Volume 63 No. 12

April, 1982 I I j I I SIdr...... A•• leac_, W. Ie.... 0., AI...... " ''''J I C '".,-se-, ,4 ... I • 10-14 M.aU -1*""" ..... MIl C ., 'I.. .. 16 ...... 000eI00II- ...... lei -... 20 a ...... of ...... WIooot SIwdo ... c:.lloot Qwlloloo of ....:S-Pu" I ,e "n ...... 22 C, " .... Lit iIIu' ..... 1.. .. 2' • .. ,...... lIIiIIMtIoIof _ MIl .... sn-_ .... 1= "-"""',,_,_ _ _ V Cool • -..... 'I Up .. 1911 J2 ow_-...... ,- U LIft...... J7 IUYW' GUIDI 4J c.c __- '-...... WwW The ~Du @ [J)[?@ OOOO@[? [J)~~~~

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1 CONSUMER AmTUDE STUDY North D.kota Mill il one 0' the Irol. Your mlC.roni producu ~ill be importlnl to us ,h.rs why .t Ncuth top milll in lhe nalion for mlny the bell when you st.rt with D.kot. Mill. "'e df'INer ~ef\l i cr he: most inLerntinl lindin, at • producu hom Nonh D.kotl Mill . siudy about CflMumrr IUitWn 'U~I! leo Cantwell, m.rhlin, T On.. of our lOP prioritiel is to Ia-..rd ...· ht.1 pnxluci. rondaK1d for director, jl proud of the f.ct thlt blCk our producU with relponlible, the: Whe.l In~U5'ry Council is Iha' only the mott modern millin, equip· "'he moil promilin, palh for nutrition ment il used to mill the finell. hiah· pellorul leNke. line Rowllnd and rommunka,ion. ltel in ,ivin, ron· ttl quality durum wheat in tM K.thy Hjelden like ,rea' pride in ___ lULL lumen perr' , 10 c.1 more 01 1M wOlld. Nndlinl .nd proceninl your ord .. 11 food. they _ dcpri .. the ....I"". of.- SU~fiof l.bor.tory Ind testina throulh our euUomer ,,1.. 1 ernter. GtMd Fan...... , DMou se2~ I ConsumeB need help in adoptin. '"ilit'" Inure you of qu.lity con· Your complete ,,'id.elion i, VI"V F'hoMI7QI ,715·7000 new positive vie"., 01 Clrboh)'dnln based on authoritative nutrition,1 in· formalKln. continuN the 'Iud), prepar­ ed by Fine. Tr.vis Ii Auoci.lts. Inc .• New York. 1"he 'Iudy . '" • qualitative CJ;plor­ !Ilion of consumer Itliludn and value-s We Deliver Ulin, ninc focus ,roup Inlervtcws. Ihrtc' tKh in Philadelphia, Indian .. • poIi •• and l.oi An,elts. In each market two ,ruup" 01 ..-omen and one of men. oil head. of houw:holds. bet_.... the IF' of 25 and 49..... ere ad&lrc:sK'd. Se"vice. Alt had a' leal' one child livin, I' home. The: ympk "'Cfe miu:J UToCrs and non·UitB of "'hile bRad. pa\II, and ,,,,«I JOOds. All 'Allmen re,ut.,I)' did the food .hoppin,. and lOme men n:,ularty panicipalN or shoppnJ in­ - frequently. " Food Shorpin," cuuld in· clude chrckin, invenlor)' and makin, • lilil I' . 'ell IS ,,,,ulIlIy loin, 10 the Ilore. Dlue and •.... hile·roU., badcrounds I "'ere rrpmancd. minimum family in­ romt wu $15.000. and ''410'0 black fe­ spondcnt:\ "ere Ipccifitd for each ,mup. ori,ins ihould aha be intclVltcd into thai food communicators can addreu. Nutrition kno.'ied,c amon, ,roup oommunic:nionl, _II, fo, e.. mple. is perm.d .."'­ memben "'ere sc:aucrcd and c;onfusnl. lively u flttenln,. while c.t.II,..., and "mos' lend to r.n back on • kind -NepIha h., a kind 0( scientific neutralit), and .,1 'nllurc' model 0' food values - An clement mawn, in "'rrent food _ bene, informed IIId up-l .. thc prns. lhe science community, or aura 01 mcru and health to the tenn. The ide.s of "ain and whe.1 art coolumcrilt inldlutionl. This, coupled II may be perceiVed n I neceuil), but \'cry JXl'ilivc and carry • kind of "na­ with confusion IIId Ixk 01 _­ not II I &lamor ida II proItin has II· IUfal" imlgt!)' . 'hkh ,UO'A" pcorle to hctn.ion lbout nutrilion and health ."f' been or Vitamin C. h.·t:l good abo!;. the prod..cb thai can)' iulleS. help' uplain ""hy label in. ".'S While: carbohydratn an: KCft II the "naluDI crain" imace. ... hich purpm to ben" inform the "'otteain,-. they an: not occonld the " , ahhou,h Ken as II hip­ J'uhlic hive had IlfIMJII the opposiLe hostUity ,,,,,,ned fo< ,upl IIId f .... calnric food, has no.' become: pan of effect. inercuin, Indelies while es­ The impo

