Transport System of the Nordic Triangle
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TRANSPORT SYSTEM OF THE NORDIC TRIANGLE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY FOR THE ROAD E18 E18 FOREWORD The transport corridor of the Nordic Trianglelinks the Nordic capitals to each other, Russia and Loviisa (a semi-motorway) have been opened to traffic. The sections Paimio - Muurla, Lohja - central Europe. It is one of the transport schemes prioritised by the EU. In Finland, the Nordic Lohjanharju and part of Ring Road III are under construction and the conditions of the border Triangle covers the road and rail connections from Turku to the eastern border via the capital crossing have been improved. Along the E18, there have been experiments with changing speed region. The sea routes, ports and airports of the area are also part of the transport system. The limits and corridors for wildlife as well as landscape and environmental art. Many land use and Nordic Triangleis a central part of the transport system that serves the whole country. business opportunities opened by the new road have been taken. Multimodal Development Strategy for the development of the transport system of the Nordic The key objective of this report is to define a new development strategy as part of the transport Trianglehas been made. It addresses the needs for and preconditions of developing the transport system of the Nordic Triangleand to review and update the basis for the development of the E18. infrastructure as well as the projects and their timing as part of the balanced development of the Information on the main directions of the development policy of the E18 is needed in regional, whole transport system. The Civil Aviation, Maritime, Rail and Road Administrations have municipal and corporate decision-making on activities and land use. participated in the work. The production of this report has been steered by a working group consisting of the The European Road E18 is an essential part of the Nordic Triangle in Finland. It is a road representatives of the Road Districts of Turku, Uusimaa and South-eastern Finland and the connection from the ports of Turku and Naantali to the Vaalimaa border crossing via the capital Central Administration. The report has been drawn up under the direction of Mr. Pekka Jokela region. The national and international significance of the E18 has necessitated defining its role and (Road Administration) by LT Consultants Ltd (Lic.Sc. (Tech.) Kari Lautso, M.Sc. Timo Kärkinen) development strategy as a part of the transport system. with the following subconsultants: Mr. Kari Hietala (Kari Hietala Ltd), Senior Researcher Christer "The Development Study European Road E18" was completed in April 1995 and contained the Pursiainen (Nordregio) and Mr. Antti Saurama and Mr. Tapio Karvonen (Centre for Maritime first holistic examination of the E18, a road that consists of several sections. The report defined the Studies, University of Turku). development strategy and programme for the E18. Helsinki, January 2003 Subsequently, the implementation has proceeded mainly as proposed in the Study. The Finnish Road Administration sections Turku - Paimio, western part of Ring Road III, Porvoo - Koskenkylä and Koskenkylä - Contents Foreword ....................................2 The E18 - The Development Strategy ..............3 The E18 - The International Role ..................4 The E18 - The Role in Finland as a Part of the Nordic Triangle ..................6 The E18 - The Traffic............................8 The E18 - The Development Needs and Special Features of Implementation .......10 The E18 - The Construction Projects and Implementation ......................12 2 The E18 - The Impacts .........................14 THEE18 - THE DEVELOPMENT STRATEGY E18 - THE ROLE AND DEVELOPMENT PRINCIPLES THE GOALS AND MEANS OF IMPLEMENTATION The transport system of the Nordic Trianglewith its roads, The target is a high-quality transport system with its termi- Long-term commitment to the Development Programme of railways, ports and airports is a central part of the transport sys- nals, border crossings, services and environment, serving the the E18 will be sought from the Government and Parliament tem that serves the whole country, southern Finland and whole society. The goal is to construct the motorway con- in the programmes of governments and in state budgets. many cities. Its international importance is high as it serves the nection Turku - Helsinki - Hamina by 2015 so that the sec- IMPACTS bulk of Finland's exports, imports and international passenger tions Turku - Helsinki and that of Hamina are completed by transport. The Nordic Triangleis the most significant connec- 2008 and the section Helsinki - Hamina in 2015. Additionally, The development of the Nordic Triangleand the E18 is a re- tion