Spectator LEADER i Serving Linden and Roselle MAM IC1 Suit filed President passes by BOE budget > against for tax increase Salary, benefits account for $3.3 million priest By Dai Bams The tax levy, or the total amount •y A. E. Caartterl Staff Writer raised by taxes, will fund 10.3 per- Stiff Writer The Linden Board of Education is cent of the 2005-2006 school year A ROKIIC resident's complaint calling the budget proposal it submit- budget. The next biggest chunk of •bo* wxuil harassment leid to the ted to the county this week "flat," but chinge will come from state aid, filing of a lawsuit March 2 against the it still calls for an average tax which will comprise 15.7 percent of Episcopal Diocese or Newark by the increase of $193.28 per home. The the budget. The remaining 4 percent Equal Employment Opportunity Com- school board approved a preliminary will come from the current fund bal- miMKifi under title VII of the Civil budget by a vote of 7-0 at a special ance, tuition and miscellaneous Rights Act of 1964, the EEOC meeting Monday night. The $77.9 income, such as investments. million proposal is ^^^^_^^^^ The major Michele Wilson, an administrative $4 million more increese in the assistant for the dioceae, filed a charge than last year's The tax levy, or the bud** win come with the EEOC after the diocese did not address the harassment, the com- are no '""' «•*«««*** S" ^jjg plaint, died in U.S. District Court, new programs that by tOXeS, Will fUrtO increases the Lin- allege'. are large enough to gQ$ percent of the \nn* t i Association nego- priest, the Rev. Dana Roae, a vicar of increase.justafew tUvj-ZUUO SCnOOl tiated for last sum- m Trinity Church in Imnglon, regularly items like teacher ygQf budget. The next " About $3.3 made offensive sexual comments to contracts and the Jm , __^ s t..-t ^./•million will •g"o Wilson and another eoworker, Maxine state government's btggeSt ChUt\h Oj toward tnat. In Oooden of Teaneck, during his visits new ux policy, change will come «•"">• *• to diocesan offices in Newark. The complaint alleges that Rose slated he was going to visit Wilton's it more difficult for will COfTtpHse 75. 7 day by IS minutes, home and attempted to contact her at xce.. P^cent of the budget. «*•to — horns and also that Rose made state- !*«• By imtfk A. SamMfcM ments to the two women such as, "You Supporters of President George W. Bush's Social Security plan wave to the president as funds. The remaining 4per- The boards didn't say that last night when I was at his limousine passes by in westfield on the way to his speaking appearance at the " ta roif w/// come /row *??" C0T"ec your house making your scream." Armory on Friday. For complete coverage of the event, see Page B1. 3 pro- _ ••• chairman, Anlno- Rose is also alleged to have fre- gramming, quently grabbed or attempted to grab •but the current fund bal- ny onando jr.. is one will offte ith Gooden and Wilson and touched them another, ' ance, tuition and mis- Jw » *• physically. Though Wilson snd Good- •iiuiiivi, said ., . budget, given the en made Mir employer awtre of New security guard brings Superintendent of CellaneOUS IHCOme, troubles the board Rose's actioM, the complaint says, coul

Welcoi AT THE LIBRARY to the meat you. ienu, yet your COMMUNITY CALENDAR New magazine* r HIT passport have a cup The ( ominunity Calendar u prepared by the tfm iu'« ' eadtr to SPECTATOR LEADER 11" imagination I . dlt mg newspaper. .sriouk tommunily mliviliek and governmental "feoffee* ow to reach us j\ml ratal Miedispld local history or travel- meetings Mail event schedules «/•'. Ann manag- he Spactetor Leedtr it MM «l K ovJ sn audiobook to ing editor. P <» M very Thursday by MM the Rotcllc I'uhlu I it mg ar 1 .1 mi listen ii< i<>g or du garden- today ewspapers en independe" 'luiuyli 'MspU> wned newspeper company Our Maadayt, lucsJn>s. and *«li» ing." Whi iht library trustee* art • I inden High School* production ol the Broadway musical, "Mame," until th w are located al 1291 Stuyvesant 0 pin llm< encourage*! ' the pn>|>e»k ot a bill will be prewented in the school* auditorium at K p in Viatel laaaJH (M at taken hnn> venue Union. N J 07083 We are - >i in Ki < p in jnd spoajtored '• Assemblyman Neil 1 ickcu are $ 10 each and may be purchased by vending a check made out open from 9 am lo 5 p m every weak like * lxK>k mi Saiurda>s from s> a in I Qphax, %A): . I would provide match to "1 MS Student Activities Aitount " Send to Linden High School, Ann: day Cad us at one ol the telephone Ki-ili'iny ."HI Inline ' You will want ing fund> i • instruction, there it the . Hewton. 121 W St George* Avc Linden, NJ 07056 umbers listed below 10 look at Heal Simple, a new [* In »uuiti.>n M the Ui jpplnjium realizai, much as $4 million Tickets for the chosen evening will be sent back to you by mail or held Cel uYdkuteii to limne dcunaiiuii on ,ls.) » \»i jdiiimisiraiuin at the dooi tin more informauon. call Linden High School at 90MS6- Vole* Mall: small budgets lee which the libran uillais li>i ilns may be needed at the local level to ur main phone number 908-686 7700 Persons who need -t pnesjoft S4J2 hens will want to read Slain, a rcaJtie. the goal ol expansion equipped with a voice mail system to scH.in-i .lian the usual sn week turn- Friday iMski'lhall inonlhK oi YM, aimed at Any fundi that can be raited better serve our customers Dunng rag around nine will need In p.i\ M through donations or grantt will be • Linden High School's production of the Broadway musical. "Mame." lar business hours a receptionist will young in tional V*U lev loi evpediled see.. th« much lcs> which Roselle taxpay- will be presented in the school'* auditorium at & p.m. net your call During the evening w 1 hi evil popular Rolling Stone has Saturday when the office is closed your call will Ml'll |I|C llSl Regulation faaafm pfcMM Ma he er* will net d to « ontnbute • Linden Hi(h School's production ol the Broadway musical, "Mame," be answered by en automated recep- In recognition e| the CkaH < lub. ubiained al Walgreen s. |usl ihree The Ros>lle Public Library, u an will be presented in the school's auditorium at K pin unist which hat been meeting at the U Minks from the lihrais fl flat MM "' sutoaomon- ^merriment agency, it a Monday Im the past two years, the library is ( laMtMM Slreel and I asi I irsi Venue. uu tumpi institution, with donations 0 subscribe: • The Ettex County Anti-Violence Coalition, is scheduled to conduct an now subscribing BtCeaM I lie I HI mine intnrm.iihMi *isil the to it deductible lo the extent of the he Spectator Laedei is mailed to the library's Wen sue ttw. To make a contribution to the anti-violence torum at Bethlehem Church in Kotelle. beginning at 7 p.m. Tomes ol subscribers lor delivery every I .isluonistas will want to flip v.wv. lini.ii ofj/roselle, m call V08- future, contact the library director. • Linden City Council will have a conference meeting at 6 p.m. in Coun- hursday One-year subscriptions in through In Style and Marie (Ian cil Chambers, City Hall, Linden. nun County are available tor $26 00. the latest in clothing and life stylet. Keith Met oy, at 9OK-245-S8O9 or at wkmccoyiu lmxac.org. • The work session for the Linden Hoard of t-ducation will be at 7 p.m. two year subscriptions tor $47 00 Col I rum hooks In DVDs lo maga- at the Administration Building Conference Room, 2 Eatt Gibbons St.. Lin- lege end oul-of state subscriptions are zines, the Kokellc I'ubln Library has Building fund will help veilable You may subscribe by phone den. Action may be taken. Miiiicthing lor your reading, viewing, Register now for Tiny y calling 908-686-7700 and asking lor pay for expansion TlMtday or listening pleasure Visit the I ihrar> ha circulation department Allow et With the help ot a major contnbu- Tots at Linden library • Linden City Council will have i conference meeting at 6 p.m. followed at the comei ol ( liesinui Street and eesl two weeks for processing your lion from one ol iis members, the Winter liny Tots registration is by a council meeting al 7 p.m. in Council Chambers. City Hall, Linden deder You may use Mastercard. Visa West I ourth A\enue. Mad pick up \oui Hoard ol hiisico ol the Kutelle Pub- under was lor preschoolers, agei .1 Wednetday American Express or Discover free library card lic Library recentK established a through V at the Linden I rce Public • "•'he Linden Board of Education will have I regular meeting at 7 p.m. building fund, to collect contributions Libniy. 11 I asi Henry St. Missing newspaper: at Linden High School Auditorium, 121 W. St. George* Ave, Linden. Library now accepts towards the expansion ol the library. youi Leader did not gat delivered Parents may now register their Action shall be taken. I he librar) is looking lo triple in si/e please call 908-686-7700 and ask for passport applications children Sessions will be Wednesday • The Rotelle Board of Education will have a regular meeting al 7 p.m. hi meet the demands of the 21 si centu- irculation The Rosclle Public I ibrary is mm mornings and started Feb. 9 at 10:30 at the Leonard V. Moore Middle School, 720 LOCUM St., Rotelle. ry library UM a site li'i llic I'ussport Application a.m. Each i lass consists of a story • The Rotelle Borough Council will have a regular meeting at 7:30 p.m. Back issues: 1 Acceptance Program. I his tall, lihun Husuv I li/abcth time anc irafl project Parents are in Council Chambers of Borough Hall, 241 Chestnut St., Rotelle. purchase back issues ol the Specie Any American nli/cn «ho wMaM Iliodv made a significant donation to required to stay with their child and lor Leader please call 908-686-7700 Upcoming kick ol) the fund In addition, the registration in limited. and ask lor circulation Additiona lo nhkini ,i passport can mm do so in March 19 charges may apply Rostlle Iniim loi passport icnewals librar. Hoard ol trustees agreed on a For more information on this pro- • The Rahway Public Library will be having a day of festivities cele- uc also available at the library list of spaces and items in the pro- gram, visit the Children's Department brating the first anniversary in their new building. The eventt include Give lews Items: At an acceptance facility, the posed addition which donors can place at the main branch or contact Cather- and Take Jugglers, from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m.; Tour the New Jertey History News releases ol general interest must Koselle Public Library does not actu- their names on ine Chodack. Children's librarian, at Collection with Al Shipley, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.; Create an D« in our office by Friday at noon to be ally issue passports, but acts at a "Libraries arc now the crossroads 908-24K is'n Information on library Anniversary Scrapbook for the Library, from 2 to 3:30 p.m., and Rahway considered for publication the following ol the community." said library Direc- activities is also available at the Web week Pictures should be black arx screening agent for the (' S. Depart- Valley JerseyAires: A Barbershop Chorus, from 4 to 5 p.m. tor Keith Mel oy " I his is where you tile, www lmdenpl.org. while glossy prints For further informs ment nl Slate and forwards uiinplclcd For information, contact the Reference Department at 732-340-1551 ion or to report a breaking news story ext. 212. all 908-686-7700 and ask tor Editorial March 21 Visit with a firefighter • The Roselle Board of Education will have a regular meeting at 7 p.m. •lory reprlrHa: at the Leonard V. Moore Middle School. 720 Locust St., Rotelle. or permission to reprint any item print ed in the newspaper you must call Tom March 23 Canavan al 908-686-7700 All matena • The Linden Roselle Sewer Authority will have a regular meeting at 7 s copyrighted p.m. at its administrative office, 5005 South Wood Ave., Linden

Letters to the Editor: he Spectator Leader provides an open orum for opinions and welcome letters EVENTS o the oditor Letters should be typed double spaced, must be signed, and Linden High School to $10 and $6 for children younger than should be accompanied by an address 12. There will alto be raffle prizes and and day-time phone number for verifi present musical, 'Mame' share the wealth. Come enjoy good cation LaMers and columns must be in Linden High School's production food, good company and possibly win our officaBy 9 am Monday lo be con- of the Broadway musical, "Mame," a great raffle prize. You will be help- sidered fdjrijubllcation that week The will be presented in the school's audi- ing the Lions help the blind. are subject to editing for length anc torium today, Friday and Saturday at 8 clarity. All proceeds from this event enable p.m. the Linden Lions Club lo provide help Ticket! are $10 each and may be for the visually impaired, provide eye- e-mail: purchased by sending a check made The Spectator Leader accepts news glasses for needy children, promote out to "LHS Student Activitiet sloases and opinion pieces by e-mail community service to Linden High Our e-mail address is Account." Send to Linden High School students, provide scholarships Ediiorial@thelocalsource com School. Attn: Ms. Hewson, 121 W. St. for college to physically challenged or e-mail must be received by 9 a.m. Georges Ave., Linden, N.J. 07036. visually impaired students and con- Monday to be considered for publica- Tickets for the chosen evening will be tribute to local and national charities ion thai week Advertising Is also sent back to you by mail or held at the The Linden Lions also collect used accepted by email under certain guide door For more information, call Lin- mes at adsQthelocalsource com eyeglasses and used hearing aids to be den High School at 908-486-5432. recycled to the needy. To place a display ad: For ticket information, call 908- Display advertising for placement in the 862-8808 or 908-925-7242. general news section of the Spectator Linden Lions Club to -oader must be in our office by Monda host fish fry dinner at 5 p.m. for publication thai week The Linden Lions Club will be St Luke's Church to Advertising for placement in the B sec Linden Firefighter George Kostrey visited Linden School 9 to discuss community and hosting their annual fish fry dinner on ion must be In our office by Monday careers, a curriculum unit. Kostrey dressed up Miss Kostrey, the teacher, in special gear sponsor flea market noon An advertising representative wl that is worn as protection during a fire. He also spoke about the importance of having an Wednesday. The dinner will be served St. Luke's Episcopal Church, locat- gladly assist you in preparing your mes escape route and to practicing the plan and how smoke detectors save lives. Firefighter from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Linden Ambu- ed at the comer of East 4th Avenue sage Call 908-686-7700 lor an appoin Kostrey explained the vehicles involved during a fire rescue. The student were very inter- lance Squad Building, 12 N. Stiles St., and Walnut Street in Roselle, will menl Aak for the display advertisiri ested in the training that firefighters receive and invited Firefighter Kostrey to visit again. Linden. sponsor a flea market May 14, with a department The price of tickets for adults is rain dale of May 21.

To place a classified ad: The Spectator Leader has a large, we Correction policy How to Pay for Nursing Homes -- FREE BUWON PAIN read classified advertising section It is the policy of this newspaper Advertisements must b j ir. our office b FOOT TINGLING & NUMBNESS In correct all significant errors that Tuesday at 3 p m for publication tha SPECIAL REPORT CHRONIC INGROWN TOENAILS week All classified ads are payable arc brought to the editor's attention. Did you know that most people can save anywhere advance. We accept Mastercard. Visa If you believe that we have made HEEL PAIN from 30% to 100% of their assets from the devastating American Express or Discover A clas such an error, writ* Tom Canavan, sifted representative will gladly assis editor. 1291 Stuyvesant Ave., cost of long term nurstng care, even If they are you In preparing your massage Pleas Union. 07013, or call him at 908- already in a nursing home? DR. RICHARD I. LEBOVIC stop by our office dunng regular bus Board Certified in Foot Surgery ness hours or call 800-564-8811. Mon 686-7700. ext. .120, weekdays To find out how The Grodberg Law Firm can protect day to Friday from 9 am to S p m before 5 p in Diplomats, American Board ofPodiatric Surgery the value of your assets, please call (732) 750-1040 for To place • public notice: your FREE copy of our special report, "AMedlcald Participates with Medicare, Horizon, PHS, Cigna, Public Notices notices which ar 1 WTC AIM Firms Qualifying Plan." United Healthcare and many others. required by state law lo be printed local waakly or daMy newspapers Th NEW YORK INCLUDES: MM FMM FM, Accepting Out Of Network, Oxford and Spectator Leader meets all New Jerse CMM IMI I ut, toWMki « stale statutes regarding public ootlo (ORWIOfi THE GRODBERG LAW FIRM i. !• UM. SMI CtitmuM. and all Board of Education Contracts advertising. Public notices musl be 164 LEGAL SOLUTIONS TO KEEP YOUR GOLDEN YEARS our office by Monday al noon for pub Hwr Tut I mm knm Ciiimami GOLDEN 623 N. Wood Ave., Linden • 908-925-1500 cation that weak. For more informatio COMPLETI slM neMk ter HatsMi Any. www4mafllawytr*.com HAROLD L. GRODBERG, Certified Elder Law Attorney call 908-686-7700 and ask for the pul NEW JERSEY 12121H2-1000 (I7J| 47J-20M ic notice advertising department COfOIATlON lemiMitnii cunai w ABA Accredited, National Elder Law Foundation Woodbrldge, NJ |(S«)11JM1OO Ficsimlle transmlaalon: The Spectator Leader Is equipped accept your ads. releases, etc by fa Our tax lines are open 24 hours a da MATTRESS FACTORY Visit Us At Our Website * www.mattreMfac.com For classified please dial 973-76 Wore you injured due in MAI II in ON I Ml PRI ' 2557 For all other transmission please dial 908-686-4189. Wouldn't it be mon ! ice or snow? Website: convenient to recelvt 1 Visit our Web Site on Ihe internet at Mtp I/www localsource com your paper in the mt Charney & Roberts Find all the latest news, classified, com Attorneys at Law mumty information, real estate, an each Thursday? hometown chat S|l|> .Mill I.ill

I I III I. tills ,li i li|( HI Postmaster Pleaae Note: FOR EASY \ Hi" IK • lll> UK .Hill InjlH II N The SPBCTATOR LEADER (USP 1 1 4 -080) la published waakly bv Won a Win I.IIM iimpvnvitiim •C«MorruK»gS«M Community Newspapers, Inc. 12S HOME \/'M Miiillllih Illl Ill" Stuyvesant Avenue, Union. N J 0708 1 Jeffrey Charney Daniel Roberts I mini \liilli ISM Mall subscriptions $28 00 par year FUTONS Union County. 75 cents per copy non i DELIVERY 840 N.Wood Avenue. Linden •elundable Periodicals postage paid 0ARWO0D E. HANOVER Union. N J POSTMASTER San CALL 8 North AVWHM 319 RT. 10 Eas address changes to tPECTATO 908-925-8300 tory Showroom WarehouM/atiowroom LEADER PO Bo« 3109 Union. NJ paM McOorwlda 07083 1-800-698-7794 Free Consultation SPECTATOR LEADER iSO, MAR) PAGES Linden High School students to wow audiences with 'Mame' By DM Btirai who helps lid is Hcauregard Jackson stressful memorizing all of her line*, Staff Writer Picket Hurnsidc. a wealthy southern bul she's at the point where they an Thirty-five itudent* will drcu up man played by senior Gabriel all stuck in her mind. m flapper costume* and Dcpreuion C'oehlo Hurnkide count Mame like a Junior Man Koziol plays the adult en clothing, ling their hearti out and southern gentleman, which inspires version of Maine's nephew, Patrick. tell the story of Auniic Mamc il I m many of the play's 12 musical num- He describes his character as a boy den High School thii weekend. bers who's "trying to grow up a little too I inden High School will perform Director Matthew loren/elti said fast." Koziol watched the Mame ihe Broadway musical "Mame" he's proud of the dedication the stu- movie and studied the younger ver- tonight at 8 p.m. in the high school's dents have shown in being able to pul sion of his character to figure out the auditorium. It will also put on the on the play They began rehearsing in nest way to portray him. He doesn't play tomorrow and Saturday at 8 January, practicing five days a week, have as many lines as Mame. but p.m. including Saturdays Koziol enjoys his character's dia- Maine's story begins when the In the last few weeks, they've logue. title character's nephew, Patrick, been pulling in five-hour days on "What I aay, it's good," Koziol comes to live with his aunt. The 10- stage, in addition to their normal said. year-old boy it quickly taken with school workload Some of the roles Senior Jessica Cairo, who plays his Aunt Maine's fun-loving, liberal weren't so easy to take on, the stu- Vera, rounds out the four leading cast life style, especially since he comes dents said. members. Vera is the comic relief of from • conservative home. Mame Coehlo rented the movie "Mid- the show, a drunken actress who's Pete like Garfield the cat, above, or this dog, below, would make great companions for quarrels with Patrick's father over night in the Garden of Good and prone to exaggeration. C'arro said some lucky person These and other animals are available for visitors during regular adop- ihe proper way to educate him. Later Evil," which takes place in Savan- she's fun to play because she's dif- tion hours. in the play, the slock market crashes, nah. Ga.. to work on his southern ferent from all of the other charac- which poses a threat to Maine's accent. He learned how southerners ters. occupation of spending all day hav- speak and also learned to act man- Lorenzelti aaid the dress ing a good lime. nerly and genteel toward women. rehearsals Ihe cast performed early After a failed stint in the job mar- Junior Carly Bellero plays Mame, this week went smoothly, so the per- ket, Mame has to depend on the kind- the character with the most lines in formers will be ready to sing and ness of strangers. The main stranger the play. She said il was a little make audiences laugh this weekend. Free tax assistance is available The Department of Recreation • Linden Multi-Purpose Center, bound due to a physical disability and Community Services has, for 27 1025 John Street — Monday for frail condition. Call the John T. yetrs, provided free tax assistance evenings, from 6 to 9 p.m., through Gregorio Center at 908-474-8627 to for Linden residents earning less April 12. set up an appointment. than $45,000. Appointments are necessary for All Ihe volunteers assisting with To better serve the residents of all sites and can be made through the taxes have been trained in tax Linden, trained tax volunteers will the John T. Gregorio Recreation law and tax return preparation by continue preparing taxes this year at Center at 908-474-8627. Bring in all ihe Internal Revenue Service and the following sites: statements of income at the time of are capable of assisting persons in • Seventh Ward Recreation Cen- the appointment, including W-2 completing forms 1040, 1040A and ter, Tremley Point Road — Tues- forms; all 1099 forms, interest, div- I040EZ. Volunteers have also been days, from 10 a.m. lo noon, through idends, stocks and bonds; Social instructed in the correct procedures April 12; Security and railroad retirement; regarding pensions, interest, item- • John T, Gregorio Recreation brokerage statements; IRA letters; ized deductions, credits for the eld- Center, 330 Helen St. — Wednes- last year's income tax; property lax erly and New Jersey State Tax days from 12:30 to 3 p.m., through bills from 2003 and 2004, and all Forms. April 13; Thursdays from 6:30 to booklets received from IRS and The VITA program has been in 8:30 p.m., through April 14, and slate. existence in Linden for 29 years and Pets are looking for adoption at shelter Fridays, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., Tax assistance is also available has assisted approximately 12,600 Friends of Linden Animal Shelter Friends of Linden Animal Shelter For more information, call Friends through April 2. for Linden residents that are home- residents to date. Inc., a non-profit, volunteer-run ani- Inc. has many dogs, cats, puppies and of Linden Animal Shelter Inc. at 908- mal shelter, announces their Pet Adop- kittens ready to he adopted. All ani- 474-8450. If you get an answering tion Program. mals include necessary veterinarian machine, leave a message and a vol- The shelter is open for adoptions care, medical ttatment, inoculations, unteer will return your call as soon as Mondays through Fridays from 5:30 medical tests and spayed or neutered if possible. Information can also be to 7:30 p.m. and Saturdays and Sun- old enough Friend* of Linden Animal days from 10 a.m. to 2' p.m. or by Shelter Inc. is operated by volunteers 1den.pe1flnder.org or by lend- appointment. The shelter is located on and through donations. Volunteers and ing a message via e-mail to l.inden- Range Road, Linden. donations are always welcome. Kriends(ajaol.com. Car window smashed in to gain entry I began Linden denied involvement. A manager said recovering An Essex Avenue man's car was POLICE BLOTTER she saw the pair get off an elevator and broken into on Feb. 24 by someone run away from her suspiciously some who smashed his windshield to gain time after the incident. from my entry. Once inside the car, the perpe- • An East Edgar Road motel's laun- Roselle trator popped the hood and stole two dry detergent dispenser was broken Wally Zamor, 20, of Walnut Street stroke Yenon headlights, which are worth into on Feb. 24 and $75 was stolen was arrested for marijuana possession about $300. The interior of the vehicle from il. on Feb. 8 at 11:52 a.m., after being was ransacked, but nothing was Police investigated two suspects pulled over on the 200-block of minutes reported missing. who were staying at the hotel, but they Locust Street. after it started. ...excruciating pain is not on your "To Do" list today.

