In Proise of the Red Guards a by Hongqi Commentotor Heroic Chinese People's Air Force Punishes Lntruding ,{L IJ.S
PH 39 September 23, 1966 lt Chairman Mao Once More fteeeiyes a Million Young Revolutionary Fighters 4 In Proise of the Red Guards A by Hongqi Commentotor Heroic Chinese People's Air Force Punishes lntruding ,{L IJ.S. Air Pirotes Sept. 23, 1966 PEKING RE\TIEW Vol. 9, No. 39 Published in English, French, Sponish, Joponese ond Germon editions IniICuS AND DOcUMENTs Choirmqn Moo Once More Receives o Million Young Revohtionory Fighters b. s) Comrode Lin Pioo's Speech tn. tol Comrode Chou En-loi's Speech tn. rz) EG Ue& &#ury &qde &ddy Lrm €hirmn Ftoo (p. t3f b Eldra ef lhe &pd. (iuordi * tln tssi comrncntsry (p. 1,5), A Greot Historic Event in tire life of the Chinese Communist Porty ond the Froternol Chinese People Zeri i Popullit (p, 17) Chino's Culturol Revolution ls- in the lnterests ol the People of the World V. G. Wilcox (p. 18) Chino's- Culturol Revolution ls o Crushing Blow Agoinst lmpericlism ond Re- visionism Vanguard, (p. 18) Chino's Greot- Culturol Reyolution ls. Choirmon Moo's Mognificent ond Greot Achieyement Jocques Grippo (p. 19) Peruvion Communist- Porty Wormty Hcils Victory ol Chino'i Greot Protetorion Culturol Revolution ond of Moo Tse-tung's Thought (p. 20) .Hold Fost to the Moin Orientotion in the Struggle Hongqi, editoriol (p. 22) Solute ond Leirrn From the Workers, Peosonts ond -Soldiers Renmin Ribao editoriol (p. 24) - Heroic Chinese People's Air Force Punishes lntruding U,5, Aircroft (p. 25) Dore to Struggle ond Be Good ot Struggle - Jief angjun Bao editoriol (p.
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