Union!' Aetion meuattlDc .. hll family. But one dau.chttr ... man mUit deatroy himself." af riety. would ooet no m...... yet would ofter I'-'w.ocIed for1MiDtenotaJid.rort .._w the .adI_. aadloft •,It", WDSU--...... --6..-�� -..._ ...... -0 ---..0_ __ __ *""_" ... _.... • ..... -_ - .... bro.d. theyhan .....tdWIed; the7 daSh. tile MJIljJUI't of ... .- f. ilia _ =t, baton ...... ind .... towo haan of ...... theeollop...... , to _ of ___ ...,....� •

w...... y, Docember 13, 1950 THE COLLEG EN E W 5 � ______�______�������������______� � �� ��p e�l�e��T h��r e�e }anschka Depicts 'Ancient Mariner'; LAST NIGHTERS Bridge Shark, Finessing Honors, Quiz Mixes Old Style With New Technique Guinness' 'Last Holiday' Makes Six and Three Enemies and utonl.bin by Jane UIUJJ n '52 '10.... The Supernatural by Betty-Junne '52 .. A e. a.muaing Yorahis, Ipade." North, "Two .IIA- ti mariner i. a t "One doomed ' o th " we . ''"'0 to talk bou In Eff mond,! East, "Pt.... " Two • , .. the time, 10 ere (o game. Four S u , ek the albatross all th Bridge III a zy 'SS, ISlSS, s... man Club ons the eel e ,it down at ah. lUI, well, sp or -hen .hereadin Ger. I, drawing whk.b the i b, Jane u t '52 two ed &, one in b d A peopl a table with . .. it roe.. 'Of Heinz li , uanalatiol1l 01 from hla bearded r pl ine, if t ey e heamaa.. and ao until Po ber' .protrudes lips. La,t HoUda, an deck. or h 'r really serious wi.h the, had Rime of the Ancient Mariner is English fi two e and the reat at the table It ia an observation but a lm- playenl. d c astute of a B. 8. . kl. prepare 8. person for -aketebea of that aame theme were ing story by J. Priestley a sion of enjoyment and normal their fourth disconcerting one. e e the for re- paeudo-anake charmer in the w.hich d rib s behavior of a " and not a hung glasa eaaes outside the sc laxation." ean be Mr. Janaehka did only a few I S die of an at English Department's offices on man wh thO nk h e will when .erta,·n '�e" B ut they're stuck with her, least and these e . 8. pitfalls a of the second !loot" north paintinga in color, are "'-- ase 10 or so. .. ou.o,;ure 0d' l month o Heelta.I.' until the bell rinp for her ned corridor of with tbe complexity of The I.0 u en d pl yer is pr. n'. Tak. I alS. the Ubrary. Tbey were done by treated h one bet an 1_ C e p as be ore: , ,· n.tane.. q ta A'menean moveI caII for Th. bid Frib ese miniacule detail which was o bl m d. and •• • snd Janachka, vtaitin'"• ienn t n ed Dark Vie- five dia on be Once the blddin'" is over the V a dea I t W1 t e It' rub r b t aa last spring's exhibit. One color tory ·th h same theme • e .�-- ' the game has there a 101 artist, not as illustration. u of 8. "'ame. The oppo.,·Ii·on ap u started, are the Ideaa scheme pink. peach. and atreak .evera I years ago. first ..t.11 of persons whose • m various approache. to and of olive green in m trick and lead. a . .pad. playln'" co ea poem.. A few a picture do - movie, however, is so aensl- to the the board , .. . e category of People-Mo.t. mood of Coleridge'. ted blue espe- This on under th I hat -employ tbe aame technique a IODl na by Pruuian i, tive of the idea ,.he fin•••• • mo \QI'- 10 e- With. a O • II in its revelation can h. d,' a n Unpleaaant-To-Play-Brid- - cia y striking. There are se eral • of e of J n h v the her hand. It's Healtatin' Hannah' . th painting'll Mr. a ka nd on two level&--one mundane, There's the Sutter-In-Silence, for t the sc u erwater acenea, one on fairly e She mstanee. are and r bo ering n cosm a Spades trump exhibited last tpring a Carlin on e, �� � Q Je.-thnt tum to play. stops, takes Gallery in Philadelphia. solid . another purpl a It II t ltat.kne{ed The puff of her at her North, who Is the hand Many oth- weird, in a e anything bu . cigarette, loou pl.ying en which he bal de- third lesl p l blue water- hand, at the board, and .he a. a a .tyle I 'l'be moat ltiDer� natural overtones n lead, srnall diamond from the vewpeduse more recently-India ink co or wash. intrieate an dT the humanity In d again. The perfect ct re heighten pathetic her han opposition board to her hand. West .IUing on rapidly witb a brush, an pi u Is an undersea nd the characters. squirml. la Hannah void in lpadee! o ', left is play, applied d a emerald- the situation a N rth to .nd without working over. The scene Ihowing brimant Outstanding among the movies' ex- II I e .- • .. t e lett green r a h '''''' in''' to trump and set th:. she who hu bid . has h spontaneity of drawings la a e aufttuing Into bluea and in tbe • F ly Hannah ace in Ea.t, . 