VOL. XXXVI\I EMAITTSBTJRG, M.A_R:VI,A.NI), FRIDAY, _APRIL 23, 1915 NO. 1 ALASKAN ROO TO TRUE OF ALES HAS PERIL BIG LIVE STOCK YEAR RUSSIA SEEKING COLORADO CONVICTS OPEN COAL FIELDS SUFFERED MUCH MORE SOLVED BY EDISON FOR THE SOUTHWEST AMERICAN TRADE BUID GOOD ROADS Their Losses $43,000,000, Best In Half a Century, Say_ Both State and Prisoners Bene- Great Enables Craft to Remain Sub- Manufacturers Are Advised to Undeveloped Areas Invite Germany's $13,800,000. Government Expert, fit by New System. Commercial Operation. merged 100 Days. Go After This New Business, Washington—Great Britain has lost Hereford, Tex. This is to be the Colorado Springs. Colo.—The Colora- south- far less trade during the war than any greatest year for stockmen of the do Springs and Canyon City highway of her allies, according to figures gath- west ill half a century, according to and the Pikes peak ocean to ocean TO BUILD LINE BY CONTRACT UNDERSEA RANGE 150 MILES bureau of NATION STRONG FINANCIALLY ered by the department of commerce. Dr. George A. Lipp of the road in lite pass are two of the best department of France's sacrifice of American trade animal industry of tho mountain roads in the agriculture, who recently made a tour has been seven times as great as that Minister of Foreign Affairs, and two of the best examples of the re- W. C. Edes Is Chairman of Commission Potash Solution, Replacing Sulphuric Texas and New Mexico. Sazonoff, Of England. of parts of sults of convict labor. In Charge of Big Government Enter- Acid, Obviates Danger of Chlorine "Taken as a whole, last winter was Points Out Opportunities For Amer- During the last seven months, end- The first named is a fine example of prise—Alaska Northern Route, Sev- Gas Poison—Invention Will Be In- hard on both cattle and sheep," says icans—Money Once Spent on Vodka ing with January, the approximate de- scientific road building. For twenty erity-one Miles Long, Bought by Gov- stalled In Vessels Soon to Be Launch- Dr. Lipp. "but the loss has been com- Now Used For Agriculture—Bank crease in the value of goods exported miles south of Colorado Springs the ernment. Portsmouth Navy Yard. paratively small, less even than in less Savings Make Record. by the allies to the United States was • ed at road winds around the foothills and severe winters, because the stockman Great Britain, $4,265,000; Belgium, $9.- mountains, practically the entire road- Washington.—The two greatest un- Portsmouth, N. H.—The United States has learned how to take care of his Chicago.—From its correspondent is 245,000; France,. $29,600,000. bed having been cut out of the hillside developed coal fields in America, so government is building at its navy yard stock. They have come to realize that Petrograd the Tribune publishes a dis- Germany's sales of goods to the and in many places blasted out of solid far as is now known, will be surveyed a submarine of a type that will they must feed; that winter range patch quoting M. Sazonoff, the Russian twenty-five United States in the same period fell here rock. For the remaining iv detail by the government this sea- alone will not produce the income to minister of foreign affairs. over foothills and off $13.800,000, as compared with the excel any boat of the kind in existence miles the way is son, a,nd a year hence it is expected in the matter of undersea radius. It which they are entitled. "Russia wants just two things oi through undulating country. Besides seven months ending with January. worth too much they will be ready for commercial op- will be equipped with apparatus de- "Cattle and sheep are America, the first and most important being a marvel in engineering, the road 1914. lose. Ewes are worth erations. signed and built by Thomas A. Edison these days to being a permanent maintenance of the Is one of the most scenic and pictur- Each of the four nations named ex- and wool is likely to be To one of these fields a railroad will that will enable its crew to live for a $6.50 a head close and cordial relations between the esque in the west, passing, as it does, perienced both gains and losses in their 22 cents a pound this year. be opened within the year, or as soon period of 100 days at the bottom of the worth 18 to two nations; the second, an enormous through Red Rock canyon, Dead Man's various lines of exports to the United a big spring crop of thereafter as possible. To the other a an The prospects for quantity of all kinds of manufactured canyon and many other mountain beau- States in the last seven months. sea if the craft should meet with road will be opened just as soon as lambs is better than it has been for a articles," he asserted. ty spots. Britain's gains were $13,630,000, losses accident similar to that which disabled the examination of physical conditions long time. It would take a miracle to "Before the war Germany supplied The road averages eighteen feet in $17,900,000; Belgium gained $930,000 the F-4 in Honolulu harbor. shall make it certain that the terminal prevent the stockman of the southwest from its workshops the greater part of width and iS perfectly crowned and lost $10,200,000; France gained $1,- This announcement was made by Is satisfactory and the approach to the and making some money this year. There Russia's demand, and as for commodi- drained. Although it offers a succes- 000,000 and lost $30,600,000; Germany. Miller Reese Hutchison, chief engineet field satisfactory. is very little scab and little infection on ties it could not supply itself acted as sion of climbs, so skillfully was the en- $1,800,000 and lost $15,600,000. and personal representative of Mr. Edi- These will be immediate results of gained the open range." the inisIdleman, exac`ing large profits. gineering work done that heavy grades chief losses in England's ex- son. the action of President Wilson in sign- The Conditions in the western part of "German merchants readily adapted have been eliminated, and the motorist States were It is asserted that the new Edisou ing the order under which construction port trade to the United New Mexico and in Arizona have not themselves to Russian customs and is confronted with only one grade as pig tin, tin batteries will give the submarine ac of the government railroad system In in rubber, uncut diamonds, been good, particularly among the had an added advantage of national high as 6 per cent. embroid- undersea cruising range of 150 miles Alaska will begin at once. plate, carpets, cocoa, copper, Mogul and Navajo Indians, who have good will. 1.7nder the Colorado system each con- jute fabrics. more than a third longer tnan tflat e., The president in signing the order eries and trimmings, been heavy losers of sheep from cold "After this war Russia will prefer to vict is allowed ten days off his sen- hides and skins, iron and any present submarine, and will elimi- deep designated that the Alaska. Northern linens, furs, weather and snows. The govern- buy elsewhere all the goods it used tc tence for each month of labor on the gin, whisky and tea. Ho nate the dangers to the crew of chlo- has begun the erection of wind- road shall be bought by the govern- Its products, ment buy in Germany upon comparatively roads. This is in addition to the usual in exports of art rine and sulphuric acid gas poisoning. the Indian reservations of New ment and then extended up the Susitna chief gains were mills on equal terms. reduction for good behrxior. The cost opium, cotton and woollen Mr. Edison and his staff are now Mexico and Arizona to foster the live- valley to Fairbanks. This will make works, "Now especially is the time fot of building many of the mountain woe.% leather and its products. working on the batteries for the new stock industry. a total of 471 miles of road from tide- goods. American manufacturers to send agents roads would be almost prohibitive if cut diamonds. submarine. the L-8, aml it was an water at Resurrection bay to Fair- paper and books, to learn the Russian ways in order ta the state were compelled to construct were in art nounced that Mrs. John Eyre Sloane banks. A branch thirty-eight miles Germany's chief losses DEAF MUTE, FIVE, A WONDER. be in a position to fill the enormous them under ordinary conditions. furs, calf daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edison, hat long will extend into the Matanuska works, embroideries, linens, demand on the part of the civil Nine The entire country has ,'aped the gloves. accepted the invitation of Secretary ol coal field. which has been shown by skins, crude rubber, leather Though Almost Blind, St. Louis Lad Is lation when the war ends. The Rua benefits of Colorado's pioneering be- name the vessel printing paper, clover, silks and em- the Navy Daniels to Making Remarkable Progress. cause it has been able to open to trav- careful tests to produce a high grade submaiine which the sian government will lend cordial aid broideries and wines. Her large gains This is the only St. Louis.—Ernest Smith, five years elers from ull sections of the country of semianthracite coal of'excellent qual- govermnent has attempted to build it to all American firms wishing to trade use were in leather and wool goods. old, deaf, dumb and almost blind, was some of its most splendid mountain ity for by the navy. one of its own yards. with Russia. The net losses of the allies in ex- taken from the City hospital three scenery. There were two routes competing for An aeent of one of the powers at win "Even before the war Russia had ports to Americo as compared with years ago, after his mother deserted Thomas J. Tynae. warden sof the selection at this time—one from had visited the Edison laboratories tc established a line of steamers trading Germany were: Allies. $43,000,000 him, by the Missouri Branch Interna- state penitentiary. under whose Bomar-. Seward inland, which has been select- negotiate for the purchase of a suppls directly from Libau with New York. Germany. $13,800,000. society and is in a fair vision the work of the last three yeeirs ed; the other going inland by way of batteries. Since the wai tional Sunshine It will encourage more such Russian There is practically no direct trad( of the new has been done. says: the present Copper River and North- way of becoming as remarkable as companies and will also encourage between Russia and the United States began practically all of the belligerent: "Basing our figures on actual expe- western railroad, up the Copper river witt Helen Keller, according to medical au- American companies trading to Rus- so no account has been taken of tin have sought to equip rience, we are confident that we can and making available the Bering river the inventor has thorities. specialists and instructors in sian ports." figures. Edison batteries, but construct in the next ten years more. coal deposits. It is understood that any until they shoule the Missouri School For the Blind. The Russian government, the cor- refused to deliver than 5.000 miles of the very finest road- the decision iu favor of the Alaska could stand at The child, who three years ago was respondent points out, is the largest have proved that they ways for less than $500.000, and this. Northern route was settled by reason FIRED SHOTS IN SLEEP. tests to which they not expected to live and who was de- single purchaser in the world. He also of the most severe without adding anything whatevee to of the fact that the navy has tested be subjected. clared to be mentally defective, is an says that Russia offers not merely a could the burden of the taxpayers. of the and Bering riv- His Dream of Stolen Chickens Frees ; experimenting excellent proof of what care, the prop- market formerly monopolized by Ger- coals Matanuska Mr. Edison has been "The man who is allowed to hss re fields and gave its verdict in favor Roumanian. submarine batteries since 1910. Om er treatment and skilled attention will many, but an added market due to er on the prison for the 'road camp has prac- former coals. Kansas City. Mo.—Joseph Sharder, now at wai accomplish. At five years of age he the abolition of the vodka traffic. The Of the of the European powers tically seen the last of prison life if he The government reserve Roumanian. was discharged in th to attempt tc displays a healthy devotion to the Russian peasant now has his vodka is going to began three years ago conducts himself properly. His food acres of the for its own north side court as the result of an un batteries for its submarines sports indulged in by boys of his age money to put into agricultural machin- .5,000 best coal obtain and clothing are better; his §elf re- development and use, thus insuring a usual story of somnambulism. He wa Hutchison said that flu the world over and an alarming inter- ery. He has already become a more from hint. Mr. spect is preserved. During the last supply for generations to come. arrested by Patrolman P. L. Savidg work on the sub in the carrying out of mischievous productive man, and even in this war naval inventor 11:1(1 begun est three years we have had more than matter what may become of the re- for discharging firearms near hit for humanitarian ma- time is a greater consumer of manu- no marine batteries pursuits. 1,000 unguarded individual prisoners in mainder of the two. fields. home. protect crews from the performed several factured articles. sons, hoping to Since an operation the convict camps. Less than 1 per In deciding to buy the Alaska North- Sharder told Judge Charles Clark being killed by poisonous gases to him in a The London Daily News correspond- risk of months ago, which restored cent have violated their pledges and road. seventy-one miles long, and that he had been asleep and dreamed all navies would be al ent in Russia sends from Kiev the fol- ern He ambled that slight measure the use of his left eye, made suecessful escape." extend it up the Susitna valley to Fair- some one was stealing his chickens. He lowed to use the batteries for their sub he has displayed a sense of touch and lowing dispatch: the banks government rejected the of- Said he took his revolver from a drawel marines. perception which has set his elders "The situation in Russia from the fer of the Copper River and North- cad began shooting at the chicken Before the L-8 is launched at Ports wondering and which has determined economic and political points HUCKLEBERRY FINN AT 90. western line, which is 106 miles long. thieves and that he was not awakened mouth another United States subma them to secure for him the best ad- of view is better today than it has been pay $1,1 It will 50,000 for the Alaska until the officer arrested him, although, nine will be equipped with the Edisor vantages obtainable to make himself at any other time since the first retreat Original of Mask Twain's Hero Tells Northern, which is shots he of the Germans from Russian Poland. said to be less than the fired awakened the enthe batteries. This is the E-2, whose cren other than an ordinary mute. How It Came About, valuation fixed on the gov- neighborhood. "The country outside the war zone the it by suffered severely from poisoning by He recognizes colors readily, is able Portland, Ore.—B, F. Finn, the orig- ernment appraisers, while it is under- Sharder had to be overpowered by has suffered astonishingly little mate- chlorine gas when their craft was sub- to distinguish his Sunday clothes from inal Huckleberry Finn of Mark Twain's Unit abouts$15,000,000 was asked patrolman before he could be dis rially from the war. The purchasing stood the merged near Newport last summer those of the everyday variety, he is books, has just celebrated his ninetieth the Copper River line, a fine and Missed. laid up power of the ruble has depreciated for When the E-2 was after thal quick to notice anything new in the birthday at his ranch on the McKenzie complete road, built, however. in a dif- to food supplies are plentiful. accident it was decided install tin wearing apparel or speech of the vis- very little, river near here and is hale and hearty. ficult region and at great cost. batteries, and the E-2 probably and the agricultural population, except ROYAL PORTRAITS FOUND. Edison itor in the home in which he is being He has a vivid recollection of Mark The president directs that the pses- . will return to the water equipped witt In the immediate war area. has more cared for, and he makes known his Twain, with whom he worked on a ent Alaska engineering corm:nisi-ea, Who Talked With Cheops and them in a few weeks. actual money than ever before, owing Princes likes and dislikes in an emphatic man- Mississippi steamboat, but says Twain of 1% nitant C. Edes (chair- greatest witl drinking. composed Saw Pyramids Rise. Excavated. "One of the difficulties the gamut to the prohibition of vodka really didn't get much from himself Lieutenant ner in everything, running man). Frederick Mears and Boston.