Systematic Code

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Systematic Code So r a id a r e t h e s t r ide s made b ,, p y s c ie nc e in t h is p r o g r e s s ive ag e a nd s o bo u ndle s s is it s r a ng e th a t t h o s e wh o vi e w it s c a r e e r fr o m wi t h o u t find g r e a t diffic u lty in fo llo wi ng it s dive r s e a nd int r ic a t e p a t h -ways ; wh i le t h o s e wh o h a ve s e c u r e d a fo o ting with in t h e s a me r o a d a r e o f t en q u i t e u na bl e t o ke e p p a c e with it s fle e t mo ve me nt s a nd wo u ld fa in r e t ir e r t h u a l nt es t I t is no t s u r f o m e u neq c o . pr is i ng t h en t h a t t h o s e a c t u a lly c o nt r i dva n e me nt o s c ie nc e bu t ing t o th e a c f , ‘ p r es s ing e ag e r ly u pwa r d a nd o nwar d ' s h o u ld neg le c t t o lo o k ba c k u p o n t h e labo r s o f t h o s e wh o p r e c e de th e m a nd s h o u ld s o me t ime s l o s e s igh t o f th e o bli g a t i o ns wh ic h s c ie nc e o wes t o fo r g o t t en r t “ g e ne a io ns . H a r r t n Bo lt o n . C ing o T116 1] (1 0 0g t o t h e ar e li ce ch emistr Curran L or y. T h e W ant s t o Be Filled . ’ - mu o f m To day in all research work , ch the scientist s ti e is expended in locating the literatu re o f his s u bject ; yet finally the most conscientiou s mu S m mu m i worker st leave that earch inco plete , he st re ain in gnorance u o f valu able su ggestions that wo ld have advanced his work . H More helpless is the manu f actu rer . e cannot hope to know what has m m been done the world over in his indu stry , or toward i prove ents that contin u ally su ggest themselves to h im. He may p u rchase some book o f reference . Little o f its contents applies to his case , and he knows that this can scarcely f orm a complete statement o f what the world has p u blished u on the s bject . M f f o r ost helpless the inventor , who generally with no acilities litera u mu u f u o f t re searching, st grope along pward over the ail res his own - u b u t - o f ideas , the costly scrap heap . The res lt is that one per cent the patents - to day have any market val u e . f o f o f Who can oresee all the applications a given principle , process or produ ct ? An electric f u rnace is designed f o r a specific p u rpose ; b u t it may be f o und that its u nderlying principles are eq u ally applicable to u m u f u o f u m u m u m . other ses , to the an act rer calci carbide or al in , perchance u m u m u m f o r u u o f r o Al in has a val e as a aterial tensils , beca se one its p e r t ies m p is great resistance to che ical action . It has other applications u o f u beca se another its properties is lightness . It has still other ses m u u f o r u in etall rgy as a red cing agent ores, beca se a third property f u m f m is a power l che ical a finity at high te peratu res f o r oxygen . In f m u a u u or ation regarding act al pplications is inval able to the p rod cer . h im u m u f u u It aids in introd cing his an act re in increasing his sales . S ch f m d u m in or ation to ay cannot be sec red with any approach to co pleteness . What specialist pretends t ) know all o f t h e latest books and articles u ? u that have been p blished in his specialty Thro gh this ignorance , his c a m p ab il it ie s are g reatly li ited . u e fi o r t u These are thing s that individ al can , it is tr e , never attain . b u t it is conceivable that all o f them co u ld be accomplished by an org a n io n iz at . Wh at Mu s t Be A ccompli s h ed . u There are three needs which all bibliographies sho ld aspire to fill . These are : to give the seeker complete and accu rate inf ormation on a s u b u f m in e x n jcet , to give only s ch in or ation as he desires , and to give it p e s iv e l y . u r t f m u To give c o mplet e and acc a e in or ation on any s bject, the biblio m u m h e a u . f t graphy at the start st specialize S ch a work treating , ro st rt , o f m u m f m all branches che istry wo ld probably be i per ect in electroche istry . F u rthermore it is essential to completeness that the latest work shall be u . m f o m incl ded This conde ns at once the book bibliography , r it beco es o o u t f date while g oing thro u gh the press . To g ive o nl y s u ch information as the investig ator desires again breaks - o f . I f u u n e c e s i with the traditions book bibliographers an ann al iss e , it s tates searching throu gh twenty -fi v e vol u mes and their twenty - fi v e indices to scan the work o f as many years ; l aboring throu gh innu merable references f oreign to the su bject in hand . A system mu st be adopted in which the new and old ref erences on any minu te su bject can be bro u ght together at one single place . The cheapne s s o f a bibliography to the p u rchaser depends u pon his being able to secu re j u st the choice o f references that he desires and u pon the simplicity an d economy o f the system o f classification by which it is prepared . Another demand on the bibliography is the possibility o f arranging the references either according to a u thors or s u bjects . Manner o f A ccompl is h ment . To secu re a c o mplet e bibliography it i s necessary that a complete file u m o f the jo u rnals to be excerpted sho u ld be accessible . So the instit te u s t mu b e located in a town with g ood library f acilities . It st receive books and u a f m u o f f m jo rn ls ro p blishers , reports their proceedings ro societies , and M u reprints from a u thors themselves . any jo rnals other than those devoted to o u r su bject mu st be reviewed and all excerpting mu st b e based on the u m contents rather than on the title o f the article . Finally beca se any o f ff o f u e articles treat relationships between di e r ent branches the s bj ct , the references mu st be d u plicated u nder all branches concerned . f m mu To present o nly the in ormation demanded , an expansible syste st f be adopted . A book is bo u nd ; a card catalog in expansible . A card re erence to an article on Gadolini u m appearin g in 1 91 0 might lie next to a card on this 1 905 u su bject bearing the date .
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