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1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our al-Banna, Hasan, 69, 74 World, 258 Alexander, Claire, 226 7/7 bombings, 76, 82, 110, 158, 170, al-Faisal, Abdullah, 80 220, 224, 230, 234, 245, 252, 271 Algerians, in Britain, 51 9/11, New York/World Trade Center, 81, 82, al-Ghannushi, Rashid, 76 224, 230, 234, 245, 248, 252, 271 al-Hakimi, Abdullah , 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 186 al-Haqqani, Shaykh Nazim ‘Adil, 96 ‘Abduh, , 69 Ali, Mohammed, 243 Abdullah Quilliam Society, Liverpool, 258 Ali, Monica, 272 Aberdeen, 41 Ali, Syed Ameer, 29, 201 Aboulela, Leila, 272 Alibhai-Brown, Yasmine, 245 Abu Hamza, see al-Masri, Abu Hamza ‘ālim 94, 40, 165, see also ‘ulamā’ Abu Khadeejah, 81 ‘ālima, 161 Abu Qatada, 80 al-Kawthari, Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam, 88 ad-Darsh, Syed, 130 Al-Khoei Foundation, 63, 170, 171 Adelard of Bath, 13 Allah Made Me Funny, 244 adhān, 138, 160, 184, 198 Allievi, Stefano, 197, 198 Advertising Standards Agency, 200 Ally, Mashuq, 46, 51 Ae Fond Kiss, 272 Ally, Shabbir, 81 Aerosol , see Ali, Mohammed Al-Mahdi Institute, , 63 Afshar, Haleh, 207, 210, 218 Al-Mansur, Caliph, 8 Aga Khan, 62, 63 al-Masri, Abu Hamza, 77, 80 Ahl al-Sunnat wa-al-Jamā‘at, 92–6 al-Muhājirūn, 79 in Britain, 94–100 al-Nabhani, Taqi al-Din, 77 British Muslim Forum (BMF), 97, 110, 171, al-Qaeda, 73 218 al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, 77, 81 Sufi Muslim Council, 97 Altikriti, Anas, 76 Ḥī , 104–7 Alum Rock, Birmingham, 105 in Britain, 105 al-Uthaymin, Muhammad ibn, 70 Ahmad, Fauzia, 135, 213 Amin, Idi, 51, 62 Ahmad, Imran, 272 Anglo-Saxon Ahmed, Leila, 208 impressions of Muslims, 7, 10 Ahmed, Lord Nazir of Rotherham, 250 trading with Muslim world, 8 Ahmed, Zareen Roohi, 218 An-Nisa Society, 217, 219 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 69 Ansari, Humayun, 15, 37, 38, 43, 150, 185, 248 al-Albani, Nasr al-Din, 70 Anwar, Muhammad, 49, 124, 127, 250 Alam, Fareena, 247 Alam, M. Yunis, 226 in Britain, 26, 33, 37, 50 Alavi, Khalid, 183 Archer, Louise, 227, 262 Al-Azhar University, Cairo, 57, 109 Art of Integration graduates working in British mosques, 162 photographic exhibition, 239


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artists, British Muslim, 242–5 Bolognani, Marta, 223 Asad, Talal, 58 Bosnians, in Britain, 51 Ashmolean Museum Boyle, Helen, 155 Islamic collections, 258 Bradford Aslam, Nadeem, 272 Azam, Sher, 187 Association of Muslim Social Scientists, 147 early mosque construction, 188 asylum-seekers, 51 early settlement of Muslims, 43 authenticity, 59–2 Pir Marouf Hussain Shah, 95 authority, religious, 56–61, 73 recent research on men, 226 Azam, Sher research on crime and deviance, 223 Bradford Council of Mosques, 187 settlement patterns in, 124 Azami, Rashad, 104 supplementary schools in, 153 Brah, Avtar, 156, 210, 211, 213, 228, 232 Bacon, Roger, 13 Brick Lane, 272 Badawi, Zaki, 57, 109, 165, 169, 170, 247 British Museum Baily, John, 239, 240 Islamic collections, 258 Bak, Greg, 22 British Muslim Forum (BMF), 97, 110, 171, 218 Bakhsh, Qadir, 127 British Muslim Initiative (BMI), 76 Balchin, Cassandra, 146 British Muslim Society, The, 34 Balz, Michael, 176 British Sikh Federation Bangladeshis, in Britain, 45, 117, 120 support for religion question in 2001 concentration in Tower Hamlets, 120 Census, 116 women, 212 Britz, 272 Bano, Samia, 142, 143 Brooke, Stephen, 74 barakah, 65 Brookwood Cemetery, 201 Barbary