Hundreds 'Light the Night' for Young Man's Life

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Hundreds 'Light the Night' for Young Man's Life A1 We have what you need... Close to Home 20 Hospital Drive Logan, WV (304) 831-1101 60250088 THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 2011 VOLUME 99, NUMBER 311 PRINTED WITH RECYCLED NEWSPRINT NEWSSTAND PRICE IS 50 CENTS Hundreds ‘Light the Night’ for young man’s life By CHAD ABSHIRE mourn his loss,” Hunt Staff Writer said, “that is something WILLIAMSON - Last Photo by Brandon Roberts we will always do. In- Pike County and state officials and employees gathered in Pike County Judge- Saturday night, a memo- stead, it was a night to Executive Wayne T. Rutherford’s conference room on Monday to sign the neces- sary paperwork in order to receive $3.4 million in mitigation (buyout) funds for rial was held at the soft- celebrate his beautiful flood victims. Pictured, from left, is Rutherford’s Chief of Staff Jeanne Robinson, Rutherford, Pike County Floodplain Coordinator Jimmy Kiser, Rep. W. Keith Hall ball field in Williamson, spirit and the joy of his and Kentucky Emergency Management’s Nancy Price. celebrating the life of life.” Adam York. His mother, Robin, County receives flood buyout money Called “Light the read a poem she had Special to the Daily News cal, which will likely Night,” the event was written for him and then PIKEVILLE, Ky. – come in the in-kind form. attended by hundreds of spoke of the life her son Nearly two dozen people Those receiving buyout Adam’s friends and fam- lived and how much he will soon be moved out offers were pre-screened ily members. loved his family and of the floodplain perma- and pre-chosen by FEMA Bessie Hunt, Ad- friends. She also asked nently. and KYEM. am’s aunt, said that she for justice for her son. On Monday, Nov. “Today is a great day,” “stopped counting when “We want justice for 7, Greg Shanks, Inter- Rutherford said. “We are she reached 200,” in ref- Adam,” Robin said. nal Policy Analyst II for blessed to have received erence to the number of Just as “Light the Kentucky Emergency the assistance we have people who came out Night” was beginning at Management, arrived in gotten and we should all to honor her nephew’s 8 p.m., Hunt said that a Pikeville to deliver the be happy that finally, we memory. Norfolk Southern train necessary paperwork to are going to be able to The memorial, which passed by the field at Pike County Judge-Ex- fix this problem and help was held outside, began around 8:02 p.m. She ecutive Wayne T. Ruther- these people.” at 8 p.m. and despite cold found it touching, saying ford and begin the buyout Shanks praised Pike temperatures, lasted for it was poetic. process of homes de- County officials and em- roughly two and a half “I don’t know if it was stroyed by flooding. ployees for the timely hours. purposely held and that’s The money, $3.4 mil- manner in which the re- During the tribute to how Norfolk Southern lion, is 75 percent federal quest was filed. Adam, gospel music was decided to honor Adam money, 12 percent state “This project was put provided by Gary and or it was on schedule, funds and 13 percent lo- ■ Turn to Buyout/6 Shelly Stewart and Ralph but it was beautiful,” she and Elizabeth Pyszkows- Photo by Kara Vance said. ki, and speakers included Around 75 three-foot tall Japanese lanterns “It was almost like his mother Robin York, were lit and sent skyward, lighting the night for a sign from Adam,” an Salvation Army his uncle Mike York, and Adam York last Saturday. emotional Hunt told the his best friend, Curtis Daily News. “It was like Hunt. Adam was a graduate to have been driving the he was telling us, ‘I’m al- The portion of the of Belfry High School vehicle at the time of the right.’” seeks bell ringers ceremony that lived up and a train conductor for accident. Adam York was born By CHAD ABSHIRE volunteers “can have to the name of “Light Norfolk Southern. He Adam was the only Oct. 2, 1989, in Pikeville, Staff Writer scheduled hours,” Din- the Night,” involved the was killed while a pas- man who died that night. Ky., the son of Chester WILLIAMSON - The gess said, allowing for lighting of 75 three-foot senger in a drunk driv- Smith was injured, but is Ray and Robin Jill Tack- sounds of the holiday flexible times for those tall Japanese lanterns, ing accident on Oct. 13. reportedly improving. ett York. He was buried at season will soon be pen- performing this deed out which were then set aloft He was in a Toyota SUV The case is still un- Mountain View Memory etrating the air, chiming of natural kindness. Pay- by friends and family with three other men: der investigation by the