~~ :;:::: 2015 2 March 1}19 2915 LETTERS PACIHe. crnZEI HOW TO REACH us Let's Step Up, Donate and Advocate for the Poe. ,,"oil pc Op oci!Cci I = ffi. or ~ Onl in e, _w. poci ! "'c iti=.or~ T ~ (2131620 _1767 re<tms' from droush~jlasuod Cali­ Luobly I diooovered onin",h"ble ~pc<­ Fo" (2131 620~ 768 fo=o. fur tlooe of yc<l east of u;, "" turity \0 rebrrlle the\ experieme on! \mrk '-1 ';1 :I9J~.Fi ..tSt .. Suile 301 G Iq>e ycur ' pnns ""m.e, "'ry oooni \o;wrd reooluoon when I """ intrcdrned \0 Los I.ng~"" , C .I 90012 A, the PC rep from the NC'WNP a strict. the JACL by my wife. Vaerie, on:! hor fa­ ST .I FF I am oom red b help l!turch th, y'"'' '' Spring ther, Gocrge Yosumcl:i, in tho e""ly ' 9(1; E"OCUl\.e Edlu =J"IiIl" for the a"-"Id-wirnins Pxific A, I reod tho pc., I di=",red on:! ..­ M ;,,,, Momo>:> aliun newspo.per. Ccl.l.cti"'ly th, ;, rur enliglIenod b lID:! it ••", ';n g '" a respeclod ~"" i "'nt Edlu ~ port ur.i \y \0 ,tep '-" an:! ,,;veea\< for the arrl essential oommurication; vel:icle - a TillanyUj i)'e Pxifr Cttiu~, u.hich 'll'pcrt> the J ACL its lifeline arrl ooru=oon \0 tho JA experi..-.oe Tho pc. ,taff 1= <>One an exoellent joo c( JI08='. '" well '" JIovide, news rovera@'of arrl it. roo\$, e'pecially for tlD>e li';ng in more fonn uating a program \0 foalitate updating the AAPI oommurity ..Alloh i, often aboerJ: or ioo1o.tod or "-,,al are",. Today tho JACL i, ,till tho pc. wel:6ite. digiti%ing the pc. arcl:i_ Pro ru:otoo .... 1'" l>cking in m 1linstreom media /is/lting that tattle for u;, ,trivins \0 ensure that on:! mo';n g forward in the =ial modiaream Walie 80m mle Ona pe=mI n:(e, I ",ow up in acar",r mili­ ALL peap.e are C(fered "lm.! oWOrtmity in There i, mcre \0 cane Ctl the,e issues , arrl)'Ou ""'Y family""" mo\.ed often arrl I atterrlod eduoaoon em p.= en\ hoalth care, marri"8" arcUal "" will see oome of tl=e cl=,O'" in tho caning e. ,." both !"lochial an:! pmlic ocb:d, in frur ,\0.10, arrl more mo~ ~ the tim e I reochod hioi> sch:o!. Then I hod a Now;' tho time \0 ' ''p '-1' on:! ''-1'pcrt tho Pa­ Ud youknow cne of tho best ~tion; fcr $Up­ ~w experier.oe - the his/l oclool I ot\errlod cifr Ci~u~. It i, 0'" of the bolo arrl eff.cti"" pcrtins the pc. i, ,elling od",rti,ing in every in Virsjr.ia woo ..,sresab:!. Yes, ALL ..milo means of oommurication we ",ed in crder b iss",,? TI:i, ""ull bring 'b"tsrie" mcney irto There ""re m A,i"", or Hi,pm;cs living in the oomrue our 'trussle b "",tu that everycne i, tho equaoon arrl isn't depelrlent Ctl cmp" " ocrnm m.ity. I faun:! m }'Self porticip>tinS in fJCN" gi"'n eqm.! opportmity on:! """"''' \0 all Amer­ or members. Tho PC O"ts tho od re",n"", ..-rl ernnert-,amtionod in;titutioml r",i,m. I ,till ica 1= \0 cffer. I've hoen 000"" in JACL for )'C'-" boal cmp" r be",/it. from the oommi,­ recall the titter Slar.oe, an:! foe/iOS' emara\­ over 15 )ears, on:! I'm jIeu:! of tho ,\an:I, on:! SlCtl SOOlrl< li~ a -.in--.in g""e p.an inS from the bl>ck familie, we ..