Corsairs, see piracy Brown, Daniel, 56, 59, 71, 73, 83 Barelwīs, see Ahl al-Sunnat wa-al-Jamā’at Brown, Katherine, 203 Barton, Stephen, 153 Brown, Mark, 125 Battle of Poitiers, 10 Brown, Peter, 11 Battle of Tour, see Battle of Poitiers Burbank, Dawud, 81 Baz, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn, 70 Burdsey, Daniel, 246, 247, 248 Beckerlegge, Gwilym, 30, 41 burial, see death Beckford, James, 123, 126, 129, 148, 171, 214 Butetown History and Arts Centre, 36 Bede, The Venerable,6 –8, 10, 11, 24 Butler, Charlotte, 215 Bedwell, William, 23 Butt, Ikram, 245 Begg, Moazzam, 272 belonging, British Muslim sense of, 53, 259 calligraphy, 242 Bhopali, Siddiq Hasan Khan, 104 Calvin, John, 22 bid‘ah, 68 Cambridge bin Laden, Osama, 67, 73 mosque development, 200 birādarī, 132, 136, 222 Cambridge University, 23 Birmingham Canterbury Tales, 14 Al-Mahdi Institute, 63 Cardiff, 31, 35, 36–41, 51, 52 Alum Rock, 105 al-Hakimi, Abdullah Ali, 38, 39, ‘Balti Quarter’, 255 186 Green Lane Mosque, 72 Butetown History and Arts Centre, 36 Islamic Relief, 257 Cardiff University, 155 Jame Masjid, 187 Chief Constable of, 37 Salafi Institute, 72 mosques, 38 Salma Yaqoob, 218, 249 Nur al-, 39, 186 Sufi Abdullah Khan, 95 Shah Jalal Islamic Centre, 189 Birt, Jonathan, 118, 164, 174, 175, 176, 242, South Wales Islamic Centre, 162 259 Said, Shaykh, 39 Blackamoor, see Moors Tiger Bay, 38 Blunkett, David, 130 Western Mail, 36, 37 Board of Deputies of British Jews, 98, 109, 116 Zaouia Islamia Allawoulia, 38

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Census 2001, 115 halal certification, 253 religion question, 115–18 Council of Mosques in the UK and Eire, 109 chaplaincy, British Muslims in, 158, 171–7 Coventry armed forces, 173 Pir Abdul Wahab Siddiqi, 95 education, 173 croissant, 10 hospital, 173 Crusades, 7, 10, 11–13, 66 prisons, 172 curry, 255 charities, British Muslim, 257, 264 Charity Commission, 196 da‘wah, 71, 101 registration of mosques, 196 Dā’ūdī Bohrās, 62 Charsley, Katherine, 141 Daborne, Robert, 22 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 14 Dahya, Badr, 47, 48, 49, 50 children Dalrymple, William, 18, 19 blessings of, 134 ẓāī , 176, 179, 180 Islamic Scouts of Britain, 103 dāru’l-‘ulūm, 157, 161, 176, 180 religious nurture of, 138, 155 Bury, 87, 88, 173 welfare of, 164 Dewsbury, 91 Chittick, William, 182 Hijaz College, Nuneaton, 95 Christianity Davie, Grace, 168 clergy, role of, 168, 178 death, 145–8 conversion of churches to mosques, 189 burial, 145, 201 doctrines, 5, 6, 7, 11, 24 cemeteries, 201 Church Missionary Society, 30 funerals, 33, 146, 191, 222, 273 coffee-houses, 15–17, 27 demographics Colley, Linda, 17, 20 age and gender, 121 Collyer, Michael, 239, 240 changing geographical distribution, 43 colonialism, 69 country of birth and language use, 121–4 impact on Muslim world, 56, 66 employment and the labour market, comedy, Allah Made Me Funny, 244 124–9 comedy, British Muslims in, 243 ethnicity, 120–3 Commission for Racial Equality health and well-being, 127–30 support for religion question in 2001 housing and settlement patterns, 119–2, Census, 116 122–6 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 47 number of Muslims in Britain, 32, 52, Communities and Local Government (CLG), 117–20 174, 176, 221 Deoband, dāru’l-‘ulūm, 85–8, 89 community leaders, 106 Gangohi, Rashid Ahmad, 85 imams as, 167 Nanautawi, Muhammad Qasim, 85 community, British Muslim Deobandīs, in Britain, 86–90, 173, 180 development of, 48 Dewsbury, Institute of Islamic