~ Published by Authority

Vol, LXVII, No. 31 9th JUNE, 1989 Price 40c

General Notice 307 of 1989. The service to operate as follows-— ROAD MOTOR TRANSPORTATION ACT [CHAPTER 262] (a) depart Monday and Wednesday 3 p.m., arrive Musume 6.49 p.m.; ; Applications in Connexion with Road Service Permits (b) depart Thursday 4 p.m. arrive Gweru 8.36 p.m.; IN terms of subsection (4) of section 7 of the Road Motor (c) depart Harare Saturday 6.30 a.m., arrive Musume . Transportation Act [Chapter 262], notice is hereby given that 1.52 p.m.; the applications detailed in the Schedule, for the issue or (d) depart Harare Sunday 5.30 pm.,, arrive Gweru amendment. of road service permits, have been received for 9.28 p.m.; the consideration of the Controller of Road Motor Trans- portation, (e) depart Musume Tuesday 6 am., arrive Gweru Any person wishing to object to any such application, must 9.49 a.m; lodge with the Controller of Road Motor Transportation, (f) depart Musume Thursday and Sunday 6 am., arrive P.O. Box 8332, Causeway— Harare 1.22 p.m; (a) a notice, ‘in writing. of his intention to object, so as to (g) depart Gweru Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive Harare 8.43 p.m. reach the Controller's office not later than the 30th June, 1989; Mverechena Bus Service (Pvt.) Ltd. (b) his objection and the grounds therefor, on form R.M.T. 76075188. 24, together with two copies thereof, so as to reach the Permit: 27410. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: Controller’s office not later than the 2Ist July, 1989. Any person objecting to an application for the issue or Route: Mucherengi - - Lions Den - Alaska Mine - amendment of a road service t must confine his grounds - Banket - Rukodzi - Raffingora - Munyoro - of objection to matters directly bearing on the considerations Mudindo - Guruve - Bakasa - Msengezi Turn-off - Mazheru - referred to in paragraph (a), , {c), (d), (e) or (f) of section Masomo School - Msengezi Mission - Kadzi. 8 of the said Act. By: _ €. HAMA, 9-6-89, (a) Introduction of Doma interstage to the existing route Acting Controller of Road Motor Transportation, between Mucherengi and Mangura, only. SCHEDULE (b) Alteration to times. MOTOR-OMNIBUSES The service operates as follows— 7. * Amendments (a) depart Mucherengi Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday 8 a.m., arrive Kadzi.2 p.m, E. Mabodza, t/a Moyomuchena Bus Service. (b) depart Mucherengi Sunday 12.45 pm., arrive Kadzi 750UBB. Permit: 26921. Motor-omnibus, Passenger-capacity: 6.45 p.m; (c) depart Kadzi Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Sunday Route: Harare - - Kadoma - - - 6 a.m., arrive Mucherengi 12 noon. - - T. Tombs - Mataga - Musume. The serviceto operate as follows— By: Alteration to times. (a) depart Mucherengi Tuesday. Thursday and Saturday The service operates as follows— 8 a.m., arrive Kadzi 2.36 p.m.; (a) depart Gweru Monday and Wednesday 3 pm., arrive (b) depart Mucherengi Sunday 1 p.m., arrive Kadzi Musume8.04 p.m.; . 7.36 p.m.; (b) depart Harare Thursday 4 p.m., arrive Gweru 8.36 p.m.; (c) depart Kadzi Monday, Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday (c) depart Harare Saturday 6.30 am., arrive Musume 6 a.m., atrive Mucherengi 12.32 p.m. 1 2 p.m. (d) depart Harare Sunday 5.30 pm. arrive Gweru Additionals 10.06 p.m.; Z. Maplanka, - (e) depart Musume Tuesday 6 a.m., arrive Gweru 9.54 a.m.: 0/187/88. Motor-omnibus. Passenger-capacity: 76. (f) depart Musume Thursday and Sunday 6 am, arrive Route: Harare 2.30 p.m.; Sihore - Ndolwane - Khami Camp - Manguba - Kanguwo - Luvuluma - Chonsunsu - Ngwana - Mpini - (g) depart Gweru Friday 4.30 p.m., arrive Harare 9.06 p.m. Plumtree - Figtree - .


| Truckafrica (Pvt.) Lid. Theservice operates as follows— Permits: 23958 and and Sunday6 a.m., G/30 and 31/89. Two goods-vehicles. (a) depart Sihore Monday to Thursday each. | a a.m.; 23959. Load: 7 000 kilograms, arrive Bulawayo 10.30 Post and 1 p.m., arrive Bulawayo an 80-kilometre radius of the General (b) depart Sihore Friday 5 am Area: Within . 8.23 a.m, and.§.23 p.m., respectively; Office, Harare. and | and merchandise of all kinds. (c) depart Bulawayo Monday to Thursday, Saturday Nature of carriage: Goods, wares Sihore 3.30 p.m.; Sunday 11 a.m., arrive By: arrive Sihore 12.23 p.m. and sub- (d) depart Bulawayo Friday 9 a.n., a) Deletion of the existing area of operation 21695 a 20-kilometre radius of the post application is made to reinstate permit ®) stitution of “Within . Note.—This with access to Harare.”. which expired on 3lst January, 1988. office, , existing nature of carriage and sub- (b) Deletion of the . © stitution of “Granite blocks and quarry requirements. _GOODS-VEHICLES kilograms. Amendments — | ~ (©) Increase in load to 30000 =~ 7 Ferguson and Palermo(Pvt.) Ltd. Additionals 14974. Goods-vehicle. Load: 8 400 kilo- G/538/88. Permit: K, Chidavaenzi. Goods-vehicle. Load: 30000 kilograms. an 80-kilometre radius of General Post Office, G/203/88. Area: Within | West Province, with access to : Bulawayo. | Area: Within Mashonaland of ail kinds. . a Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise Harare. of carriage: Agricultural produce and requirements. By: Increase in load to 30 000 kilograms. Nature Transport. _ G/539, 541 and 542/88. Three goods-vehicles Permits: 19584, H. W. Greef, t/a Western 19585 and 19586. Load: 35000kilograms, each. G/577/88. Goods-vehicle. Load: 17000 kilograms. office, post ; Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the Area: . (1) Throughout . and merchandise of all kinds. Nature of carriage: Goods, wares (2) Bulawayo - Harare - . ofexisting area of ‘operation and substitution of By: Deletion carriage: “Within Matabeleland North and South provinces.”, Nature of (1) Livestock and game. 10 000 kilo- G/540/88. Goods-vehicle. Permit: 19582. Load: (2) Agricultural produce and requirements. grams. (3) Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. radius of the post office, Hwange. and game, Area: Within a 25-kilometre - Condition: Route 1: for the carriage of livestock Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise ofall kinds. only. | By: . Four goods-vehicles. Load: 8 000 kilograms, (a) “Increase in Icad to 30.000 kilograms. G/587 to 590/88, ~ each. (b) Deletionof the existing area of operation. and sub- stitution of “Within Matabeleland North Province.”. . Area: (1) Throughout Zimbabwe. goods-vehicles. Permits: 19547 and G/544 and 547/88. Two (2) Bulawayo - Harare - Mutare. 19548, Load: 27 500 kilograms, each. Nature of carriage: Area: Throughout Zimbabwe. . (1) Livestock and game. Nature of carriage: Awkward or abnormal or indivisible loads. produce and requirements. Condition: Goods carried to be manufactured or owned by (2) Agricultural O. Connoly and Co. (Pvt) Ltd., and in addition thereto, (3) Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds, loaded at the registered place of business of O. Connoly Condition: Route 1: For the carriage of livestock and game, and Co. (Pvt.) Ltd., situated in the City of Bulawayo. only. . By: . (Pvt.) Ltd. (a) Increase in load to 30000 kilograms. Ferguson and Palermo kilograms. (b) Deletion of the existing condition, G/199/89. Goods-vehicle. Load: 8 400 Area: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post G/545/88. Trailer. Permit: 17542. Load: 8 200. kilograms. Office, Bulawayo. Route: Shall be the same as in the road service permit in Nature of carriage: Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. . respect of the vehicle towing the trailer. Note.—This application is made to reinstate permit 14974 Nature ofcarriage: Shall be the same as in the road service which expired on the 30th September, 1988. permit in respect of the vehicle towing the trailer. By: Increase in load to 10000 kilograms. TAXI-CABS Additionals Permit: 14973. Goods-vehicle, Load: 25 600 and G/546/88. J. 22 700 kilograms. Makumbe. Route 1: Within an 80-kilometre radius of the General Post TX/4/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 4. Office, Bulawayo. _ Area: Within a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Gutu, General Post Route 2; Within a 192-kilometre radius of the Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at Mupandawana Office, Bulawayo, along the Victoria Falls road. Township. Nature of carriage: P. Ndoro. Goods, wares and merchandise of all kinds. Route 1: TX/14/89. Taxi-cab. Passenger-capacity: 3. under contract to Lupani Route 2: Indigenous timbers a 40-kilometre radius of the post office, Saw Mills, Zimbabwe Native Timbers Concession and Area: Within Pioneer Timbers. . Chinkoyi. Condition: The vehicle to stand for hire at any authorized Condition: taxi-rank within the area under the jurisdiction of the Route 1: Maximum mass of goods carried to be 25600 Chinhoyi Municipality. kilograms. Route 2: Maximum mass of goods carried to be 22700 kilograms.. Mazarura Bus Service (Pvt) Ltd. By: Permit: 19944. Motor-omnibus. (a) Increase in loadto 30 000 kilograms. 0/610/87. Yakanaka Bus (b) Deletion of the existing areas of operation and sub- By: Transfer of the permit from Shamwari Service. stitution of “Within Matabeleland North Province.”. ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 9TH JUNE, 1989 495 .

tenderer, - Nyadiri - Mutoko - Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the Route: Harare - Bora Store - Murewa be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post - Suswe - N uyaruka - Ranja - the service and the amount must Mudzonga « Botsanzira Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing African Store - Nyakadecha - Mazowe River. and dats. Goromonzi ~ date and the confirmation tender posted not later than the closing time The service to operate as follows— The telegraphic address is “Tendors, Harare”. Monday 12.01 p.m., arrive Mazoe River date, whether (a) depart Harare Note.—Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing . m.3 og will be treated as late tenders. 2 p.m., arrive by hand, by post or by telegraph, (b) depart Mutoko Tuesday to Thursday receipt of . If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on Mazoe River 5.05 p.m.; are returned complete and unmarked (c) depart Harare Saturday 8 p.m., arrive Mazoe River a bonafide tender or.if the tender documents | before the closing date. _ Sunday 2.30 a.m.; When tenders Sunday 5 pm., arrive Nyamuyaruka Forsupply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. (d) depart Harare tendered for goods 25 p.m; are compared, adegree of preference is deducted from prices ‘Monday 6 a.m, arrive Harare manufactured ir Zimbabwe, (e) depart Nyamuyaruka 30 days (or a.m.; No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 25 stated closing date, (f) depart Mazoe River Tuesday to Thursday 6 a.m., arrive another period specified in tender documents) from the Mutoko 9.05 a.m.; a . The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and (g) depart Mazoe River Friday 6 am, arrive Harare " seserves theright to select any tender in whole or in part. 2. 71.5 Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government. Tender Board in am., arrive Harare endorsed on the (h) depart’ Mazoe River Sunday 10 envelopes with the advertised tender number and description 4.15 p.m. outside are not opened until 10 a.m. on the closing date. on Fifth Floor, Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders onwards on General Notice 308 of 1989. | | Fanum House, 57, Samora Mache! Avenue, Harare, from 10 a.m. the date specified. REGISTRIES ACT [CHAPTER 139] Cc. C, MUCHENIE, DEEDS Secretary, Application for Cancellation of Deed of Transfer (No, 2417/88) | 9.6.89, Government Tender Board. of Lot 1 of Subdivision H of Galway Estate, - Tender number ; Ru- of Local Govern- 0479. Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister for a period of one and U Development intends to direct the sape Government establishments ment, Rural year. Closing date, 22.6.89. Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, to cancel Deed of Transfer (No- subsection (1) of section 18 of the Deeds 0480. Supply and delivery of eggs to Government 2417/88) in terms of date, Registries Act [Chapter 139]. esta Histimnents for a period of one year. Closing The property concerned is Lot 1 of Subdivision H of Galway and provisions to _ Estate in the district of Goromonzi. . | 0481. Supply and delivery of groceries establishments for a period of one Anyperson objecting to the proposed cancellation is hereby Kadoma Government year. Closing date, 22.6.89.. required to lodge his objection, in writing, giving his name and to Che- and the grounds of objection, with the Minister of 0482, Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions address for a period of one . Local Government, ‘Rural and Urban Development, at Private gutu Government establishments Bag 7706, Causeway, Harare, on or before the 23rd July, year. Closing date, 22.6.89. 1989. 0483. Supply and delivery of firewood to Gweru Government E. C. CHIKOWORE, estat Tishments for a period of one year. Closing date Minister of Local Government, 9-6-89. Rural and Urban Development. 0484. Supply and delivery of vegetables to Gweru Government cata lishments for a period of one year. Closing date, General Notice 309 of 1989. 0485. Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to DEEDS REGISTRIES ACT [CHAPTER 139} Gweru Government establishments for a period of one year. Closing date, 22.6.89. —_ (No. 5547/79), Notice of Cancellation of Deed of Transfer 0486. Supply and delivery of fish to Gweru Government estab- Deed of Transfer (No. 2254/80) and Deed of Grant lishments for a period of one year. Closing date, 22.6.89. (No. 689/80) 0487. Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to Bula- wayo Government establishments for a period of one NOTICE is hereby given that the Minister of Local date, 22.6.89. intends to direct year. Closing Government, Rural and Ubran Development of poultry to Bulawayo Govern- cancel Deed of Transfer 0488. Supply and delivery the Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, to ment establishment for a period of one year. Closing (No. 5547/79) in respect of Stand 5343 Salisbury Township Deed of Transfer (No. date, 22.6.89. of Stand 6679 Salisbury Township, Government 577 Prospect Townshir and Deed 0489, Supply and delivery of fish to Bulawayo 2254/80) in respect of Stand of one year. Closing date, of Grant (No. 689/80) in respect of Stand 104 Amandas ootanyshments for a period subsection (1) of section 18 of the Township, interms of to Kwe- Deeds of Registries Act [Chapter 139]. 0490. Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions for a period of one Any person objecting to the proposed cancellations is kwe Government establishments hereby required to lodge his objection, in writing, giving his year. Closing date, 22.6.89. and the ground of objection, with the 0491. Supply and delivery of poultry to Kwekwe Government name and addresa date, Minister of Local Government, Rural and Urban Development, esta Wishments for a period of one year. Closing at Private Bag 7706, Causeway, on or before the 23rd July, 1989. 0492, Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to Mu- E. C. CHIKOWORE, establishments for a period of one of Local Government, tare Government . Minister year. Closing date, 22.6.89. . Rural and Urban Development. 9-6-89. to Mutare Govern- 0493. Supply and delivery of vegetables ment establishments for a period of one year. Closing General Notice 310 of 1989. date, 22.6.89. Government estab- GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD 0494, Supply anddelivery of fish to Mutare lishments for a period of one year. Closing date, 22.6.89. Tenders Invited 0495, Supnly and delivery of bread to Mutare Government establishments for a period of one year. Closing date, Board, Alt tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Box 8075, Causeway. P.O, 0496. Supply and delivery of eges to Government Tenders muat in no circumstances be submitted to departments. Sstanlishments for a period of one year. Closing date, with Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted by hand Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to Ma- in time to be sorted mto Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered 0497, House, 57, rondera Government establishments for a period of one to the Secretary, Government Tender Board. Fifth Floor, Fanum date, 22.6.89. Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 19 a.m. on the closing date notified. year. Closing