-.oQUllor«l on positicns JAQ h.os hl:en e'peaiallyin the area a d.oily M.i" I '<ill ",veI ferset tl>:<e feelin§' of civil riglli octivi,m »see STEP UP In page 12 J .lCL Pre" dent De,\id Un N<!tiond Droota P!i,ol aOo:tJida LETTER TO THE EDITOR the Jap"""" Amerioan internnerJ: experieme P.C. KHOOII.l BO.\AD ,mull be jIeserJ:ed ""ehlly emerging Cord Ka""",o>:> . rno; rpef"'-" ; Leocoo. ftfrla. EOC; -<xl~ loI m . D<<uE_, Iet" r', hlsbrica arrllegal falloc;", rel>"ding from ,;Iliclod member> -.ithn oor own WD C; fbber,,-_. ornc; immigr,uen in hor = re,J>Cfi"', our aim ocrnmmity. furan)'One (aJACLmember Jrn Oul . NCWWD C; G>.tfiet e Tho arnm.! holiday editiGtl (Pxiftc Nome<a. PNWO<:; GI ~,;ak ....... hore ;, b oomment Ctl tho let" r', willematic cr repreoen1ative) \0 cru1ely =ap:cil:e atiu~, Dec.n, 20U-Jan. 22, 2015) ofthio IDC; Jcm [)oj>:> ~ .• PSWOC; ,1atemen!> en mtiGtlO! wre,t in Ferg'-""n on:! cur oomm mity', most p>irlu experieme" ",ws!"per recently ran a letter from Da';d ~oIe GoddIe ..-.:l Ko"- lkICW-; . hoyco:! that follo'<.ed tho ra:rin:iirunent c( in th, marner, i, dep.cralie on:! be)'Olrl :.ouh rep' UlllUho, uA>o ...oiood d;'''Sreement -.ith c(fuer Darren Wilson I>c\le". Tho NY ISC ccnjemn; the us e c( th, SUBOCRlB ~ the JAQ', recent ,_ment. Ctl Ferg'-"Gtl Geta one- )ell< ,ubscripb1 of fle We ""ulllike \0 first deOOnkthe clunky irre'pctl<ilie rhebric in the , tronse,t " rm, ..-rl Pr",rierJ: Ot=ta', exooUNe order fcr P""k; CilizlHl ne",P'-pef at If we are ,et on fil" ring currerJ: events immigrant am"",ty. Tho JACL:, Natiorcl ..-rl Woe eqa weme of Pre,ident Cbarna', ....... ~ccilizlHl . ~ c< coj l throUSh tho len; c( tho mas, ircaroeratiGtl 18OJ1 _ _61~7 YcuthlStU<!e ntColnOil wi,ho, b oollooti",ly recerJ: Exorutive Order on """" ty b Pre,ident Rcooevelt's Executive Qder >056 there are jIobaliy more apt oompan= \0 .I D¥fi1TIS ~ re,pctrl b tho oorre'pon:ieme becau;e, sjven -..h>oh oompelled the mos, iDOYoeration be mode \0 the modem p.is/lt c( 0'"' Iiock To od l'N"l "" ., fle Pi>Ci1ic Ctiz",",. thio l"-'blication , ""igH: on:! rel"-'1atiGtl we cllol l 8OJ I _ ';;1~7 a e~ 1loI t<ctho" a!rl ,;,ter> - it', not I:iord \0 intasj'" <>0 oct f",,1 tho rie", expre,oed thorein are in c( Japme""Americars. Tho petu= arrl po Ii> p>eiltdl IeI1.~ cur own Ni..,i oomm mity lea:ler> ..-rl draft h", -.ith the JACL', vaI,-",. It ;, the feeling in&en;itivity irberent b makins moha LEG AL oompariooni, appollins. J"'Ltioularly given re,i,,,,, being l"-'liicly ,hamed ~ wl:ite "~,, c( the NYISC (h,t the kilrl of inoe""iti.;ty "'" .... ,,-,""'_ moy to that the amieme of thio l"-'liic,uGtl i, Amerioaru for ~J>O'ins "d"" JIOO"" of r ~_ .",,,,, t'" """''' ..-rl isr-:<an>e eXjI"'oed in tho oolumn ",~ . P ..,iScC ","" oompri..,d c( many ,,-,,';vcr,, families on:! 10.", " or beins called ''race miter," b<cause """".i", omrd go umboc~ , partiru.l""ly when those Edi"""", "_ ..... ~ . "or,;o,,, de"""'Man!> c( _ -..he !>we been roaally they dared q""tiGtl tho white ,ta"-" quo (h,t . ' ...... od b,-_rm ~" _ ..... lial:iliti", awe'" in thi, kID:! c( p.atfonn jIctiled on:! urjustly imjIiocned ot the horrls ~jIe"ed them ... ,,_ .1JACL ..... d« """ _~ Booau;e the JACL', ex.cutive dir.c\cr 1= <he", "" "ot " 000 .......,. rofloc t c( 1= enforcemerJ:. Any J>O',ible parallel, \0 areody m:",irctiy arrl finnly oddr",sed the »SID LETTEliln page 12 J A GLpj ~y . ""' '', ''' ,.