conversion, 14, 16, 22 Education, 91 among seafarers, 17 dhikr, 86, 89, 243 Burbank, Dawud, 81 Dihlawi, Shah Wali Allah, 104 Headley, Lord Abdullah, 42, 201 dīn al-fitra, 130 Nelson, John, 17 disability, among British Muslims, 127 numbers of converts in 16th century, 17 discrimination, 15, 26, 31, 33, 37, 49, 127, numbers of converts in 2001, 118 225 Quilliam, Abdullah ‘Henry’, 40, 184, 201, diversity, among British Muslims 258, 259 schools of thought, 55, 56, 59, 82 related to Quilliam, 40 divorce, 142–5 Sheldrake, Khalid, 34 dress ‘turn Turk’, 18 expression of masculinity and femininity, converts to Islam, see conversion 230–4 Cordoba Foundation, 76 fez, 40 cornflakes Islamic teachings about, 229–2

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Metropolitan Police uniforms for Muslim Festival of Muslim Culture, 258 women, 216 films school uniform, 149 depicting British Muslim characters, 272–3 traditional Islamic, 86 Finsbury Park Mosque, 77 turban, 16 fiqh, 13 Yemeni, 35 First World War, 32, 33, 34, 37, 43 Dwyer, Claire, 139, 219, 225 Fischer, Johan, 256, 257 food Eade, John, 197, 198 restaurants, 27, 255–8 East Company, 25–7, 84 Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism complaints against, 26 (FAIR), 170 demise of, 85 Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities, domestic servants of agents, 25 122, 125 East is East, 272 Fox, George, 22 , 103, 185, 198, 204 Franks, Myfanwy, 233 Edinburgh Central Mosque From my Sister’s Lips, 272 architecture of, 192 Fryer, Peter, 15 education, see also schools Fuchs, Barbara, 22 and attainment, 150 Fun Da Mental, see Nawaz, Aki parental views on, 148 funerals, see death policy changes, 149 Egyptians, in Britain, 37, 39, 50 Gale, Richard, 190, 197, 199, 200 Eickelman, Dale, 58, 88, 99, 136, 137 Gangohi, Rashid Ahmad, 85 Eid Gardens of Peace festivals, 33 Muslim burial ground, 201 El-Fadl, Khaled Abou, 71, 73 Gardner, Katy, 145, 146 el-Helbawy, Kamal, 75 Geaves, Ron, 65, 92, 102, 166, 167, 178 Elizabeth I, Queen, 15 gender emel, 228, 237, 256 Islamic teaching about, 207–11 employment and the labour market, 124–9 generations Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) changes among, 49, 53 Regulations 2003, 127, 210 tensions between, 144, 196 Enemy Combatant: A British Muslim’s Journey genetic disorders, among British Muslims, 128 to Guantanamo and Back, 272 Gent, Bill, 154 English Civil War, 23 Ghozzi, Kamel, 161, 179, 180 English Heritage, 259 Gibbon, Edward, 10 environment Gilliat-Ray, Sophie, 63, 91, 128, 158, 197, Islamic views on conservation, 263 220 Ermes, Ali Omar, 242 Glasgow, 41 Esposito, John, 98 Glastonbury, 97 ethnicity, of British Muslims, 120 God’s Waiting Room, 146 Evans, Neil, 35, 36 Goffman, Erving, 202 Göle, Nilufer, 231, 232 family graffiti, see Aerosol Arabic breakdown of, 144–7 Green Lane Mosque, 72 caring responsibilities, 135 Greetings from Bury Park, 272 extended, 132, 144 Gujaratis, in Britain, 51, 62, 87, 161 in Islamic law, 133 Islamic teaching about, 132–6 Haddad, Yvonne, 176 unification of, 47 Ḥī fatāwā, 88, 161, 161 interpretation of, 59 fatherhood, 218, 223 Hafez, Shakeel, 164 views on, 147 ḥāfi , 154, 160 Federation of Islamic Organisations in Europe, Hafiz, Asim, 173 76 ḥ , 33, 183