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Proud member of irM Hub.!! W.M*I Johnwm H>«lih V.r.in SPECTATOR LEADER PAGE 4 - THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005

EDITORIALS Seek the truth HAPPY BIRTHDAY, More than <2 Baywa) idinm employees have died olcaii LANGSTON HUGHES HI ( unocol'liillips. the (.diiipaii) that owns the refinery, con- — Myrtle Counts, local IINUC-S to claim ihcrc is M cancel i lustci |)tcscin president of the ()nc ol the- imiM vocal opponents to the refinery i* Hetty Ami NAACP, and Alison My, whose hush.nul Hill died ai the age of 49 on Feb. 9, Carter, retired school Hill had vsorked at the idiners far2 7 years, when he died nurse from Linden, visit- from ;i iaie Idini ul cv>plu).'c.il cancel Uetly Ann filed a civil ed Harrison Elementary .iction lawsuit againsi I won ( otp [(MCO Kcfining and C'ono- School in Roselle on ml'lnllips in the spinig ol 2004 tin the wrongful death of her Feb 1 to celebrate the hushand. The suit alleges vilets violations and constant expo- NAACP's pilot program, sure to chemicals such as Ix-n/ene. led Hill Kearney to contract Happy Birthday Langston Hughes ilie cancer that ultimately led to Ins death. It further alleges that Read-A-Thon.' At the the exposure caused more than M liayuay refinery employees event were, from left, 10 die ol ciiicei front row, third-graders I hose alleged salety \ lolations took place while the refinery Uchenna Ezealaji, was owned by Tosco Refining between 1992 and 2001 and, Denita Wnaht, Sephora when (onocol'hillips bought Tosco, they said they corrected Augusta, Carl Delatour these- problems, Furthermore, according to a report by the and Jocabed Adames, National Institute o! Occupational Health and Safety, two dif- and, back row, Counts leient types of cancerous cells were found in the victims, not and Carter one type, as would be the case if the disease came from a com- mon exposure. Since the workers didn't share similar jobs or work areas and epidemioloyieal studies have not linked esophageal cancer to refinery work, that should put Hayway in the clear. Hut people are still dying; too many to pass it offasjust coin- cidence. Is it possible exposure at the refinery could have caused more than one type of cancer, or be more widespread When electric cars were a brand new invention than suspected'.' If problems were corrected when Tosco was In going over some of the files the having five or six pumps, each dis- visitor might be able to resort lo old- purchased, what damage had already been done and what steps olher day. some interesting items pensing a different brand of gas They fashioned mechanical door bell that were taken to fixit ? ('onocol'hillips has issued letters saying it appeared in a small magazine that The Way were all hand-operated then and a was still installed in the door. will publicize all of its programs for cancer awareness and brought back memories of years ago. crank was used to draw the gasoline Another advertisement was screenings will continue. This is a good step, but an investiga- Ihcrc was a picture of an automobile It Was up from an underground tank into a designed to catch the eye of whomev- tion by outside agents u group in addition to the National from tin- early 1920s thai reminded us By William Frolich glass container on the lop of the pump er was lo do the laundry in the house Institute of Occupational I lealth and Safety needs to be done <>l i on we used to sec on Morris A gauge showed how many gallons This was an ad for an electrically pow- to ensure that the truth is brought to light and no more needless Avenue near Orchard Street in Eliza- were in the container, and then a valve ered clothes washing machine that beth was supposed lo wash clothes cleaner deaths occur. Iinough with the silent treatment. Only by reveal- This i .ii h.id electric headlights, an on the hose allowed the gas to flow into the car's fuel lank. than any other, as it had a sediment ing the problems can ConoooPhiUipi ensure that its name — This car was similar to many cars imprm email over the Prcstolight Gas of that period, ll was painted black, System Mil used at that lime by some Another item was an advertisement trap lhal caught the dirt at it was and conscience are cleared. was enclosed with just one door on of the oKlei vehicles. for an electric company thai informed removed from the clothes. each side and had glass windows Thcic A ere no bumpers on either the public about some of the new and The machine had a perforated, instead of isinglass The steering end of Ihis far and the only parts of it useful devices that were available for round drum, mounted horizontally Unacceptable wheel was or. the right hand side of the that projected were the elliptical ends those houses that were wired for elec- within a round-bottomed tank thai The state budget presented two weeks ago by Acting Gov. box-like body that had compartments, of the heat > Hal steel springs that con- tricity. It was now possible lo have an contained the soapy water. As the Richard Codey is one few governors would have the political both in the front and rear. nected the body of the car to the axles electrician replace your single outlet drum was rotated, the clothes inside wall socket with a duplex unit, thus courage to present because it is one of the leanest state budgets This little car might be quite popu- and wheel* Visible in the photo are were lilted and dropped into the water, the six lug» that clamped the split rims allowing you to plug in two appliances in much the same way the washing to be proposed by a governor in many years. Nevertheless, it is lar today, tor instead of a gasoline engine, one of those compartments of the tires IO the spoked wheels. at the same lime You could also would have been done by hand. Theo- a budget that our Legislature must refuse because the plan relies contained an e'vctnc motor and the Those old-style split rims were no replace a screw-in light bulb wilh a retically, the dirt fell into the trap at too much on the sympathy of the state's taxpayers as far as any other held the several batteries that fun if a motorist harpened to have a screw-in adapter lhal could not only the bottom of the tank and, therefore, proposed cuts. provided (he power for that motor. In blowout mi the road and no spare tire accept the bulb, but also the two- the wash water was cleaner and so Quite frankly, we the taxpayers arc tired of being sympathet- motion the car was very quiet, but not to replace II. The tires had inner tubes pronged plugs of Iwo other acces- were the clothes. ic to the governors and Legislatures that fed themsdves and very Fast, and-the neighborhood chil- in those il.iys ;ind it was necessary to sories. This marvelous invention had a their cronies recklessly during at least the last decade while tax- dren could outrun it for a short ilis- compress the split rim in order to pull A further convenience for the home power-driven wringer mourned JIMIC payers were forced to pay the brunt in increased local property tance. out me tube in order to patch the hole owner was a new transformer thai and lo one side of the lank, so that as taxes. Flipping through the pages in i! could be wired directly into the elec- the clean clothes were taken from the Codey's $27 billion plan cuts spending by nearly $600 mil- revealed a photo of a competitor's A very well-equipped motorist car- trical circuit of the house and would drum, the water could be squeezed provide the necessary power for the lion, and anticipates revenue by the sale of more than $500 mil- automobile that was very diilcrent ried in hit tool kit a mechanical rim from them and then rinsed in clear from that electric vehicle. This was compressor that could squeeze the rim front door bell. This transformer lion in land and other state assets, as well as through raising cer- water in the laundry wash tubs. It was what we used to call a touring car, enough so that the tube could be with- would replace the two large dry cells still a Sol of work, but it was better tain taxes and fees. with a canvas roof that could be fold- drawn, but while it was possible to that were commonly used to make the than beating the clolhes on a rock al The most devastating cut, however, comes in an area in ed back to nestle over the rear cud of squeeze the rim using just a pair of tire electric doorbell ring at the touch of a the edge of a nearby brook. which all of our legislators agree is the most important issue the car, so that the several passengers irons, it wts a much more difficult button. Those dry cells had the annoy- facing state homeowners. Codey wants to suspend the NJ Saver of this four-door beauty could enjoy task. ing habit of going dead just at a very William Krolich Is the president of program, which, for the last several years, has been the only all of the breeze that was stirred up .is (iasoline stations were different in inconvenient time, leaving a visitor the I niim County Historical Sort form of "property tax relief to which residents have been intro- ihey drove along the road. those days also, with some dealers waiting at the door In some cases, this rty. duced. As miniscule as the annual average $600 rebate is in pockets picked negligently by our state leaders, it at least off- sets, in kind, the tax increases imposed on property owners Should the U.S. mind it's own business? because of cuts and freezes during the last several years to There has been a great deal of mis- ed States niay have to face an enemy commerce and honest friendship with municipal and school aid packages. conception among those in the press, Point of alone. all nations, entangling alliances with Codey claims the state is close to bankruptcy and acknowl- in politics and elsewhere concerning a Nonintervcntionists always seek none." And John Quincy Adams stated edges that he, as Senate president during the last several years, noninterventionist foreign policy. their wisdom form the U.S. Constitu- that the United States "goes not abroad has played a part in decisions that should not have been made. These individuals claim that non- View tion. In (hat document, they point out in search of monsters to destroy." interventionism is nothing more than a By Alex Pugllese (hat while the president is commander The United States today is engaged He states his colleagues in the legislatures of the present and fancy word for isolationism. It is noth- and chief of the armed forces and is past also are guilty for bringing the state this close to bankrupt- in a war on terror A war against Islam- ing of the sort. Isolationists seek I ikria, Lebanon, Haiti, Bosnia. Pana- responsible for the conduct of foreign ofacism This enemy had not only cy. He is telling us nothing new because we residents have been alliances with no other nations, where- m.i ,md Grenada. Some non-interven- affairs, it also gave a great foreign pol- declared war against the Uu'ted States, standing on the sidelines watching it unfold before our very as noninlervemionists seek temporan tionist such as Alan C'olmes, Pat icy role lo Congress as well. Congress, but against Western. Civilization as a eyes, being ignored as we pleaded with officials to cut reckless, alliances in case of emergencies such Buchanan, Ron Paul, R-Texas. Joseph under the Constitution, is authorized to whole I have doubt that these forces pork barrel spending. We were ignored when we asked our state as war. Nonintcrvcntionism is the pol- Sohran and Robert Novak claim thu; vot'. on treaties, allocate funds for the will be defeated wid scuttled. When leaders to stop playing with our hard-earned dollars when they icy of not getting involved in the quar- the present war in Iraq is not in the military and obtains the power to they are. that will be the time when the were voting to offer contracts to incompetents only because rels of other nations. That a govern- I nned States' best Interests, however, declare war. United Slates will engage in introspec- they were friends or campaign contributors. ment should seek peace, free trade. I disagree. Noninterventionists also seek their tion. To evaluate its overall foreign pol- open markets wilh all and not get Ihey have also claimed that, wisdom from the words of the founding icy and us relations with other coun- We also find it incredible that at the same time Codey wants involved in the disputes of other coun- because of these conflicts, the United fathers and others. The founders partic- tries I hope then that the United States to suspend the rebate program and ask taxpayers to suffer, he tries. siik, has overextended its armed ularly learned a great deal from the fall will take a second look at the words of wants to spend $40 million for something personal — mental ll is also the belief that if a nation forces all over the globe. They point of the Roman Empire. For example. the founding fathers and the words of health programs. We know the wife of the governor has had a should ever enter into a war. it must do out. for example, that there are George Washington stated "The great the founding documents and take it into history of mental health problems because she and the governor so when a) it is attacked, and b) when 4II.IIH.S troops in Japan, 75,603 troops rule of conduct for us in regard m for- consideration have been very public about them. In a year of belt-tightening, its vital and national interests are at in 'icrmany, 11,801 troops in Great eign nations is extending our commer- • slake. cial relations and to have wilh them as Codey should have been setting an example, not revealing the Britain, including an enormous con- A resident of Ktnllworth, Alet little political connection as possible." true colors of our state leadership. Noninterventionism was the for- lenniiion of troops in 137 other Pugliesc Is a frequent contributor to eign policy of the United States for Thomas Jefferson believed in "peace. For all this, we decline to give the governor our sympathy countries' where there is no threat to this newspaper. I09 years. All this changed in IX»)N. United States interests. They also and demand that he revisit his spending plan and restore the when then-President William McKin- claim that, since the United States has Our policy on letters and columns suspension of the rebate program and find other areas of the ley annexed the Philippines, got signed multilateral and bilateral The SpmMot Uasfcr welcomes submissions from its readers Letters lo the budget from which to cut. We also demand that members of the involved in the Spanish-American war tigrccmMNk i< has put itself on a per- •dtof or opinion pieces on any subject will be considered for publication on the I egislature stop playing their own games to save themselves in Cuba and got the United States mancnl war footing for the purposes opinion pages involved also in Hawaii, then not a ol .Mending 50 or more nations, politically this year and offer real, substantial cuts when it This opportunity also is open to all residents, officials and employees of the state. Since then, the United Slates has if, lews the slate budget and save the rebate program. these agreements range from NATO, city of Linden, borough of Roselle and county of Union followed an interventionist foreign the Rio Pact, the Japanese Defense I or ,i change, state residents need to be recognized as the true The Spn mar leader reserves the right to e,ln all submissions for length, policy line Ircm and others. Nonintervenlion- content and style. bourn of the people elected to serve us. isls point out that while the United Ihroughoul the 20ih century, the Writers must include their name, address and dayt.me telephone number for United Slates had invoked itself in is obligated to defend these David Worrall verification. Letter, must he no more than 500 words long; longer p.eces must ciMillicts lhal many nonintervention- nations, equal consideration is not Publisher be arranged in advance with the editor, isis believe have not been in Ameri- giu-n These countries can choose The S,w,-tut<,r Uadv, accepts letters to the cuiier and guest columns via e- Spectator Leader ca's interests. The examples they cile noi in come to America's assistance. Tom Canavan mail. The address is cdilorialtothelocalsourcc com arc World War I, the Korean War, the I heieiore, according to non-mterven- Editor In Chief Letters and essays also may be sent via U.S. mail i,, 1291 S.uyvesant Ave., Published Weekly Since 1917 imnisis, in many instances, the Unit- Vietnam War, the firs! < mil War, Lniiiii, (I7OK3 Incorporating The Linden Observer, MarV Urvuina Linden Leader and Roselle Spectator MBrK nrywna Regional Editor Published By • Respond to letters and Worrall Community Newspapers. Inc Tonlann Antonelll LOCALS'>URCEQ 1291 StuyvesantAvenue Managing Editor columns that appear on Union. N J 07083 • Wi : Source jp • George S Gannon our Community Forum Marketing Director provides: 908-886-7700 local news • advertising pages and take part in Worrall Community N«wtpap«rt, Inc. weather updates • sports news discussion of local issues 2005 All Right* Rttcrvtd . Visit www.localsource.com, the best each week. John D'Achlno source for community information. Circulation Director Send e-mail to edltorlamh9l0cahourcB.com SPECTATOR LEADER THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 2006 - PAQE 8 RELIGION Church Watson participated in seven pastoral counseling la addition to sesMaooaai murders, as a member of being pastor of the Linden Presbyter and (ml italists the Mwison "family" One of those urn Church, Weaver is also a hospital The Linden Presbyterian Church, murders was that of pregnant Holly- chaplain and a sworn officer of a local I $06 Orchard Terrace, is looking to wood ncirew. Sharon Tale. police department, serving as its chap- expand its Mumc Ministry by adding Watson was convicted for the mur- lain. He has been a resource for law voicta and nuuiciani to the 10 a.m. ders of grocery magnates Leno and anflmwanl officials and educators Sunday worship service* Roeemary LaBianco Watson's name throughout the stale He has dealt with The church currently has MI adult was forever associated with one of the people like Tex Watson and teen vic- choir thai perform* at regular and apt- moat gruesome, cold-blooded crimes tims of the deviant occult for 20 years, cial MrvicM from September through in history. and has also worked with families and June. Linden Presbyterian Church also Could dod forgive someone like the survivors of occult crime victims. ha* an ejuembk that perform* at ape- Tex Watson? Could Tex ever find s The discussion on Monday will cial services throughout the year. way to forgive himself? How could he include a brief video portrayal of the It is open to children and adult* face his victims' survivors? Would Tex Tex Watson case as the group exam- who have at least one year's experi- ever be forgiven? ines the scriptural call to forgiveness ence playing an instrument and who On Monday at 7:30 p.m at the Lin- and the healing power of God. The would enjoy playing for special occa- den Presbyterian Church, an evening discussion group is open to all and sions during the church year, as well Bible Discussion Group will be led by does not presuppose as in-depth as possible solos or duets the church pastor, the Rev Dr. William knowledge of Scripture or the Christ- Anyone who might be interested C Weaver, who holds a doctorate in ian faith. should call the church office at M)8- 486-3073 or visit the church any Sun- day during worship and speak to Choir Director D.J Donelan.

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CLEARLIGHT COLOSSEUM BELLA GINA'S DELAIRE NURSING SOUND NATURAL ITALIAN DELI & CONVALESCENT -A- CATERING & CAFE RAMA FOODS Records & CD's 306 North Wood Ave. 1025 WSJ. Georges Ave 1483 Main St. Linden Linden Rahway 908-486-9446 908-925-6868 732-388-2070

PINHO'S RAHWAY ROSELLE Happy BAKERY SAVINGS TRAVEL BANK 1027 Chestnut St. 35 E.Milton Ave. Holiday 235 Chestnut St. 209 S. Wood Ave. Roselle Rahway Roselle Linden 908-245-4388 732-381- 908-245-1885 908-862-6232 PAGE 6 -4- THURSDAY MARCH 10 200S SPECTATOR LEADER OBITUARIES Edward Matthews dm died I ih M in Robert WIKHJ mcrly of Rotelk. died ht* IV in the wat a rwaptiaaist at m* Family and ic of 55 yean, King James Nursing I enter. Chatham ( hildicn , s jbetp for »0 I .Iw.iiil J Matthew Sun, . i I mil. yean bclore retiring in IW3 After Bar—| . ui I inji'i vrny Koitc A. two daughters Pamela Miry,* Born in Orange Mrs Kord lived in Kiilai/, three grand g, Mis> (rladyz worked powt- •» in Southern QotM ' leyoMM, Ml Wilinski I aPotnte and Anlonctie a I" RoaeUc before moving u> Murray Hill 1 landduld time al Iwo duys in Union She was « Hospital. MjiiahiUkkin i iii I inikn in I''*' ' He was a I'ctci. a n»ter, Mariana Hai/rk and a ehildren in I960 She wai employed by Pru foundi I here»a"o Society of Bora HI Botton, Mr Matthew, I K.nlraAlor in the build grandchild denlial Insurance Co. lur 40 yean in lived in Woodbndgc. I iiidcn ami Si ing intiuhirs lor 20 year* befon Fannie Gwathney the company's Newark, Woodbndge St Adalbert's Chuith. 1 Ii/Jtbeth Surviving are two bruthen. Her./y Augustine I la , before moling lo ing in IWJ Mt Wilinski served in the Walter A. Kafka Fan,, "I. a lifelong and Wen Orange offices before retir- Army during ihe Korean War and ing u an office nsanaiiT and Thcnvit kUczmarek. and three m- H.imcgal in IWK 'Walter A KatVa M 'Ciidrin died Feb 19 in the v Surviving arc her hunband. Paul, a tere. Louiie Koza. VK ton. Pudlak and Sumung art his »ili at ' years. an of sen i fin—1) oi Ili/abelli. ilieil F«b -'II in t'ranfon I ilih ( are Center. Wanda Urbaaski. Jean. IMII daughter I'ai I'aohni and •mm and HVN duly Pnor lo that. Knhert Wood Johnmn I tsivanU) Us* Mrs . was a learnamH lister, Harriet Jahenw, and a brother, Diant Hol/millcr: a son Otmk ihu-i- Mr W'ininski sened in the Merchant pital al Kahway with Ap. •II . New York Chy, John Wilson sisters, Kay Merln. Helen Rum Marine during peacetime Hutu in High Park. Mast. Mr. for 40 •re retiring many U and Virginia Johnson a He wat> member ot the Holy Name Kafka lived in Mi/ahcth before m»v BJ an usher at the Helen P. Gladyz 1 brother. James, nine grandchildren Si,i lety and the ( aiholu War Veterans ing in I mden in IV^ He *at. a bar- ZioaC'li Helen P Gladyz, 93. of Linden, and five great grandchildren at St Ihereui's ( hurch. Linden, and tender at vanout ealcnriK halls in Mid- 30 year^ formerly of Kltzabeth, died March 5 in the Pulaski Parade ( ommitice Mr dlesex and Union couniies before the Oelaire Nursing Hume, Linden. Anthony Wllinski Wilinski aki wat. an honorary life retiring in 19X3 Mr Kafka wat a JtanFord Bom in Elizabeth, Mist Gladyz Anlhuny M Wilinski. 74. of 1 in member of the I inden Knights raj membei ul I he I Iks I odi!e iHa»W the Jean I '*. of Murray Hill, for- moved to Linden seven yean ago She

