The Great Flanaess River Adventure

(“ or Bust”)

By The Oliver Brothers


This campaign is the ultimate hex crawl, taking the newly formed adventuring party by canoe from of to the “Gem of the Flanaess” - Greyhawk– via the Velverdyva River , a journey consisting of 94 hexes and 2,820 miles! The journey of a lifetime awaits your new characters in this river campaign. Organized in 15 chapters, consisting of over 500 pages, and a dozen major adventures, the ultimate goal of this campaign is very simple: Greyhawk or bust!

Get ready to return to the greatest world in the history of role playing games for some old school, classic, first edition, Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.

Dedicated to and

For bringing us together as “brothers-in-arms”

Where'er thou sail'st who sailed with me, Though now thou climbest loftier mounts, And fairer rivers dost ascend, Be thou my Muse, my Brother.

I am bound, I am bound, for a distant shore, By a lonely isle, by a far Azore, There it is, there it is, the treasure I seek, On the barren sands of a desolate creek.

I sailed [down] a river with a pleasant wind, New lands, new people, and new thoughts to find; Many fair reaches and headlands appeared, And many dangers were there to be feared.

-Henry David Thoreau, A Week on the Concord and Merrimack Rivers

Table of Contents

Title RC (River Campaign) Module #

Introduction RCI

Chapter 1: Blackmoor RC1

Chapter 2: Burneal Forest RC2

Chapter 3: Tiger & Wolf Nomads RC3

Chapter 4: Lake Quag RC4

Chapter 5: Clatspur Range RC5

Chapter 6: Yatil Mountains RC6

Chapter 7: Highfolk RC7

Chapter 8: Veluna RC8

Chapter 9: Dapple Wood RC9

Chapter 10: Iron Wood RC10

Chapter 11: Verbobonc RC11

Chapter 12: Gnarley Forest RC12

Chapter 13: Dyvers RC13

Chapter 14: Nyr Dyv RC14

Chapter 15: Greyhawk! RC15

Preface enough to journey by canoe to the Gem of the Flanaess, they will soon find out. “Where ever there is a channel for water -there is a road for the canoe.” Introduction

-Henry David Thoreau, “Water is a pioneer which the settler follows.” Canoeing in the Wilderness -Henry David Thoreau, Canoeing in the Wilderness. It has been written that one of the greatest rivers in all of the Flanaess is the Velverdyva River. It stretches from at least the Yatil Mountains to the Nyr Welcome to the new first edition Advanced Dyv, the Lake of Unknown Depths. Some have Dungeons & Dragons adventure, The Great Flanaess argued that the Fler River is in reality nothing more River Adventure, subtitled “Greyhawk or Bust,” a than the upper Velverdyva, originating in campaign that will be played in 15 Chapters. This Blackmoor, flowing south through the Burneal adventure is a journey style campaign that takes Forest, then arriving at Lake Quag before following the player characters from the headwaters of the a course through the canyons of the Yatil Velverdyva River (at that point actually the Fler), by Mountains. Whether they are two rivers or one, canoe, all the way to . While it physically or named, is of no import, for the river is largely a Wilderness Campaign, there will be time itself cares not. for some good old fashion dungeon crawling and traditional role playing in the cities and towns along As the Master himself has described it, “Velverdyva: the way. This adventure is intended as the type of The natural flow of the river is eastward, from the journey so often found in some of the greatest lower Yatil Mountains and the Clatspur range literature ever written, including Homer’s The southward through Veluna, past Verbobonc and Odyssey, C.S. Lewis’s The Chronicles of Narnia, and quite near Nulb (fed by the Imeryds Run), and J.R.R. Tolkein’s The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings, as continuing through the Gnarley Forest into the well as the real life journeys of such people as Lewis great Nyr Dyv, Lake of the Unknown Depths. One & Clark (The Journals), Francis Parkman (The of its sources is in the far northern Burneal Forest, in Oregon Trail), and John Wesley Powell (The the land of Blackmoor itself! And where the water Exploration of the Colorado River). Like all journeys, flows, creatures follow.”1 however, it must be remembered that while the destination (Greyhawk!) is the goal of this And so does man. campaign, in the famed words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, “Life is a journey, not a destination.” The fascination of the river, the lure of adventure, and man’s need for excitement affects everyone Player’s Background the same. To know where the river flows to, the wonder of what encounters lie along its course, and The player characters are from the upper northern the discovery if one is brave enough to reach their reaches of the Flanaess in the Archbarony of destination. All of this leaves all of mankind -and Blackmoor. They were born and raised in the perhaps others - dreaming. Dreaming of village of Arneson, located at the headwaters of adventure; Dreaming of the journey. the Fler (or Velverdyva) River, located north of the Burneal Forest and south of the Land of Black Ice. Again, the Master himself provides both words of The small village of 120 souls backs up on the north wisdom and words of caution about this journey: “A side to a draw with the hill reaching upward behind simple boating jaunt, either upstream or down, can them. Cold water channels down the draw, forms a encounter river pirates and sundry random aquatic stream, and pours into a large natural pool that is encounters (fresh-water only of course!). Low level the central feature of the village. The pool is characters should be discouraged from such actually a natural hot spring and the clash of endeavors to some extent, but those of level 5 and waters causes a permanent veil of fog and mist up might perhaps find other arms of the powers of over the village, making for excellent camouflage. Chaos and Evil lurking in the waters nearby. And If the misty camouflage does not provide who knows what things – or even kingdoms – lurk in concealment from the monsters that teem in the the depths.”2 If player characters are brave winter wilderness, than the wooden stockade provides them the defensive cover they need. The i

