"If at first you don't succeed..." The Failed Vicksburg Campaigns Presentation Outline

• Setting the strategic scene

• Farragut's 1862 attempt and Williams' Canal

• Grant's Mississippi Central Railroad Campaign

• Chickasaw Bayou Campaign

• Lake Providence Canal

• Yazoo Pass Expedition

• Steele's Bayou Expedition OH 320k; IL 250k; IN 210k; MO 110k; IA 76k; WI 91k, plus KY, MN, and parts of PA and TN Upstream

• Forts Henry and Donelson (February, 1862) fall and Union forces are not dislodged at Shiloh (April 6-7, 1862)

• Memphis is out-flanked and surrendered (June 6, 1862)

• Corinth victory (October 3-4, Vicksburg X 1862) secured much of the previously vulnerable Union- held territory • Forts Jackson and St. Philip Downstream are bombarded April 18-24, 1862. By-passed by Farragut's Union fleet April 24 and abandoned by April 28.

• New Orleans surrendered April 25 after BG Mansfield Lovell evacuated it on 24th.

• Baton Rouge falls May 12, 1862

• Port Hudson still in Vicksburg Confederate hands

X • 200+ foot bluffs on the eastern bank of the Mississippi

• Shallow lakes, meandering streams, dense swamps and sluggish rivers, covered with trees and brush, to the north. All prone to flooding by the River.

• South and west was "The Deep South”

• Northernmost trans-Mississippi railroad hub south of Memphis

• Sole trans-Mississippi link for supplies by rail once Memphis fell

• “Choke point” along the Mississippi River on shipment down to New Orleans, the Gulf of and on to • 200+ foot bluffs on the eastern bank of the Mississippi

• Shallow lakes, meandering streams, dense swamps and sluggish rivers, covered with trees and brush, to the north. All prone to flooding by the River.

• South and west was "The Deep South"

Dramatis personae Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May

Mississippi Central campaign Nov 3-Jan 10

Chickasaw Bayou expedition Dec 20-Jan 3

Grant's Canal Jan 24-"late Mar"

Lake Providence Early Feb-end Mar

Yazoo Pass Expedition Feb 24-Apr 8

Steele's Bayou Expedition Mar 14-27

Duckport Canal Mar 31- May 4

Arkansas Post • Concentrating at LaGrange, TN, Grant advanced 40,000 down Mississippi Central RR to the Tallahatchie River

• Once secured, supply line was shortened by moving depot from LaGrange to Holly Springs, MS

• Tallahatchie line outflanked by move (under BG Alvin Hovey) from Helena, AR downriver and then inland

• Confederates 24,000 move to Yalobusha River

• Sherman's XV Corps ordered back to Memphis to fulfill Halleck's MG Frederick Steele orders to move down Mississippi BG Nathan Bedford Forrest MG Earl Van Dorn • Grant retired from Mississippi interior

Supply depot burned ($450k to $1.5 MM)

100+ miles of rail torn up; bridges and trestles destroyed

Rolling stock destroyed or "stranded"

Halleck's ordered River operations

Confederates redeploy...

Chickasaw Bayou

MG W.T. Sherman - XV Corps MGMG CarterMartin L.Smith Stevenson-2nd - 2nd Mil. Dist. MD

Chickasaw Bayou Abandoned • Fog prevented a renewed assault on 30 December

• Grant retreated and no longer threatened from the East

• Sounds indicative of rail-borne Confederate reinforcements were audible

• Frontal assaults on Walnut Hills defenses would be costly

• High water marks were visible 10 to 12 feet above ground level!

• Sherman embarked his troops and returned to Milliken Bend • Grant's Canal

• Lake Providence

• Yazoo Pass

• Steele's Bayou

Levee break

Lake Providence

MG James B. McPherson - XVII Corps Yazoo Pass

BG Isaac Quinby MG William Wing Loring

Yazoo Pass Steele's Bayou

MG W.T. Sherman - XV Corps BG Winfield S. Featherstone

Duckport Canal

Another failed attempt to divert the River. Used as an alternate supply route for east bank approach Final Thoughts

• McClernand's independent command and political connections were problems, distracting Union efforts to take Vicksburg (Arkansas Post "wild goose chase")

• Grant learned how useful cavalry raids were in diverting enemy attention

• On his retreat from Oxford Grant realized how easy it would be for his Army to "live off the land"

• Much of the country (and Army) thought Grant a failure. But he was persistent! • No reliable tabulation located for most activities

• Chickasaw Bayou: Union: 213 - 1,016 - 561 Confederates: 58 - 116 - 10

• Steele's Bayou Union: 3 - 7 - 0 Confederates: 2 - 7 - 0

Clearly significantly understated!!! 83rd turned out 80 men for a dress parade at Young's Point. Five months earlier they were 1,010 strong. http://www.civilwaralbum.com/vicksburg/ http://www.nps.gov/history/history/online_books/ civil_war_series/24/sec2.htm http://www.angelfire.com/ms2/grantshilohvicksburg/