Council Debaters German Club Plans The Review Defeat Juniata Elocution Contest "The Story of Mexico" Told An innovation in the way of elo- By On Court Powers cution contests is being planned By Metropolitan Socialists Thomas by the German club, under whose Meet in Contest auspices Fordham's first German Fitzmorris Public Speaking Contest will be Five Speakers Trace History of Cullioli^Perseculion Before On League Sanctions held this month. Charles V. Boyle, Audience of 400i in Colliiy/ Auditorium; Against Italy 37, proposer of the novel plan, ex- THIS plains that he does not Intend to Madigan, '37,Represeyffs Fordham Entering its busiest season, the furnish hostile competition to FUSS Council of Debate last week engaged other speaking contests but rather •T/e "Story of Mexico" has been told. ABOUT In two intercollegiate contests, emerg- to cooperate with them, and help "Man the Mysterious" Byore an audience of over four hun- LEWIS' ing with a victory over Juniata Col- to further their common aim. Five Theme for Conference id people gathered in Collins Audlto- lege on Thursday and the experience members of the club have already ium.Sodalistsirom "LATEST" of a no-declsion meeting with Brooklyn submitted their entries. The spring session of the Fold Catholic colleges In BOOK College, Friday. The Council speakers the metropolitan who won unanimously In the former ham University Conferences will/| begin on Sunday, March 8, ami/ area narrated on debate were Laurence Donoghue '37 will continue each Sunday during Sunday afternoon I II has been the time-honored custom and Edward McDermott '3(1. Debaters Glee Club To Give March. The conferences will be the history of per- of the Intellectual to deprecate the mo- in the latter were William Coogan '37, conducted in the Fordham Uni- se c u11 o n of the tion picture medium. In the beginning, John Holahau '36, and Raphael Mur- Thirteenth Annual versity Chapel by Father Jaime Church In Mexico. or as Is generally said in the movie phy '36. At the Juniata Contest, John Castlello, S.J., Professor of Educa- The Colleges of columns, back in the old Blograph Hayes, President of the Council, acted tional Psychology in the Gradu- New Rochelle, St. as Chairman. Concert March 18 days, It was considered puerile enter- ate School. John's, Good Coun- tainment, idly amusing as a novelty Congressional Powers The general title of the Confer- sel, Fordham and and terrifically funny as a form of artis- The issue of the Juniata engagement Sell-Om at Town Hall Seen; ences is "Man the Mysterious." Mount St. Vincent tic expression. Then, as more and more was a topic currently important—Re- John P. Kearney, '36, This will be subdivided Into "The united in a reveal- of the arty stage personages sold their solved: That a two-thirds vote of Con- to Be Soloist •Mystery of Man's Urges," "TheMya- ing expose of the stock-company birthrights for bunga- gress should over-ride un act of the tery of Man's Giving," "The background of the Fr' Moore, S.J. Supreme Court declaring an act of Mystery of Man's Achievements" lows on Mallbu Beach, the movies came The thirteenth annual performance present trouble and the difficult con- Congress unconstitutional. and "The Mysterious Man." In for a share of critical benevolence as :>f tlie Fordham Glee Club at Town ditions which confront all Catholics In the most democratic vehicle ol drama. The Juniata orators, stressing the Hall will be held Wednesday evening, The Conferences will start at I that country. Miss Margaret Wilson, The legitimate stage, meanwhile, had point that such power of Congress is March is. Several 4:00 P. M. There will be a special Mr. Clement Driscoll, Miss Annette progressed correspondingly from Eu- ;he final measure of a bill's constitu- h u n d r e d tickets musical program at each confer- Cunningham, Mr. John Madigan and gene Walter to Eugene O'Neill, and, tionality, called it "the co-natural com- have been disposed ence. No tickets of admission are Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, In the order required. since now the movies have reached the pliment of American democracy, not of through the mem- named, represented the above institu- point where they have actually to be hitherto recognized." They indicated bers of the club. The Spring Conferences last tions. curbed In the matter of indecent rep- that this Congressional prerogative of Other tickets were year were conducted by Father The opening address of welcome to resentation, certain interests have ultimate recourse Is, and has been a put nn sale lu the Michael J. Mahony, S.J., Professor the speakers, and to the members of of Philosophy at Fordham Grad- raised a new cry against the provin- part of the Constitution, the use of Recreation H o o m the audience was delivered by James uate School. The theme of the cialism of the screen. A lack of "social which has never before been required. Monday, and the B. Welch, '30, Prefect of the Immacu- awareness" has been perceived in the Against this case, the Fordham talks was "The Outstanding Re- late Conception Sodality, and the first Glee Club expects volts of Modern Thought." programs emanating from Hollywood. speakers argued that in the form of to perform to a full speech of the symposium was given by Policy of Profit (Continued on page 3) house. Miss Wilson. In a clear outline of the Attention has been focussed on this origins of the problem, together with Frank Baine '36 is the historical facts of that country's point by the recent fuss over Sinclair Chairman of the af- Hughes Votes To Lewis' book, "It Can't Happen Here." early days she revealed "Mexico Con- French Club fair. Chairmen of quered by Spain." Miss Wilson laid Charges have been made with reckless the various corn- Condone Vivisection great emphasis on the religious purpose abandon by people with axes to grind to Begins New Work follows: Tickets— which inspired Spain's actions In the the effect that the ogre of Censorship Chui'les Bauer '3(i; Patrons—Peter 0. New World quite as much as the desire Is throttling the social consciousness DIrr 'itli; Correspondence — James B. Doty anil Robinson Argue for material gains. of the movies. Now, apart from the French "Ratio Stiidioriim" Welch "ill; Programs—Joseph A. Coyle book itself, it will be Interesting to '3G. Over Dismembering Clement Driscoll, St. John's Sodal- Ist, took up the narrative at this discover Just what all the agitation is to Be Translated Fifteen New Numbers of Animals about and—what is most Important— point. The title of his address, "Mexico by Members The program will consist of fifteen Christianized by the Church," reveals who Is doing nil Ihe agitating. In the new numbers exclusive of the usual "Resolved that the practice of vlve- flrst place, the book was not banned as section is unethical ana impractical" the topic he treated. The point which College group. Among the numbers he endeavored to impress upon the Him matter by the Legion of Decency; Under the guidance of Moderator which have been selected nre: "Deep was debuted at the Hughes meeting It was not officially banned at all. The Buslle G. D'Ouakil, Ph.D., L.L.B. and Monday. the absence of two of hearers was the benefits which accom- River," "Spirit Flower," "One Who panied the conversion of the masses of producers contemplating its produc- Edmund V. O'Siilllvan, A.B., assistant the debaters, the discussion was car- Has Yearned Alone," "Lamentations" the Mexican natives. The great Influx tion were dissuaded from going ahead ried on by the two present arguers, moderator, the members of the French and "Cosl Cosa." The latter number of priests from Spain, the secular as with the project. This was in accord- Club have undertaken the translation hus been specially arranged by Dr. William h. Doty '39 and James R. Rob- well as religious education which they mice with a policy of the movie Indus- if foreign manuscripts Into English. Frederic Joslyu, Director of the dlee inson '39. The latter assumed the bur- gave the peons, and the great schools try which Is much older than the Le- Father Charles Deane, S.J., Dean of Club. den of the affirmative, while Mr. Doty and universities which these teaching sion of Decency, which, as a matter of .he College, has appointed the French A solo will be rendered by John P. defended the negative. priests erected were the main points fact, concerns Itself only with the moral Club as official translators of "Les Ped- Kearney '30, President of the Qlee A hoard of critic Judges, composed which he developed. and purely social aspects of film pro- Dgogle dos Jesuites uu XVI Siecle" by Club. Peter Patera '30 and Timothy F. of Donald C, Wilson '39 and Edward ductions. Since Hollywood became the Father J. B. Herman, S.J. J. Movoney '39, was appointed. In giv- United States Treated Hartnett '38 will piny a plnno duet. A compelling survey of the relations renter of the industry and the great This Is the beat compendium of the The club has been practicing Wednes- ing the verdict of the committee, Mr. International distributor of motion pic- Wilson awarded the honors of the between "Mexico and the United 3ystem of Jesuit education written In days and Sundays In addition to the States" was the next step in the story tures, It has developed certain logical French. The plan has u two-fold pur- regular Tuesday rehearsal In anticipa- afternoon to the negative, with Mr. and business-like taboos. To Illustrate, Doty being given the nod as bast of Catholic oppression there. Joel Poin- pose, to provide Fordham with an au- tion of the concert. sett's founding of a new branch of the not a year ago, one of the largest film thentic record of this famous work and The tickets to this performance ipeaker. corporations In the country made the Masons was among the acts of our first -o impart to the members of the club, range In price from 60c to $2.00. The Following the debate, the Modera- representative In Mexico. Mr. Poinsett, mistake of showing army officers of a 1 jase and facility 111 putting French Into Glee Club Is sollctltng patrons for the tor, Mi , McAuley, astounded the house she commented, began the long line, eni nation carousing in a cafe Suglish. concert. The patron's fee of ten dollars hy requesting refutation to a possible which has few exceptions, of American i course of a featuro picture, fa-Ing tin Fordham-Fratice Appears includes two $2.00 tickets. Communist argument of the future. ambassadors who have consistently upon Us release, Almost lmmediatel"y The latest Issue of the Fordbam- The argument which he feared the acted against the Interests of the membership would be unable to refute church. Wtests were filed with""the"company France appeared on the campus dur- h ing the week. Prominently featured on was this: "Is It not ah indictment of " e diplomatic representatives of Dr. F. A. Schaefer the Capitalistic system that only the John Madigan of Fordham then "elnsti ted government. The company, its front page was a letter from Charles continued the attack on Mexico. He iloyer, Prefect of Studies lit the Pon- bodies of the poor proletariat are dis- ''""<•'• limn have not only the offend- sected at medical schools, while those (Continued on page 3) (Continued on page 0) tifical Oregorlnn University nt Itome, Addresses Forum The Prefect conveyed the congratula- of the great financiers' nre burled In- 9 tions of Father V. McL'ormlck, Hector tact?" There was no comment. FR. HOGAN TO SPEAK /. CLUB CUTS FEE of tliB Unlvurslty, uud himself, to the Consider* the Problems of Tonight, the Freshman team of the W HALF FOR MARCH Director and tho staff of the paper for Hushes