'U"'. 1 ac every inch of it cellencea Is Alee Guinneu crucial "'arne ' i ber hand. void in dia- these and teemlnr nal their outatanding virtue, especiaUy k, role of George Byrd. the doomed three of i. hand. m t with imaginative sea and plays the tpadea. She monds second and us when It I. con.idered with the flora When .he ea of h is void In seemingly, bundreda of flab with man. l is com- waan't vofd,�h. just couldn't de- play. Wut knows East of the com demJae, BYl'dt wboms i a cide between ·the two or the three. structure and balance - of ing l farm- diamond., but does ahe .It back po,itlon. hundreds facial exprea,loDL implement . a lonely GOOl see what hel' The atrodure of the paintln&, and quietly and wait to bwelor, quits hia Then o T She doe. In this collection one fi om li t but the job, an there's the player partner d NO. nds an seeml unc p ca ed super. takes who of willt n One, .he variety three astounding his savinga. &nd far away to hiase.. She ' fu one h . drop. of Interpret.- abundanee of tiny partlel81 and.. reaort hotel. Risgoea live isn t to be con sed thel ge e tion. In the q ic relevance to one an a decielon to her cardl on bl , alump. back u k brush-and-ink their peculiar with one who hums. or another in e elosesta e one m e is t e out the !'elt of hi. days in plain whi. Tbis styl., other tbe aklHed and .tyle who just one h r chair. r eyes, and good exa pl h plc- add up to tl . II ahe wereti going to die, the ttretehed out t. e touch of a o e wand : hlsaes thee. horror of looka If ia- th r r s tuneleasly, ture of albatroas polished. yet highly original art It It II If he givens cenot r thl. to two, ahe c he in formal b a lWatch try is Jansehka's is only the re.t at the table. The or le s her hand. and uri l pO!8 with a which Fritz forte. game bort Intakeanc of breath, or of flowers new world but new and t geJy goel take. , resting on his breast, a s something like this. West, .oul to uploit unnntU he t and a e w n tears influential h , ahe reiaea her eyes and darts an angelle f c eepi g dies. The ree on the right side of beaven. In tbe godl. always arbitrary. .upplicating looks at her partner. for him instead of thia m an. that .he lame atyle t e IUmonsters Neutral Social Science are .uddenly Observer All of e plainly h re are h the means to take the trick. which Coleridge mentioned againlt. When he jokingly re- a walk.. Outlined by Dr. Straw. terminate You've come a o on the ,l e the q eat dull You're cold. from but North wishes she i g water be d u s rain to a would either mar game of e darkens arm go or inel'a Ihlp. TheT at do . Continued trom a e 1 c the sky the Library, and under your out for Drama Guild, cut the are upen u ly P g roqu t, ,ponderous CQPY of end I atral,ht a d alto�tber enchanting and a downpour ensues. It is of is a ound, histrionics p a y ugly n b d denial of com- wisdom that be e with aense with a coune only coincidence. . . . .omElbody's must bri g . their large. leering eye,. mon , e e of m c n- mon seMe. The political lCienti t Then t e to a t her I, almost a ghost culled thi. eveni�, and returned Which brings us the Table­ There are a oupl a-bra e mo- ot terpretations of the w i e actions at an old blind at nine a. for th t e k ng dead must extplain th state.- which haunts him; Talker, the "courge h bridge al ment ·t e their teeth a melody the m. Jbyu.t: h ny way. to and mariners sinking men and gene rals in relation to ...iollnist playing in you stand· Library table. She finds ma In­ ti e quea- streets of bome w whom is o e a into arm--e. o heir ca , e:x.p1oring h n, to steps T.ylor r you; dicate to her partner what .he has a human varia n on t � his to . W w to the pIIsage where the mariner tions whether euch actionst a - and it t recourse of are he gives coin. tums and winks droning academic rnatriareh, in her h , hou od tradition the 8C8'f.tet she dealt, i own arm, bringing blo , due to a ti weary atter a hard day of bidding. For instance, b tes his ra onal consideration of at him horribly. By in mad at or to e a not herej the m. it on a frenzy seeing a ,aU means and tr n us bard is blind, hut and green and yellow atoekinged looks at her hand, then la ends x eo t e i her steps. and s i up tbe lep t r ng the table, aayl "Pall," p e in di.tance. Particularly sensl� emotional eircumstances. l b& q those of the many I T w a n-D t tie, and to leaf ti e pictures are n mpa he ' 1 &Wl' l for oo y y igh tallela magazine proceeds v co ring Weber and John Bryn M A liance r bu'ller