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XII STANDARD CHEMISTRY ONE MARKS [2010 – 2011] 1. The wavelength associated with a particle mass 3.313x10-31 kg moving with velocity of 103 ms 1 is a) 2x10-6m b) 2x10-6cm c) 2x10-7m d) 2x10-7cm 2. Which one of the following particle having same kinetic energy, would have the maximum de – Broglie wave length? a) α – particle b) proton c)  - particle d) neutron 3. Which is the most stable molecule? a) N2 b) O2 c) He2 d) Li2 4. The compound formed by SP hybridization is a) NH3 b) CH4 c) BeCl2 d) C2H4 5. Paramagnetic nature can be seen in the molecule having a) a paired electron b) a lone pair of electron c) lone electron d) all of these 6. Bond order can be calculated using the formula a) ½ (Nb-Na) b) ½ (Na-Nb) c) 2 (Na-Nb) d) 2 (Nb-Na) 7. Which is incorrect? a) bond order may be fractional b) if Nb>Na molecule is stable c) greater the bond length stronger the bond d) if Nb=Na molecule is unstable 8. Which is the correct form of Heisenberg’s uncertainity principle? a) X. V = h/4π b) X. p < h/4π c) X. P > h/4π d) X. p > h/2π 9. De – Broglie’s wavelength of a particle is 1x10-10cm then its momentum is a) 6.63x10-24kg ms-1 b) 6.63x10-32kg ms-1 c) 6.63 x10-31kg ms-1 d) 6.63x10-29kg ms -1 10.Which is used by Thomson for his experiment to study the diffraction pattern of electron? a) Gold b) Nickel c) Zinc sulphide d) Silver - 11.The hybridization present in ICl4 is a) sp3 b) dsp3 c) sp3d2 d) sp2 12.The strength of hydrogen bond in decreasing order is www.Padasalai.Neta) H-F>H2O>NH3 b) NH3>H2O>HF c) HF>NH3>H2O d) H2O>HF>NH3 13.3S – orbital has a) 1 nodal plane b) 2 nodal plane c) 2 spherical node d) 4 nodal plane 14.The value of Bohr radius of hydrogen atom is a) 0.529x10-8cm b) 0.529x10-10cm c) 0.529x10-6cm d) 0.529x10-12cm 15.The stability of a molecule is directly proportional to a) electron density b) bond order c) electronegativity d) all of these 16.Which one of the following has the lowest ionisation energy? a) Lithium b) Berilium c) Boron d) Carbon 17.The correct order of ionic radii of halide ion is a) F- > Cl- > Br->I- b) Cl- >F- > Br- > I- c) I- > Br- > Cl- > F- d) Br- >F- > I- > Cl- 18.The effective nuclear charge of Cl- ion is a) 5.75 b) 7.75 c) 10.2 d) 16.8 19.The order of ionization energy a) sp>d>f c) s>d>p>f d) s

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a) KJ b) J c) KJ.mol d) KJ mol-1

