Eclipta Prostrata (L.) L. (Asteraceae) – an Eco-Friendly Natural Hair Dye
CORRESPONDENCE The wood of this tree is very hard, tough plasm. However, in situ or complemen- Fruits in India, NBPGR, New Delhi, and durable and is used for oil presses, tary conservation efforts are lacking. 2010, p. 168. house building and turnery. Some of the germplasm collections are 3. Malik, S. K., Choudhary, R., Kumar, S., As there is no organized cultivation also maintained at CHES (CIAH), Dhariwal, O. P., Deswal, R. P. S. and and land is being cleared for agriculture, Godhra and CISH, Lucknow. Conserva- Chaudhury, R., Genet. Resour. Crop Evol., 2012, 59, 1255–1265. there is severe pressure on natural wild tion of this species in natural habitat is 4. Anonymous, The Wealth of India: Raw populations of Khirni for its fruit by the the need of the hour, which can be fur- Materials, Vol 6, Publications and In- tribal people. As a result, the species ther utilized for harnessing the potential formation Directorate, CSIR, New Delhi, falls under the ‘critically endangered’ of the species for its fruit and for me- 1962, pp. 298–301. category (extremely high risk of extinc- dicinal properties. The main drawback 5. Warrier, P. K., Nambiar, V. P. K. and tion in the wild)10. Presently, few natural with regard to this species is that natural Ramakutty, C., Indian Medicinal Plants: populations are found in Ratlam, regeneration is poor due to fruit collec- A Compendium of 500 Species, vol. 3, Chanderi, Jhabua and Neemach in tion from natural populations. It also Orient Longman Private Limited, Madhya Pradesh, Panchmahal and Bha- shows non-orthodox seed storage behav- Hyderabad, 1995, p.
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