Tender General Notice 312 of 1989. number POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT 0498. Supply and delivery of grocerice and provisions to Nor- . “(CHAPTER 250] ton Government establishments for a period of one year. Closing date, 22.6.89. | Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe 0499, Supply and delivery of eries and provisions to Ma- svingo Government establishments for a period of one ' (Postal Notice 12 of 1989) year. Closing date, 22.6.89. 0500. Supply and delivery of vegetables to Masvingo Govern- | IT is hereby notified that the postal and telegraph agency at ment establishments. for a period of one year. Closing “Senga in the Gweru Magisterial District, was permanently date, 22.6 89. . closed on 28th April, 1989. 0501. Supply and delivery offish to Harare Government estab- D. D. SANYANGORE, lishments for a period of one year. Closing date, 22.6,89. 9-6-89, Postmaster-General. 0502. Supply and delivery of firewood to Harare Ciovernment for a period of one year, Closing date, establishments General Notice 313 of 1989. 22.6.89. . . ‘ 0503, Supply and delivery of groceries and provisions to Chi- POSTAL AND TELECOMMUNICATION SERVICES ACT ~~ bero Agricultural College for a period of one year. Clo- | [CHAPTER 250] | sing date, 22.6.89. 0504, Supply and delivery of eggs to Government Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe establishments for a period of one year. Closing date, (Postal Notice 13 of 1989) 22.6.89. . oo Tender documents for tender Nos. 0479 to 0504 are IT is herebynotified thatthe Post Office in Zimbabwe obtainable. from the Secretary, Government Tender is hereby designated as an Expedited Mail Service (EMS) post Board, P.O. Box 80975, Causeway, or Fifth Floor, Fanum office in addition tothe existing EMS offices, with effect from House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare.

Ist July, 1989. > G.M.B W13'89. Tenders are invited from road surfacing con- . R.MUTAMBIRWA, tractors familiar with Ministry of Transport specifica- 9-6-89, Postmaster-General.

tions for the surfacing of 2,7 km of new. access road to proposed G.M.B. silo depot in Karoi. Deposit of $100, which will be refunded only on submission of a bona General Notice 314 of 1989. fide tender or on return of the documents prior to the closing date. Closing date, 22.6 89. Documents may be ELECTORAL ACT, 1979 obtained from the Grain Marketing Board, Kurima House, Baker Avenue, Harare. By-election in DzivarasekwaConstituency: Candidates,Polling NATIONAL RAILWAYS OF ZIMBABWE Days and Constituency Registrar 6671 :0415. Protective clothing: Waterproof raincoats, Closing — IT is hereby notified, in terms of Section 55 of the Electoral date, 29.6.89. Act, 1979, that the following persons have been duly nominated 6670 : 0416. Degreaser-detergent. Closing date, 29.6.89, as candidates for election as a memberof the House of Assem- 6519 : 2359, Coil; armature. Closing date, 13.7.89. bly for the Common Roll Constituency of Dzivarasekwa— 6514: 2. gviesel engine spares: Burner. Closing date, 1, Ephraim Masawi, for Z.A.N.U. (P.F.) . 13.7.89. 2. Fibion. Mutikori, for Z.U.M. 6572 : 2606. P.VC.tarpaulins, “Jumbo”, Loomstate “Ripstop”. Polling days will be Tuesday and Wednesday, the 4th and Closing date, 13.7.89, a Sth July, 1989. 6510 : 2607. Tube, smoke. Closing date, 13.7.89. It is also notified that the person whose name.and address follows has been appointed constituency registrar for the Com- . 6553: 2610. Washer, spring, single coil, steel, square section mon Roll Constituency of Dzivarasekwa—~ metric (plain). Closing date, 13.7.89. Zvaipa Herbert Chigwada, 6525 : 2612. Spindle, handwheel. Closing date, 29.6.89, Registrar-General’s Office, 6521: 761 3ghtaction drive axle gear and pinion. Closing date, Makombe. Building, Moffat Street, Private Bag 7734, ~ 6539 : 2614. Conditioner, air. Closing date, 29.6.89, Causeway. Tender documents for all National Railways tenders are T. T. MUDEDE, obtainable from the Supplies Manager, National Rail- 9-6-89. Registrar-General of Elections, ways, P.O. Box 1999, Bulawayo, or District Storekeeper, P.O. Box 764, Harare. DDF.10/1989. Tenders are invited from bridge contractors for General Notice 315 of 1989. the construction of bridges over the Nkazhe and the CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER 177] Silikwana Rivers in the area. Compulsory site- visit on 15th June, 1989, Meeting at 10 a.m. at the Dis- trict Administrator’s Office, at Gwanda. A deposit sum Bonded Warehouse Notice 7 of 1989 of $100 is required for each set of tender documents. Closing date, 29.6.89. Documents are available from the Director, District Development Fund, Room 51, Floor IT is hereby. notified that in exercise of the rs con-~ - 19, Mukwati Building, Harare. ferred upon the Director of Customs and Excise by section 57

| of the ustoms and Excise Act [Chapter 177], the warehouse | specified in the Schedule, which has been approved by the General Notice 311 of 1989. Director, is appointed as a bonded warehouse for the securing of goods without payment of duty under the Act. WELFARE ORGANIZATIONS ACT [CHAPTER 93] R. J. MUNYARADZI, Re-appointment of a Memberof the Welfare Advisory Board 9-6-89, Director of Customs and Excise.

SCHEDULE IT is hereby notified that the Minister of Labour, Manpower Planning and Social Welfare has, in terms of subsection (2) of Name and location of section 3 of the Welfare Organizations Act [Chapter 93], re- warehouse Description of warehouse appointed Mrs, S. de Wolf as a member of the Welfare Zimbabwe Photographic A rectangular enclosure of Advisory Board for a further period of three years, with effect Company Limited, brick .and mortar, built within from ist June, 1989. Kodak House, the existing stock room, 86, Samora Machel Avenue, measuring 1,6 metres by 7,3 -D. D. SANYANGORE, Stand No. 1373 A, metres on the western side of 9-6-89. Registrar of Welfare Organizations. Harare. the main building.


General Notice 316 of 1989. Tender number — CUSTOMS AND EXCISE ACT [CHAPTER 177} 69 : 54: 00. Masvingo refurbished abattoir: Sprinkler instal- lation, Closing date, 29.6.89. A non-refundable deposit Customs Rummage Sale: Harare af $200 per set of documents is required in respect of each of the above CSC tenders. NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 35 of the Customs and Excise Act [Chapter 177], that the articles which Documents for tender Nos, 67:45:00 to 69:54 00 are will be advertised in The Herald and The Chronicle on the obtainable from Ove Arap & Partners, Seventh Floor, 26th of June, 1989, and in The Sunday Mail and The Sunday Old Mutual Centre, Third Street, Harare. News on the 23rd of July, 1989, and are being held in the 0506. Repairs of electrical stoves for Defence Forces through- State warehouse, will be offered for sale by public auction on out the country for the period ist October, 1989 to 3ist ‘the 26th and 27th of July, 1989, unless the duties and any September, 1989. Closing date, 6.7.89, other charges due on the goods. have been paid before the auction date. 0505. Supply of laundry services to ‘Defence Forces on an “as and when required” contract basis, for the period The sale will be conducted by ABC Auctions at their Ist November, 1989 to 31st October, 1990. Closing date, premises at Hatfield House, Hatfield Road, Harare, com- 6.7.89, mencing at 9 a.m. 0507, Supply and delivery of drugs and dressings on an R. J. MUNYARADZI, “as and when required” contract basis, to Defence — 9-6-89, Director of Customs and Excise. Forces in Harare for the period Ist November, 1989 to 31st October, 1990. Closing date, 6.7.89. General Notice 317 of 1989. Documents for tender Nos. 0505 to 0507 are obtainable GOVERNMENT TENDER BOARD from Central Provisions Office, Army Headquarters, Private Bag 7720, Causeway, Tenders Invited ‘0508. Supply and delivery of diaries: 1990, Closing date, All tenders must be submitted to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, 6.7.89. Documents are obtainable from the Controller, P.O. Box 8075, Causeway, Department of Printing and Stationery, P.O. Box 8062, Tenders must in no circumstances be submitted to departments. Causeway. Tenders must be enclosed in sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with ARDA.137/89. Domestic water reticulation equipment— the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted Mzarabani Estate. Closing date, 6.7.89. Tender docu- in time to be sorted into Post Office Box 8075, Causeway, or delivered by hand ments may becollected from ARDA Head Office, No. 3, to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, Fifth Floor, Fanum House, 57, McChiery Avenue South, P.O. Box 8439, Causeway. Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10 a.m. on the closing date notified. Offers submitted by telegraph, stating clearly therein the name of the tenderer, MED.410. Hospital equipment. Closing date, 13.7.89. the service and the amount must be dispatched in time for delivery by the Post Office to the Secretary, Government Tender Board, by 10 a.m. on the closing MED.Atwo handpieces and accessories. Closing date, date and the confirmation tender posted not later than the closing time and date. The telegraphic address is “‘Tenders, Harare”. MED.412. Hospital equipment. Closing date, 13.7.89. Note.—-Tenders which are not received by 10 a.m. on the closing date, whether Documents for tender Nos: 410 to 412 are obtainable by hand, by post or by telegraph, will be treated as late tenders. from the Controller, Medical Stores, P.O. Box ST 23, If a deposit is required for tender documents, it will be refunded on receipt of Southerton, Harare. a bona fide tender orif the tender documents are returned complete and unmarked before the closing date. ’ , _ Tenders are invited from building contractors registered in category “E” for: For supply contracts, the country of manufacture must be stated. When tenders are compared, a degree of preference is deducted from prices tendered for goods CON.114/89. Gweru: Construction of classroom block at manufactured in Zimbabwe. © Mkoba No. 3 Secondary School. Closing date, 29.6.89. No tender can be withdrawn or amended during a period of 30 days (or another period specified in tender documents) from the stated closing date. Tenders are invited fromspecialists for: The Government does not bind itself to accept the lowest or any tender, and reserves the right to select any tender in whole or in part. CON.116/89. Harare: Seating to the auditorium for the Tenders which are properly addressed to the Government Tender Board in Education Services Centre. Closing date, 29.6.89. Docu- envelopes with the advertised tender number and description endorsed on the ments are obtainable from the Secretary for Public outside are not opened until [0 a.m. on the closing date. Construction and National Housing, Samora Machel Members of the public may attend the opening of tenders on Fifth Floor, Avenue (P.O, Box 8081, Causeway), Harare.

