Bryn Mawr College Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College Bryn Mawr College Publications, Special Bryn Mawr College News Collections, Digitized Books 1950 The olC lege News, 1950-12-13, Vol. 37, No. 10 Students of Bryn Mawr College Let us know how access to this document benefits ouy . Follow this and additional works at: Custom Citation Students of Bryn Mawr College, The College News, 1950-12-13, Vol. 37, No. 10 (Bryn Mawr, PA: Bryn Mawr College, 1950). This paper is posted at Scholarship, Research, and Creative Work at Bryn Mawr College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. , VOL. XLVII, NO. 10 ARDMORE .nd BRYN MAWR, PA., WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 13,1950 f'OI,"rIIiM, Tr ••tH. of PRICE CENTS B..,..•• M r (lolle.e, 'VOO 15 Legends Read Strauss Explains Cleverly Staged Human Element By Carpenter In Value Decision 'Deirdre' Shows '�n the Social Science. Be Verse Form Ethioally Neutral T" wa. the que.­ Haring In tion which Dr. Leo StrauM, pro­ At Best Merlin aud IdoneW!, fessor of Politieal Science at the Synge Drama Exhibits Univeruty o.t Cbica.go. di8CUU8d In New Medium, In the Common Room Thursday Excelleut Stage Live Again eve.ning, December 7. ProfflMOr Design Strauss stressed the iprimary Im- origi- "Two Legends in Verae," portrance of a di'Stinetion bebween by Jane Au,uatine, '52 nal compositions, were prelented facta and values. Social acieDCe Deirdre of the Sorrowa, given by Mr. Rhya Carpenter last Mon- as a seienee ia limited to an.w8l'- last Friday and Saturda-y niehta day night. Bel.ON� reel't' Ing h'II ing questions of facta i it can not at HaNellford, "''815 outstanding in oe Carpente stated at p try, Mr. r � .ol problems • ve of value . UDeirdre of the Sorrow8" the beauty Lta technical execl· although the verse w orig al, at � m Max Weber, known fOr hla &_ w re lences, but no,t alwaya in the depth the plota were not. �el�er � EthICl . ., on Protestant and the Counterpoint Displays Good A.rticles, of ita int.enpretation. Gary Rob­ they, a. Mr. Chew aaid In hia In- Spirit of (A.pitaU"'1' II the hero of eTbs' set, a Lotality of bl��ack, troduction,"'in the modem m.ode- • p r .sen" ,u ' "!.-Uay IOCta. I I8CleDtfl.· IDe Suffers by Concentration on Words framed magnificently the costum­ Incoherent, h yaterI I un• te11l ell. m gl� eonsid .h • 0 ers a th e pros��...._ t in in red, orange, and turquoise bl e. " by Joan McBride, '52 both nne pieces ot work. Triah'A g Western civilization are elth"-r a waa entitled "The blue. As 48)ECtacle, DeIrdre The tint legend, spiritual renewal or mechanized .\Ithough the fan 1ssue .,f poem interprets the present-day mO im-preaaie, .. permeated wit.h Man Who Married a Statue" con� Counterpoint, which was publisherl bitterne" and disillusionment ;n !!Jt petrifaction. In the sociology of the othe� atmQllPhere of wore a large, a dGn marquis satire that well cemed a youth who ethies and religion, sociologist Monday, December 11, containa a the r which waa ,upposed suit. ita mood. By depicting this L ish leipo6; the complu: sec.ret ring to must have a feeling this; few excellent and engrossing arti· world- for this actmlr'lbly mppo tllat win a maid. shakine events and issuea through lighting rted "work disuter" to seems to imply value judgment. cles, it tends to suffel' from a actof1 neco-­ to with the familiar, current-events tenns, air of unreality. The Not knowing what do Value judgment is not merely a common defect: namely, that many she at ome emphasize. the insignificance 0(' tiated the CO!'l91icated set with ring, the boy, looking l reference to values, !but imolves of the authol'S are too intrigued ly one of a beautiful our scheme of things in the uni-, and moved quite «l&tural atatues, saw wise choice as well. ,In social with the tound of their own word�. with her hand out- verul system. "Summer" portrays into beautiful JToupiDgS, but not nude woman, science the phenomena are consti. Before a discussion of this prob· aJtboUi'h stretched. Putting the ring on her lem is undertaken, the outstanding a g1!ntle, spl;nglike melancholy infrequently the poeing, 'ut""·.' ....y va ue J gmen s; bh ese I 'ud • meaninc­ finger, he said, l'thee, alone, god· contributions must be commended. and nostalgia in admirably ex- lovely, was aif�led and combine the advanbages of com- dess I take in troth." Upon re- Joanna Seme1'8 "The Lighthousr pressed imagel. Naomi maintainl less. A look of hauteur waa oc­ Conlinued on Page 3, Col. 2 ceivlng the ring, the statue seemed Keeper" is, perhaps, the best arti an Intriguing rhythm witho,ut be- casionally .at.ituted tor the to trilmble, and frightened Idoneus, de in the magazine. Her portrail coming enslaved by it. What Is mood 04 con:ftdenee in .