--Four portrait heads of an- submarines has been the danger frou This is shown by the January savings of what he wrote about Huckleberry Riggs, Jr-. shall from foodstuffs to persons. Thomas manage the cient Egyptian princes, discovered in chlorine poisoning," Mr. Hutchinsoi deposits. which were more for the Finn except the name. construction of the lines. The work. said. "The batteries at present contait for the of the excavation of the royal cemetery at one month than whole "We called Clemens Charley in those will be done by however. contract in sulphuric acid. If it is able to eseam HER "BOY" PAST SEVENTY. previous year. days." said Finn. "He and I both instead of directly. Giza, will be sent to the Boston Mu- sections. through the lead lining and the han: "It is declared in Russia that any in- worked on the steamer Shotwell, run- why the Alaska Northern seum of Fine Arts, according to word Believed to Be Old- One reason rubber jars, as frequently occurs al Mrs. Breaux, 110, dependent peace with Austria must in- ning out of St. Louis. I was nick- over, as Secretary Lane ex- from Dr. George A. Reisner, in charge Mother. was taken present, it eats its way into the innel est volve the questipn of neutral trading named Huckleberry, and Clemens that it opens up a generally of explorations for the museum in parish Is plains. is steel skin of the submarine. Thibodaux, La.—Lafourche with Germany, for at this time Aus- seemed to take a fancy to the name. for agricultural, live stock battery contains mother in the good country Egypt. "The new Edison boasting of the oldest tria as a neutral power friendly to Ger- Torn Sawyer was my chum, but I was purposes. It is the gov- Breaux, 110 and mining They are part of a group of eight un- potash solution and the only metal ii south. She is Mrs. Paul many might prove more dangerous to grown before Clemens knew- me." that there shall well ernment's wish not be earthed in a pit previously examined it is steel and nickel. The submarim years old. She has children, grand- the allies than Austria actively hostile. McKenzie riv- of Ill Finn has lived on the an untimely t•usb equipped by a European archaeologist and sup- Is of steel and it floats in an alkaline children, great-grandchildren and great- but disintegrating through defeat. to _Alaska, er here for forty years past and seldom bonanza seekers and that is posed to have been exhausted. Four solution of salt water. Our new bat great-grandchildren. Her descendants "A separate peace, it is said, must of emerges from his retreat. feared in spite all warnings to the will be placed in the museum at Cairo. teries are of steel and contain an alka in the direct line are so far estimated contain a clause giving the allies con- contra Dr. Reisner writes: line solution—so the principle is stee at from five to six generations and ex- trol during the war of the Austro-Ger- has Along the route that been chose "The importance of these portraits within steel and alkali within alkali ceed 1,000, scattered over the entire man frontier. In addition, the allies BUSTER QUITS JINGLING. valley. lies the Susitna which. to 3 from the artistic, the historical and the The cause of the generation of poison state. cannot guarantee weakened Austria He Used to Until Doctor Took Marbles large extent, is unknown In deteil. merely human point of view makes ons gases does not exist. Her youngest child is in his seven- against attack by Italy." much From Stomach. 'though it contains of gold and the groups a find almost equal to the "The Edison submarine batteries wil ties, and one of her children, still liv- ee at home great areas of land available for ag group of statues found in the Myceri- furnish power on which the submarine ing, is more than ninety. FRENCH HAVE -NEW SHELL. Chicago.—Buster is back enIture and stock raising. Big gold nus temples. can cruise tinder water at the rate 01 The oldest mother still gets about again, romping, and feeling much light- reported lately along four and five knots for 15( premises unassisted, and while her er in spirits and weight. Buster is a Strikes have been "The men and women whose faces between her Said to Increase Tenfold Power of Can- route important finds had been bad, it is now suffi- Prize Boston terrier belonging to J. this and of they show us had spoken with Cheops miles. eyesight non Used In War. quartz in the Mount McKinley couetry; "The L-8 will have a cruising rang( ciently good to permit the threading of Nahser. One of the dog's tricks is to and Chephren and had seen the first Paris.—The semiofficial Bulletin des on its surface engines of 2,500 mile a needle. She finds pleasure in getting retrieve it ball thrown by four-year-old and second pyramids in building." Armees says. "Without entering into Old Cures. 2,650. It \wit yard and feeding the chick- Earl Nahser. Dr. Reisner thinks that some of these and a total range of out in her to give, The antiquary took down a little details, which it is impossible Some time ago Earl and Buster be- portraits support theory that Egyp- carry six torpedoes, making a thirty ens and poultry.. She was married gray book. •'Here is a 'family doc- the it is permissible to state that a new gan playing marbles. Earl would tian rulers of dynasty, 2900- two knot speed, with a range of be when thirteen. tor.'" he said, "that was published as the fourth explosive, has recently increased the throw one and Buster would tear 2750 B. C., had neg,ro blood. tween 4,500 and 5,000 yards." far back as 1561. Talk about your Set No Council. power of French cannon tenfold." through the house after it. But some- The first One of the heads of a princess he de- bulletin guards the details of quaint PrescriPtionsl" pre- We need not be afraid that we shall The how Buster never brought them back. scription, a truly one, ran; scribes as "of a distinctly negroid Warrior Marries at Eighty. manufacture and the composition of quaint "If go too far in serving others. There is It was noticed that when Buster ran be the fallesge type." Colfax, Wash.--E. D. Lake. aged but says that it has a man greved wytb no danger I het any of us will ever go the new explosive, through the house he • made an odd sicknessce. let take a he eighty, a veteran of the civil war and used with terrible effect in the him -wolves far in the walk of active love. There been sound, like pieces of broken china jing- and make powder and use The Bright Side. a resident of Colfax for nearly forty French 75 centimeter (3 inch) field- harte it to Is no likelihood that any of us will be- ling. One day Mr. Nahser rubbed Blis- if it be a woman, let her "What is you sorrowful about?" years. after an absence of two years it; but take a come too bountiful, too kind, too help- piece. ter's stomach. It jingled. -wolves hart" A 1561 jauresiee Brother Williams asked. "De harri- returned to Colfax with his bride. He Advices from front recently said she ful to his neighbor.—J. C. Hare. the Veterinarian T. A. Kragness was was: "Take earthwormes and eta cane ain't blowed yo' roof tree down married Mrs. Anna Wells of Port Or- French cure — --- that the shell, in which the new railed and removed nine marbles. small, and braye them yit; de land is still here, an' yo' two chard. has enormous them wYth a Let 'Er Shoot! explosive is used, caused wyne so that ye may swallow it; foots is on it; yo' ain't too deef ter mow- little "Allow me to introduce Mr. McKani- losses in German ranks, at times Seagulls as Scouts. the same fasting:, For hear de dinner dar's plenty drincke tooth- bell, an' Farming In Belgium. ing down trees and burying the foes in London.—Seagulls, frightened by the ache: "Seeth as man_ frogges sit- cal, inventor of the letter chute." y little on de table. De only trouble is yo' is German authorities in the debris. German prisoners have trees Berlin—The "Glad to know you. But why do sudden rising of a German submarine ting upon as thou canst get, sa too ongrateful ter thank de Lawd fer country been driven to the point of insanity by take Belgium will try to make the you inventors spend all your genius in- periscope, arose in a cloud and thus Water: the fat flowYnge from what Yu' got an' ax a blessin' over it!" the destructive effect of the new Self supporting by raising corn, pota- venting war engines?" -New York Mail. Warned and saved a British eruisei them, and when nede is. anoynt —Atlanta the Constitution. toes, etc.. instead of sugar beets. French shells. trul 800 men of the North sea fleet. teth therwyth." 2 Vie IrI rektg Tilt-at&lr CANDIDATES CARDS. MOUNT SAINT MARY'S COLLEGE NOTICE TO CREDITORS. -=ALL HIS is to give notice that the sub- _ T scribers has obtained from the Or- For State's Attorney. For Clerk of the Court. phans' Court of Frederick county, Maryland,Letters Testamentary on the STOP, LOOK, LISTEN I wish to inform my party associates, estate of ELI G. HAUGH Now is' the and friends throughout the county that MARGARET S. WAGNER time to buy your I am a candidate for the office of State's Candidate for the Republican Nomina- tion of Clerk of the Circuit Court for late of Frederick county, Maryland, de- Shovels,Tioes,Rakes, Spades, Attorney, and ask them for their assist- ceased. All persons having claims ance and support at the primary election Frederick County, Maryland. against the deceased are hereby warned forks, weeders, plow shears, to secure my nomination on the Demo- Support a man who has taken an in- to exhibit the same, with the vouchers cratic ticket. terest in the office, mastered all its de- thereof, legally authenticated, to the plow handles, shovel handles, tp. EDWARD J. SMITH. tails, will be on the job and do a man's subscribers on or before the 15th day of November, 1915; they may otherwise by hoe handles, rake handles, work thereby saving the expense of an For State's Attorney. law be excluded from all benefit of said additional clerk. Why not? estate. All persons indebted to said fork handles and handles of I hereby announce that I am a candi- estate are notified to make immediate date for the office of State's Attorney For Judge of Orphans' Court. payment to the undersigned Executor. all kinds. We have the best for Frederick County, subject to the I hereby beg to announce my eandi- EUGENE L. ROWE, and freshest line of decision of the Democratic Primary. terrace Calh 4-16-5ts Executor. dacy for the office of Judge of the Or- H. KIEFFER DeLAUTER. phans' Court of Frederick County, MT. ST. MARY'S. Monday, through the kindness of Bis- GUY K. MOTTER GROCERIES For State's Attorney. Maryland, subject to the decision of the hop Curley, was AB. R. H. 0. A. E. Democratic party. Walsh, ss 2 0 0 1 3 2 I hereby announce myself as a candi- ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR and best prices at the down date to succeed myself as State's At- JOHN T. JOY, D. A. Elegarty, who has been chosen Camino, 2b 3 0 0 2 1 0 cheer leader, is never destitute of meg- Higgins, p, rf 2 1 0 1 3 0 AT LAW town store. torney, subject to the Democratic Pri- 2-26 tp Thurmont District. aphonic tactics. Rice, If 3 0 0 3 0 0 Will be in Emmitsburg Tuesday of maries. I stand upon my record. Corrigan, c 3 0 0 6 0 0 each week from 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. Office at LEwis. For County Treasurer. Zilsman. lb ' 2 0 1 7 0 2 adv-t-p. S. A. The writer thanks the local editor of Public Library Room. Frederick office H. M. Ashbaugh At the earnest solicitation of many of Long, cf 2 0 1 1 0 1 telephone number 30. iune 3-10-tf For State's Attorney. the Mountaineer for the Advt. in the my friends I hereby announce myself McMorris. 3b 1 0 0 0 1 0 !I of Block from Square columns of that journal. McCoy, rf 1 0 0 0 0 1 I hereby announce my candidacy for office of County the office of State's Attorney, subjec- as a candidate for the Brazil, p 0 0 0 0 1 0 to the decision of the Republican prim- Treasurer of Frederick County subject What effect pitcher Brazil will have North St. EMMITSBURG, aries, and respectfully solicit your sup- to the decision of the Republican upon Washington will doubtless be fav- Totals 19 1 2 21 9 6 ANTHONY A. WIVELL port. Primary. I earnestly solicit your sup- orable to the Mountain on Saturday Score by innings. FABIAN POSEY. afternoon. There might be a number port. of Chestertown lads emigrate to South Mt.St. Joseph's 0 0 3 0 3 0 0-6 CARPENTER swaiwinERMENOMMKONIMMIIEr For Register of Wills. CHARLES A. OGLE, America for they must strike out for Mt. St. Mary's 000100 x-1 New Market District I hereby announce that I am a candi- Brazil. Stolen bases - Higgins, Corrigan, Will Build Your House And date for the Nomination of Register EMMITSBURG For Sheriff. Wamsley,Harris and Cahill.First base on Barn Contract Or Day of Wills of Frederick county, Md., sub• Rt. Key. Michael J. Curley, of the balls-Off Higgins, 3; off Meadows, 5. myself as a can- diocese of St. Augustine, Fla., was a ject to the decision of the Democratic I hereby announce Struck out-By Higgins, 3; by Brazil, Work didate for Sheriff of Frederick county, visitor at the College this week. Bish- Primary to be held in September next, op Curley has in his diocese the oldest 2; by Meadows, 7, Umpire-McAtee. support of subject to;the Republican primaries of Satisfaction Guaranteed GRAIN respectfully solicit the I ELEVATOR and Catholic Church in the United States it every Democrat in the County. 1915. I stand on my record as an offi- having been built in 1594. Prices Reasonable EZRA L. CRAMER, cer and respectfully solicit your sup- Drop Game at Gettysburg. BOYLE BROS. port. Fifty-Years in Priesthood. EMMITSBURG, MD. of Walkersville District. 2-19-tf. MARION C. MILLER, Mount Saint Mary's journed to Get- -DEALERS IN- For Register of Wills. Mgr. Robert Seton, Archbishop of 2-26-15 Woodsboro, Md. Heliopolis, who has established his resi- tysburg last Saturday and lost a hard At the earnest solicitation of my dence at Mt. St. Mary's College, cele- fought game, 5 to 1. Governor Brum- INSURE IN THE For Sheriff. brated his fiftieth anniversary as a many friends, I hereby beg to announce baugh witnessed the contest which was Ray, Corn, Oats, Rye, Bran, Candidacy for the office of Register I hereby beg to announce my candi- priest on April 11. Mgr. Seton is the interesting throughout. Snore: my grandson of Mother Elizabeth Seton, fast and of Wills of Frederick County,Maryland, dacy for the office of Sheriff of Fred- Mutual Fire Insurance Co., Chop, Clover and Timothy foundress of the Sisters of Charity in GETTYSBURG. subject to the decision of the Republi- erick County, Maryland, subject to the this country. He is the only Catholic Seed, Chicken Feed, Horse can Primary. decision of the Democratic Primary. prelate of American birth who has been R H 0 AE OF CARROLL COUNTY and Cattle Powder, Mary- M. PATTERSON, ROBERT E. CROMWELL, graduated from the Academy of Noble Hall, 3b 1 0 0 1 0 ALBERT Ecclesiastics in Rome. land Portland Cement, Terra of Emmitsburg District. Walkersville District. Williams, ss 0 2 1 4 0 Lowest rates of any Company in Rowe, cf 1 0 3 0 0 this State Cotta Pipe. A Full Line of . For Register of Wills. For Sheriff. Mt. St. Joseph's 6; M. S. M. 1. Mahaffle, c 0 1 10 1 0 Bream, If 0 0 0 1 0 NO PREMIUM NOTES Having decided to enter the field as a I hereby announce myself as a candi- Meadows proved too much for the Reiff, 2b 2 1 1 3 0 REQUIRED candidate for the office of Register of date for, Sheriff of Frederick county, Mountaineers on Wednesday, and Mt. McKee, rf 1 0 0 0 0 St. Joseph's won 6 to 141-liggins started McCullogh, lb 0 3 12 0 0 MACHINERY Wills of Frederick County, I earnestly subject to the decision of the Republi- out well, but errors in the third and hits EDGAR L. ANNAN, Agt., and other Hoar, p 0 0 0 2 0 solicit the aid of my friends can primaries, to be held in September. in the sixth gave the visitors two frames _ 2 26 EMMITSBURG, MD. And Repairs for same. 1 members of the Democratic party at GEORGE W. SHOEMAKER, of 3 runs each. 27 12 0 Brazil made his debut as a Mountain Totals 5 7 I Preferential Primaries to be held the adv. Frederick, Md. club artist when he relieved Higgins at next September. the beginning of the sixth inning, and MOUNT ST. MARY'S. "John Baer"Tomato FRANCIS J. NEWMAN, For Sheriff. his pitching was one of the features of R 110 AE i The Earliest and Best 'Tomato Coalin allSizes I Frederick City. I hereby announce myself as a candi- the game. In the two innings that he Walsh, ss 0 0 0 1 1 worked he did not allow a hit and he Camino, 2b 0 0 3 2 0 On Earth date for Sheriff ot Frederick County, For Register of Wills. had the visitors at his mercy. Meadows Higgins, p 1 1 0 6 1 subject to the decision of the Demo- pitched a splendid game for Mount St. Rice,lf 0 0 1 0 0 411 Call and get our Prices.1 myself as a candi- I hereby announce cratic Primary. Your vote and influ- Joseph's, allowing but two hits and Zilsman, lb 0 2 11 1 1 before you buy. date for the office of Register of Wills, ence will be appreciated. striking out seven. The Score: Corrigan, c 0 1 6 2 1 Long, cf 0 0 0 0 0 of Frederick County, subject to the de- R. E. LEATHERMAN, MT. ST. JOSEPH. primaries McMorris. 