~~ :;:::: 2015 2 March 1}19 2915 LETTERS PACIHe. crnZEI

HOW TO REACH us Let's Step Up, Donate and Advocate for the Poe. ,,"oil pc Op oci!Cci I = ffi. or ~ Onl in e, _w. poci ! "'c iti=.or~ T ~ (2131620 _1767 ree ycur ' pnns ""m.e, "'ry oooni \o;wrd reooluoon when I """ intrcdrned \0 Los I.ng~"" , C .I 90012 A, the PC rep from the NC'WNP a strict. the JACL by my wife. Vaerie, on:! hor fa• ST .I FF I am oom red b help l!turch th, y'"'' '' Spring ther, Gocrge Yosumcl:i, in tho e""ly ' 9(1; E"OCUl\.e Edlu =J"IiIl" for the a"-"Id-wirnins Pxific A, I reod tho pc., I di=",red on:! ..• M ;,,,, Momo>:> aliun newspo.per. Ccl.l.cti"'ly th, ;, rur enliglIenod b lID:! it ••", ';n g '" a respeclod ~"" i "'nt Edlu ~ port ur.i \y \0 ,tep '-" an:! ,,;veea\< for the arrl essential oommurication; vel:icle - a TillanyUj i)'e Pxifr Cttiu~, u.hich 'll'pcrt> the J ACL its lifeline arrl ooru=oon \0 tho JA experi..-.oe Tho pc. ,taff 1= <>One an exoellent joo c( JI08='. '" well '" JIovide, news rovera@'of arrl it. roo\$, e'pecially for tlD>e li';ng in more fonn uating a program \0 foalitate updating the AAPI oommurity ..Alloh i, often aboerJ: or ioo1o.tod or "-,,al are",. Today tho JACL i, ,till tho pc. wel:6ite. digiti%ing the pc. arcl:i_ Pro ru:otoo .... 1'" l>cking in m 1linstreom media /is/lting that tattle for u;, ,trivins \0 ensure that on:! mo';n g forward in the =ial modiaream Walie 80m mle Ona pe=mI n:(e, I ",ow up in acar",r mili• ALL peap.e are C(fered "lm.! oWOrtmity in There i, mcre \0 cane Ctl the,e issues , arrl)'Ou ""'Y family""" mo\.ed often arrl I atterrlod eduoaoon em p.= en\ hoalth care, marri"8" arcUal "" will see oome of tl=e cl=,O'" in tho caning e. ,." both !"lochial an:! pmlic ocb:d, in frur ,\0.10, arrl more mo~ ~ the tim e I reochod hioi> sch:o!. Then I hod a Now;' tho time \0 ' ''p '-1' on:! ''-1'pcrt tho Pa• Ud youknow cne of tho best ~tion; fcr $Up• ~w experier.oe - the his/l oclool I ot\errlod cifr Ci~u~. It i, 0'" of the bolo arrl eff.cti"" pcrtins the pc. i, ,elling od",rti,ing in every in Virsjr.ia woo ..,sresab:!. Yes, ALL ..milo means of oommurication we ",ed in crder b iss",,? TI:i, ""ull bring 'b"tsrie" mcney irto There ""re m A,i"", or Hi,pm;cs living in the oomrue our 'trussle b "",tu that everycne i, tho equaoon arrl isn't depelrlent Ctl cmp" " ocrnm m.ity. I faun:! m }'Self porticip>tinS in fJCN" gi"'n eqm.! opportmity on:! """"''' \0 all Amer• or members. Tho PC O"ts tho od re",n"", ..-rl ernnert-,amtionod in;titutioml r",i,m. I ,till ica 1= \0 cffer. I've hoen 000"" in JACL for )'C'-" boal cmp" r be",/it. from the oommi,• recall the titter Slar.oe, an:! foe/iOS' emara\• over 15 )ears, on:! I'm jIeu:! of tho ,\an:I, on:! SlCtl SOOlrl< li~ a -.in--.in g""e p.an inS from the bl>ck familie, we ..-.oQUllor«l on positicns JAQ h.os hl:en e'peaiallyin the area a d.oily M.i" I '::> . rno; rpef"'-" ; Leocoo. ftfrla. EOC; -"ding from ,;Iliclod member> -.ithn oor own WD C; fbber,,-_. ornc; immigr,uen in hor = re,J>Cfi"', our aim ocrnmmity. furan)'One (aJACLmember Jrn Oul . NCWWD C; G>.tfiet e Tho arnm.! holiday editiGtl (Pxiftc Nome:> ~ .• PSWOC; ,1atemen!> en mtiGtlO! wre,t in Ferg'-""n on:! cur oomm mity', most p>irlu experieme" ",ws!"per recently ran a letter from Da';d ~oIe GoddIe ..-.:l Ko"- lkICW-; . hoyco:! that follo'<.ed tho ra:rin:iirunent c( in th, marner, i, dep.cralie on:! be)'Olrl :.ouh rep' UlllUho, uA>o ...oiood d;'''Sreement -.ith c(fuer Darren Wilson I>c\le". Tho NY ISC ccnjemn; the us e c( th, SUBOCRlB ~ the JAQ', recent ,_ment. Ctl Ferg'-"Gtl Geta one- )ell< ,ubscripb1 of fle We ""ulllike \0 first deOOnkthe clunky irre'pctl056 there are jIobaliy more apt oompan= \0 .I D¥fi1TIS ~ re,pctrl b tho oorre'pon:ieme becau;e, sjven -..h>oh oompelled the mos, iDOYoeration be mode \0 the modem p.is/lt c( 0'"' Iiock To od l'N"l "" ., fle Pi>Ci1ic Ctiz",",. thio l"-'blication , ""igH: on:! rel"-'1atiGtl we cllol l 8OJ I _ ';;1~7 a e~ 1loI t - it', not I:iord \0 intasj'" <>0 oct f",,1 tho rie", expre,oed thorein are in c( Japme""Americars. Tho petu= arrl po Ii> p>eiltdl IeI1.~ cur own Ni..,i oomm mity lea:ler> ..-rl draft h", -.ith the JACL', vaI,-",. It ;, the feeling in&en;itivity irberent b makins moha LEG AL oompariooni, appollins. J"'Ltioularly given re,i,,,,, being l"-'liicly ,hamed ~ wl:ite "~,, c( the NYISC (h,t the kilrl of inoe""iti.;ty "'" .... ,,-,""'_ moy to that the amieme of thio l"-'liic,uGtl i, Amerioaru for ~J>O'ins "d"" JIOO"" of r ~_ .",,,,, t'" """''' ..-rl isr-:e eXjI"'oed in tho oolumn ",~ . P ..,iScC ","" oompri..,d c( many ,,-,,';vcr,, families on:! 10.", " or beins called ''race miter," b c( _ -..he !>we been roaally they dared q""tiGtl tho white ,ta"-" quo (h,t . ' ...... od b,-_rm ~" _ ..... lial:iliti", awe'" in thi, kID:! c( p.atfonn jIctiled on:! urjustly imjIiocned ot the horrls ~jIe"ed them ... ,,_ .1JACL ..... d« """ _~ Booau;e the JACL', ex.cutive dir.c\cr 1= O',ible parallel, \0 areody m:",irctiy arrl finnly oddr",sed the »SID LETTEliln page 12 J A GLpj ~y . ""' '', ''' ,.-". . _od ~ ... P._"","","""ot ,,~ y". 1m " ~t "-'om ... t"'~ . JAGla'" "-,,,,,.000 ".r...... "'"'' od t ... olo •. ., "'''' Your donations will help build and preserve a cohesive library of the Peroocoj, pojd at LD, I.veie' . CIloI f. om m';r.. onte

Pacific Citizen to educate future generations ~ -~ JACL mllllb.? [] [ill JACL MEMBERS Ol

Address ...... II \OJ '" rm\aJ. " ~ n b n-.atrn b City ...... N>l rnai JACL

State ...... Zip ...... R·andsco. CA _,94115IT PhI ......

