The Kenya Gazette
THE KENYA GAZETTE Published by Authority of the Republic of Kenya (Registered as a Newspaperat the G.P.O.) Vol. CXX—No. 64 NAIROBI, 31st May, 2018 Price Sh. 60 CONTENTS GAZETTE NOTICES GAZETTE NOTICES—{Contd.} PAGE PAGE Establishment of Taskforce on Building Bridges to The Environmental Managementand Co-ordination Act— Unity AdViSOTY 0... ecscsssesccssssessessecssssseecsesseeeesnnseseenes 1658 Environmental Impact Assessment Study Report........... 1693-1695 of County Government Notices ......scssscsssssssseccnsereeceneeeneniees 1658, 1679-1692 The Labour Relations Act— Application for Registration 1695 ae .. Trade Union The Land Registration Act—Issue of Provisional Certificates, etc....... 1658-1672 The Records Disposal (Courts) Rules—Intended . Destruction of Court Records «0.0... ssssssecsesssesseeresssaseeees 1695-1696 The Land Act—Intention to Acquire Land, etc............0000 1673-1676 . oo, . Disposal of Uncollected Goods ......cccsecsecsetsesnsessneessienssees 1696 The Geologists Registration Act—Registered Geologists ... 1676-1679 1696-1702 . LossofPolicies. The Physical Planning Act—Completion of Part 1702-1703 Development Plains........csssccssecseessersteesneeneeesecennesssensaenane 1693 Change of Names .......ssccccsceeesesseeeeetenererensseseseansesseceeess [1657 1658 THE KENYA GAZETTE 31st May, 2C 1% CORRIGENDA (e) shall outline the policy, administrative reform proposals, and IN Gazette Notice No. 2874 of 2018, amend the Cause No.printed implementation modalities for each identified challenge area; as “55 of 2017”to read “55 of 2018”. (f) shall consider and propose appropriate mechanisms ; for coordination, collaboration and cooperation amonginstitutions to bring about the sought changes; IN Gazette Notice No. 4246 of 2018, Cause No. 72 of 2018, amend the deceased's name printed as “Teresia Wairimu” to read “Teresia (g) shall pay special attention to making practical interventions Wairimu Njai”. that will entrench honourable behaviour, integrity and inclusivity in leading social sectors; IN Gazette Notice No.
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