3b 0 1 1 2 0 cision of Republican for 1915. Walkersville District. AB. R. H. 0. A. E. McCoy, rf 0 0 2 1 0 BOYLE BROS. Your support will be appreciated. Wamsley, If 2 1 0 1 0 0 Apr. 2-09 For Sheriff. Harris, lb 3 0 0 2 1 1 Totals 1 5 24 15 4 tp. Wm. P. MORSELL Malone, 2b 3 2 1 4 2 1 For Clerk of the Court. I hereby announce myself as a candi- Morgan, c 4 1 1 8 2 1 SCORE BY INNINGS. date, for the office of Sheriff, subject Cahill, cf 2 1 1 1 00 I am a candidate for Clerk of the Cir- Gettysburg 1 1 0 0 1 0 2 0 x-5 to the decision of the Democrats of Fred- Miskell, ss 4 0 0 2 21 Mount 0 0-1 cuit Court of Frederick county and will Nolan, 3b 4 1 1 1 0 0 St. Mary's 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 erick county at the preferential Pri- Bolgiano's appreciate the support of my friends Camlier,rf 3 0 1 1 0 0 Two-base hits-Mahaifie and Higgins. maries. I call upon my friends and all and voters in securing the nomination Meadows, p 3 0 2 0 1 0 Struck out-By Hoar, 10; by Higgins, 4. unpledged members of my party to aid ------"Greater Baltimore" at the coming Democratic Primaries. First base on balls-Off Higgins, 2. Hit SHIPPING FRUIT IN 30 DAYS me. JAMES A. JONES. Totals 28 6 7 *20 9 4 "John Baer" Tomato produces perfect, L. E. MULLINIX. *Two out and two on when game was by pitched ball-Bream and Long. Um- solid, High (7rown, Beautiful, Brilliant, Tomato called. pire-Hanks. Time of game-1.40. deep red Shipping Tomatoes in 30 days, For Clerk of Circuit Court. For County Commissioner. from large, strong, well-matured plants. Just Doublc3 The Yield In veneer bands with roots undisturbed. Subject to Republican Primaries. I hereby announce myself a candidate RUBBER STAMPS. Some People Seem EARLINESS JOHN. P. T. MATHIAS. for the office of County Commissioner, Ten days earlier than Earliana in Can- -to think that much of the money ada. If nominated and elected, the people subject to the decision, of the Republi- Rubber Stamps for all purposes. Earlier and better than Earliana in New spent in advertising is wasted. But Jersey. will have a good. clean administration, can Primary, and 1 'arnestly solicit The kind that lasts. Stencils, Ten days than Globe in Florida. does it seem likely that the business earlier such as will be a eredit to the County your support. Planted six weeks later, but come first brass and enamel signs, seals, pock- men of the United States would spend in Texas. and helpful to those who may have THOMAS F. HAUGH, Three weeks ahead of any in Virginia. billions in this way unless it produced Three weeks ahead of any in New York. business in the Clerk's Office. ap 16-4ts. Walkersville District. et punches, ink and ink pads. Leave Three weeks ahead any in Washington. returns? Two weeks ahead of any in Maryland. your orders with The simple truth is that advertising Set out Slay 30th, pleireCt ripe fruit June Pennsy To Buy More . ODDS AND ENDS 17th in New York. is the least expensive form of salesman- The Pennysvania Company, operating tf THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. QUALITY ship. Earliest and best in 28 varieties. the lines west of Pittsburgh, on Monday Cats were domesticated in Egypt as Brilliant, deep red color, smoothest, no The newspaper is picked up when sent out inquiries covering the cost of early as 1600 B. C. core. people are at leisure. They read its Almost free from seed; deliciously fla- materials for 6,500 freight cars, 50 loco- MARKET REPORTS. vored. Better Than Stone Ever Was This country's "travelling public" advertising as carefully as any part of Far more meaty and solid than any other. Bolgiano's "Greater Baltimore" Tomato just motives and 35 all-steel passenger last year was an army of 1,004,081,346. No culls; ripens even up to the stem. doubles the yield of many of the best Canning To- The following market quotations, which are the paper and what the merchant says Perfect beauties, and matoes you have ever grown. Smooth, well-formed cars. uniform In size and deep from stem to Ripens evenly to has 37,000 people em- corrected every Thursday Morning, are snbleot is given thoughtful attention. ripening. blossom. This latest inquiry, when added to Picks the stem and is entirely free from ridges, cracks ployed in the making of waists to daily changes. two to one to any other variety. and blight. Unrivalled shipper, due to its solidity that made by the Pennsylvania Rail- From 105 to 122 perfect fruit to the vine. and firmness. Fruits in large clusters at every One hundred years ago it cost 18i A perfect shipper; Blight proof. second joint. Joints are short and sturdy. Vigor- road last Saturday, gives a total equip- KMMITaBUBG. Apr. 23 Mark Your Linen "JOHN BAER" FIRST TOMATO ous, compact, healthy vines. Brilliant red color, cents to send a letter from Boston to PICKED one of the handsomest tomatoes you have ever ment inquiry by the Pennsylvania sys- CCP ttlitry IrøduO ty. with an indelible stamping outfit. It is THIS YEAR. seen. New York, and 25 cents from Boston to Corrected by Jos. E. Hoke. Mr. J. T. Wilson, Calvert Co., Md., August 19, tern of 16,245 freight cars, 195 loco. clean, quick and lasting. The outfit in- 1914, writes: " 'John Baer' Tomatoes are the THE NEW STANDARD motives and 191 all-steel passenger Philadelphia. Sutter 22 earliest I have ever raised. They would have been "Itis largely the EARLINESS and UNIFORM- Egg- 17 cluding your own name on stamp, sent very much earlier but for .the lowe, dry season ITY with which the plants bear a LARGE NUM- Chilean mines produce about 1,000, FRUIT cars. Chickens, per To 12 to any address postpaid upon receipt of which nearly killed them;even then I was the first BER of LARGE, SMOOTH throughout 000 tons of coal per year. in my neighborhood to pick tomatoes. It is a fine the ripen/rig season, that makes Bolgiano's Spring Chickens per lb 25 50 cents. Address tomato for table use or for canning. It has not 'Greater Ltaltimore'superior to Stone which has as many seeds as other tomatoes. recom- been „the canning variety fur many The United States Bureau of Stan- Turkeys per b 18 s. THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. You can Standard Ducks, per lb mend 'John Baer'tomato highly for early use." years. dards maintains two branch laborator- ®12 CAME FOR TEN MILES AROUND cluerirnigst oB ur o PPickingig iica k ni g Season bushel O 2y5 CARDS OF THANKS. Potatoes, per .60 TO SEE "JOHN OMATOES. 'Greaterfr° Bamltz"jmuolyre' iethidetdo ies. The Northampton (Pa.) labor- Dried Cherries, seeded). .... 10 BAER" T nearly 22 Tons Per Acre. -011.111111. esse Mr. Thos. Howe, Washington Co., Md., writes test- ANN, PROF. J. G. BOYLE, Cards of Thanks will be pub- atory is devoted to the sampling, Raspberries. 15 July 30,1914: 'John Baer' tomatoes done so Dept. lion. Purdue University. lished in the WEEKLY CHRONICLE ng, and certification of cement. The Blackberries.Lardp r z 4 fine for me Icannot say enozteh about them. Igrew Lafayette, Indiana. (dried) SOUVENIR VIEWS 1300 plants from the $1.00 package of seed. I CROPS at the rate of Five (5) Cents a Pittsburg (Pa.) laboratory is devoted Apples, 3 picked fine ripe tomatoes from the last part ofJune TREMENDOUS 10 to the last of July-300 baskets in all, selling them YEAR AFTER YEAR line, one insertion. Heading to investigations and tests of structural Beef Hides 12 .. OF .. at$1.25 per basket and now the vines are still --1913--- (black face type) Ten (10 Cents engineering and miscellaneous materials. loaded with tomatoes. There were absolutely no T. A. SNYDER PRESERVING CO., Chicogg, EMMITSBURG AND VICINITY cripples among them. Some of the vines had 105 "IP ,-;.' "Enter our order for Thousand (1,000) extra. These include metals, cement, lime, tomatoes. People came fur 10 miles around to see aaw as 'Greater Baltimore' Tomato Seed. Bo!. LI V 151Si'I't_9.11,I. them. If had bought one-quarter pound of the / An Attractive Booklet. 5 Cents. gian'' 3'Greater Baltimore' produced the largest, clay and clay products, glass, and phy- Corrected by Patterson Brothers. seed Ishould have made several hundred dollars lie most Tremendous Tomato Crop we have ever miscellaneous materials. Steers, per 100 lb X& .6 more off the crop. Solid first, second and third l'aci n orzr lives at Fairnrount, Mczeion and Tipton, sical tests of Postage Prepaid, 7 Cts. pickings; Picked every other day since starting I Butcher Heifers Eati to pick." ed,:.erza." In 1840 there were no telegraph lines. Live bees are allowed to pass by letter Fresh 25.00 BAER"---.3 AHEAD -1914-- Cows ®50.00 THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE WEEKS F. A SNYDER PRESERVING CO., Chicago, In 1912 there were 1,400,000 miles. post in England. Fat Cows per OF ANY OTHER TOMATO terite-;: "We have been so busy with our Big To- mato _ Geologists say the Caspian sea is sink- Bulls, per lb Send One to Your Friend Mr. R. T. Scott Nottoway Co., Va., August 24, Crops, we have neglected writing you in re- Hogs, Fat per lb. 7®8 1914, writes: "John Baer'Tomatoes were ready gird to Thousand ,Pound Bolgiano's 'Greater QTATEMENT OF THE OWNER- ing. for market three weeks before any other tomato fn ilaltimore' Seed for our 1915 crops. Sheep, Fat per lb a5 our locality. I have been picking fine, large toma- We feel satisfied ycu are going to have a lot of SHIP, MANAGEMENT, CIRCU- Spring Lambs 10 .11110-0111114. 44•10-4•••••••••••• toes off of them for overture, months. I had a very good-sized orders this year from the canncrs of Full Crew Law Repealed. Fall Lambs successful crop." 1 milane, because they have, seen our fields of LATION, ETC., required by the Act of 7 CROWNED WITH SUCCESS 'Greater Baltimore'growing. August 24, 1912, of THE WEEKLY After a contest between capital and Calves, per 1. 7.03 In every tomato-growing State in the TWO TONS PER ACRE MORE Stock Cattle 5%Tii6 Union and Canada. Write for our booklet. • On January 30th, Mr. Wm. B. Plummer, OP CHRONICLE, published weekly at Em- labor, the like of which has not been "What Tomato Growers Are Saying About Kent Co., Md., writes as follows: 'I have planted mitsburg, Marylahd, for April 1, 1915. witnessed in Pennsylvania for many BAL:11100.8, Apr. 23 'John Baer' Tomato," alphabetically ar- Manil varieties of Tomatoes, but have not found HEAT:-spot, ranged as to States and Canada. It's free. anY other to do as well for me as the 'Greater Editor, Sterling Galt, Emmitsburg, years, the state House of Representa- CORN :-Spot, ® 73 Mountain SEED THIS YEAR IS IN GREAT Baltimore.' The past season wegathered over two View tons Per acre more than any other varieties. his Md., Managing Editor, Sterling Galt, tives passed the Baldwin Bill, which re- OATS:-White 63 CO DEMAND AND SUPPLY LIMITED one of can be We therefore your Me best varieties that planted for Emmitsburg, Md., Business Manager, peals the Full Crew Act of 1913, by a RYE:-Nearby, (481.22 bag tote, .80e95 advise you to secure canning purposes on account of firmness, standing HAY:-Timothy, . ®021.00 ; No. 1 Clover requirements of this Wonderful Tomato at drouth or wet weather. They are the first to ripen J. Ward Kerrigan, Emmitsburg, vote of 135 to 68. The bill places the Cemetery once. and continue firm and good-sized until frost." 619.00 19 50 No, 2 Clover, 515.0V4i6.50. If your local merchant cannot supply ORDER ---SUPPLY LIMITED Publisher, Sterling Galt, Emmitsburg, question of train crews in the hands of 11 ti NOW STRAW :-Rye straw-fair to choice,$11.50&12 you-drop a postal and we will tell If Your (.1,,aler can not supply you with Bolgiano's Md. Owner, Sterling Galt, Emmits- the Public Service Commission. No.2, 10.00?$10.50; tangled rye blocks $8.50489 you from whom, you can secure your sup- "Greater Baltimore" Tomato Seed---Drop us a ply. postal and you where you can get @IS • • Pkt., Arie.; we yvfl write burg, Md. EMMITSBURG, MO, 44 oz., 75e.; ½ oz., $1.00; your supply. wheat blocks, 9.50®$10.00; oats 57.00(48.00 $2.00; VI lb., $7.50; pound, $25.00, postpaid. Pkt. 60c,% Known bondholders, mortgagees, and 10c./ 12 on. 20c, oz. 85c, 2 ozs. lb. $1.00, ! Here,There and Everywhere POULTRY :-Old hens, to& young chick- LARGE 1915 CATALOGUE FREE lb. 53.50 postpaid. other security holders, holding 1 per ens, large,28430 small, 15& Spring chick Beautiful Location, Lots Our beautifully illustrated 1915 Cata- LARGE 1915 CATALOGUE FREE logue showing cent, or more of total amount of bonds, ' Former United States Senator, Nel- ens, 100, 42 Turkeys, 22®23 the "John Baer" Tomato in If You have not received your copy of Bolgiano's Carefully Attended To, Perfect exact size and color sent free to your ad- Beautifully Illustrated 1915 Catalogue---Drop us a mortgages, or other securities, none. son W. Aldrich, who died in New York, PRODUCE:-Eggs, 20; butter, nearby, roils dress If you send us postal. We also postal and we will mail you a copy at once. We Drainage, Grounds Well Kept. issue a 24-page also Catalogue full of J. WARD KERRIGAN, 'Friday, was once called the "business 18 ®19Maryland, Virginia and Pennsylvania fully illustrated Poultry issue a 24 page 1915 Poultry prints, 19®20 Catalogue full of valuable information for valuable information for the farmer and Poultry- 'manager of the United States." LOTS AT PRESENT $25. the Poultrymen and Farmers, free for the wan-It's free---Send for a copy. Business Manager. POTATOES:- Per bit. 5. . rri, IS .55 No. 9, per HALF LOTS - $15. asking Sworn to and subscribed before me Speaking of President Wilson, Sena- to. $ Si®. .38 New potatoes per bbl. 42.504E3.W J. Bolgiano & Son, tor OATTLE:-Steers, best, 707 ; others SINGLE GRAVES $5. J. Bolgiano itt Son, this 1st day of April, 1915. Lafollette, of Wisconsin, said "he Founded 1818. 6®6%S . ; Heifers, 15 ;Cows, S . 435. PAYMENTS TO RE MADE INTERMENT. Founded 1818. PETER F. BURKET, has accomplished much more progres- ALL -BEFORE Almost 100 years Almost 100 years selling "Big Crop" g; Bulls, 3%a4% $ . ; Calves, ri selling "Big Crop" Seeds. Notary Public. sive legislation than either Taft or Fall Lanai:J.?, 6%ist7c. spring lambs , 11®13c. For Information Apply to J. HENRY STOKES. Seeds. My commissicn expires May 1st, 1916 , Roosevelt." Shoats,$ 3.00®4 00: Fresh Cow per head Baltimore, . Md Baltimore, Md. 11 prittg Oruntrir 3 W.& J. SLOANE New York - WASHINGTON - San Francisco New Artistic Designs in SUMMER RUGS Our Spring Displays of Floor Coverings especially suitable for Summer use are the most varied and at- tractive shown by any establishment in this vicinity, •:-' while our very reasonable prices will enable you to achieve highly decorative effects at small expense. For example: "Willow" and "Dixie- Grass Rugs; sizes 3 x 6 ft. to 9 x 15 ft.—$1.25 to $10.50. Straw Mattings of superior quality; per roll of 40 yds. —$10 .up. Samples sent upon request Imported Holland Flat-braided Oval Rush Rugs; 6 sizes- 3.3 x 4.10 ft. to 11 x 14 ft. $1.50 to $14.00. Rag Rugs in a great variety of sizes, qualities and colorings —75c. to $29.00. Old-fashioned Cotton Braided Rugs, oval and round—at all prices from $3.00 up. "Chaumont " Seamless Chenille Rugs in new designs and colorings; several sizcs; 9 x 12 ft., $52.50. "Kalliston Seamless Those Wool Rugs in Plain Color and Two-tone Border Effects; a number of sizes; 9 x 12 ft., $43.00. Fine Wilton, Body Brussels and 46 Axminster Rugs in great variety. IT IS a 11c1 1 f° Whp Riniirir Telephones i Enjoyed by 1412-14 H Street N.W. Main 4909 &57 . of Every Variety a el*viail ng 50c Sc (Co Advertise HIM Sections of the Co' Drums of Twists I I.1 11 Twists Another Grand Excursion To V4e4IZierze4,0 ' V 1 1 Ifi I Os PITTSBURGH In ouil ni d Pager Coupons or, i riels OVER --.....--- WESTERN MARYLAND RAILWAY — — THE SCENIC ROUTE-- The Train leaves Emmitsburg Saturday, April 24, at 10.00 A. M. Returning leaves Pittsburgh 9.50 P. M. Sunday or 9.15 A. M. Monday. ROUND TRIP $4.00. the mild, "no -come-back" Chronicle CHEWING TOBACCO 1•1111111.111111 PICNIC TWIST in the Sanitary Drum The Pullman Junior Sell ERE it is—the modern container for the finest, mildest t-wist chewing tobacco ever Price $740.00 Complete H known in this section. A yellow drum No Extra Charges or Freight printed in brown and red. It will be imitated. Dependable Every success is. But don't be misled. The taste of the tobacco—its mildness—are all its own.