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halal ‘ibādah, 134 certification, 257 Ibn ‘Abd Al-Wahhab, Muhammad, 70, 104 Halal Food Authority, 253 Ibn Taymiyah, Taqi al-Din, 64, 68, 104 Halal Monitoring Committee, 257 ijmā‘, 64 in British supermarkets, 256 ijtihād, 64, 68, 69, 86, 99 markets, 253 Ikhwān al-Muslimūn, see Muslim Brotherhood slaughter, markets, 33, 253, 254 ‘ilm, 85 ḥā, 216 Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic Hamid, Abdul, 34 University, 81 Hamid, ‘Prince’ Naseem, 245 imams Hamid, Sadek, 72, 79, 81 accessibility for women, 164–7 Ḥī British-born, 87 scholarship, 86 criticisms of, 163–8 school of Islamic law, 64 different terms for, 158–4 Ḥī employment conditions, 165, 170–3 school of Islamic law, 64 Imams and Mosques Council of the UK, Harrison, G. B., 15, 18 57, 169 Hashem, Mazen, 67, 73 language use among, 163–6 Hawza Illmiya, 63 Mosques and Imams National Advisory Headley, Lord Abdullah, 42, 201 Board (MINAB), 63, 170–3 health, of British Muslims, 127–30 Muslim Faith Leaders Review, 176–9 Hewer, Chris, 147 number in Britain, 157–60 Higher Education Funding Council for professionalisation of, 175 England (HEFCE), 177 role and function, 159–2, 162, 167–71, 178–1 hijab, 230, 233 Shī‘a, 63 Hijaz College, Nuneaton, 95 sociological profile (language, place of history birth), 166–9 and British Muslim heritage, 257–61 Imams and Mosques Council of the UK, 57, British Muslim views, 258 169 English Heritage, 259 imperialism, 25 interpretations of, 10–12 India museum collections, 258 during Second World War, 43 oral history, 52 Indian seafarers, see lascars sources for, 28, 52 Indian uprising of 1857, 84 travelogues, 19 Indians, in Britain, 26, 37 Ḥ ḥī , 77, 77–80, 77, 77 Inner Cities Religious Council in Britain, 78–3, 259 support for religion question in 2001 membership figures, 80 Census, 116 homes, 136–41 Inquisition, the, 19 children within, 137 Institute for Ismaili Studies, 63 decoration of, 137 Institute of Islamic Education, Dewsbury, 91 ‘feeling at home’, 138 inter-faith relations gendered use of, 138, 139 Christian–Muslim, 103 guests, 137 historical, 18, 30 number of children, 123 imams engaged in, 169 Hopkins, Peter, 139, 145, 225, 228 intersectionality, 155 Hourani, Albert, 14 Iranian Revolution, 50, 161 housing, see demographics, housing and Iranians, in Britain, 50, 61 settlement patterns Iraqis, in Britain, 61 Howe, Melissa, 144 Ireland, 8 Husain, Ed, 272 ṣāḥ, 69 Husband, Charles, 226 Islam Channel, 205, 236 Hussain, Dilwar, 248 Islam, Yusuf, 240 Hussain, Serena, 115, 135 IslamExpo, 242 Hussain, Zahid, 272 Islamic College for Advanced Studies, 63

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Islamic Forum of Europe, 103 Khan, Inayat, 66 Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 101–4 Khan, Sufi Abdullah, 95 Islamic Garden khatīb, 160 in Cambridge, 200 Khayaal Theatre Company,243 Islamic law, see Sharī‘ah Khilāfah, 77 Islamic Movement, 100 Khojas, 62 Islamic Party of Great Britain, 251 Khomeini, Ruhollah Al Musavi, 161 Islamic Relief, 257 Khorsandi, Shappi, 243 Islamic scholarship ṭ , 160 historical methods of, 13, 14 Khwaja Kamal-ud-Din, 29 Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), 103 King, John, 55 Islamic Society of North America Kirklees Metropolitan Council, 164 Louay Safi, Executive Director, 201 Knolles, Richard, 20 Islamic Society, The,34 Kundnani, Arun, 108, 110, 217, 220, 234 Kurds, in Britain, 51 ‘strategically important’ (Siddiqui Report), Kureishi, Hanif, 272 177 , Islamist, concepts, 99–2 Labour Force Survey Islamophobia, 37, 150, 215 number of Muslims in Britain in 2009, Ismā‘īlīs, 62 117 Ismail, Hassan, 35, 39 language isnād, 59 Arabic, 8, 12, 14, 23, 28 ṣāḥ, 264 Arabic, teaching of, 152 Ithnā ‘Ashariyyah, 62 imams use of community