UCL INSTITUTE OF UCL INSTITUTE OF ARCHAEOLOGY ARCHAEOLOGY ARCL0045ARCL0045 ARCHAEOMETALLURGY ARCHAEOMETALLURGY Course Handbook for 2019/20 Handbook 2019/2020 Years 2 and 3 option, 15 credits Co-ordinator: Miljana Radivojević
[email protected] With contributions from Mike Charlton
[email protected] Term I, Thursday 4-6 (plus Fridays 9-11 some days), B13 Friday 29th November 2019 essay deadline. Target return deadline 15th January Monday 20th January 2020 video deadline. Target return deadline 20th February Archaeometallurgy ARCL0045 | 2 AIMS The main aim of this module is to familiarise students with the main approaches to the study of archaeological metal artefacts and metallurgical debris, and how these can be used to address questions of archaeological significance. This optional science module will provide students with an overview of the development and spread of mining and metallurgy within their natural and archaeological contexts from the Neolithic up to the Industrial Revolution. It includes an introduction to metals as materials, and how the exploitation and understanding of different metals evolved over time in different regions. Particular emphasis is placed on the understanding of technical processes related to metallurgy, their reconstruction based on the study of archaeological remains, and their interpretation in the relevant social and cultural contexts. The course does not focus on the typological or stylistic study of metal artefacts, nor does it attempt an exhaustive documentation of sites and dates (these aspects can be explored by students in their coursework, depending on their specific interests). While copper/bronze and iron/steel take centre stage as the most important metals, individual sessions will address the less common metals such as lead, silver, zinc, brass and gold.