PUBLIC NOTICE "" PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE " PUBUC NOTICE PUBUC NOTICE "* PUBUC NOTICE MAMCH A O lOOt 1st FLOOR 10 ELIZABETHTOWN PLAZA uielle I GOLDBERGtACKERMAN SHSH I RIM'RIMS SALI By virtue of tha above-elated wnl of axe ELIZABETH N J on WEDNESDAY al STAT1 OF N TOTAL JUDGMENT AMOUNT SHERIFF S NUMBER CH766UCH766U4 culion to me directed I shall expose fur Iwo o clock m lha atlernoon of said day i r NO 600,9 Drake lUlTj 101 (1163 266 96) DIVSIODIVISION CHANCN O All succssiful bidden mull have 20% if COUNTCONT Y ONION sole III public vandue, el Ihe UNION 00 SHEFFIELD STSTREER T March 10. 17 24 II. 2006 COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILD.'IG thair bid Hvatlable in caih or certified ANOD LOL T IOUNTAIN8IDE. NJ 07092 U104142 SPL (190 00) DOCKET NO F279004 1st FLOOR 10 ELIZABETHTOWN PLAZA check at ths conclunon of the sale! T 117 -ICXCA 1 Hill 1'IAINTIFF HOMEAMERICAN CREDIT ELIZABETH N J on WEDNESDAY el The property lo be iold •• loceted in the ••I 30 IHERIU RALPH.. FROEHLICICH INC O' UPLAND MORTGAGE Borough of Rosalie in the County of ROSl s 120 from FULJLLI DESCRIPTION IS FILED AT 6HIIJIFF | SALI • liANT OMEGA LOUNGE, INC T/A Union. Stete of New Jersey THE SHERIFF S NUMBER CH7S7449 i V, • Ml >,A I OUNOE ETAIS All successful bidders musl heve 20% of nN COUNTY SHERIFSHERIFFF S DIVISION CHANCERY Commonly known as 23» Holly Drive. NTERESTB (It any) WRIT OF EXECUTION DATE their bid available in coah or certified OFFICE COUNTY UNIOION JANUARY 11. 2005 check al ihe conclusion of Ihe sales Rosalia NJ 07203 TWO HUNOREO FIFTY-ONE THOUSAND DOCKET NO F11240F1I2403- INVESTOR SAVINGS BANK Tax Lot No 10 in Block 5103 NT AMOUNT REO/IFTEEN 4 JOM00 SALE DAfE i-ID SEVENTY-FOUR THOU- PLAINTIFF ALLIANC1LIANCE MMORTGAGE COM- va SEATRIZ L MIRANDA at als Dimension! ot Lol (Approximetelyl fp_TAL.jyO(Ji PANY WEDNESDAY THE 1«TH DAY OF Docket No F 21017 00 Irregular lot 42 00 M i 7 91 fl x 103 virtue of the above-slated writ of exo- MT LAUREL NJ 06054 U104150 SPL ($105 00) 10 me directed I ihall expoie for The following vehicle! will be iold with a 'JUNK TITLE' issued by lh» Stale ot Now Notice ll hereby given thet on Widnei- SHERIFF RALPH FROEHLICH s.i - by public vandue at tha UNION Jersey. Deportment of Motor Vehicles and ara for 'PARTS or SCRAP' only and cannot day. March 2. 2005 at 7 30 p m In lha FULL LEGAL DESCRIPTION IS FILED AT COUNT1 Y ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. be refitted Courtroom, Flrat Floor. Borough Hall. 210 THE UNION COUNTY SHERIFFS SHERIFF'S SALI FLOOft, 10 ELIZABETHTOWN PLAZA Cheitnul Street Roielle. New Jersey, the OFFICE SHERIFF'S NUMBER CH756188 I .'*BETH. NJ . on WEDNESDAY, ol MAKE SIRIALt COST OF Roiello Planning Board conducted a pub- ONE HUNDRED SIXTY THOUSAND OIVISION CHANCERY i* o'clock tn the afternoon of nld dey REPOSSESSION lic haerlng lo review Ih* following metier SEVEN HUNORED EIGHTY-FIVE » COUNTY UNION Ai tuceoealul bidden mull heve 20% of Jamee H \villiemi 29/100 DOCKET NO F1096604 bid evallable In caih or certified 540 Walnut Street TOTAL JUOGMENT AMOUNT PLAINTIFF DEUTSCHE O'NK NATIONAL e'eck at the conclusion of the teles. Block 3401. Lot 10 [118078-160 7666 »J9) ) TRUST COMPANY. AS TPjSTEE Tie prpporty (o bo iold Ii locatad In the March 10. 17. 24 31, 2020055 DEFENDANT JHON F htRNANDEZ, ET Ci( of Linen in the County of UNION. 1HGCB7640LA123712 Applicant haa met tha required condition U1041-3 SPL ($1($1112 50) Stale Of NOW Jeney 2MEC5F5MXMECM75F5MX638296 O on Resolution »04 0004 WRIT OF EXECUTION DATE C; Timonly known ai 426 Spruce Strool. 1O2NE5432PMO2NE532PM561525 0 U104285 SPL March 10. 2005 {(6 35) JANUARY 26, 20O5 Li-den, NJ 0T036 1C3BC56K»JF1JF110551 4 SHERIFF!) SALE SALE DATE Ti, Lot No. 20 In Block 283 183ED46T6RF183ED6T6RF135033 5 SHERIFF S NUMBER CH756163 WEDNESDAY THE 30TH DAY OF D •iinelone of Lol (App/oxlmelely) 40 fl JT2AE04A8M341S63JT2AE04A8M341S634 DIVISION CHANCERY MARCH AD 2005 ' '00 flft. 2B4OH4S3SSR404316 COUNTY UNION By virtue of the above-stated writ ot exe- N.i..il Cross Strael' Knoll Street 1FTJE34H0MHA06601FTJE34H0MHA06601 • MtRIFFS BALI DOCKET NO F63210* cution lo mo directed I shell expose for v«ar J003 Type 3e«we./or Amount 1(653.66 3 1FALP13P1VW101694 SHERIFF S NUMBER CH758149 PLAINTIFF MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC sale by public vendue. al tbe UNION Ct'iitioate Number: 0 Sold 04/13*2004 STR21220778 DIVISION CHANCERY REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING ulelde llonholder COUNTY UNION DEFENDANT BERTHA M CRAWFORD 1st FLOOR, 10 ELIZABETHTOWN PLAZA ' i Amount to Redeem 02/18/2008 - The following vehicles win be sold with on application for title from tha N J Dlvl DOCKET NO F210700 WRIT OF EXECUTION DATE ELIZABETH. N J . or, WEDNESDAY, si of Motor Vehicles The Linden Police Deportment does not guarantee title only PLAINTIFF INVE8TORS SAVINGS BANK JANUARY 20, 200S two o'clock In the eftornron ot ssid dey ihe iherlff reserves Ihe right to application It la Iho responsibility of the public to inspect vehicles bed re lale DEFENDANT BEATRIZ L MIRANDA. All successful bidders must heve 20% of HERBERT MIRANDA. MEDARDO OJEOA SALE DAfE i this self tor any length oT time WEDNESDAY THE 23RO DAY OF tholr bid available In cash or certified •• •• ,tI furthefurther odvorilsedvorllsemeni t PLYMOUTH 2P4FP25B1VR38500i 1372 00 AND ELBA OJEDA. H/W MARCH A O 2005 check et Iho conclusion of the sales JUOGMENT"-• ' Free Estimates • Senior Cltlien Discounts * Complete Maintenance • Extensions • Concrete and Masonry Couniso GROW!!! • Insured * General Office Cleaning Fully Insured •krJtWan 908-272-1266 Call Sherry FREE 1 iurod Froo Estimates Price Includes Low, Low Rates * Commercial & Residential ,.dlt Corda Accepled •mas* M iina (908) 276-5752 1-800-564-8911 1-800-735-6134 7 32-381-9090 oUanmgm -FHpapar 100% FINANCE' NO DOWN PAYMENT •Ounpstar '26 yr * Flow Stripping & Waxing 1-800-794-LEAK (5325) •Claaravcomplett OAf DimoM Ext. 315 HI LIC (122900 908-686-8074 * Carpet Shampoo & SPACE AVAILABLE Cleaning * Power Waihing 908-994-9777 DO YOU BUILD IT, FIX IT, PAINT IT? oma«