27.As we go down a group, ionisation potential a) increases b) decreases c) does not change d) varies irregularly 28.Which one of the following statements is true if K+ and Cl- are isoelectronic? a) Cl- ion is large than K+ b) K+ ion is large than Cl- c) both K+ and Cl- have the same ionic radii d) both K+ and Cl- have the same number of protons 29.Which one has the highest electronegativity value? a) Chlorine b) Bromine c) Iodine d) Fluorine 30.Covalent radii value of Chlorine atom is a) 1.54A0 b) 1.98 A0 c) 0.99 A0 d) 0.77 A0 31.Which one exist as a liquid in room temperature? a) Boron b) Aluminium c) Gallium d) Indium 32.General outermost electronic configuration of Boron group is a) ns2np1 b) ns2np2 c) ns2np3 d) ns2np1-6 33.Which is the most abundant in earth crust a) C b) Si c) Ge d) Sn 34.Which is used to purify water a) Potash b) Potash alum c) Silicone d) All of these 35.Trialkylmonochlorosilane on hydrolysis gives a) Hexa alkyl Slinae b) Chain polymer Silicone c) Crossed polymer Silicone d) Silicol 36.The electrolyte used during the purification of Lead is a) PbSiF6, H2SiF6 b) H2PbCl4, HCl c) PbSiF4, H2SiF6 d) H2PbCl4, H2SO4 37.Which is used in the preparation of insecticides? a) Nitrogen b) Arsenic c) Lead d) Silicon 38.Plumbo Solvency is due to the formation of a) PbO b) Pb3O4 c) Pb(OH)2 d) PbCl2 39.Which is used as antiknocking agent for petrol a) Pb(CH3)4 b) Pb(C2H5)4 c) Pb(OH)2 d) H2PbCl4 www.Padasalai.Net40.The chief ore of Lead is a) Argentite b) Zinc blende c) Calamine d) Galena 41.de-Broglie equation is a) λ = hv/m b) λ = hm/v c) λ=h/mv d) λ = hv/p 42.The intramolecular hydrogen bonding in molecules leads to a) high boiling point b) low boiling point c) low solubility in water d) both b and c 43.For an electron the uncertainity in velocity is 5.7x105m/sec. Then the uncertainity in its position is [h=6.626x10-34 Kgm2S-1, m=9.1x10-31 Kg] a) 1x10-9m b) 1A0 c) 1x10-10cm d) 1x10-8m 44.Which one of the following orbital is not in clover leaf shape? a) dxy b) dx2-y2 c) dz2 d) dyz 45.Energy of an electron in an atom is a) -4π2me4/n2h2 b) -2π2me2/n2h2 c) -2π2me4/n2h2 d) -2πme4/n2h2 46.Mathematical form of Pauling’s scale to determine electronegativity is X a) I.E+E.A/2 b) ∆ =XA-XB c) 0.208 ∆ =XA-XB d) Z = Z-A 47.In which case the bond between A and B is more than 50% ionic and less than 50% covalent? a) (XA-XB) >1.7 b) XA-XB = 1.7c) (XA-XB) <1.7 d) XA = XB 48.Potash alum is manufactured from a) alunite b) aluminon c) ferric alum d) chrone alum 49.The element with the highest ionisation potential is a) Boron b) Carbon c) Nitrogen d) Oxygen 50.Which is used for making thermistors? a) Indium b) Thallium c) Gallium d) Boron 51.The total number of atoms present in CsCl is (CsCl has bcc structure) a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 52.An example for metal deficiency detect is a) NaCl b) AgCl c) CsCl d) FeS 53.In ZnO, the coordination number is a) 8 b) 6 c) 4 d) 3 54.Which one is not an example for AB2 type crystal?

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a) Cu2O b) TiO2 c) CO2 d) CsCl

55.Vitreous state is the state in between a) Solid and liquid b) Liquid and Gas c) Solid and Gas d) All of these 56.Which is correct regarding amorphous solid? a) They are non compression b) They didn’t have definite shape c) Atoms are not closely packed d) All of these 57.In fcc system A types atoms are occupying the corners and B type atoms are occupying face centres. Then the simple molecular formula of the compound is a) AB b) AB2 c) AB3 d) A3B 58.Bragg equation is a) λ = 2d sin b) nd = 2 sin c) 2 λ = nd sin d) n λ = 2d sin 59.An example for Frenkel defect is a) NaCl b) AgBr c) CsCl d) FeS 60.Those substance which conduct electricity with zero resistance at low temperature is known as a) Ionic conductor b) Semiconductor c) Super conductor d) Metallic conductor 61.In an ionic crystal some of the points are not occupied by the atoms, this type of defect is known as a) Schotty defect b) Frenkel defect c)Metal excess defect d) Metal deficient defect 62.Wavelength of X – rays are in the range of a) 10-8cm b) 10-8m c) 10-8mm d) 10-9m 63.The charge carries in p – type semiconductor are a) electrons b) protons c) neutrons d) positive holes 64.Glass is a) a microcrystalline solid b) a super cooled liquid c) a gel d) a polymeric mixture 65.The impurity added to silicon to act as a semiconductor is a) Arsenic b) Carbon c) Germanium d) Phosphorous www.Padasalai.Net66.The mathematical expressions used to represent the first law of Thermodynamics is a) Q=E-W b) Q = E+W c) Q=E/W d) Q = WE 67.For a spontaneous process, S(Unit) is a) zero b) greater than zero c) less than zero d) negative 68.The entropy of vapourisation of a liquid is equal to a) 20 Cal deg-1mol-1 b) 25 Cal deg-1mol-1 c) 21 Cal deg-1mol-1 d) 30 Cal deg 69.Enthalpy of vapourisation of water is 40850 jmol-1. Then the entropy of vapourisation of water at 1000C is a) 109.52 Jmol-1K-1 b) 408 Jmol-1K-1 c) 10.952 Jmol-1K-1 d) 40.85 Jmol-1K-1 70.Entropy of a reversible reaction is equal to a) q/T b) E/T c) H/T d) W/T 0 71.Boiling point of CCl4 is 76.7 C. Then the enthalpy chage at its boiling point is a) 21 Cal deg-1mol-1 b) 30.71 KJmol-1 c) 30.71 Cal deg-1mol-1 d) 18.74 KJmol-1 72.The condition for equilibrium is a) S=0, H = 0, G=0 b) G=0, S<0, H<0 c) S<0, H>0, G<0 d) G>0, S>0, H>0 -1 73.The standard entropies of CO2 (g), C(S), O2(g) are 213.6, 5.740, 205.03K a) 2.86JK-1 b) -2.86JK-1 c) 8.60JK-1 d) -8.60JK-1 74.The condition for spontaneous vxn is a) Increase in entropy b) Increase in enthalpy c) Decrease in free energy d) all of these 75.Which one does not increase entropy? a) rusting of Iron b) sublimation of Naphthalene c) water is converted into steam d) formation of ice from water 76.A heat engine operates between 1100C and 250C. Then the maximum efficiency of the engine is a) 12% b) 22.2% c) 42% d) 32.3% 77.For the reaction 2Cl(g)  Cl2(g) the signs of H and S are respectively a) +, - b) +, + c) -, - d) -, + 78.The Gibb’s free energy G is mathematically defined as a) G = H+TS b) G = H-TS c) G = -TS d) G = E-TS