tir".l)oea.parded, h Thil IIhow� her part­ albatroues a will IPre!rent t rough it ro the mariner's l P ca Aff kingly her gls l5- . und Calvin Mr. Strau s stated that oliti l airs riba. she II of e eff� most f m Ui it. of as- But ner and anyone within hailing dis­ head showing the omnipresence th of Weber's a o the .!8Cond In series ed-in quiet and the bird m d a d a ahe e in bl. i On Since t'8sting now. tang tance. that ha. nothing in h r dead n , and of hiatorical ellay Protatant aem.bliel. ther have been n of snow hand highet· than a the a l a n nd events the A r b l earrying croaL A - Et.hka a the S of so in i ut'g'el you. adventW'OUI ten, 10 her al tro movin the pirit Capital- many of international discover, partner other fa e pecial y �; al- by subdues her two bid, and s l Ism. was in l\'lay during the last one. eampu,�rd. You T head de no intended' a importance he more . 18 !Who h ve been rerw 'Weeki, e suddenly, settles for part score. batroaa. to one ai atrung Calvin. would th Alliance ill !pet"flol"lrllity. To your .uch on the .T w oI t.he active Talker scorn.J method&. up yardarm. The struetura oc -lb l e 1 n panel by de ht is the sweop Pe.mJI i, there sh ked y i h erucial i k present a diM!Uuion a-- 're'- ' om n of the game from of , ted witlh a 10-'"0 �"...... "-enbis-h, spilled h eonfHcl t graceful hove to bid one you Or fact out the movie. ContinLlfll on 5, I Continued OD a 4. Col. number of different _ a e unlver.1 hap,piDe4a ia a i, Page Col. P e 1 lpeelea of sea pe c or Another aupematural touch ------'------.::.r------monaten here dreamed u t Continued on a e 6, Cot a -8 brief episode i which - --=-=-::---""-' -'- up h P seen in n bo c ByTd, with the n. .... of C0Zle ctwn of Manuscripts Represents .tunned hi. IIn... , unthinkingly ....hoa a First Young Musicians Concert I that • I. .... Combined Labor of Medieval Artisans hall girl Ing up In Characterized by Professional Skill the air. He it aa if back b, He '51 iaturist, wIIo the 1..- let- the tosa81of the l Kats. put In re of Ufe Ollt en Rare tM the Shlrler. '5a ry oould be said a,a it w ball Now new Book and rMt br � e little lnllt e the threeyam in the ter. decorated of V a s. Room la and pa&'t. '!'be The tint this lpe a e and it thrown back to F te ec of rubicat­ Youag Musicians Con- maatenful . Whe he geta to the he a coll tion of 14th Incunabula rfonn rw: n mort Is 16th iUu.... ed manuaeripte i, cert of the Marwr Huaie Club .t:arted tthe concert at hich ,plbeb. century ma nu.eripta dU!Le:ult to di .... Bry;n a a my.tery man, but a bene- D&, the rana ti ...... ·14 n Uli Room IIOrt of t t i on b n lIC - Ely ;HiN ficient deity He t i betweeD ti..,weh a a i the M Ze a to �aJ' hiI 0W1l ra ..... ifroom d- rIMd n he1d e - Schumann'srsecsn returned in right. books aDd printed -�... .�. beeaa.. tlb e J'PI t ma .sanday. TOIIIriya Eto, violin Variatlou ,1"81 mODeY help hand-written a on- Abe" and a young wife to t of the . in the oI the KrII:". ••wu arwl i. t, Zanecna, Ie plano by Debuuy. H...... n . Moa ... . and Marion pianilt, Poar her ,blftlell hUlMndi he 9 .. copy prinU ttri exhibit. a e !from. the only Iby examinaUon at the dla ... , "Were tbe Thoucb ahe benelf muter on lmaproft- r !Marjorie eololata. both proved of &D tool perfonnen at the all of iano teehuJque. Inventor farm Ll.brary eneea of t�e ..... wen students pbues p menta. but always IIDd he W lter GoocUw.rt Medieval letter e&n ODe to all . .o n there entirely 'Curtla Instttdte, t e 01. Every note of the rap\d dllpla, eaa. you Cdl eet ; .. also aneNt tell ba ne qualitJ sa,... "lAve w i e 10Il or l an nd-do book. .... h h l f nt l the more iDterutlac p*­ -their ..� PII! IPS ' '''' c Her don't 10ec you baTt. le by e:aed>et'l at the t.eultJ. Ot almOld: aftra7a, l how proi8llionaL _rand in aDd the 0.. know 'JIIe,.... ere I. the room, a troot.IIPee. Oil r: billa were enn, Do what you wallt to do whfle i1Ju.trated re a The 1be 1-=tion ... the buMy eaped,ally .he chance bnwian... IUpI. Bible.. tetter dODIilDMcelde ID­ l..)6 a there'. time; make J'o�lf one ..,.. t.d into aDd rwbleb SoUto ror ... .Ia_ ,...pIdl7 t11111>darIac "hat 10U "Idle tMre'. .. JJI. amak.". aR the dre1. BraIuaa to in _ from want to be, pacTh... 1D&D !W.... tIM &Del detlens _ Op. 100. TIIo ,.- chorda to _my ".". tI.e•. ••- IIIIPeM' co-.eted; aDd mooda. u.eripta b, 71 ute, and .... In _oed work at the a«I!e, 11M .....-el gold, r..t, .... _ bend cbarac:t.eriAd. bowlJftr. the abort limo behaa lef� _-aa be � alcnNn wu __ m turtot, and tile r11l" 11W1D1