languages, 163–6 iTunes Latin, 8 mobile phone ringtones, 241 teachers of, 28 Jam‘īyat Ihya’ Minhaj al-Sunnah (JIMAS), 81–4 in India, 86 Jamā‘at-i Islāmī, 70, 98–2 use of community languages, 48, 122, 131, in Britain, 100–5, 106 168 Islamic Foundation, Leicester, 101 use of English in media, 236 Islamic Society of Britain (ISB), 103 Lapidus, Ira, 70 Markfield Institute of Higher Education, lascars, 25, 30, 31, 41 102 Lawless, Richard, 33, 35, 36, 38 UK Islamic Mission (UKIM), 101 Leicester Jamal, Ahmad, 253, 256 al-Kawthari, Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam, Janmohamad, Shelina Zahra, 272 88 Jerome of Stridon, Saint, 7, 11 centre of Deobandī activity, 88 jihadis, 67 Gujaratis in, 87 in Britain, 82 Islamic Foundation, 101 jinn Markfield Institute of Higher Education, as causes of ill-health, 128 102 Jinnah, Muhammad Ali, 28, 32 Ugandan Asians in, 51 Jones, Norman, 22, 23 Leicester City Council mosque construction, 199 Kabeer, Suad Abdul, 242 Leiken, Robert, 74 kāfir, 60, 68 Leitner, Gotlieb, 184 Kalin, Ibrahim, 21 Lewis, Bernard, 17 Kalra, Virinder, 44, 221–5, 256 Lewis, Philip, 84, 165, 168 Kandhlawi, Muhammad Ilyas, 89 Li, Kakay, 193 Kazemi, Sonia Nurin Shah, 142 Liverpool, 39–3 khalīfah, 263 Abdullah Quilliam Society, 258 Khan, Ahmed Riza, 92 Liverpool Mosque and Muslim Institute, 40, Khan, Amir, 245 184, 204 Khan, Humera, 217, 232 Lloyd George, David, 34

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London polygamous, 135 7/7 bombings, 76, 82, 110, 158, 170, 224, 230, transnational, 141 234, 245, 252, 271 virtues of, 134 implications for women, 220 Martel, Charles, 10 as centre for Arabs, 83 masjid, 182 coffee-houses, 16 Masjid , 72 first halal butcher in, 253 Masood, Ehsan, 101, 239, 240, 243, 244, 257 Hawza Ilmiya, 63 Mastnak, Tomaz, 10 hostel for seafarers, 30 Matar, Nabil, 15, 16, 17, 19, 24, 41, 42 Institute for Ismaili Studies, 63 material culture, 5, 7, 9, 17 Mahommedan Jubilee 1805, 26 coinage, 8, 9 mosques spices, 9, 25 East London Mosque, 103, 185, 198, 204 Mawdudi, Abu al-A‘la, 98 Finsbury Park, 77 McLoughlin, Seán, 102, 190, 194, 198, 201 Islamic Cultural Centre, 57, 162, 187, 192 Mecca2Medina, 241 London Muslim Centre, 204 media Muslim College, 57, 109, 169 Arabic, 39 Muslim funeral director, 146 British Muslim, 205, 235–41 Muslims in, 15, 42, 120 emel, 228, 237, 256 seafarers who ‘jumped ship’, 25 ‘Islam Channel’, 181, 236 London City Mission, 30 Muslim Directory, 181 London Muslim Centre, 204 Q-News, 236, 238 Love + Hate, 272 The Muslim News, 236, 237 Love in a Headscarf, 272 The Muslim Weekly, 236 loyalty negative coverage of British Muslims, 235 questions of, 41 Medina, University of, 81, 105 Luther, Martin, 22 Mehmood, Tariq, 272 men Macey, Marie, 225 masculinity and resistance, 223–7 Madani, Husain Ahmad, 86 relations with women and ‘sisters’, 225–30 , 63 working lives, 221–5 madrasah, 153 Menski, Werner, 143 Magnus, Albertus, 13 Metcalf, Barbara, 84, 85, 86, 89, 90, 104 Mahommedan Jubilee, 26 Miah, Sajid, 164, 169 makātib, 153, 194 migration maktab, 188, 194 chain, 46, 119 Malaysians, in Britain, 26, 37 reasons for, 30, 45 Malik, Unaiza theories of, 44 Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), 218 ḥā , 183 Mālikī mīlād, 93 school of Islamic law, 64 Milton, Giles, 19, 21 Manchester Mirza Abu Taleb Khan, 26 Pakistanis in, 106, 209 Mirza Itisam ul-Din, 26 textile trade, 42 Mirza, Heidi Safia, 126 Mandaville, Peter, 82 Mirza, Shazia, 218, 243 Manzoor, Sarfraz, 272 Modood, Tariq, 118, 203, 262 Maps for Lost Lovers, 272 Mogra, Imran, 155 Markfield Institute of Higher Education, Mohammad, Omar Bakri, 78 Leicester, 102 Mohammad, Robina, 137, 215, 230, 231 marriage, 139–4 Mohammad, Shaykh Amjad, 88 and divorce, 142–5 Moll, Yasmin, 242 approved, 140 Mondal, Anshuman, 46, 179, 263, 264 arranged, 140 Moors, 15, 19, 20, 22 consanguineous, 140 Moroccans, in Britain, 42 forced, 140 Mos Def, 241