&nail...... 0$500l1QO 0'150 Ol2OCl 0'-'_ ~cClIIHh FOR IUIE IIiRIRIWlDIII= 250 E. Fnt 81 .• &JlIe ...... ~ .... ~ SOOt!! ....-"•• po"lloelllrln.cq PACIFIC.CmzEI COMMENT ARY/COMMUNITY March 6-192915 3 NIKKEI VOICE DAY OF REMEMBRANCE IS WORTH REMEMBERING

ByGilAsakawa I fcrget that "" are coe of the tictchO'ted a ' isn explainins his b ry. One way to m ~ ''Xe "" remember the in\ornnent that it's mt real;,tic, oa peq>1e \y of Romero trame event uA1ere ,., ~. But! disre". Ab n S with plitinS qJ the ' isn thi, yeor, ycu live, an! if 00, drl you SO ? If you <>o n't Tr" Mile HiShJ ACL cm.p\or IDl'" a COR e",nt e",ry Hi,\cry Cobrodo m. r"en H well pl>oe for Mile HiSh W k=w aroli D:R, It', the anru.>I ocrnmemora• year. Cbe of the first years, COR ""'" r"ld ot the cen",r JACL to orsan,e it. annuol e",nt A, a boord membe, oon cf the Feb. 19, 1942, 'isnns of Executi", Qder 9.J&5 BtM!:i,t Temple,.-,j featu:le "*" poejle (not justJh) , howed qJ, an el>X'.lrasins ' isn that they 1OOugl1: misht be a danger to mtioo.>! serurity at\orrlod. Tr" cm.p\or', D:R everts evdved an! ~ew ED 9056 ;, irrlood remom r"r.use we , tuok to the theme of ani Japauo", Amerio.". WID lived 1IIons the We,t =t ",vera! )e"'" '"slminS C\u Truths, " ,.-,j I ~t cur panoii,jo , FraU: an! frem 'Washington ,tate d= b California ani part of Ari• fur the 1=t ",vera! )e"", the everJ: m. been hel:! at Toe SoJ.:amoto an! Lirrla TM:iol=!:i RcdriS'-"" Frank """" ,rna. True 12Q [OJ poejle were sent initially b tempcrory H;,b ry Ccl.orodo the very n oe history museun in do'Ml• just cut ofhiSh ",,1-ool; Toe ""'" in hiSh ",,1-001 ani Lirrla quarters in pl>oe, li ~ ooruerted oorse ,toIlo ot rooe lr",ks, \own cen",r "'" just a yo,-",> c!:ild. Tr"y alons with poejle in the au:!i• ani ultimately at cne of nine U.S. ocooeriraoon cam?" It even m. a !"nnanerJ: ex!:i!:it aroutAmoffie with pow• eme WID ha:I aloa ,uruved the experieree, ,!rued '\crle, irelu:!ins 0'-" called Amocr" r"re in Ccl.oroOo erfa lihn, ani a '~ ejlioa " ofa family 'POCO in anAmocr" roth frnny an! ,od ani all touohins. abco.!t life in camp I've written r"fo re that! \!:inkthere', a d=ger in dwell• barrock Urlcr\J.!notely tecauoe cf resui.!toors requ rinS the ,.-,j IDW the ex!"rleme oolcred their li_ in the doecad", ins on the "",time imprioonnent It can make it ap!"ar ,., ex!:ibit to r" ."m,elct..ir-"""""itie, the room;' 'J"Cirus ,ir£,e the war. if Japano'" Amerioans ,uffer from a '\,;otim" ,e1f-ima!;" an! the We fb:< ,mooth an! dean It', rd real;,tic at Bli at the , am e time, I think it', p"'amoUlt that Jh ,-"ver all ,.-,j make, bein s imprioo,-"d atAmocr" '

Japanese American Activist Todd THE JAPANESE AMERICAN LEADERSHIP Endo Returns to Selma for the DELEGATION ANNOUNCES ITS 2015 DELEGATES Ten Japanese American leaoors, includrg JACL's Priscilla 50th Anniversary of the 1965 Ouchida, will vist Tokyo am HirosHma as part of a weeklong tour.