Debating Society will travel O1S HISTORIC CARDS the excellent work Ihuy wore doing. College Men Seeking to Jersey City to engage the repre- sentatives of St, Peter's, John M. to Raise Membership (Fordhani is one of thu few colleges 111 Employment First Appearance of Rector tho country to publish regularly, a peri- Keavey and Francis J. Kelly will call- on Lecture Platform tlts in Reduction odical written entirely In French, by Dr. Francis A, HclmnftT, professor of stltitte the Fordham aggregation, The ho undergraduates. I Uitln Mill Biliientlon at Konlliaiu, ad- intention In bo debated Is "Resolved in Five Years O)I Due* that tho recent relief expenditures of dressed ft lame giUliorliiK nf nnnlnoss Featured iinioug the student articles the Federal government hove had n Fr. Aloyslu'B J. Itogiiu, S.J., Rector of with the Ilrooklynl,ong Forum members Is n (Intense of the renowned Mario duli'lmeiitiil effect oil tlle morale of the Kordhaiu University, will deliver nn ''a d''lvo to enlarge Its roster, Wednesday iiftor- (Continued on page 8) citizens, Illustrated lecture on "An Historic Pnck ' '""liernliln fee |, « boon reduced noun. "A College a of Cards," on Monday evening, March 11 f Trained I'evwmWH Mar"iV,?" "'"''"K «'« '«»'»'» « 23, at 8130 o'clock, In the Qralid Ball- '• ("la uniiouiiceinunt wax made, PROBLEMS OF TODAY Seeks n Position." MADIGAN '37 REPORTS room of the Hotel Commodore. The lec- Jim'," 'n"""B lual |i''-lil»y "y •I'1"'"8 was the subject nf ture will be conducted for the benefit ' •''. Chulnnuu (if tho Hoard of " REVIEWED IN "LIGHT" ON GOYA ART EXHIBIT 1 of the Fordhftin University club. itakms. BllU!u Ulu Ulm||) fiiu ,Bm| 0 "It must bo »»• This affair should prove especially lH The March mini bur (if "Light," oftldal 1 A riipiirt »n the Cloyu exhibit (it the will !} exuuiilocl that thlH i-uiliuttlon dorstoml," Hiild I' '- Interesting lu as much (is It Is tile first nulillcullim of the Iiitornutlom.l Catho- Metropolitan Museum of Art wns rend 'II 1.1 .I,,,ih,i| membership from (Ho Schliufor, "Unit " lecture tipponrauce that Fr. ltogau has "in ur> i,, ,,i |>,,f , ,,„, „[. lic Truth Society contains a HIKIIIflcunt nl ihu roKular meeting nf the Spanish mm ami On cur uo, i' l» ""I " made since Ills arrlvul at Fordhiini over luioiii by Father Frniwls P. Domiolly, Club IUBI Wednesday by Mr, John Mail- (!sll(in »' clu live youra ago. The cards thoinsolves S.J., (if Ford ham, In which ho nmriillaos IRIIII '117, tile president, Mr. Mndlgan ("' the Coiiimlttou on Admin- iir luck." He are unique. They cnmprlsn tllu only In VIU'MU cimcuriilim Hi" bnatltudoB. nlrfii spuli" about th» Intercollegiate Wult,.,. |||I-|(H. ';i(i; deny Cof- plnlnml Ilinl ll complote set III this country, Thu pic- "7, ';iv "The Mexican Pi'dlilom" by William Spanish I'uotry contest, lu which hi> J ''lunik. t!vimltn, '37, uud Mil um ninny iivmll 1 tures of thosu curds, which Fr, tlngaii li'(llnt, Franklin HUIHIH I rents thu lum-iiiilillc- 1 uud Mr, Vlnliii liMUKorhiit 'HI) represent- 'r. '.'18, The llriiiiklyn-l.iiiiK IH- tleins fill "Very |i will IIHII to Illustrate his lecture, wure I'Uiil ( 11111 Izcd Mexican situation frankly, and I lie uil Pimllmiii. Tho S|IIUIIHII Iimtltuto'B I" II social organization com- obtained by him during his yuars lu |HW|.|| A. A. A. Is (IIHCUBHO.I In I'UKIIMI Ui tlio- miitlioil of iioiiiluetillK Mm rocllill was '" ""'mliiu'H living In llnmklyii prnliwil by tllu HiMHikM nnil tlm lu>|i« lOiiKluml. Alt seats for this appoai'uncH '»' Ui dry uud practice by Ilcv. Kilwivrd Undno |N K aliiiid, Tim (iiilstiiudlng siidiil I'Ul'll luiflll'U II I'lH'I'I'l' wan oxpi'oimid thut Fordliain would lire I'cHurveil, with tickets at out) dollar I'H'lll llllP Cumin, I'll,I). '211. lit. Jttiiiun J. WUIHII 1 |vllll!l1 I .veur In Fonlliam rlrcleH l» Dr. Hcliuofi'i 'l vnw apli'i'i', mill IIIIXCH at leu tlollurH, '84 IIIHO IIIIH uu article, "Hiiri>|>" of Ht, (urn bWtiir In Hi" next inmtcHt hold. ,1m, '''' flM'"i"l (lance, held hy tit IH (Continued nn |m«« I.HIIIH," liicl.iilc.l. '"""ll'c.iid of January. PAGE 2 FORDHAM RAM, March 6, 1936


Vol. 17 New York, March 6, 19M POET'S PROBLEMS?? A Cork Is Just the Thing I'd like to write of winter-time that seems so far away; Editor.In.Chl.f for a Bottle I'd like to mite of snow and ice and a one-horse open sleigh, James A. Donovan '37 Butlneti Manager I'd like to write of howling wind that freezes everything— Managing Editor' Bill how can I write on "Winter" when my thoughts arc all of /Spring' John J. Spollen '36 Joseph W. Morrison '86 Every time I pay a call on my old Sporti Editor Ass't. Sports Editor Arthur A. Mulligan '38 Michael Barsa '36 friend, the doctor, he goes down into In Spring a young man's fancy lightly turns to thoughts of love News Board the cellar and brings up a musty old With budding trees and tinging Urdn and azure skies otoue— Vincent J." Mclaughlin '36 Thomas B. Logue '37 < Thomas J. Moran '36 I'd rather write on Springtime than on anything I know, Donald J. Gormley '37 bottle to have a drink "on the occa But Why write now on /Springtime when tomorrow it may snow/ News Staff slon." He was having one now, and It WINTBRORB Justin McCarthy '38 Martin F. Hesslon '37 - - Leo S. Loomle '38 was the Tuesday before Ash Wednes- Jamea 'J;- Lyons, Jr. '39 John McQurty '38 John Keavey '39 George S; Ijiingley '39 Clmrles F. Murphy '39 day. "REC"CHATTER

Sports Staff 'Doc," I said to him, holding up the Frank Mautte, '37, Captain-elect of the football team, it taking cod liver 0|| John P. Haggerty..'36 William Mulligan '3D 1 James Duggan '37 cork on the end of the twister, "that to build hlmtelf up ... at Jim Crowley't request... .Tony Timmes, '38, | John P. Shanley 'S7 William Vf. Love '38 Gabriel Cucolo '39 wine you drink is pretty good stuff, p ays t John Crowley '38 Thomas Mclaughlin '39 Isn't It?" forward position on the Jamaica Hockey team ... contenders for the title In the Business Staff Brooklyn Ice Palace League,, .. Rudy Mandelli, '36, it doing clatt observation Kdmond J, Tehan '37 Matthew Doonoy '39 Robert Johnston '39 'The best you can buy," came at me William A. Pnater '38 across the table. work In Roosevelt High School for hit Pedagogy credits Hit brother Marty, Circulation Manager Art Contributors Reference Manager "Well," said I still holding the cork, '35, It In Flower Hotpital Med. School. . . . Surprisingly large numbers of Joseph G. Katln '36 Warren King '38 Daniel J. Brannlgan '37 if that stuff It as good at all that, I Seniors entering Med, School this year.... For inttance, mail will reach Ralph Donald Gormley '37 should think you would get something Matlello, "Biv" Blvoni, Art Capo-Bianco, Pat Vetplglannl and "Fink" Bonlto Photography Manager Reference Staff better than a cork to keep It from Circulation Staff at Flower in September. . . . Bill Walker, Harvie Flnney, Don Campbell, and Joseph Garibaldi '37 James A. Ormsby '37 Clinton J. Magulre '36 spoiling." Edmund P. Naccash '39 George W. Fuller '37 That got him started. He reached Sammy Robb will gain their knowledge at Cornell. . . . Al Marquise, Ed Cot, and Angelo Musolino will be discovered at Georgetown. . . . Joe Cariuccl will PullUlue WMMy, »m»t VUIIINI >»« annil Milan MTIMI. Im OiMir It M« to IIM SIMMII tl over and took the cork out of my hand. raMku Ctll.n. FtrMaa Unl.tfilti. fi.ahi. Ru< ul Tkltl An., N« Yrt, N. V. 13.00 wlMrli- tUn irlca. Intmi u ie«< ilm matter Oilaker I, Ins, at Ma Pail OHit it Nw Yark, N. V. Padre, you can't get anything bet- be Fordham'e sole representative at Boston U. .. . Long Island University will ter than a cork to stop up a bottle. find Danny O'Connor, Joe Healy, Bob Hughes and Roger Durand present when ll I::'| /«« poltct cl Mi mur It friuil mtwt ni mlktr filiru •/ Inliml It Forikmn Those fancy glass things you see in men, ad (« IO dai»t lo «»*oM !*• l»i> Iniillsu oj Foriktm tni »/ Ikt >rui. the windows are no good. What you classes begin Is Andy Palau, '37, Varsity quarterback, taking typing leaiont need is something that will sit In there in Roosevelt High? ... Vinny Clancy, Freshman Baseball Coach, will pay strict tight. And It's go to be able to follow attention to the efforts of Joe Bownes, who galntd an "All-Scholastic" rating the glass, ff you know what I mean. while hurling for St. John's. . . . Speaking of bateball . . . Rumor hat It that "I Pledge Allegiance . ..' meeting of the Policemen's Benevo The cork is the thing; you see It has— lent Ass'n. And it concerns a certain what are you smiling at?" Jack Coffey, Varsity Mentor, would give hit right arm for a good left hander, Ever since the Nunan Bill made its Pat, one Mike and an Irish priest. We I reached over and got the cork again or southpaw, as they say in sporting circlts. ... In an effort to find out how and jammed it down Into the neck ot many people read this copy, we inserted the words, "VS" between our names stormy entrance into the State legis- need not continue. You know too well the bottle. at the head of the column, Instead of the customary "AND".... No one noticed lature, educators and student repre- Doc, tomorrow it Ash Wednesday; how Pat has beeriattacking the spirit- the change.. .. Looks at if even our parenta have stopped reading our efforts, sentatives have been treking to Capi- uous with gay "abandon, etc., etc., ad suppose we keep the cork In the bottle or the whole of Lent. It's a good cork . Amerino Sarno, Leonard Sclafani, Bill Walker, Charlie De Marco and tol Hill with their talc of woe. Key' nauseam: - and the wine will keep. I don't mean Enzo Sestero of Senior are still lauding the hospitality of the Ladycllff College note speaker of the opposition has Well, we would like to register a to say that you drink too much. But I co-eds at their Junior Prom ... and from all reports we don't blame them.,,, do mean to say that jutt as a cork can been President Angell of Yale, who complaint. We are sick and tired of John Desch and Arthur Wildrotter, Soph boarders, pass the time playing solltare keep the wine from going bad, to can a angrily snorts at the idea of forcing hearing inane and pointless jokes little mortification keep virtue spark- , . , with Felix Gangemi, a fellow classmate acting as official kibitzer..., We professors to take oaths of loyalty. about hard-drinking Irishmen and ling in a man's soul. The kids are all would like to know the name of the Freshman who borrowed a book from the Lined up stalwartly against President their meetings with the parish priest. giving up candy for awhile. And your ibrary and returned It along with a note stating, that the book should be wife tell* me no dessert for her until taken from circulation because It contained "certain paragraphs a Catholic Angell and many another educator Why is it that whenever a large group noon on Holy Saturday, They were sll youth would find objectionable." have been W. R. Hearst, all our "de- of Catholics composes an audience, laughing about it, as well they might- fenders of the peepul" and most Cath- and the entertainer feels that he is it Is a little thing. But the discipline of • • • It it a wonderful thing to ttop virtue Jack Kearney, Frank Baine, and Jerry McGinty are seen 'most every week- olic newsorgans. "among his own kind," there is a rom evaporating away." end along the Drive . , . seems they are seeing three sisters up tlmtaway. ... seeming necessity for jokes about re "Well, padre, I see you have me on Why Is ll that the students at C. C. N. Y. on the N. Y. A. rolls receive 80 cents ligious matters? And the trouble is the hip. It you say to put the bottle an hour while our N. Y. A.ltes receive just halt' of that sum???? Wally