IN-DEPTH ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Annex to Digital Health Care and Social Care – Regional development impacts in the Nordic countries NORDREGIO REPORT 2020:16 1 IN-DEPTH ACCESSIBILITY STUDY Annex to Digital Health Care and Social Care – Regional development impacts in the Nordic countries Oskar Penje, Shinan Wang, Teodor Wolk NORDREGIO REPORT 2020:16 In-depth accessibility study Annex to Digital Health Care and Social care – Regional development impacts in the Nordic countries Nordregio Report 2020:16 ISBN 978-91-8001-004-7 ISSN 1403-2503 DOI: : © Nordregio 2020 Nordregio P.O. Box 1658 SE-111 86 Stockholm, Sweden
[email protected] Authors: Oskar Penje, Shinan Wang, Teodor Wolk Nordregio is a leading Nordic and European research centre for regional development and planning, established by the Nordic Council of Ministers in 1997. We conduct solution-oriented and applied research, addressing current issues from both a research perspective and the viewpoint of policymakers and practitioners. Operating at the international, national, regional and local levels, Nordregio’s research covers a wide geographic scope, with an emphasis on the Nordic and Baltic Sea Regions, Europe and the Arctic. The Nordic co-operation Nordic co-operation is one of the world’s most extensive forms of regional collaboration, involving Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland. Nordic co-operation has firm traditions in politics, the economy, and culture. It plays an important role in European and international collaboration, and aims at creating a strong Nordic community in a strong Europe.