�rio.rity the yout.h, so that he wanted to o,f a broken and yet self-eontentetl especially C!O'mmendable about each w:hiICh m6kes arropnce unaeees­ take i.t back. But the ring 8tuck Walker Discusses old man is'vivid and gripping. Be· of the two poems ia that neither SSf1)' for a true ariatoc:rat.. In her taat to her finger. Relating his cause o( her extraordinary powel'8 of them employs words merely for eaTly scenes, Sue Halperin played experience to a friend, Idoneus Current Problem of Gbservation, the setting, t.he their sound. Although all the I Deirdre with lli.q)lJc.ity &lid die learned that. the goddess had a eh1traderization, and tlhe emotion­ phrases are carefully chosen, they nitro The transition. from a wU� reputation for deceiving, according Of Pacifist Role al influenoe. invoLved achieve thf' are not contrived, .nd carry with ful girl into a woman oo.ring the to Homer. reality of penlonal �lQ)erience them explicit meaning'. '!ull trv.igedy of losing love, free One night while the lad was December 6, 1960; Common Room: which is one or the most praise­ The inclusion of Pish Ripley's dom, and youth Sue managed only "Roger Bacon, 'leeping the statue appeared to The Bryn Mawr Alliance for Po­ worthy accom(pliahments of which Thirteenth Century with difficulty and not .tway. aue. Scientist," him, Uunearthly in the live moon­ litical Affairs presented Charle. a story-teller can. ooast. a scholarly paper among cessfully. She Is to be hia'hJy more light." At fint ahe horrified him, Walker who apoke on la Pacifism "Song to Rip Van Winkle" and impressionistic materilll, praised for her intelligent &p­ seems but -her "sUver tones" softened him V.lid Toda,.? Mr. Walker stated: "Summer," by Patricia Richardson a wille choice. Her discus- proach to a slLpremely hard role. Continued on Pa,e 2. Col. , "Pacifism is not only valid, but the and Naomi Ellenbogen respective· sion ot Bacon's acientific advances I:( she could have been to one courtle open to us if we don't ly, in their diverse fashions, are amid Scholastic dogma is well- feel the deep signif\eance of. every want to see World War UI." P.cif­ handie d . expertly-written, and word she �ke In her flnal acene, Planned ism entails the rejection of vio­ CALENDAR fill� with originality and pene- !!he would have azhieved a tragic 'Miracle' lratmg thought. lence and the attempt to apply 0 'heroine stature. con&tructive program. It star� Wednetlday, December 13 "Fl:lculty Tea," by Wayne C. Jack Piotrow made a swaah- By French Club with the individual and eventually Opening of Station WBMC, Booth, i8 an unusual and clever buekJill'l' Nai8'i; hiS unde�tandin, Ilsserts enough influence for eol­ everybody's radio" 7:30 p.m. psychological analysis. Although of his part and hi. ability to play The Bryn Mewr French Club's lective action. Pacifism can be ap­ Thursday, Dec:ember 14 Continued un IJaie 5, Col. 1 'Play for L960 it to !be a 2 Continued Gn p.,e 6, CoL Christmas plied to madmen, tho mental and League Chri8tmas Party for interpretation of Rute· modem morally ill, and to race relations the Summer Camp, Common Miracle de Theophila. Make-up, Lights Redeem 'Jedermann' beu!', Le as welI as to all other fields 01 Room, 4:15 p,m. Skinner WorikshOlP curtain The conflict including war. The theory Friday. December 15 cen­ From Poor Staging, Unskilled A.cting will rise on this thlrteen'bh is based on the reasoning that an Maids' and Porten' T�a, Com­ P3ct tury with th" devil at 8:30, individual or a nation feels in­ mo,n Room, 4:15 p.m. by Retty·Jeanne Yorahl., '52 dermann, Death, made u.p to look Decern:ber 19. aecure. under the influence of vio­ Sunday, December 17 hollow and c:a.daveroUl, sent shiv. Mr. Morris of the French de­ lence. This insecurity breeds dis­ Christmas Carol Service by the For their annual Christmas -pres- en of horror through tfte audi­ p&rtment is the 'Produc­ content and connict. Bryn Mawr College Chorus, and entation, the Cerman club per- With perlec=t diction aDd ex­ tion. The set, by Mr. Frits Jan­ Pacifism ean apply to politic•. the reading of the Christmas formed Jedennann, Tuesday eve- cellent stage preeeDCe, Thoran aehka, and costumes, Iby Cynthia For eJ[ample, the fighting in Korea story by the Reverend Andrew ning, Dec:ember 11, in, the Skinner SlJ)8rked the presentation with Hfe Sbeaffer, are to be ,imple and atyl­ "meant a terrific stepping up of Mutch, Goodhart, 8:00 p.m.
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