Hicks' We should, by all rights, enthusi- away, away she goes. I have my faults that they are usually so stupid. One efforts around Fieldston—where he is spending most of his time these days- astically champion the Nunan Bill. and I guess I could stand a little pen- are In vain, or so we were told, by one who should know. . . . Tom Ford lias And we do, in theory. For no matter was made at the last smoker-rally in ance. But where did you get the 'idea of the cork'!" straightened out a quarrel that started at the BL I. and Is once again walking the Gym. It is a tribute to the Ford on air. . . . Bill Parker has spring fever weeks in advance and the reason his what President Angell has to say on "Well," said I, feeling facetious, "it the matter, he must admit that there ham man's sense of humor that only a "fancy lightly turns to thoughts . .." is a lovely New Rochelllte.... A note ad- just popped into my head as I saw It dressed to us in the Manhattan "Quadrangle", . . . "The latest developments has been ample evidence in the past few sickly grins from those waiting to lying there on the table spread through laugh were the entertainer's reward. the middle with that wicked looking are that Joan doesn't NEEDHAM anymore because she's decided that Tom can few years of Communistic activity supply all the answers" . . . what we want to know Is—Who supplied the ques- That sort of thing hardly creates a bottle opener of yours. So many peo- among our broad-minded professors, ple, you know, think they have to do tions . . . and is it Tom, himself, who writes the column in which said note favorable impression on a non-Cath- And he must also admit, with a little omethlng heroic for Lent, something appeared? Joe McDonald has been heard humming "Moon Over Miami" inces- olic who happens to be present. they can blow about. They are liked to santly for the past two weeks . . . and there is a good reason, we are led to self-complacency, that any cancer in the pious ladles who pray for crosses understand. , . . Tony De Phillips has the most letters of any athlete in the our institutions of learning would be You will pardon us while we twist and then get cross if the Lord sends school... five, all told—three for and two for baseball. fatal to the United States. the dials. them a headache. But it is those com- • • * mon little things we can't boast about It is stupid to say that loyalty oaths ESQUIRING SMITHITES which protect the soul and keep It Picture if you tan ft collegiate with a green hoinbuvg hal. a chesterl'ieM, smack of Fascism. Self-preservation is Resurrection humble and obedient." a sclmauzy bow tie, a suit with pegged-pants which are hoisted Inches above a the first law of any nature. And while He took the glass and the bottle and pair of smooth-leathered shoes showing a pair of kaleldoscoplcally colored socks we are on the point, it has always We observe in the columns of our put them on the sideboard and I got up and you have a composite picture of what the well-dressed man should not favorite newspaper that Father Hogan to get my coat. He didn't say anything wear, according to five Smith collegiennes. In an answer to the college editors seemed incongruous to us that Union until we got to the door and then ho (one of whom, by the way, was our own editor) who wrote their opinions in Square radicals should scream about is scheduled to lecture. Most interest- came out with the rest of It. Vogue of the current female fashions, these live sent their criticisms or col- freedom of speech whenever they are ing was the notation that the proceeds "I suppose you will be wanting me to legiate male styles In the last Issue of Esquire. According to these selt-uuBiilnti'il of the lecture will be for the benefit tut my pipe up behind the mantle and sartorial dictators the above dress should be strictly avoided as being n. s carted off to the Tombs. For we all I'll be to grouchy there'll be no living They, however, approve of the following: Snap down hats of brown felt, sports know that if you should begin preach- of the Fordham U. Club. with me before Lent it half over." suits, preferably in neat tweed patterns; camel's hair coats, raglnn shoulders, "Ooc," I taid, putting on my hat, "for ing Capitalism on the street corners For the uninitiated, a short explana- suede shoes or brogues, tails (though not midnight blue, which shade is passi'i tion may be in order. The Fordham ne bottle one cork la enough—If It IB and woolen gloves. So ye who are expecting a weekend at Smith In the near of their beloved Moscow, your head I good one." uture take a word of advice . . . "When in Rome do as the Romans do" and would be floating down the Volga Hub, formerly located in the Mid- THE STUDENT COUNSELLOR. when at Smith dress accordingly, minus your favorite bow tie and rheslerlleld. the same afternoon. ston House, may be considered mate- rially as a suite of rooms in which But to return. We are forced to were played cards, ping-pong and admit that the Nunan Bill in practice I PLEDGE ALLEGIANCE...' By Gormley FOUNDED IN 1841 other diversions which tended to would be most ridiculous. To those make alumni forget that they were who are loyal, it would constitute an unemployed. That is, materially. But Fordham o.nnqjung insult, since it is only the it really stood for more than that, professors as a group who are singled There Fordham alumni from all over out to take these oaths. To those who University the city gathered to discuss not only Fordham Road at Third Avenue are disloyal, it would be a farce. For, Rose Hill but business affairs. It was Adjoining Bronx Park most of the latter would have no re- strong link between the graduate NEW YORK CITY spect for a solemn oath, in the first and Fordham, place. And if they did, by some mis- CONDUCTED BY THK We hope to sec the Club, which JESUITS chance, they would either deftly cross l! us fallen victim to this depressing Kui'dhniii College ... Forilh""' '' their fingers or make a most con- Seliiiol of IJUV , ,,. depression, soon regain its proper Wnolwurth ISIrtu mid Keirillmi" ' venient mental reservation. COIIPBI. "I Pharmacy.I'oralK'"! ''''• status, And Father Hogan's lecture Vonllmin College Mnirtuittun >> So the "defenders of the peepul" WoBlworlh lilch; ihould be the first step in its resur- •School of Kwlnl .Service will have to seek other means, since Woolwurtli Hills. rection, (Imduats .School ... Nunan Bill activity, whether pro or Woolwarth Bills ami Korclluira IM. Teilehei-s COIIPKU ,,, con, is much ado about little. Vt'oeilworth niilB and Konlluii" Mi School of ItuHtneKH AdmiiiWutMi When in Rome ... Woolwwrtli llhij- "Well, II SeeniB .. ." Hummer School JWUhnni Ml- The lost art of mnnly toll engages Alia Venters located at llubukm, us these days, For with pick, shovel Jersey t'Uj/ (mil Ktuli'H hUmd, u<- y/e ait down to this infernal cluck- /rein// courses giving credit to- ing machine In high dudgeon, For one and sealing wax we arc laboring to wards undergraduate dt't/iets of our pet dislikes has just whined out build u buck door to The RAM of- of the antique radio which adorns the fice, Then we shall nail up the pres- AimiTIO.VAl, lCAL office, It is a "Joke" told by a "witty" ent, more convenient entrance and Itl'iHlDHNT HTUI.IKN'I'H Individual who Is Master of Cere- x, satisfied that we have met the WlltTB FOK mJ monies ut a Mudiaou Square Garden dictates of campus fashion. SPECIFY DUI'MITMHNT PACE 3 Upperclassmen Appointed to Communism Is Fr. Castiello Speaks On Radio; Direct Freshman One-Acts Subject Of New Sodality Forum Discusses Youth's Problem Featured Players in Recent Fr. Colligan Addresses Mimes' Productions McKenna, '36, Talks Holy Rosary Sodality Donoghue and Rubiuo Fortl- Clearly Outlines the Aims of Lend Aid hnm Speakers at First On Roman Emperors Fordham Courses in The sodallsts of tho Holy Ro- Conference George McKenna, '36, discussed Education nsts have beeu chosen and serious sary were addressed last Thurs- Final plans for the Communist Sym- the early Roman Emperors at a ieUrSal for the Freshman One-Act day by their Moderator, Father meeting of the Classical Club Phv Contest has begun. Directing the John J. Colligan, S.J., Professor posium have at Inst been completed, Wednesday. Mr. McKenna, presi- "The Function of Psychology in Edu- lit nlnys chosen to participate are of Philosophy In Junior Vear. The and were announced this week by the dent of the club, displayed in his cation" was the title of a talk given *J A. DeLeon, '37, "We Have to Moderator spoke on the subject Rev. Fr, Thomas H. talk a deep study of the Roman by Father Jaime Castiello, S.J., Pro- P1"; Kobert B. Doerr, '38, "The Con- of Lenten penances. He stressed Moore, S.J,, direc- rulers In the years following the fessor of Educa- Lule's Dilemma"; Laurence U Dono- the particular obligations of tho tor of the Sodality death of Christ. tional Psychology s Symposia. The first 'h'e '37, "The Villager"; Martin F. college man during the ensuing Among others he gave excel- In the Graduate Ls'ion, '37, "At the Wayside Inn"; season and urged that the mem- presentation of this lent descriptions of the charac- School of Fordham "irvls B. Rice, '38, "The Zither Blues," bers of the Sodality lie scrupu- Joint effort of Cath- ters of Nero, Vespatian and Ca- olic Colleges in the University over M,| John P. Shanley, '37, "Politics." lously careful In discharging them. ligula, all of whom were radically WNYC Wednesday ] |s about the banditry of a French The life of St. Ignatius was cited vicinity of New opposed to the spreading Chris- t York to plead for evening at 7:00 nolle that Herbert Burr's, "We Have to as an excellent example for the tian sect. "All of them were the P. M. Fight," centers. Once a lover of the men of Fordham to follow. Father Catholic Action worst possible fanatics, fearing poor, the noble allows his fight against Colligan briefly sketched a por- will be hehl at Hie the new sect and blaming all the In the first of a oppression to degenerate Into mere trait of this great saint, and ex- College of Notre crimes, public and otherwise, series of broadcasts piracy. Ho climaxes his career of pressed the hope that some of Dame In S t a t e n against the Christians," said the sponsored by the brigandage by murdering his own son. his admirable qualities might be Island on March at 8 speaker, Mr. McKenna spoke es- Public Relations inculcated In tho college man to- at 3:30 P. JI. Ford- pecially of the demented Nero. Bureau of Fordham The scene is a cellar in eighteenth cen- CaH Rubino University, Father tury Paris- day. ham will be repre- Familiar Situation sented by Laurence Donoghue and Carl»..i ii , S.J« i . Castiell ,,o explaine. _d Rubino for the uptown and downtown FR. DALY DENIES BAN that om educa •The Constable's Dilemma," by John schools respectively. tlonal psychology is definitely spirit- A. McGowau, concerns the sojourn of GEORGIAN COURT WINS ON NEW LEWIS NOVEL ualistic in Its general tendencies, com- a flabbergastedyoun g man in a coun- SPANISH POETRY PRIZE Five Colleges prehensive in the scope of its endeavors, try Jail. An officious constable is per- The colleges which will participate Legion of Decency Not Con*based on a strict empirical method, and suaded by a tramp in his custody to re- in thlB conference are Notre Dame Col- coordinated with philosophy, history lease the prisoner, but unfortunately Fordham Fails to Place In lege, Georgian Court, the two under- cerned With Politics, and in general the reality of human the latter's situation requires further graduate schools of Kordham Univer- He Says life." attention. Upon this last the plot