Fanum House, 57, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, from 10 a.m. onwards on the date specified. . General Notice 318 of 1989. Cc. C. MUCHENJE , PARLIAMENT OF ZIMBABWE Secretary, 9.-6-89. Gadvernment Tender Board, Tender Publication of Bill number 67: 45: 00. Harare Multi Purpose Complex: Light fittings. THE following Bill is published with this Gazette for Closing date, 22.6.89. general information: 67 : 54:00, Harare Multi Purpose Complex: Sprinkler Appropriation (Second Supplementary) (1988--89) Bill (A.B. installation. Closing date, 29.6.89, 16 of 1989). 68 : 54 : 00. Bulawayo new abattoir: Sprinkler installation. ' . JW. Z. KUREWA., Closing date, 29.6.89. 9-6-89, Secretary to Parliament. 498 ‘ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazerre, 911 Juns, 1989

General Notice 319 of 1989, ee . RESERVE BANKOF ZIMBABWE ACT [CHAPTER 173) Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms ofsection 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act Chapter 173], a statement of the assets andliabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at the 19th May, 1989,is published in the Sch E. N. MUSHAYAKARARA, . a Secretary for Finance, Economic - 9-6-89, Planning and Development. SCHEDULE . STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 19TH MAY, 1989 | Liabilities s - Assets ; | Capital . . . we ee ee 2 000 000 Gold and foreign assets . . - . . - 395983549 - General Reserve Fund 2... eee 6 000 000 Loans and advances . . - se eC: 439029355 © Currency in circulation . . 509 556 550 Internal investments— 70 668 958 Deposits and other liabilities to the public 2 489 154.933 Government stock... . . 10117083 . Other... . «. « 60551 875 . Other liabilities . . . . . 1 + e 6 421 076 838 Other assets toe os ~ « « « « §22 106459 $1 427788 321 | a . -$1 427 788 321

General Notice 320 of 1989. . RESERVE BANK OF ZIMBABWEACT [CHAPTER 173] Statement of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe

IN terms of section 20 of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act Chapter 173], a statement of the assets and liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe as at the 26th May, 1989, is published in the Schedule. E. N. MUSHAYAKARARA, 7 Secretary for Finance, Economic 9-6-89. . Planning and Development. SCHEDULE STATEMENT OF ASSETS AND LIABILITIES AS AT THE 26TH MAY, 1989 Liabilities 5 ; Assets . oe § Capital .. toe ke ee 2 000 000 Gold and foreign assets ...... 390 838 401 General Reserve Fund... . ee ee 6 000 000 Loans and advances... . .-. « 444186355 Currency in circulation ._ - Loe 543 583 199 Internal investments— 63 224 783 Deposits and otherliabilities to the public ee 494 909 952 Government stock . . . 4 494 519 Other ...... 58730264

Other liabilities . . . 2. «6 2 ee a 403 934 428 Other assets . . . . . «. . « . + 552.178 040 $1 450 427579 $1 450 427 579

General Notice 321 of 1989. INSURANCE ACT, 1987

LOST OR DESTROYED LIFE POLICIES ch Norict is hereby given in accordance with the provisions of section 10 of the Insurance Regulations, 1967, published ini Government Notice 899 of 1967, that evidence has been submitted to the insurers whose names and addresses are mentioned in the Schedule of the loss or destruction of the local life policies “a. described opposite thereto. Any person in possession of any such policy, or claiming to have any interest therein, should communicate immediately by registered post with th eappropriate insurer. Failing any such communication, the insurer will issue a correct and certified copy ofthe policy in accordance with section 54 of the Insurance Act, 1987. O. M. TSHABANGU, 9-6-89, Commissioner of Insurance SCHEDULE

Policy- Date of Amount Name and address of insurer number policy insured Lite insured Policy-owner

South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 2645062 1.9.73 $706,72 Innocent Mandiziba Khupe . ./| I. M. Khupe. 10925f P,O. Box 70, Harare South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 3373226 1.3.79 $2 102 Christine Rosmarie Hense . . =. Christine Rosmarie 10930f P.O. Box 70, Harare Hense. South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7051271 1.3.87 $10 000 Maxwell Bageri Moyo oe Maxwell Bageri 10947f P.O. Box 70, Harare Moyo. South African Mutual Life Assurance Society, 7052430 1.4.87 $10005 James Andrew Mukurumbira . . James Andrew Muku- 10959f P.O. Box 70, Harare rumbira, Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 973968 H 1.4.86 $20 084 Arthur Mandisodza. . . . .| Arthur Mandisodza. 10986f P.O. Box 969, Harare Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 940803 G 1.6.83 $2 000 Sylvester Jere...... Sylvester Jere. 10987f P.O. Box 969, Harare Southampton Assurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 938623 H 1.2.83 $2 000 Sylvester Jere. 2. ww. OSylvester Jere. 10988f P.O. Box 969, Harare Southampton Aasurance Co. of Zimbabwe Ltd., 944487D 1.2.84 $10 000 Marvellous Amos Munangati . . Marvellous Amos 10989f P.O. Box 969, Harare Munangati.



NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed TAKEnotice that Muhamadi Sinjewe appeared before me - before me, Bernard Ranero Philip Gwati, a legal practitioner, onthe 16th day of May, 1989, and changed his name to on 9th May, 1989, personally came and appeared Kiwa Ben, Muhamadi Mudoka Saidi Musinjewe.—Virginia Manyika.legal and that he did, on that day, by notarial deed of change of practitioner, c/o P. A. Chinamasa, Manyika and Company, name, change his name from Kiwa Ben to Kiwa Ndondo P.O, Box 4067, Harare.

which name shall be used by him in all deeds, documents an other writings and on all occasions whatsoever. . Dated at Gweruthis 26th day of May, 1989.—B. R. P. CHANGE OF NAME Gwati, c/o Gwati and Partners, Gwati C. bers, 73, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 1371), Gweru. 10890f NOTICEis hereby given that, on the 25th November, 1988! Thomas Chinyama appeared before me on behalf of his minor children, being John Masemvura and Elias Masemvura, and a” + CHANGE OF NAME changed their names to John Chinyama and Elias Chinyama, respectively. NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 23rd of May, 1989, Dated at Gweru this 16th day of May, 1989.—Rugare Mandi- Barton Sipho Ncube appeared before me, Joseph James, a -‘ma, legal practitioner, c/o Danzier & Partners, Danziger legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, and . declared his desire to House, 62, Sixth Street (P.O. Box 58), Gweru. 10926f

change his name to Barton Sipho Phiri. Dated at Bulawayo this 29th day of May, 1989.—James Moyo-Majwabu & Nyoni, legal practitioners, Second Floor, CHANGE OF NAME Exchange. Building, Main Street/Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. TAKEnotice that Fanuel Chahwahwa,in his capacity as the father of the minor child Shelter Nyasha, appeared before me on the 9th May, 1989, and changed his minor child’s name to CHANGE OF NAME Shelter Nyasha Chahwahwa. Dated atKwekwethis 9th day of May, 1989.—Martin Mako- TAKEnotice that, on the 28th April, 1989, Walubita Moses nese, legal practitioner and notary public, c/o Mkushi, Foroma Malumo,also known as Walubita Moses, and Florence Mendai & Partners, Mkushi House, 48, Third Street, Kwekwe. 10992f

Malumo, appeared before me and changed their child’s name from Munalula Mathe (born 16th September, 1976) to Muna- lula Malumo by deed of poli—-D. D. Naik, notary public, CHANGE OF NAME c/o Ben Baron and Partners, P.O. Box 1497, Bulawayo. 109348 TAKE notice that, on the Ist June, 1989, before me, Ismael James Muvingi, a legal practitioner, there appeared Ethel Lick- son Tilowakuti, also known as Sarah Lawe and also known as CHANGEOF NAME Ellen Msika and changed her name to Ethel Msika. — Dated at Harare this 1st day of June, 1989.—Muvingi and ._ TAKE notice that Mudoka Saidi Sanjwe, also known as Machaya, legal practitioners, Harare. 11009£

Mudoka Saidi or Saidi Mudoka or M’ndoka Saidi or Saidi M’ndoka or Saidi Ndoga, appeared before me on the 16th May, 1989, and changed his name to Mudoka Saidi Musinjewe,— CHANGE OF NAME Virginia Manyika, legal practitioner, c/o P. A. Chinamasa, Manyika & Company, P.O. Box 4067 Harare. 10942f TAKEnotice that, on this day the. 8th May, 1989, Morgen Moyo (born 25th January, 1956), appeared before me, and by notarial deed changed his name from Morgen Moyo to CHANGE OF NAME Morgan Mhlanga.—J. M. Ngwenya & Co., legal practitioner, Kirrie Building, Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. 10895f

NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 29th day of May, 1989, Geofrey Bishau (born 12th of October, 1956), appeared before me, George Lentaigne Ingram Lock,a legal practitioner, CHANGE OF NAME at Mutare, and changed his name by notarial deed from Geofrey Bishau to Geofrey Mucheni. TAKE notice that, on this day the 25th April, 1989, Jimi Dated at Mutare this 29th day of May, 1989.—Lewis and Banda (born 23rd November, 1960), appeared before me, and, Lock, legal practitioners, Winston House, First Avenue/Second by notarial deed, changed his name from Jimi Banda to Jimmy Street, Mutare. 10945f Lumumba Bhebhe.—J. M. Ngwenya & Co., legal practitioner, Kirrie Building, Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. 10896f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME TAKEnotice that, by notarial deed executed before me on the 24th May, 1989, Graham Ndiweni abandoned that surname TAKE notice that, on this day the 2nd May, 1989, Nashe - and assumed in lieu thereof, the surname Manzini.—S, B. A. Gondoza (born 6th April, 1955), appeared before me, and by Longhurst, notary public, c/o Ben Baron & Partners, First notarial deed changed his name from Nashe Gondoza to Floor, Southampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo. 1098If Nashe Million Nyoni.—J. M. Ngwenya & Co., legal practi- tioner, Kirrie Building, Ninth Avenue, Bulawayo. 10894f CHANGE OF NAME CHANGE OF NAME TAKE notice that Otilia Gwemende (born 25th October, 1944), appearedbefore me, Jacobus Petrus Oberholzer, a legal TAKE notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, practitioner, at Bulawayo, on the 17th May, 1989, and executed Tawanda Herbert Chitapi, on 23rd May, 1989, Clayton a deed of poll in terms of which she changed her name to Miambo. also known as Elias Clayton Manjome, changed his Otilia Mjikwa—Sansole and Senda, legal practitioners, Sixth name to Clayton Mlambo Manjome.-T. H. Chitapi & Asso- Floor, Charter House, Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10973f ciates, legal practitioners, P.O. Box 71, Chinhoyi. 11033f


TAKEnotice that Zainab Zinjewe appeared before me on TAKE notice that Fatuma Saidi appeared before me on the 16th day of May, 1989, and changed her nameto Zainab the 16th day of May. 1989, and changed her name to Fatima Sherleen Musinjewe—Virginia Manyika, legal practitioner, Musinjewe.—Virginia Manyika, a legal practitioner, c/o P. A. c/o P, A. Chinamasa, Manyika & Company, P.O. Box 4067, Chinamasa, Manyika & Company, P.O. Box 4067, Harare. Harare. 10940f . 10938f



NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Thakor Patel, on the 16th day of May, 1989, Amos before me, at Harare, on the 16th day of May, 1989, Shephard Pedzisai did, then and there, renounce, on his behalf, the Zinhu appeared before meand changed his name to Shepherd surname of Pedzisai, so that, henceforth, he shall be known as Mushambawhetafor all purposes whatsoever. Amos Negirazi. i: Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—Davison Moses Dated at Kwekwe this 16th day of May, 1989.—Thakor Foroma, legal practitioner and notary public, c/o Sawyer & Patel, c/o E. C. Moffitt and Pratt, CAMS House, N. R. Mandela Mkushi, First and Second Floors, Methodist House, 7, Central Way, Kwekwe. 10927f Avenue, Harare. -, 11039f


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed be- | NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 18th day of May, fore me, Iqbal Adam Ahmed, a legal practitioner, at Harare, 1989, before me, Stephen Philip Finch, a legal practitioner on the [2th May, 1989, Potifa Nyandoro did adopt the names and notary public, at Bulawayo, came and appeared Macdonald Potifa Murape and shall in future be known asPotifa Murape Jijita (born on the 2nd March, 1938), in his capacity as father for all records, deeds, documents and other writings, and in all and sole guardian of his minor child Tendayi Munyaradzi actions, suits and proceedings, and in all dealings and trans- Jijiia Sibanda (born on the 20th September, 1971), and, by actions whatsoever. notarial deed, he then and there did formally change his said Dated at Harare this 29th day of May, 1989.—Iqbal Adam minor child’s name to Tendayi Jijita, so that the said child - Ahmed, c/o Ahmed and Ziyambi, legal practitioners, 133, Vic- shall henceforth use and be known for all purposes by the toria Street, Harare. | 10877£ name TendayiJijita. re

Dated at Bulawayo this Ist day of June, 1989.—Webb, Low CHANGE OF NAME | & Barry, legal practitioners, 16, Eighth Avenue, Bulaye:

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME before me, George Charles Chikumbirike, a legal practitioner, at Harare, on the 15th day of May, 1989, Clever Chenjerai Rusamu changed his name and assumed the name Clever Che- TAKEnotice that, on the tst June, 1989, before me Ismael njerai Mazinyi, which nameshall be used in all records, deeds, James Muvingi, a legal practitioner, there appeared Lickson documents and transactions. Musika Simon and changed his name to Lickson Msika. - Dated at Harare this ist day of June, 1989.—Chirunda, Dated at Harare this 1st day of June, 1989.—Muvingi and ‘Chihambakwe & Partners, Eighth Floor, Regal Star House Machaya, legal practitioners, Harare. 11010£ . 25, Gordon Avenue, Harare. 7 11028f

CHANGE OF NAMB CHANGE OF NAME NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed TAKEnotice that Herbert Nemato (born 4th May, 1954) before me, on the Ist day of June, 1989, Douglas Makuvire appeared before me on the 3ist May, 1989, and changed his and Miriam Makuvire, on behalf of themselves and on name to. Herbert Madzvamuse.—T. B. Ndoro, c/o Gambe, behalf of their ‘minor children, did abandon the surname Chinyenze & Associates, legal practitioners, Third Floor, Makuvire and assumed in place thereof, the surname . Thaine Building, 99, Manica Road, Harare. 11027£ — Vere Elliott Condy, notary public and legal practitioner, ¢/o Condy, Chadwick & Ellitot, Eighth Floor, Southampton CHANGE OF NAME House, Union Avenue, Harare. 1101

NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed CHANGE OF NAME before me, Joel Bigboy Zowa, a legal practitioner, on the 30th May, 1989, Robert Jani changed his name to Robert Kawemba, NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed which name shall be used in all records, deeds, documents and before me, on 29th May, 1989, Beauty Mkone abandoned the transactions. surname of Mkone and assumed the surname of Msisya, ¢0 Dated at Harare this 2nd day of May, 1989.—Coghlan, that, she shall henceforth, to all intents and purposes, be Welsh and Guest, Third Floor, Colonial Mutual Building, known as Beauty Msisya. Gordon Avenue, Harare. - 1102 Dated at Kadoma this 29th day of May, 1989.—D. G.

