Statistical Analysis of the Baltic Maritime Traffic
RESEARCH REPORT NO VAL34-012344 30.09.02 Statistical Analyses of the Baltic Maritime Traffic Customer: Finnish Environment Institute Ministry of Traffic and Communications VTT TECHNICAL RESEARCH CENTRE OF FINLAND VTT INDUSTRIAL SYSTEMS 1 (152) Public X Registered in VTT publications register JURE Confidential until / permanently Internal use only Title Statistical Analyses of the Baltic Maritime Traffic Customer or financing body and order date/No. Research report No. Finnish Environment Institute and Ministry of Traffic and VAL34-012344 Communications Project Project No. SEASTAT-1 V1SU00072 Author(s) No. of pages/appendices Jorma Rytkönen, Liisa Siitonen, Timo Riipi, Jukka Sassi, 110 /44 Juhani Sukselainen Keywords Baltic sea, oil transportation, maritime traffic, port development Summary The Baltic Sea, the largest brackish body of water in the world, has always been an important sea route connecting the Nordic countries and Russia to continental Europe. Surrounded by nine countries, it also has some of the densest maritime traffic in the world. In addition, the Baltic Sea has proved to be an important inter-modal link between various logistical chains, and moreover, a link to Russia. The Baltic Sea has also served a crucial role as a route for the gas pipeline from Russia to Europe. During recent decades, there has been a significant increase in maritime traffic, specifically in container vessel traffic throughout the world. The traffic in the Baltic area has not only increased, but the nature of the traffic has also changed rapidly. Today, many of the shipping routes consist of frequent traffic, where fast ships are running between seaports on a fixed timetable.
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