turns. Conteu at Spanish sity, and the College ot St. Kltabeth. The purpose of the address was to An.nt Futuriim Institute Miss Jeanne Smith will be the represen- Rumors to the effect that the Sinclair state as clearly as possible the Ideal In "The Villager," Edward P. Healy tative for Notre Dame, Mr. Laurence Lewis novel, "It Can't Happen Here," and the practical policy of the courses Donoghue for Fordham College, uptown, was banned as a motion picture by the in Educational Psychology at the Ford- tells of Walter Martin, a sign painter To the inspired rhythm of. a rumba- who is persuaded to attempt the art ot Miss Patrleia Cook, for Georgian Court, Legion of Decency because It might of- ham University Graduate School. like jungle chant recited by the entrant Mr. Carl Rubino for Fordham College, fend Italy and other Fascist countries the furturlstlc school by one Roberts, from Barnard college, tho Intercol- "Whether they know It or not, all downtown, and Miss Alleen Pindar for were denied Indirectly In a recent state- parents and teachers do mould; first of a poet. Things reach a climax when a legiate Spanish Poetry Contest, held St. Elizabeth's. ment by Rev. Joseph A. Daly, Ph.D., manufacturer of jig-saw puzzles offers at Casa do las Espanas, West 117th '30, executive secretary, that the Le-all by their example and by the very lo buy the painter's masterpiece tor his force of their personality; secondly, by Street, last Monday, drew to a close Form Complete Outline gion does not concern Itself with politi- the sort of surroundings in which they puzzle fans. Whereupon Martin re- with first honors going to Georgian The five speeches when taken as a cal issues. turns lo sign painting. place the child. In fact the whole con- Court College. Fordham was repre- whole will compose a complete outline Moral standards alone will be taken ception of non-interference ls absolute- Horroril sented at the recital by two members of the present communist problem, and Into consideration by the Legion, de- ly unreal. Whether he wants it or not. "At the Wayside Inn" Is a story of of the Spanish Club, Victor Flngerhut the Catholic solution to the difficulties clared Fr, Daly, and misguided efforts directly and indirectly the educator Czechoslovakia by John Hughes. The '39 and John Madigan '37. They were which make Its spread so easy. The first to "slip sexy pictures by when nobody's does guide and cannot help guiding. So return of a long-lost son of the house the winners of an elimination contest address will be: "The Communist as looking" will always find somebody we might as well own up to the reality of his father and his failure to be rec- conducted by the Spanish Club to de-We Know Him in the United States"; looking nationally and Internationally. of things and confess that education ognized lead to his murder. Father and termine its entries. As his recitation the second will expose "What Is Be-"Producers will quickly learn," he presupposes guidance and that in edu- brother, broken by poverty, fall upon Mr. Fingerhut chose "Soneto a Cer- hind Communism"; the third will continued, "as many ot them already cation the first point to be decided is, their wealthy guest in the dead of vantes" by Ruben Darlo, while Mr. sketch "The Cnrlstlan World Revolu- have learned, that there Is more money where are we going to; what is the night. They destroy themselves when Madigan delivered "A la Rosa" by F. tion," and the fourth talk will give the In clean films." type of man which we want to train? de Illoja. particulars of that plan, and the last they discover the heinousness of their In denouncing Immoral pictures Fr. "The educational worker must have crime. paper will devote itself to the methods Daly urged the producers "to follow the Besides Fordham In tho contest. by which "We Ourselves Can Put the example of such stars as Shirley Tem- an accurate and comprehensive knowl- Something About a Zither which was sponsored by the New York Program Into Effect." ple and Mary Pickford, whose pictures (Continued on page 6) George Galileo describes his entry branch of tbe Spanish Institute, at Co- never stray from the highest moral "The Zither Blues" as a "comedy of In- lumbia University, thero were some Schedule standards." He revealed the Legion of trigue." One Flounce begins playing fifteen other schools entered, including Tho schedule for tho other appear- Decency as a boon to the motion pic- on the ilther, much to his neighbors' Barnard, Long Island University, Geor- ance of this symposium shows that on ture industry instead of the ogre and dismay. His butler Is prepared to leave gian Court, New Rochelle, Mnrymount, March 19th It will be presented at Geor- censoring dragon that many people him and the police are about to take New York University, and City Col- gian Court; on March 22, In St. Peter's think it. Only three pictures out of all matters In hand when crime stalks lege. There were only four men en-Chapel. Barclay street, tinder the spon- examined last week were condemned, upon the stage. Flounce rises to tbe tered In the contest and perhaps as a re- sorship of Fordham College, downtown Fr. Daly stated, and attendance at mo- JEWELERS' occasion and distinguishes himself by sult of this, all of the first three prizes branch, and that on April 1 at 8 o'clock, tion picture houses has Increased twen- since 1898 Ills heroism. wore taken by women, In addition to Convent Station, will play host to the ty per cent since the formation of the WATCH REPAIRING Out of love for his father, the Join the first prize, which was awarded to speakers. Legion, 263 E.FORDHAM RD.NEA*VALENTIN£ AVE.j Matthews of Victor n. Flngerhut's Miss Patricia Cook of Georgian Court, "Politics" educates his brother Harry. second and third prizes were gained The latter, however, despite the debt by Miss Jose Baleute of City College ol gratitude he owes, turns crooked and Allss Florence Medon of New politician. John's attempt to avert a Roohello. Tho Judges of the contest Pipe smokers glad they tried P. A. on tragedy forms the matter'of the play. were Mr. Weilcrico de Onls. the direc- Its pathos Is found In the love and con- tor of the New York Branch of the In- fidence of the father. stitute and threo other prominent asso- ciates of the club. Mr. M. J. Bernardete Money-Back offer! of Brooklyn College presided. COUNCIL DEBATERS DEFEAT JUNIATA "THE STORY OF MEXICO" f ROM NOW ON TOLD AT SYMPOSIUM PRINCCALBCRT (Continued from page 1) IS/WVONE- wwnnient which obtains In the (Continued from page 1) THAT OFFER AND-ONLV til, ,taK8'the vlta! lsslle ls »'"e9e'-- gave the history of "The Persecutions Ion of the healthy "check and bal. of the Church." In a fine address, SURC SO1DME ! Sy U1)on whle the .r., "' " whol° filled with pertinent facts, ho ex- ructnre rests. When that fine balance posed not only the inhuman cruelty of *royed they said, and slK,h a many of the persecuting afflclnls, hut nlso outlined the desperate conditions "I've never found Prince Albert's equal for tasts. «* "o as hat which their opponents wherein all these offensive tactics arc 1 C8t )y Ami I get around fifty pipcfyila out ol every big Zu ran"" " " "• ^ermnent made completely lognl mid without pus- two-ounce tin," says George Iieekman, '86. slbllity of redress by an unrepresenta- •-'ague Sanctions tive government and constitution. The concluding word In this Story of 6 luomul l PRINCC ALBERT »)of,, i, AI "rlra »° "dvlsabil. Mexico was given by Miss Margaret C" ; r » "Wroval of the Fltzgorald of Mount St. Vincent. "The I've done a lot of pipe smokl'iK " 'a>* Dick RAT£S FIRST ON Italy in N"tl0lls sanctions uguliiRt Mexico of 1930" wns revealed liy her Colligan, '38, "and Prince Albtrt is thu iJul, MUDNESS AND to be fully as bad as tbe most decuikmt In my opinion. It's very mild—makes n very ,.|11|(; »* 1 debaters urK0(| that the period of the Roman Empire The per- nico cake in the bowl—tastes mellow and cool." FLAVOR verted sexual education that Is forced Try Prince Albert yourself. See free offer below. nffalra '' ")f"P8« »» rofiurdn foreign upon the children In the socialist , ; whllo Ule Brooklyn «,,Mhl.r8 schools wax outlined In her address. \ - awer to this pipe- Th(i donmct ,,f |i. She concluded with a plea Hint Cath- business," "M I.V',''M Wlllc'h H1""«">">H were olics hike an active Interest In this and saysDonaldLuCnssc'39, I>r(,v,.(] """""» urKiifd, iniisl llrHt |,o oilier problems of Iho church, and en- deavor to i>xt>rt some influence for n Just '» "drtiu',7,"Vr ""»"•""- TH..y «|r ) 1 11 —l..t.. - Ti. '^ " " " ' l»"i"»b- brnti,,:,., ,,;•'• '"'voraliHl a vv.»ilT.,i „ ' I '"••™»«y for UK...... Compliments Tl,,, ,.,,' , "' sanctliiMH. "'""" '.in i mi i,"',1"'0"1""0" hr Jul'» of the in-, ,.,„„ ' "bcrt MoKMKott '30, N PRINCE ALBERT U of trn' "'• - V "« vemlty at 1'ortche* Campus Store frn tnbflCCa In b I*,', ' "Kht-Tl"1 iiioiUon do- ivory it-dutiw tin t Prliu.i /.lb«rt il,,J||llllu;l^ J" |o Hmt PAGE 4 UTTTII nimiiii i! rm 111! mi i IT ti i m m 11111 Baseball Squad Manhattan Hands Courtman Continues Work 5th Loss In Season's Finale Looking In Gymnasium Seven Seniors Take Part in 36 to 25 Rout as Jaspers Pil Them Ouer Entire Team Working Out Up Early Lead in Garden C Daily as Pitchers By MIKE BARSA u?ith Arthur Mulligan Near Form Mermen Practice Wednesday night the curtain „ down with a thud on the 1935 % "'C I I I 1 I I I J I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I t 1 1 1 1 With two weeks of gradual shaping For Title Meets ketbatl season. Captain Tony Do into proper preseason form behind lips with six other Seniors madeu. Calijone Provide* Scoop well appearance in a losing C-UKI them, the Maroon pitchers enter the Manhattan handed the Rams the C The triumph of Jerry Calijone in the 1,000 metres last Satur- final series o£ indoor workouts Mon- Candidates for Swim Team defeat of the season, 36-25. h I day night recalls another incident of the pine boards when the day. Outfielders and infielders started Invited to Spring diminutive speedster rode to fame. The incident occurred when Counting on all sorts of shots I,, th. this week and the squad is now train- Practice first few minutes of play before the v, Jerry was making his Varsity debut three years ago in the ng in its entirety. Candidates for posi- roon team could tell what It was ,j tions, particularly the infield posts, are about, the Jaspers ran Columbus Council games. With the dual meet schedule success- "P ten points numerous. Sophomore players have before a tally was chalked up against It was also the occasion for a great scoop by The RAM. There fully concluded, Johnny Lyttle is prim- them and they led 19 to 10 at the )w), decidedly strengthened the team's po- ing his more talented tanksters for are those who scoff at the possibility of a RAM scoop, because It was twelve full minutes before their first appearance In a champion- of its periodical appearances. You write what you consider an tentialities and Coach Jack Coffey Is Fordham scored Its first field goal and pleased with the current efforts of the ship tilt, the I. S. A. contests, to be held it was the early game splurge which inside story, sit back and await with anticipation the moment men. March 20 and 21 In Columbia Univer- finally meant the margin of victory, i,, sity's natatorluni. it shall break upon'a surprised world, only to find that the daily Arthur Saltier, Freshman twilling the long run the contest was decided papers have beaten you byVt least two days. But here was a ace of last season, has projected him- No definite entry list Is, as yet, avail- from the foul line as the Green team self into the pitching situation with his able; but It Is highly probable that collected fourteen free trys to nine (w ' real scoop. . .