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The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 8, Number 4 Scholars Crossing 1989 The Fundamentalist Journal 4-1989 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 8, Number 4 Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 8, Number 4" (1989). 1989. 3. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1989 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 't a r$i )rf() "{ {3 })FrC, ieX !Ju'c> r| .Lrrtlfi :E f\) H}J() nl(} <{o (:cJ fn<c) ;O() tn rs co) a r( H L') }} <rn ,\) 'F 01 Iu () *"{ oa < -"J Tape Duplieation At Undupli cated Savings Longts Audio/Video Duplication Senriees Transfer Home Movlee to VIIS Aprll Vldwspeolal-to Sendyour 8mm 16 Years ofAudlo Tape Vtdeo Cassette. 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For Carson,history is photos,engravings and maPs not merely a collection of facts and dates, an account of explorations, settle- zAt the endof eachvolume: ments, westwardexpansion, wars, Presidents,and elections.History is the glossaryof dozensof key product of the actionsof countlessindividuals, each under the influenceof terms. orooer-nameindex certain ideas.And Carson exploresthose ideas,ideologies, and 'isms.' He . suggestionsfor further shows how they were responsible for the settlement of this continent, the reading(yes, relable books) struggle for freedom, the westward expansion, the construction of schools, extensivefootnotes for churches,factories, and the founding of new religiousdenominations. He ex- documentation plains why our ancestors fought for their beliefs, and strove to create a z Briefchronologies begin each government,limited in scope,with checksand balances,that would not have chapter,to giveyou key dates the power to oppressthe people." andput the sectioninto Per- In 5 SweepingVohrmes, Tlrc AmedcanStory snective .z EXTRA_ ANDVALUABLE: 5 VOLUMEl: THECOLONIAL EXPERIENCE,lffi'l-17'14 documentsvital to our heri- VOLUME2: THEBECINNING OF THE REPUBLIC, 1775-1825 rage: VOLUME3: THESECTIONS AND THE CIVI WAR,1826-1877 TheDeclaration of Independence . The . VOLUME4: THEGROWTH OF AMERICA, 1878-1928 ConstitutionWashington's Farewell Addresso Jefferson'sFirsl Inaugural VOLUME5: THEWELFARE STATE, 1929-1985 Address. The Monroe Doctrine D[ Canonis a manwho cherishes our noblest traditions. Far too many modern historians, pur- suingthe agenda of theLeft, leave our past in tanen.Not Dr. Canon.He understands wlut madeour country geat - andwhat tlreatens us today. He giva us the fac$, and interprets themin waysthat patriotic conservatives andlibertarians will applaud. He captura the color too, ,f:r::d theclash of controveny,the values we are still struggling to lnnd down to ourchildren. f32.50; If you'velong since left the campus behind but would like a sound,readable refresher in Americanhistory, this is your fint choice. FREE How the Club Works 6Gr*'A",,Elliri*-6." Every4 wo*s (13tima a year)yar geta freecopy of tlrcClub Bulletin which offen yor o N.Y.10528 theFeaurred Selction plus a goodchoice 0f Alternat€s- all of interat to consenarives. 15 OaklandAvenue Harrison, * If you wantth€ Featurd Selatjoq do nothirg;il will comeautornatically. If you * Pleaseaccept my membershipin the Club and send FREE my don't wantthe Feaurd Selectioqor yor do wantan Alternate,indicate yorr wisha on the lnndy cardenclmd with yo.rr Bulletinand rehrmit by tlre deadlinedate. * The 5-volume $32.50 set of ClarenceB. Carson's Basic History of majorityof Clubbooks will beofferd at 205090discounb, plus a chugefor shippingand the United States.I agreeto buy 3 additional books at regular handling * As soonas yo.r buy and pay for 3 booksat reular CIubprica, yournrem- Club prices over the next 18 months. I also agreeto the Club bershipnray be endd at anytime, either by you or by theCIub. * If yo: wer receivea rules spelledout in the coupon. Fea[rredSelction without tnving tud l0 daysto daideifyou wanti! ym mayretum it at FJ-67 Club expnsefor full credit * Good service.No computers!* The Chb will ofrer Name regularSuperbargins, mmtly at 7G9090discouns plus shipping and trandlingSuper- Address bargins do NOT coint tonardfulfilling your CIub obligatior\ but do enableyou to buy fine booksat giveawayprica. * Only onenrmbenhip per horsehold. City State-Zip APRIL1989 Fundamentalist voL. 8/NO.4 I Coverstory: Your appointment withApril may not be in the country amidsttrees, grass, and flowers. Whoknows where yours is? But you haveone , andchances are you'll missit. I ln "HowMoney Talks to Christians," 50 EstherBailey says that the frustrated would-bemillionaire isas guilty of trust- ingin wealthas the rich young ruler. I n JerryFalwell Comments FEATURES t w GettingYour Prayers Answered Prolile I I HowMoney Talks 36 PatMoore Celebrates Life . 1tI - Perspective I T to Ghrlstlans HelpYour Pastor to Stay andAging EstherM. Bailev JohnM. Koessler AngelaElwell Hunt a A ls YourChurch Ready PurPit FamilyLiving | 0 for the Mid-LlfeBoomers? 24 38 Anoreuu$anoov ll;:fl:t'jtye BernardR. DeRemer 47 Preaching& Pastoring 25 Work,amongthe Soldiers 20 il:?*1"ili3i"'' TromIne otarvoT C.C. McCabe 52 MinistryUpdate 2gfi:?l*; i,h".ffi" 55 In Review 30 ;ffJffiJ-Nurembers" rYrvEO News SupremeCourt Prepares la ForNow and Forever q.t ExplosiveAntiabortion Case GeorgjrSweeting DougWaymire Jerrvb. JenKlns NewsBriefs 50ililiiii'!ffiffiuipr r 64 I DaveAndrusko analyzes abortion and DEPARTMENTS fetaltissue transplants-killing unborn babies"for the good of humanity."ls it medicalscience, science fiction, or 7 YouSaid lt "Echoesof Nuremberg"? 4 FundamentalistJournal CharlesColson DanielWknNess A staggering97 percent ofus will be victims of crime. If you already are one, you know the devastating effects of crime and of our wasteful, failingprison system, and you know the needfor this book.
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