Goods "The Thinkers of the Country Are the Tobacco Chewers"— said one of the greatest thinkers this country ever produced. ceir.ticE/4.44kreacco

W1LHELM—SCHULTZ. Third Musical of St. Cecila's Club. MRS. HILL SANDERS. Miss Catherine Schultz, a grand- The third musical of St. Cecila's Club, Mrs. Catherine Sanders, wife of Mr. daughter of Mr. Simon Roddy, former- of St. Euphemia's School was held in Hill Sanders, died at her home in Lib- ly of near Emmitsburg, was married the School Hall, Tuesday afternoon, erty township, near Emmitsburg, last to Mr. Edward L. Wilhelm, at the April 20. The programme which Thursday morning after suffering for a The Most Sensational Light upon the American Market. Both and carried Touring Roadster Models. church of the Fourteen Holy Martyrs, out the spirit of the club was exceed- long time from cancer. She was aged 44 Power Thirty Horse Engine, Electric Lights and Starter; 110 inch Wheel Baltimore, on Wednesday morning, ingly well rendered. The numbers fol- years. She was a daughter of Henry Hand Drive, Base, Left Selected Type Ball Bearing Transmission, Full April 21 at nine o'clock. The ceremony low: Duet, "Tourists March" L. Long, and Elizabeth Beard and was born near Axle, 10 Floating Rear inch Head Lights with Dimming Attachment, 30 was performed by the Rev. Alexis M. Saffer; Reading, Beethoven's Fairfield. X -Skid on 3i Tires, Non rear, Demountable Rims, one Man Top, Beauti- Graff, the rector. "Moonlight Sonota," Lillian Long; She leaves her husband and seven chil- ful Five Streamline "Passenger Body, genuine leather upholstery, and Chronicle The bride was dressed in shadow lace Duet," Dance on the Grass," V. Orn- dren, all living at home, the eldest features many other found in high price cars over white silk, wore a veil and carried dorff, M. Guise; Reading, "Music," twelve years and the youngest a large shower bouquet of brides roses. Margaret Saffer; Trio, "Drifting nine months old; she is also sur- • NEW HOTEL SLAGLE GARAGE The contracting parties were attended Clouds," L. Long. M. Jennings, M. survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. West Main Street. EMMITSBURG, MD. by Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bauns, Welty; Reading, "Catholic Muscians," Henry Beard, of Fairfield, and the fol- Ads brother-in-law and sister of the bride. E. Mitchell; Song, "Yours Truly," L. lowing brothers and sisters: Gervus and A wedding breakfast was served at the Long accompanied by M. Saffer, Mus• John Beard, in the West; Henry Beard, home of the bride's parents, Mr. and ical Puzzle, H. Rider; Duet, "Joyous near Fairfield; James Beard, near Knox- Mrs. (formerly Miss Anna Roddy) Return," M. Saffer, E Mitchel; Read- lyn; Mrs. James Eck, Fairfield; Mrs. Charles Schultz, 1825 Frederick avenue. ing, "What the Leaves Said," M James Izer, Maria Furnace; Mrs. John Produce After an extended trip, Mr. and Mrs. Welty; "Joyfulness," H. Rider; Read. Herring, Fairfield and Mrs. James Wilhelm will make their home in Bal- ing, "Bright Music," G. Hartdagen; Peters, near Gettysburg. timore. "Italian Doll," M. Spaulding: "Musical The funeral services were held Satur- Puzzle," M. Guise; "May Breezes," M. day morning, High Mass of Requiem Frederick School Rally May 11! Saffer; Reading, "That Man is Blest," was celebrated in St. Mary's church, Results The second annual public school dem- M. Spaulding;"Ange Si Pur," L Long Fairfield, by the Rev. Father Strick- onstration will be held May 11 in Fred- Duet, "German's Triumphal March," land, at 10 o'clock. Interment was erick. Every school teacher and school L. Long. M. Saffer. made at Fairfield. trustee in the county is cooperating to make the event a success and it is Needle Found in Baby's Side. MRS. REBECCA OASTER. thought 5,000 children will take part. Ask Irritable for a period of nine months, Mrs. Rebecca Oaster died at the home A parade will take place in the morn- Robert Surguy, aged 11 months, was of her nephew Nicholas Lingg, New ing followed by an exhibit of handiwork transformed into the best-tempered Oxford, Pa., Friday, April 16, 1915, of pupils at the armory . In the after- baby in Frederick one day last week in aged 78 years, months and 13 days. noon an athletic meet will be held and the fraction of a minute. While the Death was due to the infirmities caused the winners of the various events will mother, Mrs. Henry Surguy, was giv- by old age. She was a daughter of the For be sent to Baltimore to represent this ing the little chap a bath she felt a late Nicholas Lingg, of New Oxford county in the State wide athletic meet sting on one of her hands, and glancing and spent her entire life in that place. to be held under the auspices of the at the member discovered she had re- She is survived by one brother, Mich- Public Athletic League. President Cy- ceived a severe cut. Investigating she ael Lingg, of Baltimore, and several rus Frank Flook, of the School Board, found a point of a needle protruding nephews, among whom is Mr. Ignatius Rates is chairman and a well-known educator from the baby's side. With a pair of Lingg, of near Emmitsburg. will deliver an address. pliers she removed a good • sized needle. Funeral services were held from the It is not known what part home of her nephew, Mr. knocks of the body Clement PPORTUNITY once at every man's door." But many an oppor- AT THE LABEL the needle entered. It, however, came Lingg, Monday morning, with a Mass "O tunity is lost when the man who sees it hasn't the wherewithal ON THIS ISSUE. out from below the ribs. For months of Requiem in the Immaculate Concep- to take advantage of it. It is the man with the READY CASH LOOK It shows the date to the physicians had laid the infant's tion Church, New Oxford, by Rev. IN BANK who derives tile benefit! If you haven't an account, open one which your sub- cranky disposition to teething. Father Shields. Interment was made in today. When the opportunity arrives • scription is paid. If you are in ar- the Catholic cemetery, New Oxford. rears pay your subscription prompt- TRY IT. ly. The postal law prohibits news- B. & 0. Bridge Burns. YOUR CHECK BOOK WILL BE READY! Don't be foolish, just surrender papers from extending credit beyond A small bit of legal tender! Fire destroyed an overheld bridge on one year tc subscribers. Spend it for some advertising; the Baltimore and Ohio railroad one The result will be surprising. mile west of Keedysville last Saturday, The Emmitsburg By a vote of 146 to 4 the legislature delaying all traffic on the line for over Savings Bank passed finally the Campbell bill to pro- In this paper try an ad— an hour. Shortly before the fire was vide a pension of $3.00 per month to The response will make you glad; discovered PAY 4% INTEREST all who volunteered as " a passenger train going to WE ON TIME DEPOSITS. emergency You'll men" when the state was invaded in sell goods—become much wiser Hagerstown passed the spot. It is SUPERVISION the Civil war. The bill carries an ap- And a constant advertiser. supposed that sparks from the engine UNDER THE OF THE STATE BANK EXAMINER propriation of $500,000. CHRONICLE ADS GET RESULTS I set fire to the timbers. 4 rritlu TiguitirLe

during the trial, nor does it deal THE biggest shirt ever made Seitiierhing Missing. Ii I Emmitsburg has had good aims Inca Relics. 0141. rekig TiguntrIr When Irving wanted to be court's con- has just been finished in Kansas. Before taking leave of Cuzco, Peru, nasty be and fond hopes and during the with the Georgia could remarked we went to see the very interesting be. :111 old Lyceum FRIDAY AT 'EMM ITS- hand PUBLISHED EVERY thirty-six years of its existence sideration of that evidence; hence And Teddy is in New York. collection of Inca relics in the private once flie patience with the rank MARYLAND BURG. museum of a Peruvian doctor who has stud file was estraurdinary. but where this paper has endeavored to the highest tribunal passed solely .1 was MANY a man regrets the effect devoted many years of his life to Inca rebuke Oeserved Irving's biting STERLING GALT, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR, make them realities, has tried to upon technical points, and tech- research. Ranged round the walls sarcasm was Write up to the occasion. of "a personal touch." There was ill one production a super WARD KERRIGAN, BUSINESS MANAGER. were mummies which bad been taken J. make these resolves materialize. nical processes and, in the inti- who. though he bad only a couple of ------front rock tombs. All had been buried TERMS:—One Dollar a year in advance: Si: Whether or not it has succeeded mation of the dissenting justices, JULEP, julep, gentle julep com- in a sitting posture, and judging by lines to speak, wade his entrance In months, 60 cents. Trial subscriptions. Three such a way as to to the horrible expression of agony on lead one believe be months. 25 cents. is for others to determine. "To countenanced lynch law "prac- ing through the rye. was sustaining the ieading role and ADVERTISING RATES made known on appli- the parchment skin I should imagine •ition at this office. err is human,' and being but ticed by a regularly drawn jury." that some of theta-prisoners of war. his behavior to his fellow actors was decline THE PROPRIETOR reserves the right to TIME for the high buggy and I was told-- had been entombed alive lemony iinwerrantable. Irving soon any advertisements which he may deem objection- human we have often erred; but Says the New York Times: got on the track of this man and ran able. the rat-tail horse. The horror of those mummied faces NO ATTENTION whatever will be paid to may say that our mistakes "Certainly procedure is form, it is and tne ii‘vrtil contortions of the skele. ulin to earth at renearsal. In due time anonymous contributions. we tuns naented me for a long time, nor the super entered. haughtily saying: MANUSCRIPTS offered for publication will be have been those of the head and not of the substance. Procedure "My lord, the carriage is waiting." returned if unavailable. when accompanied by FEWER Rhodes and more roads shall I ever forget the sight. stamps. One or two of the skulls bore eve "Let's have it louder." said Irving. C. & P. PHONE NO. 10. not the heart. may kill where the substance scholarships. donee ot ekillful surgery. star shaped The man repented it in a mutter tone. And as the days go by may we would give life. It is the pre- pieces or bone having been cleverly wnereupon Sir Henry demanded that Entered as second-class matter January 1, 1909 it should be repeated again still louder. at the post office at Emmitsburg. Md.. under the still claim the good will, the kind- vailing opinion outside the State RUDOLPH, the rhubarb! fitted in to repair damage done by the Act of March 3, 1879. star shaped stone weapons of the pert Vet again did he make the super re- ly interest and the generous co- of Georgia that that is precisely od. I did not measure those I saw in peat it. and louder stilt, and yet again Bread. FRIDAY, APRIL 23, 1915. Stale Bread or Fresh the inusemn. but one of the aforesaid was the sante demand made. The man operation of our patrons in whose what'is happening in this case." don't like stale bread Most persons stene weapons which we brought back was becoming enraged and at last though many consider THE CHRONICLE Will be indepen- interest THE CHRONICLE has and Outside of the State of Georgia SO well as fresh, to Eneiend from Cuzco measured four shrieked out the words. matter of fact dent in politics, progressive in spirit it more digestible. As a invites from point to point across the "Very good." said Sir Henry, "very shall ever labor? public opinion coincides with that digestible as and a champion of what it conceives fresh bread is just as top—a truly formidable club. - Wide good. indeed. but couldn't you just as much, but its to be right. Its columns will al- Holmes: the presump• stale. if it be chewed World elege manage to put a shade of temper Into of Justice chew ways be open for a dignified dis- HAS NOTHING ON MARYLAND. very softness Is a temptation to it ?"- Pea rson's. tion is "overwhelming that the it too little; hence it is swallowed of any subject Fighting the Rat. cussion by the people In an old distillery out in Ken- withoet the admixture ot enougn jury responded to the passions of The greatest enetny of man is man Great Seal of the United States. that may seem to them interesting, saliva to digest its starlet State bread. tucky they make a brand of whis- and nest to aim perhaps the rat_ He The great seal of the United States is or that may in anywise be a benefit The popular verdict on the other hand, is diffieult to swal- the mob." IS incredibly cunning He can live in kept tucked up in a rosewood box In to the community at large. key—so the owners declare—in low unless thoroughly (-newest. The is that Frank did not, and could any elimate He sails the sea in ships. the vaults of the state department at difference between fresh a uo stale will im- which is imprisoned "the golden He forages in the open fields or bur. Washington. Its custodian circumstances, bread is merely a matter of water. II not under the rows through walls and intrudes into press it iipon document only on re- ray of sunshine," in which is in- En bread as it comes trom tne oven of a formai APRIL 1915 letter the melte Man himself is no hardier cella varrant signed by 1915 have a fair trial; that the the crust is dry and crisp and the than the lent. and in the matching of the president rhe use of it or indeed SMTWT FS corporated "the succulent juices crumb is moist and soft. because all of the law and not the spirit of wits against wits the rat has up to this the possession of an impression of it of the soil,"in which is combined the water is in the crumb. As hours without such a warrant IS a grave of- that time been the victor He augments the law has been enforced; or days pass the crust absorbs water most serious every Intnine in the world. If the dep. tense. punts-liable like the 1 2 3 "the melody of the lark, and the from the crumb and begenes soft, the essence, the truth and the redetions of rats could be prevented forgery. It cost 510.000 and is Uncle while the crumb becomes dry. A !oat When fragrance of the rose." "A few the cost or living certainly would be Sam's most sacred possession. 4 56 7 8 910 facts have been overshadowed, can be made fresh again by slightly It a document-a lowered Active as he is In famine. is unprinted upon drops," says the man behind the moistening it and placing it for a few for in- really effaced, by a mass of super- the rat's most spectacular co-operation Thanksgiving proclamation, minutes in a hot oven The neat beau- 11121314151617 statement, "can make of dreams with death lies in his copartnership stance; this Is ot parehtnent and ficial technicalities. Is legalized drives the water from the crust hack with pestilence. the study of method tifully eugrossed-such docutnent Is realities, can produce a deception Into the crumb.-St. Louis Post-Dls- tiled the erchives only printed 18192021222324 murder, incited by passion and for the extermination of rats should be in and that man is what he wishes to be paten. which will or typewritten copies are sent out prejudice, to be the outcome? In financed on some basis make It perme tient It is a tight which Governors ot states are entitled to re- 252627282930 and, with necromatic art, can Human Levers. ceive copies signed by the president honor of American justice and runs with has not es yet !leen adequately waged All man made machinery Oth- upon the instant, metamorphose notwithstasiding the tine abilities of and secretary ot suite personaLly. in consequence of fact, wheels. Yet there is not a single wheel unless specially favored fair play, the doctors who are fighting the rat In er persons re- NJ Communications intended for publi- the weak, sickly, fearful and In the human body. And the human ceive printed copies --New York fury, let Executive clemency con-Mating bubonic plague. The busl. (till)' cation in this- paper, letters of a busi- not body is the most perfect piece of womb spiteful into gay and valiant mechanism In the world. It seems ness needs epecialists.-Farm and Fire. ness nature in relation to the Chronicle, intervene. strange that mall has developed me- side and all orders for Job Printing to be Romeos, Carusos and White Man and His Dog. chanics along all lines but those with at this office should be addressed to Lie lies in front ot me curled up be- done Hopes." FOREST FIRES. which his own body works. Practically War and Aeroplanes. fore the fire, as so many dogs must THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. war nits been robbed by Some pleasure potion, that; but a State which yearly every motion we make is performed The art of have lain betore so many fires. I sit Maryland, the aeroplane of the element of sur by the direct operation of levers, and On ene side et that hearth, as so many FREDERICK COUNTY. priee wheel afforded Napoleon dra it lacks many of the rare quali- uses over 40,000,000 feet of lum- living creatures are the only machines Inert ilillat 1111 Ye sat fly so many mathc opportunity for the display of Frederick is next to the largest so built Almost all these human nearths Somenow this creature has Maryland. In ties characteristic of certain ber more than it produces, can ill was to discover of the counties of levers ore of one kind, that commonly his genius His object tompleted my manhood; somehow, I population and wealth it ranks next spot iii the enemy's lines brands of Maryland joy juice. afford the forest fires which for called the third. There are three kinds the week canine expiain why, a man ought to to Baltimore county. In the fertil- upon of levers: (1; that in which the ful- and. !invites discovered it. to hurl have a dog A wile ought to have six ity and productiveness of its lands Properly mixed by an expert and the past weeks have been burn- his commands Hie it ranks among the first in the Un- crum is beixseen the power and the it all the forces at legs: those other four legs are part of ion, and especially in the produc- served with plenty of that a la ing over a large area of the moun- weight. or resistance, as in a pair of suceess depended upon the speed and him Our alliance is older than any tion of wheat. The area of this scissors; (2) that in which the weight sureness with which the great blow and priggish explana- scenery, two draughts, so they in this section. Forest of the missing great county is 633 square miles. tain land or resistance is between the fulcrum could be struck. A premature revels tions -that ere offered of either of us. would have spoiled all But a coup The great body of the people are of say, will heighten the imagina- fires, besides menacing life and and the plover, as in an oar: (3t that tion Before evoltitien was we were. Yoll German, English and Scotch-Irish in whieh tOe power is bet weep the ful- of the sort is no longer possible, for a descent, the progeny mostly of the Call 01111 It 'written In it 1)0011 that I 11113 tion to the extent of making a property, mean much more than crum and the weight, as in a pair of maneuver on the one side is met in a 'Herr.. ot a squabble of an- early settlers. The land is mostly stoutly by a maneuver on the other ot fine limestone quality, and the crow caw resemble the dulcet a monetary loss in timber con- grass clippers. It is true that t'ach of thrupoist epee. and perhaps I am. greater part of the county is a val- these forms of levers is used in me- War now consists in a series of parallel all) sore I no objection. But my sumed. They not only destroy its art has It ley of rolling lands lying between tones of a Geraldine Farrar, a chanics, but no,great machine has ever movements: changed. dog knit ws I tin a man, and you will the Linganore Hills and the Caton hay stack look like a bride's bou- existing forests but the possi- been built on the purely lever prin- would be scarcely an exaggeration to not tine the meantog of that word tin Mountain. This splendid valley ciple.