• impressive background, hiB delivery, Blondy Schlrmer will he seen in the the Cavanagnmen. Running in the 1,000 metre handicap against seventy entries, and spirited work, Sattler displays all quarter mile grind; Paul Devlin and Tony De Phillips ended his two year Jerry with a slight handicap found himself well to the rear at the qualities essential to the perfectly Warren King In the medley, and Cap- reign as Fordham's captain by casing equipped pitcher. An unorthodox hurl- tain Bill Glesen In either of these nine points for high-scoring honors, the beginning of the race. Steadily he ran through and around ing style in which he throws three events or both. while Bobby Reinacher, the Maroon co- the large field until with three laps to go he led Thompson of ways, overhand, underhand and side- The swim mentor has adopted the star, failed to finish in a blaze of glory Manhattan by a few yards. arm, Is one of Sattler's advantages. old football custom of Spring practice only because of three personal fouls This varied delivery Is natural and ex- for Ills charges and regular sessions that were called on him in the first ten Then things began to happen. Later he remarked it was like tremely effective, puzzling opposing are being held three times each week. minutes of the game. batters no end. All who have any swimming ability dreaming of a public pajama-clad appearance, or attendance Debut by Davis Hampered at the start by a mild are Invited and urged by the coach to at church with your hat on, to find that darn shoe coming off. grippe attack, George RoMnaon should reporl at the pool any Monday, Wednes- Dick Davis, a star on last years For a few yards he tried to favor the recalcitrant leather by a ease rapidly Into pitching condition. day or Friday afternoon for a tryout. Freshman unit, made his debut as a regular but, although the young Soph Robbie has expressed the sentiment Fordham will also enter a team in kind of hay-foot, straw-foot pace, hitherto unseen on Eastern showed great promise, he was R\BO ham- that he is capable of a season of tho National Championship Meet later tracks, and likened to the butterfly breast-stroke invented by pered by those fouls that proved the achievement, destroying the hex that in the season. Ichabod in his night wanderings. has previously shattered Junior pitch- death of the Maroon team. ers after years of outstanding work. The last twenty-five minutes of flay Finding he was losing ground, Jerry dratted the durn thing Infielders Freddie Marcella and John DID YOU KNOW? furnished some hard fought basketball, and kicked it halfway to Jake Weber at the other end of the Aletoskie loom promising at this stage. THAT.. . Frankie Frisch, Cardinals' with the teams matching basket for circle. Then he went on to win, overtaking Thompson, and Smith Marcella Is a finished fielder who will manager, was a better pigskin toter basket, but the game had already been extend the Varsity holdovers, Bob than diamond star while at Fordham. won. Despite the fact that Fovutam's of St. John's who had passed him in his travail. And though he Reinacher and Len Proctor, to their In 1917 he was named for Walter senior team was trying exceptionally ran the last two laps without his shoe, none of the sportswriters best work. Metoskle, a .300 hitter on 'amp's second All America, and was hard to close the season by scoring of the metropolitan papers and few of the spectators noticed the the yearlings, will add offensive power outstanding on track and court. their first Garden victory of the year, it fact. It remained for the enterprising sports commentators of to the Inner defense. Joe Woitkoski, THAT ... In one game in 1927, the was never a contest after those first ten who plays either in the infield or out- basketball team scored three succes- minutes. The RAM to break the news upon a startled world. Aw shucks, field depending upon necessity, will bid sive times without the ball's once Man-to-Man it was nothing, fellers. for a post. touching the floor. For the second time in a row, Cuva- Gene Coyle, Bill Ladroga and other THAT ... In 1921 the Maroon took nagh had his team use a mantoinan The "All" Influence It Felt Varsity men have started work and are a close court game from Washington defense but the close guarding against At the conclusion of the football season this department re- practicing daily. College. Final score: 101. the fast-breaking Jaspers proved as fu- sisted the impulse to join the vast horde of Campian adherents, tile as the zone was against City Col- lege in the last Garden tilt. who devoted galleys of type to arguments as to just why Indian Dick FriUsche was second to De Macetoter of Slinging Bunk University was a better halfback Basketball Season Featured Phillips in Fordham's scoring with six than Jeremiah Scholtzenheimer of the Michael Finn finishing points while Crate Drury followed him By Wins Over Co lumbia Army with four markers. O'Connor, Young school, neither of whom had ever played within two thousand 9 and Davis had 3, 2 and 1 point respec- miles of their admirers. tively. With basketball it is different. Thanks to Ned Irish, though it Rams Bow Twice to N. Y. U. and Drop Decisions to Rutgers can hardly be said the gentleman was motivated by sheer love and City College; Yale Routed of the game, the sports-minded New Yorker has had opportunity Gorillas Defeat to gaze thoughtfully upon the representative men from each By JACK HAGGERTY section of the country, in . Next week, Including the Manhattan encounter Mid-January found the Rams travel- if you're still interested and we feel so inclined, we'll name the at the Garden Wednesday night, Ford- .ng to Rutgers and the New Brunswick Bazumacators "All Garden team." Meanwhile chew this over: hain'a basketball forces have a total outfit traveling at its fastest clip of of ten wins as against five losses In the year. The Banks' outfit, opening All-City Teams the second winter of tho Cavanagh fast, assumed a safe lead and could not Palati, Woilkoski Lead With First Team Second Team regime. be headed until the closing momenta RF, Bender, L. 1. U. RF, Rubenitein, N. Y. U. All five defeats wove sustained on of the game. Then, with four minutes 12 Markers; Joy-Boys LF, McGuirk, Manhattan LF, Reinacher, Fordham the opponent's floor. This marks the of play remaining and trailing, 50 to first time that a Fordham quintet has 38, Fordham uncorked a stretch drive Lose C, Bush, St. John's C, Terjesen, N. Y. U. successfully met all comers in the big which carried them to within one point RG, Russo, L. I. U. RG, Maguire, St. John's gym since Capt. Dougherty's Eastern of the Scarlet at the gun. The Gorillas moved a step nearer the LG, Schulman, N. Y. U. LG, Nash, Columbia title holders turned the tvlck in 1928. The drama was reversed in the City second-half title of the Boarders' League BENDER and RUSSO. The individuality of this high-scoring Major victorias were scored over College clash. Moving steadily and by nosing out the Bazumacutors, 32-29. duet has been marred by the excellent balance of the L. I. U. Yale, St. Francis, Columbia, and Army. smoothly in the last (|iiarter, Fordham At half lime, the winners were on the Two of the setbacks came at the had changed a 19-24 deficit into a 26-25 short end of a 16-15 score. quintet as a whole. Their main forte is the set-shot, since this is hands of New York University, the only In the second half the Gorillas. M advantage with but two minutes left 11 the quickest way to score points, but both are essentially team club enjoying home and home relations on the clock. At this point the Maroon by Andy Pnlnu. began to click i" ' players who can work the ball in when necessary. Their work with the Rams, who did not onjoy them. buckled and cracked while City found quickly moved into a' lend, l'alnn in putting L. I. U. where it stands today has been invaluable. Rutgers and City College supplied the the hoop for six points and a 31-2S vic- and Woitkoski led tho winners with SCHULMAN. A smart ball-player whose steadying influence remaining reverses. tory. twelve points apiece. Dempsey. rlsht has brought the Violet out of many panic-stricken moments. Columbia, which the Rums turned The remainder of the schedule re- forward of the Bazunmcatorn, wnsMl* back 20-19 on January 15, have since sulted in Fordham victories over scorer of the gnmo with lf> markers. Essentially a money player, he is at his best when the others bog gone on to spreadeugle the Kastern In a second game over the wccki'"11- mediocre and second-flight opposition. |Z down, coming up from his guard position where he plays a tena- Intercollegiate League with the ease of As usual the nluninl provided the the Joy-boys were defeated by tlit- W " cious defensive game, to lead the attack, Discovery in a claiming race. By heat- opening talent and were graciously re- nuicntors, 2,1-16. Jumping into an early Ing Princeton last week, the Morning- lend In the first few minutes of play. McGUIRK. Tall and well-proportioned, this son of Erin has ceived, December 4, to the tune of 36-20. 1 exhibited a fighting heart and a finished performance every time side Lions registered their seventh Cooper Union, from way down Bast the Iluzumncutors had an easy thin "' league triumph, as against no defeats, (side), Buccumbed throe nights later, it with tho second place Joy-hoys. M"»i- he appeared. .. . Has scored more points than any other player which makes them a virtual 8hoo-in for cat and Crego paced tho winners «i"' 38-14, The following Wednosduy Wag- 1 in the city in proportion to the number of games, and was the the title. ner went down 44 to 1C, and that Satur- nine and eight points respectively iflil' ' key-man in Manhattan's conquest of the Violet, Army attempted to storm Rose Hall day Yale followed. Richards led tho losers with 8 miiiki'is- Immediately after tho tntd-torm exam- Four mimes ivro ac-liednlt'U '»'' lhi* BUSH. Time and again he has brought Garden crowds to ination hlntiiH hut the Maroon corps, The Yalo game provided Cavanagh week-end with the Snobs meeting T.I'-1- their feet with his expert ball handling. Height, reach and under command of Col. Cavunagh imd with his first look at his subsequent and tho Oorlllns while tho Joy-boy» i""1 regulars, and the campus with talk of weight are his, plus a pair of hands that would shame a short- Capt, De Phillips with Chief Sniper T.P.I, will tangle the NnkiiHiikec uml a relum-to-glary quintet, It was In this stop, An agile and adept player in whom size ia no handicap Relliaoher lending mnterlal nsBlKtauce, RorllhiH respectively. to motion, routed tho enemy and scored an Im- gamo that llelnacher and Young came pressive 00-40 triumph. off I ho bench to toiio up Fordhum's scor- That Second Team ing punch. The Ham's first road contost brought FORDHAM NIMROIM While Nash didn't shine against Fordham, his activities in them to Naw Haven whom on Inefloc- Thts new llno-up functioned smooth- WIN ONE, DROP TWO j other games, plus his aggressiveness, gives him an edge over tlvo Yiilo quintet was burled undar ft ly throughout a 37-16 licking admin- De Phillips of Fordham and Klein of N. Y. U. Maguire of St, 38-20 score for tho fourth win of Hie istered to St. Peter's of Jersey City lls John's has a shrewd basketball mind, and a lore of the court year. and far halt of the N. Y. U, gnmo at Karly In February tliu Hum Nl»"'" i the Oiinloii, when Reliinchar and Drury (according to Mr. M. (J. lice) di'l>nl™ j game second only to Ueinucher'H. He is rough and ready and Llltlo St. Frauds of Brooklyn, 1 which has gnuo big In u Imskntlmll dropped out via the foul routo und pro- the Kdlson Co. tuiim, 882 In 8-11. I' ""' directs the plays of his team, with no sacrifice to his tenncioua folio led tho Hums with 182 points. defensive work. wuy sluco Kody Ooouoy iissllninil the clpltalod a Vlolot avnlunclio, roliw, ramplotod tho i|uurtet of major oucliiK l>n«k from that pillions por- In thn (1. C. N. Y. iimti'h, »h<' »" woiik, tin, n,,mH «,,„.