I'30 OFF CARPET SHAMPOO- I & CLEANING i (3 Roomi Minimum) ADVERTISE IT! I'IMOFVGENERAL OFFICE! ; CLEANING & MAINTENANCE! , (Fkat Month Only) Call SHERRY 800-564-8911 EXTENSION 315 SPECTATOR LCADCW THURSDAY, MARCH 10, MOS - PAOE 7 f drtori JR Parachlnl Sports Numbtri Can b* r«*chod In Phonoi 073-763-O7OO Mapiemood at 973-763-0700 SPORTS Paxi 973-763-2857 Reaion 3 Wrostlinq: Union High School Ai many as 11 MM wrestlers qual Linden has season to cherish, i ihti weekend1! MM tourney Nine came out of Region 3 tl while two Union resident* while finishing with 24-3 mark came oui of Region 4 tl Puuic Val- By JR Paraebtt Linden played perhaps its beat defense in the second ley. Sport. Mk«r quarter by limiting BR to just four points on one field goal I hone grapple" out of Region 3 PISCATAWAY - Then was a point in the third quarter and two free throws. Katz was only able to get off one shot thai nude it include Damon (aldwcll, of Monday night's Bridfewaler-Rarilan vs. Linden game in the period and that was s mias with 30 seconds left. Kyan Wilwn and Andre Neblett of when BR head coach Tim Ortelli told senior Taichen Dick- "Coach told us we had to come out hard in the second Kahway, Joe Blackford, Brian Swick erson to get his head in the game half and take it to them," Capers said. and Troy MacDermant of Rotelle Well, with a standing-room-only crowd going nuts on "Getting to the l-and-l in the fourth quarter was a big I'ark; Pal Hogan and C.J Ferrara of every possession in the fourth quarter, Dickenon took a help." (ranford and Pete Jacangelo of Union pass from fellow senior guard Asmer Capers and calmly That was rtalatueai of bow BR came back te beat i U af Region 4 are David Oreenwald swished a 3-point shot from the right corner to give the third-seeded Irvington at home in Friday night's semifinals. ,l Si Mary'i of Rutherford and Sean Panthers a three-point lead with 1:37 remaining The Panthen trailed 44-37 with fix minutes left and came n'OradyofSt. Peter'i Prep Second-seeded BR held on from there to stun lop-seed- back to tie the game and send it into overtime, primarily t aldwell and Hogan captured their ed Linden 46-41 in the North Jersey, Section 2, Group 4 from making free throws. BR went on tu win 53-50 in over- second straight Region 3 crowns. championship game. time. Delbarton junior Mike Grey, the "If I was open, I was going to take the shot and Asmer This Somerset County power, now 24-2, is just not tournament'! Outstanding Wrestler, gave me a great pass," said Dickenon, who finished with ready to go home yet. Next up is a Group 4 semifinal, prob- captured his thud straight. nine points. "We knew we had to do whatever it took to win ably Wednesday at the Dunn Sport Center in Elizabeth. BR The NJSIAA Tournament com- thu game. Linden is a great team and we had to play great won its first sectional championship since repeating M Cen- mences tomorrow night, continues defense, calm down and run our sets." tral Jersey, Group 4 in 2001. Saturday and concludes Sunday at BR became the first BOB-Watching Conference team "It's been a while for us," Capers said. "You can't sleep lioardwalk Hall in Atlantic City. since Montclair in 1994 to win North 2, Group 4. Linden on us anymore.'' Prelims and pre-quarterfinals com- last won the section in 2000 and then went on to beat BR in "We did whatever it took," Dickenon Mid. mence tomorrow night at 6, with the the Group 4 final. Monday night was the first time the Linden, which saw its season end at 24-3, Rill had a quarterfinals Saturday at 10 a.m. and teams met since that state title game five years ago. campaign to remember. The Tigers lost only once in the the semifinals at 5 p.m. "Dickenon really stepped up for us," Ortelli said. "He Watchung Conference and that was to American Division The consolation and final rounds looked s little disenchanted in the third quarter and I told champion Irvington. They went on to win another National are set to begin Sunday at 10 a.m. him so." Division crown. Here's a look at who qualified out According to Ortelli, Dickenon had knee surgery before Linden then knocked off St. Anthony of Jersey City for of Region 3: the season and missed the team's first three games. the first time and when the Friars were No. I in the state REGION 3 FINALS "I told him it was his time to step up and play and he and had not lost to an in-state opponent in two yean. 103: Frank Perrelli, Delbarton, dec. came through for us," Ortelli said. Although the Tigen lost to St. Patrick's in the Union Patrick Hunter, South Plainfield, 3-2. Dickerson's shot made it 42-39 BR. After Linden County Tournament final, they had a three-point lead in the 112: Ryan Wilson, Rahway, dec. Billy missed another 3-point attempt - the Tigers probably shot fourth quarter against a team Colicchio called earlier in the Ashnault, South Plainfield, 5-0. omething like 20 percent or leu from the field - standout year, "the best in the state." lift Mike Grey, Delbarton, dec. senior guard Jon Katz banked a shot off the glass with less "What hurts more than losing a championship game Jimmy Conroy, South Plainfield 10-4. than a minute left to give the Panthen a 44-39 cushion. Is not being able to coach these kids anymore," Colicchio I2S: Paul Galipeau, Parsippany Hills, Linden head coach Phil Colicchio called frosh point said. guard Desmond Wade (No. 11), "the best freshman in Katz was held to just nine points and was not even able dec. Ros Baldwin, New Prov., 7-4. to get off many shots against a tough Linden defense, which "But if I had to lose to a team, I have no problem losing 130: Damon Caldwell, Rahwav, dec. the state," for his poise in helping lead the Tigers to the was the best BR played against this year. to Bridgewater Tim and I are good friends and I respect North 2, Group 4 championship game. Brian Swick, R. Park, 17-2 (TF 3:39). "We have a balanced team and I didn't expect to get him as a coach and his playen immensely.'' US: Ed McCray, South Plain., pinned many open shots against them," Katz scid. "We know them While Linden's shots were not falling, it was the inside Steve Mi.ieo, S. Plains, 6:42 (OT). from playing in the Linden Summer League and we knew presence of Miller that was keeping the Tigen cloae on the 140: Seth Podhoretz. Millburn, dec. it was going to be a real tough game." Scoreboard. Miller paced Linden with a 14-point, 15- Pat Mineo, Scotch Plains, 5-2. RC boys' team had Katz and his teammates have been playing against Lin- rebound performance that also included a blocked shot or 14S: Jionni LaValle, Hanover Park, den in its summer league the past few yean, so although two and a couple of steals. He scored from inside and made dec. Paul Ritchey, South Plain., 20-9. BR had not played Linden since 2000, the teams were very a couple of short jumpers. IS2: Alex Caruso, Watchung Hills, a strong campaign familiar. "Charles is the most improved junior in the state of New dec. Troy MacDermant, R. Park, 18-7. "Phil (Colkchio, Linden's bead coach) does a great Jersey and gets better and better night in and night out," 160: Pat Hogan, Cranford, dec. Job and his kids are great," Ortelli said. "We just went out Colicchio said. "The defensive job Wade did against Katz McPaul Ogbonna, Hanover Park 7-2. Lions post a 19-6 record and threw our hearts out on the floor and gave it all we had. was also outstanding. He is the best freshman in the state. 171: Angelo DiLeo, SHP, pinned By JR Parachinl We took it to them in the fourth quarter." He's a freshman in grade, but now a senior in experience. Andrew Bamish, Boonton, 1:44. Sports Editor BR outscored Linden 19-12 in the final eight minutes. His poise in unbelievable for a first-year player. Hopefully, 189: Shane Mallory, New Providence, No team is invincible. Or, on any given night or afternoon, unbeatable. There were aa many as seven lead changes in the first four he will be able to lead us down the road the way Michael dee. Kevin Crilley, South Plain., 4-0. The Roselle Catholic High School boys' basketball team can oh to close to minutes of the period. didforus." 215: Nioo Somera, Madison, pinned proving that point. Amazingly, Linden ted 29O7 entering the fourth. You Now R'i on to the next level for Henderson, the Chris Birchler, Seton Hall Prep, 5:41. Against Seton Hall Prep in last Saturday's Non-Public, North A semifinals in pick a Linden player though, other than junior forward Watchung Conference Player of the Year. He will most like- HWT: Andre Neblett, Rahway. West Orange, the Lions fell just short of knocking off the No. I team in the state, Charles Miller, and his shot just was not falling. Standout ly continue on the Division I level. pinned Marc Fabiano, S. Plains, 2:42. falling by a score of 50-45. senior swingman Michael Henderson made just three of 15 "Michael's shot wasn't falling, but he's < First Team All- • RC led by 25-22 at the half and then the score was 33-33 before Chris shots and finished with just nine points, well below his 23- State player and his leadership is what I'll really cherish," third-Place qualifiers Andrews of second-seeded SHP made a 3-point shot at the buzzer to end the point avenge. Colicchio said of the 1,000 points plus scorer. 103: Mike Sarfati, North Plainfield third quarter. Freshman point guard Desmond Wade, senior two guard la order to win a game like this, teamwork was of the 112: Adel Afzel, New Providence The Pirates then outscored the Indians 14-12 in the fourth to secure the vic- Nick Ruaso and Darrell Lampley, off the bench, also utmost importance. That's exactly was BR got, a team 119: Joe Blackford, Roselle Park tory. missed most of their shots. The problem wasn't getting effort. 125: Trevor Melde, Delbarton Another solid RC season came to a conclusion at 19-6. good shots, but just knocking them down. BR's senior laden team also won the Somerset County 130: Tyler Riccio, Watchung Hills The Lions were led by David Cherry, who filled the hole for! 3 points. Kevin Linden had plenty of chances, with many open looks, Tournament championship by beating Franklin in the final. I3S: Mike Powers, Seton Hall Prep Fallon added nine and Kevin Findlay eight. but the shots just would not fall. Russo made just one 3- Its only two losses were to Montgomery and Franklin in the 140: Shane Riccio, Watchung Hills RC, seeded sixth, won two games to reach the semifinals. point shot for three points and the same for Lampley, who regular season. US: Pete Jacangelo, Union First came a 69-54 home win over llth-seeded Hudson Catholic in first- came off the bench to score a bunch of points in the coun- "I'm not surprised that we stepped up to play," Ortelli IS2: Joe Troise, Hanover Park round play on March 1. ty final against St. Pat's. said. "The old saying is that good things happen to those 160: Cary Aldrich, Watchung Hills Findlay was strong for the Lions that night, scoring 22 and grabbing 11 "Our defense, which we call a run-chaser, was to keep who work hard." 171: C.J. Ferrara, Cranford rebounds. Cherry added nine points. the ball out of the hands of Henderson and Russo and pre- While BR was to focus on last night's Group 4 semifi- 189: Gus DelVecchio, Seton H. Prep Second was a 53-37 road win at third-seeded Delbarton in last Thursday's vent the catch and shoot," Ortelli said. nal. Linden will look to next year, with three of its starting 2IS: Kob Maistickle, South Plainfield quarterfinals. "Brldgewater came up with a game plan to cover five returning, including Wade, Millet and sophomore for- HWT: Raleke Adibe, Columbia Fallon poured in a team-high 17 points, Cherry was next with 14, Findlay Michael hard and the rest of our pkyen soft and it ward George Bease. • netted 10 and Dan Hennessy added seven. worked," Colicchio said. "We got good looks, but our shots Ironically, the Linden football team was also knocked OUTSTANDING WRESTLER: Cherry and Findlay proved to be among the best players in Union County this just didn't go in." out of the North 2, Group 4 playoffs here. The Tigen lost Mike Grey, Del'-arton. year. Three key baskets for the Panthers that prevented Lin- to Piscdtaway in last November's semifinals. AREA QUALIFIES FOR RC proved to be among the top teams in the Mountain Valley Conference- den from going on another big run after the Tigen took an "What we accomplished this year shows the character of NJSIAA TOURNAMENT (9): Mountain Division again, right up there with Rahwuy, Hillside and Governor 11-9 lead after an eight-point run in the first quarter, were our kids," Colicchio said. "We lost three of our top players Rahway (3): First: Damon Caldwell- Livingston. shots made by Katz, Capers and Rob Johnson. Katz made a during the season and still went on and had a great year. 130. Ryan Wilson-112. Andre RC managed to split games with Hillside in conference play, while sweeping basket at the buzzer in the fint quarter to give BR back the There is hope for the future." Neblett-HWT. Rahway. lead at 12-11, while Capers and Johnson began the third Unden overcame the lots of Junior point guard LJ. Hostile Park (3): Second: Brian Both of those teams lost in sectional finals that were contested Monday night. and fourth quarters, respectively, by hitting 3-point field McGh.se, who went down with » season-ending knee injury Swick-130. Troy MacDermant-152. Both also lost as No. 4 seeds and to No. 2 seeds, Hillside to Summit and Rah- goals, which electrified the more pro BR crowd. in the jubilant triumph over St. Anthony. One player was Third: Joe Blackford-119. way to Raritan. Capers, one of four seniors in the starting lineup, paced suspended for the season for disciplinary reasons, while ( ranford (2): First: Pat Hogan-160. Hillside lost at home to Summit 69-66 in the semifinals lut year, while Rah- the Panthen with a 14-point performance, largely in part another transferred to Elizabeth. Third: C.J. Ferrara-171. way lost to New Brunswick 61-42 at South Brunswick in the final. for his ability to drive to the basket and then make free McGhee's addition will make Linden that much Union (I): 3rd: Pete Jacangelo-145. RC's first game against Hillside was a 56-52 win at home on Jan. 13. throws after being fouled. He made two free throws with stronger for 2005-2006. The second time the teams played, Hillside won 54-40 at home for a sixth less than six minutes left in the fourth quarter as BR was in "If I had to do it over again, I would set up for the same AREA WRESTLERS consecutive victory. . the I-and-1 from there on in. shots we had tonight," Colicchio said. "The kids that didn't WHO REACHED SEMIFINALS, Hillside finished 19-7 overall, reaching 'he north 2, Group 2 final. "This was a tough game and Linden is a tough team," make them tonight, made them all year long for us. It just BUT DID NOT ADVANCE Rahway finished 19-8, reaching the Central Jersey, Group 2 title game Capers said. wasn't our night." TO NJSIAA TOURNAMENT: 1(3: Anthony Priore, Johnson (4th) 130: Tom Duffy, Union 160: Mark Czamy of Springfield, RC girls' going for first section title tonight Seton Hall Prep (4th) 2IS: Jesse Boyden, Brearley (4th) HWT: Angelo D'Amico of Kenil- Lions also reached 20 victories and captured MVC crown for the first time worth, Seton Hall Prep By JR Parachinl title. That team was coached bv Debra 12 points, seven rebounds and six "1 said to the girls, '1 don't think The triumph was sparked by the AREA WRESTLERS WHO FIN- Sports Editor Malmgren, who went on 10 hecome steals, while junior guard Amanda you'll ever have a more heartbreaking play of Henn, who had a game-high 16 ISHED FOURTH AFTER Nothing but finis. the athletic director at Keni Ptaw in Sheehy netted II. defeat than what you had against pints, and Torres, who scored 13, FALLING IN SEMIFINALS AND The Roselle Catholic High School Summit, a position she still hsM* Sheehy is averaging 11 points and Union Catholic,'" Skrec said of the g ibbed six rebounds and dished out I THEN WINNING IN THE girls' basketball team reached 20 wins This year's squad is coached by Malone and Henn nine. 37-36 setback at the Elizabeth Dunn fc ir assists. | WRESTLEBACK SEMIFINALS: for the first time, reached a sectional James Vopal and includes •.undouts In last Thursday's quarterfinals at Sport Center when Ally Walls hit a 3- RC previously defeated GL 42-23 1103: Anthony Priore, Johnson final for the first time and Monday Mieko Inghilleri, a sophomore point the Lions Den in Rotelle, RC downed point shot as time expired. "If that was in Roselle back on Jan. 20. 160: Mark Czamy, Seton Hall Prep night captured a conference crown for guard; Chanti Beckett, Nicole > ilota, I Ith-seeded Oak Knoll 46-36. Sheehy our last game I'm not sure what I Should RC prevail tonight, the HWT: Jesse Boyden, Brearley the first lime. Beth Lipman, Anne Kelle>-Kemple paced the Lions with 18 points, while would have said. Lions would then play the Non-Public The Lions (21-5) hope to win a sec- and Courtney Roselle. Malone had 12, Letitia Torres six and "However, we had games left to South A champion Saturday at the [AREA WRESTLER WHO FIN- tional championship for the first time The Caldwell school is U « bett Bridget Sweeney five. Jim Sweeney, play and a chance to rebound. It was a Ritacco Center at Toms River North llSHED FOURTH AFTER tonight as they will tangle with Mount when il forces turnovers, acorn ^ffila Bridget's father, is RC's assistant challenge lo get up for the county con- High School. FALLING IN QUARTERFINALS St. Dominic in the Non-Public North break and lakes care of the betWMs, coach and, according to Skrec, a solation game and 1 didn't have to say Roselle Catholic captured its first tND THEN WINNING IN THE A title game al John F. Kennedy High Isn't every team? "defensive guru." Oak Knoll- standout anything for when we played UC UCT championship in 2003. Courtney Hubschmann led all scorers VRE8TLEBACK QUARTERFI- School in Paterson. Tipoff is at 8. This it the first year thai RC, the again. We showed a great deal of heart Here's a look al RC's roster and with 23 points. NALS AND SEMIFINALS: "Mount St. Dominic is a very third seed, has won more than one by winning both of those games and what towns the girls' hail from: |25: Erick Ogada, Elizabeth aggressive, tenacious learn and we'll stale game under Skrec's tenure The Oak Knoll was one of two teams to then by getting to where we are now in Amanda Sheehy: Linden NOTES: Julio Loperena of Linden have to make good decisions under Lions advanced as far as the semifinal get RC st the buzzer this year, doing the states." Meagban Malone: North Plain. I to Boyden by injury default in pressure situations," ninth-year RC round on one other oeeasiiMi to at, of all places, the Continental Rotelle Catholic captured the Margaret Henn: Hillside I Friday night's quarterfinals. head coach Joe Skrec said. "They use RC's 20th win was lut Sanirthy't Airlines Arena in East Rutherford. Mountain Valley Conference-Moun- Bridget Sweeney: Roselle # s full court press and have a post pres- 64-50 triumph vs. aaaond 'e*dtd Union Catholic in the Union County tain Division title for the fint time l.sToya McKoy: Linden REGION 4 FINALS ence as well." DePaul in Wayne. Senim guard Tournament semifinals was the other. after sweeping Governor Livingston. l.acey McKonkey: I li/abeth \9: Sean O'Grady, St. Peter's Prep, The fourth sred and also knick- Meaghan Malone had a solid game, RC haa done extremely well to Monday's win was a 55-44 deci- Kathleen Hagan: Roselle i Paul Gerbino, Glen Ridge, 3:40. named the Lions, Mount St DUITIIIIK scoring a team-high 14 point* and overcome both really lough, emotion- sion in Berkeley Heights in which R( Shonte Belvln: Rotelle : David Greenwald, St. Mary's went all the way in 1994, capturing the added four rebounds and few >•>•«&. al defean. bouncing back to beat both trailed by a score of 25-23 at the half- Sharae Belvln: Rotelle Jacqueline Blddulph: Roselle i., dec. Rob Kein, Becton, 11-1. sixth girls' Tournament of Champions Senior guard Margaret Htnn had of thine schools afterwards. time break. PAGEJ —THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 SPECTATOR LEADER - RAHWAV I OBITUARIES Dianne Donald Mi llMltl Surrta Girifalco teams In 19(2, she was Battalion and participated in ike Bat- the late Stephen HHrinaa DM—i the I Mi HjU lived tles of Normuidy. Ardennes and Dunne Yvonne Doni Su 'of South PUin provincial councilor secretary of the Kiversuii' Inn ( raaford I He wan Khineland Raleigh. N ( toinirilv ..I I- fWU. i *rk. rctu»d owner immaculate Conception Province of Mr Lubin was a pas* prfliisW of died I cb U in Kex Hospital. Kalngh IK'IOH iciiring in \Wt. She of i LII. - T died Mirch 2 in th* Felician Sisters in Lodi and held this membci M the 1 adiet Auxiliary it ihc I uidrii wfem he uoiki-d loi •>.* year* the Lindaa rMrtiUfttt Foundation, the liom m I li/ahelli. Mis Donald Woodl., i HiicM* ElderCirt Center. poamon until 1990. After mirustating 1 inden \ulunieei AmbuL lived in KUKIIC hclmc wmrk MM MMH MI Uhl »•»» »n Plaint M Si. Martha Manor in Downingtown, Ninth Ward Democratic Club in I in Pa, the served as an administrative Raleigh She wa» a manage* with Sunning are a daughter \mim I World War Bon Mi'«>klyn. Mrs. Ouaftlco den and Ihc Government of Pun-has assistant al the tribunal of the diocata Mti I. where »h«r wuitcil Im .'K yearn Shuhert. and a grandchild II He sciu-d MIIII ilk -MVth lighter lived in • Vort Off, Peoi»ylv«ni», ing Agents of New Jersey of Metuchen fiom 1997 until her IHIHIC retiring Squadron, known .1 -. Itic I lying Iigers Coanc. •! -»nl ''l*fk before moving He was a commissioner of both the Linden Senior Citizens Housing SuiMMny :() yean. Mr*. (Jittftl- Surviving i* her mother. Irene Authority, the linden Board of Health Mr Lubin also was an hon- tout tislern. C'amille UcXMM, l> ot I inden. died heb 2N in Shorn co ' "'J operated Sindri'i Wasielewaki Slnilry Jimck. I avernc rortie» and rock (iardent. limk He «a^ .1 incnilHi ol the Mooae sh,'i> I inden, for many yean orary life member of the Linden City Hicnda Alston. Iwn hMfeOTi 1 IUMIUIS Horn in Dummore. Pa . Mrs ktsli I inden I "dju- 1\ ' ."id the United (lining Seymour Lubin Democratic Club and a member of the VXoikiis I .nal WS, I mden Roslm chapter of the Deborah Hospi- Jr. and Kenneth Summer, and a grand- lived in linden before moving to i . mg are i daughter, Dorothy Seymour L Lubin. 86, of Linden SHIwv ing are a son. Richard, two tal in Drowns Mills child Unck She was a member ol tin I in cSlel rwo »on«, Louii and Sal; died March 4 at Itome MSIIIS Helen I il/gerald Jiid Ann Sumving are a son. Jack A.; a nuns Club 16 graii.l. lnlJren and 26 great-grand- Born in the Bronx, Mr Lubin lived Miisii tun granuVhlldien and a daughter, Rosalie Flynn, a sister, Edith Surviving are a ton. Joseph III. a children in Linden for 49 yean. He was a pur- Clyde Dallas Sr. Liandihild Itrollici. ( hailcs /juisljk a sisU'i chasing agent employed by the city of Carman, and five grandchildren ( Iydf () Dallas Si . Ml ol | mden. Mary Mandichak, and two |mdchil lomirrly >>l I h/abctrt. died .n IMHM LucyNatwfn Linden for 2) yean before retiring in dren Itom in Pinsylvani*. Va. Mr Dal Rose Dombecfc Luo > Nuiwin, 81, of Roaelle, 19%. AnnaAndrteik las lived in I li/jibcth t»i 40 u-ais K,IM' A Donilvcli. 13, ol I dison. forrmil •< I hzabeth, died Feb. 28 in Previously, Mr. Lubin wai. Anna Andncik, 101, of Linden Man moving lii linden U yearn ago Merett Johnston loitiicrU ol ( l.nk and I mden. died the DeUirt Nursing and Convalescent employed by Nathenson Hrathersc died March 6 at home. He was a high-low operator at Metal Meretl Marvin Johnston. XV oi 1 in Hubert W.HKI Johnson Uni- Canter I "iden Clothing Store, Elizabeth, for 17 Bom in Bezovce, Czechoslovakia, Disintegrating, now Alcapowder Torn* Kiver, formerly of I imlcn dud UIMU Hospital at Kahway. Born in I hzabeth, Mrt Natwin yean. He received a bachelor's degree on Oil 9. 1903, Mn. Andncik came in business administration from New International, Union, lor 42 years let) 2K in the Mancheslei Manoi BM m Newark. Mrs iKimbeck lived in Orlando, FU, for 27 yean to the United States >n 1930 and set- York Univemty. More retiring After retiring, Mr. Dal- Nursing Home, l.akchuisi liwil 111 ( 1,11k ( 0I0111.1 and I inden before moving to Kuielle thrre yean tled in Linden. She was a seamstress las was a security guard al Alcapow- IIOMI in Hiiinin|!h.iin. Ala., Mr hvlurc movinti to I dison lour yean ago. She A as an ataembler at Singer Mr. Lubin was an Army veteran of for Hilton Manufacturing Co., Linden, ilci Inr 16 years He was a member of Johnston lived in 1 inden before nun :! John Penevolpe. HOLINESS FELLOWSHIP You* Ona? Sunday. 64 pa. Wedradayi. 7 30 pm MkKnak Service. Sin greai-grandchildren Knights of Columbus Council in 1 in- I Own Nunin| Home MimMry Sin II un den Sunday School Sue * 30pm Worahip Stl Stella Redzinak Sister M.W. WasietewsW 7 30pm Penucoaul (Call lor location Surviving .m- a daughter, Marbara information) NOTE: All copy chanfee muM be made ui Stella Red/mak, 94, of Reslon, Va.. Andrew J.Balak Sisin Mary William Wasielewaki, wriuni and received by Worrall I'onamnity Andrew J Balak, XH, of linden Mytruwil/. lout grandchildren and 63, a Feliciail Sister and school princi- Ptaut Frank Sfona Newapapen no lam than 12 00 Noon. Friday! formerly or Linden, died Feb. H in the IWW | 112 67HK died Feb 2K in Ihc New Jersey Veler- eight great-grandchildren. pal in I mden, died Feb. 2 in the Feli- prior to the following weck'i publication Cameron (ilen Cure Center, Rcslon THFI^imocom llo: U/S cian Sisten Inlirmary, Lodi. A»e-ln«epmled lloin in Bayonne, Sister William A -Whole Family" Approach to minuttv Black history celebrated entered the I elician Sisten Congrega- •Gat tea On •oUtuy in &m/w>/" tion in I IM.1I in January I960 and received the 1 elician habit on Aug. 14, PRESBYTERIAN I960 FIRIT PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF Connie Sloan She made her Tint religious vows ROSELLE Worrall Community Newapapen on-Aug. IS, 1961 and professed final Chmnut and W J* Ave , Roatlk 9OS-241-959* 1291 Soiyveaam Aw WWWJWl IfdNaTCfl. OfJ Union. NJ 07013 vows on Aug. 15,1967. Sister William received a bachelor's degree in ele- mentary education from Felician Col- lege, Lodi. She was an elementary school teacher from 1962 to 1973. Sister /JWest William ministered in schools staffed Complete Hair Center by the Felician Sisten in New Jersey and Delaware. She was principal of St. Theresa's School in Linden, among two other schools. Sister William also war. an educational leader and partici- pated in the school evaluation process \ of the Ardiocese of Newark as a mem- 15 W. Blank* Street., Linden • 908-474-0992 ber and chairperson of evaluation ' HounjiTuaadeylirutalunjsyBam Tpm