4 TilE MACA.ONI JOURHAL Consumer Attitude Study 01 pace from poI•• on: hlp _.1 lor PASTA PUIUCITY Limb; II &OOd filler. a wnalile alt­ ICartt'"'-l ff'Clfft poge 4) National Puta Auociation. throop ,Uf)' lin« man)' forms ,,'CR' a"li)­ ill aameY. Bunon-M.nt"lkr. pined conc:rcle and objective currenl Ihint­ ahle. m.. ny combinalions ponible. Fta. publialy (or lhe indUSlry"s pro. in, ahout carboyh,draltl: wrnsin. quick and coovcniml In prcpar,,; in­ duct' durin,lhe tim mornh allhe rIC" WINSTON he.llh fadon and increasin, the f'Cr­ tlp:n,i\'c; meal strelchcr. )'ear. In addilion 10 the pllC'Cmcnl' "nllp of c.rboh)'dr.tn vmus other Ne,lIlh'" r"~tons 10 pa~a: very lisled below, lhe NPA ollicc COI'ItinUCl! food "tepics in I rtrommmded UBORATORIES, INC. '.nmm, and hilh starch; hllVin,linle 10 ans"''Cr consumer rcqunts for back· dtetary rcaimen. linkin, ,,'hell·haioN or no nuuitional value; favorile pasla JroUnd and inrormalinn and suppl~ '.0. Io. 361 - 25 MI. V.r... Str ... products consilient v.ilb Ihis 'f~1'OKh dishn demand bread alto; difficulty or Ihc instilulional trade: ..ilh lhe Pasa .. 10 ,cocral ,oud nUlrilion and ' sound jud,in, tw.., much uncooked paSl' iI aw..llaW .ork, He. J ...., 07660 FoodHTV~ Manual .1 a em1 0( S I II v.'Claht lou proarams is both nUlridon­ "nou,h - lack of ponton ronlrot - elCh. 201-"0·0022 aUy Kcurate and helpful 10 consumeR ltads 10 cookin, 'and COI1scquenll), .h_: and bmdicial 10 the . 'hal indu"f)'." calin,) " 100 much." As one l..ot An­ Mpl AI the s.amc timt. lhe industry ac10 mot"'" said: "You don't ~ TIlI.1 Cin:ula.ion: 12.510.138 IhouId not Clpett to tum public: per­ 'piahe'lli. You jusl pile II up." Good Housrif-rpin" Fnru.,}'. It is witn p,ide tnol we call you, ottenlion "Plionl around allolC,Mr. Since usaac 0( puta .'U infrcquml Monlhl), "Susan" fellurc - full pl3t ralher Ihan re,ular (IS ~ 0( bread wilh color phoIos devoted 10 "Skilkl 10 tne focI Inot our o'gonizolion eslob· t_ ofCnloo Maclronl and ~:. Circulation: O('Cun daily) ntplivc reactions "''Cre lished in 1920, nos Inrougnoul ils 62 yeors By far the mosI pot.hivc imalt wilh­ Itss SIron,. The .ervin, of paua is an 5.138.948. in the world of carboyh),drates is lha. "occuion" . 'hieh Ittfm to allow 'us­ lI""rh. Frltru.". "'.... room "'•••. in \'lperotion concerned itself primarily with ot ... II sa)'1 directly that .'C are "....ion 01 .he ruks. bal. (5""",,'i an In,ltditnll r«ipt. Circulalion: Ialkin, .bot.u • nl,ural form of • na­ Most people said lhey . 'auld like 8!S0.000. "",coroni and producls. unl .ubslan~ . Since ,,-heal and ,rain 10 cat more puta lhan the)' do. There­ S4*lltnn U";n" Frb,..,.,. "Ifs Iialian arM.I II's Up"" SCory bq:ins: Hem 10 be .)'non)'moul. they are pld­ fort. the pi oll'Ornmuni;alion about "Ilalian spaplll and priM: bread arc ,Ile objeclive of our orgonizolion, no. ness symbol .. The barrier onl)' UiloCl p~nla is 10 enhance posla', nUlrilional when one Uitt 10 make the link be· usually na.ly n:f...... by • dtdica'N imaae by providin, lOme .....tural been to render better service to our clients Iwtcn nature imlJtf)' and product Ip"­ JUOdnns" linh to pain. The double ditltr - .he hund ..... 01 (242 .1Ii (330