Palframan, for Jarvis & Palframan, How House, Edward Street, Kadoma. 10997f CHANGE OF NAME

TAKE notice that, by notarial deed executed before me, CHANGE OF NAME L. S. Miti, on 23rd May, 1989, Robson Murangana changed his name to Robson Muranganwa Mupezeni. By the same act TAKEnotice that Tichawona Bruce Mutigwe (born 22nd he changed the rames of his minor children, namely: Patience May, 1969), appeared before me, Jacobus Petrus Oberholzer, Muranganwa, Patrick Muranganwa and Jeffrey Murang: nwa | a legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, on the 22nd May, 1989, and by the addition in all cases of the name Mupezeni after Mura- executed a deed of poll in terms of which he changed his name nganwa,—T. H. Chitapi & Associates, P.O. Box 71 Chinhoyi. to Bruce Mtigwe.—Sansole and Senda, legal practitioners, Sixth — Floor, Charter House, Selborne Avenue, Bulawayo. 10972f


NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 15th of May, 1989, be- before me, Selby Vunganai Hwacha. a legal practitioner, at fore me, Maxwell Nyekete, a legal practitioner, at Bulawayo, Harare, on the 3ist day of May, 1989, personally came and appeared Mtopiya Simanda and Roda Simanda in their per- appeared Simba Makamera who inserted the name Eshumal sonal capacities and on their on behalf and abandoned the between the names Simba and Makamera, so that he shall surname Simanda and assumed the surname Dube, so that, henceforth be known and documented as Simba Eshumal henceforth, they shall be known as Mtoplya Dube and Roda Makamera. Dube, respectively, for all purposes whatsoever. Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June. 1989.—Kantor & Dated at Bulawayo this 15th day of May, 1989.—Maxwell Immerman, appearer’s legal practitioners, 67-69, Second Street, Nyekete, c/o Anthony Murphy & Associates, Suite 711, York Harare. ‘ 11037f House, Eighth Avenue/Jameson Strect, Bulawayo. 10974f



NOTICE is hereby given that Tobias Chinhoyi appeared be- NOTICE is ‘hereby given that we intend to apply for a fore me on the 20th day of April, 1989, and renounced his certified copy of Deed of Transfer 4386/54, dated the 30th name Tobias Chinhoyi and assumed the name Tobias Chinhoyi November,1054, made in favour¢of dheTrustees for the time Mandizha.—Erick Mbhlanga, legal practitioner, No. 90, cnr. cing O urch property of the Salisbury Congregation o. Second Street and Central Avenue, Bindura. - 10870 the Presbyterian Church ofSouth Africa, whereby certain piece Lot No. 308 Block B Hatfield, of Hatfield of land called Estate, measuring 1,054 8 hectares, was conveyed. _CHANGE OF NAME All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby requested to lodge the same with the Deeds NOTICEis hereby given that Tobias Jombo appeared before his name Registry, in writing, within 14 days of publication of this me on the 2ist day of April, 1989, and renounced notice—Winterton, Holmes and Hill, applicant’s legal Tobias Jombo and assumed the name Tobias Wellington practitioners, Beverley Place, Selous Avenue, Harare. 10950£ Gandali—Erick Mblanga, legal practitioner, No. 90, cnr. Second Street and Central Avenue, Bindura. ~ 10871f

LOST DEED OFTRANSFER CHANGE OF NAME NOTICEis hereby given that we intend to apply for a Deed of Transfer 318/76, dated 30th January, 1976, whereby a certain NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed be- piece of land, situate in the district of Victoria, being Stand fore me on the 26th May, 1989, Siqambile Ndlovu abandoned 104 Bushmead Township of Bushmead, measuring 5 258 square that surname and assumed in lieu thereof, the. surname metres, was conveyed to Daniel Lodewyk Cruger. Madlela.—S. B. A. Longhurst, notary’ public, c/o Ben Baron All persons having any objections to the issue of such copy & Partners, First Floor, Southampton House, Main Street, or wishing to make any representations in connexion there- Bulawayo. . 10979 with, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice——D. L. Cruger, c/o Messrs. Lewis - CHANGE OF NAME and Lock, Winston House, Mutare. 11024£

NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 29th day of May, LOST DEED OF TRANSFER 1989, Solomon Chiwayi (born 6th December, 1941), appeared before me, George Lentaigne Ingram Lock, a legal practi- tioner, at Mutare, and changed his name by notarial deed NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a from Solomon Chiwayi to Solomon Chiwaye. certified copy of Deed of Transfer 1365/52, dated 3rd April, 1952, passed in favour of Ernest Mason Barker (born on 29th day of May, 1989.—Lewis & Dated at Mutare this 19th January, 1910) (now deceased), whereby a certain piece Lock, legal practitioners, Winston House, First Avenue/ . 10946f of land, sittiate in the district of Salisbury, measuring 1,071 7 Second Street, Mutare. hectares, called Stand 110 Malvern Township of Waterfall Villa of Waterfall, was conveyed. . CHANGE OF NAME All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds TAKE. notice that Adija Zinjewe appeared before me on Registry, Harare, within 14 days from the date of publi- the 16th May, 1989, and changed her name to Kadija Emma cation of this notice. . . Musinjewe.—Virginia Manyika, a legal practitioner, c/o P. A. _ Dated at Harare this 29th day of May, 1989.—Kantor & Chinamasa, Manyika and Company, P.O. Box 4067, Harare. Immerman, applicant’s legal practitioners, 67, Second Street, 10941f. Harare. 10944f

CHANGE OF NAME LOST DEED OF TRANSFER NOTICE is hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before me, Charles Murray, a legal practitioner, on the 26th NOTICEis hereby given that Michael Peter Henn, Francis day of May, 1989, personally came and appeared Bright Henn and Jyl Maureen Irwin, intend to apply for a certified Ziwai Mawoko Tamai, and formally abandoned the names copy of Deed of Transfer 3281/78, dated 3rd October, 1978, of Bright Ziwai Mawoko Tamai and assumed the name of made in their favourin respect of Stand 94 of Prospect, situate Bright Mawoko, so that, henceforth, he shall be known as in the district of Salisbury, measuring 1,463 5 hectares. Bright Mawoko. All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of ‘Dated at Harare this 30th day of May, 1989.—C. Murray, such copy are hereby required to lodge the same with the iegal practitioner and notary public, c/o Condy, Chadwick & Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, within 14 days of the publica- Elliott, Bighth Floor, Southampton House, Union Avenue, tion of this notice. Harare. , 10955£ Dated at Harare this 30th day of May, 1989.—Honey & Blanckenberg, applicant's legal practitioners, Throgmorton Way, Harare. 10964f LOST DEED OF TRANSFER House, Julius Nyerere

LOST DEED OF TRANSFER is hereby given that we intend to apply for a NOTICE a hem certified copy of Deed of Transfer 3034/86, dated the 21st day of May, 1986, passed in favour of Scott Patrick Von NOTICE is hereby given that we intend to apply for a Memerty (born on 13th June, 1959), whereby an undivided 8,33 certified copy of Deed of Transfer 4487/81. dated 20th July, per cent. share, being Share No. 8in certain piece of land, 1981, made in favour of Ibrahim Mohamed Bobat (born Ist situate in the district of Salisbury, measuring 2379 square | August, 1932), in respect of Stand 12211 Salisbury Township - metres, called Stand 1495 Salisbury Township, was conveyed, of Municipal Plot, situate in the district of Salisbury, measur- All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any ing 1800 square metres. representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, All persons having any objections to. or wishing to make to lodge the same, in writing, at the Deeds any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required which has been lost, are hereby required to lodge the same, Registry, Hararé, within 14 days from the date of publication in writing, at the Deeds Registry, Harare, within 14 days from of this notice. the date of publication of this notice. Dated at Harare this 30th day of May, 1989—Kantor & Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—Honey & Immerman, applicant’s legal practitioners, 67, Second Street, Blanckenberg, applicant’s legal practitioners, Throgmorton 10943f House, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare. 11021f Harare.

| 4


\ LOST DEED OF TRANSFER WHEREUPON, after reading documents filed of record and hearing, Mr. Middlemost, NOTICE is hereby given that an application will be made IT IS ORDERED: for a certified copy OfDeed of Transfer 1849/80 in respect of That a rule nisi do issue, calling upon the respondent to certain piece of jand in extent 42,795 0hectares, being Lot4 shew cause, if any, to this honourable court sitting at Harare of Eltham Park of Woollandale Estate, situate in the district on the 21st day of June, 1989, why the respondent's estate of Matobo, registered in the name of Grey Mabalane Bango dated the 28th should not be sequestrated in terms of the Insolvency Act (Registration Certificate: Plumtree 7338) and [Chapter 303], and why the costs of these proceedings should July, 1980. not be costs of sequestration. having any objections to, or wishing to make All persons That this rule do operate as a provisional order of seques- any representations in connexion with, the issue of such soy, are hereby required tolodge the same,in writing, at the De tration. Registry, Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of publica- That the Master of this honourable court be, and is hereby, tion of this notice. . directed to appoint Malcolm Fraser as provisional trustee Dated at Bulawayo this 2nd day of June, 1989.—Webb, Low of the said estate. & Barry, applicant’s legal practitioners, 16, Eighth Avenue, That service of this order be effected on the respondent Bulawayo. 11038f personally. .

That there be one publication of this order in the Gazette and in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER BY THE COURT. "NOTICEis hereby given that application will be made for -B. R. DONZWA, a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 2642/52, dated the 25th - . Deputy Registrar. June, 1952, made in favour of the Government of the Colony | Gill, Godlonton & Gerrans, of Southern Rhodesia, now called the Government of Zimba- P.O, Box 8, bwe, whereby certain piece of land, situate in the district of Harare. 1'1035£ Salisbury, called Subdivision No. 48 Portion of Helens Vale, measuring 6,2361 morgen (5,3413 hectares), was conveyed. All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make Case H.C. 1905/89 any representations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, with the IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE Registrar of Deeds, at Harare, within 14 days of the publicd- Inthe matterof the petition of Peter Maurice Michael, peti- tion of this notice. _, tioner, for an order for the cancellation of a second mortgage Dated at Harare this 5th day of June. 1989.—Civil Division ond. of the Attorney-General’s Office, Fifth Floor, Central House, Harare, Wednesday, the 24th day of May, 1989. 3, Central Avenue, Harare. -11030£ _ Before the Honourable Mr.Justice Adam. Mr.Lofty for the petitioner. LOST DEED OF TRANSFER WHEREUPON,after reading documents filed of record and

hearing Mr.Lofty, NOTCE is hereby given that an application will be made IT IS ORDERED: for a certified copy of Deed of Transfer 3623/81, made in favour of Nicholas Bhenkinkosi Hepworth Bhengu, whereby That a rule nisi do issue, returnable to this honourable a certain piece of land, situate in the district of Bulawayo, court, on Wednesday, the 2ist day of June, 1989, at 10 o’clock called Stand 2813 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Townhsip in the forenoon, calling upon all interested persons to shew Lands, was conveyed. cause why certain second mortgage bond (Registered No. 1542/ All persons claiming to have any objections to the issue of 1970), passed in favour of Eva Gray, widow, (born on the such copy are hereby required to lodge the same, in writing, 6th December, 1895), at the Deeds Registry, Harare, on the with the Registrar of Deeds, at Bulawayo, within 14 days of 9th April, 1970, since deceased, and ceded under Cession the publication of this notice. No. 4316/72, by the executor testamentary in her estate to:— (1)- Grace Barnett; Dated at Harare this 2nd day of June, 1989.—Scanlen & Holderness, legal practitioners, Thirteenth Floor, CABS Centre, - (2) Norma Eva Dicks; Stanley Avenue, Harare. 11026f (3) Doreen Mildred Burgess;