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Sitting lul Fridiy for i lite For the first time since 1912, a sit- The stress that will place On the unch it the Runic Mill Diner in ting president visited Westfield. to a Social Security system, Bush contend ranford, they hid held witch crowd and a clamor unlike the town ed, is a very real problem for the m the crowd* pro and con over had ever seen. future of the program. For the upcom President George W. Buih'i viiit President (ieorge W. Bush stopped ing generation of workers, benefit* o Westfield to explore Sociil at the Westfield Armory as the Kith would be severely reduced or nonex Security. visit on his 60-city lour to promote his istent "In 2042 it goes broke, loi The SWAT teim left behind plan for Social Security reform, where good," he said. nine people charged with disor- he spoke to 1,500 invited audience Bush outlined his proposal to allo* lerly conduct and i very unhap- members eager to hear his ideas. 4 percent of a worker's income to be py local Chief of Police Bernard While the audience waited for the diverted into a private account, •Mead racey over the conduct of the pretiuent to arrive, a spontaneous of the general fund. That account rowd round of "Ciod Bleu America" broke would be invested under strict guide- The SWAT team hid bell (run the rear of the building. When he lines, and provide larger returns as s eep their helmeti ready. entered, he was greeted with a round result of investment. While the ^•Myyafe'r^ of applause, cheers, and a myriad of accounts would not be able to be with- | ^^"•aUa^ala^^^*^^ flashes from audience members' cam- drawn all at once, they could, howev- ens. er, be left to heirs since they are Left After some lighthcarted introducto- unique to workers. n— ay t—ifk A. SarnadM ry remarks, the president turned to a "I think we should encourage peo- Residents from various surrounding communities converged on Westfield Friday to stage Out more serious issue: Social Security ple from all walks of life to own some- protests in the vicinity of the Westfield Armory, where President George W. Bush was >y Frank Cap»c» reform. thing," said Bush, noting that there speaking. Long referred to as "the third rail of should not be one type of person in Acting Gov. Richard Codey politics," Social Security is a divisive what he described as "the investor unveiled a budget which will issue, and the president attempted to class." "We're talking about letting President greeted by protests make Buih'i Social Security dispel fears about its immediate people build up an asset base," he lain teem like a walk in Min- future, surrounded by Rep. Mike Fer- said, referring to the inveatmem By A. E. Gaaltlerl Westfield resident Jackie Engler said she found many lowukin Park. Codey said the guson, R-7, and several panelists from accounts. Staff Writer reasons to attend the protests. eaion wai in the put elected the area. John Blythe, of East Northport. "1 believe that this president's policies ate bad for Amer- "I feel like so many things about this president are fficuli were "saying yes when "You're going to get your check, N.Y., was invited to speak as a part of ica and his view is skewed by money," said lievin McDon- wrong," she said. "This privatization is more to benefit his we should have said no." just like the government said," Bush the panel. A 42-year employee in the ald of West Orange as he hoisted a sign proclaiming his cronies than people." Codey called for an increase said adding that the longer-term pic- aerospace industry, he said he will opposition to the president's policies. "His Social Security Engler listed what she termed the fraudulent election, n the realty tax on sales between ture, however, is not as hopeful. depend on Social Security and his plan is a payback for Wall Street, not for the benefit of the educational policy and the No Child Left Behind Act, and 150,000 and $350,000. Claim- "Social Security has provided a pension during retirement, but liked middle class." media coverage of the president's actions as among her ng this would hurt the middle- safety net for many retirees but the net the idea of personal savings accounts McDonald wu one of 500 concerns. ncome earners, a Sute Realtors has a hole in it," he said. "We've got "Our concern is not the benefits we protesters who took to the Originally, protesters were Association already organized M n more people living longer with more have, but the benefits for our children street, of Westfieid during egan organizing to get the word you've got a problem," he said. concerned for my future," wu posi- Security program. Blue- —•"•-• • "•~~— ~™ — by police from 19 county and out that "out-of-control increas- According to the Social Security tive about the plan and eager to invest. WaveNJ, a Montclair-based municipal agencies. es for special education ana slate Administration, there are currently "It will let me invest in myself and in organization, also attended, as did members of NJ Citizen Nine people were arrested, five of them juveniles, on mandates" have left a system 3.3 workers paying into the system for my company and get my financial ball Action and a variety of other groups and individuals. disorderly conduct charges, according lo Westfield Police hat is "fatally flawed." every retiree receiving benefits. In rolling," said Ford, adding that he While some were there to protest about Social Security, (apt. John Parizeau. Not opposed wis the median 2030, that ratio will shift to two work- graduated college in 2002 during a others carried signs about a multitude of issues and views. When asked why Mindowaskin Park was chosen for the salary of $98,767 for school ers per retiree as Baby Boomers will weak economy and has no outside Gay rights rainbows, anti-war messages, and environmen- protest location. Parizeau responded, "It was the closest administrators. retire, a generation that, thatJcs to See PRESIDENT, Page B2 tal statements were visible on signs and buttons. See PROTESTERS, Page B2 One proposal reappearing was that of the late state Sen. Joseph Suliga to place video lot- Candidates Familiar tery terminals at the Meadow- andtf. A south Jersey group of egislators and casinos already gather in faces for announced they hive organized and will oppose the plan to pro- Clark tect Atlantic City slots. GOP Among the most controversial By A. E. Gualtierl By A. E. Gualtierl is the plan of Codey to eliminate Staff Writer SUIT Writer the New Jersey Saver Check. Hoping to woo enough convention Republicans will tum to a pair of Senate Minority Leader Leonard delegates to win the county line, five familiar facer in this year's freeholder Lance, a Republican, immediate- of the seven Republicans running for election. ly announced his opposition to the gubernatorial nomination met at Former Garwcod Councilwoman any cut in this program. The Gran Centurions in Clark to plead Patricia Quattrocchi, who ran last About the only support for their cases to the more than 100 party year, and Fanwood Councilman Stuart cutting the precious rebate came members gathered there. Kline, who ran two yean ago, will from the liberal think tank of Jon Todd Caiiguire, Doug Forrester, join a third, yet unnamed, candidate in 1 Shure who as president of New Steve Lonegan, John Murphy and Bob a bid to unseal Democrats for the fi" Jersey Policy Perspective said, Schtoeder addressed members of the time in a decade. "Rebates are a political device to Union County GOP March 2, nine Three, three- , tie the income tax to the property days before the county party organiza- year terms are up I tax." tion will award its line on the primary on the county's | ballot. On the other side of the aisle nine-member state Sen. Shirley Turner from While some municipal officials and governing body I Mercer said, "last year's budget part)- chairs have already endorsed this year. The should have been this year's candidates, it is Saturday's Union deadline to file to budget. Last yeat's budget was to County Republican Committee con- run in the June rehabilitate Jim McCreevey." vention, one of the earliest in the state, primary is April that will decide the line. 11. Democratic Mind you all the legislators rkm ty Rmi Rnt Slkayu Each candidate was allowed to incumbents Rick who voted for the 17-percent Republican gubernatorial candidate and former West Windsor Mayor Doug Forrester Quattrocchi increase, and the citizens who address the audience, then took ques- answers questions as other candidates wait their turn during a forum in Clark last week. Proctor, Angel willingly took the benefits have tions in turn asked by audience mem- Behind Forrester are candidates, from left, Todd Caiiguire, Robert Schroeder, Steve Lone- Estrada and Nancy Ward are expected the perfect defense. It was all bers. gan and John Murphy The Union County GOP will award its party line Saturday. to defend their. McOreevey's fault. While the major issues discussed seats and run for | If you think the crowds are were funding for Abbott districts, tricts are low-income, low-pciturming Todd Caiiguire, a former Bergen endorsed by Westfield Mayor Greg re-election. getting angry, just wait until ihe waste and bureaucracy, ethics and districts that receive state aid al man- County freeholder and member of the McDermott and three Westfield coun- The Union I rumored sales tax increases for property taxes, most of the candidates dated under the sute Supreme ('ourt's Kean administration. cil members, as well as three current County Republi- travel agents, SAT coaches, the agreed that a strong party was neces- decision. A few shots were taken at U.S. Sen. and one former Scotch Plains elected can Committee's dry-cleaners, shoemaker and sary for the state's future. "Education is supposed V> I*lb°ul Jon Corzine, the Democratic nominee. officials, including Deputy Mayor annual conven- cable TV bill come up for con- When asked whether they would children," Lonegan, who IS •*•' "I think we need to give Jon Carolyn Sorge tion will be Satur- sideration. "slate up" and run off the party line if known for publicity stunt* men as a Conine a few more years in the Sen- Scotch Plains Mayor Martin day at Scotch I they were not chosen, only Steve Plains-Fanwood Also wait until the average Christmas carol "sing-oui' in Maple- ate," said Doug Forrester. Marks, however, has endorsed For- Lonegan, the mayor.of Bogota, said he High School. voter finds out that the so-called wood, responded. "Right "»«. '•'' "I'm just like you; Jon Corzine is rester, along with the township's would run off the ballot. mandates meaning three-quarters about the bureaucrats and Ih ""'on- not," former Morris County Freehold- municipal chairman, Bill McClintock. Proctor, who Kline of the state budget are governed "I have gambled on the idea that I We need to take back control er John Murphy told those in atten- Forrester also enjoys the support of chairs Ihe board by contract, court order and the could win the county lines," said Doug Both Schroeder and l»rresler dance. "Jon Corzine is trying to buv Rahway Councilman Frank Janusz this year, is a resident of Rahway. A federal government are off lim Forrester, the former West Windsor pointed to the stste judiciary as his second seat, and then he'll spend and Summit Councilwoman P. Kelly freeholder since his appointment in its. mayor and candidate for U.S. Senate responsible for the situation $60, $80, $100 million to buy the Hatfleld. February 2002, Proctor won • full in 2002 who many consider to be the presidency." While Forrester has the best name three-year term later that year. A four- At the end of his budget "Education is a problem in the state strongest contender for the nomina- The front-runners in the Union recognition of the candidates present term member of the Rahway Board of address, Codey challenged, "If of New Jersey," Schroeder Mid. "I am tion. County contest, based on endorse- last week, and has already been Education. Proctor is the health offi- individuals on either side of the prepared, as governor, lo ciullfnge the "I'm here to rebuild (he Republican ments, are John Murphy and Doug awarded two other county lines, many cial for Rahway. Scotch Plains, Hill- aisle want to oppose the small Abbott decision," party in New Jersey," said Schroeder, Forrester. county GOP members are reluctant to side and Winfield. revenue raises or clamor for "The judiciary has coloniMd the the Washington Township council- back a candidate Estrada, of Elizabeth, would be more cuts, then come forward executive branch of lovmmtBt" Murphy, considered by many to be man. "The party needs to get its act seeking his third term. Ward was with your specific ideas, not your Forrester said. the primary's dark horse candidate, "I've heard mosl of the candidates together." appointed last October lo replace John generic criticisms." The candidates also disc has won the backing of a number of tonight, but I'm wailing," said Joseph New Providence Mayor Allen iol ef municipal officials. Delorio, ihe mayor of Roselle Park. Wohlrab on the ballot, who dropped Crowd line forms to the left. best lo provide property la» ' Morgan raised the issue of education- "We should tut aptndi"! °y 10 Murphy has won the endorsements Republican Chairman Philip Monn out of the race after allegations of al funding, citing Abbott district of Clark Mayor Sal Bonaccorso and expects 400 to MH) delegates to vote al assault. She ran for the remaining year An attorney, Frank Captee Is a percent, cut bureaucracy b) •' per- expenditures as a ni.iinr nincern of 1 all the Clark Township Council mem- the convention on Saturday m of his term last fall and is expected to resident of Cranford. cent, income tax by J P""* •*! suburban mi attract high-paying indurtne*> said bers. Additionally. Murphy has been Plains. run for her first full term this year. PAGE B2 — THURSDAY, MARCH 10,2005 COUNTY NEWS President pushes for individual investment Ippollto and Padflco A reprctentalivi Mui.h of the ipcTrh wi* aimed al studrntk www Mated play, v could v Will Olivia niniii is and bul M qucsiii.iK »cr< invulvi HI tpend- to be recognized share information about how to ettab- parent* while rets IQg Arncncanitm Awardt art ID More hsh cnlcna lot selecting a caregiver. sale V>i all wtH id Mail Sanlalla, a MM let Ippolilo and Juhn I' and how to interview and perform UNK'U Sew Jen* mmiiuid. hnttetci i sUKnuni l.isi weak tnOciang IB* ticld u background che» ki I bare will alto be nut ten MVt tccogm/ed Ippolilo tin "I was hn|iiny ilui llicic *"Lild he m VAKC •••ha Hiii buunev • I lo set up a an opportunity lor attended lo (hart spearheading the 4OO.tX)0 signaluie I he v jid Miiniuii • i,,i wunc ilwii 40l(k) uli she does have othet ideas on how to find good sitters MttM drive that led lo the itauance the p ( oughhn. a darwiHXl resident utm and adMK.aicd 'small investm •it wii glad to The meeting, which is open lo the I posial stamp commemorating Miiihell said "Personal sating* Id "A lot (it ni> siu Miihuul a uiinpli'ic overhaul my Si positive at tills public, will be at 7:30 p m at the 1 1 eskional Medal of Honor winner mis should IK and IIIUM IK- a dents have 'iiteni abt>ui IMH ol tam picM-iii i aim »*»y today ' Westfield YM( A, 220 (lark St . •loim liaulone Pacifico II responsible • •I ilu plan " the personal with a more opiiiiusia OUIIIHIK IHI the Wesitield fur organizing 23 annual Sgt Basilone MM information, call Kim at parades that arc held each year in •*)«. HHV-22K6 or log on to www geoc- MasiUmc's hometown of Rantan iliescom rnothersandmorelO Protesters welcome Bush in Westfield The event will beTuesday at 7 p.m. K MIIIlimed Ironi Page Bl) "We pulled them I rum some ot iheir daily rou- and both irfndsn and pioicsien climbed into iheir at Coita't Re*Uurant. 120 Cheitnut NARFE chapter is ! municipal property to the jimory. and. it wat tor thu iletml." said dreen. adding that they can to leave, the atreet> rtpiaVy clearing after the Si., Hostile Park A larje family style 1 on ihc eounly nuil M ihey would have greain MSI were not overtime slatt I he Wesitield police thief show dinner costing S22 that includes wine Irish for a day l'ihl\ asked u» to lend him MM maiipouci lor fat event ' "Social Security as •" insurance plan works." the and dessert n part of the program The Union County National Asto- Ptn/cau's department ewsa.li the security "One of the |HMM M needed M many KM t»i •aid. "I think the pnblcm with tiuth'i plan it that it I in more information, call 90H- ciation of Retired Federal tmployeci I oordinalmg poliet' liom as lai away as Kah the motorcade," said I'an/eau siaiing that there will dismantle nsuraii. t and make it inveitment " —415 is Irish for a day at then monthly way and Hvkclcy Heights I he I nion (. nunty were 34 intersections ihai needed lo be wcurcd for meeting hach March NARH Chap- pulue and shenlls departments, along with Ihc the event 'Green Dance' set for Sunday Find the right babysitter ter 1066 meeting theme is "Irish for a county s s\\\l and < nniniunity I meigeney day." While the police presence and location did draw The Union Counh Hoard of Chosen Freeholders Rejoining the workforce in the not Ki'sponse lean's, wen- also invoked This year the regular meeting coin- kome complainis lion aiMMMtt, »hu were told by and the Department I I'.uks and Recreation will loo distant future or just not happy Ihc Union < ouni> MtM Department lent Wed- law enforcement to MM BM| Ml M armory and cide! with Si Patrick's Day. The boat the ninth annu.il Si Patrick's Day "Oreen with your current form of childcare? lield 15 olliiiis in man iniersetlions, as well at a residences, must were responsible, said Panzeau. lunchtime meeting will feature green Dance" for people with disabilities Sunday at the Then join the Union County Chanter leu iranspnn \chules |,,i Ihose diiamed. according bagels, green tea, soda bread and the Virginia Brown of South Orange stood at an Westfield (ommun ' Room from 3 to 3 p.m. of Mothers & More for its March 16 in I ndiisiuiiii ( uialii it Green Jr. intersection holding her sign at the event was ending traditional corned beef and cabbage. Pre-regtitruion is required in advance. meeting. Girl Scouts Celebrate 93rd Anniversary

Girl Scout History 1911, when she met Sir Robert Baden-Powell, founder of Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low assembled IK girls from the Boy Scouts and Girls Guides, and became interested in Savannah, Georgia, on March 12. 1912, for a local Girl the new youth movement. Afterwards, she channeled all her Scout meeting. She believed that all girls should be given considerable energies into the fledgling movement. the opportunity to develop physically, mentally, and spiritually. With the goal of bringing girls out of isolated 1 ess than a year later, she made a historic telephone call to home environments and into community service and the a friend, saying, "I've got something for the girls of open air, Girl Scouts hiked, played Savannah, and all of America, and all the world, and we're basketball, went on camping trips, going to start it tonight!" On March 12, 1912, Juliette Low learned how to tell lime by the stars, and gathered IK girls to register the first troop of American Girl • studied first aid. Guides. Margaret "Daisy Doots" Gordon, her niece and namesake, was the first registered member. The name of the I Within a few years, Daisy's dream for a organization was changed to Girl Scouts the following year. • girl-centered organization was realized. Today, Girl Scouts of the USA has a • On July 3, 1948, President Harry S. Truman signed a bill Founder Juliette Gordon Low poses with some of the membership of nearly four million girls authorizing a stamp in honor of Juliette Gordon Low. and adults, a significant growth from its nation's first Girl Scouts. The stamp was one of the few dedicated to women. modest beginnings nearly • century ago. \ In fact, more than 50 million women in the U.S. today are Washington Gordon and Kleanor Kinzie (iordon. Family • During World War II, she had a "Liberty Ship" named in her honor. members on her father's side were early settlers in Georgia, tin I Stout shunnM, and her mother's family played an important role in the We invite you to learn about our robust organization and its founding of Chicago, Illinois. rich history. From our willingness to tackle important • In 1954, in Georgia, the city of societal issues, to our commitment to diversity and A sensitive and talented youngster. Daisy (iordon spent a Savannah honored her by naming a inclusivcness-Girl Scouts is dedicated to every girl, happy childhood in her large Savannah home, which was school for her. A Juliette Low School everywhere. purchased and restored by Girl Scouts of the USA in 1953. also exists in Anaheim, California. Now known as the Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center, or often referred to as the Birthplace, the handsome • On October 28, 1979, Juliette Low was inducted into the Juliette Gordon l.owHiography English Regency house was designated a registered national National Women's Hall of Fame in Seneca Falls, New Founder of Girl Scouts of the Historic Landmark in 1965. York. USA Juliette Gordon Low, founder of In her teens, Daisy attended boarding school in Virginia and • On December 2, 1983, President Ronald Reagan signed a Girl Scouts of the USA, was born later a French school in New York City. bill naming anew federal building in Savannah in Juliette Magill Kinzie Gordon on honor of Juliette Low. It was the second federal building October 31,1860, in Savannah, Following her school years, Juliette Gordon traveled in history to be named after a women. Cieorgia. extensively in the United States and Europe. • In 1992, a Georgia non-profit group honored Juliette Low "Daisy." as she was affectionately called by family and Juliette Gordon Low speni several years searching for as one of the first Georgia Women of Achievement. A friends, was the second of six children of William something useful to do with her life. Her search ended in bust of Juliette Low v, displayed in the State Capital.

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ERA AMERICAN INTERNATIONAL RLTY IRVINOTON GENERAL HOSPITAL WM. G. PALERMO REAL ESTATE WORRALL COMMUNITY We Sell Homes-Best Price Less Time 832 Chancellor Ave , Irvington 411 N Wood Avenue. Linden NEWSPAPERS Yrma Docablo - 908-351-6633 973-399-8000 Catherine Kllngaman. GRI 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue. Union 231 Rahway Ave . Elizabeth 908-486-2829 908-686-7700 The Best Source For Community Information Community page is published monthly celebrating holidays, special events and awareness. If you would like to participate or for more information, Call 973-763-9411 and ask for a classified representative THURSDAY. MARCH 10, 2005 - PAOE B3 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT Singer brings her sass to Springfield 'Witness' sparkles By Baa Saaita they really pulled it off Asaactate Eaiaier Staff Writer Patrick R. Field as Leonard I '••m the outlet, I round thai I hid There arc more than a dozen tal- Vole was especially effective, something in common with Amy ented actors who have been acting protesting that he was merely an Speace. We shared • common take on their hearts out to bring a shining innocent young man who was only the New York-New Jeney iuue production of the Agatha Christie's being kind to an older woman, ami "New York City u really my home mystery, "Witness for the Prosecu- he had no idea that she would leave btue, I rarely play in New Jeraey," uid tion'' to Westfield him all her money. Heron was Speece "I always tell people I'm from The Westficld Community utterly convincing as Sir Wilfrid New York. Then, if people uk where Players' interpretation of one of Robarts, who weighed all the pros I live in ihe city, I tell them I live in Christie's best works had Saturday and cons of the situation with calm Jeney City I tell them id not at far as night's audience in a dither, com- and intelligence. they think, it's kind of like living in Some of the others in the cast Brooklyn." bining the playwright's method of unique, suspenseful drama with a were equally outstanding, includ- True, imbed Many New Jersey touch oi comedy and a confusing ing Sir Wilfrid's flirtatious typist, resident* actually consider themselves sense of mystery that rocks the Greta, played by Julie Zatkow; •bridge and tunnel New Yorkers," entire theater with its surprise end- George Straley in two roles, one as which expluns s lot about the lives we ing. Carter and and one as Justice lead. It also explains a lot about the With a tight rein by director Wainright; and Joyce Lee Gold- brand of musi- that Speace practices. Maurice Moran, the actors re-enact stein as Janet Mackenzie, the mur- "It's half rooted in folk, half-rooted in the story of an unemployed young dered woman's long-time servant. country, with a little New York atti- man, Leonard Vole, who is accused However, it was Renee Litwin's tude, or rock V roll," Speace said. of murdering a wealthy, older Romaine, Leonard's so-called And, though it'i true that doesn't play woman, whom he had befnendrd. wife, who stunned the audience in in New Jersey very often, she will It seem* that in gratitude to his a sharp, German accent and a per- appear in Springfield as part of the friendship the woman had left him formance that could reach out to Coffee with Conscience concert series all her money in her will. Vole Broadway. at 40 Church Mall on Saturday at 8 manages to enlist the aid of one ol' And it was the remainder of the p.m. England's finest solicitors, Sir Wil- marvelous supporting actors who Appearing on the bill with Speace frid Robarts, and is able to con- rounded out a really good show, will be Jenny Bruce and the Canadian vince him and the chief clerk of his including Michael Piperato, Allan pop duo Easily Amused. innocence. Gershenson, George Straley, who Speace has been playing clubs for Amy Speace But every solid bit of evidence played two roles; Evan Blank, the put 10 years, and she's been mak- music. "I started out writing music And if Speace"s dc motion to music referring to Vigoda's role in the 1970s begins to unravel when Vole's sup- Kirstin Michele Lutz, Frank P. Lel- ing a living at it for the last three or that was more lyric-driven. I wrote a wasn't enough, she enjoyed a cup ol television series, "Barney Miller." posed wife, Romaine, changes her tera, ' Fraser Foss and Irene Her- four years. Like many musicians, she lot of poetry, which kicked me into coffee in the movies, as well, briefly Speace's experience with Johc. albeit mind about the time Leonard nandez. cites Bob Dylan as one of her biggest music." sharing.film time with Angelina Joke very li'nited, might have been just as arrived home on the evening of the Those who have seen the classi- influences, but Dylan is far from her That desire to write poetry and turn and Abe Vigoda. interesting. Speace noted that the now- murder. cal motion picture of "Witness for only influence. Cole Porter, Joni it into lyrics has been the impetus for "It was tnily the worst film ever famous Julie kept mostly to herself. To say much more would spoil the Prosecution" should all but for- Mitchell, Elvis Coitello. Amy Mann, Speace to perform at venues around made, and I'm proud to have been in it "She was really shy," Speace said the plot and the outcome for those get what took place on screen. Out- Leonard Cohen and Stephen Sond- the United Stales and Canada. Within and cut from it," said Speace. "1 was of Julie "She smiled, but she really who plan to see this fine produc- side of some of the principal heim provide a clear indication that the last few years, she's played in working with l.ainie Kazan, and she didn't mingle." tion at a benefit performance scenes, this was an entirely differ- Speace has very diverse musical Montreal, New York, and Nashville, was starring in tins movie, and I But Speace's bread and butter is tomorrow o: on Saturday, March ent production. But it was just as tastes, sampling a number of different among many other venues. worked as her assistant. She got me a still song writing, which she teaches to 18 or 19. thrilling with all the goings-on on genres and styles. "I finally got to play the Bluebird small part as an Italian teenager in the children as well. For more on Speace, "Witness for the Prosecution" is so small a stage. The Westfield But it's not just the music. Speace Cafe in Nashville, which was one of film. I'm blond-haired and German- visit her Web site, a difficult enough play to stage and Community Players should take loves music, but she's also driven by those moments where you feel like it's Irish; knew I wa« going to be cut from www.amyspeace.com. Speace's CDs, enact, but with such an ambitious, great pride in tackling something so lyrics, hence the reason she's also had a long dream fulfilled," she said. "And the scene." Still, there were some including "Fable," and "Tattooed dedicated, hard-working cast and conflicting and unsettling, and a special appreciation for singer-song- then I've played • couple of festivals interesting tidbits that came out of Queen," can be found at crew, even with British accents, come away with flying colors. writers. where there were 10 to 20,000 people Speace's brief cinematic career. www.MP3Tunes.com. To make reser- "I'm a voracious music fiend. I lis- in attendance, and people are standing "Abe Vigoda said 'Hi' once. At one- vations, send an e-mail to ten to everything, classical to world, around throwing beach balls while point I embarrassed myself totally by [email protected] or call 908- S\ sU'ins to pop to rock to country," said you play your music, that's a pretty calling him 'Fish,' " said Speace, 522-1501. We li\ I lea Speace, explaining what draws her to fun feeling." & Right FREE 200 pq Color Ciit.iloc, 8* DVD RIGHT • DONT REPLACE YOUR OLD BATHTUB... 100% Chemical Free Away REGLAZE IT! 100% Redwood/Rad Cadar '249 Over 100 aets for large WELTMAN We also do W/COUPON & small yards Plumbing, Heating & Air Sinks, Tile, Tub ragularly $325 1 Surrounds Locations In Your Neighbor Knows... We Care. & Color NJ»NV»CT»VT 908-686-8485 SAVE No Internet? For Catalog Only Call 800-842-66 Now Mrving Southern. NJ , 76 COLOR CATALOG & DVD Log onto RAINbOWDIRECT.COM EASTERN REFINISHING CO. • 800-463-1879 enter coda 2206. . IP. JK . - SQMfPy EXPIRES 3/1«rt>5 _ _ ••_ _ _ _i^j.