WASIllNGfON, DC Ten Japano'" Sp",e & Security Voting Rights Demonstrations American leaders m ll travel to Jap>n frem • Soch TaJ.:a)'""u (Woshinstcn D.C,), jIesiderJ: WASIllNGTON, nc: _ To&! &-do, likely March 6- 14 '" members of the 20 15 Japano'" ,.-,j CEO, hia!llPocifu I ,~ r Ameri=> the l,.,t ,uruvins A, ionAmeriren partioiJ"'lt in American u oders !:ip cele ~ tien pro ~am , a Cbamber of Commerce & En\rejIe,-,,=hip the 1%5 ""tinS risPts demoll&lratiors in Selma weel:lens trip dedioated b bu ldins peq>le-to• • Tyler Tol:ioka (Homla u fuwoii), "1', exten-,,] Ala.. mll be returnins for the ~th Anniver• peq>le oo=oors m th Japano'" leaders. Now "fair, an! ""erey relaoon;, I,m.:! Ins",,,,,,,, ,ary Selma Bridge Cra;,ins Jubilee en March in ils 15th year the JAW provide, owcrtuniti", Compar.i .. 7-8. Errlo will be 'porscred ani aooom~n relatiars ocra;, "1', PAREXELIrJ:ematiom.! cl.dest ani lar!;"st hian Am eri c ~ civil riSIts all oecbrs cf ooaety • Th. Ro!:in Y",ui (cen",r, Cob .). dir.c\cr cf de l e~ \eo c<~ nin oon The ' of\or the Japano"" wr"re they m ll pIDic.:pa\o in a ponel dioc,-"" i:m JAW Alumni m", creoted a '-"\\«lrk to ensure a_~ ~ar l Harbcr enDec. 7, 1941 cespi\o ' ponoored by the JaP'll fu,..-,jatien Certer fer that ''the ocrnmitment to 'lrensthenn s U.S.-J a• !:i, American citi%ershijl &do ani !:i, family GlOOal Poru-",,!:ip ani the U.S.-Japan Courcil P'" relaoon; i, maintain«!." Tr" JALD beS'" in 'rere ujIooted frem their Los Angele, h:tne ani (USJC). They will then wit Tck,o, wr"re past =, an! to da\o, 166 deles"" h.we p>rticipalod ircaroerated in Roower, Ark. ,cl.ely tecau;e of delesation; m.ve typc1ll1y met with the jInn e in the prosram • their Japano'" ame,lry mini,\o r, fcreisn min ,\er ani q, bu;ine" The Errlo family""'" imoroeralod fer more exorutive, USJC Pre,ident Irene Hiram Im'ijO thm \\.0 )ears before movins b Chio in 1944 with the help of the Quoker-ba; ",,!>:olo Thi, :>=', delesa\o, ore A, a recent ~adua\o of Cberlin Colle!;", Errlo marched with the JACL in the • L)'lllHas!:imoto (S eot\le, 'Wash,), ",nor 1963 Morch en W",!:i,."tcn an! r"ard Th. Martin Luther Kins Jr. deli",r !:i, atbmey MicrcccftCorp '1 Ha", a c.""" " ,~ h fir,than:! • Ya;hie Ito (New York NY), as,i,\arJ: T"" )'<'Y' l"'r, promplNl ~ the death ohoquoirtame Rev. Jim Roob ani mth direcbr, SIOOal initioti"" , A, ia Soctety suwcrt from JACL Enio traveled from Bcc b n to Selma Ala, an! partioipo.ted • T",hiki M""oh (Detroi\ Mictt,), in the 1965 'latins Rioht. demcnstraoon; mom.ser, so",mment affair" furd Th s ye a's J ALD delegates pal ci pated tl ifl One of cnIy a hYrlful cf Asian American; (an article he wrete fer JACL:, Mob rCo orientalon sessi m m J CIl 30-31 at the J iVif1ese ,lmericCil ~J iikl na MJseum in Los Anqele s' Utle Pacific Ci~u~ """"pa!"r in 1965 mled that he ,aw,., many'" Ii",), Errlo • Dr. Riclmd Morimob (C!:ic"80, Ill,), Bill ,.-,j Gayle Cod:: profe,oar of Tok yo. Retired ffe (front row, from lelt) Sa:tl jlon=:! pro\o,t. m th members cf the Stu:!erJ: Non-Violent Coordiratins Com• bicl.OSY Ncrthw..\om Unversity Tiitie, JapCll CcUldl se rior ~p ), PrisdllaOJetlkt a. Traoy Calif,), executi", direc\cr, JACL Errlo', ex!"rle""", in Selma led the fermer Harvard H:tD canlidate b ferse !:i, Tsuetii. TWa (La; An!;"l .., C1IIif.j, rresdent), (third row, from Ie/t) Toshki Masci( i, ",rucr mona!;"r, interrn/, ani CEO the ",hm tioo.>! ' Y'\om an! cu:ricaun fuoentiy Enlo wed:; "" an c<~e r in fbljn YasJi, Rchffd M0 .~oo il-~Z ~ ~ ~ .... ~;.Js S ~ .. -r~ :; £ ~ ~ ~ ~l~ s ~ e~~-;r~ G"~~ ~~ "'.1'~ € ~ o!!.. ~-~O[iiz9i\~~o~ "'::l"c ~~or~, [g 2.. i5..'""'" ri[~-~ B -n9~ S ~ ~ =C:? !;l - '" '" 8-~- R, "'Ii ~...,~"og_ ~ "":t .r 'fi!~ Clen i!.[~~ ~ sp i(~ ~o ~ ~~&~ ~ ~~~ ~p ~ ~£&~ ~[~~ a. ~ ~~!d~ iia. 8 ' ,".~ ""'''' ~ s _H~ ~ ~- ~ ~ ~'ll_ ~~ en ~O'~~Sl~ ~~ ~ o £ 0 (!j § :>- Ii' «- - bl s: if S- 5 Cl s" L &",-~~ "~ '"'" ~ .. 8 ~ r~~~ ii~:'.p:·soS lii ~l§~o ~·ii ~g~-~~-~~~i- ~~f( oiiii~~oo'Q ",~ R, or2" S- ~ fi~",i!.~8~ Q ~ ~~ ~ ""~""1"'~S'~ ~ ~ ~ 0 "- '"" ~ s _ . _ if "'.;;:: _ ~ 0 ". H ~ ii.. ". ~ S- f> "~~ ... ~ ~ --.,; ~_~ ~ t!-~ 0 ~ € R, 2,.0 iJl~~ -~ ~ "'q~. ilt~g.§~~ , "'. "l- [~o2..Jl'ft&.r '" ~ 5.~. ~ ~ <,". 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(!j~~ ~-o:~,,~ p"o ~ ~.o Q- i~~:~r~1·~8R~!g.~~~~[~i~J~~~tfir~~ ~~u a:~ ~;it[ o·0' ~ R'§o"~ ,,rl"5 8~0f:'~~ ~8 o[~ ~R asoo§~ r '0 ~"'~ ~l ~~g,~§ ~~~2 p.~ ~ ~.[s~·~.~~ "1R~ ~,[ ~ ~n ~~ ~ q ~~ S ig ;~~it~5'B:;' ~s ~7 ~~&~8 ~ ~i(;"q ~ ~iJ~[ p~; ~ ~~~ ~ "·1 '-2. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ i:~ "ii"~o' "" w §: §' [:;2 ci 2.. &'" [] '" '0: . S1 i;' 0 .~~ ~~~I1~_~ 0'~~ .~~. ~ .[~.3:_ ~ P B~ ~ "~$ -~,1 ~ ~i\8.[", >;!J:::~ £ ~§ §"~ PACIFIC e CITIZEN NATIONAL March 6-19, 2015 5 CHICAGO'S DOR PAYS HOMAGE TO 'WOMEN WARRIORS'

By Ryan Kuramitsu Bursts of applause frequently punctuated arlier this month, members of Chi• Nagae's remarks, as community members of cago's Japanese American commu• all ages deeply resonated with her presenta• E nity gathered at the Chicago History tion. Younger attendees were able to more Musewn to commemorate the day Executive fully grapple with the disturbing legacy of Order 9066 was signed by President Franklin incarceration in the safety of their own com• D. Roosevelt, the legislative move that or• munity, and older audience members were dered the mass deportation and incarceration able to celebrate the lives and examples of more than 110,000 Japanese Americans. of their friends, mentors and colleagues. Each year, five local Nikkei advocacy and For many attendees, this was not an abstract cultural groups, including JACL Chicago, history lesson but their lives on display. come together to share in the responsibility As Chair of the Day of Remembrance for planning and holding this event Committee and community leader Sharon The first Day of Remembrance was inau• Hidaka shared, "Peggy's presentation was gurated in 1978 on the Puyallup fairgrounds powerful and enlightening ... she gave the in Washington, which had served as an in• entire audience an awareness that women carceration center named Camp Hannony in [our] community have long been over• during WWIl. That first year, the National looked." Guard provided trucks similar to those This year's public telling of Nikkei history used in 1942, and led a caravan that traced from a refreshingly femalecentric perspec• the original path followed by some of the tive was a needed rebuke to our familiar pa• camp's mcarcerees. triarchal narratives, which generally consign In the nearly 40 years since the event's Japanese American women to a secondary inception, Nikkei commrnrities across the role at best, as wives and daughters of the country have continued to commemorate It is an opportunity to educate others on the American female leadership called "Women "real heroes." this day in a number of novel ways. In Chi• fragility of civil liberties in times of crisis, Warriors: From Incarceration to Redress But the truth is, our women warriors have caga and elsewhere, commrnrity members and the importance of remaining vigilant in and Beyond," which touched on the lives led our community from the brink of col• gather arulUally at solemn ceremonies where protecting the rights and freedoms of all." of icons and activists such as Mitsuye Endo lapse, from incarceration to redress and far music is played, stories are shared, excerpts In short, remembering the past is important and Yuri Kochiyama. Nagae also specifically beyond. They have displayed fire and bril• from the Executive Order and the Exclu• because it is inextricably linked to a respon• honored the women who played an integral liance, acted as primary protagonists. sion Poster are read and organic community sible furthering of our future. Memories role in the redress movement, including The leaders honored in this year's Day reflection is given space to occur. must be honored and grieved and held onto Grayce Uyehara and Cherry Kinoshita, as of Remembrance ceremony aren't quite the Christine Munteanu, assistant program going forward. well as Chicago's own Tsune Nakagawa, docile women society often conjures by as• Director with JAC]';s Chicago chapter, be• This year, more than 130 attendees braved Chiye Tomihiro and Kiyo Yoshimura. sumption and stereotype - they are not lieves these traditions are key to the spirit the foul weather and gathered to honor the According to Munteanu, this tribute was curtsying demurely, serving tea with a quiet of the Day of Remembrance. "The goal," community's female compatriots and civic especially meaningful because while some smile. They are proud, fearsome, inspiring she explained, is to meditate on "the impact leaders. of these women were in the audience, others people; they don't need men to speak for the incarceration experience has had on our Scholar and civil rights attorney Peggy had died over the years - Yoshimura passed them. They are examples for Nikkei of all families, our community and our country. Nagae gave a presentation on Japanese away in December. genders of which to aspire. •