(4) Eva Gray Will Trust-Michael William Burgess Trust; APPLICATION FOR CAINNCELLATION OF (5) Eva Gray Will Trust-Erica Doreen Burgess Trust; MORTGAGE BOND (6) Pauline Norma Kirkwood; rine (7) Sandra Eunice Preston; NOTICE is hereby given that application will be made for (8) Eva Gray Will Trust-Norma Eva Dicks and Doreen the cancellation of Mortgage Bond 882/74, passed on the 2nd Mildred Burgess (Mildred Ann Barnett) Trust; April, 1974, by Francis McGran (born 12th December, 1942), (9) Eva Gray Will Trust-Norma Eva Dicks and Doreen of 101, Southampton House, Main Street, Bulawayo, in favour ‘Mildred Burgese (Helena Sim) Trust; of ude Limited of First Street/Union Avenue, Harare, hypo- should not be cancelled. thecating Stand 4507 Bulawayo Township of Bulawayo Town- ship Lands, situate in the district of Bulawayo, measuring That a copy of this rule be published in the Gazette and 1208 square metres, whereof Francis McGran is the present in a Friday edition of The Herald, Harare. registered holder. BY THE COURT. All persons claiming to have any right ortitle in or to the said bond, which is lost, are hereby required to lodge their B. R. DONZWA, objections or representations, in writing, at the Deeds Registries Deputy Registrar. Office, Bulawayo, within 14 days from the date of this notice. Kantor & Immerman, ~-ude Limited, c/o Ben Baron & Partners, Southampton House, P.O. Box 19, Bulawayo. 10980f Harare. 11036f

{ Case H.C. 1688/89 SHERIFF’S SALE IN THE HIGH COURT OF ZIMBABWE In the matter between William Clive Allin, plaintiff, and In the matter of the petition of Tyre Treads (Pvt.) Ltd., Bontliface Dana, defendant. - petitioner, for the provisional sequestration of the estate of Paurosi Matambanadzo, respondent, and for the appoint- NOTICE is hereby given that the plan of distribution of _ ment of a provisional trustee. the purchase-money received from the sale of the under- mentioned property, which was sold in pursuance of an Harare, Wednesday, the 3ist day of May, 1989. order of the High Court, will lie for inspection at my office Before the Honourable Mr, Justice Gibson. for a period of 14 days from the date of publication of this Mr. Middlemost for the petitioner. notice,

$e4-{ om w% : } !‘ I be 503 _ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 9TH JUNE, 1989 |

é LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Any person having an interest in the proceeds df the sale of distribution may apply and objecting to the said plan of a Part Il Liquor Licence to the High Court to have it set aside or amended, after | Application for the Issue to other parties interested, stating due notice to me and in terms of the grounds for such objection. NOTICE is hereby given that an application, section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will made to the Liquor Certain piece of land cailed Stand 39 Ashbrittle Township of Bottle Liquor . Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of Ashbrittle, . Licencein respect of ises situate at Mbumbusi Town- If no objections are made to the plan within the time stated ship, Cheziya Gokwe District Council, Gokwe, trading as in this notice,then I shall confirm the plan. Chishongo Chavasikana Bottle Store, for Romaldo Nyama- yevhu. a . J. M. MOYO, who have any objections to the application may Acting Sheriff. All persons lodge their objections, in citing with the Secretary of the The Sheriff's Office, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 23rd June, MaponderaBuilding, _- 1989.—Gambe, Chinyenze .& Associates, applicant's legal Samora Machel Avenue Cenntral, practitioners, Suite 41, Grand Hotel Building, P.O. Box 901, Harare. 11029£ Kadoma. . , 10933

ADVERTISEMENT FOR COUNTERSIGNATURE LIQUOR ACT, 1984 of a Part TH Liquor Licence and Application for the Issue _ In thejoint community estate of the fate Don Rawson =: surviving spouse, Mrs. Elaine Muriel Rawson, who died the is hereby given that an application, in terms of Howick, South Africa, on the 13th February, 1989. NOTICE at section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor NOTICEis hereby given that Kenith Will, nominee of First Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Store Liquor National Bank of Southern Africa Limited, and as such the Licence in respect of premises situateat Stand No. 5971, High- duly appointed executor in the estate of the late Don Rawson, field, Harare, trading as Kushinga Kwababa Namai Bottle intends to apply to the Assistant Master of the High Court Store, for Jane Harina Savanhu (Mrs.). of of Zimbabwe, at Bulawayo, for countersignature of letters persons who have any objections to the application may the Supreme Court of All executorship issued by the Master of their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the on the 15th March, 1989. lodge South Africa, at Pietermaritzburg, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 23rd June, . All persons having any objections to the countersignaturs — 1989,—Jane Harina Savanhu, applicant. ' 10891f in possession of assets of such letters of executorship, or being or having any claims against the estate, are required to provide details of such objections, assets or claims to the undersigned LIQUOR ACT, 1984 or to the Assistant Master of the High Court, Bulawayo, on or before the 16th July, 1989. Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Dated at Bulawayo this 31st day of May, 1989.—National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 132, Bulawayo. 11051f of NOTICEis hereby given that an application, in terms the section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle. AGRICULTURAL FINANCE CORPORATION Liquor Licensing Store Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease No. 12865, Buwerimwe Business Centre, Zimunya Communal Store, Cancellation of Sale of Immovable and Movable Property Land, , trading as Garakunzwana Bottle of Frank David Munhenzva for Joseph Mureyani. All persons who have any objections to the application with the Secretary for given that the sale by public auction may lodge their objections, in writing, NOTICEis hereby the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 30th of immovable and movable property of Frank David Munhe- M. K. Higham, applicant's legal practi- 16th June, 1989, has of June, 1989.--J. nzva, which was scheduled for Friday, tioner, 127, Main Street, Mutare. 10875f

been cancelled. Dated at Harare this 9th day of June, 1989.—T. E. Mutunhu, Agricultural Finance Corporation, General Manager. 11023f LIQUOR ACT, 1984

Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 ’ i is hereby given that an application, in terms of a Part Ti Liquor Licence NOTICE to the Application for the Issue of section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Cocktail an application, in terms of Bar Liquor Licence in respect of premises situate at Lease NOTICE is hereby given that Mutema 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Site No. TT 6977, Maungaidze Business Centre, section Cocktail Bar, for Elisha Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor District, trading as Mufandaedza Licence in res of premises situated on Lease No. 10501, Dhliwayo. Riverside Business Centre 7, Maungwe District Council, All persons who have any objections to the application may Rusape, trading as Taisekwa Bottle Store. t their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the ‘lodge 23rd have any objections to the application may Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the All persons who 11002f lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the May, 1989.—Lewis and Lock, Winston House, Mutare. than 14 days from Liquor Licensing Board,. Harare, not later the date of publication of this notice.—P. A. Chinamasa, Manyika and Company, P.O. Box 4067, Harare. 1100if LIQUOR ACT, 1984

Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Application for of Application for Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor transfer of the Bottle Liquor NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of Licensing Board, Harare, for the Liquor in respect of premises situate on Stand 1466, Kambu- section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to - Licence trading transfer of the Bottle Store zuma Township, Harare, from Castong Chinogwenya, Licensing Board, Harare, for Tobias Pahwaringira, of premises situate at Epworth as Chinogwenya Bottle Store, to Dudzai Liquor Licence in respect Store. Tatenda Mombeshora, trading as Ga- trading as Pahwatingira Bottle Mission, from Rueben may ranganga Bottle Store, to Mashford Musafare Chanakira. All persons who have any objections to the application objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the who have any objections to the application may lodge their Ail persons Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days from objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the Liquor lodge their date of publication—P. A. Chinamasa, Manyixa and Company, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not fater than the 23rd June, 11000£ Chanakira. 10883f P.O. Box 4067, Harare. 1989.—Mashford Musafare


LIQUOR ACT, 1984 LIQUOR ACT, 1984 of a Part Il Liquor Licence Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Application for Transfer given that an application, in terms of sec- NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of NOTICE is hereby 1984, will made to the Liquor tion 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor section 52of the Liquor Act, of the Bar Liquor Licence rare, for the issue of a Beerhall Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer Licensing Board, Stand 366, Bulawayo, being 12, Liquor Licentce in respect of premises situate at Hombwe Busi- in respect of premises situate on asHombwe Beerhall Fortuna House, 14th Avenue, Bulawayo, from mas Cahill, ness Centre in , trading to Giuseppe Di Palma. for Chirorodziva District Council. . 7 trading as Bulawayo Billiard Saloon, an objections to the application may to the application may All persons who have All persons who have any objections lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the © - lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the 14 days from the June, Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than' the 23rd of this notice.—Coghlan & Welsh, legal Senior Executive Officer.- 7854f. date of publication 1989.—Misheck ‘Madechangu, practitioners for the applicant. . 10982f

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 CITY OF. BULAWAYO Licence Application for the Issue of a PartII Liquor Application for Closure of a Portion of Cowden Road: - Steeldale, Bulawayo City Council Area — NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of the Liquor section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to 7 Store Liquor IT is hereby notified, in terms of subsection (3) of section Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle 263], that application has been premises situate at Lease No. 16179, of the Roads Act [Chapter Licence int respect of a portion or road described hereunder Centre, Goromonzi, trading as Chitibu made for the closure of Juru District Service and shown on Plan TPA 2164. _ DongoBottle Store, for Muchabaiwa Nyamayedenga. Plan TPA 2164 may be inspected free of charge at the offices - All persons who have any objections to the application may Transport, Kaguvi Building, Fourth Street, the of the Secretary for lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of Harare, or at the offices of City of Bulawayo, Town Planning Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later thant the 23rd June, Municipal Tower Block, Selborne 10881f Branch, Seventh Floor, 1989.—Muchabaiwa Nyamayedenga, applicant. Avenue/Wilson Street.

LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Description of portion of road (11 m width) Commencing beacon of Lot 3, Stand 5033A B.T. II Liquor Licence From the north-easterr’ Application for the Issue of a Part where Cowden Road meets Khami Road. Passing through given that an application, in terms of sec- NOTICEis hereby Bulawayo Township Lands. tion 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Terminating . Licence in respect of premises situate at Stand No. 4, Mkanga At the south-eastern beacon of Lot 3 of Stand 5033A B.T. Business Centre, Bikita, trading as Tauyavo Bottle Store, for Any person wishing to object to the closure of portion of N. Masunda (Mrs.). road must do so, in writing, to the Secretary for Transport, All persons who have any objections to the application may whose postal address is P.O. Box 8109, Causeway, on or before lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the the 2nd July, 1989. . Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 23rd June, Note.—The portion of Cowden Road to be closed-off is 1989.—N. Masunda (Mrs.), applicant. 10869f required by Merlin Creations (Pvt.) Limited to facilitate

their envisaged expansion programme. LIQUOR ACT, 1984 M. M. NDUBIWA, . P.O. Box 591, Town Clerk 10936£ Application for the Issue of a Part II Liquor Licence Bulawayo.

NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of CITY OF GWERU section 52 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor Ended 31st Licensing Board, Harare, for the issue of a Bottle Liquor Supplementary Valuation for the 12 Months December, 1988 Licence in respect of premises situate at Stand No. 109, Nyika Residential Area, Bikita, trading as Fudu Masunda Brothers NOTICE is hereby given, in terms of section 211 of the Enterprises, for S. S. Masunda. Urban Councils Act [Chapter 24], that the Supplementary All persons who have any objections to the application may Valuation Roll for the year ended 31st December, 1988, has lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the been duly certified in terms of section 210 of the said Act, and the the said Roll has becomefinally binding upon all persons Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than the 23rd June, concerned. The Roll will come into effect on 1st January, 1988. 1989.—S. S. Masunda, applicant. 10868f

G. G. NHEMACHENA, Town Clerk, LIQUOR ACT, 1984 Town Clerk’s Office, Municipal Offices, Application for Transfer of a Part II Liquor Licence P.O. Box 278, Gweru. 11018£