one area that is relatively unprotected, however, is Arneson, have decided it was time. They were now where the natural hot spring spills over the pool’s preparing to go on a journey; they were going on banks and works its way southward to the Burneal an adventure – The Great Flanaess River Adventure! Forest, becoming the Fler River. Course of the Adventure Despite being such a small community, Arneson is a collection of well-trained, former adventurers. They “Here was traveling of the old heroic kind over the count among themselves some of the finest fighters, unaltered face of nature.” thieves, monks, bards, clerics, and magic-users, and they are composed of all manner of races, mostly -Henry David Thoreau, human, dwarf, and , with a few elves. This is Canoeing in the Wilderness a village that can take care of its own, and as a result, the player characters have grown up with excellent role models and mentors. They have This campaign is divided into fifteen chapters or learned to defend themselves, hunt for their own fifteen major challenges for the player characters. food, and live in the wilderness. If you have a map of the World of Greyhawk, follow along the journey with a short description of what The player characters, like all youth, long to seek will be taking place. out their own adventures. It is one thing to hear the tales of the elders, it is quite another to live them Chapter 1: Blackmoor – Now that the players have yourself. When the player characters were received the call to adventure and decided to go approximately 10 years old (at least by human on their journey to Greyhawk, they must prepare. standards), a strange man visited their village. He Their mentors will assist, but they must do all of the called himself Sormod and he told them tales of a work. There are then some basic considerations for secret tunnel leading to Rigodruok and of the great this journey. They will need a canoe, or two or dangers that lie there. But it was the stories of the three, which will necessitate a trip to the Burneal “Gem of the Flanaess,” that captured their Forest, a forest overrun with quaggoths. They will the most. He spoke of the strange need food, necessitating several hunting trips; and buildings, the diverse population that resides there, they will need items of value to barter for goods and all of the riches. Further, he spoke of the many downriver. One option may be the hide of the opportunities for wealth and adventures. And they winter wolf they saw while hunting elk, or, if they were especially fascinated with the stories of Lord figure out the secret of the monkeys that lounge in Robilar and the Green Dragon Inn. the pool all day, they may find the secret tunnel to Rigodruok which is full of diamonds, but also some For years they dreamed that Greyhawk truly was a very deadly spiders. giant gem, after all, why would they call it the “Gem of the Flanaess”? But as they grew older, Chapter 2: Burneal Forest – this portion of the they learned more of the City of Greyhawk from campaign will be the most dangerous as they will their elders, almost all of whom at one time or be of low level and the forest is filled with all types another had ventured to the city. The player of perils, ranging from the natural, such as characters, friends with both a shared dream and waterfalls, portaging the canoes, and other hazards wanderlust, all agreed that one day they would of the forest. They will also face a variety of native travel south and east by canoe to the city, and species including stirges in the trees, quallan in the there they would seek their own adventures at the water, or quaggoths on land. There are also the Green Dragon Inn. The friends thus formed a pact, barrow mounds, the lost tomb of the real Sormod, together they would journey to Greyhawk, and that and the Lost City of the Suel to explore. And did we journey would be their first adventure. mention the place was overrun with quaggoths?

