Transparent Amorphous Polyamides Based on Diamines and on Tetradecanedioic Acid
Europäisches Patentamt *EP001595907A1* (19) European Patent Office Office européen des brevets (11) EP 1 595 907 A1 (12) EUROPEAN PATENT APPLICATION (43) Date of publication: (51) Int Cl.7: C08G 69/02, C08G 69/26, 16.11.2005 Bulletin 2005/46 C08L 77/00, C08L 77/06 (21) Application number: 05290988.4 (22) Date of filing: 09.05.2005 (84) Designated Contracting States: • Bussi, Philippe AT BE BG CH CY CZ DE DK EE ES FI FR GB GR 78000 Versailles (FR) HU IE IS IT LI LT LU MC NL PL PT RO SE SI SK TR • Blondel, Philippe Designated Extension States: 27300 Bernay (FR) AL BA HR LV MK YU (74) Representative: Neel, Henry (30) Priority: 14.05.2004 FR 0405259 ARKEMA Département Propriété Industrielle (71) Applicant: Arkema 4-8, cours Michelet, 92800 Puteaux (FR) La Défense 10 92091 Paris La Défense Cedex (FR) (72) Inventors: • Linemann, Annett 27550 Nassandres (FR) (54) Transparent amorphous polyamides based on diamines and on tetradecanedioic acid (57) The present invention relates to a transparent prising, by weight, 1 to 100% of the preceding polyamide amorphous polyamide which results from the conden- and 99 to 0% of a semicrystalline polyamide. sation: The invention also relates to the objects composed of the composition of the invention, such as panels, • of at least one diamine chosen from aromatic, ary- films, sheets, pipes, profiles or objects obtained by in- laliphatic and cycloaliphatic diamines, jection moulding. • of tetradecanedioic acid or of a mixture comprising The invention also relates to objects covered with a at least 50 mol% of tetradecanedioic acid and at transparent protective layer composed of the composi- least one diacid chosen from aliphatic, aromatic and tion of the invention.
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