The Resident Theatre Group at the MJMDMFF CULTURAL CENTER 10 Durand Road, Maplewood Box Office: 973-761-8453

.more than just a day camp Wychopathia

Swimming • Sports • Field Tripi * AmuMmanl Parks by John Patrick Shanley O6XU3IIS ' Movies • Bowling • Baseball Garnet •Arts 4 Crafts Directed by Kessler •'' and FUN, FUN, FUN Mar 11,12,18 & 19MSOOPM Mar 13at2:00PM for boys and girls - ages 5 14 TICKETS: $12.00 SENIORS/STUDENTS: $10.00 mm Purchase tickets online at: www.brownpapcrtkkets.com/eveal/799 »•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••»••••«•••••••••• GUI NCWnxPr.Stf.son Discount 732-970"3697 Subscribe Now and Save K I I I K A V S !• < » k I \ I I « » X www.localsource.com By becoming a Strollers subscriber you will receive 1 ticket for each of our shows this season for only $301 That's over • 30% discount off of our regular ticket prlcel Internet Directory »UNG Yes, pleas* send me season tickets 0 $30.00 each. CALL FOB INFO (PIXS Addmj: Agape Family Worship Center http://www.agapecBnler.org ON OUK NEXT Phone; _ Email: American Savings Bank http://wvirWiimerkansavkigtnj.com www.YPW com OPEN HOUSE PIMM nuke crack payable to: Tht Strollers, P0 Boi 125, Mapltwood. NJ 07040 BurgdortTERA. htlp7/www.burgdortf.ooin Crossroads Christian Fellowship hltp://wwwccfouorg ERA Viage Green http://wvftv.eravillagflgreen.corn Eye Care Center otNJ hdp7/www eyeearenj.com First Night ol Maptewood/So Orange http://community njcwti/ccffirstnight-soro CHRIST IN THE PASSOVER Forest Mill Properties Apartments http7/www.srJringstreel.com/prupio7389126 Grand Sanitation http7/www.grgnrJsanitalion.com MERCURY TRADITIONAL SEDER MEAL Holy Cross Church httpVAfWrWhdycroten).orj INSURANCE GROUP * Hospital Center at Orange http://wwwcathedralheallticare.org SAVINGS. SERVICE SECURITY. Soup. Salad. Roasted Chicken, HoHday Vegetables. JRS Realty :http://www.century21jri.com Dessert & Beverages LaSale Travel Service http://wvvwlasalletravelsefvices.corn ^ Vk, et **er 1,000 tee»«»ers per say cheese Mercery Mountainside Hospital http://wvirw.AllantlcHealth.org • Mf| •MfMSSSI mm n ipM ky Hi mrtm. tt kal, wk March 24th (M.iumly rhursday) Nutley Pet Center http://wwwnutleypet.com .it d 45 p in Pet Watchers http7/wv^.pelwalcher»nj.corn HOLY CROSS LUTHERAN CHURCH Rets Institute http://www rets-insbiuta.com • HiMI| *• km b MIMM IIM 1 Ml mi »• •wtlMSjMtaa SWncare Products wwwmarykay.com/criandrac 639 Mountain Avenue, Springfield South Orange Chiropractic http://www.sochlro.oorn 973-379-4525 Summit Area Jiycees http //www angeffire com/n|/summitjc $500 Ask for Pat Miller Suburban Essen Chamber of Commerce http //wwwsuburbanetsexchamber com/secc Adults: $27.00 Children (under age 13): $17.00 Summit Volunteer First Aid Squad h«p://www sumrmtems org (checks, please) Buy tickets by March 20 Synergy Federal Savings Bank http //www synergyonthenel com ORE Trtnitas Hospital http://wwwlrinitashotpltal.com WMfMnQtm nffCUry Iff! This is a great inter-community event for everyone! today. It's worth the tal Turning Point http //www turningpomlnj.org Bring your friends, neighbors and family Union Center National Bar* http://wwwucnb.com (Mention the Seder to Interfalth married families.) Unitarian Universal* Church http://wwwArstuu.easax.nj.uua.org You may reserve your own table up to 8 people. United Way ol Btoomnek) http //www unitethvavbloomMd org 1-1525 Reservations will include a confirmed table assignment. First come, first served. To be listed i Hale Insurance Brokerage, LLC NOTE You cannot pay at the door. Please be promptl (No one 908-686-7700 11 Commerce Drive, Cranford admitted after 7:15 until Intermission of the service and presentation Male Limited to 250 people wwwhalelm.com PAOE B4 - THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 WORRALL NEWSPAPERS

ACROSS BINARY STARS 1 ** to ' I ' 1 1 Anatomical pouches 5 Afro of updo * » Sand down 14 Ambassador Abba 1 5 One against • 16 City in Flonda * •1 17 Singer and chef make a family • FLEA MARKET FLEA MARKET What's Going On is a part portrait? SATURDAY directory of svsnts for non profit 20 French river and - orgarazatnns It is prapald and ooau March 19th, 2005 SATURDAY just $20 00 (for 2 wasks) for Esssa department i.UikiH 4 Coseostte Show March 19th, ZOOS County or Union County and (ust 21 Hot crime tope'' •• PlAC •,- L Johnson High School. EVENT B Ire* and transform your ambi- 30 Thun's river 56 Siesta excel in ihe social arena. Stay opti- change as a way to transform s per- 31 Spur tions mistic and expect magical results. sonal or financial situation. Informa- ANSWERS APPEAR ON B12 CANCEK, June 22 to July 22: SAGITTARIUS, Nov. 22 to Dec. tion is delayed or difficult to compre- Kmhi.ui an opportunity lo travel and 21: This would be a great time to hend. Be patient snd take time to expuiul >nur world. Look forward to break hurtful ties from the past and uncover the essentisl clues thst are gaining new knowledge or experi- make a decision to love again. Spend necessary for your happiness and ences and opening many exciting some quality lime alone and regroup peace of mind. Boston folk duo set for Watchung doors CAPRICORN, Dec. 22 to Jan. 19: Also born this week: Wilson Pick- LEO, July 23 to Aug 22: Investi- An Haulm ul tratiitional folk entertaining, oddly amusing and hnmch qu.ih 1> of Urine's \oice is You are mentally challenged to come ett, Ursula Andress, Rob Lowe, Jerry gate u proposal Of deal thai involves .mil iiuintrs music is in the oiling often informative. They sing trail i nna'less and that nmelessness is up with solutions or answers to an Lewis, Harry James and Billy Crystal. when Huston lolk duo lishken & tional folk songs but really dig into captured perfect!) with the release Qravat like the WAC stage on western, cowboy-atyle malcn.il ul "I'm Nut Aiiwwe. Ihe Nashville March 26. X pm al IK Stirling Expect some old-lime songs, songs Sessions " Attend art classes in Watchung Road. Watchung. along with country about work, some Woody Guthne ( onsidered by man> to be Amer- In an cllon lo ensure young people March 17 to May 26. 4:30 to 6 p.m. Explore outlining, shading and use of music II.UIIIHHI.JIIM Mark Brine. songs, a couple of cnnlcmporar) u .ma and traditional country music's in the area experience the joys of the This class includes pencil drawing, color. Tuition is $110. Ages 10 to 14. While ti.ulnion.il ir. flavor, all three favorites, and songs with tthn.li IK'SI kepi Itcrst, Hnne is also con- Tine aps. a series of art classes for charcoal/pastels and watercolors. No class will be held on March 29. artists aspire to bring contemporary audiences can sing and yodel along sidered to he MM ol the KfSt ninsi young*'children continues in March Tuition is SI 10, including all materials. Acrylic Painting meets on Wednes- hitc Ui their old-style 1mm. Brine's music is pure and roots) clans to have shaped the Ameikana with sfjnng drawing and painting class- An introduction lo outlining, shad- days, Wednesday through May 25,4:30 I ishU'n A (troves.an an integral brimming with an emotion that genre with the release of "Return to i I aught by Monica (hero, each class ing and how lo use color properly will to 6 p.m., offering children an exiting part of ilic lolk tMM in the Boston would have made Brine seem right Americana" in IMS, II you liked the il 10 sessions in length and are geared offer work with charcoal, pencil, India experience using acrylics. Tuition is al home with the Carter I annly and tunes from ihe "()' Brother Where 1 area. With superh sung selections, children ages 6 and up. with a special ink pastels «• d watercolors. Create por- SltS. including all supplies. Ages 6 to Jiniiiiie Rodgers; yet his modern Art Thou" soundtrack, this could be uniquely edgy harmonics and witty . lass to meet the more developed skills traits, landscapes snd still life. Ages 6 12. Learn the traditional method of approach to that old sound tells us ihe night you've been waiting for commentary on every imaginable of older children Each class features a to 9. There will be no class March 31. painting using canvas boards. Paint- only how well it ages. In fact, the POT reservations, call <>08-75J-<)l90. topic, thcr performances are deeply tuition discount tor WAC members Drawing II meets on Tuesdays, ings are < rested from still life and the Drawing I meets on Thursdays, Tuesday lo May 24, 4:30 to 6 p.m. imagination. REUNIONS

The following schools will con- 1981. 25-year reunion. 2006 20 al ihe Grand Summit lintel in duel reunions in the coming • Union High School. Clsil of 'Summit. Is Five (5) months 1986, 20-year reunion. 2006. Contact Paul Ladell al 973-715- TAX • West held High School Class • Westfield High School, (lass 768K. Of IMS, 20-year reunion. May 21. of 1980, 25-year reunion. 2005 Weeks Away • Scotch Plains High School For information on any of the APRIL 15, 2005 Class of IMS, 20-year reunion. above reunions, write to Reunions Editorial deadlines TIME June II Unlimited Inc., P.O. Box I Ml. Eng- I nllowing arc deadlines lor • SfOtch Clams High School lishtown 07726 or cull 732-617- news: A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING FEATURE Class of 1975. 30-year reunion. 1000. Church, club and social events • Union High School. Class of • Hillside High School, Class I iula\ at noon 1985, 20-ycar reunion, 2005. of 1965, is holding its -tilth reunion I nleri.unmcnl Krid.i) al Advertise your tax service every • Union High School, Class of on June 25. BOOR 1995. 10-yenr reunion. 2005. If anyone has information Sports news and game results W. Zimmerman, CPA week in your local • Union Hill High School. Class regarding former students or would Monday al noon. of 1975, 30-year reunion, 2005. like to join Ihe committee, contact letter lo Ihe l-ditor Mond.i> '> Worrall Community Newspaper. • Union High Sc'-.iol. Class of Barry Zins al BZinsI 11 iKiaol com. a.m. Personal and 1976. 30-year reunion. 2006. • Hillside High School, class of General news-and information Appearing Every Thursday • Union High School, Class of 1955, is planning a reunion on May Monday 5 p.m. Business Taxes Through April 14,2005 908-889-8919 CALL CLASSIFIED 1-800-564-8911 Teacher Redfield ' Investment Managment 1 Tax & Estate Planning Education Blonsky & ' Tax Return Preparation 1 Retirement Planning Co., LLC 1 IRS Audits • Certified Audits CERTIFIED PUBLIC • QuickBooks' Professional Advisor


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I (>(ll .111(1 I III I li. I I . .1 i I • WWW (tin li (.'III, WOWRALL NEWSPAPERS THURSDAY, MARCH 10. 2006 — PAOlli Theater in school Art in Plainfleld

Pictured above it 'Tete-a-Tete,' by Elaine Lorenz, and below is 'Silver Bag,' by Howard Nathenson, on display at Swain Galleries in Plainfield from April 2 through 30. Call 908-756-1707 for information.

From left, Seth Podell of Maplewood, Caitlin White of Maplewood, and Abbey Finch of South Orange rehearse 'Gypsy,' which will be performed at Morristown-Beard School on Friday and Saturday. For information, callDebby Plummer at 973-895-3574.

ART CLIPS Kean will present a new cal! 908-737-6397, ext. 4410, or send March 19 with tickets priced at SIS. theaters in the state of New Jersey and an e-mail to [email protected]. WCP ends the season in May with has brought to life more than 190 professional equity the James Valcq and Fred Alley musi- comedies, dramas and musicals in theater program Season is under way for cal "The Spitfire Grill" their ISO-seat theater in Westfield. Kean University announces Pre- With a score inspired by American The theater continues to be a mier Stages, a new professional Westfield Players folks music, this story of redemption vibrant part of the cultural scene in Actor's Equity Association theater The Westfield Community Players and hope takes place at a restaurant in Union County. program. membership drive for its 2004-05 sea- a small town that serves up more than Funding has been made possible in Actively engaging and enhancing son is now under way. The Box Office food to weary souls. part by the New Jersey Stale Council the professional theater academic pro- is open at 908-232-1221. The play will be presented April 30 on the Arts, Department of State, a grams at Kean, Premiere Stages will President Naomi Yablonsky, who through May 21. with all tickets priced partner agency of the National also serve a culturally diverse audi- has directed and performed at WCP, at $20. Endowment of the Arts, through a ence, children-at-risk. and a broad has announced the season of drama, Westfield Community Players, grant administered by the Union pool of artists. comedy, murder and song. founded in 1934, is one of the oldest County Division of Cultural and Her- Premiere Stages features four Two performances remain in the continuously operating comtmnity itage Affairs. uniquely conceived projects that will season. nurture and encourage the work of stu- All shows open on a Saturday night dents, introduce children to the aits, and run Friday and Saturday evenings attract high-profile artists to the insti- for three or four weekends, making it tution and provide a forum for the easy to have a local night out to expe- development of new plays. rience live theater. The Premiere Stages Play Festival Agatha Christie's courtroom will present the work of emerging drama, "Witness for the Prosecution" muac\ dramatists living in the greater metro- is the March show. Dining Guide politan area through readings, work- True to form, confusion, doubt and shops, and fully-produced world-pre- double-cross are skillfully presented miere productions. For more informa- by the author in this Tony Award Win- Fast Si. Friendly To Sit Down Elegant tion on Premiere Stages at Kean Uni- ning play. versity, or to get on the mailing list, The play will be presented through ETO Correction AfcNiIno's In the Ft t. 24 issue, a story about the Filmmakers' Symposium misidenfified Ristorante & Pizzeria the name ol a Web site. The correct Web site is www.privatescreenings.org. SPECIAL MONDAY TO THURSDAY t'rctixi il MtMiu PICK UP ONLY f CMStrgtotormartyorSexglot in MWtxim LARGE PIE > & SMano't In Fanwood i: Wad-Sat S pm 'til Closing (PLAIN) AMPLE FREE PARKING 1030 Stuyvesant Ave., Union Fr»e Delivery Hoan. Sunday thru Thursday 11 am lo 11 pm Nemos Seafood Friday and Saturday 11 amto Mrdng M 908-688-8443 • Fax 908-688-8451 By Toniann Antonelli We accept Mapr Cm* Orda - .Hr\i jk I Staff Writer I Nemut Seafood rcitauranl in Linden ii • pen tilth thal'i by lar ime of ihc moil unique reslaiirints zround kverything iiboul Nemut ii original - from the menu choices lo the Kcrtl ipicci thai season ihc 1967 Morris Avenue lutculenl icafood which dinen can relax and enjoy al one uf the 12 well-ipaced tablet at the Union rciuiir.ni « Nnnh Slilet Street location Or they can lake the food home Unlike other mid-lo- rtigh-cnd teafMid rettaurantt, Nemut alto deliven to localiona in Union and Middlesex counties. 908-687-4222 Nemos isn't your ordinary uke-oul restaurant "Whether it't fine Uncut and your best china or 600 Westfield Avenue paper plain cut on your deck. Nemoa Seafood flu any table." according to the retlaurint'i Web Roselle Park site, www nemotieaft.;>d.com With ilie large lelection of high-quality seafood, lervetl in a casual ilmoiphere. Ncmn'i Jcllnilely llvet up lo lU claims 908-241-0190 Nemos, which has franchises in Plainfleld and Union and locations upening in Maplewood, 15 South Avenue New Brunswick. Atlanta, (ia . and Chicago, was founded by Chris Spears and Clary Williams. The ^EASTER BUFFEf Fanwood two local entrepreneurs saw a need for great luting, fresh seafood in a fast, casual setting that would olTer a healthier sllemalivt to fail food and traditional take-out. A few butmesi dells later, f^pief Carved Turkey, Prime Rib, Ham & Lam!r> 908-490-0278 ihc liui Ncnwi opened cm Silica Street Willlamt and Spears believe in giving local young adultt a chance lo luccccd. «i they proudly employ local teent and communiry membert The jimp • Clams • Viennese Table & Fresh Frjti'4 • camaraderie between the employees and the family atmosphere nukes the dining ciprnence thai much more pleasant S SERVE EARLY 27" Per Person Pi»ta...«Kr Ihote who i/honse in dine-in can actually watch their food being prepared while they til al one ol the ttblei facing the xpen-air kitchen Dinen can also spend a few minutes watching the big- urccn lelevnion which hangs on a wall among varioui nautical decorations A sign on a wall Authentic Hthan CUMIIC . KfjtJ "Sail Far Away," and palnmi will definitely feel as though they've gone on a tropical retreat Friday Mght 5 ' Specialty Pasta Dishci • seafood si they dig into one of Nemot fresh wafiiod platters, which include everything from tlasmad • Qourmel Panini Uilnlcr laili and Dungcneti crab combos with ileamed shrimp lo fried catfish, tilapia and Alaakan • Mediterranean Pi/" •M ant Cnttka] open the HKtulenl crab and Usw and diving into the generous portions, MEDITERRANEAN • Old World DtiMfti which tMM drenched in a buttery sauce, can get messy, but ml lo worry - a roll of paper towels INTERNATIONAL CUISINE $ 95 SEAFOOD BUFFET Cappuccino A Exprc«" Her mi im oery lahlc in the rettauranl During a recenl vmt to Nemoi. I selected the Maryland-style crab call* planet Presssd for 908-353-7H3 P*r adult Inrludr. Srafood Station, Flatly O*M. a i)fi*n* 628 N. Stilei Si • linden lime. I decided to gel my meal M aa, and wai pleasantly surprissd al the presentation of ihc UAI C DDirC Plut Tax («rvin« Sutlon, BulTH ft platter, which »•• packed into > iturdy plaint container and accompanied by plenty oftocklsil 1109 UH*ffltot UniMtl, nMLI" rlXIOC 4 Gratuity Bountiful Salae) Bar. Inrluale* 908-925-1977 M«j.n < r.Jii ( Mi and laner sauce Open 7 Days 8 yra old or under Up. Opa |>rink> ft IKwru I Klecfed Ihc Mary land.itylc crah cake platter which featured two plump crab cakn, a generous helping of tlcamed poutoei, leaamed corn on the cab and broccoli speira. Now. crab cakei happen to be one "I my fawirile icafood dishes I've Ktually had Maryland-style crab takei UShdeqan in Maryland, u well at in coastal tilln alung the Kail C nail and in San rrancnco, and I have lo My that Nemos dclimleiy did iiutite In (hit traditumal crab dish. Lets do Brunch! "A RUSTIC PUCE WHIM rlOTU (.0 TO BAT A DRINK" lender, iweel chunks of crab meal and ipicei were t.incd with breadcrumbs snd perfectly Every Sunday 11:00am - 3:00pm browned Ivcn after lining in the takeout bos. for several minutes, the crah cakes itayed crispy OmlflfSiiiiinn, .Irnn«lScufoml. (tinI»IU Sltiimn, llullri A BountifulStilatlBar Canal Dining from Spain outside snd will innde • delicious. Ihc baby red potsloet thai accompanied (he meal were intk mite\ Special Serving Lunch 6V Dinner lender, mil muihy and the huge broccoli ipears were bright green and lender Both were drenched 95 Champagne In Nemot ipevial sauce and could have been a meal on their own $Q95 < rrHndry tarvu • Co;y wmoaphan il HAll par adult Mimosas • OvlySpacMa Nemoi also olTers a lunch menu which includes ihrimp lalad. crab takei, whiling. mussels, y per child •teamed thrtmp and other telectiona. served with poubiei. nm snd brocci>li C omfofllng snups Plus Tax & Gratuity 8 yrs old or undtf «uih as clsm Lhnwdcr. lohtirr biique and chicken noodle are also available and aid* orders like 'AJ rtw r •« f-ried fish sandwiches, macaroni salad, potato i.lad, com, broccoli, steamed potatoes and New ftmL Blaginl Easy Access Zealand mussels round out ihc menu Various ion drinks arr alio available Mitrhlc I mm Nemot it localed al »t>7 N Stiles Street, behind Illockbutler Pla/a. in linden Hours an 867 North Stiles it., Llmlen StuiriiiHC 908-322- 7726Km 7H A 2X7 Monday-Wednesday from 11 a m in 11 p m , I hurtday Satuiilay from II s m lo midnight and IH WIJT MAIN STRFiT, IUH« 0 •''W74-IMJ W: 908-587-12fl Park & Mountain Avenue, Scotch Plains Sunday front II am i.rKpm I he phone number it V0MI7 1201 Hi: M8-587-1282 Visit our web site at: www.weddingsatpantagis.com PAGE B6 - THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005