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Mosques and Imams National Advisory Board nasheed, 35, 137, 241 (MINAB), 63, 170–3 Native Deen, 241 mosques and prayer halls, 181, 183 Pearls of Islam, 241 and women, 201–6 qawwālī, 93, 240 architecture of, 190, 192–5 Muslim Aid, 257 at airports, 193 Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), 75, 171 at football stadium, 193 Muslim Brotherhood, 69, 74–7, 81 at Millennium Dome, Greenwich, 193 Altikriti, Anas, 76 at motorway services, 193 in Britain, 75–9 ‘Central’ mosques, 191 Muslim Association of Britain (MAB), 75, converted buildings, 189 171 East London Mosque, 103, 185, 198, 204 Tamimi, Azzam, 76 Finsbury Park, London, 77 Muslim College, 57, 109, 169 from 1860–1945, 183–8 Muslim Council of Britain (MCB), 76, 97, funding of, 187, 196 109–12, 163, 169, 171, 176, 218, 247, 250, governance of, 195–8 252, 257 Green Lane Mosque, Birmingham, 72 Muslim Directory UK, 181, 252, 273 house-mosques, 187–90 Muslim Faith Leaders Review, 176–9 in prisons, 193 Muslim Hands, 257 in shopping centres, 193 Muslim Law Shariah Council, Masjid Ibn Taymiyyah, Brixton, 72 London, 142 Mosques and Imams National Advisory Muslim Parliament, 251 Board (MINAB), 63, 170–3 Muslim Public Affairs Committee (MPAC), number of, in Britain, 158 196 planning permission for, 197 Muslim Songs of the British Isles, 40 purpose-built, 189–5 Muslim World League, in Britain, 109 first in UK, 184–7 My Son the Fanatic, 272 role and function, 183, 194–7 myth of return, 49 Sharī‘ah Councils, 143 Shī‘a, 63 na‘ts, 93 urban environment, 196–202 Nanautawi, Muhammad Qasim, 85 visitors to, 192 Nasser, Noha, 183, 189, 191, 254, 255 with supplementary schools, 153 National Union of Seamen, 34 youth activities, 194 National Union of Students muftī, 161 banning of Islamic groups, 80 Muhammad, Prophet, 6, 20, 20, 21, 23, 24, Native Deen, 241 31, 62 Nawaz, Aki, 232, 240 as husband and father, 133 Naylor, Simon, 199 Companions of, 59, 64, 67 Nazir Husain of , 104 descendents of, 56 Neal, Frank, 39, 41 devotions towards, 97 Nielsen, Jørgen, 196 medicine of, 128 North Africans, in Britain, 14 succession following death, 60 Northern Riots, 2001 Muir, William, 21, 66 labelling of Muslim men, 224 munchis, 28 Northumberland, 6 Munson, Ziad, 74 novels and films Murad, Abdal Hakim, 19, 40, 166 about British Muslims, 272–3 Murata, Sachiko, 182 murīd, 65 Odone, Christina, 152 music Offa, King of Mercia, 7–9 British Muslim artists, 239–4 , 44 hip hop, 241 employment of men, 221–5 Mecca2Medina, 241 Olympics 2012 Mos Def, 241 planning permission for mosque, 92 Muslim Songs of the British Isles, 40 Omaar, Rageh, 136, 259, 272

