Scholars Crossing 1989 The Fundamentalist Journal 4-1989 The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 8, Number 4 Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_89 Recommended Citation "The Fundamentalist Journal, Volume 8, Number 4" (1989). 1989. 3. https://digitalcommons.liberty.edu/fun_89/3 This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Fundamentalist Journal at Scholars Crossing. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1989 by an authorized administrator of Scholars Crossing. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 't a r$i )rf() "{ {3 })FrC, ieX !Ju'c> r| .Lrrtlfi :E f\) H}J() nl(} <{o (:cJ fn<c) ;O() tn rs co) a r( H L') }} <rn ,\) 'F 01 Iu () *"{ oa < -"J Tape Duplieation At Undupli cated Savings Longts Audio/Video Duplication Senriees Transfer Home Movlee to VIIS Aprll Vldwspeolal-to Sendyour 8mm 16 Years ofAudlo Tape Vtdeo Cassette. Tlansfer those pre- of Suner 8 film LonCs and have them Duollcatlon.Ionds has been a sious moments from 8mm and Super I trans?ened onto a\IIfS video tape for trudted name in aui[io tape duplication film onto a brand new VIIS tape and $6.00fortheffrttreel$5.fl) forthefirstr€el and only$1.00onlv $l.fi) for 16years. If you needreel-to-reel or discover how convenient watching old for eachadditional60 feet of film. cassettetape duplication, Inng's can homemovies can be. No more draggins Offer goodthrowhdilUS9. Tapeand do it. For just a little more than the out your old prcjector and threading return postageincluded. coetof someblank cassettes,we'll give endlessspools of cumbersomefilm. you fast, quality duplication.lVhether With longis video transfer senrice, Vldeo Tape DupHcatlon. 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Yzt'.t1n;sMast€r to aztt Coples services. ;luantlty l5 Mln 3O Mln 60 Mln 90 Mtn 2?oMit Quantlty 5 Mln lO Mln 2O Mln 8O Mir e0 Mlr AI,DIO TAPES l-5 4.88 9.76 10.98 12.20 r3.40 1.6 14.95 15.95 r9.95 24.95 26.95 Tape Slngle 9or 6-12 4.88 9.76 10.98 12.20 13.40 8.12 20 15.00 18.80 23.00 25.O7 L€ngth copy More 13'-2.1 4.50 7.81 8.78 9.76 ro.72 l3-?/l 3.15 14.05 17.65 21.17 23.19 cao, c{o or C-eO r.50 1.00 2344 4.00 6.25 7.03 7.8r 8.58 25-zlA 2.70 13.10 16.50 r9.28 21.31 c-120 2.00 1.50 49-rOO 4.00 5.00 5.62 6.25 6.87 49-lOO r.95 12.r5 15.35 17.39 19.43 lOl-uD 4.00 4.00 4.50 b.ut, 5.50 lOl-up I.18 ILl8 14.18 r5.48 r7.52 All orlces hclude oost oftaD€ and retun podagp. All nastor coplee retumed wlth Sg Charyp br every master reel change. It is prohibited by law to duplicate copyrighted material. your order unleee othewlee rcqueet€d. 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He ex- documentation plains why our ancestors fought for their beliefs, and strove to create a z Briefchronologies begin each government,limited in scope,with checksand balances,that would not have chapter,to giveyou key dates the power to oppressthe people." andput the sectioninto Per- In 5 SweepingVohrmes, Tlrc AmedcanStory snective .z EXTRA_ ANDVALUABLE: 5 VOLUMEl: THECOLONIAL EXPERIENCE,lffi'l-17'14 documentsvital to our heri- VOLUME2: THEBECINNING OF THE REPUBLIC, 1775-1825 rage: VOLUME3: THESECTIONS AND THE CIVI WAR,1826-1877 TheDeclaration of Independence . The . VOLUME4: THEGROWTH OF AMERICA, 1878-1928 ConstitutionWashington's Farewell Addresso Jefferson'sFirsl Inaugural VOLUME5: THEWELFARE STATE, 1929-1985 Address. The Monroe Doctrine D[ Canonis a manwho cherishes our noblest traditions. Far too many modern historians, pur- suingthe agenda of theLeft, leave our past in tanen.Not Dr. Canon.He understands wlut madeour country geat - andwhat tlreatens us today. 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Whoknows where yours is? But you haveone , andchances are you'll missit. I ln "HowMoney Talks to Christians," 50 EstherBailey says that the frustrated would-bemillionaire isas guilty of trust- ingin wealthas the rich young ruler. I n JerryFalwell Comments FEATURES t w GettingYour Prayers Answered Prolile I I HowMoney Talks 36 PatMoore Celebrates Life . 1tI - Perspective I T to Ghrlstlans HelpYour Pastor to Stay andAging EstherM. Bailev JohnM. Koessler AngelaElwell Hunt a A ls YourChurch Ready PurPit FamilyLiving | 0 for the Mid-LlfeBoomers? 24 38 Anoreuu$anoov ll;:fl:t'jtye BernardR. DeRemer 47 Preaching& Pastoring 25 Work,amongthe Soldiers 20 il:?*1"ili3i"'' TromIne otarvoT C.C. McCabe 52 MinistryUpdate 2gfi:?l*; i,h".ffi" 55 In Review 30 ;ffJffiJ-Nurembers" rYrvEO News SupremeCourt Prepares la ForNow and Forever q.t ExplosiveAntiabortion Case GeorgjrSweeting DougWaymire Jerrvb. JenKlns NewsBriefs 50ililiiii'!ffiffiuipr r 64 I DaveAndrusko analyzes abortion and DEPARTMENTS fetaltissue transplants-killing unborn babies"for the good of humanity."ls it medicalscience, science fiction, or 7 YouSaid lt "Echoesof Nuremberg"? 4 FundamentalistJournal CharlesColson DanielWknNess A staggering97 percent ofus will be victims of crime. If you already are one, you know the devastating effects of crime and of our wasteful, failingprison system, and you know the needfor this book.
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