Council Debaters German Club Plans The Review Defeat Juniata Elocution Contest "The Story of Mexico" Told An innovation in the way of elo- By On Court Powers cution contests is being planned By Metropolitan Socialists Thomas by the German club, under whose Meet Brooklyn in Contest auspices Fordham's first German Fitzmorris Public Speaking Contest will be Five Speakers Trace History of Cullioli^Perseculion Before On League Sanctions held this month. Charles V. Boyle, Audience of 400i in Colliiy/ Auditorium; Against Italy 37, proposer of the novel plan, ex- THIS plains that he does not Intend to Madigan, '37,Represeyffs Fordham Entering its busiest season, the furnish hostile competition to FUSS Council of Debate last week engaged other speaking contests but rather •T/e "Story of Mexico" has been told. ABOUT In two intercollegiate contests, emerg- to cooperate with them, and help "Man the Mysterious" Byore an audience of over four hun- LEWIS' ing with a victory over Juniata Col- to further their common aim. Five Theme for Conference id people gathered in Collins Audlto- lege on Thursday and the experience members of the club have already ium.Sodalistsirom "LATEST" of a no-declsion meeting with Brooklyn submitted their entries. The spring session of the Fold Catholic colleges In BOOK College, Friday. The Council speakers the metropolitan who won unanimously In the former ham University Conferences will/| begin on Sunday, March 8, ami/ area narrated on debate were Laurence Donoghue '37 will continue each Sunday during Sunday afternoon I II has been the time-honored custom and Edward McDermott '3(1. Debaters Glee Club To Give March. The conferences will be the history of per- of the Intellectual to deprecate the mo- in the latter were William Coogan '37, conducted in the Fordham Uni- se c u11 o n of the tion picture medium. In the beginning, John Holahau '36, and Raphael Mur- Thirteenth Annual versity Chapel by Father Jaime Church In Mexico. or as Is generally said in the movie phy '36. At the Juniata Contest, John Castlello, S.J., Professor of Educa- The Colleges of columns, back in the old Blograph Hayes, President of the Council, acted tional Psychology in the Gradu- New Rochelle, St. as Chairman. Concert March 18 days, It was considered puerile enter- ate School. John's, Good Coun- tainment, idly amusing as a novelty Congressional Powers The general title of the Confer- sel, Fordham and and terrifically funny as a form of artis- The issue of the Juniata engagement Sell-Om at Town Hall Seen; ences is "Man the Mysterious." Mount St. Vincent tic expression. Then, as more and more was a topic currently important—Re- John P. Kearney, '36, This will be subdivided Into "The united in a reveal- of the arty stage personages sold their solved: That a two-thirds vote of Con- to Be Soloist •Mystery of Man's Urges," "TheMya- ing expose of the stock-company birthrights for bunga- gress should over-ride un act of the tery of Man's Giving," "The background of the Fr' Moore, S.J. Supreme Court declaring an act of Mystery of Man's Achievements" lows on Mallbu Beach, the movies came The thirteenth annual performance present trouble and the difficult con- Congress unconstitutional. and "The Mysterious Man." In for a share of critical benevolence as :>f tlie Fordham Glee Club at Town ditions which confront all Catholics In the most democratic vehicle ol drama. The Juniata orators, stressing the Hall will be held Wednesday evening, The Conferences will start at I that country. Miss Margaret Wilson, The legitimate stage, meanwhile, had point that such power of Congress is March is. Several 4:00 P. M. There will be a special Mr. Clement Driscoll, Miss Annette progressed correspondingly from Eu- ;he final measure of a bill's constitu- h u n d r e d tickets musical program at each confer- Cunningham, Mr. John Madigan and gene Walter to Eugene O'Neill, and, tionality, called it "the co-natural com- have been disposed ence. No tickets of admission are Miss Margaret Fitzgerald, In the order required. since now the movies have reached the pliment of American democracy, not of through the mem- named, represented the above institu- point where they have actually to be hitherto recognized." They indicated bers of the club. The Spring Conferences last tions. curbed In the matter of indecent rep- that this Congressional prerogative of Other tickets were year were conducted by Father The opening address of welcome to resentation, certain interests have ultimate recourse Is, and has been a put nn sale lu the Michael J. Mahony, S.J., Professor the speakers, and to the members of of Philosophy at Fordham Grad- raised a new cry against the provin- part of the Constitution, the use of