_ __ , __, _D OC_"m bo' I 3__ _19_ _5_0 , • •• ______G__ =-E __N:..::. E__ w:..::. S. ;- • .:O:..::..,:U ' ,.:.T..:H:..;:E-..:C:..:..:O L:..::..:L:..:E �W;__:_odn-" __:sd.�Y ::-::-:- Fineuer Misu Brid/Je, Che.. , and Bio Qui:.. ,e. ; Subde Characterisation Notable Effecl8 Color' A.nalyzer Offers Kibiuera, and Character. Grm:e Smoker Game. Lenda to Film Mediocre Performances Mess Psychology Con.tinued (rom Pa,. S ConHnued (rom Pa,e 1 """"�··IIa·� - f_ Pa,_ S • club to the closed hand. Weat him ,b,. hia money-that of • c u1� tel'1preted her ipart O!with under- by Helea K'ab. '53 played the nine, forcing North'. d .. tured gentleman f eaJ.' a pa�-�. u.a bl··.\Ut abe hesitates. and aea 0 W \ooU D standi...... ' ''' and �lity. extendinr .ingI eton . North Ied an o'h er Aeneas and Dido point count leiaure. When pressed, he never the to the...... "Bow muth diamond, East eovering it wI th ' of the role the Iie&--he alway. "aya hat th'-.. Ih couldn't apell libido; do you need to bid '" indicating t PO fuUest. 'Several other ,perform- the , the board's ace taId n c Orpheus and EUl')'dlce hotel Is not where he reaII y '-_....,.. that she haan't a, and ' ances were also creditable. Dr. the t.-;...... The of was forgot &:bout iPI}'Chology; that he, partner should go slowly, Ionp, but th e air ..bout him Is P all then 'led.T from the board, Nort h ound the poor neighbor wmo ..,... leves hlm' Troilus and Creaald 0, ;1 her partner continually bidl d luch that no one quite '-_I' '--- monEIY from Jedennann was discarding her losing dlamon on psychotically were He is offered exceII en'j 0b s and n...".,-&a Ibleu-Id j Over her' p.. , ... . he says "Pass. the trick. The queen of WII . 'I'\t"n.r "Y"...... riat .&ly humble, and a ff!IW increasingly agon- promi8ing investments, but IrORlC Dante and Beatrice pass, pasl," In then played, putting Weat's king of the guelta at Jedemann'. feaat considered E tones, showing that she has ally cannot accept either. He baa � not anal-I�y s ', I ed ', n check. She p,otected this by , re also adequate, C. Bunt and no t·Ime lD wh' IC h to .._o..- k. of him Na.'...... Y" leon and Josophine nothing In her hand. And on and taking Black's rook with her bish - , T. MIoNutt. beiftG'.... foremost among se If wh at he wants to ,,",. found no ,,--hA;'''''''''l e in a dream'. on into the night, becoming bolder 0P. '-�v--- mlng ,h. Che.. Champion . these. C. Ka.ppes as Mammon was even ,I me to t eII the,- .."-do, Isis and o,iril- and bolder as the game goes on. of the Western Hemlsphere,- BZoX' delightd'ul to watch. She wa.s IUit.- housekeepe, "- Poole, how much not ne urotically d.. ;,ou • •' The people described can be North played his ace and then led ' .In ... . ably haughty and disdainful to- he loves her. Then he receives the Essex ar.d EliUlIbeth found along with a kibitzer at al- the nine of trump, East covering wards Jedernnar.n, and !bound piece of newa which changee his ed never drew frustrated breath; most any bridge table. What hap- with ber ten. East then led the ilhout the stage in a lively man- entire outlook. It seems to him Oberon down at and Titania pens when they all sit queen of dubs w hieh North ner which wall particularl cha - in that moment that there will be y rm had no megalomanla once, would be too horrible to con- trumped. Then North extracted ing. The two friends of Jeder- j time enoogh but he is not aware Why then should I, in status quo, template. Let us leave them, and the rem aining trump, and played ' mann, F'aibh !played, by F. GeatneT ... laid t of the cosmic plan. . . . ana l�--e my lale,t beau ? •nal�.�� a game. ae it might some- out her hea , ng the res 0f sn d Good Deeds .p\a y ed b y J0, The movie is harrowing but mag- limes be played. South dealt and the tricks, East going to bed with Joslyn, who alone stand by him as 18 much art of true holds, nificent, the king of diamonds. also d well by their parte, and oman' worth. The performance by every di 1 ;==:::=:::Th e W===:====s Placement :::Bu=- 1 South : Spades J, 8; Hearts Q, J, 7, Thus North made six apades, and ve meanin"t' to the play. actor i, superb. Little details are ga reau, 541 Madison Avenue, New 2; Clubs K, 7, 2; Diam. A, J, la, was disqualified from all future Although the was of the York 22, acts as the New York handled with utmost finesse: when lICen8J"y 2; games for her reneging of October was office the doctor speaks to Byrd his face barest t)We pouible, It suffic- of college placement bu- West: Spades 7, 6; Hearta K. 9, 5j 10th of the previous yeal'. ie t to c reaus. Alice Gore '87, is for a moment cadave:Ous; and n reate the illusion of the King, the CI usb J , 9 , 8 , •, 2 j D' l a m . 