-New York World. say that it does not exist_ The two %Titter' in ens Oook us etearly as it is is drained by the Monocacy river, quet and a clothes line full of bility of future forests, they de- armies turn about each other like box written Ill ills sot».--U Is Chesterton. and is one of the best farmed and era in the preliminary phases of a most highly improved and produc- blue overalls on a dull November stroy an industry that employs Jeaares Hokey Pokey Men. tive areas of the Union. The great Japanese children are amused by the fight They pivot clumsily to catch Detecting Erasures. crops are wheat and corn.—Mary- day seem like a vivid rainbow labor, they kill the game birds rice jelly molder, or aruezaikuya, as each other at a disadvantage, and that If paper 101011 which i erasures of is practically all the art of IL-London land Manual issued by Board of after an April shower. Three and game animals, and render American children are by the hokey writing have mien made is exposed to Public Works. pokey ice cream itinerant. • Beating a Times. the vapor ot iodine the roughened sur- libations, and it is Claimed that beautiful regions mere desola- drum, he goes up and down city streets face takee a different tint from that EMM1TSBURG. with a small box on his bamboo pole Heroic Mustache. portion which Ems not been tamperecl courage comes forward with such tions. Probably no Clog has ever rendered lightly In all Western Maryland—the or on It small cart. paper flags of va- with. It the erasure nas been beauty spot and the garden spot of force that one longs to stop a The forests must be protected rious colors decorating his outfit. Ame such signal military service or been so made. only the ink or pencil lead be' is a kind of jelly made from rice, of honorably recognized as the celebrated lug rubbed away and the mark left In the State—there is no town more cannon ball with one hand or if we are to have pure water, poodle Musteche. who shared the vic- attractive than Emmitsburg. which all Japanese children are ex- the tibei of the paper, iodine vapor swim Niagara Falls with both health, thriving industries and tremely fond. The ame seller stopg torious fortunes of the French army causes tile writing to reappear. 'rills No people are more wide-awake. through itioet of the wars of the consu• petrel tills prosperity. The neighboring when the children gather round him, Is because wherever the more knowable, more courteous to legs tied. and he amuses them by molding all late and of the French empire. Be been roughened more iodine is absorb- strangers than Emmitsburgians. It is on record at Annapolis mountain fires will not be with- kinds of shapes, from a fish to a bird, won special honors at Marengo and ed than b uu smooth surface This The location of Emmitsburg is which he sticks on a piece of bamboo was decorated on the battlefield or test is effective within three months effect, however, ideal; the surrounding scenery is un- that folks after imbibing four out some good and sells to his audience for a mere Austerlitz by Marshal bermes as a re- after the making of the alteration.-- ward rescued his regimee matchable; the climate is notedly measures of this amber fluid have if they serve to drive home the nothing. He can blow up the ame like for having Exchange. healthful; its water—pure mountain a glass blower, making a globe "or a tal standard from an Austrian soldier great lesson of conservation of when act of snatching from spring water—cannot be surpassed. claimed the authorship of the large sized" animal or fish, as he wills, in the It No Bargain. woodland. When the people and each child chooses the object he the grasp of the standard bearer as he The strap had been applied to a It is within easy access of Balti- Declaration of Independence, re- fell mortally wounded. The plucky live-year-old unruly. more, Hagerstown, Frederick; eight most fancies. Each object created is cited the whole of the Koran, learn the great work that forests painted with a vegetable coloring in poodle drove off the assailant, and "Now, the next time I nave to pun- miles from the National Battlefield seizing the tattered colons in his you," said parent, "you do to make the world habitable, lifelike colors, and with each purchase then, ish the stern at Gettysburg, near to the Moun- essayed to motor a seven-passen- he gives away a paper flag. He is a teeth, dragged them triumphantly till will go II: bed for a day 111 the bar tain Resorts, and is surrounded by ger car on the top of a fence rail the ruthless destruction of tim- picturesque feature at all temple fes- he reached his own company. gain.' fertile farms and productive or- berland by the axe will be curbed, tivals.-Bulletin of Japan Society. Whereupon the weeping unruly ob- chards. and to put fifteen pool balls in A Lucky Illness. served: was owing to an that Sir "Is you call a nargaln?"- Mount Saint Mary's College and the side pocket with a miscue. and the announcement of a forest Bagdad's Mysterious Scourge. It illness that what Laurence Aline •'17adenia became a limes Ecclesiastical Seminary—with an All uncanny, pernicious pest called Detroit As for fire will be the signal for instant painter tie was educated with the in- enviable reputation extending over dreams—a willing vic- the "date boil" scars the face of every --- tim who had stunned his stomach and practical assistance from human born in Bagdad. Children in- tention of making him a lawyer, but Tipping His Hand. 106 years—is located here; St. Jos- sickness cull his studies short. When Sodbuster pre- eph's College and Academy for every quarter. variably have this dreadful sore on Rankin - Cncle Sol with six Roman candle cocktails their faces. Throughout the middle confined to his bed be relieved the te- tends to he an experienced chauffeur, young ladies—equally as noted dur- by making sketches. These made of some of this Maryland A campaign of education is east this mysterious scourge is known dium little but I know he nasn't owned a tnachine ing its 105 years of splendid acheive- by various names-"Buton d'Alep," showed so much ability that wben he very long. Viol- What makes you so ment—is also here. corn essence was found in an ice necessary if any real result is to "Nile sore," "Delhi button." etc. Its was well again he readily obtained his certain of It't Rankin- When he left mother's permission to devote himself home he absently chuck- There are excellent Schools—Pub- house, so the story goes, fanning be obtained. Other States have cause and its cure are unknown. First this morning lic and Parochial—in Emmitsburg; a faint red spot appears, growing larg- to painting ed a bag of oats In the back of the ati• two sound Banks, five Churches, a himself with a stove lifter and accomplished much along this er and running a course often eighteen tornobile.— Youngstown Telegram. months long. His Desire. -- - live Newspaper, modern Hotel ac- singing, "She's the gayest little line. Maryland has made a start Feelings. adequate Fire De- White men from foreign lands have "Where did you work last and bow Relieving His commodations, in the work and her progress is lived years in Arabia. only to have "Father, don't men call themselves partment, progressive merchants, stiff in the morgue." On being long?" demanded the colonel "Did gratifying. More publicity would this boil appear upon their return to you quit of your own accord or were bachelors before they get married?" splendid physicians, good liveries, awakened he stated that he civilization, where its presence is em- YOU discharged, and"- es, my boy." ante garages, many fraternal organi- dreamed he was Captain Peary help it appreciably. barrassing and hard to explain. May- "Loogy yuh, bossr sourly returned "And what do they call themselves zations, good railroad accommoda- be it was "date boils" that Job had: Brother Bogus. "I Isn't puhposin' mar aftet, dad'?' tions. There are four or five mails crossing the Delaware, in a taxi Once a British consul at Aleppo lost age to yo'; l's Hain' for a job "-Puck "Hush It isn't fit for little boys to a day, telegraph, express and tele- MONARCHS' thoughts—Wit h almost his whole nose from one of know,"-Exchange. with Nero,Christopher Columbus, Nearly these boils. every Bagdad na- The Way of It. phone service connecting all points; shrapnel flying through the night meet has and Carrie Nation as companions. tive you this "date mark" on proposed to my stenographer'- Your Own House. electric light and power, oiled face.-National and bombs a-mowing thousands his Geographic Maga- "You didn't!" A man may be said to nave done streets. Kentucky may lay claim to a zine. There is business to be had in Em- down, true it is that "uneasy lies "Don't get excited. I only proposed better than the average it. when he whcile lot, but there are many she should be assister to me."-Balti- dies, the house In which fie lived to in Gubstitute For mitsburg; there are Factory Sites the head that wears a crown." A Spectacles. more American. his own name and tree from mortietiste. who boast that the extract that At a meeting of the Academy of availabe.• If you contemplate chang------Philadelphia Ledger. Medicine in Paris Dr. Lesage recom- ing your place of residence—come put Bacchus and Tantalus in Cynical. AFTER all there is only one mended a novel method for reading to Emmitsburg, Frederick County, Sillicus-lio you think It is possible Natural Result. mythology is produced in Mary- print for the Use of those who happen she tounci Md. type of man who can literally for one woman to make another wo "Mayme blushed when to have forgotten their spectacles. The man perfectly nappy'r eynicus-Ots was trying to read her face.- land. look down on the world—the method is to take a piece of paper and ANOTHER VOLUME. yes; simply by nerl-Philadet "Well. people usually do blush when perfornie it with a pin, making nu- envying, aviator. phta Record their faces are getting read"- Balti- With this issue THE CHRONICLE AN UNPOPULAR DECISION. me.rom: small holes. This paper must more American. be held close to the eye and the read- - enters upon its thirty-seventh The Supreme Court has review- WAi• of the Pessimist. WHEN the war is over Mother ing matter at e distance from the eyes. Husbands. A test ef this method shows that it No doing anything with a pessimist year. It was founded in 1879 by ed the Frank case, and unless There are two kinds ot successfio Goose rhymes will have to put it: slightly leil:Irgee the to be read When you find a bright side for him ne print husbands -these who tool their wive" Samuel Mutter who in his "Intro- the governor of Georgia com- that e hook or van be won't loek et It tin rear but light altini "I'm Captain Jinks of the Sub- and newspaper and those who (Joni try.-- Washington o eyes than blind Wilt Atienta i'onstitution duction" said "our first aim shall mutes the sentence this victim of held further way from the Hereto marines." would I wiliunrily be possible to a neat be to present THE CHRONICLE as "due process of law" will forfeit sighted man Cu' Egg Crop who had mislaid Ids glass- never any goon to no es es. FIowever, the method is useless A merle!'n hell- ore!' There is a medium through which the his life. "Due process of law" IN many ways the full "scout" peeted or 4r.11112 Wen who eonfee- Ibeir for prolonged reading, being valuable Clit0.0411),Oisi0 orth ot eggs n year tra sins and repest etreightway tall outer world may learn our aims, in this instance takes no cog- doth reveal, the presence of the only when one inuet few para- Is. evert ents on tin tiveroe, read a Into them eeion graphs. worth I. arm rir..sint• our hopes and high resolves." nizance of the evidence submitted "bun" he would conceal. tg reltlg Tignitirlp

REPORT OF THE TREASURER rir OF THE- CORPORATION OF EMMITSBURG SHOE STORE FOR THE YEAR ENDING APRIL, 1915 A Good Stock of To have money is to save it. The one sure way to save it is RECEIPTS by depositing it in a responsible bank. You will then be ex- Harry Bowers, Liquor License $ 356 25 empt from the annoyance of having it burn holes in your John A W. Matthews, Fines 45 68 Oscar D. Frailey, Former Treasurer SHOES pockets, and aside from the fact that your money will be 74 44 1 From Citizens for Oiling Streets 259 75 t safe from theft, the habit of saving tends to the establish- Victor E. Rowe, Dog Tax 26 50 Edward ment of thrift, economy, discipline and a general under- Brown. Tax Collector 1,303 83 H. C. Harner, Lamp Globe 25 standing of business principals essential to your success. J. T. Hays & Son, Oil 21 00 To those wishing to establish relations with a safe, strong M. FRANK Total $2,087 70 ROWEP bank, we heartily extend our services. EXPENDITURES EMMITSBURG, MARYLAND ESTABLI 3HED 1882. Emmitsburg Electric Company •111•11•11111. $ 460 00 Victor E. Rowe 275 00 Victor E. Rowe, Old Bill 12 50 Standard Oil Company 251 81 4% INTEREST PAID ON TIME DEPOSITS Standard Oil Company, Old Bill 106 44 John H. Rosensteel, Agent, Freight on Oil 73 78 Boyle Bros , for Tile 102 91 . Boyle Bros , Cool and Wood for Hall and Jail 8 25 THE BUSY CORNER. H. M. Ashbaugh, old ANNAN, HORNER & CO., Bill 34 82 Pretty patterns in Laces and Embrcderiesfor Spring. James McGreevy, old Bill 3 75 BANKERS. James McGreevy, Roofing Hall and on Street 37 06 The low price of Cotton means better materials in our new J. Henry Rowe, old Bill 9 22 EMMITSBURG, Chas. R. Hoke, Electric Work in Hall 13 75 Spring Line of Ladies' Waists and Skirts. Childrens Dresses. MARYLAND. Edward Peoples, old Bill tf- 50 Middies. ~°""A 4 ,~.~.^~.."~"A",#wv.A".^~,^~~..",wAAS C. E. McCarren, old Bill 24 00 Childrens Rompers. C. E. McCarren, • 3 00 Weekly Chronicle, printing and advertising 19 05 SPECIALS FOR MEN. Weekly Chronicle, do 9 20 Harry C. Harner, paid for Gravel '1111.A111.1116.^111b- Ab• ger.Allbrib. , ilb 18 Dark ,11111.-1111bAllir Abvilb,11i6Allwib."111r^lb..^.1116.-111,-Allivillir Harner, 90 Brown Jumpers or Work Blouses in all sizes. We have Harry C. for work on Street 10 65 NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY Harry C. Harner, for Wm. Eyler for Gravel 14 00 about 50 of the above worth 45c. NOW 25c. Harry C. Harner, for Gravel to J. T. Long 2 00 Harry C. Harner, for time on Street 10 50 E m ALARM .CLOCKS. Johns Eyler, Police service 1 50 PUBLIC m iT s EuSQUARE RG m D. Issac Hahn, Police service CHARLES ROTERING Albert 1 50 &I SON We have them in all the different grades, and Guarantee all Adelsberger, Police Service 1 5 Bert Gelwicks, Police service STRICTLY CASH of them. 1 00 Feb 26-11 ly- Chas. Richardson, work on Street We can fill your wants in Albert 3 00 Beatty, work on Street 4 35 James Long, work on Street 2 95 WEDDING PRESENTS. John T. Glass, laying Pipe 1 9 E. F. Brown, clerk of Election 1 00 • Our stock is full of E. F. beautiful things at right prices. We Brown, Collector of Taxes for 1913 25 00 C1,00Q0:000:1-3--;10-7>:934"4-3:azeimatio*:,1-tr,o-v.***-aze& John T. appreciate your business. Long, Hauling Gravel 22 00 Ea e$ John A. Horner, clerk We solicit your WATCH, CLOCK and JEWELRY repairing of Election for 1910, old Bill 1 00 9 SCHOFIELD'S OPTICALSHOP g John Hospelhorn, work on Street 5 85 qkif and GUARANTEE all of our work. James Hospelhorn, work on Street 0 SCIENTIFIC METHODS 2 85 0 Civic League, for work on Fountain 10 00 _.. Mrs. James M. Adelsberger, 9 old Bill, 1913 - 5 36 0 ...,--„ J. E Hoke, old Bill 1912 23 9 McCleery's Jewelry Store F. 72 R. Long, to Frederick 5 00 EYES .1 g, William Morrison, 4/ , 11: WE 48 North Market St., next to "The News," Expenses to Frederick 3 00 0 Ward Brown, Work on 0 0 Street 1 50 _ 93 FREDERICK, MD. Edward Miller, Work on Street 50 Y ,.. , July 17-1914. Chas. M. Rider, Repairing Crossing 3 EXAMINED 4b.A416,116.,4b,.116,41w0.4b.-4111o,41,1111,111i.,-48‘ 5 50 ,.._ -- MATCH ,416.4116,1111i,4b.Aft. Albert Adelsberger, for Hauling Stone 4 20 o _ , Emmitsburg Water Company for Mrs. Agnew's Rent o 6 00 9 , "A Weekly Chronicle, for Printing Tax Bills 6 75 o : . ,.. Chas. R. Hoke, Putting Electric Lights in Hall 2 20 FREE . LENSES Anthony o MIIIMIMIIIMIDNI10111141111111111MINIMI Wivell, Fixing Door at Hall 50 e Frailey Bros. for Iron Plate , ,.. 4 - . tca 9 6 S 113 John T. Gelwicks, for 1913 and 1914 15 0 EYE STRAIN CAUSES HEADACHE e Emmitsburg Water Co., for Plugs. 150 03 Matthews 0 WE GRIND OUR OWN LENSES WHILE YOU WAIT 0 Leave Your Bros„ Old Bill, 1913 1 0 o Thirst at Our I Edward Brown, Tax Collector for 1914 25 0 SCHOFIELD Wm. THE BALTIMORE OPTOMETRIST ea Morrison, for Commissioner and Treasuier 25 0 , 6 John A. W. Matthews, FINE WATCH REPAIRING A Burgess 25 0 , e 6 H. C. Harner, Commissioner 15 0 , eA SEBOLD BUILDING . EMMITSBURG, MD. A Cnarles M. Rider, Fountain. The Parting Clerk and Commissioner 30 0 , ocow.,000,-,t,zo-oof.-:›fx)oo.f.v.000-)oovoo-l-vao-D6 Vincent Sebold for Legal Advice 15 0 1 Annan Horner & Co., Interest on Borrowed Money 107 5 1 Felix Adams, Painting Hall'and Glass 21 2 1 will C. J. Shuff & Co., Old Bill 3; be Sweet. James B. Elder, Board for Prisoners 1 Harry 1 7 C. Harner, Hauling Gravel 1 6 t I Total -- $2,087 7; I MEN'S FURNISHINGS

