Mue Uorlbwtbe J}Ew5 of the WORLDWIDE CHURCH of GOD VOL
mue Uorlbwtbe j}eW5 OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. IV, NO. 24 PASADENA, CALIF. DEC. 6, 1976 Mr. Armstrong readies for trip; ankle better PASADENA - Herbert W. Arm· strong. and was scheduled to resume strong, who suffered a sprained ankle hi s latest overseas tour Dec. 5. Nov. II duringanaccideo13taspeak After Mr. Annstrong' s injury, he at ing engagement in Port Elizabeth, first hoped to be able to keep hi s South Africa, and therefore cut short appoinnnents with governmem lead· his most recent trip to southern Af ers after a short period of recuperation rica, is now "getting about quite in a P Orl Elizabeth ho tel (The well. " accordingtoGamerTed Arm- Worldwide News, Nov. 22). Eleven days after hi s accident, however, he decided to return to Pasadena, asking Stanley Rader, vice president for the Talks held Work' s frnancial affairs, and Bob Fahey, regional director for the Work in southern Africa , to fill in forbim o n with Smith flis itinerary. Mr. Rader and Mr. Fahey met with By Bob Fabey Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith Southern Africa Regional Director and President Jo hn WrathalJ Nov. 29 JOHANNESBURG, South Africa in Mr. Armstrong's stead. (See Mr. - Stanley Rader, hi s wife. Nicki, Fahey's article, this page.) Henry Cornwall and my wife, Eve, While in Pasadena Mr. Armstrong and 1 flew from Jobannesburg to involved himself heavily with The PLANNING THE MAGAZINE - Gamer Ted Annstrong, foreground, meets Nov. 23 in his office wnh Brian Plain Truth magazine. Brian Knowles, left, newly appoinled managing editor of The Plain Truth; Gene Hogberg, PT news editor; and Ronald Knowles, newly appointed managing Dart, vice president for pastoral administration, to discuss the futureofthe magazine.
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