9, 7 , 8 j The next hand ,hat was dealt. d m D,',--to"'" ..g, ','e,., refe .. and one nouveau-riche at the relOrt lu'�eren, scenes; one ' fron t N • 2' Bea. .. East passed. South. "Two apades," ' orth : S pad e A"" Q 9 • , . Jeo.n:rmann-'� 'h a ouse, 'h e 0 th er places applicant, who a,e alum- PRSSed, munches on chocolates in a TepuI A, 10, 8, 5; Clubs A; Diam. 7, 6, West North, "Four Hearts nae of member colleges. The lively reali ltie fashion-and there the banquet ,hall, and the third in your lead -- -" service is to applicant 4j are hundreds of othe:r IlUcll emaIl the cathedral. Some of the action free and East: Spades K, la, 6, 2; Hearts 4. employer. If you are interested touches. Sets and"photography are took place in front of the curtain, 3; Clubs Q, 10, 6, 8j Diam. Q, giving the ift in getting placed in New York, K, Piano, Violin Featured unobtrusive, to the credit of the etage crew-time to sh 8; try to talk to Mill King during din!Ctor. The otherworldly atmos- tihe acenes. and al1owiJ'C' the In Musi Club Concert the Christmas vacation about The bidding went as tollows: c phere is solely attributable to the to be awi!t throughout. The Ea Sout h W,es Nort h st ' I � I'II' ' and. job opportunities. Continued (rom Pa ..e S underplaying, the repression of la C'llec t.- htlng voices 1 2 Oiam. pass Spades pass pallion, and the subtle suggestions stege, were well done and animat 2 3 Spades pass pieces, and the was an I N.T. pas. piano third dropped here and there. ed bhe pellfonnance. Jede.rmann �������������� 4 Spades pa.s 6 Spadel pass Impromptu by the nineteenth cen- In ahort, Last Holiday is • :rare a difficult play to perionn, and I i Tor Hearthburgers pass pall tUrf �dish c�r Autin. movie erperience, and should not concerted efforts of the trwo East led the king of trump, just The Impromplu was the least auc- be missed. man dubs were not enough. having come in from a hard day, cess.ful, (or it was full dl"Play Energizing of it wae a bra� attempt h""",' lin. er. and being in doubt as to whether passages in the higher regiltens, . not to be overlooked. It can ween the o a Appetizing ahe was playing bridge or poker. and often the violin &eemed stn- Beb .sec nd nd be ROObiDi -geetedI t tha th ey try to She kept a stnlight lace in cue dent. The Sarasate transcription parts at the recital Miss form a 'Play more aw ·tabl e to it was the latter, and didn't lead of Chopin's familiar Nocturne, IIpOke ·briefly at the Club's planl ta1en Rare, medium, do'IIt'11 ta and aueceed in AlII, - ' d away from her honor, in case it Qp. 9, No. 2, and the Saint-&ena- tor the rest the yei&r. Tm!!re ,'' ' '''' of n d - • �_�" .S 'iJh; "Y" di in was bridge. South ducked, and Yaaye Capric=e, however, were will be a cell�ano II" recital with af.: ruY ; Terrific d ..... ann. ""U�a y n gh.... West played low, North winning m.al1ked by better tone and good Mlu ZaneczRa on'\la.J'y 18, "Fmmm!!!ieE'!mmmmm'iW! the trick with the ace in her hand. technique. 'Mia.s �neczD& sup- and Ilwo c.hamber mwtic. gro�, on Have one! Ma h : Now North stopped to consider her plied exemplary pianletic s�pport re 11 and Alpnl 8. A I XMAS GIFl'S of German th- and hand. Clearly the game depended in the three adections. as well .., 17 Com plete Line of �====_ ======� Florentine Leathers on finesses. She could finesse the in the encore, AuIin', BecauSC!, mWlic, played by The jack and queen of diamonds, the which was played with muted vlo- Braaa Ensemble from New WALTER COOK ten of trump, the queen of heart , l p ent in th. Bryn MaWT, Aye. s ' ed Merry Christmas and the Bio quiz the next morning. onW n� Januar�be���y�.. 21. � � :��::=I;;:' ' Saving the laat as a final possi­ 11 to all bility, she led the , �F=Complimentl�==�====�=n of li • wiping the trump otf the board, Christmas IS ; ;� and good • always a policy. Then she led cOlDJDg FLOWERS 10 all a amall diamond to the board, East the playinl' the eight, not wanting to And presenl8 a Good-bye ! separate the king, queen of dia­ HAVERFORD to buy Alway. a Good monds which were touching hon­ PHARMACY RICHARD on, the .board taking the trick with Your answer's Xmas Gift STOCKTON the ten, Weat playing the three. at MARTIE'S Fearing that there might be a bad Haverford, Pa. split in diamonds because of her Tbe prices not JEANNE'IT'S lone auit in hearts, Nortb now Jed high