By Heidi Tolentino Our Nisei," Tamura referred to the Nisei tice and taken action for themselves and Ore., before returning to Portland. I was as "the bridge" for the Japanese Ameri• their commllllity, among them Segie Nish• so appreciative of his willingness to talk n recognition of Day of Remem• can community, in that they connect the ioka, Min Yasui and Lury Sato. with me and share parts of his story and brance, the Portland JACL board held Japanese traditions of their Issei parents Tamura then asked the audience to find his wisdom. I an Appreciation Luncheon on Feb. 22 with the American culture that is their a Nisei and take a "selfie" with them, after The activity was so successful that to honor its local Nisei at the Multnomah birthright. Thus, they have many lessons which each person was to ask that same Tamura had trouble quieting the audi• Athletic Club. The luncheon was attended to teach us. Nisei, "What is a lesson we can learn from ence because of the passionate discus• by more than 70 Nisei honorees. Tamura credited the Nisei with teach• the Nisei?" sions that had surfaced arolllld the room. Following an opening welcome from ing her three valuable lessons. The first is During the activity, 1 had the pleasure of People were then asked to share what emcee Jeff Selby, the Pledge of Alle• to "Know the Full Story," as Nisei have talking with Bill Matsuda of Portland. He they learned from their Nisei interviews. giance was led by Ron Iwasaki of Oregon taught her to be informed about the past, told me that a lesson we can learn from Indi viduals spoke about interviewing their Nisei Veterans, followed by an invoca• including all of the different stories that the Nisei is something he learned from family members and tablemates and the tion from Rev. Anna Cho of the Epworth make up Japanese American history. Ni• the Issei, "Regardless of whatever hard• lessons that came from the Nisei. United Methodist Church. Among the sei have reminded her to then educate the ships you face, never give up." So simple As her talk came to a close, Tamura distinguished guests in the audience was public about Japanese American history and yet so profound. He modestly told me encouraged us to continue asking JACL National President David Lin, who so that these stories will not be lost. The that his Issei parents were really the ones Nisei family members and friends to share thanked the Nisei honorees for their ser• second lesson Nisei have bequeathed to who had a difficult time. They built a life their stories, and she thanked the Nisei for vice and sacrifice to our country. her is to "Know Your Story." Tamura said for themselves and then had it all taken being our bridge. The program's keynote speaker featured that knowing your story is understanding away from them. 1 asked him about his I left the event feeling thankful for my Linda Tamura, professor emerita of edu• your own history, which is why the Nisei time in camp, and he told me that he was Nisei grandparents, Joe and Nellie Saito, cation at Will am ette Uni versity and a San• stories are so crucial to helping us under• very young during camp and he felt it was and the nwnerous lessons they have taught sei who has extensively researched and stand who the Nikkei community is today. not as hard for him because he didn't re• me over my lifetime; they have truly written about the Issei and Nisei genera• The third lesson is "Share Your Story," as ally understand what was happening. His inspired me. Thank you to all of the tion in her books "The Hood River Issei" Nisei have taught her to speak up for her• family was first at Tule Lake and then was Nisei for the sacrifices you have made and "Nisei Soldiers Break Their Silence." self and for others. She gave examples of moved to Heart Mountain. After the war, for us; there are no words to express our In her speech, titled "Lessons From Nisei who have spoken out against injus- Mr. Matsuda's family moved to Ontario, gratitude. • 6 March 6-19, 2015 IN-DEPTH PACIFICO CITIZEN

High school student Michael Nakamura is preparing to compete in August for another world title at the World Yo-Yo Championship in Tokyo.

By Connie K. ROJ Contributor

11 eyes were recently on Michael Nakamura. Second by second, minute by minute, a small crowd began to gatber at Weller Court in Los Angeles' A little Tokyo. Witb yo-yos spinning in his hand and a razor focus, he kept the crowd captivated as milling tourists attempted to snap pictures of the teen. Nakamura isn't your average high school student - he's a yo-yo champion on the road to securing more titles before graduation. Nakamura began yo-yoing at a yOllllg age. He remembers receiving his first yo• yo from his fatber when he was 7 or 8 years old. He attempted some easy tricks, but tben put it aside for some time. lt wasn't until he was 12 tbat he picked up tbe yo-yo again and began watching videos on YouTube of yo-yo competitions in Japan. From that time Oll, he had an intense interest to leammore tricks and, pretty soon, he was making up his own moves and participating in yo-yo competitions. He entered his first yo-yo contest in 2010. "1 tbink tbe biggest part of [tbe yo-yo] commnnity is how helpful and supportive they are," said Nakamura, a Southern California native. "It's kind of a nice mixture - there are sJXlrt athletes, math geeks, and everyone can gather around and share the same interest in this one sport." Nakamura, who turns 18 tbis montb, spends his down time developing new tricks, whether that might be in the classroom, at home or out and about. He practices approximately one hour a day, with more time on the weekends. "Once I have a yo-yo in hand, I try to execute [tbe trick] and tben start from tbere. lt takes a really long time to make it competition-wortby," said Nakamura, who attends Nortb Hollywood High School. "First, 1 start witb tbe basic elements, tben from tbere, 1 kind of add in more stuff tbat would make it score higher in a contest. Then, as time goes on, I make adjustments to it." In 2013, Nakamura was crowned tbe World Yo-Yo champion in tbe 4A, otber• wise Offstring Division. This year, he's already won the North American Yo-Yo Championship in Las Vegas and tbe Pacific Nortbwest Regional Yo-Yo Contest in Seattle. He's also planning to attend tbe World Yo-Yo Championship, which will be held in August in Tokyo. "There are so many variables, so I usually shootfor top tbree, do my best and see where I end up," said Nakamura, who cites traveling and sightseeing as one of the highlights of participating in tbe yo-yo competitions. A busy student, Nakamura juggles yo-yo training along witb five Advanced Placement courses and karate classes (he's a brown belt). When he's at home, he'll choreograph a routine and practice it over and over again until he feels comfort• able. You'll see him witbhis yo-yos often, including visits to tbe supermarket and the mall. He also utilizes his morning commute to practice yo-yoing and find songs for competitions that fit his style, with selections from musicians such as music producer and DJ Zedd. "I use a lot of electronic music, but I also mix in other songs for slow and fast paces in the routine so I could mix it up in my routine," Nakamura said. Much of tbe time during practices, he'll video chat witb otber yo-yo experts from around tbe world. "In Japan, tbey definitely take it a lot more seriously. It's very organized - everyone has a strict mind-set on what helps them place higher in competitions," Nakamura said. During tbe year, Nakamura participates in multiple competitions leading up to the world championship. The perlormance consists of two to three minutes of edited music with a choreographed routine. In competition, participants are judged on a number of criteria, including trick difficulty, creativity and nniqueness of tbe trick Along witb tbe technical components, tbe judging panel looks at tbe perlormance in terms of , , stage presence and the use of a story line or theme. rAC1F1C. GlruEI IN-CEPTH March 6-192915 7

"My fa""rile p"'t of ~ ocnte,\; i, ",,"n we ( ~ oompetitcn ) can re/ax arrl honS out 'eo - ~ ywill never ha"" ~ som e tricks that they do. They 1II.'=)'S ha"" ~ir 0""' ' pecifu 'tyle, 00 becauo e ofhow open)Ou c""' be an:! how cr",ti"", that', kID:! of wl:a.t attracted me to it" He m., no ]l.", b do )0-)0 full-time >fler osed off hio ' ignature )O-yomOOeL The oompanyi' urrler !:i, role mOOel Hiroyth Su:nh ; Nahmuca","" fu,ti"'pired b pursue )'O")O more oericu dy after ""dod arrl ,old hio fair ,hore of )'0")0'. He', , ime om""sed a ooll1e ha"" differe rJ: le of all , kill levels b try it Olt . New!:i .. can , \art off ' off in ~ errl. Net Oli y 00 )'C'.! h.we a way to pu;li yo=elf rut there', aloo oompeti• tio", ,..,j H Uwc