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79.Liquid Helium does not obey Trouton’s rule because its a) boiling point is very high b) boiling point is little above 0 K c) boiling point is less than 0 K d) melting point is greater than 0 K 80.The standard entropies of elements or compounds at any temperature above 0 K is a) always positive b) always negative c) equal to zero d) equal to one

81.The equilibrium constant for the reaction N2O4(g) 2NO2(g) is 2 2 a) PN2O4/PNO2 b) PN2O4/(PNO2) c) PNO2/PN2O4 d) (PNO2) /PN2O4 82.The relation between Kp and Kc for the reaction 2H2O(g) +2Cl2(g) 4HCl(g)+O2(g) is 2 2 a) Kp=Kc RT b) Kp=Kc c) K2=(K1) d) K1=1/K 2 83.PCl5 PCl3+Cl2 which one decreases the dissociation of PCl5? a) Increase of Cl2 b) Increase of PCl3 c) decreasing pressure d) all of these 84.If the equilibrium constants of the following reactions are 2A B is K1 and B 2A is K2 then 2 2 a) K1 = 2K2 b) K1 = 1/K2 c) K2 = (K1) d) K1 = 1/K 2 2 85.The equilibrium constant Kc for A(g) B(g) is 2.5x10 . The rate constant of the forward reaction is 0.05sec-1. Then the rate constant of the reverse reaction is a) 5 sec b) 0.5sec c) 2 sec-1 d) 0.2sec 86.In which reaction Kp = Kc? a) N2+O2 2NO b) PCl3+Cl2 PCl5 c) N2+3H2 2NH3 d) 2SO2+O2 2SO3 87.The value of n(g) for the reaction 2NH3 N2+3H2 is a) +1 b) +2 c) -2 d) 3 88.The unit of Kc for the equilibrium reaction 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 is a) mol.dm-3 b) mol-1dm3 c) mol.lit d) mol.lit-1 89.The initial concentration of H2, I2 and HI are 0.1, 0.1 and 0.02 mol respectively. Then the value of Q for the dissociation of HI is a) 25 b) 0.04 c) 0.03 d) 0.004 90.The catalyst used in the Haber’s process is a) V2O5 b) Mo c) Fe d) In 91.The optimum condition used in contact process to get more yield of SO3 is www.Padasalai.Net0 0 a) Pressure is 700 – 1200 atm b) Temperature is 400 -450 C c) Catalyst V2O5 d) all of these 92.In the reaction 2H2O(g) + 2Cl2(g) 4HCl(g) +O2(g) a) Kp=Kc b) Kp>Kc c) Kp0 c) G<0 d) G<0 97.Which one of the following is the method of studying crystals using X – rays? a) Lave experiment b) Bragg’s spectrometer method c) contact method d) schottky method 98.The value of electrical resistance at super conductivity is a) 10 Ohm b) Zero Ohm c) Low d) Very high 99.A regular three dimensional arrangement of identical point in space is called a) Unit cell b) Space Lattice c) Primitive d) crostattegraphy 100. Value of Kc for dissociation equilibrium of PCl5 a) X2V/1-X b) X2P/1-X2 c) X2/(1-X)V d) X2/(1-X2)V