It's true, winter does Study: depression increases risk of stroke

f'\ dtpiessue N\III|IIIIIIIS Simp ihey answered ihc questionnaire M imkc and heart dis- give people the blues Dcpu .1 the nek "I K linns M Bt&4 im d IHUI poinl depression, an analysis showed caacdeaii -. irately, he aaid. Do you wish you were a bear so you could curl up inside your warm slraltf tun < nronar) heart scale, beginning at 0, win thai the relationship between "Beta t the SIM of MRHT. den and sleep for the next three months? Does your energy level decrease HI ( MI). «/ai inn isairriatrt »nii rarely experiencing symptoms .mil depression and cardiovascular dis- we were ' "I'M* at depression this time of year? Are you craving more carbohydrates? You may be suf- iiKicj^cd dcih. reaeardsen najatti ending at V which meani expcii •M found regardless ol (VI) •* • com nuou» measure in our fering from Seasonal Affective Diaorder, or SAD, along with 10 million in Siinkc JUIIIIUI nl the AMICII cueing (ymptonu must ul the time history, dump said analysis ' led '•' another sig- other Americans or 4 percent lo 6 percent of the population. tan Mean AKMHI.HIHII Keseauhers then lulhiwed Still, the curreni study is unable nificant • I ng that even mild Seasonal deprelaion, otherwise known as winter blues or cabin fever, "I behcic this iv the latest, ihem Im ihc mxi If ycuis. liaik lo rule out the possibility that silent depreesn nptomi were aaaoci- occurs each year about the tame lime, usually late fall or early winter, ucll conlmllcd stud) 10 conaidw ing deaths ltd the cause ol deaths, strokes might have contributed to ated will in increased risk of and is caused by a lack of light. Like other animals, humans respond to stroke de mnpared to subjects hntli coronary liciit disi saul i u auihiii kau-n A Matthews, the increased risk of depressive darkness by producing more melatonin, which acts like a tranquilizer on a prolessm nl psiclualiv. psuhol with no I ressiv*1 symptoms at •.nuke in rriatiirn to depression." •. nipioms and (VI) deaths. the body In just one hour of darkness, we produce five times as much ogy and l|lliJtlllillllH) at the I m all." Man1 MUH. said Brooks It I lump, an Iliocitll thai it a real possibility melatonin as during daylight hours vereit) "I Pittabuigh and director piolcisoi nl psychology at the because silent strokes, by defini- For e« nple, men who were Individuals who suffer from SAD often have problems getting up in ol the 1'itishur^h Mnul H< Stale I 'iinvisitN nl New "link tion, are not detected clinically, but slightly d< piessed, the second and the morning, sleep more but wake up not feeling refreshed. Sufferers ler (Kucjin. N V might well produce depression and third qun lev had a 22 lo 24 often complain about changing eating habits during the winter months, Mtii .utilising loi age. HM4 Data Im this studs ul l2.K(i(i predict fatal stroke later because increaacil n»k ol stroke in the next increased appetite, and gaining weight. Depression is also a symptom ol |iussuic. Annul iiinstiiiiplKin and nun ii.iin icraea the counir) having one stroke increases the 19 years. ;.md lo those with no SAD and there may be feelings of despair, diminished sex drive, height- other (actors that could influence depmsiv niptoms Men in (he I OIIK I II.IIII the Multiple Kisk I a> ruki of having another." said ened anxiety, and difficulty completing laaks. archers found fourth qumiile had a 75 percent lor Inlciwiiiiiwi 103 percent increase on this issue had found a positive approach. If you think you have full blown SAD, see your phyiician. I he men WIK .ind ,i\cragv agv I Vpercenl increase in all- cause in risk association between depressive Otherwise, some ways to beat those winter blahs include spending lime • il Al< and had M t\ idcncc nl ( III) I!I-.ii ii | 11 -percent increase in car- symptoms and mortality, one- The National Heart, Lung, and outside during daylight, going for a walk, reducing your fal intake, start- at the siart i>l the seven ycai study diovascular disease death and dou- Blood Institute and the National fourth found the opposite and ing a new hobby, vacationing in the winter, visiting local museums, or I hey vicic iinisidcicd In have ble the risk of stroke death, com- Institute "I Health funded the another fourth showed different volunteering. In other words, eat healthy, get involved in social activities •ihoie avera(!c nsk hecausc nl pared to men in the lowed quintilc study. mortality depression associations and exerciae. multiple risk Factors Im licm and lor depression. Ciump said. lor men and for women Those For mort information on stroke, This information is brought to you by Prevention Links, a private, not- Mood vessel disease In the sixth Although about 22 percent ol inconclusive findings may have viiit the American Stroke Associa- for-profit agency which takes a leadership role throughout Union County year nl ihc studv the subjects thi'si- high-risk men had developed been because the number of sub- tion Web aite: in the prevention of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse and other related issues. il a qucsiinnn.iiic In identi- cardiovascular disease by the year jects was too small lo be able lo strokeassiiu.iiion.org. For more information about the agency or for volunteer opportunities, call 732-38I-4IOO or check out the Web site at wwwprcvenlionlinkvorg. If you are caring for an Alzheimer's patient, make their home 'friendly' bf I kwe»l one with Alzheimer's Here are some tips to make your home decorative knickknacks out ol harm's way, accidental acaldings are common among peo- ease, you must face the fact that, as the dis- disease can he meiwhelming. lor the family safe and comfortable: secure them, or eliminate them ple with Alzheimer's disease. ease progresses, he or she may not be able to member afPicicd with Alzheimer's, even Limit distractions and control noise. Encourage recreational activities. Don't forget, everyone needs a little live alone. Home care may become not just a routine daily e\enls. such as hearing or see- Play radios softly, and turn the telephone I ncouragc activities that are >»ass-orient- care and affection. heroic task, but an impossible one. ing ihc cuning newscast, can be truly terri- ringer on low. You may want to consider ed and that make the individual led produc- With all the responsibilities and problems For the vast majority of Alzheimer's care- fying. As a result, one of ihc greatest chal- removing telephones and televisions from tive. Many individuals with M/hcimer's involved in caring for people with given, there comes a time when they can no lenges for the caregiver is creating an envi- the individual's room. If your loved one enjoy outdoor activities. Eocoursge walking Alzheimer's disease, it's easy to forget how longer care for the affected individual. They ronment for the loved one. which is as safe watches television, choose humorous or if your home has a safe. Mcloted >ard. Gar- important a loving touch can be. A pat on the simply do not have the skill, energy and sup- and nurturing as possible. happy sitcoms, game shows and musical dening is also a good activity Hut. make sure back, back rubs, foot massages, hugging or port to provide round-the-clock supervision With loddlers. the term is "childproofing." shows. These types of shows can make the thai the yard is free of toxic plants and that holding hands are calming, and they commu- and daily activities tailored to the person's I HI those with M/heimer's disease, there is individual laugh and/or stimulate positive your loved one uses safe gardening tools, but nicate love and safely in a way everyone can increasing needs and remaining abilities. no similar term, but the concept is the same. memories. nothing with a point or sharp edge When the understand. Several studies show that mas- That's the time to take the final step in Many things around the house that pose no Maintain consistency and organization. individual is unsuperviied, you •.Inuild avoid sage exerts calming influence and minimizes Alzheimer's care - moving your loved one danger lo people in full possession of their Don't rearrange rooms Instead, maintain activities that involve sharp m hoi objects, behavior problems in Alzheimer's care. into a specialized nursing home. mental faculties cun be major hazards for consistency by keeping furniture in the same such as knitting or cooking. No one is able to predict the rate at which To receive a free copy of "At the Heart of people with Al/hetmcr's And even though il place. Keep the individual's bedroom and Lock up hazardous material*. Keep all deterioration associated with Alzheimer's dis- Alzheimer's: A Complete Guide to Caring for is impossible to make any home absolutely living area well organized and keep pathways medicines, cleaning products and sharp uten- ease will occur. The disease may progress to a Person with Alzheimer's Disease," or "How sale tor a person with the disease, there are clear. Remember, sparse is better than clut- sils up or oul of reach. Consult! wiring the a certain point and then stay at that ievel for to Select an Alzheimer's Care Center," call 1MB) steps you can take lo reduce the risk of tered. The less there is lo trip over or break, stove, thermostat and hot water heater with years. In fact, most people with Alzheimer's Alden Courts at 973-736-3100. Alden Courts, sour loved one getting into things they the better. In addition, clutter may confuse or hidden switches or controls Lower the tem- remain in the community throughout their which provides Alzheimer's assisted living, is shouldn't, or reduce the risk of injury . upset people with Alzheimer's disease. Move perature on your heater to avoid scalding, as life. If your relative is diagnosed with the dis- located in West Orange. New scanner reveals hidden dangers in the body's nervous system People under chiropractic care themselves, as their care progresses, The Subluxation Station scans for, thai we assess as much of it as we can. We have all heard of someone who tern of nerve function is in a healthy often wonder, "Why do I have to keep that they're getting the proper number detects and provides clear, color- Ihc Insight Millennium was devel- felt perfectly fine the day before they slate. coming back if I'm pain free?" or of adjustments, and will also he able coded scans of the patient's spinal oped so that patients can see. and suffered a fatal heart attack. For a free Insight Millennium Sub- "How do I know I'm getting the prop- to belter understand why pain-free misalignments — subluxations — understand for themselves, why con- The reality is that whether or not luxation Scan call Dr. Michael Chille- er amount of adjustments?" Thanks to does not always equate to "problem and clearly demonstrates their effects tinued treatment is necessary. The obvious symptoms are present, there mi of Greylock Chiropractic Center at a breakthrough in technology, these solved." This advance, which offers on the paticr,:. These are indicators purpose of this technology is to can still be subtle communication 973-759-3020, Monday through Fri- questions no longer arise for patients major advantages for patients and chi- that, because they are located in mus- improve communication between gaps in the central nervous system. day, 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Saturday, in chiropractic offices that are ropractors alike, provides patients cles, nerves and soil tissue, cannol be doctor and patient, and. ultimately, The insight scans show that the pat- 9a.m. to 11 am equipped with a new tool known as with tangible, objective visual evi- seen on X-ray. help motivate people to incorporate the Insight Millennium Subluxalion dence of the problems they sought The nervous system, which is the chiropractic into a wellness lifestyle HEALTH BENEFITS,runr™i.ycovert Station. help for and how their treatment is master control center of the entire fur the whole family, like eating These patients can now see for progressing. body, experiences pain. It is critical healthy foods and exercising. Hospltallzation • Doctor Visits • Prescription Drugs Dental Vision Hearing Aids Chiropractic Services NoMbiiuum-NoMBidiiuns • Pre-Exidtlng Conditions HOSPICE OF NEW JERSEY Covered • No Claim Forms or Referrals Needed Hospice of New Jersey the dm licensed Hoepice in New Jersey, proudly •24 hour Medical Infonr»tjk« Telephone Servln-Hotline* offers comprehensive care focused on aggressive management of VIOXX physical, emotional end spiritual needs thai often accompanies end of life $40.00 PER MONTH OUH PROMISE illness Our urvlcev paid for by Medicare. Medicaid ind most private BEXTRA .r CELEBREX 1 888 768 LIFE ext. 14 insurers, are available in the comfort of your home, nurting homes and In our renowned in- Many VIOXX. 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SORKINOD DENTISTRY REG#OA005519 CERT#T00891 OF 1 WE TREAT CATARACTS, GLAUCOMA, & UNION DIABETIC DISEASES OF THE EYE Glenn Rosivack, DMD • BLADELESS LASER VISION CORRECTION Mary Burke, DDS • 0% FINANCING AVAILABLE Nanci Tofsky, DDS - NEW TREATMENTS AVAILABLE TO ELIMINATE THE NEED FOR READING GLASSES the nicest dentists > FREE INITIAL EVALUATION AND CONSULTATION FOR ...the friendliest staff LASER VISION CORRECTION With breathtaking • CONTACT LENS EXAMS & FITTINGS views ol the Watchung • FRIENDLY, PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Mountains, this Call to see how your • MOST INSURANCE PLANS ACCEPTED state-of-the-art facility RUNNELL8 insurance works Is staffed 24 hours- • SATURDAY AND EVENING APPOINTMENTS AVAILABLE a-day by dedicated Sfxrialiitil Mmpiul of Unnin ( nuim in our office physicians and CALL TODAY FOR YOUR APPOISTMENT professional nurses. 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CLASSIFIED ADS 2004 Cird* of Exc.ll.nc* & othor Offlc* Award Wlniwn mercial properties in Eaaex, Hudwm, Ledeama n bi-lingual, ipeaking both ARE QUICK AND and I Dion counties Bnglish and Spanim KLMAX ruu a great repuution To contact David Ledetma, call CONWMNT! COLDWELL BANKER

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th vMumeown9 Annual •AWT PATWCKt DAT PARADE "Celebrating our past and honoring those who serve and provide for a secure future" SPONSORS Saturday, March 12,2005 Union Center A Family Oriented Celebration of Irish Heritage National Bank NJ 101.5 WKXW Schedule of Events

RE-MAX Realty 9:00 MASS Saint Patrick's Church • 21$ Court Street, Elizabeth. N J. r Union County Board of 12:00 noon GRANDSTAND FESTIVITIES Chosen Freeholders Intersection of Morris and Stuyvesant Avenues, Union Township, N J.

Overlook HetptUl Union Hospital 1:00 pm PARADE Industrial Rublwr line of March - Morris Avenue, Union Township, N J. (Beginning at Commerce Avenue to Stuyvesant Avenue) PegCullen Two Best Viewing Locations Grand Marshal 1) Burnet Junior High School (located at Morrif and CaldweU Avenues, opposite the Walgreens) Frank M. McGovern 2) Intersection of Morris and Stuyvesant Avenues General Chairman

JoeDugett Free Parking within walking distance to the parade U available in the Township parking lot adjacent to the Masonic Hall located on Morris Avenue East Bound. Use Garden State Parkway Exit 140. Parade Adjustant Bring the Entire Family Parking Available (or All Events For Information Call: Joe Dugett 908-347-7945 * Frank M. McGovern 908-347-8245 |L www.unioncountystpatricksdayparade.com

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NEWSPAPERS DEADLINES CLASSIFIED UNION COUNTY In-column 3 PM Tuesday Call 1(800) Union Leader • Leader splay - Space reservation 5 PM Friday SPECIALS T The Eagle (Cranford/Clarii)' h« Leader Ad Copy 12 noon Monday Spectator Leader • Gazette Leader Business Directory 4 PM Thursday 564-8911 Rahway Progreu • Summit Observer GARAGE SALES ESSEX COUNTY 30 words $31 00 or $45 00 combo News-Record of Maplewood 4 South Orange ADJUSTMENTS Garage Sale signs, price stickers, balloons, SALES HOURS West Orange Chronicle • East Orange Record yyP ...e tocy effort to avoid mistakes in your classified „).. HIII Please check your ad the first rtay it runs' We helpful hints, inventory sheet and Rain Monday through Friday Orange Transcript. The Glen Ridge Paper Nutley Journal • Belleville Poet ca,, , esixxwble beyond the first Insertion Should an i, , please notify the ctessWsd department Liability tor Insurance. 9 00 AM- 5 PM Irvington Herald • vadsburg Leader f ad,. , >""»i it kmted lo a'make-good'ad m the smouni E-Mail your ad to us anytime at The Independent Press of Bloomfield ui«d by the error We can not be held liable for class@thelocalsource com Ian rt"v nuse.lo insert an ad Worrall Community ECONOMY CLASS , Inc reserves the right to reied. revise or RATES PI my advertisement at sny Ume 20 words $8 00 or $12 00 combo items for ADDRESS CLASSIFIED RATES sale under $200.00 One item per ad price Classified Advertising 20 words or less $20 00 per Insertion must appear. Worrall Newspaper* Additional 10 words $6 00 per insertion CHARGE II PO Box 158 Display Rates $25 50 per column Inch All classified ads require prepayment. AUTOS FOR SALE Maplewood. NJ 07040 Contract Rates Available Please have your card and expiration date. Blind Box Number $20 00 per insertion 20 words -10 weeks $39.00 or $59.00 Phone 800-564-8911 Fax 973-763-2557 combo no copy changes Offices where ads can be placed in person

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HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED HELP WANTED ANNOUNCEMENTS EMPLOYMENT BUY NEW JERSEY for $3991 The New Jer- CUSTOMER SERVICE/ Inside Seles Busy GOVERNMENT JOBS! Wildlife/ Postal Part Time Telemarketing Springfield. NJ Sales Office seeks a bright, $16 51 to $58 00 per hour Full Benefits Part Time Flexible hours selling -subscrip- sey Press Association can place your 25- energetic, and personable Individual for Its Peid Training Call for Application and Exam TYPIST FOR tions in our Union office Hourly •Commis- word classified ad in over 150 NJ newspa- successful customer service/ Inside sales Information No Experience necessary Toll MAPLEWOOD OFFICE sion Fill out an application et 1291 pers throughout the state • e combined cir- HELP WANTED leam We provide an excellent working Free 1-888-269-6090 extension 200 Monday Tuesday and Thursday Stuyvesent Avenue. Union Or fax resume culation of over 2 million households Cell environment, good starting salary and bene- 8am-Vr- Friday 9am-4pm 908-888-4189 ettn John or e-mail Dlsne Trent et NJPA at 609-408-0600 1000 ENVELOPES' $7000 Receive 17 for lils. with challenge and reward to the nghl • Greet location IdachinoQmelocalsource com extension 24, or e-mail dtrentQrqpa org or I very Envelope slutted with our Sales Mate individual GOURMET CHOCOLATE Shop seeking visit www n|pe org for more Intormetion rial Guaranteed1 Free information (24 hour) • Pleasant working conditions part lime sales help Experience preferred Musi type Jiwpm Some receptionist UP TO $4 000 WEEKLYI Exciting Weekly (Nationwide placemen! available) Recording 1-800-505-7860 extension 411 Must be evailable afternoons 2pm-5pm end Paycheck! Written Gueranleed 11 Yeer Thle position involves telephone contact dud- udtd EACH WEEK hundreds of Public Notices with clients end manufacturing facilities and Saturdays, 10am-3pm Call 973-487-1930 Nationwide Company Now Hinng! Easy Call 973-7634700 Work Sending Out Our Simple One Page are published In New Jersey's deny and 1000 ENVELOPES- $5000 Receive S5 lor the processing of orders Candidates should 1 weekly newspapers! demonstrele excellent commicstionskilU. and esslc for 8t#vej Brochure! Free Postage. Supplies Awe- every envelope stufted with our sales mate- GREAT INCOME Potential working with the The New Jersey Press Association has cre- computer literacy, and a wiUingne»s lo put in some Bonuses!! Free Intormetion, Cell Now rial Guaranteed' Free Information 24 hour Government Full Medical/Dental Benefits. eled e Internet database where these r the effort required to help us support and PART TIME After School Babysitter Tues- 1-800-242-0363 ext 4200 recording 1-8O0-7 .d-65e7 Peid Training On Homeland Socunty, Law notices are posted njpublicrwtices.com service our customs -s Previous customer Enforcement Wildlife. Clerical. Administra- days ann Thursdays Driving Required in $$$$$WEEKLY Use eBay to get Peid Get $ 50/mile YES he first digit » a '5'< Heert- You have access 24 hours s day, 7 deys a service experience a plus tive and More' 1-800-320-9353 Ext 2009 MaptewooJ 973-275-0261 $250 in Free products to Start No Inventory lands GRENN MILE$ program means more week, to statewide sheriff sates, foreclo- E-mail bigoidbergtjhotmail com Required Training Provided Call Online pay - a lot more payl Call for detail*' Heart, GARDENER S DREAM Able creative hands sures. RFP bids tor schools, town meetings, Please send your resume to Shell Packag- Supplier 1-800-940-4948 ext 2951 land Express 1-866-282-5861 www heart- needed to lelp do container gardens at local RWTT TIMF Secretary needed tor Union lew vanences. plus many other types Search ing Attention J M 673 Morns Avenue. tor notices menuaty or subscribe lo Smart landexpress com homes May & June, weekdeya Car neces- office. Flexible hours No legal experience Springfield. NJ 07081 Search and neve notices sent to your email sery 973-763-505f required ',ill 908-624-1660 EMPLOYMENT WANTED" $600 PER Week possible mailing our simple Drivers Co & O/O address automatically Go to postcards Itom home Supplies and training Dedicated Opportunity HELP WANTED Earn Extra income assem- REAL ESTATE HOME HEALTH Aide looking lor Position to www nipublicnoiices com for more Informa- provided Genuine opportunity Full/pert bling CD cases at home No experience FREE cars for elderly 3 lo 5 days, including nights tion end to subscribe. lime free information package Call 1-708- Lane between Maine a NYC necessary Start immediately! Call 1-800- Excellent References 973-667-6815, 862- 231-7373 (24 hour recording) 5 Drivers Needed 267-3944 extension 119 CAREER SEMINAR 208-9015 REACH OVER 15 mNon households! 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Mailing our pro- in/live out Call 908-663-2121 Computer experience s plus 401K 'bene- suggested Refreshments served EUROPA DOMESTICS motional letters 100% From Home Gen- JORDAN BARIS, INC. uine opportunity Free Info! Call Nowl 1-800- fits Stop by our office at 1291 Stuyvesant LANDSCAPE POSITIONS. Full lime lawn Housekeepers, Nannies. Avenue, Union and fill out an application Or REALTORS 973-736-1600 251-81iJ6\24hr« maintenance in Essex, Moms and Union Elder Care From Around The World fax resume 908-686-4169 attn John or e- Counties Minimum 2 years experience Competent. Intelligent & $990-52.320 WEEKLY POSSIBLE! Mailing meil JdschinoQthelocalsource com Divers license a must! Good pay Call 973- RNLPN needed lor busy pedietnc office In our letters Irom home Easy Free info Gen- 228-8520 Millbum. Flexible schedule evailable Strong Thoroughly Screened uine opportunity 100% Satisfaction Guaran- DENTAL ASSISTANT- Do you like direct patient contact? 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Uons Eye Benk atnc RN has openings for newboms to one- NO SATURDAYS Top Pay & Bsnefits be organizer) detailed oriental person with hardworking individual with dependable car. oi NJ located In Springfield Is seeking an yeer of age In South Orange 973-761-7122 20 words- 10 WEEKS of good phone skills for full time position with Please lex resume to 973-883-0263 valid license Bkg/ drug screen. $500' week, '• •; -rienced Secretar Great Communication Exposure for '39"° in UNION benefits el Moutamside office Proficiency in car expenses, medical. 401K 1-800-726- skills, auwar phones, computer expertise. Microsoft Office and Word E-mail resume DRIVER COVENANT Transport Regional COUNTY or 10 WEEKS of runs available Home weekly Excellent pay 3404. ext 305 including Microsoft Word, end Excel Please lo NJDLCMSQaol com or fax 908-233 .ictM Klein at 973-921-1222 ANNOUNCEMENTS Exposure for '59"" in UNION 3883 & benefits Experienced Dnvers O/O & Stu- MjVIE EXTRAS. Actors. 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Discover what It Instruction Program available 800-771- dnvers Miles • $$ CDL required Xm Radio in Millbum. live out Monday-Friday. 7 15am- mereat County) NJ 906-647-0664 takes to keep your New Year's Resolu- 6318 www pnmeinc com. 800-Cfi-Dnve 800-234-3748 ext 1328) 7 00pm with some flexibility during school • itlHJaol.com or apply at tion Guaranteed To Change Your Life. hours Housekeeping Relert ices, dnvers www campriverbend com ANNOUNCEMENT Hihng For 2005 Poelal licenses and English speaking required Call wwwBornToBeSuccessful.com DRIVERS ACCEPTING Trainees CDL in Positions!! $17 50-J59 00*mour Full Bene- Pattl 201-647-5323 SECRET SHOPPERS needed for store fits Paid Training and Vacations No Expen- 18 days No money down, student financing Imtion i 'limbursement available Job place- ••• ''nations, get paid to shop Local stores. 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Emell Required 1-800-585- areas) Good Opportunity. Start today only DISTRIBUTORS-Bread Distributors needed call 908-931-9866 9024 ext. 8333 $10 00 Call 973-701-4644 in Essex and Union Counties Fax Inquires OACH. Work with the best - and BE YOUR OWN BOSS! Learn to Earn lo 908-995-9669 or mail to P O Box 528 Mil- 12,000-$4,000( Week From Home Call For lord NJ 08848 for the best. Free Message 1-800-259-0519 OUR COMPETITORS MAKE CLAIMS www RichardFelix biz DRIVERS WANTED Suburban Essex Cab Selling Specialists company seeking pert/ full time help Central Makes Promises BECOME A Pharmacy Technician Paralegal 30- 50 hours week Good pay Steady Medical Office Assistant Call 1 -800-625- work 973-762-5700 Lord & Taylor, one of the most respected names in 7053 BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVaaBBBBBaSae^BBBlltVBBBBBlBBBBBBiBBBBBV retail and a proven department store leader, Is DRIVERS NEEDED with small cars $17 JO Central Transport and our service provider, PSI. are seeking "'Cable Quality Control Inspector'" flnd Leading Cable TV oulsourcmg company per hour Call 732-296-0648 dnvers for dedicated runs out •'?••" TrflP.1"" Sacaucua looking lor full- and part-time Selling Specialists seeks a motivated individual to verify Terminals We're seeking candidates with outstanding disconnects Individual must be able to EARN $1.000-$3.5O0 WEEKLY Answering •$18 p/h to start on the docks •90 Day Review work at 22' and handle a 28' extension Surveys Online' $25 00-S75 00 Per Survey! •No Weekend •2004 Model Equipment customer service and selling skills who are looking ladder Candidates must have a valid CDL A Free Registration' Gusranteed Paychecks! •Unbeatable Homeiime •Benefits ilnvers license and a clean criminal Process E-mails Online! Earn $25 00/E- With Hazmat tor an opportunity to excel Selling Specialists will record 3* years of verifiable Cable TV malll Free Government Grants! $12,000- experience Musi have white late model $500,000! Everyone Qualities' Required (j&$ Referral Bonus Program $$ have the opportunity to sell upscale, trend-lorward pickup truck Call for Immediate inter- www ReelCeshProgrems com alvin view 800-273 7524 These are career opportunities with

A free press We offer great benefits, Including medical, dental, profit sharing and a is the strength behind democracy. generous 25% discount

At Worrall community Newspapars. reporters leam what il to our associates. lakes to become good reporters Why? Because reporting for one or more of our weekly newspaperi means becoming Please apply In person at the Lord A involved in the communities we serve From new* stories to Taylor Human Resources office. features, from council coverage lo police blotters, from community events to the ADVKKTISIW.SALKS = 11 Board of Education, reporters are the eyes and ears of all of our readers Newspapers, which publishes 18 newspapers serving 26 towns, has Worrall Community Newspapers is looking lordandtaylor.com openings for reporters in its Essex and Union County regions If you think you have what it lakes to be a reporter sand resume and clips lo Tom Canavan. PO Box 3109. Union. N J 07083. or fax lo (908) 686-4169 for experienced and aggreiibw sales people lor outside and inside sales- Earning Be part of a company whose mission if to preserve democracy. ind you.