Matthews Bros. LIABILITIES will be a more important feature with us. We want you to get better acquainted with this end of our business. I The advantages will be mu- Amount Borrowed from Annan, Horner & Co $1,795 0 tual. Amount Due Emmitsburg R R. Co., for Rail Iron 272 4[ We carry a large line of Fancy and white shirts, only brands, how- ever of merit that do fit. Night robes, pajamas, suspenders, Uncollected Taxes hosiery of $ 219 4 7 cotton, lisle and silk, and by the way, the best silk socks ever shown at 25c. Respectfully, Underwear of quality in every weight, WM. MORRISON, union suits, handkerchiefs, • Treasurer. suspenders, wonderful range of neckwear. The newest CHARLES M. RIDER, Clerk. collars, in fact a full assortment of the best values from dependable makers. Try us. A uctioneer—LixTe Stock and Farm You will be benefitted. Sales a Specialty ••••••••••••••••••••••••• SPRING PREPARATIONS are moving steadily along with us and despite the weather, the spirit of CHARLES P. MORT, • cheerfulness will soon control us. Makers have vied with each other in producing the most beautiful merchandise we have ever seen at prices • OGLE'S that are most satisfactory and gratifying. Graduate of the World's Greatest School of Auctioneering • [ OUR SPRING SUITS WRITE OR PHONE FOR DATES • write a new page in suit history. Whilst the designers have lost Livery And Exchange [ none of Stables their art, the great object of evolving more Phone 13-5 HOTEL MONDORFF, rational styles has succeeded Emmitsburg, Md. • ( that the term freak has been of itself eliminated and suit wearers will At Spangler Stable, Frederick Street find beautiful stylish garments made on such reasonable lines that every- dec. I body is 113 mo. EMMITSBURG, MD. going to be pleased. [ Shepherd Checks, Sand, Pretty Belgian Green, New Blues, Blacks Up-to-date Vehicles for every purpose. Well Equipped Teams, will prevail according to taste, and better values can be had for the Fine Road Horses, Several Mated Teams, Gaited Saddle Horses. [ money than ever before. jui ç Vehicles seating from 9 to 25 persons for Picnics and Outings. [ $10.00 to $25.00 will be the price range, the selling already proves ll Special Attention and Facilities for Heavy Hauling. the worth of our selection. a Autos for Hire. [ M I desire the patronage os responsible people. A trial will convince I CHARLES M. RIDER a that everything I put out is first class. SPRING COATS (SUCCESSOR TO HOKE & RIDER) ( will figure largely this season. You cannot well get along 33• I. • C:40 without a top PROP. ( coat of some kind. The models are becoming as well as very stylish, and Monuments, a Mr. Ogle is an experienced Auctioneer and his services may be se- ( to use a customer's expression yesterday, "Buyers will do well to look us Memorials and Ceme- t., cured. He solicits your patronage for future sales. over when an outer garment is wanted. Apr 26 lmo. [ tery Work of All Kinds IE 111111011111 II 111 11111010111110.1111( 11111111 [ ARTISTIC WORKER IN CUT STONE THOMAS H. HALLER 11 P CONCRETE EXPERT x*t+ttltit/t"cti."+++4,141+4„"*.1.41+1" CENTRAL DRY GOODS HOUSE, My yards hold exhibits of beautiful work. These and photo- 17-19 North Market St., Frederick, Md. graphs are always open for inspection. C, & P. TELEPHONE-26-4 RESIDENCE. t Arrow and Monarch Shirts t WEST MAIN STREET, EMMITSBURG, MD. t In Large Variety of Patterns that will Appeal to the good + _.)CDC Dresser. Best Line ever shown in this town. •A--"6-)A-NA--ibA---t.414-v4-11,4-1)-6-14-1•A--v• NOT NECESSARY TO GO TO A LARDER TOWN THE MATERIAL FOR P.11%.410..1%....1.0111wIlif ..140.1101' .1111*..itle.fts.-s Than Emmitsburg for good Clothes and it. .1:r4 Furnishings. 1808- Mount Saint Mary's College -1914 But come to !! THAT SPRING SUIT!! Emmitsburg Clothing and Furnishing Store IS HERE ti and Ecclesiastical Seminary A UR varied showing encompasses the needs of el)ery Special Shirt Values ' %., man—you will find the style you like at the price you EMMITSBURG, MARYLAND ' want to pay. The assortment forms a complete and in- 6, At 50c., ' Co teresting style exhibit embracing all the Conducted by Secular Clergymen, aided by LayProfessors Usual 75c. Grade New Arrow Collar, the Radnor and Exton, .t FASHIONABLE FABRICS, DESIGNS AND COLORINGS CLASSICAL. SCIENTIFIC, COMMERCIAL Now in Stock. COURSES. approved for this season's wear. SEPARATE DEPARTMENT FOR YOUNG BOYS. : • t C. F. ROTERING, Prop. J. D. LIPPY, Tailor CATALOGUE UPON REQUEST. ) 10 6' West Main Street. EMMITSBURG, Address, REV. MONSIGNOR MD. 77 Mob. 8-ti. GETTYSBURG, PA. I RT. B. J. BRADLEY, LL. D., President .11 14....41 11110b...4111410.1%.4*-0%.411.111114.4rwilarerollift.ftiv+411..411 0.111 /14.411^•111%.40.111ftwill X4 4+ 44444. + + 44 464.444. 441+ +4.44 464. It • Ot

+••••••••..amm•-.1mor-eme-sms. 0-0-orD 0-0-0<> 0-0-0-0 C.0-0-0-0-0 0-0-0-0 Q.0-0-00 00-0-0-0-0-0-0 60.0-0 0-0-00060-0Q "AN EVENING OF FOREST VIRES RAGE IN COUNTY SONG AND STORY." FINE NOTE PAPER Maryland Suffers Heavily in Timberland PERSONALS. CHURCH NEWS Entertainment to be Given in the Pub- Blazes.—Many Towns Threatened itx One pound of Fine Linen lic School Auditorium Next Thurs- at Times. Note Paper — eighty odd day.—Civic League Auspices. During the past week damage to the 0-0000-0-0-00-0-0400-0-00-0 090 00-0-0-0 sheets — with envelopes to Next Thursday night, under the au- extent of Regular services in the Emmitsburg thousands upon thousands of match It is the aim of TFIE CHRONICLE to publish spices of the Civic League, a very in- dollars has been caused by forest fires as many personal and social items as pm:sible , Churches are as follows: 50c but it frequently happens that those who teresting programme will be rendered in Maryland. Five thousand acres of have guests visiting them, and those who CATHOLIC CHRONICLE OFfICE. entertain, fail to send a list of their friends. by local talent. The performance, en- woodland were burned over in a single or an account of these events, to this office. Mass, Sunday 7 and 10 a. m. titled"An Evening Of Song and Story," Frederick county fire, which at times .1•-•w5 Readers who live at a distance are always Every reader of THE CHRONICLE is invited Interested in what is going on at home," to send news to this office. The manage- Vespers, Sunday 7:00 p. m. embraces instrumental duets and solos, threatened nearby towns with destruc- and for that reason, if for no other, this col- ment of THE CHRONICLE Will take it as a par- um should be filled every week. It is of ticular favor If patrons will telephone or Mass, week day, 7 A. M. readings, recitations, vocal solos and tion. It was the worst fire the county course understood that anonymous contri- write to this office concerning matters of from the interest butions will not be published. Names of general interest. By sending personals, de- Sermon, Benediction of the Blessed quartettes. Judging has experienced in 25 years. It is esti- persons furnishing items will be withheld. tails of improvements to town or farm prop- Sacrament,Wednesday evening, 7.30 P. manifested by the public the Public mated that $12,000 worth of timvier was erty, accounts of accidents and fires, the re- deaths and M. School Auditorium will be crowded on destroyed. Mrs. F. Harry Gross and Miss Eloise ports of meetings, particulars of weddings and mention of all social events, Stations of the Cross, Friday after- this occasion. The fire started Saturday near Edge- Gross have returned from a visit to they will make this THEIR paper—truly representative of the community. noon and evening, 3 and 7.30 o'clock, P. The numbers to be given are as fol- mont and by midnight had extended Baltimore and Washington. M. lows: nearly to Shookstown. Relays of from SPECIALISTS Readings from The CHRONICLE Stand- Mrs. Walter Ziegler and two sons, of Duet—Flower Song, - Mendelssohn. 20 to 50 men fought it all night, and ard Thermometer for week ending ST. ANTHONY'S Frederick, are visiting Mr. and Mrs. Misses Estelle Cordon, Eloise Gross. the next day the force was increased to DR. J. A. LONG Specialist, Eye, Ear, H. C. Harner. Friday, Apr. 23, 1915. Mass, Sunday at 7:00 and 10:00 a.m. Nose and Throat. Catechism, 9:00 a. m. Quartette— (a) Sylvia, - Protheroe. about 400. The fire extended in an almost Mrs. Olin Moser, of Baltimore, visited 8 A. M. 12M. 4 P. M. Strelezki. 109 North Market Street, Vespers, 7:30 p. m. (b) Dreams, - unbroken line from Shookstown across relatives in Emmitsburg this week. Friday 54 70 64 Mrs. Welty, Mrs. Matthews, the entire mountain side to Harmony, a Frederick, Maryland. Saturday 54 58 PRESBYTERIAN Hours 9. A. M. to 4 P. M. Phone 27-W Rev. John G. Murray, Mr. John Mur- Mr. Higbee, Mr. Galt. distance of nearly seven miles. From the Monday 76 78 88 july 17-14 ray and the Misses Murray, of Balti- Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. Piano Solo—Invitation to the Dance, villages of Harmony, Shookstown, Tuesday 76 86 86 more, motored to Emmitsburg on Mon- Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. Von Weber. Edgemont, Yellow Springs and Rocky E. R. MILLER, M. D. Eye, Ear, Nose Wednesday 60 66 72 day. Christian Endeavor, 7:00 p. m. Mrs. D. E. Stone. Springs the flames could be seen leap- and Throat Thursday 62 66 64 Wednesday Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m. Mrs. Morton Baxter and little daugh- Recitation—"Ole Mistis," ing from tree to tree, and at times a Specialist. 2nd Floor Rosenour Build- ter Mary Dolores and Miss Libbie Bax- LUTHERAN Mrs. Edgar Annan. roar was heard that terriorized resi- ing, Market and Church Streets, Mrs. A. A. Horner entertained at five ter, of Catonsville, spent the week with Sunday, 10 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Piano Solo—Gavotte, - - Silas. dents of the mountain side. Frederick, Md. hundred on Monday evening in honor of Mrs. Joseph Warthen. Sunday School, 9.00 a. m. Mrs. Higbee. The fire has burned over the lands of Hours 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. and by ap- Miss Ruth Annan, of Beloit, Kansas. Vocal Solo—"Because of You," Briggs. William Wolfe, Charles Sanner, Ver- pointment. Phone 759. july 17-1y. Mr. Charles Slagle, of Middleburg, Junior Christian Endeavor, 1:45 p. m. Senior I 6:45 p. m. Miss Lillian Long. non Feaga, Elmer Feaga, John Grove, spent Monday in town. CIVIL ENGINEERS Mr. Charles J. Shuff has had a new Wednesday, Prayer Meeting 7:30 p. m. Reading — "Saving Money." Staley Doub,John Korrell, Jacob Feaga, Misses Estelle Codori and Ruth Shuff, Miss Belle Rowe. Lewis Kemp, William Lortz, Arthur shingle roof put on his property on East Saturday, Catechetical instruction 2 R. R. SELLERS Civil Engineer. Plans, are visiting in Baltimore. Quartette— (a) Kate (a pastoral) English, Nincent Crabbs, Nicholas Ric- Main street. p. in. Specifications, Esti- Misses Lillian and Marion Baker have Hawley. ketts and others. Barns and outbuild- REFORMED mates, Grading, Draining, Farm Sur- returned to Hagerstown, after spending (b) A Red Red Rose, ings were threatened on the Lortz, started on the founda- Sunday, 10:30 a. m. and 7:00 p. m. veying, Blueprints. several months with Mr. and Mrs. Work has been Siemonn. Korrell and Crabbs farms. tion of the house of Mr. Harry Gel- Sunday School, 9:30 a. m. july 17-6m. Emmitsburg, Md. Thaddeus Maxell. Mrs. Welty, Mrs. Matthews, Two fires near Urbana at the same wicks on his lot recently purchased from Service Wednesday evening at 7:30. Joseph E. Hoke spent Friday in Bal- Mr. Higbee, Mr. Galt. time burned over a large acreage of EMORY C. CRUM Civil Engineer and Miss Hannah Gillelan. METHODIST EPISCOPAL timore. Vocal Solo--"The Rosary" - Nevin. mountain land. An overhead bridge on Constructor, Third Sunday School, 1:30 p. m. Mrs. Albert Patterson, Mrs. H. M. Mr. Clarence Frailey. the Baltimore and Ohio railroad near Floor City Hall, Frederick, 'Phone 634 entertained Service, 2:30 p. m. Gillelan, Mrs. Robert Gillelan, Miss es Mrs. Andrew A. Annan Recitation—I1 Trovatore, Weverton caught fire Friday and after and 513-R. Land Surveys, Water Sup- her friends at five hundred on Friday Epworth League, 6.30 p. m. Mrs. Robert Gillelan. burning nearly an hour dropped on the ply, Sewers, Paving, Reinforced Con- Ruth, Anna and Luretta Gillelan, spent Vesper Service, Thursday, 7:30 p. m. Thursday in Hagerstown. night. Vocal Solo—Selection, rails, Traffic was delayed until railroad crete, Railways. Plans for all kinds of Tom's CREEK M. E. CHURCH Mr. Annan Horner. men, assisted by farmers, removed the buildings. July 17-1y. Mr. John Fortney, of Carlisle, Pa., debris. On Thursday May 13, John G. Wool- Sunday School, 9 a. m. Duet —"Marche De Concert," spent Sunday in Emmitsburg. CHOICE FIEATS meet- Preaching, 10:30 a. m. Paul Wachs. Two fires on the Thropp property Messrs. Frank Topper, George Wag- ley will speak at a Temperance school house, Em- Misses Lillian Long, Mary Welty. near Catoctin Furnace burned over sev- H. M. GILLELAN Everything in the erman, Bennett Sebold, E. Clyde Cover, ing to be held at the Dedication of New Pipe Organ. eral hundred acres of land. A large AND SON Meat Line. Lamb and Lloyd Bishop motored to Baltimore mitsburg, at 8.30 P. M. WETZEL—HARTDAGEN. force cutting timber stopped their work and Veal in Season. on Sunday. Last Sunday morning the service in the Lutheran church centered in the Miss Nora Hartdagen, daughter of and fought the flames. Fencing was Prompt attention. Polite service. Mr. and Doctor Daniel Shorb will celebrate Mrs. Ignatius Lingg attended formal dedication of the new two- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hartdagen, Green burned and a quantity of wood was con- West Main Street, the his sixtieth birthday to-morrow. funeral of Mrs. Rebecca Oaster in manual pipe organ recently installed to street, and Mr. Albert E. Wetzel, son sumed. The blaze came within a mile july 17-14 Emmitsburg, Md. New Oxford on Monday. replace the old pipe organ in use since of Mr. and Mrs. Columbus Wetzel, of of Thurmont at one time. Mrs. S. Strack, of Baltimore, is visit- Rev. Father Brandt, pastor of the 1889. This valued instrument crowns St. Anthony's Parish, were united in Most of the fires are said to be of in- AUTOS FOR HIRE cendiary origin and, owing to the ing Mr. and Mrs. David Guise. Fairfield Catholic church, has been with deserving success the persevering marriage at a Nuptial Mass on Wednes- MONDORPF Well-equipped Cars. Care- drought, gained rapid headway. Mr. Joseph Rosensteel spent Sunday transferred to Marrietta. Rev. Father efforts of the congregation, and especi- day morning in St. Joseph's Catholic AND ful Chauffeurs. Gasoline The fires had been with his daughter, Mrs. David Guise. Strickland, of Shamokin, has succeeded ally the head of the committee on pur- Church by Rev. W. C. Maddock. partially checked, BENTZEL and Auto Supplies. Place when the heavy rain extinguished them. Misses Rose and Nellie Hobbs, Father Brandt. chase of the organ, Mrs. A. M. Patter- The bride was attired in a gown of Always Open. NEW Messrs A woods fire near Port Deposit got Frank Kelly and John Hobbs spent Sun- son. Recognition is also duly accorded white and wore a veil and a corsage HOTEL SLAGLE GARAGE, West beyond control on Monday and it was day with Misses Ruth and Mabel Ash- Rev. S. E. Rose who was just as- the Carnegie Corporation for a dona- bouquet of carnations. The maid of Main St., Emmitsburg, Md. july 17-14 tion of $575. The entire cost of the honor, Miss Blanche Hartdagen, a sister only by strenuous efforts of hundreds of baugh. signed to this District preached his first F. R. LONG Clean cars, moderate new organ was $1,600 exclusive of the of the bride wore white with hat to men that the town of Perryville was Mr. Clarence Bollinger spent Sunday sermon here on Sunday. • charges, electrical blower. match. The groom and the best man, saved. At Rock Springs, north of Port prompt and with Mr. Elroy Ashaugh. courteous service, Day or Night. Special music was prepared and ren- Mr. William Wetzel, his brother, wore Deposit a raging forest fire illuminated Care- Mrs. Howard Dougherty who has been ful Drivers. Mr. David Rhodes has erected a new dered on this occasion by the choir navy blue. the Susquehanna valley several nights. visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John around his property on Get- Burning C. & P. Phone. EMMITSBURG, Mo. wire fence under the leadership of their efficient The happy couple were showered with over hundreds of acres of T. Long for the past two weeks, has street. woodland and seriously aug. '7-1y. tysburg organist, Miss Ruth A. Patterson. rice on the way to the home of the menacing the returned to her home in Chicago, Ill. many bung slows and summer homes of bride where a wedding breakfast was DRUGS AND PRESCRIPTIONS Mr. John C. Neck, of Washington, D. Baltimoreans along The moving pictures at St. Euphemia's Indian Scout Injured. served. Later in the day a dinner was the Magothy River, C., is visiting his mother, Mrs. Dorothea a large forest fire, which started about WILLIAMSON'S Everyone knows the Hall are still popular judging from the Joseph A. Walling, of Frederick, Md., given in their honor at the home of the Neck. 2 o'clock Monday afternoon, near Rob- DRUG STORE necessity of pure audience present last Friday night. a Spanish War veteran and a former groom. Mr. and Mrs. Wetzel were the Mrs. Albert E. Weber and daughter, inson Station, on the Annapolis Boule- drugs and accuracy Indian scout, who was on his way over- recipients of many beautiful and useful of Baltimore, are visiting her parents vard, was gotton under control after in compounding prescriptions. You can land, riding a pony purchased in Em- presents. They will reside near St. Mr. and Mrs. J A. W. Matthews. The CHRONICLE museum secured this several hours after it had consumed a count on both these necessities if you mitsburg from Patterson Bros., to the Anthony's. Mrs. Frank R sifsider, of Baltimore, week two pairs of hand wrought ice number of boats and boathouses. take or send your orders to Williamson's San Francisco Exposition, is in the Ohio visited friends in Emmitsburg this skates made over sixty sa trs ago. With the woods and fields as dry 40 N. MARKET STREET, Valley General Hospital, Wheeling, W. SAN HERS —K REITZ. as week. tinder from the recent dry spell, the Phone 68 FREDERICK, MARYLAND. Va., with a leg broken in three places. Miss Sarah Kreitz, daughter of Mr. aug 7-ly Mr. Joseph E. Hoke spent today in his fire, which seemed small at the start, After eight weeks absence from Walling had just gotten the signatures and Mrs. Robert Kreitz, of near Em- Baltimore. his right arm, sooned gained headway, and, fanned by UNDERTAKERS office,due to a fracture of of the Mayor and Chief of Police and mitsburg, and Mr. Mrs. I. M. Motter and daughter, of Clifford Sanders, son a southwest wind, soon spread over the Dr. E. B. Sefton has resumed his prac- was mounting his horse, when a street J. L. TOPPER Undertakers, Embalm- Frederick, visited in town this week. of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Sanders, of land of the Arundell Peach Realty Com- tice here. car frightened the animal causing it to & SON ers, Funeral Directors. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Welty visited near Fairfield, were married in Hagers- pany, and down on the river along the stumble and fall. Walling's legs were town last Expert Service Night in Baltimore this week. Thursday at the parsonage of shores of which are located the summer caught under the pony, and one of them the First Baptist and Day. Phone 47-4. Those who attended the marriage of The regular meeting of the Civic church by Rev. E. homes of hundreds of Baltimoreans. Miss Katherine Schultz and Mr. E. League will be held in Public School was badly broken in three places. An K. Thomas. They will make their oct 2 Emmitsburg, Md. ambulance conveyed him to the hospital, home for the present with Mr. Sanders' Wilhelm, of Baltimore, were: Mr. and building Friday, April 30, at 7 P. M. REWARD—$10—REWARD. Mrs. John Roddy, Mrs. John Kelly, Miss and the physicians state that he will be parents. DEVELOPIN ,; AND PRINTING • Notwithstanding trespass notices have Sally Kelly, Mrs. E. Chrismer, Miss confined there for at least six weeks. YOUR Mr. J. Brooke Boyle has purchased a been posted on the grounds of St. Anna Chrismer andMaster John Roddy KODAK MAN new five passenger Ford automobile. Joseph's College and Academy, unauth- FRAMING Jr. Nominations Made. Cheap Paint. orized persons have entered the enclos- "SUSSMAN" Mr. Fred. Kilmer, of Boston, is visit- The meeting of citizens at Firemen's The cheapest paint is the one that ure and fished, made use of the private 223 And 225 Park Avenue, Baltimore, Md. _ ing his daughter, Mrs. E. Lewis Higbee. Mr. Harry Boyle is making extensive best; tTISTIC Hall last night for the purpose of nomi- goes farthest and wears there is boats and destroyed property on the improvements to his property on East nating candidates for Burgess for one most in a gallon of it. KODAK'S AND SUPPLIES Stokes grounds belonging to the Institution. Displays His Stuff. Main street including an addition at the commissioner from What of milk July 24-ly year and down street is a quart worth? De- Notice is therefore given herewith "Johnnie" Stokes made a rather au- rear, bath and electric lights. years, resulted in pends on for three the selec- the milk. that a reward of $10 will be paid to any DEALER IN spicious debut as pitcher at Conway tion of John A. W. Matthews and H. So of paint; depends on the paint. Hall, Carlisle, one furnishing evidence that will lead M. F. SHUFF Furniture of all Kinds Pa., last Saturday when Mr. John Wagerman is laying a ce- C. Harner, respectively. Devoe is worth the top price, what- he swamped the to the arrest and conviction of the guilty Harrisburg Tech nine ment pavement in front of his double ever it is. Poor paint is worth nothing FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER to the tune of 17 to a The three runs party or parties. house and garage on West Main street. to travel extensively during his vacation at all; you've got to pay your painter were made in the first inning while SISTERS OF CHARITY. W. MAIN STREET, and to spend sometime with his rela- $3 or $4 a gallon for putting it on; and Arthur was playing short. While on the it isn't worth it. Emmitsburg, Maryland Mrs. J. Ledlie Gloninger has recently tives in the West. WANTED—A hustling agent for an es- mound he held his opponents scoreless. Devoe goes twice as far and wears purchased a new Overland touring car. tablished Tea and Coffee route at Em- Glancing at the tabulated score of the twice or three times or four times as mitsburg, Md. A good opening for a game in a Philadelphia paper, it is seen Mr. Charles M. Rider has just put in long. operation a mechanical concrete live awake man. For particulars address. that the Emmitsburg lad was 3 times at A crowd of hikers passed through Em- mixer, The cheap paint is Devoe at the top THE GREAT ATLANTIC & PACIFIC bat, scored two runs, made two hits, mitsburg on Thursday. known as the "Little Wonder," which of the market. THE he used for the first time in putting TEA, CO. one put-out, three assists, and one down DEVOE. concrete walks in the garden of 14 & 16 N. Queen, St. error. Besides this he struck out 7 Mr. adv. J. THOS. GELWICKS sells it. batters, and figured in two double- Mr. and Mrs. James Arnold are re- Annan Homer's home, West Main adv ap 23 2ts. sLancaster, Pa. ceiving congratulations on the birth of machine has a plays, in one of which he was unassisted. Street. The capacity of MOVIES SATURDAY NIGHT. a son. about one barrel of concrete and is run FARMS FOR SALE. Six reels of Pictures, Emerald Hall, Union Mfg. Co. Gets Contract. by a gasoline engine which is mounted Howard County Farms, of all kinds, STAFFORD Saturday night 7.30. Admission 10c. The Union Manufacturing Company, Mr. William Bollinger purchased a on the chassis of the machine. at prevailing prices, cheapest land in of Frederick. has just completed an five passenger Ford automobile this the world. If you mean business write order for 400,000 pairs of woolen stock- MARRIED. what you want in kind, location and week. Senator Mathias, of Thurmont, Mr. ings for the United States Army and price. LOUIS T. CLARK, Atty. Legore, of Lime Kiln, Drs. Cullen, and has been awarded a new contract for SANDERS—KREITZ.—On Thursday adv m12-tf Ellicott City, Md. Perfect Service, Thatcher, of State Sanatorium, Col. April 15, 1915, at Hagerstown, Mr. 300,000 pairs. These are to be delivered Mr. Roy Shorb presented to the CHRONICLE museum a pair of spectacles E. Austin Baughman and Mr. E. Austin Clifford Sanders, of Fairfield and Miss HORSE NOTICE—From now on I will between May 16 and September 10th at Emmitsburg. Finest Location. James, of Frederick, Mr.Harmason, of Sarah Kreitz, of near stand my well-known trotting horse, the office of the Depot Quartermaster, used by a sharp shooter at the Battle Rev. E. K. Thomas performed the cere- Baltimore, Mr Gayer, of Middletown, "Faber," in Emmitsburg, at Beam's U. S. A., Philadelphia. A branch of of Gettysburg. mony. Excellent Cuisine. and many other out of town people stable, every Monday from 10 to 4. this company is located at Emmitsburg WETZEL —HARTDAGEN.—On Wed- witnessed the game between Mt. St. R. C. LONG, and employs, including the branch at Mrs. Isabella Baker has had new ce- nesday April 21, 1915 in St. Joseph's Liberal Management. Joseph's College,Baltimore,and Mt. St. Catholic Church, Mr. Albert E. Wetzel, apr 16 3ts. CREAGERSTOWN, Thurmont, between seventy and eighty ment walks and steps laid in front of MD. Mary's College on Wednesday after- of St. Anthony's and Miss Nora Hart- persons. At the Frederick Fireproof Construction, plant there her properties on Frederick street. noon. dagen of this place. Rev. W. C. Mad- FOR RENT—Residence of late Profes- are about two hundred and fifty em- dock officiating. sor Lagarde, partly furnished. By year ployees. Mr. and Mrs. Isaac M. Annan enter- or summer months. Address Messrs. Matthew Bros. have pur- DIED ten of their friends at their JOHN B. LAGARDE, Wreck Near Pen Mar. tained chased a new Crown Cork and Seal Com- home, "Craggystone" at a 6 o'clock Regular death notices published one time free adv.ap.9 tf. Anniston, Alabama. WASHINGTON PLACE A Western Maryland freight train, pany Pop machine. It is made of brass of charge. Obituary poetry and resolution dinner, on Thursday evening. charged for at the rate of five cents a line. made up of nearly 100 empty cars drawn and is a model representative of the GRAVE DIGGING. by an engine in front and assisted by a latest improved machinery. The caps NILTIG.—On Monday, April 19,1i, All grave digging in Mountain View BALTIMORE, pusher engine, was held up at Pen-Mar The agent of the Northern Central for the bottles indicate the flavor and Anna Ruth Niltig, at the home of Mr. Cemetery must be done by John Glass, for several hours Sunday when one of Railroad at Key Mar,Mr. W.W. Sweigert, are the sanitary crown corks, thereby M. Ridinger, Taneytown, aged 11 caretaker. No other persons will be the cars left the track. The train was who has been granted a six months placing the local firm in a position to months and 12 days. Funeral services were held in the Lutheran Church at permitted to dig graves therein. MD, stopped before other cars were derailed, leave of absence on account of his cope with any of the Bottling works, Harney on Tuesday, Rev. Stockslager London hospitals have nearly but the track was torn up for quite a health, was in Emmitsburg on Saturday selling soft drinks, both in the quality officiating. Interment in the Lutheran 10,000 June 28-17 distance. visiting friends. Mr. Sweigert expects of goods produced and orders desired. Cemetery, Harney. beds in daily occupation. Vle May!amide 7

0-000-0•00-0.0.00-0-0-000.0-000-0-00-cr 000-0.00.0-00-0-0-0-00-000.00000.0.000 NEWS FROM THE TRACT ACROSS THE LINE I THURMONT NEWS. Mrs. Louisa Fuss is spending some BALTIMORE'S BEST STORE time with her brother, Mr. J. D. Over- holtzer. 000-oo-o-o-oo-0000croo-oo-o-o-ocl-o-o-o o oao-ocroo-,yoo-o•OOt.s0.000-00.00-0-0 Mr. James White and family spent Gettysburg. Rev. and Mrs. H. P. Fox ieft last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hull. Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rice have Sunday for his new charge at Howard Mr. and Mrs. R. Florence spent Sun- sold the Tudor property, on Springs Park, Baltimore, Howard and Lexington Streets Md. day with Mr. E. Dickens. avenue, to the Pennsylvania Delta cor- Mr. Isaac Rout and daughter, Olive, Mrs. Lewis Overholtzer and children, poration of the "Sigma Alpha Epsilon" visited friends at Union Bridge last fraternity, of Gettysburg College. Sunday. visited Mr. and Mrs. John Overholtzer The boy scouts of Gettysburg gave an The on Sunday. HEADACHES. Golden Chain Society of the Thur- 75 OUT Mrs. George Sanders who OF 100 HEADACHES ARE Baltimore's Hest Store is Your entertainment in St. James chapel mont High School held its last meeting has been ill due to eye strain. McAllister glass- Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. Demon- Friday afternoon, April 16. The gath- since the latter part of February is still es have salved the problem for Store--Thanks to the Parcel strations of scout work and wood craft, ering was called to order by the presi- confined to her bed. many eyeglass wearers. TORICS. THE including knot-tying, fire-making with- dent. The following Mrs. Daniel Shorb NEW DEEP CURVE Post System programme was and Mrs. Lewis LENSES that correspond to the arc out matches, signalling and first aid to rendered: Song, "Love's Old Sweet Bell are on the sick list. of rotation. Give larger field of vis- the injured was given. Song," Society; Recitation, "Jemima's Mr. and Mrs. Romanus Florence spent ion. Stop all reflection. Prevent the Have you ever wished that you could enjoy the Mrs. Amanda Dubs and her five sons Courtship," Pauline Wiles; Recitation, lashes touching. Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Albert Dick- KRY PTOKS, MOST shopping advantages enjoyed the will inherit the entire estate of the late "Somebody's THE PERFECT that are by Mother," Nellie, Apsley; ens. BI-FOCAL lenses that modern opti- Bishop Rudolph Dubs, according to his Song, "Spanish Cavalier," women of the large( lies? Society; Miss Emma Shorb returned home cal skill has ever produced. Two will probated recently. The total value Current Events, powers of glass fused into one solid Eleventh Grade; Lim- after a two weeks stay with friends in Parcel Post possible is not estimated. ericks, Clara Hauver, Lucy Stevens piece. Single in appearance, double The Sysi has made this --- Waynesboro. in use.: it places you on preci the same footing as if John M. Blocker, administrator of the and Ferne Byers; Journal, Edith Fox; estate of Report of Critic, Blanche Rice; Song, you lived in Baltimor Harry L. Miller and J. Louis The Province of Quebec has just F. W. McALLISTER Co. Sowers "The Vacant Chair," Society; have shipped to the Municipal 'The sold $6,000,000 five per cent 5 year 113 N. Charles St., Museum, meeting then adjourned to meet the You can shop by mail t Baltimore's Best Store, Exposition park, Rochester, bonds in Boston, Mass., at $99.65 and N. Y., the following Friday, April 23. Baltimore, Md. your purchases v delivered you collection of Gettysburg bat- accrued interest. a pr;9:6-mo and -1.1 be to by tlefield relics, formerly owned by Harry Mr. 0. F. Reightlen of Baltimore, Parcel Post, without a cent of additional expense. L. Miller and for many years exhibited visited his brother, Mr. F. M. Reight- IDEAL BIRD HOUSES. This applies to purCaases of any amount from lc at Meade's headquarters. They have ler, last Sunday. Artistic—Cheap—Everlasting. R. Q. TAYLOR 86 SON to $5.00, and within the limits of the First and been purchased by J. W. Johnston, a Save The Song Birds; They're Nesting Now. Rochester Q Pretty Cottages For Second Zones. Purchases of $5.00 or over will attorney, and had been loan- Carroll's Crop of Candidates. By Parcel Post $100. ed indefinitely to the city of Rochester. More Elaborate Houses 50c.. 75c and $1.00. be sent by Parcel Post anywhere within the Forty-two candidates have announce- Write for Illustrated Folder, HATTERS United States. Attorney Charles S. Duncan Tuesday ed themselves for the nominations on IDEAL BIRD HOUSE COMPANY, renewed the appeal for a bridge over 707 N. Howard St., Baltimore, Md. the Democratic and Republican tickets apr 23-Sts HATS,CAPS,UMBRELLAS We will gladly furnish information about any Marsh creek at Bishop's on the road for 15 offices in Carroll county. The from Barlow to the Emmitsburg pike. following will be elected this fall: CANES, MEN'S GLOVES merchandise which you wish to buy. Write us He was accompanied by Messrs. A. C. County Clerk, Register of Wills, State's Dr. J. A. W. Matthews,V.S. RAIN and be sure to pay the store a visit when you Fleck and Oliver Way bright, as a com- Attorney, Sheriff, State Senator, one COATS, AUTO- come to Baltimore. mittee of citizens. County Commissioner, County Treas- GETTYSBURG STREET, MOBILE RUGS urer, three Judges of the Orphans, LOY'S AND VICINITY. Court, four members of the House of EMMITSBURG, MD. Delegates and County Surveyor. PHONE 26 3 3-13 New Location 18 E. BALTIMORE ST. Mrs. Herbert F. Martin and Mrs. 'BALTIMORE, MO. Hochschild, Kohn & Co., Baltimore, Md. George W. Hoffman spent Monday with Mrs. George W. Pittenger. SPECIAL NOTICE. EDWARD HARTING "InT,!"',rer of— The Local Weekly Newspaper per 2 Mr. Harvey M. Pittenger spent Come one! Come all ! And just see 1,000 Circulation is the Most Valuable what a wonderful large stock of Monday with his sister, Mrs. Clarence Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc. Advertising Medium in the World.— SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS R. Moser, of Pleasant Hill. FIRST-CLASS WORKMANSHIP Chas. H. Betts, Pres. of New York M. R. SNIDER IS SHOWING Mrs.Minnie A. Hoffman and daughter, -6-3m ALL WORK WARRANTED. State Press Association. Miss Mary C., spent a few days with in each Department of the real latest friends, near Pittsburgh,Pa.,last style, right up-to-date merchandise. No week. use in going to the city or large towns Messrs. Charles L. Pittenger and when you can see just as large an as- An Interview with Mr. Ford sortment at home at much lower prices. MO1111•1•11Ri Harvey M. Pittenger spent Sunday in fal Woodsboro. Come, look over our stock in each 1)e- partment and we will prove it to you Blue Ribbon Egg Farm Mr. Harvey M. Pittenger visited in with the very best grade of merchan- Thurmont recently. dise in each Department. CLOTHING From a heavy laying strain Messrs. Charles H. Hoffman and EGGS FOR HATCHING of Charles L. Pittenger spent a few days We are now showing one of the great- Thoroughbred S. C. est lines of clothing last week with Mr. ever shown in White Leghorns. 85% fertility guaranteed; all over re- and Mrs. Samuel B. Harney of those high grade, beautiful Pittenger, of near New Windsor. patterns, extra large assortment for placed free of charge. A pound party was held at the home Men, goys and Youths. Before buying give us a call $1.00 for 15; $5.00 a 100; of Mr. and Jessie and be convinced that $40.00 a 1,000. Mrs. Fox on Thursday, Snider's have all three without a doubt. April 15. About twenty-five guests The Style, Quality and Low Prices. Also 9 Outdoor Prairie State Hoovers in good condition were present. SHOES AND OXFORDS at one-half price $3.50. Miss Alice Wood, rf Rocky Ridge, for Men, Ladies' Boys and Girls. You LOUIS H. CALLAHAN, Prop., This is the most Important Advertisement 1 Ever spent Thursday with her sister, Mrs. never go amiss at Snider's for the very Caused to be Published. David Renner. best line of Shoes or Oxfords as we are Phone 43-3. EMMITSBURG, MD. ---Read Every Word--- receiving new goods every week in this mar 12-If And then Marvel! Mrs. Washington Pittenger spent last department. We have got all kinds at week with her daughter, Mrs. Clarence all times, always right up to date. Give On a personal visit to Mr. R Moser, of Pleasant Hill. us a trial for your new Oxfords or Shoes Henry Ford I broached the sub- at away down prices. ject of a possible Miss Ada B. Pittenger visited Mrs. August 1st Rebate. CARPETS AND MATTINGS 10.1.00103...u.riciancititommumit• Charles A. Hoffman on Thursday even- (The Ford Company announced last year—as you well remember—that if In this Department you will be sur- it their ing. prised to see such a large 0 total sales reached 300,000 cars between August 1. 