between the EU and Russia and an EU-prioritised the Hamina - Vaalimaa section will be upgraded into a motor- sponse to societal and transport demand. They promote scheme in the Trans-EuropeanTransportNetworks (TEN). way in stages following the demand of traffic. Finland's exports, imports, competitiveness and employ- ment. The development of the E18 will put into practice The E18 is a central element of the Nordic Triangle.The need transport policy goals of the MinTC and support the fulfilment for intermodality and the development of port, airport and The projects will be realised as sufficiently large aggregates of the land use development needs emerging from the freight station connections are highlighted in its role. The de- in order to ensure their economy and efficiency. The lifespan growth of cities and the goals expressed by the Regional velopment of the Nordic Trianglesupports regional and local costs are minimised by applying new selection procedures. In Councils, municipalities and business life of the impact area. programmes of economic development. Reliability, function- order to facilitate funding, partnerships with the private Developing the E18 improves traffic safety and is profitable. ality, traffic safety and environmental values are emphasised in sector,TEN funding from the EU and, if necessary, loans from Commitment to the Implementation Programme (p. 13) planning and design. In addition, the roadside landscape and the European Investment bank will be sought. Planning and the high-quality design of the road environment as well as the would remove the uncertainty that hinders the realisation of design will progress so as to maintain preparedness for the land use and other investments related to the E18. As the arrangement of the telematic and other services for road us- implementation on a high level. ers make their special demands. objective is the construction of a motorway, only measures improving safety are carried out on the existing road. The European Road E18 in Finland Lahti Kouvola Forssa Riihimäki Naantali Hyvinkää 7 E18 Hamina 1 E18 Turku Loviisa Kotka Salo 50 Porvoo Lohja motorway motorway under construction Helsinki missing section Hanko Gulf of Finland 0 50 km 3 THEE18 - THE INTERNATIONAL ROLE EU TRANSPORT POLICY A NEW, SUSTAINABLE TRANS-EUROPEAN TRANSPORT NETWORKS THE NORDIC TRIANGLE IS AMONG THE KEY BALANCE OF TRANSPORT MODES (TEN) EUROPE'S KEY TRANSPORT SCHEMES OF THE TEN It is the goal of the EU to ensure the competitiveness of The most important parts of the European transport net- The multimodal Nordic Triangleis part of the TEN and con- European countries among the other economic powers of works form the Trans-European Networks (TEN). They sists of roads, railways, ports, terminals and airports. It links the world. This has been contributing to the implementation cover road and rail networks, airports as well as sea and the capitals of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark to of the principle of the free movement of people, goods and inland ports. The E18 is part of the TEN road network in each other and further to central Europe and Russia. The services. Integration and free movement require good Finland. transport corridor is the most significant connection between transport connections and supporting service systems. The so-called Pan-European Transport Networks comple- the EU and Russia. EU transport policy directions have been sketched in the ment the TEN outside the EU. Their most important corri- The Nordic Triangle has been designated among the pri- White Paper "European Transport policy for 2010: time to dors and areas have been defined in Crete in 1994 and in mary schemes of the TEN. The Finnish section of its transport decide" where attention is paid to the means of mitigating the Helsinki in 1997. For Finland, the most important ones are: system comprises an east-west transport corridor with its negative impacts of transport. - transport corridor 1, Helsinki - Tallinn- Riga - Warsaw roads, railways, ports and airports. The E18 from Turkuto the Directions that affect the development of the E18 are e.g. - transport corridor 9A, Helsinki - St. Petersburg - Moscow eastern border Vaalimaa border crossing via the capital region the promotion of intermodality and sea transport ("the - the Euro-Arctic TrafficArea of Barents. is its central part. motorways of the sea" and the high-quality connections of The development of the Nordic Triangle and the above The continuation of the E18 to St. Petersburg and Moscow ports and terminals), special emphasis on the peripheral areas schemes also support the Northern Dimension of the EU. is among the extra-EU connections whose development the of the Community and the goal of halving the number of According to the EU, the TEN funding will increase because EU supports in order to enlarge