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Open Society Institute, 119 Qutb, , 67, 75 Organisation of Ahl al Sunnah Islamic Societies (OASIS), 81 Race Riots, 1919, 34, 37 , 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 41, 78 ‘radicalization’, 203 Oxfam Ramadan, 31, 46 Muslim charities working with, 257 Ramadan, Tariq, 133, 166, 264, 265 Oxford University, 23 , Muhammad, 69 Raza, Mohammad Shahid, 163, 170, 195 Pakistanis, in Britain, 45, 117 Reeber, Michel, 136 Pasha, Syed Aziz, 108 Regent’s Park Mosque, London, see London: Patel, Muhammad Ishaq, 91 Islamic Cultural Centre Pattison, Stephen, 174 Reid, John, 131 Peach, Ceri, 140 remittances, 45, 48, 49 Pearls of Islam, 241 renegados, 18, 19, 22, 41 Pellow, Thomas,20 representation of Muslims, 105–12 Phillips, Deborah, 124, 129, 138 research Phillips, Richard, 76, 249 areas for development, 43, 61, 103, 105, 125, Phillipson, Chris, 213 148, 244 Phoenix, Ann, 156 methods and sources, 268–73 Picthall, Marmaduke, 29 , 248 pīr, 93 Richard I of England (‘The Lionheart’),12 piracy, 14, 16, 17 Riley-Smith, Jonathan, 12 Piscatori, James, 58, 88, 99, 136, 137 Robert, Na’ima B., 272 plays, 19 Robinson, Chase, 177, 178 playwrights, 22 Robinson-Dunne, Diane, 26, 31, 39 Fletcher, John, 20, 22 Roff, William, 60 Marlowe, Christopher, 22 Ross, Alexander, 21 Renaissance, 20 Royal Museum of Scotland Shakespeare, William, 20, 22 Islamic collections, 258 Webster, John, 20, 22 Rozario, Santi, 141, 220 Pococke, Edward, 23 Runnymede Trust politics, 248–4 support for religion question in 2001 local level, 249 Census, 116 Muslims in parliament, 250 Rushdie Affair, 97, 195, 219, 230, 236, 240, 252 voting patterns, 250–3 Rushdie, Salman, 97, 109, 161, 250 Pool, John, 40 Ryan, James, 199 postcolonialism, 98 preaching, see sermons Sacranie, Iqbal, 247 Preventing Violent Extremism (PVE), 176, 182, Safe Children, Sound Learning, 164 203, 221, 234, 252, 259 Safi, Louay, 202 Prideaux, Humphrey, 23 Saghal, Gita, 219 prison, Muslim population in, 164 Said, Shaykh, 39 professional networks, for British Muslims, 252 Saifullah-Khan, Verity, 48, 160 Sake Dean Mahomed, 27 qawwālī, 93, 240 Saladin, 12 qiyās, 68 salafī Q-News, 130, 236, 238 religious thought, 67–73 Quilliam Foundation, 259 in Britain, 71–6 Quilliam, Abdullah ‘Henry’, 39–3, 184, 201, 258 Salafi Institute, Birmingham, 72, 81 Sheikh-ul-Islam of the British Isles, 40 Sale, George, 21 Qur’ān, 23 Salter, Joseph, 30, 41 importance of knowledge and education, 147 Samad, Yunus, 220, 223 memorization of, 58, 154, 160 Sanders, Peter, 239 recitation of, 137, 160, 216 Sandys, George, 22 translations of, 20–2 Sanyal, Usha, 94

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Saracens, 7, 11 Sirhindi, Syed Ahmad, 104 Sardar, Ziauddin, 116, 195, 272 Somalis, in Britain, 26, 37, 51 Satanic Verses, 97, 109, 251 South Asia Scarfe Beckett, Katharine, 7, 9, 11 British Muslims originating from, schools, 148 46–52 community-based, state, 149–3 South Shields, 32–8 independent and state-funded Muslim, 151–4 Southern, Richard, 5 private Muslim, 151 Spellman, Kathryn, 52 RE curriculum, 149 Spital Sermons, 14 state-funded Muslim, 151 sport supplementary, 152–7 boxing, 247 schools of Islamic law, 33 British Muslims in, 244–50 seafaring, 29–3 cricket, 245–8 boarding houses, 33, 36, 37, 38 football, 246–9 seafarers establishing mosques, 184 prayer facilities for Muslims, 193 seafarers relations with women, 34, 37 Sprenger, Alois, 66 Second World War, 38, 43 St Mungo Museum of Religious Life and Art., segregation 258 residential, 123 , 76, 248 sermons, 58, 89, 90, 91, 166 Straw, Jack, 260 settlement patterns, 47, 48, 123–6 Stubbe, Henry, 23–5 Shāfi‘ī Suez Canal, 30 school of Islamic law, 33, 64 Sufi Muslim Council (SMC), 97, 110 Shah Sufism, 65–8 Idries, 66 ‘ ī ṭ ī , 34 Shah, Pir Marouf Hussain, 95 and religious authority, 56 shahādah, 7, 89, 137 Naqshbandī order, 66, 94, 95, Sharī‘ah, 63–6 96 Sharī‘ah Councils, 131, 142, 143, 164, 191, 194 Qādirī