1914. and August assortment of 1, 1915, each purchaser beautiful patterns and prices in reach it during that period wc,uld receive back a refund Mrs. Alice Myers, of York, Pa., vis- i of $40.00 to $60.00.) of all. Carlisle carpet of all kinds, Your Spring Suit ited Mrs. Mary ii E. Colbert last week. Brussels, Ingrain, 0 Stair Carpet all X "Mr. Ford," I suggested, "Is there anything I can say Mr. Clarence C. Pittenger visited his grades. should not be purchased to I before you a our people with regard to the Ford Motor Company's 300,000 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Washington Pit- HATS AND CAPS see what we have to offer. We advise 11( car rebate plan?" tenger on Sunday, 0( We have the latest style. We have h buying now when the assortment both JI. Miss Angell, of Jimtown, spent Sun- the largest assortment. We have the a "We shall sell the 300,000," was the quiet reply—"and in kind that fit the head at all prices. '`- of models and fabrics 0( day with Miss Beulah Martin. a is at its best. 11 months, a full month ahead of August 1st!" LINOLEUM AND OIL CLOTH a Mrs. Robert Colbert and Mr. Calvin Satisfaction Guaranteed With Every Purchase. Another large assortment just re- II I "Then a refund is practically assured?" Colbert and friend spent Sunday with ceived of beautiful patterns. II J. A The newest Spring styles friends at Keysville. DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS in I "Yes—barring the totally unexpected. We are 50,000 to 0011( ',\\FO' ii 75,000 cars behind orders to-day. Factory and branches are Mrs. Samuel Baumgardner and child, Sherron,s Mulle, Flaxon, Sand Cloth, of Keysville, spent a few days with her Crepes, Rice Cloth, Custom Chiffons, --- Furnishins, sending out 1800 daily." Gauze. Marvel before g Hats 86 Shoes. a parents, Mr. and Mrs. John S. Long, you buy else- where as we have the nicest assortment a I then said to Mr. Ford: "If I could make a definite re- near this place. of Spring and Summer dress goods we LOWa ENSTEIN & WERTHEIMER, a fund statement we would increase our have ever shown and feel sure you will HEAD TO local sales 500 cars." X FOOT OUTFITTERS X Eyler's Valley Happenings. say the same and be ready to buy if O 9-1,1 2 IN,;, Market Street, FREDERICK, MD. I "You may say," was Mr. Ford's deliberate and significant you see it. We also have a nice line of jan reply this—"You Mrs. Eugene McKissick spent Satur- Lawn at 5c a yard, light and dark Cali- to may say that we shall pay back to each co 5c a yard, Gingham II Init Of St A italli it• Of a il a CISa il )11( WIii 0 0 day in Thurmont. 5c a yard, Shirt- purchaser of a Ford car between. August 1, 1914, and August ing 10c now 8c yard and we also have a 1, 1915, barring the unforseen, the sum of $50. You may say Miss Ruth Miller spent Saturday af- beautiful line of Swiss Cambric, Em- ternoon with Miss Margaret McKissick, broidery, Insertion, also a full stock of that I authorized you to make statement Val and Bobinet Laces, this !" of near Sabillasville. Banding, Ladies' Collars a fine selection for you. Also a the What can I add to above? $15,000,000 cash coming back to Ford Mrs. Amanda McClain spent Sunday large assortment of Ladies' and Men's owners! And to prospective Ford owners up to August 1. 1915, it actual- Rheumatism Silk and Fancy Hose. Ladies' Sprains with her daughter Mrs. Sheridan McKis- and ly means—Ford Touring Cars for $490—less the $50 rebate! Ford Run- Men's Collars of the very sick, of this latest. Neck- abouts for $440—less the $50 rebate! What is there left for me to say? place. wear, we have the largest and most Mr. Lewis Linebaugh spent Saturday beautiful line of neckwear we have ever shown at 25c and 50c Lumbago Sciatica and Sunday with his uncle, Mr. Sheridan Emmitsburg Motor Car Gloves for Ladies' and Company McKissick. Men. A large assortment of all grades. Just the Why grin and bear all these ills when Sloan's Ford and Overland Agents. Mr. Wm T. Miller is improving. kind you want Liniment kills Pants, Pants. An extra fine assort- pain? Misses Rachel and Mary McKissick ment of all kinds from the cheapest up. "I have used your Liniment and can spent Saturday and Sunday with Mrs. A nice line of fancy patterns, prices say it is fine. I have used it for sore Albert Anderson, of near Sabillasville. 50c to $4.00. Shirts, Shirts. We have now a com- throat, strained shoulder, and it acted 11H "AA: Mrs. Lulu Working is on the sick list plete line of shirts, all 50c work shirts like a charm."—Allen Dunn, Route 1, at this writing. 43/!c. Fancy Shirts 48.! and up. See Box 88, Pine Valley, Miss. Mr. Frank Kipe, of Waynesboro, our Silk Front Shirts. Wood's Virginia Hammocks and Rugs. A large as- "I am a painter and paperhanger by Miss Ruie Kipe, of Friend's Creek, and sortment of hammocks Over 50 dif- trade, consequently up and down lad- Mrs. Wm. T. Miller and daughter, Ruth, ferent designs in Rugs from 25c to ders. About two years ago my left knee Lnsilage Corns. spent Friday with Mr. Wm. T. Miller $400 . Lap Spreads became lame and sore. It pained me at who is in the Frederick City Hospit- for buggies or automo- Our Virginia-grown Ensilage biles, a fine assortment at reasonable nights at times till I could not rest, and al. corns, on account of climatic prices. I was contemplating giving up my trade reasons, „ make much larger growth Mrs. Mary E. Fisher, of near Rouzer- Tinware and Enamelware Extra on amount of it when I chanced to think in the North and West than corn large assortment at special ville, is spending some time with her prices. of Sloan's Liniment. grown in other sections. Our Qneensware and Glassware. Dinner I had never tried l'as Sul?, `. corns, too, are cured under natural daughter, Mrs. Shreives Zentz. Sets, Chamber Sets, anything you want it before, and I am glad to state that conditions, and are unsurpassed in Mr. Elma Stottlemyer spent Thursday you can find it in this department. less than one 25c. bottle fixed me up Bess vigorous germination. it's de same with Mrs. Katie McKissick. • NEW BINDER TWINE apparently as good as ever."—Charles C Mrs. Wm. T. Miller spent Sunday If you have not given us your order Campbell, Florence, Texas. ole whiskey,suh, Wood's Virginia Ensilage, yet lc or a call on phone will doan nebber with Mrs. Catherine Hardman. place your Thoc order and you will be safe if twine goes acorn to change dot Pamunkey Ensilage, l LILLIE MAE BROWN. up or comes down you are safe. We CALF) Eureka Ensilage, guarantee price on best grade Deering Just as we go to press, word is receiv- twine Price now 9c lb. Cocke's Prolific Ensilage, ed that Miss Lillie Mae Brown, daught- Groceries. This department is al- W.ilARPE ways full SLii and complete Va. Horsetooth Ensilage. er of Mr. and Mrs. Fred. Brown, for- at bottom prices. AN'S ▪ WHISKEY American Wire Fence. All styles in merly of Emmitsburg,dropped dead this 1 'member, well, cle Mass= John Write for price and "WOOD's field, hog and poultry, at bottom prices. wouldn't evah let me use nothin' CROP SPECIAL" giving informa- morning at the home of her parents in Premium Department. Save your else for his mawnin's mawnin'. tion about Cow Peas, Soja Beans, Hagerstown. She had gotten up and tickets like your friends do and secure Sudan beautiful and useful presents free. We New Hotel Slagle Grass and all Seasonable was dressing when she fell over and Seeds. Mailed free on request. havn added to this department a large died in a few minutes. assortment of extra quality in useful LINIMENT Hotel Biddinger articles in aluminum ware. All Dealers 25c. T.W. WOOD 0SONS, Any absent Emmitsburgian would Yours respectfully, Send four cents in stamps for a free TRIAL BOTTLE. appreciate a subscription to SEEDSMEN, - Richmond, Va. The Chron- M. R. SNIDER, DR. EARL S. SLOAN, Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Dept. B icle. 52 weeks $1.00. I adv apr 23-2t Harney, Md. 04r rrkly Tigrutirtr

SEND A COPY ALBERT ADELSBERGER CITIZENS' NAT. BANK. of "Souvenir Views of Emmitsburg" Club Women Work to "Clean Up and Paint Up." to your absent friend. The price has been reduced one half. By WALLACE GOLDSMITH. Clean Up and Paint Up LIVERYMAN 5 cents delivered over counter-7 cents by mail, postage prepaid. Five Thousand Cities NOW LETS SEE HOTEL SPANGLER THE WEEKLY CHRONICLE. WHAT THE I-RJP/AN FAMII.Y CAN PO TO Emmitsburg, Maryland GOOD CIVIC LEADERS PUT BAN ON bEAU71FY -17-iE. FACE THE MANY PINK TEAS. OF NATIJRB POINTS OF OUR Automobile For Hire Groceries are known only to cus- "Clean Yards, a Few Shrubs and Fine Horses and First-Class tomers who have bought them Flowers, and a Little Paint, THE from us for years. They know Carriages. they have got the best Teas, for a Better Hometown"— Coffees, Canned Goods, etc., pro- Mrs. Clarence Baxter. Teams for Drummers and CITIZENS' NATIONAL BANK curable; that they have got un- value for their money. Prompt .../-----..---- —.7. :- — ' equalled HAT the club women of America 3;•". - Pleasure Parties a Specialty —OF— careful service,and satisfaction in every waiting for full suffrage become one of our cus- T are not m.y7-09 ly way. Why not before taking an active part in -",,--::-'-----2- -- tomers? It will pay you. work is proven by .72:r - ....— FREDERICK, MD. civic betterment THE BEST ALWAYS. of thousands of ...••••••••• -..---,, 4...... ,-...... ,...... ,..,,,...... the earnest efforts :-----,2-'' -- -:-..--:,-; women in local "Clean Up and Paint ^,- ea& ‘14,....C--7--,-----/-7__"-- -..---• F. COLUMBUS KNOTT, Up" campaigns in practically every 41 i TYPEWRITER RIBBONS 1 state in the Union. "The men are too e•--.. ------__-, CAPITAL Successor to Besant and Knott, said one of these busy, or too chesty," aug 23-1yr FREDERICK, MD. women, "to see the need of or to do ••• -..---'- :_ __---___:,-, _•'":,7- 1 CARBON PAPER 1 $100,000 simple beautification and sanitation ------<‘--"-..-' work. And yet that work is vital to .1--.-- The New City Hotel, of Viousands and to the the health \ <7.,- 1 TYPEWRITER SHEETS i Frederick, Maryland, is progress of the community in better 1 .,•', -_--_,- - -7-- living conditions to keep pace with • --% ------_--- SURPLUS known to and patronized by Increasing population." %"----- i LATEST IMPROVED RUBBER t Tourists from all parts of the "There was a time," she continued, ../ $300,000 "when pink teas and gossip character- -, country. This hotel makes a ized our local club meetings. But that ..11;' ...)...... -----"'-- ''-<•'%0_ , STAMPS i Specialty of Serving Delici- time is past. There are a million 0 :;.; f things for the betterment of the town OFFICERS ous Meals to Auto Parties. that we are able to do, and we are --,;--.,1--% /.e. j r ,-,..-/7". 2., :4)1 ROBBER STAMP INK 1 Comfort, Cleanliness and trying to do them as fast as we can ..f , J. D. BAKER President get to them. The 'Clean Up and ...... -___ Good Service, and Consider- Paint Up' campaign, in which we are AND PADS 1 WM. G. BAKER Vice-President ate Attention to all guests are orking shoulder to shoulder with the -President men, embodies a big batch of im- H. D. BAKER .Vice the characteristics of the provements we have had in mind. ' For All Purposes. 1 Cashier for- i WM. G. ZIMMERMAN New City Hotel. This campaign seems to be a of ideals, 'Clean tunate combination fice.r Cral SAMUEL G. DUVAL..Asst Cashier C. B. COX, Mansger. Up' and 'Paint Up.' It gives us work oct 6-'12-Iyr to do now, with a definite program to JOSEPH McD1VIT Asst. Cashier start things off, and with absolutely i NOTARIAL, 1CORPORATE i no end of possibilities in permanent 66 r DIRECTORS constructive effort. And the best of H. HALLER, it is that this campaign simply forces SOCIETY, CHURCH GEO. WM. SMITH, THOMAS the men to work with us. A success- i i JOHN S. RAMSBURG, DANIEL BAKER, means an increased de- ful campaign CONLEY, mand for many kinds of merchandise, AND BUSINESS SEALS 1 WM. G. BAKER, C. H. means conservation of property, means 1 t C. M.1THOMAS, P. L. HARGETT, increased realty values—it means a Any Size Desired. —DEALER IN— better business town and a better D. E. KEFAUVER, JOHN S. NEWMAN, men home town. Why shouldn't the 1 i ____, ....,...... JOHN C. MOTTER, J.,D. BAKER. lend a hand?" 1*1 And this woman is not alone in her Mrs. Clarence Baxter, FEED, enthusiasm. 10* ENGRAVING, EMBOSSING 1 chairman of the Women's Committee of the National "Clean Up and Paint Up" Campaign Bureau, St. Louis, has i LITHOGRAPHING; 1 seen her home town, Kirksville, Mo., COAL refurbished from the city hall to cor- poration limits entirely through the Estimates Furnished— 1 As 1 earnest work of a group of women. Prompt Service. i AND ESPECIALLY chairman of the civic and health de- partment of the Missouri Federation I E of Women's Clubs, and as vice chair- Than of the civics department of the Clean Up and Paint General Federation of Women's Clubs, Clean Up and Paint Up Up— i TRESPASS NOTICES AND July 3 10-1yr, SEEDS Mrs. Baxter is inspiring and advising thousands of club women in similar to Reduce Fire Hazard Get Behind the Brush work. She will be glad to write to "DON'T HITCH HERE" i and advise other. de- Mrs. George Zimmerman, of Fre- HE Indiana State Fire Marshal PRINGTIME has at last come to George S. Eyster HIRERS' SUPPLIES mont, 0., chairman of the civics de- T clares that every city and town S stay, to prepare all nature for f SIGNS partment of the General Federation should conduct "Clean Up and Paint summer's flowers and the autumn's of Women's Clubs, heartily endorsee Up" campaigns, to harvest. LIVERYMAN the national "Clean Up and Paint Up" reduce fire haz- I Ready for Delivery. 1 GRIER Even the abject stir about their movement, and is a member of the !AT THEIROWE STABLES er( .1, if for no oth- wretched premises, plant morning advisory committee of the National And er purpose. glories and try their best to fix 1 MARYLAND Bureau. he declares that 1 — EMMITSBURG, civics departments of several up the leaning pickets left from the The of All These May Be Had At it WEST MAIN ST., state federations of women's clubs the s pplication kindling needs of the later frosty all occasigns. to wooden Fine teams for have already arranged for state-wide paint mornings. Good housewives tie tow- i campaigns is quite "Clean Up and Paint Up" buildings els about their heads, gird up their Teams for salesmen and pleasure EMMITSBURG, MD. definite week's pro. as Is ? THE CHRONICLE OFFICE i this year, with a as important a fire preventative narrow skirts and chase the dust of gram to start the ball rolling. the removal of rubbish from garrets parties a specialty. Apr. 30-09-1yr. was harping winter from their rooms. The laziest March 22-iyr. One man who always and areaways. He is therefore strong- 14...... ,...... ,...... 4. saw, "Woman's place is in Tick and trifle with their belongings on the old ly urging "Clean Up a:tel Paint Up" the home," has not been heard from to fix themselves better to face the weeks for every city in ae state. since a year ago when his wife led changing seasons. OPTOMETRIST Up" cam. "Inspections in the larger cities," in a "Clean Up and Paint "Clean up!" is the phrase. C. L. KEFAUVER, FREDERICK, THE OLD RELIABLE which practically regenerated says the Indiana Fire Marshal, "show paig-n Why nor, enlarge it? Why not "paint The good woman repaired that about 10 per cent of all buildings the town. up?" and painted a piece of vacant prop. and premises within business districts Mutual Insurance Company erty belonging to her husband, prop- are being endangered by rubbish. And if "paint up," why not do it so drain on his purse OF FREDERICK COUNTY erty that had been a Though the residence districts have it will LAST and PAY? She had to fix the for ten years. not been inspected, the proportion, no Painting is another "art preserva- up, she said, because she was place is just as large. One of the tive." Rightly done, it saves repair, ORGANIZED 1843 preaching "Clean Up, Paint Up, Re. doubt, is length of property-life, in- pair," to others, and she believed in most effective fire preventatives adds to both in busi- to practicing what she preached. After clean and tidy pre-raises, creases property-attractivity, brings OFFICE-46 NORTH MARKET ST. wife for her public ac- ness in dwellings." the tenant's lips the pleased smile, to criticising his houses and FREDERICK, MD. tivity, and especially for spending real The Fire Marshal is advising every- the righteous landlord the wholesome money on "that old shack," the hus• where the painting of the shingle roof. feeling of duty well performed. sorely chagrined one day MCCARDELL O. C. WAREHIME band was "Paint not only makes shingles more there's room for A. C. an offer of $600 more for Between ourselves, Secretary to receive durable," says the Fire Marshal, "but President property than hit former valua lots on lots of paint here in Our- HOTEL" ----- the as a fire preventative as well. Will be in EMMITSBURG, MD., at "SLAGLE He made the sale, and shut up it acts town. Well applied, in colors judi- tion. fuzzy SURPLUS $25,000 This year he is the heaviest contrib- By covering and protecting the ciously selected, it would conceal a utor to that local "Clean Up and Paint splinters that form on the outer cur- multitude of architectural and sanitary May 13th. Thursday REQUIRED Up" campaign fund. race of shingles, the paint greatly re- sins from the discerning eyes of tour- NO PREMIUM NOTES duces the likelihood of fire from fall- ists passing this way and from our- ON.4YOUR OWN. INSURES ALL CLASSES OF PROPERTY TRY THIS ing sparks." selves. 11101111**0111101111011111***IIIIIIIMISLION RATES of Indiana cities are follow- AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE AT flowers, Scores Look over your OWN house, or "Little pots of this • 25 PEP. CENT. LESS THAN STOCK ing the Fire Marshal's advice Little pots of _paint. home, or business structure. COMPANIES CHARGE year. A "Clean Up and Paint Up" Make attractive neighborhoods agree? Try our prescrip- A Home Insurance Company fat Home Insurers campagn will reduce fire losses in Don't YOU Out of them that ain't." and Paint IT" mch II. 10-ly Ourtown. tion—"Clean Up Beautiful • "Clean Up and Paint Up" for Homes and Towns • NOW IS THE TIME • TO HAVE YOUR • • rat • • AUTOMOBILE 7111-47 • • or Revarnished