When all of you gel in a buddie, Decide those Bryt. Mawr brains are in a muddle, 'N' cbuck Ihe wbole mess, Please, don't bave a fit. The College Innls Ihe right kind 01 lilt. THE COLLEGE INN

• Prepare to atep into a responaible E1ECITIIE executive position in tbe retailing field : buying, advertising, fashion. CAIEUS personnel. Specialized training, ex· clusively for college graduates. covers II .OAIUI. merchandising, personnel manage· ment,textiles, Ilore organization, ..1ee . H.,.·s a smart-ai-point way to draw attention: don promotioD, and all phues of Itore a.Judy �� b�1 You'. And it a st)1ina masterpiece activity. Realittic approach under store-trained faculty. Claaeeaare com· .•• guol'G'lleed to malee you look pretty as a pKtur.. biDed with paid "ore work, Studen...... 12'" a..e-t...... a..a... o....o.. s.=. an ..wIy placed vsduatioe, ...... 1:100 aI sxt" Co-educatioaal. M ..ter'. desree. C Il'IU' .I Ha &W.....'" �. Wrile Admi.iOlll ...8ee ...... ""5"""' �_ .. 0500.. I Bal..... C. ,...... , ,,. ... �� � ...... c... 71 s. u....., a.t.r ... ICM ...... iil_". atUT... . WAI.. ..'. a-s ..... n". . " ...... ��?�:!� 1.,. __"_ "11&11" ••2 i . ... ".111. I ...... D. 1171 "'HW.,. .. .. Y." '1•• • Y. _...... 0...... Is I...... ,.... "J" -

