INTRA-STATE WATER CONFLICTS (SECOND HALF OF THE XX- EARLY XXI CENTURIES): HISTORICAL AND GEOGRAPHIC OVERVIEW AUTHORSHIP INTRODUCTION Olesya Mykolaivna Kutska The modern world is characterized by a large Doctor of Sciences in History, Associate Professor, Professor of number of wars and conflicts. Conflicts over Department of Tactics - Department of Tactics at Тhe Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy, Ukraine, Lviv, Heroes of the natural resources, one of which is water, are Maidan Street, 32. the cause of many of them. According to the ORCID: Pacific institute as of May 16, 2021, there have E-mail:
[email protected] been 926 wars, armed conflicts, and other Tetiana Valeriivna Lavrut conflicts in history where people have Candidate of Geographical Sciences Associate Professor Senior confronted each other over access to water Research Associate Land Forces Research Center Тhe Hetman Petro Sahaidachnyi National Army Academy Ukraine, Lviv, Heroes of the resources. Since 2010, there have been 466 Maidan Street, 32. clashes (36 armed) over the distribution of ORCID: water resources worldwide (PACIFIC E-mail:
[email protected] INSTITUTE, 2021). Researchers estimate a 75- Ihor Ivanovych Furman 95% chance of more occurring in the next 50- Doctor of Sciences in History Associate Professor Head of the 100 years (FARINOSI et al., 2018). To prevent Department Тhe Department of History of Wars and Military Art Тhe Ivan this kind of confrontation between states in the Cherniakhovsky National University of Defence of Ukraine Ukraine, Kyiv, Povitroflotsky Avenue, 30. future, among other things, we can use the ORCID: study of history and analysis of conflicts over E-mail:
[email protected] access to water resources.