Fortunately, their elders did not discourage them, Chapter 3: Tiger & Wolf Nomads – As the for they too had once been young. They did, adventurers come out of the forest, they will find a however, take it upon themselves to ensure that the cabin in fair condition where they have wood for a youth fully understood their journey would be a fire and some dried food stores. It is unoccupied dangerous one, and that they were prepared to and they will be unharassed, so it is a good place to face any and all challenges. The youth, now rest. As they continue southward on the river they approximately 19 years of age, and just shy of will find it slow and easy going through the plains of being admitted into the elder council of Village the Tiger and Wolf Nomads. That is, at least, until ii

they find themselves in the middle of a battle take them back to the main river because there is between the Wolf and Tiger Nomads, right before it no other exit from the lost caverns and temple of is about to begin. Will they pick sides? Will they the Clatspur Range. fight both? Or will they try to play the diplomat and negotiate a peace settlement – fighting or role- Chapter 6: Yatil Mountains – When the underground playing, it is up to them. Then further down the river river merges back onto the Velverdyva River the they will discover a gnome in need (aren’t they adventuring party will have to survive more white always?) which if the adventurers offer their water rapids, but if they make it through, they can assistance, it will lead them to the Yatil Salt Mine, rest in the gnome village located on the eastern now under the control of a band of goblins. shore in their caverns. There, they will be treated well and potentially like royalty if they help the Chapter 4: Lake Quag – Canoeing on a lake is a lot Gnomes defend against the attack of the Norkers harder than on a river and the waves can get (those silly little gnomes, always needing help!). rather large, they can also conceal a crystal ooze. Assuming they survive, the Gnomes will have one It is generally safer to stick close to shore, and on more favor to ask, could the adventuring party the eastern side, this would give them the clear out the cavern they discovered when they opportunity to purchase goods in the village of were expanding their living quarters in the caves? It Ungra Balan. However, it should be noted, if they only has demons in it. If they agree, they will fight fought against the Wolf Nomads in Chapter 3, the some gruesome demonic creatures and learn that remaining force will be returning to Ungra Balan this cavern was the fallback position for the great and may very well remember the adventurers. Archmage if she was ever forced to flee Whether continuing south of their own accord or from the safety of The Lost Caverns of Tsojcanth. beating a hasty retreat, the adventurers will run into Iggwilv’s haven, however, is no haven for the the Island of the Mist Dragons where awaits an adventurers. ancient legend and an oriental adventure. Further south they will pass the city of Traft which, they will Chapter 7: Highfolk – The City of the High Elves is a soon learn is currently under attack, and they will welcoming city, a beautiful city, a peaceful city, become part of the Battle of Traft. Further along and a friendly city. Here the adventurers will be the way they will run into other problems such as able to resupply, refit, and rest for the next leg of the River (or Lake) Pirates, before finally arriving in their journey through Veluna. They will, however, Schwartzenbruin, the capital of Perrenland, where find the black onyx tower rising in the center of the the elders told them they could find aid and a city to be a rather out of place structure. They will safehaven with the priests in the Temple of be told - with happy smiling faces - that a strange Fharlanghn. group of brown robed elves came out of the Vesve Forest, although they were not Sylvan Elves, and Chapter 5: Clatspur Range - The Velverdyva River after being warmly greeted offered to build a work flowing south from Lake Quag has a number of falls, of art for the city. It was to be a large statue of their some of which require portaging, but when they hit god, but when some of the council balked, they the mountains it is a good stretch of serious white offered to simply make a beautiful watch tower to water canoeing – think Grand Canyon and the admire the commanding views of the city. Secretly, Colorado River. In the Clatspur Range, a not-so- however, the citizens of Highfolk are not happy. natural avalanche forces the party to paddle You wouldn’t be either if you discovered these toward the cliff walls where they get caught in a strange elves were and that they were vortex of water that plunges them into an building the tower over a secret cave system in underground channel of the river. As they jet order to take over the city and surrounding lands. through the underground river tunnel they enter a large cavern where their canoes get caught in a Chapter 8: Veluna – Canoeing along the large fishing net and they get hauled in for dinner. Velverdyva River through Veluna is some of the They soon find themselves in the middle of two calmest and most peaceful paddling down the warring factions, with caves on one side and the river, but it also proves to have some of the most worked stone complex on the other, with the challenging waterfalls. The one waterfall that turns Temple of Kyuss in the center. If they can survive out to be a giant beaver’s dam does not, it seem, the encounters with the grimlocks and dark make for a happy beaver. Other challenges along creepers and get their canoes and supplies back, the way include a band of rovers, the weather, and they will have to hope the underground river will a strange burnt area on the river’s shores that