Wedn"d.y, December 13, 1950 THE COLLEGE NEWS P ••• Flv.

Mother Taylor Dozes 'The Lighthouse Keeper,' 'Song to Rip V(ln Winkle,' wad 'Summer' Relieve Under tlte Gemle Snow Over-rue of Excessive WordilU!", Prevalent in Autumn Coumerpoint Yuletide Carols Continued hom Page S and airy, grins. Merion· I. a grand Continued (rom Page 1 poem. which lend support to the ism i. e1ari(ied, it exhibit. remark­ Swell' on Campus lQ)8tanding and dignified contention that many of the ably good execution. "And the d'ucm.a., it may not be an accurate picture Again Yuletide has appeared and In the moonlight. Her court I. the phraae. are contrived only for vi.­ Flames Above Them Roar," by with it the fevel h preparation. ot the faculty at an in.titutlon ot •• green strebehing before her. The ual and auditory effect and that J. N. Smith, autrera from this higher learning (surely none of (or one o( Bryn Mawr', oldest and icy daricness ..nd the .tarlil(lht many words are employed for their same defect. Its analogy and .Itu� most delightful cu. tom., caroline. cold them would contuse name. 10 per-­ this own sakes aRd not for that of the ation are a litt1e too exaggerated Each year, following Christmas would lend an austerity to siatently or display such intenae royal lady, but rosy !Warmth o meaning: "P0 em," "September even (or an allegory. dinner, twenty-rive aeniors and fl Wl diJettantiam), it ia a akilltul por­ from doonpanes, mell crown. of Bonfire," and "The Day o( "Quiet, Clean Memory," by Rob_ several member. ot the college � .trayal o( people endeavoring to uch of Change," by Lu cy Thutnbull ; 3rt Arthur, is ineXlCusabl,y gro_ chorull bundle them.elve, under gold ... and there 11 a to show oft their auperficlal know­ dr '�Canal" by Ellen Bell (although tesque; and Nick Norton'. "Sand," layers o( knee .ock., red tlanneb, g}e.mour t.hat comes fom t.he a.w- ledge; and the eonelu.sion is singu- this is a novel idea, it fails to though intended as a aatlre, does sweaters, slacks, coats, lICari., and brid:ga Wore her door 1 lady .ubtle and .urpri.lng. Radnor is clean cut. She ,has a convey a vivid impression); "Night not .eem valid. In order for a boot.. With t/wo shiny eye. peer­ Annie � rie Faben.' "The Ap· Song," by Jane Augu.tine; and crispness about her; an unelutter­ , w: ntire to be sound, ita object mu.t ing out at the mu.ic and with one pie .cart fall. to capture the at- Tom Bold's "Autumn." The first be recognizable. This one ta not. clear, loud voice creeping through ed Ifre.hnea.. Tonicht tRadnoT i. ion ten! o( the rea�er until the stanza of Jlg"s Kunkel'a poem ex­ 4 a crack in their attire, they let lady of shadow.s. Itrange, he­ ending, at which pomt it may The autumn issue of Counter· � cels in it. vituperative quality, but off to make the round. of the eol­ cause r:Jf !her u.ual trim 10"". Pur­ .too late. That may be becau.e 1t point shows promi.e in lever,,1 the other two de,enerate into the lege. Ii'rom Rhoada to Rock to ple .hadows 'Wt1lJ) her round. i. kept on the same plane during j .ame wordines •. s�rlative a:rticles. It i. to be Pem to Merion, Bryn Mawr will !moky blue mist is her cloak. the opening paragraph.; however, Jane Augustine'.· "Poem" is a wi.hed that. the majority might ring with the Chrl.tma. sphit un­ There i. a frosty IPOwde,rhlg it i. a capable character .tudy of bit too enveloped in obscurity to halVe Hved to the ata set til the carolen, holding their lan· snow upon her tilted roof, lugary Miller and an unusual ot � Tk&Lrda be effective, but once the .ymbol. tems h. gII, will lade Into the and ,learning. Radnor i. a gentle what may be a commonplace situ­ by s (ew. starlit darkness. lady. ation. "The Decline and Fall of Rhoad • .has chic --- it is ele­ Summer," an excerpt from a full­ rant. 'Dhere il a workilin... about length novel by Sally Herming­ her atone and morta.r, a epar1de haus, just mllAes revealing Ruth'. aDd a glitter, yet here, too, i. penonality. She seema like a little (ruhneaa and enthusia.m. automaton strolling through the Rook's 'Wri.ndows !lb.ine richly. rain, and the .ituation is not un. Cig8:rette Tests is a solid center bere, per- usual enough to redel!m it. Campus Interviews on haps bcau.!e of tbe omnipre.ent There ia an enUre of an::h. !Rock Imust have a .enae ",,§§§§§§§§�i3ii!!;� humor-.her stone shoulders IUlllbar••• 9 IME MARSH HEN hunched and bunched with ,1... 0-1 Whitney's ter. She twinkles; sh� ahlnes jolly 'Clow. In all OIl thil, there Valet Service unity, vivacity, and '8 certain anescenee. Shoe Repairing - THE PERFECT FORMALS 24 Hour Service FOR ALL YOUR XMAS PARTYING JOYCE LEWIS