Worrall Newspapers is an equal opportunity employer potential commensurate with experience. Call for appointment (908) 686-7700 LJNKW COUNTY CLA»StftffD

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Structural e M MMb M 24 man). miniatu'M Chnetmas Iralnt V Repair* ol barn*, house* and garage* Call INSIDE OUT TREE SERVICES (Meven) 97S-17MM2 ''UOUMU WOVMft NX *0f SPIlQMBmnQ game* icwelry poo* and wnti watches. 'Tht Punting ProflMUQnult' kniK you to out Worehip Perkar pan Hit apptianoee. book*, •MW.BMa.oon itvsttng, fouodMon snd wood few**) npt^n recorde CDs electronic*, art aupptee. 1 800-OUMsARN D«ck Btllmp ft Staining APAMHYMJBINtM i www 1 SflQ #| f*l BARN IIWII Complete Fowiiviihing ••rvitot • HUM a MKMU • MM IIMOBT Fit* (llintlll • Fully ln»ut«« without bMng CONTRACTOR MAPLEWOOO 2043 OSTWOOO Tarraoa. HOMI MCAIRSy "Wort Dant Prafesalonelly denomination You k» can (732) 382 3922 (o* •tuyvaeant Avanua) Saturday, March IKLO COWTRACTOHS, »n«. "Thera la % lor Less' • Psinling • Dry Well'Speckling- 1 ••06-525-6481 "* <* " 2 12, Sam Jpm HouaahoM itamt. furniture aubewute tor e«penence- Addfwna. Re... Maaonry • Wood Work • lm*rK>r/E>lerlor • Tilt 50 years ooleceng Everything Muat Go vatwna Dormers. Kitchena. Pamtmg. Wm, Hapairi and Moral Frae Estimetaa The Wbtt clearly teaches that jeeue built CaHara Deoka. Bathe Cvar 38 yjem top PAINTING/ PAPER HAWQINQ 908-686-8074 SOUTH ORANGE. M South Rldgawood Jua Mt-IH-STM Hie only en* church (Matthew 1« ie quality work at affordable pnoaa «0e-24b Road Saturday. March 12th 9-6 Maresbng MIKE D'ANDREA Roman* 18 18) Therefore w *» human 5280 wwwmalooontracbr* oom MEUS PAINTINO Item*, art, book*, tvi. oM chain, table*. All Home Improvements <»«*rt« churches NOT tound in the Bibb tMAUCOVEWMO t REMOVAL BUSINESS (leeks oM magazines records, bnc-a-brac 30 Veers Eiperlenca "•Nr-MM Cnurohee that .«, wilnoul DRIVEWAYS Carpentry end Tile Work Free Istimetes AM Other Home Improvement MM OPPORTUNITIES »l*autiorsvind,r,,inhj| Thus fa*** to Something for tvaiyona Ran or Shine Call 108-141-1*1:1 (Kenllworth) • No Job Too Small • Neat • Ratable dleoem Tht Truth form error is FaM MTCRNO MMriNO Sumey 10am Bible Stofc OARAOE/YARD SALES omatwya - Partuns U*a PLAZA HOME MPROVEMENT8 Free Estimates • Licensed I Insured 11am Worehip Service Coal taalna. C M i Siding • Wlndowa • Roofing 973-243-8743 / 973-887-0433 BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES UNION. 728 PINE WOOD Road (off Llbarty 8pm Evening Service Kitchena • Bathrooma • Baaements Anytime Wedneeday 7*>pm BUD. Study Avanua) Friday. Saturday. March 11th, 12th Extanalona • Concrete • Masonry 17 Year-OU PubaWy Traded Company We offer 10 00am-4 00pm Ratro. ale Everything Free Estimelea • 100% Finance SeetaLaaders To Expend Buenaes mutt go1 •AMC BMU STUDIES FREE ZAVOCW PAVING CO., INC No Down Peyment * Fully Ineured PLUMBING In New Jersey Aree If you have • 6*4. Qu»»Uxi Aapha*. 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WQt mvesl n»q Senous eat bus Unique bos Call Bill Excellent References Available Oas Heall. Faucet Repairs. Electric Drain t INSTRUCTION model BCf>80IK883 973-586-4804 HBtM CLBCTMC Call Today For A Fre* Estimate Sewer Cleaning ACCESS A new career In haaHhcara Train- •It //'« Eltctric, W» Do III' Serving the Homeowner Buelnaaa I Industry Interior and Exterior. Lightning. Repair* 908-598-8229 9084M-074* 484 Chestnut Street. Union.NJ $50,000 FREE CASH GRANTS'" 20051 i ig m Mraig. Therapy Medical AaMtanl Never Repay! For Personal BMe, School, Medical Being. Coding, Surgical Tachnoto New Conalruction, Free Eatimatea Maate. Plumbers Uc.#41B2,«884S,»11181 Antiques caii Ma-m-iow ^ •"•« LANDSCAPING ~ SENIOR CITIZEN DISCOUNT Naw Buelnaaa. $49 Billion Left Unclaimed 0M Tha Chubb Insotuta CaM 1-88?-968- Wanted from 2004 Live Operators 1-600406-6061 7777 Now • Nsw and UaaO Fummm • ertx-Mc CoaaoeWaa • ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING 8ER DAN NICK LANDSCAPING RECYCLING "* art 081 Ruga. 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Talking to REAL ESTATE and i marketing program to Dear Jill Guzman Realty and Jordan Carmo, friends and neighbors and getting MAPLEWOOD LARGE 3 bedroom kving enha your home together with room, dming room, modern kitchen & bath recommendations from people you hone and integrity. Their best Thank you for everything you have done in the process of the tale of our Walking distance to village 4 tram Laundry "All real estate advertised herein Is tub trust is a key factor. A proven track home. You were amazing and we were very happy to have you aa our and storage J1650 • utilities 973-489- (eel to the Federal Fair Houaing Act, is, and always will be. record of a company is vital. A 3417 which makea It Illegal to tdvertlM any realtor We would also like to thank Sonia at JILL GUZMAN REALTY, INC preference, limitation, or discrimination Brokers knowledge of the who alto helped We were Wetted to have your personal attention to NEWARK-NEAR HILLSIDE based on race, color, religion, ttx hand- addreat all our concern* God bleea you. STUDIO 1 AND 2 BEDROOMS icap, familial status, or national origin, community, school system, and of Very Spacious Nice Ouiel Building & J»c pcwiu. up from lot week when 11 ivenasd 3.23 perctet A ment with den $1400 Nice location Clou 13 YOUR HOUSE PROBLEM OUT OF to mator highways 973-564-8663 year «|o. the I iyeu KHM ivmaed *»* pcrcew CONTROL??? Don't be helpleis trying hvc Ytir Treuur>ind»«l hybrid adjiuublerue morl|»fei (ARMi to sell your home Call now for a Free SOUTH ORANGE. 1 bedroom apartments. Cornaxa Iw SM4IM 4 DM* 741 ».«M»IIIIIII tm»urn h™lJ he reported along w iih averi|c feea UNION, LOVELY 4 room apartment 2nd bath Asking $350,000 Call 908-497-0099 floor of 2 family house in Larchmonl section NK4UH7I and puma 10 reflect ihe loul c<»t af iibuining the imm|a|e ) $1100 Call 973-467-2795 CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE '( oncern Ihu long-lcnn intereat met are too low and commenu from ied ofliciali Ihu week helped puah mtmpge rates higher thii week, uid rrwk Nirtraft. rreddie Mac VIM pretidenl and chief economiil "«cK heen c«pecting ihia for mm tune, ao the nie in ram for Ihe PIMM u»l Hi tmtt rM MwaaftM third ODBjaealrf) week duew't really come aa a aurpruc lo the market "Howe valuet nne uiioully al a rate of over 10 percent in 2004, th munim itrungeit annual growth unce 197° However, aa mortgage mea begm 10 trend upward m aaaM the rale of houae once appnctalm 10 bc| 10 ilow 10 perhaps ie>en or eight percenl nationally Ihu jeer." Kreddie Mac 1. a uockholderowned corporation ettabliihed b I ongreu in 1170 u> create a conlinuoua flow of fundi to monga lenden in luppon (if homenwnnihip and renlal houaing Freddie M IUMAU4 IJM/Itt* 4.U>i4M.1T4ri/l| tmv If >nt|nM mllaaK ixinhaaet mongagn fwm lenden and packagn them into lecuntiea that PickaFee*|Realty are uild lo mvealon (Ker the yean. Freddie Mac hai made home pot s» . 4M»1I1|I«1| UasshBlsMltss •iblc for one in m homebuyen in America M-1UI11I I ilSiM.IBKisyil Jse*snan*• asaaaaanalanali|naw. -J / % MLS • Buyer Broker's Fee 27:r/r / 2 Newspaper Ads & Open Houses National Averages k«t I7I1MIH III IH 30-year mortgage StionmJArtngt: S.79% Call: (908) 688-3111 sm j! 11 I.TMMM0V1 m — i»««ssi

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New Web site for N.Y. Auto Show UNION COUNTY PUBLICATIONS ESSEX COUNTY PUBLICATIONS UNION, KENILWORTH. MAPLEWOOD, SOUTH ORANGE, Providing one of the most useful floor of the 2005 auto exposition can electronic postcards, and I "Design ROSELLE PARK, SUMMIT, BLOOMFIELD. GLEN RIDGE, tools for viiiton of the New York purchase online tickets in advance, Your Own Dream Car" section. MOUNTAINSIDE. SPRINGFIELD. NUTLEY, BELLEVILLE, Inlernitiotul Auto Show, the event's print them, and head straight to spe- "So whether you're purchasing LINDEN, ROSELLE, RAHWAY, WEST ORANGE. producere ire proud to introduce an nil cially marked entrances for online tickets in advance, browsing the photo CRANFORO, CLARK, EAST ORANGE, ORANGE, new, completely redesigned Web site: ticket holders. gallery for your next car, or looking ELIZABETH, HILLSIDE IRVINGTON, VAILSBURG www.autothowNY.com. The tickets are available al Web for directions to the Javits Center. The new Web. site offers important site www. autoshowNY.com at $12 autoshowNY.com is the place to go." show information for industry, press, adults and $4 children 12 yean old said show director Candida Romancl- and consumers planning to visit the and under. li. The site's new vehicle gallery Search your local classifieds show. The site also provides a The site also features one of the includes photographs, product specifi- PLACE YOUR AD TODAY! on the Internet at glimpse of whit to expect when the most comprehensive online new vehi- cations and technical information show opens its doors to the general cle image database J, important show about care and trucks from more than www.localsource.com public on March 25. facts and figures, and the ever popular 40 vehicle manufacturers, as well as 1-800-564-8911 E-mail u* at: Consumers looking to avoid box auto trivia quiz. Its multimedia sec- dozens of images of the latest concept dsss9thslocslsourcs.com office lines and quickly get onto the tion will feature free tcreensavers. Your 2005 AeE?ra"MDX ^>a turbary,

ft ^icft ^our discount from Our ^)ot of Cofb! Our Q3)orfb YO18205331 Corneb ^eef d Ca66a^e! V6. auto, ps, abt, cllmata control, p/wlndows. p/locks, moonrool, am/fm stereo CD playar, laathar. tilt, crulsa, dual air bags, 17" alloys, lira pressure monitoring, tlda curtain airbags. Vin» 5MS103S0. MSRP $37,270. Closed Jfe 25% OFF G< and lease based on 36 months. 12K ml/yr & 15«/ml thereafter 1st month, $999 down. $995 bank (ee & $400 security dapoalt all due O atoning. $2393 due O inception $14,384 total pay. $23,852 residual. Prices Include all Raingear costs to ba paid by the consumer except tax, title and registration Subject to prima.y lender approval Dealer not responsible (or typos. Exp 3/31/05. ^Surprise Sales throughout the Store! /tl Great Selection of The All New Come in and see the All Wheel Drive 200S RL Three New Modsjsfrom Harley-Davidson! Now In Stockl 115th Anniversary Fat Boy Beginning •2006 VRSCR April 1" PROUD SPONSOR OF Lotsa i Street Rod Clark Traveling Soccer Teams! Rent a Harley Loaners! •Sportster 883R at Liberty!

Rark ACURA i Icirlov I civicl%< 11 ImiI Ave 201-587-9000 12 W. MILTCN AVC. _S*G\ N J i H < i 171 Rte 17 South • Maywood • N) www.parkaveacura.com 732 381 24CC Parts & Service Departments Still Located At 247 W Passalc St • 201-587-9001 M^^v.llbertyharley.ccm UNION COUNTY CLASSIFIED PAGE B14 — THURSDAY, MARCH 10, 2005 AUTOMOTIVE General Motors introduces two new hybrid fuel pickups When it comet time to marge on H> Mirk Ma>n«rd I usi ycal sales ul less thuti ^ pel In the event of a power failure at a the lag on takeoff vs. on the end of the column shift lever < nplr> Ntwi Service ceni aie anticipated, hut fin about the Ix used lo power hybrids," he says. The auto-stop function resumes when the highway, this pickup has full (niHial Mom kM Niiiniii IIDWII i ,i premium package U| . I , ,niple of lightk. microwave and IV. "If it i^ : then there may be canceling tow-haul or restarting the power the ro.iit in hydrogen powered vehi tin hvhrul option is not IOSI ga ui more poweiintensive appliances • tligli ll delay (milliMC- engine. It isn't easy driving green, but clcs In iiiiriKlin ni(i guolinc-cttctrii live Vtujl MMM will de|K-ml M one at a time onds) v . the tenson are verifying (iM's medium/heavy hybrids, every effort is one more mile toward In hi hi UIM, 105 t'h*Vft>l«l where luel cioiuum tails in a kl I he dire ot the advanced tech paramc available in 2007/2008 for the large energy independence Silvando ami liM( iMffl pickups ilie hv In ul pickup IS IU fly- AK. smiMion a stan- tnicks and SUVs, should log 30 per- I ho will IK- tin- HrH hsliiul piling (Uteiinj; .1 Inhiul -ssiem on ihc wlice-I jllenuiloi starter system dard ( 1L60I automatic with a cent to 35 percent better fuel economy Mark Maynard Is drivlBf la cyber- Iroin aii> niiikn pickup gels the ,ul\ allied technologies Instead of a conventional starter •lighil illei torque convener — with little or no reduction in perform- space at mark.mayaard(« ualoa- . ii will hmlil 0Hi) 2.JO0 "I on the load in high numbers, MIVS (,M MSN and alternator, the hybrid uses a seeks ' moderate inclines, ance. Perzanowski says. lrib.com. the hybrids .""I at flu ihc> II kl spokesman DoM HartlmuiNs lie s.n,l iiunpact eleciiK motor integrated shiftii. "iih to find the opti- However, it lakes some driver the hvbnd pickup ISJUSI one ol soci between the engine and transmission availahk' unls la huvas in ( alilnriu.i mum s| MI luel economy effort to get top fuel economy, CLASSIFIED ADS I ui I.IJ V\ada. Alaska. OfffM mi jl ways In meet cmissiniis siaiulaids I he motor gives fast, quiet starting |n • niii stan-stop driving, whether in a hybrid or not That means Washington Among ihein .n deneral Mm.us BMW and the ability to generate up lo heavy II or on long grades, the looking ahead to anticipate accelera- ARE QUICK AND 14,000 watts of continuous clccinc Ilio ixuiuUil i.ib. short box pak Mill be the Displacement on Demand hybrid m cut he switched off by tion and braking needs to stretch every CONVENIENT! ups unh I I lilci \ I MfiOM in MM engines ihji can vary the number of power. activam '.he low-haul mode switch, drop of gas or fem wheel ilrivi- will tie j\iiiliibk- cyUadon ili.ii M tinny Hiniinuoukly igy it stored in a 42-volt. lead- »uh u ninlim fltrifif hybrid option ,.HLihk tiansiiussions Hid I-K5 dual- acid battery pack, adding 330 pounds losing' I2.M0 Sales siiincil m ltp luel vehicles to the truck's curb weight Here's your chance to let everyone know... Mak* "We will IK- able to conserve a aig- That energy storage module pro- I hi1 n) fllHtrl mild hvhml •sv-K-ni inlkanl amount of fuel." Harthmuss vides all power (unctions when the works tlH «'i>A 10 imprint luel says truck is Mopped and the engine shuts aononn .mil Miltfam h\ HlHttill| (iM also will oiler hybrid power- off. Air conditioning and othe, cabin oil tin- HflM ai Mb, In enabling trains lo transit agencies, replacing functions are maintained and steering what's going on •iH) luel IUIOII in the engine during more conventional diesel buses. The and braking are maintained by an elec- ileci'liT.iiion Hid b} icjuneialne hiiik hybrid buses have extremely clean tro-hydraulic system .ing emissions and give upward of 60 per- And when the batteries are shot. It's siiul the lyattM tan improve cent luel economy, Barthmuss say*. they will be recyclable like any other FLBtV What is your non-profit luel BCtmom) h> ,ihoui II) percent H A recent week's test of • GMC car battery. TH 15 pMMtt, i.omp.ireil with the lon- Sierra hybrid pickup was a ride into The lag time between moving organization working on? venlion.il J ' lilei \ K the future, though short, pending the between battery power to auto start CULT ( .illinium's ,III qualm regulators, arrival of the full/heavy hybrids in a was slower than other full hybrids I've are embniung a plitn In enlisi every- couple of yean. driven. SCHC Let us know today! ila\ \ehalcs tn^radualK reduce e'nis The hybrid experience it fairly In those offerings, such as the Ford MM ot carbon ilioxule and other transparent, but there will be a period Escape hybrid, (he start-up time is just gases b> nearK one third, starting of adjustment as people grow accus- milliseconds. The (iM system seems I-800-504-801I with the 2(KN model year tomed to the power system. more like a second. AUI Hulingen-powered fuel cell vehi- For the traditional truckei. the The slight hesitation isn't an issue cles will he the ultimate weapon for specs are all in place: when resuming power from a stop at a (icnc-r.il Molois. and hybrid power is horsepower is still 295 with 330 traffic light, but it is more noticeable just one was dM and other carmakers foot-pounds of torque. The two-wheel at four-way stops when the stop dura- Whit's Going On ii a paid will MOB. (hat goal drive tow rating is 7,800 pounds, and tions are brief, almost stop and go. NAME PHONE directory of events for non- profit organizations. It is PRE- (IM will debut other mild hybrid fuel mileage around town is between At those times, between the decel- ADDRESS. PAID and costs only $20.00 ss stems in the Saturn Vue SUV in 14.6 and 16.6 mpg, according to the eration mode, auto stop and back to CITY ZIP (for 2 weeks) in Union or Essex 2006 and in the ( hevrolet Malibu a average fuel economy readings from acceleration, the system had to do a lot County and just S30.00 for sen later A lull hybrid system, using the onboard computer. of microprocessing, which translated ESSEX UNION COMBO_ both counties. Your notice must gasoline, buttery power or a combina- to engine hesitation. EPA mileage ratings for the Sierra Write your ad in the spaces below and mail to: be in one of our offices by tion ol both, is ttyjoMod to be avail- 4WD hybrid with automatic transmis- This mild hybrid system, which WORRALL NEWSPAPERS 4:00pm on Monday for able in 2IHI7 on (iM pickups and the sion are 17 mpg city and 19 highway does not do any propulsion with the P.O. Box 158, Maplewood, NJ 07040 publication the following C hevrolet Tahoe und HM( Yukon The comparable gasoline-engine electric system, is unlike the full or DAY DATE Thursday. Offices are located at SUV». model is rated 15/18, so there are heavy hybrid systems in the Ford EVENT 463 Valley Street, Maplewood; luel savings on the full hybrid some quickly realized benefits to Escape or Toyota Pnus, which have 266 Liberty Street, Bloomfield; trucks might be about 30 percent hybrid. larger electric motors and smaller PLACE or 1291 Stuyvesant Avenue, deneral Motors sells about a mil- Of particular interest are its 120- internal combustion engines, says Tim TIME Union. lion pickup tnicks a year, and a 5 per- volt AC outlets, two in the cab and two Perzanowski, a (iM hybrid engineer. PRICE cent hybrid sales rate could put about in the hed. The power outlets will be "Therefore, when you lift o(T the You can e-mail us at: 4VIHHI emissions-reducing and fuel- useful to campers and to contractors brake pedal, the engine has to stan ORGANIZATION classCthelocalsource, com saving vehicles on ihe road who use chargeable power tools. before you begin moving. This would THE CHOICE IS YOURS now it's easier than ever...to drive a Saturn!

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MOtten Require Approved Oedrt Pncat aubiKt lo ivariabMy Pros plus in tag and fees DM* <- Picturas kx iustrainn purpoem onty Oftera expre 3/14/06 JWON COUNTY CUUHUEiEn THURSDAY. MARCH 10. 2009 - PAGE B15 /tiTChevro/et |





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