seems to be following them. Along the way, they they love nothing better than to attack those also come across the circle of hands, an odd traveling through the forest by land or river. Not to collection of rock monoliths situated in a circle. mention the will-o-wisp in the fireplace, the red Assuming the player characters unlock its magic, squirrel that turns out to be a wolf-in-sheep’s they are about to journey on a portion of the river clothing, and the treants – the gnarley treants. This unlike any they have ever seen before. isn’t a dungeon crawl, it’s going to be a river crawl.

Chapter 9: Dapple Wood – The Dapple Wood are Chapter 13: Dyvers – The independent city of Dyers usually not a problem along the Velverdyva River, is known as “The City of Sails” because of the sheer but in the not too distant past, a very large group of number of boats on this portion of river involved in bugbears fled to these woods from the town of the merchant trade. As a result of the high level of Nulb where they were serving as agents in The trade, there is also a distinct problem with River Temple of Elemental Evil. Having regrouped in the Pirates in and around Dyvers. When the adventurers woods, they are trying to regain their numbers and stop in Dyers they will have a run-in with River strength. The bugbears are not too happy with their Pirates. These pirates, however, are involved in circumstances and any adventurers even thinking something even more sinister, they are involved in of entering the forest are going to have their hands the slave trade. The slavers from The Scourge of the full. Slavelords are about to try and expand their territory. Things are going to get really interesting. Chapter 10: Iron Wood – If the Dapple Wood were bad, the Iron Wood prove to be even worse for it Chapter 14: Nyr Dyv – Nyr Dyv is literally translated has become home to what has to be the first ever as the Lake of Unknown Depths. The adventurers Lycanthrope society ever formed in the Flanaess. are almost to their destination, but they must learn From the seawolfs that attack their canoes, to the to never, ever, let their guard down. What werebears that capture them, they will see nearly creatures lurk in the depths of the lake? What every kind of lycanthrope possible. When the dangers lurk when coming too close to the shore adventurers reach the Temple of Karaan, the lesser that is the Cairn Hills? What manner of deadly flying god of lycanthropes, the reason for this odd beast attack from the air? The adventurers are gathering will soon become all too clear. The about to find out. lycanthropes of the Flanaess are plotting to rule the world. Chapter 15: Greyhawk! – Once the adventurers make it through Midbay and onto the Selintan Chapter 11: Verbobonc – After escaping the River, things will flow more smoothly. The river is Temple of Karaan in the Iron Wood, the adventurers wide, calm, and with the amount of trade going to make it to the great city on the river – Verbobonc. Greyhawk, there is safety in numbers. They will On the river they are met by a cleric of St. Cuthbert make their way southwest and soon see the spires who needs some assistance from strangers to the of Greyhawk rising in the distance. Here they may town. The Clerics are suspicious of the ongoings in celebrate their success and honor the dead who an old church outside the wall and they want the did not make the journey. They will arrive at the adventurers to explore the site for them. They can River Quarters and can then make their way up to pay in gold and healing powers. The only problem Cargo Street in order to celebrate their is the cleric is actually not a cleric of St. Cuthbert, accomplishment at the famous Green Dragon Inn. rather, he is a cleric of . In light of the fact they no longer have the old Temple of Tharizdun as Notes for the detailed in The Forgotten Temple of Tharizdun and since The Temple of Elemental Evil is now available, “It is wonderful how well watered this country is.” they are beginning to train new clerics to one day Return to the Temple of Elemental Evil. Right now -Henry David Thoreau, they need to train new clerics and people who are Canoeing in the Wilderness not from Verbobonc are the perfect candidates. It’s tough being the new guy in town. In order to properly referee this campaign, it is Chapter 12: Gnarley Forest – The Gnarley Forest important to read through the entire adventure, so couldn’t be better named. Think Ogres, , and that as the Dungeon Master you understand the Gnolls – oh my! A more gruesome collection of concept of the entire campaign, not just each demi-humans has never been seen before. And chapter. A suggestion is to read through the entire iv