order, 95 Shariatmadari, David, 231 Tijānīyah order, 66 shaykh, 161 Suhrawardy, Abdullah, 34 title of religious authority, 73 Sunnah, 59, 60 Sheikh-ul-Islam of the British Isles, 40 supermarkets, 237, 255 Sheldrake, Khalid, 34 Syed, Anwar, 159 Sherwood, Marika, 31 Shī‘a Tablīghī Jamā‘at, 82, 89–2 Al-Khoei Foundation, 63, 170, 171 in Britain, 90–4 Al-Mahdi Institute, 63 tajdīd, 69, 263 Hawza Ilmiya, 63 Tamimi, Azzam, 76 Institute for Ismaili Studies, 63 taqlīd, 64, 77 in Britain, 61–5 tarbiyat, 85 Islamic College for Advanced Studies, 63 ṭī , 65 in Britain, 61–5 Tarlo, Emma, 207, 231, 235 shrines ḥī , 55, 104 Ahl al-Sunnat wa-al-Jamā‘at, in Britain, 96 Tebbit, Norman (‘Cricket Test’), 245 Siddiqi, Pir Abdul Wahab, 95 Thanawi, Ashraf Ali, 86 shrine of, at Hijaz College, 96 The Curry Mile, 272 Siddiqui Report, 177 The Islamist, 272 Siddiqui, Ataullah, 103, 132, 177 The Muslim News, 236, 237, 247 Siddiqui, Ghayasuddin, 251 Awards for Excellence, 237 Siddiqui, Kalim, 251 The Road to Guantanamo, 272 Siddiqui, Mona, 218 think tanks Sikand, Yogi, 90, 91 critique of, 271 silsilah, 65 Tiger Bay, see Cardiff Simpson, Ludi, 124 Tours, Battle of, see Battle of Poitiers

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trade British Muslim matrimonial, 142 142 businesses, British Muslim, 48, 124, 252–9 relating to Islamic law, 88, 166 historic trading, 17 Werbner, Pnina, 106, 107, 136, 137, 138, 191, 196, Islamic banking and finance, 256 197, 209, 212, 216, 238 Turkish Cypriots, in Britain, 46 West Indies, Muslims from, 46 Turks, 15, 22 Western Islamic Association, 34 literary portrayal, 20 WH Smiths, newsagent, 237 in Britain, 14, 15, 26 Williams, Danny, 245 Turner, Harold, 182, 201 Williams, Rowan, 131 Winchester, Daniel, 138 Uddin, Baroness Pola, 218, 250 Winter, Tim, see Murad, Abdal Hakim Uganda Woking, 29, 184, 259 migration to Britain from, 51, 62 Brookwood Cemetery, 201 UK Action Committee on Islamic Affairs Woking Muslim Mission, 34 (UKACIA), 109 women UK Islamic Mission, 101 access to imams, 164–7 ‘ulamā’, 70, 73, 85, 86, 93, 98, 104, 130, 161, 166, arrival as wives, 47, 49, 134 174, 175, 180 community-formation, 31 ummah, 84, 168, 231 employment and labour market, 126–9, unani tibb, 128 211–18 Unimagined, 272 gender relations in Islam, 207–11 Union of Muslim Organisations (UMO), 108 in public domain, 107 universities language-use among, 122 Al-Azhar, 57 leading prayers for female congregations, early Muslim students, 28, 32 159 Imam Muhammad Ibn Saud Islamic mosque facilities for, 201–6 University, Saudi Arabia, 81 motherhood, 126, 133 Islamic, 146 place in home, 138 Islamic Studies as ‘strategically important’, regulation of, 133 177 relations with men and ‘brothers’, 225–30 Medina, 81 religious study circles, 216 ‘urs, 93 self-empowerment of, 216–21 Women against Fundamentalism, 219 Visram, Rozina, 43 World Federation of Khoja Shī‘a Ithnā Visual Dhikr, 243 ‘Ashariyyah, 63 Visual Islamic and Traditional Arts (VITA), 242 Yaqoob, Salma, 218, 249 Voices from the Minaret, (MCB report), 163, Yasmin, 272 169, 176 Yemenis, in Britain, 33, 37, Voll, John, 69 39 Yusuf, Hamza, 166 Wahhābī Yusuf, Sami, 240 religious thought, 70–3 Yuval-Davis, Nira, 219 Wales, HRH Prince of, 242 war on terror, 109, 117, 231, 245, 250 Zaouia Islamia Allawoulia Religious Society of Ward, John, 22 the , 34 Wardak, Ali, 195 zāwiyah, 35, 186 Warsi, Saeeda, 250 Zaydīs, 62 Waterstones, booksellers, 237 Zebiri, Kate, 119 websites, 236 zero, 13

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