Polaris Tours 2015 Schedule Apr, 02 ~ Apr, 11 5prin g Japan: "Hi roshi ma, Miyajim a, Kyoto, Inuyam a, Hakon e, ToIan Fran cisco" Ott, [14 ~ Ott. 14 Let', Go Hokkaido: "5apporo, 50un kyo, 5hiretoko, Tom amu, Toyol

&lhJ(i In a Educator-Filmmaker Satsuki Ina, Ph.D, to (light) is p clJred ~ tl he r mother Keynote at 46th Manzanar Pilgrimage CI)j brothe r it tle TLJ e L*e The Manzanar Comm itt ee also halls the creation of & !!egalm Center

LOS A ~ELES _ .:; 1m. H:t.D. tm.t , ame e",nins at the L:ne Pi", His/> mll be u-" ~ ym \e 'pe~r at u-" 4Wl an• Sch:ol au:li\crium in L:ne Pi"" wl:iah i, m.>.l Morn:"""" Pil",im aoe. 'porsored ~ the bcaled awroximately. n", mil .. 'O-lth of M= = Ccrn mittee, wl:ieh " oet \0 I>ke the Momanar Natiom! Hi,\cric Silo ]lODe at man on AjIi! 25 at the Mar.o:amr T he program i, oa- ' ponocred by. the Natioo.>! Hisb ric Site in c.Jifornia', 0 "",.., Ni ~ i Stu:lerJ: Un on; at California SI>te Valley. Fblytochnic University. Fbmom.; Califcrna Born behi»:l terbed wire at the Tulo Loke Stalo University. Fulerbn Califon:ia SI>te Se gregaticn Certer ducinS Wcrld Woz II, Uni",,,ity. L:nS Beach the University of 1m. 70, i, jIctes,cr emerit", in the Sch:d. Califo rna La; Angeles; an:! the Unver,ity SciSLi( i Ina. Ph .D, is tle of Eduoaoon at Califo rnia Sl* Ur.i",,,i• of California San DioeSO r it th s ).rkr of the Family In adJitiCtl the Manl:= Cemmit\Wherap:,\ Feb. 20 hailed the doclarotiCtl of the , ite spo ,,'or. cl:ildren in the priocn camp< BarackOhte, hefcre I ""'" ,= Commit\oe aw!.>.u:!, the JI",iderJ: 1m. ms been researcl:in s the b n g- Iorm Homu iu i, lccatii Ctl adol"od ~ Illimio, my. h:tne , tote of Ha"-'>ii fo r d .. igmtins the Homu iu i Natiom! im p>e\ of the unjust imoroeraoon of Ja~ the d on! of Oalu 1= Ion s been an "o",r• Hol>:'-lliuli ""'" 0""" an internnerJ: aamp fcr MCtlutlerJ: on the 73rd arni",rs ".y. of the '-"00 Am eri""", fer the past 15 )ear<. She grcmn SWoh" on pri\0.tely. ownOXi an:! fcr oloo M; JIcdmed two documenm y fi hn, Ctl Bll: du:inS W'WI I. the , ite ""'" h:tne b forward, it', SOinS b be a momment to a reoogrri:l:ins the v>olaticu of Con;titutiom! the sutioct that were broodoast ratictWly Ctl an inlernnerJ: camp tm.t i ~oo r a lo d 30J p>inful p"t of our hi,bry. 00 tm.t we dCtl't ri s/>\5 arrl hun,., ri s/>ts by. Pie,rlerJ: Frank• the Public BrooOoastins Sys lom, 'Qlil:lren Arnerie=< of J ~e """"'try. an:! 4 ,[JJJ repeol the mi, \>ke, of the J=t" lin D. Rcooevelt's actiCtl." of the Camp< " arrl "From a Silk Coroon piocners of "'" Natiom! Pork Ser"oe D:rec\cr Jomthm Emtii the Hctrlulu em.plor of ,a>:! Moma=r Committee Co-Choir Bruoe u-rler auth:te, urrler the Artiquitie, hot b the wcdd oOOll: the im por\ame of pcXoc ~ arch06, created the Hon:cliuli Natiom! inS ai" l liberties, e",n in tim ", of m.tiom! Hawaii', oem \cr, Mazie Hircoo arrl Br;"" Woz II, it', an e"""llent time to have oeme• MCtlunerJ: jIOteruns arrl pe,.rvins thi, cri,io , " he ,a>:! SchYz. Ha,.mi', oonsre"iom! de l e~ ti Ctl cne '<'ithDr. Ira', experieme diocus , the im• , ilo in P'rP'ta ty. Mamot= Cemmittee Co-Chair Bruoe TuI, i o,bbMd an:! Mark Takai ,.-,j every.• poet of the fo rced remo".,] Ctl the JaP""""" "H c.-.ou iu i Natiom! MCtlunerJ: in H". Embrey. m led tm.t ancther Japmeoe Am eri• cne eloe invcl.\.ed in makins the Homuliuli Arneri=oommurity. " "-'>ii P'rm",-"nUy. probo\5 a , ilo uA>ere Japa• eanoorfl",ment , ite WC\5, rd to mentiCtl the difficcltie, of life the mCtlutlerJ: will help tell the diffuu t , \0- tiom! mCtlunerJ: i, ' imply. tremen:!ou; an:! that ""rieu; effcrts '<'ill be mode b de", l ~ afteraamp ." ry. of the inlornnent e""p', impod on the adJ, an "",ertru cm.pler to the , tory. of the , ite '" animpc<(,nt Ie"Ctl onei" l ris/>ts The Morn:= ol D->Sk POS= fcl.b"" Japme, e American oomm mity arrl the fr". ".mt Japme"" American; were sutiocled an:! how frasile they. a", be." •

Resi,tration fee, imlu:le meal, arrl all acti,,\Ie, durins the fil grimase. LOOsins must be mode ~ each pIDiciparJ: Minidoka Pilgrimage Dates Set for June 25-28 There i, a100 a dioomnt for ahil:lren un:Ier 12 an:! ""nior< 75)ears an:! ol:ler. SEATTLE, WASH _ The Minrlol:aPil grim a§!, Aloo iltcluded in the pilgrim,,!:,,: In oddition the Minooka Pilsrirnase an:! PlanrinS Planrin S Oornmit\.lI Commit\oe i, pl=ed to caoe al>"in iller a Sonicr date. fo r the 13thannuol p:lgrirn a§!, Poq>le '<'ill be aUe to ~ in portim< of both Illitoria Scm lar, l:ip fo r tOCce who ".e eNer rn year, of all" an:! In 1942, nearly.1 3,COJ p ocmlar,l:ip OCHers the resiotratioo. fee, mtel arrl ,ent to a deoo!.>.te oct-.oemati m camp ",ar 'r>Mn Falls, the North Side Canal b the hi,bria , wimrnins We b", ca:\JI (rou-rl1rip bu; transporntiCtl frem Belle,""" ,- The trail io p>raIlel to the fenoe Colle§!, b Minooka) The ocrn mittee acknowls item, at Hasennan Fo/:,il Bods fu-rl an:! the proceeds fro m the 20 14 Day. of Rernern• m ~ the jo=y. to the fo nner Minooka C"" p in Idaho • Gurled to", of the Minrlcb. Natictnl Hi,\cric Site by. bram<: T1'iko Fe,tival fcr milins \!:i, ocWarship p:<:,iUe to learn , m.e memorie, arrl ",k q"",ticu abO-lt the Natiom! Pork Service ,taff. A YO-lth Scm lar, l:ip fo r p'-" CIl1< 1> ­ MUtimIulPil:riMa:< _bsr. at""""'.lfti1< ",1d.Ht uS.".ail. rAClFlceCIJUEI NATIONAL/COMMUNITY March 6-19 2015 9