NOTICE is hereby given that an application, in terms of section 57 of the Liquor Act, 1984, will be made to the Liquor ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE Licensing Board, Harare, for transfer of the Beerhall Liquor Licence in respect of pemises situate on Farm 1, Willsgrove, In the estate of the late David Robert Johnston, who died Bulawayo, from Philani Mageza Moyo, trading as Zenzele atsgambuslang, Glasgow, Scotland, on the 26th February, Portland Beer Garden, to Mbizo Batshi Tshonsha Mpofu. NOTICE is hereby given that Elizabeth Johnston, the All persons who have any objections to the application may surviving spouse, and as such the duly appointed executor lodge their objections, in writing, with the Secretary of the in the estate of the late David Robert Johnston, intends to Liquor Licensing Board, Harare, not later than 14 days from apply to the Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe, at _ the date of publication of this notice—Coghlan & Welsh,legal rare, for countersignature of the Scottish Letters « - practitioners for the applicant. 10983f firmation issued on the2nd March,1988. er of Con


set in tabular form must be any objections to the countersignature Copy for all notices to be All persons having by 11-a.m. on the Friday preceding the Friday of Letters of Confirmation, or being in possession of received of- such publication. assets or having any claims against the estate, are required to provide details of such objections, assets or claims to Any copy which is received after the respective closing-times to the undersigned, or to the Master of the High Court, will automatically be held over for insertion in the Gazete of Harare, on or before the 9th July, 1989. the follawing week, in which case no responsibility can be notice is hereby nullified. : Dated at Bulawayo on the 9th June, 1989.—-National accepted if the purport of the Executor & Trust (Pvt) Ltd. P.O, Box 132, Bulawayo. When public holidays occur, the normal clgsing-times are 11058£ varied, and such variations are notified in the Gazette in advance. -

rer All copy must be addressed to the Department of Printing ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE and Stationery, and either pusted to P.O. Box 8062, Causeway, or delivered direct to the department, in Gordon Avenue Sixth Street and Epion Street), Harare. Envelopes Daphne Ralstein of Cape "Town, (between In the estate of the late. should be marked: Gazette copy—urgent, Republic of South Africa, who died in Cape Town, Republic advise of South Africa, on the 15th September, 1988. _ Regular advertisers and subscribers are requested to NOTICE is hereby given that Julius Hirsch Lurie of Cape immediately of any change of address. Town, Republic of South Africa, the duly appointed executor, Subscription rate _ ; intends of apply to the Master of the High Court of Zimbabwe, The annual. subscription rate for the Gazette is Z$20, pay- at Harare, for countersignature of the letters of executorship able, in advance, to the Controller of Printing and Stationery, issued by the Master of the Supreme Court, at Cape Town, and may commence with the first issue of any month. — on the 15th November, 1988. Republic of South Africa, All persons having any objections to the countersignature of GOVERNMENT GAZETTE such letters of executorship, or having any claims against the estate, are hereby required to file their objections and particulars of their claims with the Master of the High Court, Submission of Copy for Application for the Issue of Harare, on or before the 8th July, 1989. . Liquor Licences Dated at Harare this 9th day of June, 1989,—National Executor & Trust (Private) Limited, P.O. Box5330, Harare. IT is hereby notified, for general information, that due to an 11059f increase in the number of applicants, throughout the country,

for Liquor Licences and the subsequent publication in the Gazette, applicants are advised to ensure that their copy has ADMINISTRATION OF ESTATE been accepted prior to fixing dates for simultaneous publica- tion in both the Gazette and any newspaperin- the country. In the estate of Geoffrey Hubert Walter Hall, married in | While everyeffort will be made to take in what we can in community of property, to Sylvia Blanche Hall, who died at the weekly issue, in respect of applications for Liquor Licences Johannesburg, R.S.A., on the 3rd November, 1988. orlly, no responsibility will be accepted by the Department of | NOTICE is hereby given that Graham Henry Buckerfield, Printing and Stationery if— nominee of Syfrets Trust Limited and as such the duly (a) copy is automatically held over for insertion in the appointed executor in this estate, intends to apply to the Gazette of the following week; and Master of the High Court, Harare, for countersigning and (b) the dates contained in such copy, or any requirements sealing of letters of executorship issued on the 21st December, of publication on specific dates are affected; 1988, by the Master of the Supreme Court of South Africa, at because the production of the weekly issue of the Gazetie retoria. operates to atight schedule resulting in programmingprinting All persons having any objections to such countersignature work-flow. . and sealing, or being in. possession of assets or having any L. C. TAKAWIRA, claims against the estate, are hereof required to file their (Editor). objections, details of the assets and particulars of their claims Department of Printing and Stationery, with the undersigned or the Master of the High Court. Harare, Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), within 21 days from the date of publication hereof. Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). Dated at Harare thig 30th day of May, 1989.—P. Alcock, Guardian Trust Company (Private) Limited, P.O. Box 561, Harare. 10956f GOVERNMENT GAZETIB

GOVERNMENT GAZETTE | Submission of Copy for Government Gazette Statutory Instruments and Notices Authorized Scale of Charges, Times of Closing and Subscription Rate as from ist July, 1986 IT is hereby notified, for general information, that it is necessary to draw attention to the “Conditions for Acceptance of Copy”, which appears in every issue of the Gazette; and particularly the need to submit lengthy copy, in the case of Charges Statutory Instruments, at least 21 days before the date of NOTICES published in the normal columns: $4 per centi- closing for the Gazette in which the notice is to be published. metre or part thereof single column. Taking the depth of such months or so there have been many matter, normally spaced, approximately 25 words occupy one During the past few centimetre; but this can only be a rough guide, as a heading cases where urgertt copy for subsidiary legislation, which may occupy two centimetres, and certain notices unavoidably requires the signature of the President or a minister to give it effect, and which is of national importance, has been sent in goatain white space, which must be included in the chargeabie I epth. : for publication in the Gazetre after closing-time. Whilst acknowledge that it is the duty of the Department of Printing Notices which have to appear in tabular form across the and Stationery to give certain notices special treatment, I am, full width of the page, such as .ost insurance policies, deceased however, of the view that a Gazette Extraordinary has tended estates, insolvent estates, company liquidation, notices in terms to be a must rather than a matter ofpriority in respect of of the Insolvency Act [Chupier 303], changes of companies’ "unwarranted delays of urgent copy. names, et cetera: $10 per entry. While every effort will continue to be made to publish © Except in the case of approved accounts, remittances must Extraordinaries on the required dates, copy must be submitted accompany all copy of advertisements. Failing this, copy will timeously so that it can be programmed into the printing be returned with an assessment of charges. work-flow as soon as it is available. Times of closing L. C. TAKAWIRA, The Gazette closes for the receipt of copy for all notices to (Editor). be published in the normal columns, and for statutory instru- Department of Printing and Stationery, ments, at 11 am. on the Monday preceding the Friday of Gordon Avenue (between Sixth Street and Epton Street), + Harare (P.O. Box 8062, Causeway). publication. a


506 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Guzerm, 9TH June, 1989

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Criminal Procedure and Evidence Act [Chapter 59) (as amended at the‘ist paper; or ' December, 1976) . soe ee) OTS (b) contain tabular or other matter which involves Customs and Excise Tariff Hand Book, January, 1988 : « 35,00 complicated setting; Customs Valuation and Containerisation Guide —. . 4,00 it will be classed as “lengthy” copy, and will be required to be First Five-Year Nationa! Development Plan 1986-1990, Volume I (Apri submitted not less than 21 days before the date of closing for 1986) . a 8 .- 10,00 the Gazerte in whichit is to be published. Five-year plan: three complementary books— (2) Lengthy copy may be accepted at less than 21 days’ Proposals for a five-year programme of development in the public sector 3,00 notice if— Integraicd . plan for rural development. .. . «© » « «© . 2,00 Urban development in the main centres... www 1,00 (a) the work involved is of a straight forward and non- Flora zambesiaca, volume i, part Eo... 6 ew ew ew ee ww 20 tabular nature; and Flora zambesiaca, volume I, partHl 2.0. 6 1 we ee we) 70 (b) the total volume of work in hand for that time being Flora rambesiaca, volume II, part . 2. 0... 1 1 lw ew ee) 8,20 permits its acceptance. Fiora rambesiaca, supplement. .. .» es «© © 6 « «© 9,50 6. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained in these conditions, any copy— Greater Salisbury report, local authority commission soe 6 ee « 3,00 Government Gazette (annual subscription rate) . 20,00 (a) which is of national importance, and which is originated as a matter of urgent necessity, may, by Government Garette (individua opies) . 0,40 prior arrangement, be accepted late for the current Income Tax Act (Chaprer 18/] as amended at the 3ist October, 1986 3,00 week; Index to the legislation in force in Zimbabwe on the Ist January, 1981. 3,50 Instant statute case law to 8,00 (b) may, due to shortage of staff or to technical Kirkta. journal of the National Herbarium, Saliabury, 1960-61, Volume i 3.00 considerations, be delayed until conditions permit Kirkia, 1961-62, volume2 2. 2 2 wks soe ew ew whe) 63,00 its processing. Kirkia, 1962-63, volume 3. 2 2 wg gw ke ee . 3,00 7. Copy must not be submitted as part of a letter or a Kirkia, 1963-64, volume 4. PB requisition. It must appear on a separate sheet of paper, on Kirkia, voiume 5, parts I and Il, per part roe ew ee ew lw ele) «8D which there is no instruction or other extraneous matter. Kirkia, volume 6, partal and H, per part o.oo. 056 6 ee 1,50 (1) In cases where notices have to be pubiished in Kirkia, volume 7, parts land Il, perpart .o. 5. 1,50 tabular form, copy must be drafted exactly as it is to appear. Kirkio, volume 8, parts and fl, per part o.oo. 00. 0.0. ee 1,50 If printed forms for any such notices are unavailable, Kirki., volume 9, partsland Il, perpart o.oo... 3... . «~~ 4,50 advertisers must prepare their own forms. While it is not Kirkia, volume 16, parts { and II, Per Part o 8 © © 6 ete 1,50 necessary to include the preamble, the box-headings must be Kirkia, volume 11, part 2... sob s »« « « 1,50 there, and, where applicable, the number of the form; for | Kirkia, volume Ii, part]... 1 ke we ew ee ww 5,00 example, “Insolvency Roegulations—Form 3”. Kirkia, volume 12,part] 2.0... 1 1 8 ew ee we ~~ «5,00


. -§ $ Labour and Economy: Report of the National Trade Unions Surveys, _ |. Rhodesian law reports, 1978 .ce we ww ee 9,00 Zimbabwe, 1984: Volumeone . . - + 10,00 | Rhodesian law reports, 1979... . . 9,00 Mecoshat Zimbabwe together—Zimcord Conference documentations $,00 Rules and practice of the General Division of the HighCourt1971 . ‘4,00 aoe . River andLakemanthip © . . . «© «+ + . . 5,00. Socio-Economic Review, 1980-1985 (Zimbabwe) . . . . . - 12,00 Mose uilding By-laws, 1977. . .- . soe oe 5,00 Statistical Yearbook of Zimbabwe, 1987... . - 10,00 ational Manpower Survey, 1981: Volumel 2... ee 10,00 Statute law of Rhodesia, 1975; 1976; 1977; 1978— National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume 2. . . 1. - + + « 5,00 full-bound, buckram «wl. toa ee ee ewe 10,00 National Manpower Survey, 1981: Volume III. . + 10,00 quarter-bound, hardcover 20. 6 6 ee et et 4,50 National Railways of Zimbabwe: Report of the Committee “of Inquiry toftcover . : C59 into Parastatals . . . . ' . » 6 « «© §,0C Statute law of Zimbabwe Rhodesia, 1979 , . ew ee wy 14,00 Parliamentary debates (House of Assembly) (annual subscription rate) . 2,00 full-bound, buckram . |. Cone hard cover ...... eos . 9.50 Partiamentary debates (The Senate) (annual subscription rate) ° . . 2,00 quarter-bound, Patent and Trade Marks Journal (annual subscription rate) - 6,00 softcover . 3.50 Patent and Trade Marks Journal (individual copies)... . 0,20 Statute law of Rhodesia and Zi baby ‘December, 79, ‘Decem , . ber. 4.50 Population Projections of Zimbabwe: 1982 to 1983 . 2,00 1980 (soft cover) . moans 19 ,t0 Report of the Commission of Inquiry into the Agricultural Industry Statute law of Zimbabwe, Orders, Ordinances and Acte——December, 1979, (soft cover). 5,00 to December, 1980—full-bound, buckram.. . . ee 10,00 Report ofthe Commissionof“Taquiry into the Distribution ‘of Motor Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1982, quarter-bound, hard cover... . §,50 Vehicles... . soe 5,00 Statute flaw of Zimbabwe, 1984, quarter-bound, hard cover . . . . 5,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1970 (four parts), per set. . 6,30 Statute law of Zimbabwe, 1985, quarter-bound hardcover . . . . 5,50 Rhodews subsidiary legislation, 1971 (five parts) per part. - . - eee Statutory Instruments, 1980 (five parts), perpart 2...... 7,50 > per * ee : as . Statutory Instruments, 1981 (four parts), per part... 9,50 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1972 (seven parts), per part. 7,50 Transitional National Development Plan, 1982/83-1984/85: Volume 1 10,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1973 (seven parts),per part. - . - - 7.50 ‘Transitional National Development Plan 1982/83-1984/85: Volume2 5,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1974 (Give parts), porpart. . . . « 7.50 Zimbabwe law reports, 1980— . | (0 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1975 (five parts), per part. . . . .- 7,30 full-bound, hard cover eS Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1976 (six parts), per part . . . . . 7,50 softcover... Bt 9.00 : ° , Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1977 (four parts), per part... + =~ 7.50 Zimbabwe law reports, 1981— 5 ee ee ee we) 10,00 Rhodesia subsidiary legislation, 1978 (four parts), per part... «7,90 full-bound, buckram 2... Rhodesian law reports, 1970, part land part 2,perpart . . . . . 4,20 softcover... Td 9,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1971, part f and part 2, per part. . . . « © 4,20 Zimbabwe law reports, 1982, part i— oun’, buckram . . ° s a . a . ° e ° . Py . 10,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1972, part 1 and part 2, per part . . . . . 4,29 ful softcover . . - ee ele lee 4,20 Rhodesian law reports, 1973, part Land part 2,perpart . . . - + 420 Zimbabwe law reports, 1982 {Part 2} (sof cover)...» . «4.20 Rhodesian law reports, 1974, part f and part 2,perpart . . . . + 420 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 [Part 1} (soft cover) ©. . . - - + +» 1000 [Part 2} (softcover) . . - . . + + 10,00 Rhodesian law reports, 1975, part land part2,perpart . . . . + 4,29 Zimbabwe law reports, 1983 cover). .. 2 6 2 6 es - 4,20 Rhodesian law reports, 1976, part land part2,perpart . . . - . 4,20 Zimbabwe law reports, 1984 (soft legislation, 1979 (four parts), per part 7,50 law reports, 1977, part 1 and part 2. per part 4,20 ZimbabWe Rhodesia subsidiary _ Rhodesian