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1. Which is optically active? a) Isopropyl alcohol b) Isobutyl alcohol c) 2-Pentanol d) 1 – Bromo – 3 Butene 2. Which one does not contain chiral center? a) 2-chlorobutane b) 2-bromo – 3- butane c) 2 – hydroxypropanal d) Isobutyric acid 3. Which one may be asymmetric? a) C+in a carbocation b) carbon in a free radical c) an sp2carbon d) an sp3carbon 4. Which one form geometrical isomer? a) Isobutraldehyde b) 1 – Butene c) 1, 1-dichloro ethylene d) 1 – chloro – 2- bromoethylene 5. The mixture of 50% d-isomer and 50% l-isomer is a) optically inactive b) racemic mixture c) compounds can be separated d) all of these 6. d- and meso tartaric acids are a) Functional isomer b) Diastereomer c) Enantiomer d) Optical isomer 7. The shape of cyclobutane is a) Planar b) Butterfly c) open envelope d) Tetrahedral 8. Which is correct? a) cis form is more stable than trans form b) Transform is more stable than cis form c) Transform possesses higher energy than cis form d) Both cis and Trans form are equally stable 9. Which is optically active? a) CHCl BrF b) CH3CH2OH c) CH3CHBrCH=CH2 d) CH3CH2Cl 10. Mesotartaric acid is a) Optically inactive due to external compensation b) Optically active c) having a plane of symmetry and optically Inactive d) a racemic mixture 11. The activation energy required for the conversion of axial to equatorial form of cyclohexanol is a) 11 K Cal b) 0.7 K Cal c) 11.7 K Cal d) 10.3 K Cal 12. isomerism exhibited by Ethylene Glycol is a) Position isomerism b) Chain isomerism c) Functional isomerism d) Both a and C www.Padasalai.Net13. Which one converts ethylene glycol into ethylene? a) PCl3 b) PI3 c) H2SO4 d) H3PO4 14. The alcohol obtained by the hydrolysis of oils and fat is a) Glycol b) c) Propanol d) Phenol 15. Which one gives blue colour in victor Mayer’s test? a) Butan – 1 – ol b) butan – 2 – ol c) 2 – methyl – 2 propanol d) 2 – methyl propan – 1 ol NaOH 16. C6H5OH + C6H5COCl → C6H5OCO C¬6H5+HCl this reaction is known as a) Schotten Baumann reaction b) Reimer – Tiemann reacton c) Fridel – Crafts reaction d) Dow’s Process - OH 17. ¬C6H5OH + CH2N2 →+X+N2 X is a) Aniline b) Anisole c) Phenetole d) Methyl Benzene 18. Which is strongly acidic? a) m-nitrophenol b) m-chlorophenol c) m-hydroxy benzaldehyde d) m-hydroxy toluene 19. Which is used as medicine to cure asthma and whooping cough? a) Phenyl benzoate b) benzyl acetate c) Benzyl Benzoate d) Phenyl acetate 20. 1,2,3 --- Trihydroxy benzene is know as a) Pyrogallol b) Resorcinol c) P-quinol d) Catechol 21. Benzyl alcohol on treatment with HI gives a) Benzyl iodide b) Iodobenzene c) Methyl benzene d) Benzene 22. Glycerol on oxidation with sodium hypobromite gives a) Glycerose b) Meso c) Tartronic acid d) 23. An example for Aromatic alcohol is a) Phenol b) Phenyl carbinol c) Phenyl methanol d) Phenyl methanal X 24. Glycerol → Acrolein, X is a) Potassium bisulphate b) Con. H2SO4 c) P2O5 d) All of these 25. At 533 K Glycerol reacts with Oxalic acid and forms a) Formic acid b) Acetic acid c) Allyl alcohold) Glyceryl monoformate 26. Number of secondary OH group present in Glycerol is a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) Zero 27. With con. H2SO4 1, 2 – Ethanediol gives a) Diethyl oxalateb) Dioxane c) diethylene glycol d) Acetaldehyde