BRYN MAWR JEWELERS ;J ,. ..---- GillA for Every Occmion ...... - "FINE" WATCH, CLOCK, AND 1I!lWELRY REPAlRBD 814, Lallleuler A.-enue BryD. Mawr 4191

"For a while they hadme swamped!"

Seem.Ilike thieconfused fowl gol mixed in a metaphor and was almost turned into • guinea pig. TIle story g0C8 !he got caught in a welter of quick.trick cigarette teAts ... one

- puB of this brand, then a puff of that •.•a sniff, n whiff II fast abolll inhale and .xhal •. And then ab.was .upposed 10 know .11 eIpmtemUcin ... ! Ia thaI the way to Ir9Ia lady? judge a cigarette? In [Jneola, Nebrub, • fnorke And io thaI tIoe way 10 : plIoeriDs opal 01 "udenlo ,I the W. thioItTha�. DOL wby w. auggeat

Uniftf'lity of Nebruka is Hennie'. .".. _.We _ - The 30-Day Camel MUcin... Teot, "!au" becaaee •it cMerful place wbicb ';;"ply ubyou 10 try Camela .. your .teady .mok. - atmoo· -fall yof lrieDdI ..u-.ll)' on • pockall« J*lI<, clay afl«day buia. No OIUIp � ADd...... _ .,lbe", jud(!DlOld Coc:a-Cola ...... oaIy eo. ... - lor 30 cia,. ill your "T-Zone" lOT you'll """" wby ..• call. For laeret u ill WY8rsity Throat, T forT .... ) we boIine

ha_ ....,...... Colle 6cIonrL AlitJrw ;1 eitMr ..,••. IwIIt ".pl. �. c-.h INM-fIIIIru __ 1M J.IIW /JUre. .., eo- _ .....0 ,or"COCA�. CO'I ..... fit .57 .... "a."" ·.


THE COLLEGE NEWS Wedn ••d.y, December 13, 1950

Set De,ign and Lighting of 'Deirdre' Stand Out; Dr. Strawr8 Demo.... t raleJl Toot Social Science. Remember ! Lee Haring Give, But Performance of Career Dependent on Fact., Not Value Judgment. AI Continued tr 1 was Lee &5 8 Tevi'YIB�; Remember each night the dinner bell, call, om Page abage, and that HaTing Continued from Page Hgioul be was not sure took bJa To extinguish each light Owen. He enunciatedof -_ h leve _.a.Lee always I cover your head. Sednge' . . Perha.psm she �, 1 I ; :oot the prdblem of values. THEN 1.. ' t Iha a In mlu...... DeIrdre oaqphy could lead to truth he perhaPS..mpon� she o ce a 1e, good. n wasThe Itaohle lackf faultof with W88 knQWI-edgerabed the ofquestion of whether did01 not&:ge, ereatenever- the smoothly depthi it truth was propertilelesa .!lUlion but is to free- [�����;�������������������� staged, which is to MaT- Philo.sophy on its 'way 43% of All Retailing Executives her effect on title audience gie Low's credit. Tmo. audienceet- dam fr15om delU8ion; the knOWtlble ..... -profound. Conebabar ex- Are Women was ,pleued with the aesthetle truth valid whether we like it celletnlyhe .. handled oy Jift' Kunkel,Into.D feet, but it e.Jqperienced little of or not. He did not wait for are· Retailing Offers You a but agedemed '" be fon:ed y • fr;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;;;:;;;� '.n� the emotionalII Impacl of. ,-high t,,· overly intezpretation. ed g we d one. -- cu:aractera Career With a Future R



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smoking •.• Open a pack •.. smell that milder Chesterfield aroma. Prove-tobacco.! thatmlea milder .!moke milder • • Now smoke Chesterfields-they 4! .!moke milder• ... dthey leave l!!f) UNPLEASA NT AFTER·TASTE.