Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83006-5 - Muslims in Britain: An Introduction Sophie Gilliat-Ray Index More information Index 1001 Inventions: Muslim Heritage in our al-Banna, Hasan, 69, 74 World, 258 Alexander, Claire, 226 7/7 London bombings, 76, 82, 110, 158, 170, al-Faisal, Abdullah, 80 220, 224, 230, 234, 245, 252, 271 Algerians, in Britain, 51 9/11, New York/World Trade Center, 81, 82, al-Ghannushi, Rashid, 76 224, 230, 234, 245, 248, 252, 271 al-Hakimi, Abdullah Ali, 33, 35, 36, 38, 39, 186 al-Haqqani, Shaykh Nazim ‘Adil, 96 ‘Abduh, Muhammad, 69 Ali, Mohammed, 243 Abdullah Quilliam Society, Liverpool, 258 Ali, Monica, 272 Aberdeen, 41 Ali, Syed Ameer, 29, 201 Aboulela, Leila, 272 Alibhai-Brown, Yasmine, 245 Abu Hamza, see al-Masri, Abu Hamza ‘ālim 94, 40, 165, see also ‘ulamā’ Abu Khadeejah, 81 ‘ālima, 161 Abu Qatada, 80 al-Kawthari, Mufti Muhammad ibn Adam, 88 ad-Darsh, Syed, 130 Al-Khoei Foundation, 63, 170, 171 Adelard of Bath, 13 Allah Made Me Funny, 244 adhān, 138, 160, 184, 198 Allievi, Stefano, 197, 198 Advertising Standards Agency, 200 Ally, Mashuq, 46, 51 Ae Fond Kiss, 272 Ally, Shabbir, 81 Aerosol Arabic, see Ali, Mohammed Al-Mahdi Institute, Birmingham, 63 Afshar, Haleh, 207, 210, 218 Al-Mansur, Caliph, 8 Aga Khan, 62, 63 al-Masri, Abu Hamza, 77, 80 Ahl al-Sunnat wa-al-Jamā‘at, 92–6 al-Muhājirūn, 79 in Britain, 94–100 al-Nabhani, Taqi al-Din, 77 British Muslim Forum (BMF), 97, 110, 171, al-Qaeda, 73 218 al-Qaradawi, Yusuf, 77, 81 Sufi Muslim Council, 97 Altikriti, Anas, 76 Ḥī , 104–7 Alum Rock, Birmingham, 105 in Britain, 105 al-Uthaymin, Muhammad ibn, 70 Ahmad, Fauzia, 135, 213 Amin, Idi, 51, 62 Ahmad, Imran, 272 Anglo-Saxon Ahmed, Leila, 208 impressions of Muslims, 7, 10 Ahmed, Lord Nazir of Rotherham, 250 trading with Muslim world, 8 Ahmed, Zareen Roohi, 218 An-Nisa Society, 217, 219 al-Afghani, Jamal al-Din, 69 Ansari, Humayun, 15, 37, 38, 43, 150, 185, 248 al-Albani, Nasr al-Din, 70 Anwar, Muhammad, 49, 124, 127, 250 Alam, Fareena, 247 Arabs Alam, M. Yunis, 226 in Britain, 26, 33, 37, 50 Alavi, Khalid, 183 Archer, Louise, 227, 262 Al-Azhar University, Cairo, 57, 109 Art of Integration graduates working in British mosques, 162 photographic exhibition, 239 306 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83006-5 - Muslims in Britain: An Introduction Sophie Gilliat-Ray Index More information Index 307 artists, British Muslim, 242–5 Bolognani, Marta, 223 Asad, Talal, 58 Bosnians, in Britain, 51 Ashmolean Museum Boyle, Helen, 155 Islamic collections, 258 Bradford Aslam, Nadeem, 272 Azam, Sher, 187 Association of Muslim Social Scientists, 147 early mosque construction, 188 asylum-seekers, 51 early settlement of Muslims, 43 authenticity, 59–2 Pir Marouf Hussain Shah, 95 authority, religious, 56–61, 73 recent research on men, 226 Azam, Sher research on crime and deviance, 223 Bradford Council of Mosques, 187 settlement patterns in, 124 Azami, Rashad, 104 supplementary schools in, 153 Brah, Avtar, 156, 210, 211, 213, 228, 232 Bacon, Roger, 13 Brick Lane, 272 Badawi, Zaki, 57, 109, 165, 169, 170, 247 British Museum Baily, John, 239, 240 Islamic collections, 258 Bak, Greg, 22 British Muslim Forum (BMF), 97, 110, 171, 218 Bakhsh, Qadir, 127 British Muslim Initiative (BMI), 76 Balchin, Cassandra, 146 British Muslim Society, The, 34 Balz, Michael, 176 British Sikh Federation Bangladeshis, in Britain, 45, 117, 120 support for religion question in 2001 concentration in Tower Hamlets, 120 Census, 116 women, 212 Britz, 272 Bano, Samia, 142, 143 Brooke, Stephen, 74 barakah, 65 Brookwood Cemetery, 201 Barbary Corsairs, see piracy Brown, Daniel, 56, 59, 71, 73, 83 Barelwīs, see Ahl al-Sunnat wa-al-Jamā’at Brown, Katherine, 203 Barton, Stephen, 153 Brown, Mark, 125 Battle of Poitiers, 10 Brown, Peter, 11 Battle of Tour, see Battle of Poitiers Burbank, Dawud, 81 Baz, ‘Abd al-‘Aziz ibn, 70 Burdsey, Daniel, 246, 247, 248 Beckerlegge, Gwilym, 30, 41 burial, see death Beckford, James, 123, 126, 129, 148, 171, 214 Butetown History and Arts Centre, 36 Bede, The Venerable, 6–8, 10, 11, 24 Butler, Charlotte, 215 Bedwell, William, 23 Butt, Ikram, 245 Begg, Moazzam, 272 belonging, British Muslim sense of, 53, 259 calligraphy, 242 Bhopali, Siddiq Hasan Khan, 104 Calvin, John, 22 bid‘ah, 68 Cambridge bin Laden, Osama, 67, 73 mosque development, 200 birādarī, 132, 136, 222 Cambridge University, 23 Birmingham Canterbury Tales, 14 Al-Mahdi Institute, 63 Cardiff, 31, 35, 36–41, 51, 52 Alum Rock, 105 al-Hakimi, Abdullah Ali, 38, 39, ‘Balti Quarter’, 255 186 Green Lane Mosque, 72 Butetown History and Arts Centre, 36 Islamic Relief, 257 Cardiff University, 155 Jame Masjid, 187 Chief Constable of, 37 Salafi Institute, 72 mosques, 38 Salma Yaqoob, 218, 249 Nur al-Islam, 39, 186 Sufi Abdullah Khan, 95 Shah Jalal Islamic Centre, 189 Birt, Jonathan, 118, 164, 174, 175, 176, 242, South Wales Islamic Centre, 162 259 Said, Shaykh, 39 Blackamoor, see Moors Tiger Bay, 38 Blunkett, David, 130 Western Mail, 36, 37 Board of Deputies of British Jews, 98, 109, 116 Zaouia Islamia Allawoulia, 38 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83006-5 - Muslims in Britain: An Introduction Sophie Gilliat-Ray Index More information 308 Index Census 2001, 115 halal certification, 253 religion question, 115–18 Council of Mosques in the UK and Eire, 109 chaplaincy, British Muslims in, 158, 171–7 Coventry armed forces, 173 Pir Abdul Wahab Siddiqi, 95 education, 173 croissant, 10 hospital, 173 Crusades, 7, 10, 11–13, 66 prisons, 172 curry, 255 charities, British Muslim, 257, 264 Charity Commission, 196 da‘wah, 71, 101 registration of mosques, 196 Dā’ūdī Bohrās, 62 Charsley, Katherine, 141 Daborne, Robert, 22 Chaucer, Geoffrey, 14 Dahya, Badr, 47, 48, 49, 50 children Dalrymple, William, 18, 19 blessings of, 134 ẓāī , 176, 179, 180 Islamic Scouts of Britain, 103 dāru’l-‘ulūm, 157, 161, 176, 180 religious nurture of, 138, 155 Bury, 87, 88, 173 welfare of, 164 Dewsbury, 91 Chittick, William, 182 Hijaz College, Nuneaton, 95 Christianity Davie, Grace, 168 clergy, role of, 168, 178 death, 145–8 conversion of churches to mosques, 189 burial, 145, 201 doctrines, 5, 6, 7, 11, 24 cemeteries, 201 Church Missionary Society, 30 funerals, 33, 146, 191, 222, 273 coffee-houses, 15–17, 27 demographics Colley, Linda, 17, 20 age and gender, 121 Collyer, Michael, 239, 240 changing geographical