L 00U9 , I ,n il 3 11 O~~ >n3 mbe .orlL",;:::'::~;:~5 OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. VII, NO. 10 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA MAY 21, 1979 HOW YOU DRESS FOR CHURCH-- Could it keep you out of the KINGDOM? By Herbert W , Armstrong fust, and we who are then alive YOU ARE COMING INTO THE VERY thought about it! When you come " loud" or flashy or too somber, but of proper character) necktie. A RE SOME OF our mem- · shall be caught up to meet the re­ PRESENCE OF GOD! into the very presence of turning GLORIFIED CH RIST in the ALMIGHTY GOD and of JESUS In the early years of this C hurch, bers going to be kept It makes a diffe~nce air. Then, descending to the CHRIST. YOU MUST COME WITH when I had only one pair of shoes out of the Kingdom of God, Mount Of Olives; will follow the Brethren, IT OOES MAKE A OlF· EVERY DUE RESPECT FOR THEIR (with boley soles) and one suit of because of the way you GREAT WEDDING ·between Christ ERENCE TO GOD HOW YOU COME SUPREME MAJESTY . clothes, I shined my shoes and dress for church services? and the Church. Jesus' parable DRESSED TO CHURCH SERVICES! I say to you brethren, I know got out my wife' s iro ning board THIS IS SERIOUS! spoke of this. 1 know God expects me not you have not deliberately come and pressed my own suit Friday afternoons · befo re going to In some of our churches Jesus pictured His Father as a only to inform you brethren, but to church services in a slouchy, so far as possible, to set you an churc h services. members never think of dress­ great King calling many people unkempt appearance - rather, to the wedding with Christ. But example. you just never thought about it ing up, but corne in slovenly I have always tried to HONOR many or most of those called So let me ask you. HAVE YOU this way before! GOD in the matter of personal ap­ attire, overalls, blue jeans: made light of it, gave excuses, re­ EVER SEEN ME COME TO A Now that I have REMtNDED pearance at church. tennis shoes, any kind of CH URCH SERVICE IMPROPERLY YOu. you will have NO EXCUSE, jected their calling and salvation. If you were in England and slouchy sport clothes. DRESSED? , do n' t ' believe you and you will be tNSULTING , and The King then sent His armies to were invited to visit the Queen at In the state of Israel people do have. MAKING LIGHT OF your Almighty bring in others ... And when the Buckingham Palace, would you not dress up much. Men wear When Dr. Aviram put on a Father and your Savior Jesus king came in . he saw there a go with dirty shoes and sloppy, sport shirts with open collar and man which had not on a wedding jacket, he was merely following Christ. unpressed c1o.thes? I hardly think no necktie. garment : Israeli c ustom. They are a does Dotlce so. Then do you consider that In Dec . I, 1968, we were hav­ .. And he said unto him, struggling nation , with a heavy God GOD . HIMSELF does f10t deserve ing a meeting wilh lhe president percent of national l'&ome going Y!'u do NOT need to go 'out. and Friend, how camest tbou in hither even rhe respe.. t you would show to announce our decision to go not having wedding' garment? for iIITT!.e'.y forces . .~ ,. do . nol - buy new d Olhes. But. DRESS liP a to the Queen of England? ahead in full cooperation with And he was speechless. Then " dress up~' for everyday occa­ hereafter in the best you have! Hebrew University and the Israel said the king to the servants, Bind sions as much as other more God will be watching you! Symbols of righteoWiness Archaeological Society on the prosperous nations. Notice it in Psalm 33:13-15: him hand and foot, and take him WHY did Jesus. use lhe kind of large-scale archaeological proj· away, and cast him into outer But notice in I John 1:3 that "The LORD looketh from garments we wear to represent ect at the temple mount adjoining when we come together in WOf­ . heaven; he beholdeth all the sons darkness" (Matthew 22:11 -13). ri ghteo usne ss or unrighteous­ the eastern temple wall. ship service, that " truly o ur of men. From the place of his Of course , in the parabl~ , ness? He would not have done fellowship is with the Father, and ' habitation, he looketh upon all With Professor Binyamin Jesus was using garments we this unless it IS IMPORT A NT to Mazar, Mr. Stanley Rader and I wear as symbols of righteousness with his Son Jesus Christ. " the inhabitants of the earth .. Him how yo u come dressed to When we gather together for a he considereth all their· works ... had first stopped in fo r a short or of unrighteo usness. The lack church. chat with Dr. Yosef Aviram, who of a wedding garment sym­ church service I WE A&tE COMING Actually - literally - God In Zechariah 3: 1-7 the high was going with us to the presiden· bolized unrighteousness. Nev­ INTO THE PRES.fNCE OF T HE Himself does look upon you and priest Joshua was clothed with tia l palace . We had left Dr. ertheless, Je sus would not GREAT MAJESTIC GOD, and to notice how you come dressed in filthy garments, and Satan sland­ Aviram's office, when he have used this symbolism if He have fellowship also with the liv­ His presence in church services! ing beside him . Apparenlly stopped mid'way down the cor­ was indifferent to how we come ing J ESUS CHRI ST. For years, I not only wore a Joshua (a type of one today) was ridor, saying: " Wait a minute. dressed into HIS PRESENCE! When THINK OF IT! freshly pressed suit , but even a in the grip of Satan. unabl e to We're going into the presence of you come to church services, For I know you have NOT white shirt and a befining (not too wrest himself free from Satan. the president of Israel. I must wear a jacket." He was clothed with filth y gar­ ments, typical of SI N . under He had started with us with Satan's grip, unable 10 loose only a spon shirt, unbuttoned at himself. the neck. But, going into the pres­ CHURCHFORCEDTOSUEGTA ence of the head .of state, he Then Christ came and rebuked Satan. Christ freed Joshua from knew he must have on a jacket. pon advice of the This suit was made nothing of this suit or Satan's grip on him. Then Christ One time several years ago, I U Worldwide Church necessary by Mr. Gamer what is going on. The liv­ gave order to remove the filthy preached a sermonettc, prior to of God attorney Ralph Ted Armstrong's refusal ing Jesus Christ is the ac­ garments on Joshua (picturing the main sermon - I helieve it Helge and the Church's to return this property to tive HEAD of this Church, freeing him from satanic SIN. due was by Mr. Charles Hunting. We to Satan's grip on him). were at Big Sandy, Tex. Gradua­ attorneys, Ervin, Cohen its owners, the World­ directing it through His tion day was coming up, and I & Jessup, I have ap­ wide Church of God. c hosen apostle . Jesus Jesus said he caused Joshua's had noted that people came to proved a lawsuit for the My son is alleging that Christ is directing all sin to be forgiven and ordered them to c1oth'e Joshua with clean church services in any old kind of recovery of certain per­ I am senile, my mind such matt~rs through His sloppy; unkempt clothes. garments and set a miter on hi s sonal and ecclesiastical gone and that I know chosen servant. head, saying to Joshua, . 'IF thou I wanted those people to at property, consisting of wilt walk in my ways, and IF least he moderately well dressed thou wi lt keep my charge, then at the "graduation ceremony. I had between ~5 and 20 plain brown cardboard boxes. thou shalt also judge my ho use, noticed that brethren were com­ and shalt also keep my couns" ing to church services very slop­ These boxes contain (verse 7). pily dressed. I knew they all had sensitive and ecclesiasti­ Angels usually appear in hener clothes - I did not mean cal confidential mate­ they should purchase new and W HITE garments, as a symbol of finer clothes. rials, including pastor purilY and righteousness. general's and other con­ Yes, IT OOES MA KE A DlFFER­ Christ not indifferent fidential spiritual papers. ERENCE TO GOD how yo u come to dress dressed in His presence 31 church Jesus spoke of lhe Kingdom, services! Surely, •• 'NUFF when the dead in Christ shall rise SAID! " i 2 The WORLDWIDE NEWS Monday, May 21, 1979 Evangelistic campaigns create Hear the PLAINlRUTH member 'wave of enthusiasm' about the By KeD Tate paigns were a boost to the churches Meredith reports that in spile of the PASADENA - "EnlhusiaSlic" and caused a .. great wave of en· negative publicity and severe gas Worldwide response to the flIst two of seven thusiasm among the brethren" in the shortages in Southern California, an personal appearance campaigns to take areas around each campaign site. estimated 60 to 80 new people at­ Church of God place across the western United Mr.
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