(, HOHIMI mil ' RubenBtein and Ro!nncher are u pair of cutting, dribbling victims, bowing 20 In IS In tho Ford- twniiilico tho Hams wroiiknd voiigminoo 1 hum gym, January 11, on a wnuk Upaulu iigKrogutloii IIIIII "lie point, 81)1 to 8»r>. Schilling and I' fools that nny couch would be glad to have, Both huve provided Mil purail IIKI ltuniH wllli 181 I"'1". 1 the oil-essential spark for their respective teams, Terjesen, & Now York University welcomed Ford- rolled up thn hlKhiMt ncovo ovor tttHtml 1 1 ham to Nod Irish's dollshtftil Oarttan by n Fol'dhuin llvo as Urn Jorsoy outfit each. Upyau with 181 point" I' ' ""'I smooth ball handler, with the faculty of always being in the City Team. piirtloB with n thumping 52-23 Unking wont down, 81 to 30. 1 1 right place, gets the call over Kopltko, City's mainstay, who on January 4, and ropoatml In tho Tho Fonllium Frosliniiin T' "" '". aside from his height has little to recommend him as an "All" CHIIISIUB olosod tho homo season IWKod In tholr !lr»t mutch «u lsxl>el;- his mado 100 point In 47 seconds, with sports of golf niul tennis. It's true that u few years ago the Ford- u anshlp, Bob has plenty ot litiskotlmll ' "ii. Harrlni? n rmivvonce of Sutnr- ho ship flying nt a 33° angle. ham putters had an undefeated season and this spring they 11 b 'nlns and when he lays hold of » bns- l[, " ""'l'"lV. .11.11 limy head the Hold Following the exhibition, Peterson kitbull, he really begins to go places. 1 lave some better than average golfers. However the main He Is a hnrtl player, lighting every Inch •»« H'o shorter distance Is hotter •overted to the theoretical side nt Ml- rouble with the sport is that too few Fordham men are aware l',1'11'« hl» i-nimhllltlos. luvclB In nn Intensoly Interesting ud- o! the way and his appearance on tho 1 1 svtU tlu that we have .such a thing an n golf team and so the niblick men ci urt has often acted ns tho Inspiration Hvi',"""' . -o ii Hold of Hiiiiot-lii- !SH, characterized by n combination •ire turned down becniiHe of inminifient dttta. I, Winters In tho 5(1 motor dash. . complete knowledge and novel pros- tl tit drove the Ilnnis to victory. " "Kiiln thero oro high hopes fo •iitntion of his subject. On the other hand Captain Ed Presendofer and his tennis Dick Frltssuho and Danny O'Connor , "'»'-«>t. Artlo lost Ihu luo will lid forced to groat effort* to However, ho hum, thcro'H no real need to worry since we've still tint filled thu proverbial bug of tho "sl'llill» ill', '""l ''"" m"ll"'H. "lul lf "" glslnr In tho scoring column. Huns with Kunio. 0 0 of Hlurt Satin- Witvy i nht tininn ) cmrrcm''i'"""t Indoor MBHHOH I'orhups Pordlium hntl Rroiiter centers ilav »,,, | tin * SKrolt vobvlo««. therefore. lh«t It'll need none other than nn nabo Young and Hllily l».i ''"""' '" w• ''nlljuiiu and I'uul Fay nrc on- snort"veur ami It ronta with Jack ColToy'H nine whether we do ivor liooii any bnrdor flghtors than I5(H> l l r ,y to n now scoring record. In holli llin , ""* "" " '•"»• Althoimll vl two boyB and Cluiilto CUBBOII, tvl- I,,,,""'' HHiially iinuvd u Htnlliu- Hold •uluv and Individual ovonts, tho 1036- o? do The controversy then between the distinguished Ford- lvv i« ninnoVB htivo »urpitB«otl all provl- tloiiffh only u siibstltutu, did his share il«. I," ?'""'' ""' " Wolior men, on am alumnus iincl wo of tho Rlslntf Generation had to be ad- oi the work wlionovor ho was unllod „,„ "™ "' Ihnlr iiriivloim perform- HIS rucords tor Maroon point seoim Sell until ii flnnl verdict could bo rendered approximately oi t tor action, K' ""'y "lid up in tlu, van. L modlciliu of miceoDB In th» n»xl two "" W|H nmiln ommy tlio 000, wltil imotB will clinch- t»« twllylns wo months from tlutc FUKDHAM RAM, March 6, 1936

Callahan, '39, Speak* FR. CASTIELLO SPEAKS ON RADIO? Before German Club DISCUSSES YOUTH'S PROBLEMS I OFF CAMPUS A speech by Arthur Callahan, '39, on Lesslng, Kelpstock and (Continued from page 3) human activities in terms of col. with Bill Parker 37 Wlelands and their contributions edge of human nature in all Its com tloned reflexes, we consider m „„ „ I to Germany's golden age, fea- plexity and in all the phaseB of HB inadequate study of human' J "" tured the meeting of the German dynamical development: the biological Drives and conditioned renews are M and hereditary components In the one very small function of human m Club Wednesday. "The works of And as the tailor cannot cut his „„ ,; JUNIOR DIRGE these three writers," declared Mr. make-up of a child; the force of his In- he has but the measurements of , Not for your emulation, fellow philosophers, but for your amusement do we Callahan, "have far too often stincts; the stability of his emotional so in our opinion an educator cii,„ .'' Present this moral encouragement contributed by the "Collegiate Digest." been overlooked, but without life; the quality of his Intelligence; train the whole of human nature 01 h I In Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, the existence of a suicide club among students of .them the arrival of the golden the strength of that guiding and con- findings which are derived from hist Philosophy at Sarajevo, members of tchich icere sicom to kill themselves each age, though It would undoubtedly trolling factor which we call the will small part of his being. ' 2/ctir on the amidcrsoii/ of the passing of the Herman thinker, Schopenhauer have arrived, would have been and finally the weight and nature of roi,,. friend), icas revealed here by the death of a student named Paul Seltbauer. greatly delayed and would have those outside forces which are brought "Having no brief to hold on behalf nt i A note proved he had committal suicide on the exact anniversary of Schopen- lacked many of its finest works." to bear upon him and which make up any a-priori metaphysical concent!™, /loner's ilcatli "!•'> years ago. Police discovered that a small circle of kfrn philos- The annual German Banquet, It the surroundings or the milieu. such as materialism or evolutionism ophy siMcnts had sworn to keep silence for the whole day on each anniversary was decided at this meeting, will and basing our anthropology on hani °f fScfi°Pcnhauer's death and to commit suicide in a certain order. be held March 16 at the Franzis- "We make it our duty to study the facts and on a comprehensive view „, must be the unsung heroes who, without committing suicide, offer kaner Restaurant In Yorkvllle. different functions of man, in them- human nature, would you not see es °r tne sacrificial altars of philosophical endeavor. Who of us has An attendance of seventy-five is selves and not in the light of Physics way to deny the reality of resn the professorial lash so dlscouraglngly applied to our apparently in- expected. or Mechanics. Physiology or Animal Bibility. ' nerble syllogisms and perfectly formed distinctions? How many times has Psychology. We stand before man as The other broadcasts which I peaceful slumber been ruined by insidious nightmares in which we find he Is; conscious that he Is an extreme- scheduled arc: Wednesday, March I, ourselves hanging from the yardarms of ponderous majors and subtle minors ly complex being. And we do not shirk "The Function of the Classics in Kdu' FR. COX FLAYS SYSTEM from any issue or any result. Even if unc|er the piercing eyes of those Captain Blighs of philosophy? Perhaps you cation," by Gabriel E. Llegey JI'A' rnay find encouragement In the above Indication that we are not alone in our OF ECONOMICS IN V. S. we arc obliged to confess that we can LL.B., Professor of Classics In Kordham hih misery. They probably even have orals In Yugoslavia! find no Mathematical or Physical or College; Wednesday, March 18 "T|,J Charges Catholic Doctrine Chemical or Biological equipment for Function of Science in Education" bv this or that human activity. Conse- Reverend Francis G. Power, S.J ScD The Loyola News bows in with the story of a certain professor of physi- Not Hailed by Catholic quently, we do not see ourselves con- Professor of Chemistry in the Graduate ology engaged in trying to demonstrate to his class the evils of drink. He Laymen strained to dent the reality of con- School; Wednesday, March 2a, "The ' U''°Ugh< two beakers Into the classroom, one full of whiskey and the other full sciousness or of free will and we are Function of Languages in Education" of >ater> Then he got two worms and dropped one into each. In a minute the "Any economic system Is unjust able to give our students a Psychology by Basile G. D'Ouakll, Ph.D., Professor W°rm in the whiskey stiffened out and died, while the worm in the water seemed which does not destroy their sense of of Modern Languages in Fordham Col- to n* all right. "Now," said the professor triumphantly, "what does that prove which liy Its nature and its natural tendency Is effective In bringing about responsibility or set them at logger- lege; Wednesday, April 1, "The Func- i to y»u about whiskey?" e such a concentra- heads with the tremendous realities of tion of Principles and Methods in Edu. "Suf > professor," answered one little lad In the front row, "if you drink it human life. cation," by Reverend James T. Crouin ' you'd ever have wormsl" tion of material n Koods In the hands "The biased attempts of so many edu- Ph.D., Associate Professor of Education of a few that vast mtional psychologists to interpret all in the Graduate School. UNUSUAL multitudes of men The unusual distinction of being awarded a letter by an opposing college are In want of the FITZMORRIS WRITES been granted to Ernesto Navas, captain of the University of Mexico 1935 goods indispensa- FORDHAM ALUMNUS b team. Navas, who played left end and distinguished himself in several ble lo their con- ON "THIS LEWIS FUSS' WRITES IN "AMERICA" j gs against Louisiana during the past three seasons, was awarded an "L' servation, security, a W 'Mng a stone with the right hand, picking It up, then repeating the routin scription to the present economic sys- principle seems to be Involved. Its th fllmization would obviously draw pro- cle, he roundly denounces the practice \vi the left. Out of necessity, the traveler braked to a halt and asked the way tem of the United States. The Ameri- of birth control and mercy killings. to "is riialn highway. Old "Drop Stone" didn't move, didn't say a word. He can economic system, he claimed, is tests from Europe; we can think of a least two countries where it would no Concluding, Mr. Taaffe said, "With the went right on plckin' 'era up and settln' 'em down. After several shouts fo immoral, our human dignity Is debased rec be permitted to circulate. All In all, I birth controllers lopping off at one end, di tlons that went unanswered, our wandering boy became exasperated. He by it, and Anally, the Catholic social and the mercy killers at the other, Mi Hli''ity- '' . Contrary to general opinion the bulldog and the bloodhound an Bakery and Lunch Room 0 a concentration of wealth in the handi this: Lewis' book is about Fascism arf> 1g th< gentlest of the dogs that ever gnawed the seat of your pants. Look- of a few with consequent economic The other picture couldn't have made 570 EAST FORDHAM