distribution, 43 colonialism, 69 country of birth and language use, 121–4 impact on Muslim world, 56, 66 employment and the labour market, comedy, Allah Made Me Funny, 244 124–9 comedy, British Muslims in, 243 ethnicity, 120–3 Commission for Racial Equality health and well-being, 127–30 support for religion question in 2001 housing and settlement patterns, 119–2, Census, 116 122–6 Commonwealth Immigrants Act, 47 number of Muslims in Britain, 32, 52, Communities and Local Government (CLG), 117–20 174, 176, 221 Deoband, dāru’l-‘ulūm, 85–8, 89 community leaders, 106 Gangohi, Rashid Ahmad, 85 imams as, 167 Nanautawi, Muhammad Qasim, 85 community, British Muslim Deobandīs, in Britain, 86–90, 173, 180 development of, 48 Dewsbury, Institute of Islamic conversion, 14, 16, 22 Education, 91 among seafarers, 17 dhikr, 86, 89, 243 Burbank, Dawud, 81 Dihlawi, Shah Wali Allah, 104 Headley, Lord Abdullah, 42, 201 dīn al-fitra, 130 Nelson, John, 17 disability, among British Muslims, 127 numbers of converts in 16th century, 17 discrimination, 15, 26, 31, 33, 37, 49, 127, numbers of converts in 2001, 118 225 Quilliam, Abdullah ‘Henry’, 40, 184, 201, diversity, among British Muslims 258, 259 schools of thought, 55, 56, 59, 82 related to Quilliam, 40 divorce, 142–5 Sheldrake, Khalid, 34 dress ‘turn Turk’, 18 expression of masculinity and femininity, converts to Islam, see conversion 230–4 Cordoba Foundation, 76 fez, 40 cornflakes Islamic teachings about, 229–2 © in this web service Cambridge University Press www.cambridge.org Cambridge University Press 978-0-521-83006-5 - Muslims in Britain: An Introduction Sophie Gilliat-Ray Index More information Index 309 Metropolitan Police uniforms for Muslim Festival of Muslim Culture, 258 women, 216 films school uniform, 149 depicting British Muslim characters, 272–3 traditional Islamic, 86 Finsbury Park Mosque, 77 turban, 16 fiqh, 13 Yemeni, 35 First World War, 32, 33, 34, 37, 43 Dwyer, Claire, 139, 219, 225 Fischer, Johan, 256, 257 food Eade, John, 197, 198 restaurants, 27, 255–8 East India Company, 25–7, 84 Forum Against Islamophobia and Racism complaints against, 26 (FAIR), 170 demise of, 85 Fourth National Survey of Ethnic Minorities, domestic servants of agents, 25 122, 125 East is East, 272 Fox, George, 22 East London Mosque, 103, 185, 198, 204 Franks, Myfanwy, 233 Edinburgh Central Mosque From my Sister’s Lips, 272 architecture of, 192 Fryer, Peter, 15 education, see also schools Fuchs, Barbara, 22 and attainment, 150 Fun Da Mental, see Nawaz, Aki parental views on, 148 funerals, see death policy changes, 149 Egyptians, in Britain, 37, 39, 50 Gale, Richard, 190, 197, 199, 200 Eickelman, Dale, 58, 88, 99, 136, 137 Gangohi, Rashid Ahmad, 85 Eid Gardens of Peace festivals, 33 Muslim burial ground, 201 El-Fadl, Khaled Abou, 71, 73 Gardner, Katy, 145, 146 el-Helbawy, Kamal, 75 Geaves, Ron, 65, 92, 102, 166, 167, 178 Elizabeth I, Queen, 15 gender emel, 228, 237, 256 Islamic teaching about, 207–11 employment and the labour market, 124–9 generations Employment Equality (Religion or Belief) changes among, 49, 53 Regulations 2003, 127, 210 tensions between, 144, 196 Enemy
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