game first, then read each chapter in advance of you good Dungeon Master – perhaps an overland actual play. That way you will have an overall idea trek home? And then perhaps an adventure of the campaign, but each current chapter of the through the secret tunnels which travel north under adventure will be fresh in your mind. the Land of Black Ice to Rigodruok? Or, mayhaps the adventurers have found a love for the water As the Dungeon Master, you will have to be and they wish to continue their journey on the seas creative with the game, as not all circumstances and rivers as they explore more of the Flanaess? and outcomes can be predicted. In the same After all, the World of Greyhawk is a very big place. right, you should allow the player characters to be creative as well. This will prove to be a tough Running the Adventure campaign for them, wilderness campaigns are always fraught with danger, and the protection of Time Period the dungeon structure isn’t always available to them. The campaign is set after the adventures involving the Temple of Elemental Evil (579 CY) and the One other thing to consider is the story of the hero’s Queen of the Demonweb Pits (est. 576 CY). It takes journey. In literature, Christopher Booker in his book place before Lives! (CY 581) and the The Seven Basic Plots, argues that there are just Greyhawk Wars (CY 582-584). It can take place that, seven basic story plots. They are: Overcoming before/during/after the Scourge of the Slavelords the monster, rags to riches, comedy, tragedy, (580 CY). All of this places the campaign in the rebirth, the quest, and voyage and return. This story years 580 to 581 CY (1st Edition AD&D). is based on the last plot – the voyage and return (although the return of the adventurers will be left The Maps up to you or perhaps a future campaign). As with any hero’s journey, there are also certain plot The game relies upon the map of the Flanaess as elements that you may want to keep in mind in published in The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. The order to help build the overall story. west portion of the map is the only one needed. The game will reference each hex with a In the story of the journey, the characters always corresponding number, beginning with Hex 1 which begin in an ordinary world before receiving the call is found in Blackmoor, just above the Burneal Forest, for adventure. In this adventure, it is the story of where the Fler River begins. They are then Greyhawk that so enchants our adventurers. numbered through 94 which is the party’s arrival at Sometimes there is a refusal to hear the call, and Greyhawk. Any map that necessitates more detail while that is not likely in this game, it is something will be provided in this campaign and they will be you may have to deal with as the Dungeon Master. located at the end of each of the corresponding The characters then always prepare for their chapters. In addition, each hex will provide the adventure by meeting the mentor who helps location in The World of Greyhawk Map (The prepare them for what awaits. Next comes the Darlene Map). crossing of the threshold, when they take their first step, or in this case, their first paddle. Then comes Rates of Movement the tests and challenges, the meeting of allies and enemies, and reaching that place of the greatest All rates of movement are standard in this danger where they must face the ultimate ordeal campaign, but special attention should be paid to (think of the James Bond movies). In the case of the travel by canoe. As the entire river journey from this adventure, it will be one ordeal after another. the Village Arneson to the City of Greyhawk is Then, in the end, they obtain their greatest reward, downriver, that helps speed the process. Therefore, the achievement of what they set out to do. In this if the adventurers can paddle downstream, without adventure, that is reaching Grewhawk by river via being interrupted, they can paddle at canoes. approximately 2.5 miles per hour. In 12 hours, about the limit of paddling for a day, they can then travel If you think about The Hobbit, the alternative title 30 miles. That distance is equivalent to one hex on was There and Back Again. This is because in most the map from The World of Greyhawk Gazetteer. cases, after achieving a great feat, everyone then Counting the number of hexes from the Village just wants to go home – back to their ordinary Arneson to the City of Greyhawk is approximately world. The road back, however, can be equally 94 hexes, so unimpeded it would take them 94 challenging. What that road entails will be left to days. As we already know there will be natural v

(e.g., white water, dams, etc.), unnatural (e.g., gain a level they must spend time training under a Giant Beavers, Bugbears, etc.) and supernatural proper tutor. Due to the nature of this game, that (e.g., Demons, Drow, etc.) obstacles along the way, may not necessarily always be feasible. Many of meaning that it may take the better part of 3 to 6 the safe havens described above, will provide them months for the adventurers to complete their the opportunity to train, but not necessarily the tutor journey. under which to do so. Thus, DMs in this campaign are encouraged to be a bit flexible on this Food, Water, and Hunting requirement.

