101 Abstract—The longfin mako (Isurus paucus) is a poorly studied oceanic Horizontal and vertical movements of longfin shark taken in fisheries throughout makos (Isurus paucus) tracked with satellite- its worldwide range in temperate and tropical waters. Satellite-linked linked tags in the northwestern Atlantic Ocean tags were deployed to investigate the movements of 2 mature males, 1 one tagged in the northeastern Gulf Robert E. Hueter (contact author) of Mexico (GOM) and the other off John P. Tyminski1 northern Cuba. Horizontal tracks John J. Morris1 estimated by using likelihood meth- 2 ods were similar for these sharks; Alexei Ruiz Abierno comparable movements were docu- Jorge Angulo Valdes2,3 mented from the GOM, through the Straits of Florida and the Ba- Email address for contact author:
[email protected] hamas, and into the open Atlantic Ocean where they converged on the 1 Center for Shark Research Mid-Atlantic Bight. Depth and tem- Mote Marine Laboratory perature ranges were 0–1767 m and 1600 Ken Thompson Parkway 4.0–28.8°C. A diel pattern of vertical Sarasota, Florida 34236 movement was evident for both in- 2 Centro de Investigaciones Marinas dividuals, along with regular forays Universidad de la Habana from cold daytime depths to warmer Calle 16, No. 114 e/ 1ra y 3ra near-surface waters, possibly as an Miramar, Playa, La Habana CP 11300, Cuba adaptation for thermoregulation. The vertical movements of longfin 3 School of Natural Resources and Environment makos allow them to exploit verti- University of Florida cally migrating prey but these move- P.O. Box 116455 ments increase their vulnerability to Gainesville, Florida 32611 pelagic longlining.