Recreation H o o m the audience was delivered by James uate School. The theme of the cialism of the screen. A lack of "social which has never before been required. Monday, and the B. Welch, '30, Prefect of the Immacu- awareness" has been perceived in the Against this case, the Fordham talks was "The Outstanding Re- late Conception Sodality, and the first Glee Club expects volts of Modern Thought." programs emanating from Hollywood. speakers argued that in the form of to perform to a full speech of the symposium was given by Policy of Profit (Continued on page 3) house. Miss Wilson. In a clear outline of the Attention has been focussed on this origins of the problem, together with Frank Baine '36 is the historical facts of that country's point by the recent fuss over Sinclair Chairman of the af- Hughes Votes To Lewis' book, "It Can't Happen Here." early days she revealed "Mexico Con- French Club fair. Chairmen of quered by Spain." Miss Wilson laid Charges have been made with reckless the various corn- Condone Vivisection great emphasis on the religious purpose abandon by people with axes to grind to Begins New Work follows: Tickets— which inspired Spain's actions In the the effect that the ogre of Censorship Chui'les Bauer '3(i; Patrons—Peter 0. New World quite as much as the desire Is throttling the social consciousness DIrr 'itli; Correspondence — James B. Doty anil Robinson Argue for material gains. of the movies. Now, apart from the French "Ratio Stiidioriim" Welch "ill; Programs—Joseph A. Coyle book itself, it will be Interesting to '3G. Over Dismembering Clement Driscoll, St. John's Sodal- Ist, took up the narrative at this discover Just what all the agitation is to Be Translated Fifteen New Numbers of Animals about and—what is most Important— point. The title of his address, "Mexico by Members The program will consist of fifteen Christianized by the Church," reveals who Is doing nil Ihe agitating. In the new numbers exclusive of the usual "Resolved that the practice of vlve- flrst place, the book was not banned as section is unethical ana impractical" the topic he treated. The point which College group. Among the numbers he endeavored to impress upon the Him matter by the Legion of Decency; Under the guidance of Moderator which have been selected nre: "Deep was debuted at the Hughes meeting It was not officially banned at all. The Buslle G. D'Ouakil, Ph.D., L.L.B. and Monday. Due.to the absence of two of hearers was the benefits which accom- River," "Spirit Flower," "One Who panied the conversion of the masses of producers contemplating its produc- Edmund V. O'Siilllvan, A.B., assistant the debaters, the discussion was car- Has Yearned Alone," "Lamentations" the Mexican natives. The great Influx tion were dissuaded from going ahead ried on by the two present arguers, moderator, the members of the French and "Cosl Cosa." The latter number of priests from Spain, the secular as with the project. This was in accord- Club have undertaken the translation hus been specially arranged by Dr. William h. Doty '39 and James R. Rob- well as religious education which they mice with a policy of the movie Indus- if foreign manuscripts Into English. Frederic Joslyu, Director of the dlee inson '39. The latter assumed the bur- gave the peons, and the great schools try which Is much older than the Le- Father Charles Deane, S.J., Dean of Club. den of the affirmative, while Mr. Doty and universities which these teaching sion of Decency, which, as a matter of .he College, has appointed the French A solo will be rendered by John P. defended the negative. priests erected were the main points fact, concerns Itself only with the moral Club as official translators of "Les Ped- Kearney '30, President of the Qlee A hoard of critic Judges, composed which he developed. and purely social aspects of film pro- Dgogle dos Jesuites uu XVI Siecle" by Club. Peter Patera '30 and Timothy F. of Donald C, Wilson '39 and Edward ductions. Since Hollywood became the Father J. B. Herman, S.J. J. Movoney '39, was appointed. In giv- United States Treated Hartnett '38 will piny a plnno duet. A compelling survey of the relations renter of the industry and the great This Is the beat compendium of the The club has been practicing Wednes- ing the verdict of the committee, Mr. International distributor of motion pic- Wilson awarded the honors of the between "Mexico and the United 3ystem of Jesuit education written In days and Sundays In addition to the States" was the next step in the story tures, It has developed certain logical French. The plan has u two-fold pur- regular Tuesday rehearsal In anticipa- afternoon to the negative, with Mr.
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