-". _od ~ ... P._"","","""ot ,,~ y". 1m " ~t "-'om ... t"'~ . JAGla'" "-,,,,,.000 ".r....... ... "'"'' od t ... olo •. ., "'''' Your donations will help build and preserve a cohesive library of the Peroocoj, pojd at LD, I.veie' . CIloI f. om m';r.. onte Pacific Citizen to educate future generations ~ -~ JACL mllllb.? [] [ill JACL MEMBERS Ol<llge 01 Nilne ................................................................................................................................ Addless Address ........................................................................................................................... II \OJ '" rm\aJ. " ~ n b n-.atrn b City ................................................................................................................................... N>l rnai JACL State ............................................................... Zip ...................................................... R·andsco. CA _,94115IT PhI ................................................................................................................................. &nail... .............................................................................................................................. 0$500l1QO 0'150 Ol2OCl 0'-'_ ~cClIIHh FOR IUIE IIiRIRIWlDIII= 250 E. Fnt 81 .• &JlIe ... .... ~ .... ~ SOOt!! ....-"•• po"lloelllrln.cq PACIFIC.CmzEI COMMENT ARY/COMMUNITY March 6-192915 3 NIKKEI VOICE DAY OF REMEMBRANCE IS WORTH REMEMBERING ByGilAsakawa I fcrget that "" are coe of the tictch<c en Amerioa', prou:! , unmer camp. The museum m. J>O'ted a ' isn explainins his b ry. One way to m ~ ''Xe "" remember the in\ornnent that it's mt real;,tic, oa peq>1e \<On't Snunble, '1 don't eX!"rieme ;, ~!"dins the Day cf Remembrame every know what the biS deal ;" \!:i, loeb reallynioe. " there a D>y of Romero trame event uA1ere ,., ~. But! disre". Ab n S with plitinS qJ the ' isn thi, yeor, ycu live, an! if 00, drl you SO ? If you <>o n't Tr" Mile HiShJ ACL cm.p\or IDl'" a COR e",nt e",ry Hi,\cry Cobrodo m. r"en H well pl>oe for Mile HiSh W k=w aroli D:R, It', the anru.>I ocrnmemora­ year. Cbe of the first years, COR ""'" r"ld ot the cen",r JACL to orsan,e it. annuol e",nt A, a boord membe, oon cf the Feb. 19, 1942, 'isnns of Executi", Qder 9.J&5 BtM!:i,t Temple,.-,j featu:<d S",ramerro-ba;ed theraji,t I .".. ashd to emcee the event ani mcdera\o a panol mth ~ President Roooe",lt It alb""d the US military to an! filmmaker Sat.uki Ira uAo:e <bcunenwy 'Olil:lren oo,-,o,ntration = p ,uvi""rs en Feb. 15 . More thm 200 de'israte any area '" a ",rsitive ' 0'-" an! l:ick cut anycne of the C""?''' reoorated with many cf the peq>le "*" poejle (not justJh) , howed qJ, an el>X'.lrasins ' isn that they 1OOugl1: misht be a danger to mtioo.>! serurity at\orrlod.
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