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28. Ethylene on treatment with Bayer’s reagent gives a) Ethanol b) Ethanal c) Ethane – 1, 2 – diol d) Oxalic acid 29. Which one reacts faster with Lucas reagent? a) 1 – butanol b) 2 – butanol c) 2 – methyl propan – 1 – ol d) 2-methyl propan – 2 - ol 30. When tertiary butyl alcohol vapours are passed over Cu / 573 K gives a) Acetaldehyde b) Acetone c) Isobutylene d) CH3COCH3+HCOOH 410K 31. C2H5OH + H2SO4 → ‘X’; X is a) CH2=CH2 b) C2H5OC2H5 c) CH3CHO d) CH3COOH 32. Which one converts phenol into benzene? a) P2O5 b) KHSO4 c) Con. H2SO4 d) Zinc 33. Picric acid is a) 1,3,5 – Tinitro phenol b) 2,4,6 – Trinitro phenol c) 2,4,6 – Tribromo phenol d) 2,4,6 – Trinitro Toluene Pyridine 34. Alcohol + Thionyl Chloride →Alkyl chloride The intermediate formed during the course of this reaction is a) Sulphonium ion b) Alkyl chlorosulphite c) Chloro sulphonic acid d) Chlorosulphide 35. Alcohols does not form ester with a) acetic acid b) acetic anhydride c) acetyl chloride d) acetone 36. Which of the following reagent is suitable to convert an amino group into alcohol a) dil. HCl b) dil. NaOH c) Acidified KMnO4 d) HNO2 37. Which one of the following is the strongest acid? a) Glycol b) Glycerol c) Phenol d) CH3OH 38. Which is used to distinguish Benzyl alcohol and phenol? a) PCl5 b) Na c) Neutral FeCl3 d) Fentons reagent 39. Methyl propyl ether and diethyl ethers are a) Chain isomer b) Functional isomer c) Metamers d) Position isomer 40. An example for simple aromatic ether is a) CH3OCH3 b) C6H5OCH3 c) C6H5OC6H5 d) C2H5OC2H5 41. The reagent used in Zeisel’s method to find out methozy group in natural compound is a) PCl5 b) HI c) H2SO4 d) BF3 Sunlight 42. C2H5OC2H5+Cl2 →X;X is www.Padasalai.Neta) α – chlorodiethyl ether b) α, α – dichloro diethyl ether c) Perchloro diethyil ether d) Both a and b 43. The solvent used during the preparation of Grignard reagent is. a) Ethanol b) Acetic acid c) Diethyl ether d) Acetone 44. According to Lewis ethers are a) Neutral b) Acidic c) Basic d) Amphoteric 45. RONa + R’X ROR’ + NaX; this reaction is a) Hoffman reaction b) Williamson synthesis c) Warts reaction d) Kolbe’s reaction 46. Diethyl ether on treatment with con H2SO4 gives a) Ethanol b) Peroxide c) Ethyl hydrogen suplhate d) Oxonium salt 47. Anisole is obtained by the reaction of a) C6H5I +CH3ONa b) C6H5ONa+ICH3 c) Both a and b d) none of these 48. When Ethylene is converted to Glycol using HOCl, the first step involves a) nucleophilic attack by H2O b) Electrophilic attack by H2O c) Production of epozide d) addition across double bond 49. Ethozy ethane is used in medicine as a) antiseptic b) antibiotic c) anesthetic d) antipyretic 50. When ether is exposed to air for sometime, an explosive substance obtained is a) oxide b) superoxide c) peroxide d) TNT 51. Butraldehyde and Isobutraldehydes are? a) Chain isomer b) Functional isomer c) Position isomer d) Metamers 52. When calcium formate is dry distilled it gives a) Methanal b) Acetaldehyde c) Acetone d) Acetophenone

Pd/BaSO4 53. X → CH3CHO; X is a) Acetone b) Ethanoyl Chloride c) Acetic acid d) Acetic anhydride 54. 2,2 – dichloropropane on hydrolysis with NaOH gives a) Acetaldehyde b) Acetone c) Propane d) Propionaldehyde 55. Terminal alkenes can be identified by using the reaction of a) Oxidation b) Hydrolysis c) Ozonolysis d) Reduction X 56. Butan 2, 3 – diol → Acetaldehyde, X is a) NaOH b) HI c) HIO4 d) Fenton’s reagent

SnCl2/HCl 57. CH3CN → CH3 CHO. The name of this reaction is a) Stephen’s reaction b) Cannizaro’s reaction c) Oxidation d) Aldol

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condensation 58. Which is a gas? a) HCHO b) CH3CHO c) CH3CH2CHO d) CH3(CH2)2 CHO 59. In aldol condensation the first step involves a) Formation of carbanion b) Protanation c) Nucleophilic addition d) Electrophilic addition 60. Which one does not undergo aldol condensation a) HCHO b) C6H5CHO c) C6H5COC6H5 d) all of these HCN/H+ 61. CH3CHO→ X; X is a) Acetic acid b) Cinnamic acid c) d) Pyruvic acid 62. Urotropin is a) (CH2)6N4 b) Hexa methylene tetra amine c) an urinary antiseptic d) all of these Zn/Hg 63. Propanone → X; X is HCl a) Ethane b) Propane c) Propanol d) Isopropyl alcohol 64. The intermediate compound formed during the Wolf Kishner reduction is a) Hydrazine b) Hydrazone c) Iminium chloride d) Diazonium ion (O) 65. CH3COCH2 CH2 CH3 → The main product obtained in this reactions are a) HCOOH, CH3CH2 COOH b) CH3 COOH, CH3 CH2 COOH c) CH3 COOH, CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH d) HCOOH, CH3 CH2 CH2 COOH 66. Which one reduces Tollen’s reagent but does not reduce Fehling’s solution? a) CH3CHO b) C6H5CHO c) HCHO d) CH3COCH¬3

V2O5/NaOH 67. C6H5CHCl2 → X; X is a) Phenyl methanol b) Phenylmethanal c) Benzoic acid d) Benzoyl chloride 68. Which is known as oil of Bitter almonds? a) C6H5CHO b) C6H5COCH3 c) C6H5COC6H5 d) CH3COCH3 69. In clemension reduction Benzaldehyde gives a) Benzyl alcohol b) Toluene c) Phenol d) Hydroxy benzene 70. The compound used as hypnotic under the name hyphone is a) Acetone b) Acetophenone c) benzophenone d) Formaldehyde 71. Schiff’s base is obtained when benzaldehyde reacts with a) Alkali b) Ammonia c) Aniline d) Diethylamine

