ISSP Background Variable Documentation
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FinlandFinland 2008 ISSP 2 Please name the ISSP module which the documentation refers to (e.g., “Work Orientations III / ISSP2005”): Religion III / ISSP 2008 Please name your country: Finland SEX - Sex of respondent National Language English Translation Question no. 1. Oletteko: 1.Are You: and text Codes/ 1. Mies 1. Male Categories 2. Nainen 2. Female Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Note Finland SEX - Sex of respondent National Language English Translation Question no. 1. Är Ni: 1. Are You: and text Codes/ 1. Man 1. Male Categories 2. Kvinna 2. Female Interviewer Instruction 2008 Translation Note Note Construction/Recoding: ISSPCountry Variable Codes (in translation) Î SEX 1. Male 1. Male 2. Female 2. Female - not used - 9. No answer, refused Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 3 AGE - Age of respondent National Language English Translation Question no. 2. Minä vuonna olette syntynyt? 2 Year of birth? and text Codes/ Categories Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Note AGE - Age of respondent National Language English Translation Question no. 2. Vilket år är Ni fàdd? 2 Year of birth? and text Codes/ Categories Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Finland Note Construction/Recoding: (list lowest, highest, and ‘missing’ codes only, replace terms in [square brackets] with real numbers) Country Variable Codes/Construction Rules ÎAGE Construction Codes 1993 2008 [15] 1934 [74] - not used - 99. No answer, refused Optional: Recoding Syntax AGE = 2008 – k2. ISSP Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 4 MARITAL - R: Marital status National Language English Translation Question no. 3. Oletteko tällä hetkellä: 3. At the moment, are You and text Ympyröikää vain yksi vaihtoehto. Please circle only one answer Codes/ 1. Naimaton 1. Single Categories 2. Avioliitossa tai rekisteröidyssä 2. Married or in registered partnership parisuhteessa 3. Avoliitossa 3. Cohabiting (= living together as married) 4. Asumuserossa 4. Separated 5. Eronnut 5. Divorced 6. Leski 6. Widowed Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Note MARITAL - R: Marital status National Language English Translation Question no. 3. Är Ni för närvarande: 3. At the moment, are You: and text Ringa in bara ett alternativ. PleaseFinland circle only one answer Codes/ 1. Ogift 1. Single Categories 2. Gift eller part i ett registrerat 2. Married or in registered partnership partnerskap 3. Samboende 3. Cohabiting (= living together as married) 4. Separerad 4. Separated 5. Frånskild 5. Divorced 6. Änka/änkling 6. Widowed Interviewer Instruction 2008 Translation Note Note Construction/Recoding: ISSPCountry Variable Codes/Construction Rules Î Marital 2. Married 1. Married, living with legal spouse 6. Widowed 2. Widowed 5. Divorced 3. Divorced 4. Separated 4. Separated (married but separated / not living with legal spouse) 1. Single 5. "FI: Never married/Not married" 3. Living as married - not used (missing values) - 9. No answer, refused Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 5 Optional: Recoding Syntax RECODE k3 (1, 3= 5) (2 = 1) (4 = 4) (5 = 3) (6 = 2) (sysmis = 9) into Marital Finland 2008 ISSP Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 6 COHAB – R: Steady life-partner National Language English Translation Question no. 4a. Asutteko nykyisin yhdessä puolison 4a. Are you at the moment cohabiting and text tai vakituisen elämänkumppanin with a spouse or steady partner? kanssa? Codes/ 1. Kyllä 1. Yes Categories 2. Ei .2 No Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Note COHAB – R: Steady life-partner National Language English Translation Question no. 4a. Bor Ni för närvarande tillsammans 4a. Are you at the moment cohabiting and text med Er maka/make eller en annan with a spouse or steady partner? partner? Codes/ 1. Ja 1. Yes Categories 2. Nej 2. No Interviewer Instruction Finland Translation Note Note Filter Variable(s) and Conditions: Construction/Recoding: Country Variable Codes/Construction2008 Rules ÎCOHAB 1. Yes 1. Yes 2. No 2. No - not used - (missing values) 9. No answer, refused IF (k3 = 2) COHAB = 0 0. NAP (living together with spouse - Code 1 in (= those who are married) MARITAL, no partner) Optional: Recoding Syntax RECODEISSP k4a (1 = 1) (2 = 2) (sysmis = 9) INTO cohab . IF (k3 = 2) cohab = 0 . (married in question k3) IF (k3 = 3) cohab = 1 . (cohabiting in question k3) Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 7 EDUCYRS - R: Education I: years in school National Language English Translation Question no. 51a. Kuinka monta vuotta olette käynyt 51a. How many years have you gone to and text koulua tai opiskellut kaiken kaikkiaan school or studied altogether (including (mukaan lukien mahdolliset yliopisto- possible university studies