Dick S. Hamada to be inducted in the FORUM AND ART EXHIBIT Military Intelligence Corps Hall BEGINS DISCUSSION ON THE ATOMIC BOMB'S 70TH of Fame . ANNIVERSARY By 7WimY Ufiiy<, A,ridudEtlitne'" American Na• Efig. Gen. Jcm Ma;Jrwer (Ielt), deput ~ c1 recb r 01 tle ariee 01 3ateg c tiom! M,-"eun! inLosAn""l.. onMarch21 ~lices, >resents Dc\( Hanooa tle 8:l k1 ier's Meda on Jal 3, 1946, in '1'hi, fcrun will be u-" large,t ani ma;t in! portarJ: of il: Wffihl)Jtm , 0 C, 1(:( Han ooa's r ~e in O;:>eral m Ma;J!:ie kim ., ,aid D::! I,himcCGM b direc<: enemy lire, exmrt• wID served in u-" Thilipji,-,,' arrl in '"My m!" i, \!:at thi, JIOS= will edmalo u-" oom• Holl of Fame at Fort Huochuoa Aril: inS arrl ra!lyins !:i, men arrl manrins u-" =~oon a Japon after the ""'" mur.itya uAlat', \ping on·' ,aid arti,VprodooerIJIOS= H""a&, wID 1=t awayinMay20l4 a maffii,-" Sal !:im",lf The j:l.aban '1'he Nisei were rne"" lans'-"ge ani l:e.ppmed in FuJ.:ushima ani mw \!:at evert aloo eff:! I,hi• c!:ildren. "We ,-"ed to r...Jly edmalo the oomins O"neraoon Maj. Gn. Robert P A,hIey oom• fuer, an American ocrn merrled !:i, mcle a Jap'" arrl the '•• mld Jap""'''' Amerie"", uA-.o ,er",d in u-" Fcl.bwinS u-" Bu:ma =np>i"" of fumada', role in u-" be.ttle at lee Pro",am oommitloe members irclrrle Robert Horst• Milimy Intellisenoe Service in 'World fumada ani cther Jap>ne,e Ameri• H" M"",= for a pos,itie upSJade ins. a cbcunentary a"",d m,....,r ani oo-prodooer of 'War II. Hamo&. ""'" omons a harrlful = were as,iS,-"d to OSS Del>ch• to u-" Br=e Star that fuma:la ""'" 'TImen Taro.!ye·'arrl diroW'"", f«dJovit! In II, ""'" MIS Fcrun 'pe~r Dr. Jam", YamO.l:aki will ,1=e his AO"rcy ""rked at u-" ~ar1 Hortor Naval .lihilHtdll, U.s.A,,..y Mu,...... rrl ani doooment They 'pert months deep behirrl en• Shipym1 retirins '" a j:l.=r arrl es• Hawaii. A pant! op.1fin: eived ins cl..-.:!",ti,-" operation;, leadinS ra• lmownarrun:! u-" I,lanl, '" a baseball td 9 aM. as part " .wold II, ,,,,,1fim<, .isit ...... the United Stalo, Abmic Bomb C ..rnl ty Cctnmi"ion in d=d Allied M ola" Inlolliser.oe Co,!" Hall Fame by a ,..in,W'tmshawaii.co,.. qr • .onailA,... Nag""aki In eorly 1945, fuma:la 'inslelru-rl• Ret Maj. Gen Arthur I,himcI7. executi", member a u-" Nagasaki 010001 Citi",,,,' As,ent tiy for the E1iminotien of Nuolear "Weapcns, pre,i• dentof u., Ne",r ASain Nag""aki Cm> p>ign ani executive 'An American Dream' Premieres at the SeatHe Opera member a u., Inlorm.tioml Exe1="" Uvill"",..-.:! u-" S atolioon of nuolear ""aperu. Dr. Krieser is pre,ident arrl Hill thealo" ahereastmember, im b. rleMor~ Smith .. Jim, D' Am. ~aoe In 20 lQ the Bebnsins(s) Prc;oct besan in Fl.!O"t Soun:! Lombord .. E"" Mam lou", Makob K!J~hiarrlHae fotrrler of the Nuolear Age Frun:!aoon cb.1'ir a u-" "" a oommunity 'bryte/linS mth an orJ.i,-" reposibry of Ji C1=S "" Setsaro. Corrluotor hrlith Yan arrl oomposer Inlorraoonal Netwcrk of Ensi"""''' ..-.:! Soientists for vrloa; b make a diSiW qu It Each,bry exj:l.cr .. a certral Jack Perla will make their Seattle O!"ra deoot this year as Gote.! Re'po,..,ibility emir of u., executive ocrnmittee q""oon", S'-" Ellie<. direcbr a eduoation at the Seattle a the Middle Fb""rs In tiative ani fotrrler au-" 010001 Co.moil Atolitien2!Ul O!""'- ..1«, '1f)'C'.! hod b leave Inne tcday u.hat', the -"Atrli o excerpl: arrl a ')'ill!"is can be foun:! Ctl Seattle a Additiomlly Dr. Al:iko Mil:amo mll dioc,-", her wcrk 0'-" thinS that )Ou' d """t b ~ with )'C'.!?" Cpera', weh;ite T!:i, ye'"', the oomparr; will JIemiere an h:urlenS cvora AlenS with "An American Dream, " u-" ocrnpany', "",.. "" JIe,rlert of u-" SanDiego Wcrl:lwrle lnitioti", to Safe• ""t in Fl.!O"t Sotrrl durins 'World Wor II titled "AnAmeri• oon will imltrle a dramatio wcrkfrcrn Nabrnoo (Verdi) ani suard Hunrity arrl pre,ident ani medioal !"Y'lrlo si,t at can Dream,·' a ,\cry in;pired by two wctnen Mary Mat• Mary StUi>:t (Dcni,;etti) Both pi""", lave ne",r befcre been U S.- Jap'" PsyctolOSY Service, in San Diego ,lrl>. Oruene.....Jd arrl Mari",...., Weltmann Grue,-"wa\:l, a oeen in Seattle arrl ore p"t a the Belensins(') Project Mil:amo i, 0100 u-" autmr of ·"Ri,ins From u-" Asre,," ..Allch i, ta.ed C'P"actI.coIIt qr Neloon", Hirom KOOa)""hi. In adiitien to her debll: tl:i, call (714) 998-8790. 10 March 6-19, 2015 CALENDAR PACIFIC " CITIZEN

