Wide Church of God (WWCG) Was Who Were As Willing As He Was to the Same Modernist Stance, on Down Voted Into Membership by the Na- Make Changes
Change at the Worldwide Church of God On May 7, 1997, the World- ered about him a small group of men was made president—and continued wide Church of God (WWCG) was who were as willing as he was to the same modernist stance, on down voted into membership by the Na- make changes. to the present time. tional Association of Evangel- One by one, they discarded ear- Yes, 1995 was indeed the bomb- icals. Eighteen months earlier, lier teachings. At first, they worked shell year for WWCG. Large numbers their leader, Joseph Tkach, Sr., slowly. Articles hinting at changes of believers forsook the denomina- the successor of Herbert W. began to appear. New pastors were tion. Church headquarters went into Armstrong, had publicly repudi- appointed, who had been trained by a crisis mode, but refused to reverse ated the necessity of Sabbath- teachers willing to follow different itself. Leaders refused to turn back. keeping and obedience to the Law paths than those blazed by Arm- They adamantly pressed forward in of God. strong. their objective. But what was it? The There are lessons here for Books by Armstrong began go- people in the pews who were leaving those in our own denomination, ing out of print. His picture came could not understand what was hap- in view of the fact that our own down from where it had hung in pening. However, lax members who denomination is, in books and WWCG churches and schools. had hankered more for the world publications, openly repudiating Leaders, teachers, and pastors loved it.
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