but excluding opinnot ja pois lukien työharjoittelut)? work placement)? Vastatkaa, vaikka opiskelisitte vielä ja Please respond even if You are still rastittakaa opiskelupaikkaa kuvaava studying and circle the appropriate vaihtoehto. option. Codes/ (Question 51b) 1 Opiskelen vielä (Question 51b) 1 I’m still studying at Categories peruskoulussa, lukiossa tai alemman primary school or secondary school asteen ammattitutkintoa (general /vocational) (Question 51b) 2 Opiskelen vielä (Question 51b) 2 I’m still studying at ammattikorkeakoulussa tai yliopistossa polytechnic or university Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Note Question 51b is not numbered in the questionnaire. Alternatives 1 and 2 (still at school/college/university) are given separately with question 51. The alternative 1 refers to ongoing primary and secondary education, alternative 2 to ongoing first stage of tertiary education. EDUCYRS - R: Education I: yearsFinland in school National Language English Translation Question no. 51a. Hur många år totalt har Ni gått i 51a. How many years have you gone to and text skola eller studerat (medräknat school or studied altogether (including eventuella universitetsstudier och possible university studies but excluding borträknat arbetspraktik)? work placement)? Svara också om Ni ännu studerar och Please respond even if You are still kryssa för det alternativ som beskriver sudying and circle the appropriate studieplatsen. option. Codes/ (Question 51b)2008 1 Jag studerar ännu i (Question 51b) 1 I’m still studying at Categories grundskolan, gymnasium eller för primary school or secondary school yrkesexamen på lägre nivå (general /vocational) (Question 51b) 2 Jag studerar ännu vid (Question 51b) 2 I’m still studying at yrkeshögskola eller universitet polytechnic or university Interviewer Instruction Translation Note NoteISSP Question 51b is not numbered in the questionnaire. Alternatives 1 and 2 (still at school/college/university) are given separately with question 51. The alternative 1 refers to ongoing primary and secondary education, alternative 2 to ongoing first stage of tertiary education. Filter Variable(s) and Conditions: Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 8 Construction/Recoding: (list lowest, highest, and ‘missing’ codes only, replace terms in [square brackets] with real numbers) Country Variable Codes/Construction Rules Î EDUCYRS 1 [1] 30 [30] IF (k50a = 1 or k51b = 1) EDUCYRS = 95 . 95. Still at school IF (k51b = 2) EDUCYRS = 96. 96. Still at College/University - not used - 97. No formal schooling - not used - 98. Don’t know - not used - (missing values) 99. No answer, refused - not used - 00. NAV Optional: Recoding Syntax COMPUTE educyrs = k51a . IF (k50a = 1 or k51b = 1) EDUCYRS = 95 . IF (k51b = 2) EDUCYRS = 96 . Finland 2008 ISSP Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 9 DEGREE – R: Education II: categories National Language English Translation Question no. 50a. Mikä on koulutuksenne? 50a. What is your education? and text Codes/ 1. Vielä koulussa (peruskoulu, lukio, 1. Still at school (primary or secondary Categories ammattikoulu tai -kurssi, opisto) school, vocational school / course / institute) 2. Kansakoulu 2. Primary education 3. Peruskoulu 3. Primary and lower secondary education 4. Ammattikoulu tai –kurssi 4. Vocational school or course 5. Lukio tai ylioppilas 5. General upper secondary education or certificate 6. Opistotason ammatillinen koulutus 6. Vocational post-secondary non- tertiary education 7. Ammattikorkeakoulu 7. Polytechnic 8. Korkeakoulu, alemman asteen 8. University, lower academic degree tutkinto (B.A.) 9. Korkeakoulu, ylemmän asteen 9. University, higher academic degree tutkinto (M.A.) Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Finland Note DEGREE – R: Education II: categories National Language English Translation Question no. 50a. Vilken utbildning har Ni? 50a. What is your education? and text Codes/ 1. Fortfarande i skolan (grundskola, 1. Still at school (primary or secondary Categories gymnasium, yrkesskola eller -kurs, school, vocational institut) 2008 school/course/institute) 2. Folkskola 2. Primary education 3. Grundskola 3. Primary and lower secondary education 4. Yrkesskola eller .kurs 4. Vocational school or course 5. Gymnasium eller student 5. General upper secondary education or certificate 6. Yrkesutbildning på institutnivå 6. Vocational post-secondary non- ISSP tertiary education 7. Yrkeshögskola 7. Polytechnic 8. Högskola, examen på lägre nivå 8. University, lower academic degree (B.A.) 9. Högskola, examen på högre nivå 9. University, higher academic degree (M.A.) Interviewer Instruction Translation Note Documentation for ISSP background variables © GESIS 10 Note Filter Variable(s) and Conditions: Construction/Recoding: Country Variable Codes/Construction Rules ÎDEGREE 1. Still at school (primary