A NATIONAL GUIDE TO NOTABLE COMMUNITY EVENTS CALENDAR White Eagle Banquet and about the camp, the Oregon more information. Los Angeles, CA »EDC Restaurant Plan for the forced removal Hidden Legacy + 'Take the JA April 4; 2 p.m. 6939 N. Milwaukee Ave. and incarceration of Japanese Train' Japanese American National 17th Annual Cherry Blossom Cost: Adult ticket 525 Americans during the war and San Jose, CA Museum Freedom Walk Welcome the new season the national need for March 21; 5 p.m. 1 00 N. Central Ave. Washington, D.C. and the night away agricultural laborers, Wesley United Methodist Church Cost: General admission 520 March 28; 9 a.m. with JACL Chicago's 2015 Info: Visit www.uprootedexhibit. 566 N. Fifth St. San rio Tokyo's Yuko National Japanese American board of directors, The JACL com. The museum's public Yamaguchi has been Hello Memorial to Patriotism Chicago's inaugural event will programs Contemporary Kitty's head designer since New Jersey Avenue and feature Kenny Takaoka and Nature and Pattern in Japanese Asian Theater Scene and the 1980 and will visit JANM to Louisiana Avenue "Husky Love" with OJ Ben Design Exhibit Wesley Jazz Ensemble join discuss her work, Yamaguchi Cost: Free Stover's "Electric Blue Seattle, WA forces this year for an evening will sign copies of the Rain or shine, come Entertainment" April 19 of traditional Japanese exhibition catalog following remember and honor the Info: Visit www.jaclchicago.org Seattle Art Museum performance art The event the program, Japanese American or call (773) 728-7171. 1400 E. Prospect St. will also feature a screening Info: Visit www.janm.org or experience during WWII and Cost: Adult ticket 59 of "Hidden Legacy: Japanese call (213) 625-0414. EO, 9066 for a day of 'Minnesota's Secret WWII This installation includes Traditional Performing Arts in remembrance, The event's Weapon: Japanese Americans in two rotations of Matsugatani the World War II Internment L.A. Ukulele Expo 2015 keynote speaker will be the Military Intelligence dishes, a type of flat dish with Camps, " Los Angeles, CA Catherine Mitrano, and Service' Photo Exhibition petal-shaped edges from Info: Visit www.jamsj.org or call April 18; 11 :30 a.m. check-ins begin at 9 aIm, Opening Ceremony early 18th-century Japanese (408) 294-313. JACCC Please register ahead of time St. Paul, MN porcelain, The naturalistic 244 S. San Pedro St. for the Freedom Walk, May 17; 1 p.m. sensibility deeply rooted in Happyo Kai Grab your ukulele and join Info: Visit www.njamf.com. Historic Ft. Snelling Visitor's Japanese design is on display EI Cerrito, CA JACCC at th is year's expo, Center on both dishes at the exhibit March 21; 2-4 p.m. This year's world-record 'American: Exclusionllnclusion' 200 Tower Ave. Info: Visit www.seattleart Fairmont School Auditorium attempt will use the song New York, NY Ths event is in partnership museum.org. 6500 Stockton Ave. "Pua I Ka Ua," Featured will April 19 with the Minnesota Historical Cost: Free be Grammy winners Tia New York Historical Society Society, The keynote speaker 68th Annual Japanese American Sakura Kai presents this Carrere and Daniel Ho, Museum and Library will be Brig, Gen, Paul M, Community Graduation Banquet year's Happyo Kai, a biennial All ages are welcome, 107 Central Park West Nakasone, The photo exhibi- Portland, OR student recital. Programming Info: Visit www.jaccc.org or Visit the exhibit to explore the tion will run from April 34-July May 3 includes taiko, karaoke, hula, call (213) 628-2725. century-old history of trade 5 and Aug, 25-0ct 21, Maltunomah Athletic Club ukulele, , flute duet and immigration between Info: Visit www.historicfort 1849 S.W. Salmon St. and shigin solo performance Fiesta Matsuri China and the United States, snelling.org or call (612) 726- Cost: Adult 535; free for with an Obon Dance, At Los Angeles, CA This narrative begins from 1171. graduating high school students intermission, sales of sushi May 3; 11 a.m.-4 p.m. the late-18th century to the This year's annual banquet is and wagashi will be JACCC present, illustrating how the sponsored by 11 Nikkei available for purchase, 244 S. San Pedro St. Chinese American experience »PNW organizations from the Info: Visit www.sakurakaiec.org Fiesta Matsuri combines is part of American history, Portland area, Scholarships or call (510) 778-3406. the Children's Day celebration Info: Visit www.nyhistory.org or 23rd Annual Spring Bazaar will also be awarded at the of two communities - call (212) 873-3400. Portland, OR luncheon, The event's the Japanese Kodomo March 15; 11 :30 a.m.-3 p.m. keynote speaker will be »PSW no Hi and Dia de los Ninos 'Children of Hangzhou: Nichiren Buddhist Temple Elizabeth Asahi-Sato, from Mexico, Celebrate the Connecting With China' 2025 S.E. Yamhill Info: RSVP at larouche@msn. 'Shadows for Peace: For the growth, happiness and Boston, MA Celebrate spring at the 23rd com or call (503) 698-4656. Sake of the Children' success of the children April 26 Annual Spring Bazaar with Orange County, CA for a day of workshops and Boston Children's Museum the Nichiren Buddhist Temple, March 18-19 activities designed for kids 308 Congress St. All proceeds will benefit the »NCWNP Noon of all ages, Fiesta Matsuri Cost: Free temple, Bento meal selections Chapman University engages families with Engage with community include tonkatsu, chicken Golden State Warriors With 1 University Dr. culture and community members and learn about donburi, chow mein and tofu Berkeley JACL Cost: Free in a collaboration to promote China through its children, donburi, Preorder forms must Oakland, CA In remembrance of the atomic understanding among a The program is designed be submitted by March 10, March 19; 7 p.m. bombing of Hiroshima and diverse group of people, to nourish understanding, Prices may vary, Oracle Arena Nagasaki, the Orange Coast Info: Visit www.jaccc.org or knowledge and appreciation Info: Visit www.nichiren-shu.org 7000 Coliseum Way Optimist Club will present call (213) 628-2725. for contemporary China in or call (323) 262-7886. Cost: Tickets 545 the program's exhibit and • Boston's Sister City, Only a few tickets left for forum, This event series will Hangzhou, Lecture: The Camp Without a the Berkeley JACL Night at also travel to JANM on March ADVERTISE HERE Info: Visit www.boston Fence the Warriors, The game is 21, Forum speakers include Events in the calendar childrenmuseum.org or Moses Lake, WA scheduled against the Atlanta Tomoko Maekawa, Dr, David section are listed based on call (617) 426-6500. April 2; 7 p.m. Hawks, with seats above Krieger, Dr, Akiko Mikamo and space availa bility. Place a Moses Lake Museum & Art center court Game time a video interview of Dr, James 'Spotlight' ad with Center is 7 p,m, Please join the Yamazaki, photos of your event for »MDC 401 S. Balsam St. Berkeley JACL for a night at Info: Contact Richard Fukuhara maximum exposure. "Uprooted" curator Morgen Oracle Arena, at richard@Shadowsforpeace. Spring Shake! Young will present a history of Info: Contact Mark Fujikawa at com. FOR MORE INFO: Niles,IL the Japanese American farm (510) 232-0724 or fujikawa@ [email protected] March 14; 8 p.m.-12:30 a.m. labor camp near Nyssa, Learn sbcglobal.net for tickets and Hello Kitty's Head Designer (213) 620-1767 PACIFIC. CITlZEI OBITUARIES March §.-19 2915 11

