DREAMS OVERVIEW (fy 2016-2019)

PEPFAR DREAMS Country Funding Level DREAMS districts  COP 15-18

$51,243,140 (FY16-19)

Country Context

Total Population¹ 14,229,541

10-14 years: 826,836 Total Women¹ 15-19 years: 776,317 20-24 years: 754,420

HIV Prevalence among 15-19 years: 3.9% Women² 20-24 years: 8.1%

HIV Incidence among 15-24 years: 0.53% Women² Geographic Focus Areas

1. 5. Mazowe Median age at first birth³ 20.3 years 2. 6. 3. 4. Makoni 15-19 years: 17% Women who are married³ 20-24 years: 57.4% Number of AGYW Reached Women with some secondary 15-19 years: 76.3% 337,228 reached in FY16-18 Q2 school education³ 20-24 years: 66.8% 209,221 targeted FY18-19 Women reporting first sex 13-24 years: 40.7% as coerced4 Priority Populations Women reporting sexual 13-24 years: 8.5% AGYW 9-24 violence in past year4 • • AGYW and their caregivers from economically vulnerable households Women who had early 16-24 years: 7% Young women selling sex sexual debut4 (<15 years)4 • • GBV survivors SOURCES: • Adolescent boys and young men 1. Census 2015 Projection 3. DHS 2015 • Community and religious leaders, teachers 2. ZIMPHIA 2016 4. VACS 2011 ZIMBABWE DREAMS OVERVIEW (fy 2016-2019)

Prime Implementing Partners

• FHI360 • Population Services International • World Education, Inc. • Catholic Relief Services • Family AIDS Caring Trust • International Training and Education Center for Health • UNICEF • Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Private Sector Activities

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation

Impact Evaluation and Implementation Science Activities: • Evaluate the impact of DREAMS at the individual and community level in diverse epidemiological and social contexts.

Gilead Sciences

• PrEP donation supporting 1,458 young women in FY18 and 2,010 in FY19.

Johnson & Johnson

• Conducted a DREAMS journey mapping workshop in-country to generate insights directly from AGYW on their needs and meaningful ways to address the epidemic among AGYW. Findings were shared with country teams to further inform DREAMS programming.