Con.H2SO4 www.Padasalai.Net72. CH3COCH3 → X ; X is a) Paraldehyde b) Phorone c) Mesityl oxide d) 1, 3, 5 – Trimethyl benzene 73. Which mixture on reaction gives Bakelite? a) HCHO, NaOH b) Phenol, Methanal c) Aniline, NaOH d) Phenol, CHCl3 74. Which one does not undergo haloform reaction? a) Acetone b) Isopropyl alcohol c) Ethanal d) Benzophenone 75. With which compound Grignard reagent gives secondary alcohol? a) HCHO b) CH3CHO c) CH3COCH¬3 d) all of these 76. Tollen’s reagent is a) Ammoniacal cuprous chloride b) Ammoniacal cuprous oxide c) Ammoniacal silver nitrate d) Ammoniacal silver chloride 77. Which one undergoes cannizaro’s reaction? a) HCHO b) C6H5 CHO c) CCl3 CHO d) all of these 78. The hybridization of carbon atom in carbonyl group is a) sp b) sp2 c) sp3 d) dsp2 79. The reagent of Clemmenson reduction is a) N2H4 / NaOC2H5 b) H2O2 / FeSO4 c) LiAlH4 d) Zn – Hg/HCl 80. Which is used in the preparation of malachite green? a) Formaldehyde b) Acetaldehyde c) Benzaldehyde d) Acetone 81. Stearic acid is a) C17 H35 COOH b) C15H31COOH c) C17H33 COOH d) C15H33COOH 82. Functional isomer of Propanoic acid is a) Methyl acetate b) ethyl formate c) ethyl acetate d) both a and b KOH 83. CH3CCl3 → X ; X is a) CH3COCH3 b) CH3CHO c) CH3COOH d) HCOOH 84. Which is the strongest acid? a) HCOOH b) CH3COOH c) CH3CH2COOH d) (CH3)2 CHCOOH 85. During the esterification reaction the first step involved is a) Protanation of b) Nucleophilic addition c) Electrophilic addition d) Formation of carbanion 86. Formic acid when dehydrated with H2SO4 gives

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a) Formaldehyde b) H2O, CO c) CH3OH d) Formyl sulphate X CH3 COOH → CH3 – CH3, X is a) LiAlH4 b) NaBH4 c) H2/pt d) HI/P 87. In Kolbe’s electrolytic reduction sodium acetate gives a) CH4 b) C2H6 c) CH3COCH3 d) CH3CH2OH 88. Which one reduces Tollen’s reagent? a) Methanoic acid b) Acetic acid c) Benzoic acid d) Butyric acid 89. During the hydrogenation reaction which is used as catalyst? a) Formic acid b) acetic acid c) Nickel formate d) Nickel acetate Fe2+/H O 90. Latic acid →2 2 X; X is a) Lactide b) Pyruvic acid c) CO2 + H2O d) CH3CHO 91. When cyanogens is passed through aqueous mineral acid it gives a) Acetic acid b) Lactic acid c) Oxalic acid d) Mandellic acid 92. Which is present in Tomato? a) Oxalic acid b) Calcium Oxalate c) Potassium hydrogen oxalate d) Sodium Lactate 93. Which is used as food preservative? a) Sodium Acetate b) Sodium Benzoate c) Sodium Formate d) Sodium Lactate (CH CO) O 94. Salicylic acid →3 2 X; X is a) Methyl salicylate b) Ethyl salicylate c) Aspirin d) Phenol 95. Which is used to identify as well as estimate OH and NH2 group? a) CH3COOH b) CH3 COCl c) CH3CONH2 d) CH3COOCH3 96. Which compound gives brisk effervescence with NaHCO3? a) Acetic acid b) Acetaldehyde c) Phenol d) both a and c 1600C 97. HCOOH → X; X is a) CO +H2O b) H2O c) H2 + CO2 d) HCHO + O2 98. Methyl salicylate is known as a) Oil of bitter almonds b) Oil of mirbane c) Oil of winter green d) Picric acid 99. In Claisen ester condensation, Methyl Acetate gives a) Ethyl acetate b) Methyl aceto Acetate c) Ethyl accto acetate d) ethyl propionate 101.Nitromethane and methyl Nitrites are a) chain isomer b) position isomer c) functional isomer d) metamers NaOH www.Padasalai.Net102.CH3NO2 + Cl2 → X x is a) Picryl chloride b) Chloro picrin c) mono chloronitromethane d) dichloronitro methane 103.With which compound Nitromethane gives 1 – nitro-2-methyli – 2 propanol? a) HCHO b) CH3CHO c) CH3COCH3 d) CH3COCH2CH3 104.Nitro alkanes on readuction with Zn/CaCl2 gives a) Primary amine b) Secondary amine c) Hydroxyl amine d) Carboxylic acid HCl 105.CH3CH2NO2 +H2O → CH3COOH + x X is a) NH3 b) NH2OH c) N2 d) NH4OH CH3