Gardens, Huddy, Ky., on their way into everyone’s ment was not discussed members. Josh Miller, Zack Smith Mingo County Sheriffs Oct. 15. head. with the Daily News, but They lit the night sky and Paul David Howard Department. He was 22-years-old. But for that to happen, was briefly mentioned. above Williamson. Jr. Miller was believed “It was not a night to there have to be bell ring- “This (Kettle Season) ers. provides food for the The Salvation Army needy in the commu- will begin taking applica- nity,” Dingess said. “It W.Va. justices set Nov. 17 redistricting hearing tions for bell ringers this also provides individuals Friday, Nov. 11, and next with extra money for the LAWRENCE MESSINA The Supreme Court Senate districts bounded sharing delegate districts aSSociated PreSS Friday, Nov. 18, for the holidays and a way vol- challenges seek to block by county lines. Others with neighbors. position. C H A R L E S T O N , unteers can give back to Secretary of State Natalie govern the drawing of Residents of Monon- Margaret Dingess, the community.” W.Va. (AP) — Legal Tennant, as West Virgin- single- and multi-county galia and Wood coun- bookkeeper for the Salva- challenges to West Vir- According to the Sal- ia’s elections chief, from House districts. The five ties filed the other Sen- tion Army, told the Daily vation Army’s website, ginia’s legislative redis- relying on the new maps petitions invoke these ate challenge, focusing News that prospective tricting plans cleared an the Red Kettle’s career for next year’s balloting. provisions to varying de- particularly on the new ringers need to bring a as a fundraiser began in initial hurdle Wednesday, Responding Friday to two gree. Some also cite the boundary lines that di- state-issued photo iden- when the state Supreme 1891, when Captain Jo- of the House of Delegates U.S. Constitution and the vide Monongalia County tification, as well as their seph McFee, a Salvation Court called on officials petitions, Tennant cited principle of one-person, among three districts. social security card, to to defend the new maps Army officer, resolved to such deadlines as the Jan. one-vote found in its 14th Only one other county, 108 Pike St. in William- provide a free Christmas and set a Nov. 17 hear- 9-28 candidate filing pe- Amendment. Wayne, is split among as son. There, those interest- ing for arguments in the dinner to the poor of San riod. She listed Dec. 1 as Kanawha County law- many counties. The Sen- ed in being a bell ringer Francisco. cases. the “effective go/no-go” yer Thornton Cooper ate plan otherwise keeps will fill out an applica- Five different petitions From his days as a sail- date for launching the filed separate petitions 42 of the remaining 53 tion. Dingess said there or in Liverpool, England, allege the Legislature 2012 election calendar. against each legislative counties intact within its was no need to bring a violated the West Vir- the captain remembered Tennant spokesman map. A Democrat, Coo- districts. resume. a large pot displayed. ginia Constitution when Jake Glance noted that per is among those ad- While noting that she The position of bell they redrew districts in Those who passed by the the Supreme Court has vocating single-member played no role in redraw- ringer is a paid one, but pot tossed money into it. response to the 2010 allowed for written re- districts for all 100 House ing the districts, Tennant Dingess said that volun- Census. Three target the McFee would late re- sponses by Monday to seats. While alleging oth- had asked the justices teers were welcomed and ceive permission from new House of Delegates the third House petition er shortcomings, Cooper in Friday’s response to encouraged. map, which distributes city authorities to place and the pair of Senate also argues that the Sen- uphold the House map. “We’ll be ringing from a crab pot and tripod at that chamber’s 100 seats challenges. ate plan failed to produce House Speaker Richard Nov. 14 until Christ- among 67 districts. The the Oakland ferry landing “It is the Court’s pre- compact districts. He did Thompson, D-Wayne, mas Eve,” Dingess said. at the foot of San Fran- other two oppose the re- rogative to set the cases not immediately respond urged the same in a Fri- “There is no ringing on shaping of the Senate’s cisco’s Market Place. The for oral arguments and to a request for comment day filing after success- Sundays.” kettle drew the of atten- 17, two-seat districts. we look forward to an- Wednesday. fully intervening in those This time of the year Also pending is a fed- tion from ferry passen- swering the Court’s ques- Putnam and Mason two cases.
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