ROAD ing a bit '"rther we found that: A college graduate Is one who Is In a fog to domination and the destitution of th propaganda even for the extremely In- One Block Eait of Bathgate Ave, what took Place during the past four years and what will take place In the nex masses with a consequent economic in genious Soviets. The anti-Fasclsts per- NEW YORK CITY foi"' > • . f" parents college Is just like a washing machine. They get out of U security." sist In seeing the case as one of ex Ju^ *hat they put In but "it" never looks the same. . . . The old-fashioned girl wh° stepped out fit as a fiddle now has a daughter who comes home tight as a treme significance both from a liberal- 11 In conclusion Father Cox stated: "I art and social point of view, it may drL" ' , , • The difference between an athlete-scholar and a plain athlete; the is Christ as humanity, Who is hungry, former goes to school and gets paid fo'.' playing football while the latter goes to even be that Mr. Hays has been labeled OQ a naked, afflicted and desirous for a life a Fascist. Which is all extravagantly FOLEY'S scH l to P' y football and gets a salary for attending classes. evermore abundant. It Is He Whom we * • • silly. The dispassionate bystander must must feed, give to drink, clothe and begin to perceive the noisome odor 0 Vlj) "The Targe" we learn that "The Psychology of Getting Good Grades" console. Christ as humanity has need a red, red herring being drawn around NEWSSTAND adv'8*t the student to "be an industrious elbow shiner, a first class apple pol for our services, but Christ as God 1 the sacrosanct citadel of Artistic Lib- FORDHAM RD. (AT •ICKFORD'S) |tr)e'• 9 past master of the art of kidding." An elbow shiner, we are told, is a Himself their reward. If the leader 1 1 erty. Incidentally, we have noted the dun ' Vet wise student who, when the prof Is talking—and what prof doesn' and especially the Catholic leaders In campaign being carried on In Iocs like to talk~assume8 a Rodin statue pose, with elbow on desk as chin rests our perverted capitalistic system coul on h's knuckles, and looks at the professor admiringly, aye, worshipfully, as realize these things, the way would be theatres of hissing violently at Mr. h ' "what a wondrous man." open for a speedy reform. As it stands Hearst's Metrotone News. Holding no it is either reform or revolution by brief whatever for Mr, Hearst, we sus- some form of Fascism or Communism, pect that the originators of this schem King's Restaurant are quite as desplcnble as its object; And due to the blindness of capitalists Chinese and American Food Weekly Campus Photo some are becoming increasingly afraid that they are, In fact, Communists that It will he communism." Which is another proof that Commit 373 E. Fordham Road nlsts and their sympathizers are ad •KONX, N. Y. C. dieted to the worst possible manners Ideal Plac* for Student Lunch FORMER STUDENT DIES We must protest, however, against hav Ing our neck hissed upon; It's an anil Lunch 25c Dinner 35c IN JERSEY; WAR HERO social act! Special Dinner 50c to 75c Dr. John V. Ward, a former Fordhaii. ORDERS TO TAKE OUT student, who won three citations for Phone FOrdhara 4-9693 valor in the Medical Service during the World War, died recently. In the war, Dr. Ward won the French Croix do After the Game vim 111111 111111 mum': Guerre, the Wnr Cross of Italy and the Distinguished Service Cross of the Pay a visit to the Lido-Riviera COLLEGE AT MORAGA CAL FOR FIVE United States. YEARS HULL SPENT TMfc DAILY HOURS On his return from the war, he Restaurant and you will be D-A-N-C-l-N-G FROM 3 PM. IN EASY RELAX- studied at Fordham. For six months ATION, IN 1954 "SLIM" AWAKENED TO before his death, he abandoned his amazed at the quality of the •ttha A GOLDEN OPPORTUNITY, ASKED PER- practice to remain at the side of his MISSION TO ENROLL AS A SPECIAL ildest son, who wns stricken with mas- food, served In a pleasing STUDENT, AMD STARTED TO DEMOTE HIS CLUB LAY-OVER HOURS TO CLA55 WORK AND :oldltls. STUDY, TODAY HE RANK ON THE HIGH- manner, EST HONOR ROLL WITH A B+ AVERAGE Fordham men make this,res- FORDHAM AND HAS REFUSED SEVERAL PROMOTIONS FROM HIS ROAD IN ORDER TO COM- - ~—""A PLEIE Hft EDUCATION taurant their: headquarters Fordham Rd. and Jerome Ave. X , IM NOT THE Every Wed., M,, Sit., Sun. Eves. LITTLE SHADOW after the games. You Wlli find 1 USED TO BE' DANCIS and DINNIRS Dave Errj)lrjli;the"pi'oprletori • • ready towye thetesUo be Sunday, March 8 SPECIAL CONCESSIONS had at very reasonable prices, MAL HALLETT and HI. • In th. b.aulilul EMPIRE ROOM •"• NEW ENGLANDERS 1930 C0LLE6E FRATERNITIES Capacity lo 1000 a NED HOUSES VALUED AT OVER Inquire lonquel Monojor Lido-Riviera #73,000,000 11 i, MOTH. Sunday, March IE

; Restaurant FRANK REYSEN NUMBER 0( JUNIOR C0UK.15 IN PARAMOUNT USI MS(INCREASED FROM 25 FIFTEEN 4tth Strati, Wtit of Irtadway 313 East Klngibrldq* Road S MO, TO APPROXIMATELY 600 TODAY' and Hit Orehettra Ttltphont CH Ickwlng 4-7S4O 1111 r 1! 111111111 rrn rrr PAGE 7 Region of Hidden Purity Is Lost Before Faith, Maintains MAROON RIFLE TEAM Loyalty Increases WINS TWO, DROPS TWO Preacher In Second Lenten Discussion August L. Boyajian, '37, Sets Fordham Members Multiply; (The /olloicinj; selection U from Range Record in tion approaches—and the slimy thing novel, glances at every paper, goes Oilier Colleges Adopt "Things Temporal and Timeless" by Kev. J. P, Arendsen, a volume of can hardly approach without betraying with any company, joins In any talk, Essex Match Itself even from afar—a Catholic meditations published in England, laughs at any Joke, the mendacious New Society should spontaneously \ttter the cry: It has been deemed advisable for plea: "These things do not affect me, Since the last notice appeared, tho "Jesus, lover of chastity, Jesus, Son they make no Impression, I am Inured T|,e unKinu sec^eUnovement of devo- The RAM to publish one of Father R, O. T. C. Rile Team has engaged In of the Virgin Mary, JGBUS, mighty God, to them, they leave me cold, I only Crist entitled "The Legion of Arendaen's sermons each week dur- have mercy on me!" four matches, winning two and losing ing the Lenten period.,) want to know these things as a man lien lenity" In the Blessed Sacra. two. In the Latin Litany of the Holy of the world, otherwise I look a fool I" The most Important of tho four Lt besua at Fordham last year. Is In today's Epistle there Is a passion- Name there occurs the Invocation: It Is almost always a transparent He. matches was that held with the crack •adlng. Its number on the ate plea for purity. May It be taken to "A spirit!) fornicaliimi.1, liberti no.» lem" A matt whose eyes and eavs and lips rapidly si're - Essex Troop. This visiting team has heart In these our own days which and we translate It: "From the are habitually steeped In Impurities built up u reputation for Itself In the ins this year has Increased by camp seem to resemble those of Sodom and spirit of uncleanness, deliver us, O and does not get contaminated, has yet past two years. But much to the dismay vo hundred members over the original Gomorrha, at least If one considers the Jesus," The Church Is wise In putting to be born. Mere worldly prudence may !»•• of the Troop's moralo and record, the ,iv hundred. This movement has also torrents of foulness and filth conveyed It so plainly, for the breath of the un- keep him from great external mis- Fordham team came through with the mined entrance Into various other as news In the Press. Thank God there clean spirit is as that of a pestilence deeds, but he has evidently forgotten a best scoring to be seen in many a day V,istem colleges, among them Cani- is another side to the life of men, not from which there Is no escape, except part of the Sermon on the Mount In on the Fordham Range. Sharpshooter jllis College of Buffalo, and the College recorded In the daily papers. There are by the grace of God, To escape, a man which Christ says: "You have heard August h, Boyajian, 'isf, led his mates of New Rochelle. still thousands of homes where ]iiu1t> must pray and witch Incessantly, that It was said to them ot old: Thou with a range record of one hundred The Legion Is a totally secret society. reigns, though it does not court pub- A person, who had to face excep- shalt not commit adultery. But I say to mid ninety points. In compiling this There can, consequently, be no honors licity. Sin is blatant and noisy, virtue tional dangers to maintain purity, once you, that whosoever shall look on a wo- score, Boyajian turned In n perfect attached to Its membership before the Is still and loathes notoriety, and pro- snld to me: "Ah, well, many times n man to lust after her, hath already score from prone position. His team- I nubile eye, since there are uo offices, vides no spicy Items for public prill day, perhaps on top of a bus, or walk- committed adultery with her In his mate, Joseph L. Schilling, followed ,,o moderator, no dues, no meetings Vet, even making this allowance, ing in the street I say three Hall Miirys heart. If they right eye scandalize thee, with two "forty-nines" In prone and and no prescribed prayers. It is purely modern morals approach more and to Mary Immaculate, and God will see pluck It out and cast lt from thee. For sitting positions, with somewhat lower I a personal devotion, a personal mat- more those for which God rained fire me safe tor His Mother's snke." 1 it Is expedient for thee that one at'thy scores in the remaining stances to turn ter between Christ and the Individual and brimstone on the Cities of thi nodded and said: "Yes, 1 think Ho members should perish rather than thy In a total of one hundred and eighty- student who wishes to Join. And since Plain. And we Catholics live amongst will." It Is people who neglect prayer whole body be cast into hell." five. It all, though> as 8t. Paul sayi, God ha' this is so, the individual's only check who easily fall. They may Imagine that Stern words these, they are not the Showing a sharp reversal oE form called us not unto uncleanness, but is his own loyalty. One should think by nature they are above that sort ot exaggerations of an over scrupulous In their next matcn, the Rifle Team unto sanctlflcatlon In Christ Jesus our •sell then, before he joins, and not thing. They are, as they think, too re- simpleton, but the rigid law of Him lost by a margin of eighteen points to Lord. How to keep ourselves unspotted sign the card unless he means to keep spectable to demean themselves in who Is to judge the living and the dead. Roslyn. In this match Joseph L. Schil- In this present wicked world, such It the resolution. that way, such sins are for souls ot There are people who with perfect un- ling, '37, continued his consistent the problem which faces us Catholics Kvni the method of enlisting in tills coarser make, until they find out by concern allow their imaginations to be shooting by turning in a total of one throughout our lives. It Is a more di- society Is strictly secret. The cards for sad experience that refinement and re- seared and stained almost Incessantly, hundred and eighty-four. The high rectly pressing problem even than the total of the match, turned in by Piot- new members may be obtained from spectability are not enough, that It now by this, now by that, and yet maintenance of our faith, for not on< needs the help ot God to keep oneself boast that they are all right, because rowski of Roslyn, just shaded the a box in the rear of the Sacrct Heart man In a hundred loses his faith unless Fordham star's score with a total of cleun. they abstain from physical mischief. Chaple. The lower portion of the