Notice of Intention to Alienate a Business or the Goodwill of a Business or any Goods or Property Forming Part of a Business, Otherwise than in the Ordinary Course of the Business

NOTICEis hereby given, in terms of section 49 of the Insolvency Act [Chapter 303], that each of the under-mentioned persons proposes to alienate— (a) his business; or (b) the goodwill of his business: or course or the business. _ (c) any goods or property forming part of his business, otherwise’than in. the ordinary

- Date from which alienatio:.. Name and address of © Full name of person takes effect person inserting notice including style of business Situation of business Particulars of proposed alienation

Winterton, Holmes & Hill Katina Kapnias, Alexander Kap- Marlborough Shopping Sale of business, including fixtures For the purposes of the above- book debt inentioned Act, from the date Beverley Place, Sefous nias and Dimitri Kapnias, trad- Centre, Harare Drive, fittings, stock-in-trade of the fast publication of this Avenue, P.O. Box 452, ing as Kapnias Brothers Harare and goodwill to Alan Alexander een Strachan notice, but for all other pur- Harare. 10630f9 poses from 1.4.89 Winterton, Holmes & Hill, S.M.D. (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Groombridge Shopping Sale of business, stock-in-trade, fixtures For the purposes of the above- mentioned Act, from the date Beverley Place, Selous DV8 Restaurant Centre, Harare and fittings and goodwill to Argyle Trading (Pvt.) Ltd. of the last publication of this Avenue, P.O. Box 452, notice, but for all other pur- Harare. 10684f£9 poses from 3.1.89 For the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & Hill Petals Floral Artists (Pvt.) Ltd. Shop No. 5, in NCR Sale of business as a going concern, Beverley Place, Selous House in First Street, including the movable assets, stock- mentioned Act, from the date this Avenue, Harare. | Harare in-trade and goodwill to Valley of the last publication of Growers (Pvt.) Ltd. notice, but for all other pur-° 1071269 poses the ist dayof December, 1988 in respect of the guod- will and -he 1s! day of April, 1989, in respect of all other assets For'the purposes of the above- Winterton, Holmes & John Dunlop (Pvt. Ltd... Stand 15, Valleydale Sale of business as a going concern, the date Hill, Beverley Place, Township of Valley- including the assets and goodwill to mentioned Act, from Selous Avenue, Harare. dale of Cromlet and Valley Growers (Pvt.) Ltd. of the last publication of this 10743f16 the remaining extent of notice, but for all other pur- Valieydale of Cromict poses the ist day of Decem- ber, 1988, in respect of the goodwill and the Ist day of April, 1989, in respect of the assets 30.3.89 Arthur Young, P.O. Box George Mate, trading as Geopa Shops 7 and &, Afgate Sale of motor vehicles, furniture and 62, Harare. 10984f23 Electric House, Gordon Ave- fittings and communication equip- nué, Harare mient, but excluding book debts and liabilities at March 30, 1989, to Geoffrey Bushby representing Multi- Tech Electronics (Pvt.) Ltd.

508 | ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazette, 97H June, 1989

. SHERIFF'S SALES Conditionsofsale . . 1, The sale is conducted in terms of the rules of the High Court, which provide that it shall be without reserve but subject to the condition that the Sheriff “requires to be satisfied that the highest price offered. is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances oftime and place and the state of the property. | 2. After the auction, a report on the bidding and on the highest price offered, together withany otherrelevant information relating to the sale, will be forwarded to the Shoriff, who,if satisfied that the highest price offered is reasonable, having regard to the circumstances of time and place and the state of the property, will declare the highest bidder to be the purchaser. 3. In terms of the rules of court, any person Laving an interest in the sale may, within seven days of the Sheriff having declared the highest bidder to be the. purchaser, apply to the High Courtto have it set aside on the grounds that the sale was improperly conducted or the property was sold for an unreasonably low sum, or any other good ground, . * ‘ 4, In the event of no application being made within the said period of seven days,the Sheriff shal! confirm the sale, 5. During the auction, should any dispute arise as to any bid the property will be put up for sale again. 6. The right is reserved to the auctioneer of regulating or refusing any bid, 7. The sale shall be for cash and, in addition, the purchaser shal! pay— (a) the auctioneer’s commission: and (b) the costs of transfer, including conveyancer’s charges, stamp-duty and any other fees; and {c) all arrear rates and charges, and any other expenses necessary to complete the transfer, ‘ 8. Immediately after conclusion of the auction, the highest bidder shall, uniess other arrangements are made with the auctioneer, deposit with the auctioneer an amount sufficient to cover the auctioneer’s commission, and either-— _ (a) advise the Commissioner appointed by the Sheriff, attending the-sale, of the mannerin which he intends to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions, and satisfy the Commissioner as to his bona fides and ability to meet his obligations; or , (0) effect payment to the Commissioner of the whole of the purchase-price in cash or by cheque or bank draft drawn to the order of the Sheriff. 9. The purchase-money, if not paid in full to the Commissioner at the conclusion of the auction, shall be paid on or before the registration of the transfer of the property into the nameof the purchaser, unless the Sheriff approves other arrangements for discharging the amount due by the purchasér. 10. The purchaser shall be liable topay interest at the rate of nine Per cent. per annum in respect of any unpaid balance of the purchase-price, with effectfrom seven days after the date of confirmation ofthe sale by the Sheritf. I1. Hf the purchaser tuils to make payment of the purchase-price and other costs and charges in terms of these conditions of sale, or fails to comply with any conditions of the sale contained herein, the Sheriff shall have the right to apply to a judge of the High Court to have the sale cancelled, and to hold the purchaserliable for any loss or damages sustained, or to employ any other remedy which he may have. In the event ofthe sale being cancelled, the purchaser shall not beentitled to any increase which the property may realize at a subsequentsale. 12, The property is scid as represented by the title-deeds, the Sheriff not holding himself liable for any deficiency whatsoever, and renouncing all excess; and the Sheriff dees nut hold himself responsible for the determination of the boundaries and beacons, which shall be the responsibility of the purchaser. 13. The property shall be at the risk and profit of the purchaser from the date upon which the Sheriff confirms the sale and the vacant possession. Sherif gives no warranty of 14, The highest bidder may not withdraw his bid in terms of these conditions of sale prior to the date of confirmation of the sale or rejection of his offer by the Sheriff. ; P.O. Box 8050, -F. S. Causeway. CHAMBAKARE, Sheriff.

8.8. . . number Plaintiff and defendant Description of property . Date, time and place of salo Auctioneer

145/88 A. L. Gibb ‘Undivided 4 share of Stand 10841, Salisbury 30th June, 1989, at 10.45 a.m., at Tony Baker and & Co. 10960f Township of Salisbury Township Lands Shop 8, Ballantyne Shopping Jeremiar Hove Centre 28/89 Small Enterprises Development Lot 18 of Darwendale Kop 30th June, 1989, at 10.30 a.m., at Tony Baker & Co. 10961f Corporation . Shop 8, Ballantyne Shopping and Centre K & T Holdings (Pvt.) Ltd., trading as Darwendale Stores 4 27/89 - CABS | The Remainder of Lot 62 of Mount Pleasant 30th June, 1989, at 10 am., at Tony aw and Baker & Co. 10962f¢ Shop No. 8, Ballantyne Shop- Isaac Dhlakama . | ping Centre . 32/89 CABS | Stand 431, Midlands Township 5 of Uplands 30th June, 1989, at 10.15 am., at Tony Baker &Co. and 10963F of Subdivision A of Waterfalls Shop 8, Ballantyne Shopping Munemo Marambire Centre


Noticz is herebygiven, in terms of section 21 oftheCompantes Act [Chapter 190}, that application will be made, not less than 14 days trom the date ofpublica- tion ofthis notice, to the Chief Registrar of Companies, for his approval to charge the uames of che under-mentioned compunies as indicated bélow.

Number Name , Changs of name to Agent

836/81 Willis Faber & Associates Life (Private) Limited Willis Faber Life & Pensions (Private) Limited Mrs, L. J. Rudge. 10884f 1054/86 Central African Insurance Agents (Harare) Central African Insurance Brokers (Private) S, D. Yiannakis, A.C.1S. (Private) Limited 10887f Limited . 119/85 S.K. Stationers & Booksellers (Pvt.) Limited . Multiple Agencies (Pvt.) Ltd...... Silas K. Dube. 10892f 364/87 D. C. Hamilton (Private) Limited . 2... Ashlyns Farms (Private) Limited . . . Barbour, Robb & O'Connor, 10985f 2782/88 Ingwe Bowhunting Safaris (Private) Limited. Ingwe Safaris (Private) Limited. . . . . Condy, Chadwick & Elliott, 10995f 274/76 Little Shop Enterprises (Private) Limited . . Next Investments (Private) Limited . . .. Danziger & Partners. 885/86 Cominda Enterprises (Private) Limited 11008f . . Cominda (Private) Lin‘ted + + « »« «| Accounting & Executor Services 110Lif (Private) Limited. }|| — A. L, van Beek Zimbabwe (Private) Limited . | A.L.B. Zimbabwe (Private) Limited . . . Winterton, Holmes & Hill, (legal 11013f practitioners, . , |



ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazette, 91a Jung, 1989

COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES (purwantto section’ 250of the Companies Act [Chapter 190) Noricsis hereby given that a joint meeting of creditors and contributors of the under-mentioned companies will be held on the dates and at the times and places stated, for the purposes of receiving the liquidator’s report as to the affairs and progress ofthe liquidation, giving any directions relating to the winding up thergof which creditors may deem desirable and, in thecase of companies being wound up by the court, for the proof of claims. ' Companies Act, Liquidation—Form 6

- Day, date and hour of meeting. . Number Name of company Mode of Place of meeting ‘ liquidation Day ‘Date Hour

5/89 UnitedSuitcase (Pvt.) Ltd. . | Compulsory Wed. 21.6.89 8.39a.m. High Court, Harare, 11012f ‘ 1 i

‘ COMPANY LIQUIDATION NOTICES(pursuant to section 254 of the Companies Act {Chapter 190}) _ Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans ofdistribution in the liquidations mentioned below will lie open at the offices mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such longer period as is stated, from the date mentioned of from the date of Publication hereof, whichever may be later, for inspection by creditors. Companies Act, Hiquidation—Form 9

| mo, | Date from Period:for Number Name of company Description Office at which account which account which account of account | will lie open will lie open will lie open

{ . : } 19/88 Datafio (Pvt.) Ltd. First laterim | High Court, Larare 9.6.89 14days. 11017f Liguidation and Distribution Account

NOTICES TO CREDITORS AND DEBTORS(pursuantto sections 44 and 67 of the Administration of Estates Act [Chapter 301}) ALL persons having claims against the undet-mentioned estates are required to lodge them in detail with the executor or representative concerned within the stated periods, calculated from the date of publication hereof, and those indebted thereto are required to pay to the executor or representative the amounts due ~ by. them within the same period, faiting which* legal proceedings will be taken for the recovery thereof. M.LH.c. 7

Number | Date Within . of Name and description of estate of a Nameand address of executor or representative . eatace an | death period of |