106.C6H5CH-NO2 IUPAC name of this compound is a) 2 – methyl nitrobenzene b) 2 -2 nitro – 1 – phenyl ethane c) 1 -1 nitro – 1- phenyl ethane d) 2 – nitro – 2 – phenyl ethane 107.Which is known as oil of mirbane? a) CH3NO2 b) CCl3NO2 c) C6H5NO2 d) C6H5NH2 108.The oxidation state of Nitrogen in Nitro compound is a) +1 b) +2 c) +3 d) +5 X 109.C6 H5NO2 → C6H5NH – NHC6H5 X is a) Na3ASO3 / NaOH b) SnCl2/NaOH c) Zn/NaOH d) Sn/HCl

Li Al H4 110.C6 H5NO2→ X; x is a) C6 H5NH2 b) C6 H5N=NC6H5 c) C6H5 NHOH d) C6H5NH-NHC6H5 111.At 413 K, Nitrobenzene when treated with Nitrating mixture it gives a) m – dinitro benzene b) Ortho dinitro benzene c) p- dinitro benzene d) 1, 3, 5 – Trinitro benzene 112.Which is strongly basic? a) dimethyl amine b) trimethly amine c) methyl amine d) amino methane

Li Al H4 113.C → CH3 CH2 NH2; C may be a) CH3CH2NO2 b) CH3CO NH2 c) CH3CH2NH2 d) All of these 114.Which one of the following gives alcohol with HNO2? a) Primary amine b) secondary amine c) Tertiary amine d) all of these

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Hg Cl2 115.CH3NH2 + CS2→ X; X is a) Methyl cyanide b) Methyl thio cyanate c) Methyl isothiocyanate d) Methyl isocyanate 116.Which one of the following gives alcohol with HNO2? a) Methyl amine b) dimethyl amine + - c) N, N-dimethyl amino methane d) [(CH3)4N] Cl 117.C6H5CONH2 → X; X is H2/Pd a) Phenyl amino methane b) P – Tollyl amino methane c) Benzyl amine d) a and b 118.Benzyl amine on oxidation by KMnO4 gives a) Benzyl alcohol b) Benzoic acid c) Benzo quinone d) Benzo nitrile 119.Aniline when treated with H2SO4 at 353 K gives a) O – amino sulphonic acid b) p- amino benzene sulphonic acid c) m- amino benzene sulphonic acid d) all of these 120.IUPAC name of CH3 – CH – CH3 is

CN a) Isopropyl cyanide b) Isobutreonitrile c) 2 – methyl propan nitrile d) 2 – cyano ethane 121.With which compound Grignard reagent gives alkyl cyanide? a) Cyanogen b) Cyanogen chloride c) Cyanic acid d) Acetonitrile 122.During electrophilic reaction which one of the following is the most reactive? a) methyl benzene b) benzene c) Benzoic acid d) Nitrobenzene

NaNO2 /HCl 123.C6H5 NH2 →‘X’; X is a) C6H5Cl b) C6H5NHOH c) C6H5N2Cl d) C6H5OH 124.Which one does not undergo diazotisation reaction? a) m- Toludene b) Aniline c) p-aminophenol d) benzyl amine

H2O 125.C6H5N2Cl → ‘X’; X is a) Benzene b) Anisole c) Chlorobenzene d) Hydroxy benzene 126.Which one converts benzene diazonium chloride into Benzene? a) H3PO3 b) H3PO4 c) H3PO2 d) PH3 127.Stephen’s reaction involves www.Padasalai.Neta) RNH2 +CS2 b) RCN + HCl + H2O c) RCN + SnCl2 d) RNH2+COCl2 128.Which one does not undergo carbyl amine reaction? a) Amino benzene b) Methyl amine c) Isopropyl amine d) Dimethl amine 129.Amines have a) Sweet smell b) Rotten egg smell c) Fishy odour d) Garlic odour 130.Which is a weaker base? a) CH3NH2 b) NH3 c) (CH3)2NH d) C6H5 NH2 131.An example for Trisaccharide is a) Glucose b) Gallactose c) Sucrose d) Raffinose 132.Glucose on reduction with HI/P gives a) Glucose oxime b) Gluconic acid c) Saccaric acid d) n-hexane 133.Which is known as Levolase? a) Glucose b) Sucrose c) Fructose d) Starch 134.Which one heated to 2000C gives caramel? a) Sucrose b) Glucose c) Fructose d) Cellulose 135.When boiled with dil.H2SO4, Cellulose gives a) Starch b) Glucose c) Fructose d) Sucrose 136.Proteins are the polymers of a) carboxylic acid b) α - amino acid c) α - hydroxyl acid d)  - amino acid 137.Which is optically inactive? a) Alanine b) Proline c) Glycine d) Tyrosine 138.Amino acids A and B react to give a) Two dipeptides b) Tripeptide c) Tetrapeptide d) one dipeptide 139.“Inversion of sugar” means a) Oxidation of Sucrose b) Reduction of Sucrose c) Sucrose hydrolyse to Fructose and Glucose d) Polymerisation of Sucrose 140.The base which is not present in RNA is a) Uracil b) Thiamine c) Adine d) Pyrimidine 141.The Lipid seen in brain is a) Cephalin b) Lesythin c) both a and b d) none of these 142.Primary structure of proteins. Explain a) The amino acid present b) Shape of protein c) Peptide bond d) Sequence of aminoacid 143.The sugar present in nucleic acid is