card, he has lost his purity first. one hundred and eighty-five. on which there Is no name, is to be Would to God that parents would They are living in a fool's paradise detached and placed 111 the receptacle Rlessed are tlm pure for they shnl teach their children from childhood on- and Judgment day will show them. inside the l>ox. Therefore merely the see God. Let a man keep chaste in ward the habit of prayer for purity, This Is the will of G-od, your sancti- number ol the members Is shown, and thought, wold and deed, and his eyes and suggest to them little aspirations flcattoii, so we are taught in this Sun- no list of names. will not be darkened so as not to see to the Virgin Mother and to St, John, day's epistle. If we wish to sanctify ALOA BAKERY & A member of the Legion of Hidden the light of God's truth. But how to the vlrgin-disclple, whom Jesua loved. our souls, beware lest we soil them in RESTAURANT Loyalty makes the resolve, which, keep untainted In our tainted atmos- But prayer without prudence would be the mire of sensualities, however however, does not bind under sin, that phere, how to resist the allurements contradiction. "Watch lest ye enter attractively decked out by cunning de- Corner 193rd A Webster Ave. lie will spend, over and above the from without and our weakness from Into temptation." Not Infrequently one vices, let us keep ciose to Jesus, the SPECIAL STUDENT LUNCHEON within? St. Paul answers us: "In times he is otherwise obliged to do so, hears from a person, who goes to any lover of chastity and Mary, the Maiden, Sandwiches, Cakes—Coffee dt Cream 5c ten consecutive minutes before the Christ Jesus our Lord." When tempta- cinema, sees any show, reads any who never knew sin. Blessed Sacrament at any time, In any church or chapel, once each week. And in so doing he has for his main pur- Chemists' Club pose the cultivation In his heart of a personal manly love for Christ In the Hears Dr. Ormsby Blessed Sacrament. Tho pledge, when liken once, need not be remade, for the resolve Is understood to be binding Relationship Between Medi- HALF I HALF MAKES while he Is a student at Fordham Col- lege. cine UIMI Chemistry Brought Out IDR.F.SCHAEFFER ADDRESSES FORUM A talk outlining the relationship be- ONE SWELL SMOKE! tween chemistry and medicine was de- (Continued from page 1) livered at the meeting of the Chemis- •mlnatlona into two sections. First, of try Club on Thursday. The speaker was Doctor Thomas Ormsby, '30, now at- person; and second, of position. His tached to Fordhnm Hospital. investigation of person Is based on the One of the diseases in which the use religious, mental, emotional, social of chemistry is extremely Important, and physical status of the individual; according to Dr. Ormsby, Is diabetes. lliat Is, the effects which church, Indus- This is a chemical disease, nnd a chem- iry. school, recreation, state and fam- ical, Insulin, is useil in treating It. One ily have had upon the person. of the demonstrations performed by the His test of position has the follow- doctor employed insulin. A rubblt was Ing points to be considered: 1) Suita- injected with an extremely large quan- bility of position to person; 2) service tity of it, anil since this chemical re- if position to society; 3) satisfaction duces sugar In the blood the animul derived from position; 4) Immediate was taken with convulsions, A solution and future returns; 5) opportunity for of glucose placed in the animals stom- ™plo>-inent; 6) opportunity for ad- ach relieved the convulsions. vancement; 7) health conditions; and Chemistry is also used extensively in •I social divisions. taking X-rays. Fatty tissues do not or- After the talk Dr. Schaefer answered dinarily react i»» a plate, but a chemical "I questions put to him concerning vo- Injection makes different organs visible. rational guidance. He also gave the »»es of several books which he rec- The third section of the lecture con- omniendeil for aid in choosing a career. sisted in u demonstration of the effects of iimistheslu. A solution ot averttn, a new drug, was injected rectully Into a dog. The reaction consisted In having OBITUARIES the dog fall into u deep sleep. An oper- ation was then performed In which the le """'•tne faeuTtyandthesfuoieiu intestines were removed. There seemed dy exle'"l their condolences to Jack to bo no signs of suffering on the part of the animal. 7' Gl'"(ll""« Manager of Athletics, »'no death of his mother, Mrs. Eliza- m Coney, last Tuesday. "Everyone Is as God made him, and | frequently much worse."—Cervantes. "Of mlddlo ago the boat that can be T1'e HAM, the student body and the Meet your pipe half-way. Pack it with Half & Half, aald Is that a middle-aged person lias „ "ly Mt<-'"<1 their sympathy to Fr. H KU1 1 Oi) likely luarnod how to bsve a little fun Cool as Big Ben's: "Come on, Fellow; scram!" Sweet £*! ' ' ' ' °» '"« recent In »plte of his troubles."—Don Mantuls. I lh »' bis father "The Almost I'orfoct Statu." as recalling: "It's Sunday . . . hurrah!" Fragrant, full- bodied tobacco that won't bite the tongue—In a tin that won't bite the fingers. Made by our exclusive modern process including patent No. 1,770,920. WANTED: Smells good. Makes your pipe welcome any- SNAPSHOTS of you and your friends where, Tastes good. Your password to pleasure! + + Net • Mt *4 MM Id MM *•*•"• «• "»• TtUwilw Tin, wM«h lata inullw ami MMtUf Freshmen -:- Sophomores -:- Juniors •:• Seniors •i ytu iwuaj »h« MMM& N* MHm fhffirt M y«i ruch fur a load, a«tn tht mat cm. Coprrliht I9S1, Tin Aiinrlnn Tubuoo Company FOR The 1936 Maroon A L F % H A L F Leave, in envelope with your name at the switchboard FOR MM CIOARITTI PAGE 8 FORDHAM RAM. March 6, 1936 Campus Sunset Down-Town School . O'Connor '37 Talks DAV D W. JORDAN '29 On Church Liturgy RECENTLY MARRED To Stage Lenten The feglon of Fordham benedict* ceived a new member recentlv i Drama To-morrow David William Jordan, ••>f Seton Academy and the'r ity, Wednesday. Phonographic record- lege of Mount St. Vincent. The comt will present "Via Dolorosa," the annual are at iresent on their wedding t-i! Lenten play, in the Collins Auditorium Ings of simple Gregorian and poly- in Havi na and on their return , tomorrow night. On the afternoon of phonic chant served to illustrate the make their home in Pen Van \- March 8th there will be a special in- points considered. vitation performance for the religious Tracing the music of the liturgy of New York. from the first half-sung, half-spoken chants of the catacombs, the speaker the BenJdictlnes for the elimination 0 This production is unique in view of more rehent abuses were the uiscl| The cross on Administration silhouetted against the evening sky. the fact that it presents a series of told of Its first being systematized by slon's concluding considerations The tableaux representing the Way of the Ambrose of Milan and of its later and Kyrie frhm Bach's B Minor Mass was Editor Reveals Cross. Considerable care has been taken much more comprehensive revision by played tb illustrate the excessive ele S/xmis/i Club Plant to make these tableaux as authentic Gregory the Great. It was pointed out Banco decried by the disciples of t|,|s Luncheon for April 8 jnd artistic as possible. Research on that Gregorian music gradually lost its latest reform. Congregational singing Maroon Progres the personages present at Dolorous original purity. Church music of every rather tlan elaborate choral iierforn Way has been an exciting and worth- kind escaped condemnation by the ance is t le religious ideal. At the meeting of March 4, the while experience. It led to a study ol Council of Trent almost entirely The Eistern Churches will lie Hie Freshman Campaign a Sue Spanish Club laid plans for a the famous paintings of the Middle through the efforts of Palestrina, subject >f an address by James p luncheon at the Lido-Riviera, to whose polyphonic contributions re- Kane, '3(, at the Sodality's next meet! cess; Sporls 'Layouts' to take place April S. This will con- Ages and the Renaissance which were inspired by the Passion of Our Saviour. stored It to its former standard of ex- ing, Wed lesday. The speaker, who will Appear Monday stitute the annual celebration of lecture at the "Maroon" '37. The author has written sympa- by a group from the celebrated choir of i - thetically in behalf of this much would definitely appear on the cam the Pius X School of Liturgical Music. 5 Paris Chevrolet Corp. pus May 25. maligned French ruler. The other main The entire production is under the Dedication Announced Today 3tudent contributors were: Louis Ma- supervision of Professor David Powers, I Gentlemen: The Individual to whom the book rella '30, John Dunn '38, Louis Spina Director of Dramatics. The officers ol " I am Interested in the new 1936 Chevrolet. I would like a demon- will be formally dedicated will be made '37, John Latella '37, Robert J. Lane the Fordham Friars are: James E. Mc- stration and prices. public after today's special meeting of '38, Edward T. Herlng '3C and William Nerney, President; Horace Sharrow, the senior class. Father Ignatius W. J. Dillon '30. The death of the late Eng- Vice-Presldent; Gerard Napoletano, Cox, S.J., Professor of Ethics In Secretary; Frederick D. Webber, Treas- lish monarch. George V, Is the subject urer; Raymond G. Helenek, Business Senior, was the dedicatee of the 1935 3f this issue's editorial. "Maroon." The decision of this year's Manager. class will be announced in the next Is- sue of The RAM. The traditional Senior Preferenc List will also be voted at the meeting. This unofficial compendium of Ford- ham likes and dislikes will lnclud< among other items the wittiest profes- sor, the favorite sport, newspaper an: magazine, and finally, the Inevitable, the favorite girls' college. Freshman Campaign Successful The novel method of mailing letters to the parents of me freshman class to acquaint them with the "Maroon' and to solicit their patronage, ha! proven a dUtlnct success. Hercules G Oiassi, "Maroon" Business Mumigei who directed the campaign, expresse- the belief that future "Maroon" staff! would incorporate this policy In tool: activity. Sports Layouts to Appear William J. AdamB, '31}, Sports Editoi of the "Maroon," will post the first o the long-awaited "layouts" on the main bulletin board this week. Action shot! of all the major athletic encounters group photographs of the various teams and their accompanying write- ups, will be Included In this section Other sectors of tne book will regu- larly appeur on the campus an anon as they come oft the presses

WHISKEY AUTHORITY TO ADDRESS CHEMISTS At the next meeting of the Chemists Glut', to be held Tuesduy, the group will ha uddrunBed by Dr. J. M. Uovan, UIB Federal Administrator or Distilled Spirits Industry. Dr, Dormi, who was formerly the Federal Administrator of Prohibition, will explain the processes Involved In the manufacture of wills key and the elementary chemistry of distilled spirits. At presont nil the Ilituar cotnHunleB lire regulated liy Dr. Dnraii, In Hint they lutlst conform to rngiilntlonx specified by tlio Koveriltneut, Dr. Doraii's rowir In the field of whiskey mnnuMctiirlii,' ranks him as im authority on thu sub- ject, KIUHOUH IIH ii luelurer, Dr, Dni'iui has Induced ut various oollogtis In Mm Iliiltiid Stiitos, Including Vale, In vluw of IIIH exporlaiiuu In llin nluuhnllu ||gli| Illo locturu proinlstw I" ho nun of tit*' OlltsllllldlllK lllOOlllIKH Of till) Clll)llif$t»f Club this your. To iicciiiinnniliilu thr liti'Ku utUlidnucc! that Is oxtiactad, thu muullilK will I w hultl In tliu mi at li![-- Itiro room In Prooninn Hull,