1667/88 Ivor Ronald Hammond .... . 14.11.88 30 days Messrs. Touche Ross, '.O. Box 2824, Harare. 10864f 110/89 Gerassimos Panas 27.8.88 30 days M. Georgeou, P.O. Rox 261, Mutare. 10865f 1131/88 Joseph Sithole . 7.7.88 30 days Lewis & Lock, P.O. 322 £445, Mutat. 10866f 226/89 Amackiel Mavenrano Mavugara ; 29.7.88 30 days Miss Shamiso Mavugara, 36, Lawly Avenue, 10879f Lincolin Green, Belvedere, Harare. 669/87 Daniel Mjouone . 11.7.86 58 days Richman Mijonono, Rujeko Secondary School, 10880f \ Private Bag 8071, Kwekwe. 1769/88 Dr. Alexander Calder 3.3 87 31 days G. M. Nicholis, P.O. Box 2282, Harare. 10886f _ Eunice de Bruin, clerk, of Harare. 4.5.89 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.} Ltd., P.O. Box 10889f tO 5330, Harare. fi B,147/89 Phyllis Kathleen McDonald 27.2.89 30 days Bruce Alexander McDonald, P.O. Box 9183, 10893f ‘ Hillside, Bulawayo. — Eric Walter Marshall, retired, of Bulawayo . 7.5 89 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt) Ltd., P.O. Box 10897fF 132, Bulawayo. _ Arthur Albert Dennis Crook . 2... 12.5.89 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 10898f . 132, Bulawayo. — Jeremy Rowland Grundy, divisional manager , 4.5.89 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 10899f 132, Bulawayo. — Sir Edward George Warris Hulton 8.10.88 30 days National Executor & Trust (Pvt.) Ltd.; P.O. Box 10900f 132, Bulawayo. 849/88 Jack Katz 2. 1. 1. ww 5.10.86 30 days P, Alcock, Guardian Trust Co. (Pvt.) Ltd, P.O. 10924f ° Box 561, Harare. B.262/89 Stylianos Iliakis, of Bulawayo . ‘ 3.35,89 30 days Webb, Low & Barty, P.O. Box 159, Bulawayo. 10928f B.190/88 Archibald Hugh Maclean. . . lt. 7.4.89 21 days Coopers & Lybrand, P.O. Box 437, Bulawayo. 10931tf 1740/88 Philip Msekiwa Nhekairo . 2... 13.11.88 30 days A.J. A. Peck, P.O. Box 2506, Harare. 10937f 402/89 Dorothy Gertrude Jeannie Cairns . : 5.2.89 30 days Harare Board of Executors (Pvt.) Ltd., P.O. Box 10958f 2093, Harare. — Colleen Nkomo, of Mpopoma, Bulawayo 13.1.86 30 days Brassel Sigidi, c/o Brassel Sigidi & Partners, P.O. 10971f Box 1046, Bulawayo. 260/89 Lizwe Moyo, of Matopo .. . wl, 19.4.89 30 days Justice Moyo, Matopo Mission, 5391 T, Bulae 10977f wayo, B.270/89 Timothy Nkomo,a soldier, of Bulawayo . 23.3.89 30 days Effie Nkomo, 4072, Nkulumane, Bulawayo. 10978f 637/89 Francis William Hampden Newman . 7.5.89 30 days Gili, Godlonton & Gerrans, P.O. Box 235, 10994f . Harare. B.68/89 Maxwell James Holing, of Kwekwe . . : 28.11.88 30 days Louis Henry Bennett, Wilmot & Bennett, P.O. 10996f Box 480, Kwekwe. (Executor testamentary.) 281/89 Kate Jane Minikin, a widow, of Harare . . 6.1.89 30 days Maureen Barwisé of 3, Bodruin Avenue. Mabel- 11053f reign, Harare. 621/89 Edward Drakes 2. 1 ww wk 24.4,89 30 days C. & J. Accounting & Secretarial Services (Pvt.) 11054f ‘ Ltd., P.O. Box 4062, Harare. 456/89 Moats Mafgirazi 2 1. ww; 24.10.87 ‘| 30 days Mrs, Peggy Mangirazi, House No. 34, Mutamba 11057f Drive, Mufakose, Harare.


EDICTS: SELECTION OF EXECUTORS. TUTORS AND CURATORS DATIVE (pursuant to sections 26, 75 and 80 of the Administration of Estates Act[Chapter 301])

. Nomes is hereby given that the estates of the under-mentioned deceased persons, minors or persons whose whereabouts are unknown, are unrepresented, and that the nextof kin, creditors or other persons concerned are required to attend on the dates and at the times and places specified, for the selection of an executor, tutor or curator dative, as the caso may be. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo before the Assistant Master; and elsewhere before — the District Administrator. MH. 23 .

Number Time of meeting

of Name and description of estate Place of meeting For selection of estate Date Hour

B185/89 Candida Bruschi, of Bulawayo . 7.6.89 10 a.m, Bulawayo Executor dative. 10929f B.56/89. Busumana Jailos Tamapu, of Plumtree 14.6.89 10 a.m, _ Bulawayo Executor dative. 10935f B.265/89 Deborah Salman,-of Jerusalem, Israel . 7.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 10952f B.449/88 Jefferson Moyo, of Mashaba . 14.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 10953f B.263/89 Pauline Mgumi, of Bulawayo » oa s - 7.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 10954f B.268/89 David Salman, of Isracl . 2. wee 14.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 10957f 649/89 Sailos Maponga, of Mt. Darwin. . 16.6.89 11 a.m. Bindura Executor dative. 10965f 678/89 Teyedzai John Sakupwanya, of Harare oe 14,6.89 10 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 10966f 610/89 MonaLila Brooks, of Harare . . . . 0. el 14.6.89 10,05 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 10967f 601/89 | Betty Passov, of the United Kingdom . 14.6.89 10.10 a.m. Harare Executor dative. 10968f B.620/388 John Nare, of Bulawayo . . 14.6.89° 10 a.m. Bulawayo | Executor dative, 10998f B.264/89 Han Fong King, of Bulawayo 7.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 10999f B.283/89 Rashmika Moyo, of Bulawayo . soe ee 7.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 11003f B.273/89 Allen Mpofu, of Bulawayo arr 7.6.89 10 a.m. Bulawayo Executor dative. 11014f

NOTICES OF LIQUIDATION AND DISTRIBUTION ACCOUNTS LYING FOR INSPECTION (pursuant to section 53 of the Administration of Estates Act {CAapter 301)) Notics is hereby given that copies of liquidation and distribution accounts in the under-mentioned estates will be open for the inspection of all persons interested therein for a period of 21 days (or longerif stated) from the dates specified, or from the date of publication hereof, whichever may be the later. Accounts will lie for inspection at the offices specified below. Objections to an account should be lodged with the Master, Harare, or the Assistant Master, Bulawayo, as the case may be. Should no objections be lodged to the account during theperiod of inspection. the executor concerned wili proceed to make payments in accordance there- with M.H.C. 28

Number ; Date Description of Name and description of estate or of Office of the | estate . period accoun:

866/88 Roelof Johannes Bester 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare, 10867f : and Magistrate, Mutare. 73/88 Robert Kennedy 21 days Second and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10872f Liquidation and Distribution Account . 98/89 Henry Evans Meech 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10873f Liquidation and Distribution Account 747/88 Bernard Jones, workshop manager, of Harare . . . 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10874f 1107/88 Clifford Patrick Moverley Cairns, computer consultant 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10876f of Harare \ Liquidation and Distribution Account 1006/88 Ludwig Holzer . . . 1 1 1 eee 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 10878f Adiinistration and Distribution Account 846/88 Frederic Stanley Francis 21 days First and Finat Master of the High Court, Harare. 10885f Liquidation and Distribution Account 757/86 R. J, C. MacQueen . 21 days Amended Master of the High Court, Harare. 10888f . First and Final , Administration and Distribution Account 441/88 Audrey Verrior Margaret Campbell 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Hérare. 10932f Administration, Liquidation and Distribution Account B.606/88 Eleanor Gillespie Anderson. gw wt, 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10948f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account B.87/89 Rose Kathleen Turner, of South Africa... ws, 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10949f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account B.606/87 Henry Gilbert Boweni .. 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10970f Liquidation and Bulawayo, . Distribution Account B.465/88 Annie Sugerman (also known as Anne Sugerman) . 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10975f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account B.239/88 Daniel Richard May 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 10976f Liquidation and ’ Bulawayo. ’ Distribution Account 317/88 Peter Desmond Flint 2. 2... 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 11004f Administration and Distribution Account B,132/89 Louis Peribonis, of Bulawayo . 21 days First and Final Assistant Master of the High Court, 11005f Liquidation and Bulawayo. Distribution Account |


M.H.C. 28—continued . . . ‘

1599/88 Alexander Malcolm Campbell (also known as Alasdair 21 days © ' First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 11006f Malcolm Campbell) . Liquidation and ‘ . Distribution Account - 1299/88 Violett High 2. 6 6 ee ee ee ts 21 days First and Final. Master of the High Court, Harare. 11007f . Liyuidation and , Distribution Account 1776/88 Walter Yorath Phillips 2 2. 2 06 eee te 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 11020f Liquidation and Distribution Account 1720/88 Elizabeth Emily Bury, housewife, of Harare. .. . |. 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 11052f 99/89 Doris Agnes Pierrepont Hosking . .-. . + - - 21 days First and Final Master of the High Court, Harare. 11055f Lh Liquidation and , Distribution Account ‘ 1663/88 Juanita Elizabeth Curle 6 ww wee 21 days First Interim Master of the High Court, Harare, 11056f Liquidation and Distribution Account

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES(pursuant to the Insolvency Act) Notucs is hereby given that « meeting of creditors will be held in the sequestrated or assigned estates mentioned below on the dates, at the times and places and for the purposes set forth. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere they will be held before the Magistrate. , Insolvency Regulations—Form 5 (1952) or 11 (1974)

os . Whether Day, date and hour of meeting Place of meeting Purpose of meeting Number Name and description of estate assigned or } | ofestate | : sequestrated Day Date Hour P

claims. - 10923f 9/651 Onesimo Takawira Kadzombe . Sequestrated _ Wed. 21.6.89 8.33 a.m. High Court, Harare - Proof of

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES(pursuantto the Insolvency Act) will lie open at the offices | Notice is hereby given that the liquidation accounts and plans of distribution and/or contribution in the estates mentioned below may be later, mentioned for a period of 14 days, or such longerperiod as isstated, from the date mentioned or from the date of publication hereof, whichever or 12 (1974) for inspection by creditors. ; Insolvency Regulations—Form 7 (1952)

. Dates from Period for Number Name and description of estate Description Offices at which account which account which account . will lie open will lie open of estate of account . will lie open |

Od t4days. 1095If 9/552 Stewart David MacDonald ...... ; Tenth Interim High Court, Harare 9.6.89 Liquidation and ; ; Distribution Account 9.6.89 14days. 11016f 9/653 Roginald John Werrett . 2... ee ee + Second Interim High Court, Harare Liquidation and Distribution Account

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuant to the Insolvency Act) sequestration} wil] be held in the said Norice is hereby given that a meeting of creditors (being the second meeting in such of the said estates as are under of receiving the trustee’s or assignee’s report estates on the dates and at the times and places mentioned,for the proof of claims against the estate, for the purpose of any part of the estate, or concerning as to the affairs and condition of the estate and of giving the trustee or assignee directions concerning the sale or recovery any matter relating to the administration thereof. they will be held before the Magistrate. Meetings in Harare will be held before the Master; in Bulawayo they will be held before the Assistant Master; elsewhere 7 Insolvency Regulations—Form 4 (1952) or 10 (1974)

| Day, date and hour of meeting Whether Number Name and description ofestate assigned or or | Place of meeting | Hour of estate sequestrated Day Date

21.6.89 8.36 a.m. | High Court, Harare. 10993f 9/687 Johannes Steyn Ferreira 2. 6. ww wwe Sequestrated Wed, |

NOTICES OF TRUSTEES AND ASSIGNEES (pursuantto the Insolvency Act)” he, of the estates mentioned as having Notice is hereby given that the persons mentioned below have been appointed trustees or assignees, as the case may are required io pay their debts at ibe said addresses been sequestrated or assigned, that their addresses are as set forth, and that persons indebted to the estates Regulatioas— Form 3 (1952) or 9 (1974) within 30 days from the date of publication of this notice, Insolvency

. | Whether | Full address of trustee or assignee Number Name and description of estate assigned or Name oftrustee of estate sequestrated OFassignee

(Pvt.) Lid., P.O. 10991f 9/692 Peter Berry. ©) - et ee Sequestrated Malcolm Fraser N. K. Peake Trust Box 925, Harare.

512 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT Gazette, 91H Jung, 1989 if


General Notices General Notices Number Page Number . , Page

307, Road Motor Transportation Act [Chapter 262]: Avplications 317.. Government Tender Board: Tenders Invited . . 2 . 497 in Connexion ‘with Road Service Permits . . . 493 318. Parliament of Zimbabwe: Publication of Bill . : 0 497 308. Deeds Registries Act [Chapter 139]: "Application for 319. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of Cancellation of Deed of Transfer (No. 2417/88) of Lot 1 of Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe . . 498 Subdivision H of Galway, Goromonzi District . — 495 -320. Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe Act [Chapter 173]: Statement of 309. Deeds Registries Act {Chapter 139]: Notice of Cancellation Assets and Liabilities of the Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe . . 498 . of Deed of ‘Transfer (No. 5547/79), Deed of Transfer 321. Insurance Act, 1987: Lost or Destroyed Life Policies . . 498 310. ho.2254/20)deetea:Grant(No.689/80)- “es. Statutory Instruments lusued as Supplements to this Gazette 311. Welfare Organizations Act [Chapter 93]: Re-appointment. of a Number : Member ofthe Welfare Advisory Board . 496 113. Fatmers Licensing and Levy (Rate of. Levy) (Horticultural Produce) 312. Postal and Telecommunication Services Act [Chapter "2501: Notice, 1989. | aniaurinateveins Post Offices in Zimbabwe 49g. | 14 Seeds (Certification Scheme) (Amendment) Notice, (No. 21). 313. Postal and Telecommunication Services Act ‘Chapter "2501: . 115. Tribal Trust Land (Description of Area) (Repeal) Notice, 1989. Information Concerning Certain Post Offices in Zimbabwe: 116. Liquor (General) (Amendment) Regulations, 1989 (No. 5). (Postal Notice 13 of 1989). .. . + » « 496 117, Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Shamva Rural Council) 314. Electoral Act. 1979: By-election in Dzivaresekwa Constituency: = Notice, 1989. Candidates, Polling Days and Constituency Registrar . 496 118. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Chegutu Rural Council) 315. Customs and Excise Act IChapter a Bonded Warehouse _ Notice, 1989. Notice 7 of 1989 ...... - 496 119. Tariff of Vehicle Licence and Other Fees (Arcturus Rural Council) 316. Customs and Excise Act (Chapter Im: Customs Rummage. Notice, 1989. . Sale: Harare st ee ee) 49T 120. Constitution (Table of Precedence) Notice, 1989.

Printed by the Government Printer, Harare.