• eJn{MCbam

Akiyama, Harry S1uarl, 88, Gco:l ; siljing3, INiliam (Irene) (Yu.i) S1ira.i, si sl",·s-in"a .. , (J oct ne), Rcmld (Ga~e) and Los "'"9"es, CA; Feb. 21, he is Koseki and Mlrjc.. ie M:ae; Nakatsuru, S<*aye, 91, Los Too i and Na.o TctTi la; he is Da " d (Melinda); dau g'1a , sur "; \Old by his chil cten, carr y sisl8f-n -la .., MIte (Gee..,;?) "'"9"es, CA; Feb. 6; she is also sur " , ed by man y ni eces, 8Jsan (J:o'1 n) Harada; go : 9; 8Jeko (AcarclJ) Goo zalez and Ate; he is also s ~ " \Old by man y sur "; \Old by h",· sisl",·, Msa.o nej11ews and 01'1 ",· r.. ali \eS; g;c: 2 A c. AAil"ma; nej11e .., ~ , en nieces, nej11e ws and olh8f Fu'ushima; s'" is sur ";,ed by go : 8 "'iyama; niece, c. ane "'iyama; r"ali\eS; go : 2 many nieces, nej11e ws and Yoshioka, OIiycl• sisl",·, Olizuru Kal'1 ",· n e firai, g"''', he hBjBd canl:rl his f,.,,• he is s ~ " \Old by his 8oo s, gerri (C01 na) Na'agri, Mna.o 8OO s, T",., y (Kalhleen), ~ an I Ya rd t i81ds clJ rn g h s f'11 1 ";Ih Poci1 ey (Oxo) Kaga ..a and Jane S1intlni and jJne 8Jeko and C3eg (Laraina) e,.,c", Pe tefi (G:tim e) Kaga ..a; he is (J m ) "'ieta; l:rol'1 e,. s-in"a .., He Ie!! IT coIBg3 rul r",,·nEd 10 also sur " , ed by man y nieces, Mlsuo, J ro, R·a tl< (Hdeko) Sakuma, Wallace Yukito, 79, 8>i inas n 1971 ""'en his fa l'1 ,.· te• nej11ews and 01'1 ,.· r.. ali \eS; and fir03hi (SUma'o), Toclashi fb:1 a ulu, HI; Jan 12; she Is e,.,.., I I R·an lhal ;nnl, '" cm l n• go : 6 Pe y and lsarm A e. Tsushima; sur "; \Old by h",· 8OO s, Wlllaee l'1 e ~ICO lalB, acttrv;J empolffi311 sisle,.s-in"a .., TctTi "" MIry Y. and Kip M , dau g'1l3f s, 1-13 rm \l3:1 00 b sfarl I ...red o Kodani, Patricia Halsumi, 72, Na.ag ri and Mly (K"gJ) Otatl; Palricia Olinsab , ruleen K , , filo, HI; Jan 31, she is sur ,, \Old he is also sur "; \Old by man y Lee, De taah M. FLt udaand by h8f 8oo s, Ty Kodani and Mlrc ni eces, nej11ews and olh", S1 .. la S. figa; go : 9 (5 h ' ''~ ) Kodani, trolh,.·, Roo ald r"ali\eS (Am) Mil Elaine (&3an) Mccarlhy slep-dau g'1l3f , &lnci·a (ROO) F. Koo ag.Jra; l:roU.,,., Pe ta·1 T and Karen (Wll"e) EgJ chi, Lau, sisl",·, Yet'o lmarmra; ,... aIO- a'>' al ~ e bffiis lal3 Fa y. Lo lOn g rml'1 ,.· Patti (~ ta ·n Hara, Mlr. (J'Jsei:tine) 8Jgai a llibutec mrn you r 10 \ed and ,... I81e (Tan) Hal" cel:l ~ criminal. ju:;• ti", Bramh civil riSIts leoder, arrllccal like m""riase equality; "" ""locrne ~ supporlers tioe 'ystem isn't just d"l>I;tefu! ismrar.oe so",rnnerJ: i, I:inlN! at Mr. Unruhe offers immisrant an:! deferrl her rish\:;, we Mve Chojlters => his/llisht acti",;tie, ~ it', hi,\c.ct P_e. Busine=;, Maraser Su-;an wcrnenin \hi> =try, we are mtapp'a1- with the mission prirriple, an:! soaI. of """ Ul¥Jp.!lar, an! "" oontin", b fa;lor Ycl.ro)"lli a for odditicnal informaoon i'"1j to abotract theorie, of phiboojl:ty an! the Jap""'se American Citi%ers uasue. " program, that emouzase dialosue be1ween AI"", ,brie, can be l"-'bli,hed in the main ooqecmre, blt to e,talii,hed I:i,\cob are hishly val=:! - be ,ure to in• A"n. 1= 10'"1j maintainod, rnal prejmic• vell8'ar£>e i, not ju.tioe . " un:Ierstarrl that 0'-" oommunity', fr oe&om cl1k a jl>ob of the pre"",us year', e",nt, e, are deeply roolN! in the p.ublo"':e, ""ide, the NY!~ re• i, che ~ witholt a oem jIe~", i ve freedom arrl you may set it pml"hed. Go get _ Americans, a jl>eranemn ~t oom"", mains OCtlvir.oed that \rue ju;tice has been for oor ,,,is]fu,,. A, Dr. Ki'"1j taustt uo , new ads for e""ry i"ue - the P_e. an:! to mve oomrelo , d«Odly resuH, uA>en it perverted in ocrn mur.itie, like FerSWOn, "nju;tice anywhere i, a threat to ju.tice yo'-" cMjhr will both beneftl oome, to irJ:eroctioc.s bet'<.een law ericrce• arrl w~r e"" r eh predemimntly wl:ite e""rywhere. We are caU8ht in an i "", c ~ ­ Am~r way b help " a direct <>Ora• ment offuers arrl YOUl"1j persctl& of odor police fcrce, urlairly polioe arrl e=t alie ne\\mrk of mutuolity, tied ina ' i'"1jle tien from you peroor..ble b us , its citi,""" ~refore, iF to ~ plisht IT tlo:e ,tfferins the P_e. with a doratien of $ZOO cr more date,., mcre cannot be 00 neotly divcroed expressins oor fru;\r,non throust prote,t in Fers,-"en arrl beyon:!, b \lo;e in nlra! Flease emourase yo'-" cmpter b make frem the murders IT Emmett Till, Jimmy i, mt oomemw ana~ma to what it mean; an:! urren oomm mitie, ""rao, \!:i, oourtry a dcnaoon to the P_e.:r SjIi'"1j Campaisn Lee Jackoon an:! all tl=e woo p'rished to be a Gocd AmeriO>ll, mr " it forei"., to wm are gra>ni'"1j urrler ~ ""isht of white Our Ber~ley Cmpter rooertly mode a un:Ier the heary yo~ IT ~ lyml:ins tree the Jap""'''' American experieme. Ra~r, "",leooe an! ~ oons\ont \lIeat IT deporta• $5OJ dcnaoon. I challell8' every empter 0", ",ed ony ,peak with Hurvi\.Or IT we believe \!:at oollectively e'"1jasins in ti m. In 'l'preciatins the inlorWi",d =t,-"e \0 motch or emeed trnt amOl" t in suWOrt ~ poboie, carried cut un:Ier J im arrl J= ,ceial ""tion" the \rue mark ofa ooaally of all 'trussle, fcr hunan diSr.ity an:! 00- of the P_e. Crow terrori,m to realite that thrcusmut 00""">0,,, eititen cial justioe , "" '

REMEMBRANCE »continued from 3 There ""'" depression Al• oolrli,m. A lack IT privacy in ~ camp; Bo)frielrls aa,,!!.', ... I•• as 5.5'10:" &c ~ ill8 arrll~ns about be• .--- ~ : ins Navajo to try arrl eni,t .... in ~ Army. T~ hUS" JA oomm mily in Deruer in the immediate »O't=years, whioh filled ~ looal ooIDal yearboct<:; fcr two decode, The ooruersatien """ framed bya warm-up exercise where ever"f'J" in Lim a Tif< itl roh FNrigl!ez, Toe ScI( anoto CIld the amierce "'" ",~d \0 Fr CIlk ScI( anoto (stlUld'ng) on ere sbries 01 their dioou;, with each cther what inlernment experierKOe at the Den'ler Day ct e~ent they \mull ~ if ~y were RemerntHf):)e tol:! they md \\m weeks \0 pod:: only what they occld carry, \0 be taken to a oomen\rati m camp. Tmt', what asain. Hop'fully. Double Your Tax Return familie, had to dioo,-", 73 years ogo, aflor NOTE: TM Smithso"imr /rulilutitm, which ho.led tdX)R ~v~nlo" F~b. 19 all. Arrl, atlorrl"" were able b watch in• po~t diI'w.1tiH"-vi~w.com, tmD. h#'. help; us _fcrset ~ injustice ofimpr,,• 0" F ",,~boo*, Twitl~r tmD. lol:r of olMr Ollment that 'Mttered 00 many J ~'" .ocial mali,,- H~ aI.o i. AARP', ,lAP/ Amerioan Ii"". Arrl it help< '" be ",;silant Communily Maruli"K Communicatio" 00 tha.t m:n an inj"'tioe 'Mm't e",r hawen Coruulttmi.