Water will obviously not be a problem as the Party Composition adventurers will, for the most part, always be near the river. If they venture away from the main river This adventure calls for a well-balanced party with at any given time, there are side streams that feed perhaps more emphasis on fighting and healing. into the river, as well as natural springs. Food, Several fighters, a cleric, and a druid would prove however, is another matter entirely. Game will be most helpful. A thief and a magic user would also available, but it will vary based upon their prove beneficial to the party. In addition, because surroundings and hunting, of course, takes time. of the vulnerability on the canoe and the inability to They also have the ability to troll for fish as well as enter melee combat immediately, ranged stopping to relax and enjoy a bit of fishing over the weapons are a must and a magic user with ranged side of their canoes. If the party runs out of rations spells would prove most beneficial. For this at any point, then the party must take the time out adventure, it is assumed that all characters will of the adventure to secure more. begin the game as first level characters. There is, however, the potential that before they depart on Starvation the river journey, they may have the opportunity to gain a level depending on how much preparation If the adventurers go one full day without food, they they do. Like most AD&D games, the game is not will begin to lose one hit point each day. If they go necessarily tailored to a specific level and the beyond three days, they will begin to lose one point player characters may have to consider retreat or of strength and dexterity each day. Food and a surrender as an option when faced with day of rest will restore the effects of starvation at a overwhelming odds. Your job as the Dungeon rate of one to three, thus, one day’s rest and rations Master is to scale the adventure to the player’s will restore the lost experienced over three full days. character levels and their experience of play.

Safe Havens Death

As this is largely a wilderness adventure and things Regardless of how careful a dungeon master is at can be extremely dangerous, throughout the scaling an adventure, there are sure to be player campaign there will be some safe havens. For characters who will die. When the game was play instance, at the beginning of the campaign, the tested, deaths occurred rather routinely. This is a Village of Arneson will be a safe haven. Only when reality of playing Advanced Dungeons and Dragons the party ventures from the confines of the village’s and veteran players will understand. That said, stockade will they face threats. There is no safe there is the perfect opportunity to introduce new haven in the Burneal Forest, but when they exit the characters into the game, for the river is a forest, along the shore they will find a rough log transportation route and you never know who you hewn cabin that will prove to be a safe haven. No might meet along the way. The only key to creatures will attack them while they are present in integrating new players and/or new player the cabin or immediate vicinity. These safe havens characters is that they understand the overall will be noted in each part of the campaign. campaign is to make it to Greyhawk by canoe via the river. Training Random Encounters On page 86 of Guide it addresses the issue of gaining levels. It states that In this adventure, all of the wilderness encounters players must receive initial training and study which will be described and detailed. Therefore, there is can be done prior to their departure on the river no reason to roll for random encounters. If, journey. It also states, however, that in order to however, you would like to make the game even vi

more challenging, feel free to include your own Endnotes random encounters. The source used for this module to provide the pre-made random encounters was the sourcebook, A Glossography 1 Gygax, Gary with . (1987). Temple of Elemental for the Guide to the World of Greyhawk. To assist Evil. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Inc. you in the generation of possible random 2 Gygax, Gary with Frank Mentzer. (1987). Temple of Elemental encounters, a random encounters table will be Evil. Lake Geneva, WI: TSR Inc. placed at the end of each chapter, tailored to the specific area the chapter represents in the Flanaess.

Notes on the Illustrations & Quotes

Throughout this campaign, quotes from Henry David Thoreau are included with the text. Thoreau was an American author, poet, and naturalist, and is most famous for his book Walden and his treatise on Civil Disobedience. His better writings (in our opinion) were his natural writings, where Thoreau, being rather a novice of the outdoors, explored nature and kept a journal. His canoe trips, which resulted in several books, and his outdoors journal, are great reads and with a little imagination, primarily because of Thoreau’s poetic writing style, they add life to the river campaign hex-crawl. In some cases, the quotes matched the adventure, while in other cases Thoreau’s writing generated the adventure ideas themselves. In addition, Thoreau also added quick, simplistic sketches of things he saw when outdoors in his journal. The cover of the river campaign’s introduction (RCI) is one of his sketches from a canoe trip. All of the other sketches were created by the authors, trying to keep them in the same simplistic style, as if an adventurer, keeping a journal, quickly sketched some of the things he saw while traveling by river through the great Flanaess.