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a) Hexose b) Tetrose c) Pentose d) Glucose 144.Which is an antacid? a) Paracetomol b) Atropine c) Aluminium hydroxide d) Dicyclamine. 0.2% phenol is used as a) Disinfectant b) Antiseptic c) Germicide d) Insecticide 145.Which is an example for antispasmodics? a) Anisotropine b) Atropine c) Dicycloamine d) All of these 146.Potassium metasulphite reacts with acid of fruits and produces ….. which kills the micro organism a) CO2 b) SO2 c) NO2 d) N2O 147.Which is an axochrome? a) NO2 group b) –N=N- group c) –C=O group d) NHR group 148.Buna – N-rubber is obtained by the polymerization of a) Butadiene, styrene b) butadiene, Acrylonitrile c) butane, styrene d) butane, Acetone 149.An example for polyamide is a) Nylon b) Terylene c) Glyptol plastic d) Buna - S - rubber - + 151.H2O2 + 2I +2H I2+ 2H2O, The total of this reaction is a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) zero 152.In a reaction if the concentration of the reaclant is double rate is increased by four times. Then rate of the reaction is a) K [A] b) K [A]2 c) K[A]½ d) K[A]4 153.For an elementary reaction order cannot be a) greater than 3 b) Fractional c) determined by mechanism d) all of these 154.Which one is an example for first order reaction? a) Nuclear reaction b) Inversion of canesuger c) Dissociation of sulphuryl chloride in gaseous phase d) all of these 155.In a first order reaction at 250C the rate constant value is determined as 0.45 sec-1 then its half life period is a) 2.08 sec b) 2.25 sec c) 1.54 sec d) 4.62 sec 156.Bromination of bromobenzene is an example for a) Consecutive reaction b) Parallel reaction c) Fast reaction d) Addition reaction 157.The excess energy required by the molecules to take part in a chemical reaction is a) Kinetic energy b) Threshold energy c) Potential energy d) Activation energy www.Padasalai.Net158.In Arrhenius equation ‘A’ is a) Probability factor b) Activation energy c) Collision number d) Frequency factor 159.The unit of zero order reaction is a) lit-1 mol.sec-1 b) mol.lit-1 c) sec-1 d) lit2sec-1 160.In first order reaction 75% of the reaction is completed in 48 min. then its rate constant value is a) 0.0288 min-1 b) 0.048 min-1 c) 0.024 min -1 d) 0.0688 min -1 161.Which is correct regarding complex reaction a) takes place in several steps b) order is greater than 3 c) product cannot be formed directly d) all of these 162.Hydrolysis of methyl acetate in presence of mineral acid is an example for a) zero order reaction b) Pseudo first order reaction c) second order reaction d) first order reaction 163.Which inhibitor is used during oxidation of sodium sulphate? a) MnO2 b) Mo c) As2O3 d) alcohol 164.In lead chamber process the homogeneous catalyst used is a) NO2 b) NO c) Pt d) Fe 165.Which is incorrect regarding chemical surface attraction a) it is irreversible b) Activation energy is required c) multiple layer is formed d) adsorbed compound is formed 166.Milk is an example for the colloid of type a) O/W b) W/O c) O/O d) W/W 167.Which is used to cure stomach trouble? a) Milk of Magnesia b) Silver colloid c) Sulphur colloid d) potash alum 168.Blood can be coagulated using a) Albuminb) Potash alum c) Ferric solution d) both b and c 169.Movement of dispersion medium particle under the influence of electric current is known as a) Brownian movement b) Tyndall effect c) Electrodialysis d) Electrodispersion

Karuppasamy.A, PGT in Chemistry ,Theni. 8144870086.