6 TIlE MACARUNI JooaNAL A.IIL, 1982 Palta Publidty 5)...... , S II' _Mil L.os A"~ln Timn. 8"'S1 HalJlr,.. One-POI Chicken-PUll o-w, (Conti",*, 'ror.I poge 61 ,..... " If.. "". IIWMU1 JI. 0 ...1 lIk.. Mina"_ Soup n:dpc. Thi. recipe. Circull'ion: 1.000.942. 1"00 Worrh Star·Trl,.,ram. "Pawl, wpplemmt appean in )51 MWlpaptR Cronomi" Nn·1paprrJ. 10),('1' Ala VCllin and SaIIlJ Matn," Phoeo and with a toc.1 drculalion fA 12,JO).sO~ . rty. p(lJ'rY'CCd Noodln recipe. Cil hm .ttipn. culalion: 200,000. Mode-Sf" 8". "Noodle Di"hes Sal· N ___ ~"'" isf)' u lJpt but Nutrilk'ln." Phoeo c • ' .... e...... ,t and recipes. T","I C"1mI1.1ioa: 3.268.257 '.'0 Pid:lr P«k«"J InltlltllliONJl. PlSliI­ r,1ISQ('O/4 Nr..., . .. ,"".: U,hl Ell­ Gril./tutUIUY J/. "Make Thit Noo­ Pic~k Salad phoco "'" recipe 10 Kin, in, ',uems Ret.in USDA Gutdc· dle. Egplant Caucrok." Photo and Fealum Syndicatc. Circulation: 6.- lines." Phoco "ilh ' ...· 0 rrcipn. recipc. Circul'lion: 87',908. 000.000. AUlUsta Chronirl,.. "PUll Shells DC'J 1.101"1'1 RI'JiIl,r. 1111"1011 17. Upttr Menu. H PholO and '''''0recipa. Spicy Beef and Sbells phoco Ind recip<. F.-...... Balon Roult SI"'I' TiIMs. "Upu Circull'ion: 207,998. Fare Fcaturn Saked PUll Shtlls," Rntall1'Olll1 " Il&1ti,",iOlIJ, IGIf"QT)' Tampa Tri"""r. 1"",." 14. Bean I. IN2. Spaahc1ti and Mellhalh are Two recipes. .nd P.,," Medle:y phocn .... mil"'. illustrated In \~ 'plJC full-color photo Circulatton: 181,610. Clullt~ 1Nil)' Tink'f. "p,,,. in I specill lellun: .ilic:d "New En,· Suits the Pillem for lilhler Meat •. " AI,mplol, C"""""";" Appra/./QIIU' I.... Cookery." Copy upl.in...... Pbolo and IWO recipes, "'1 /J."PopuI.r P"," WtIc:omed Aller "dhnic flaVOR influence the foods r~ Iiout/on SIanJ.J..spcodn. "PaKl Holwyo." Spaahelli and M ••• Sill« pam! in conlcmporary New En&land SMlIs for U,hI Ealin, ',nems," Pho­ photo and recipe. Circulalion: 199 •• kitchcm." and how pasta is a valid Ct.. to with two RCipn. 740. ample ... • • of the eclec"c, interna· Colurnbw DiJpalC'h. ··Pasta Shells l'hilodr/pIoUr Bullrt;•• 1_, /J. lional cbarKier of New Enlland cui· sa,r In Uatn Fart," Phoeo and two "January Soup' Ward Off the Winter Iinc In 1982 ..• a laste of 'American' reapes. CIIill." Noodle: V ....lbk Chowder ." Recipe is included. phoco Ind recipe. Circula.ion: 397,. LMbbo

TilE MAc.uoHt JOUaHAL Ca ...... lan 'rocI"d 'romollan "The Paa Cookbook" _" • sll. Dick Van D)'ke appe.n wilh I.'" teo...... fT1:Irn CI'O':' •• 'een pal" suppIcmcn' in .he Fcbnwy 'y ,iris. Tht fin. IIY': ·My .pa. of C'anadiaa iuuc Uvin, mapzinet ahml - aoad • . . bu. i. lUll ... pan_nee 01 pasaa in I well bAlanctd cin: ..... ion: 264.889. beI.er!· Tht o' New,lc"e,. based 01,_ 01 show lired Jan. 7. 1982. 01\ I Sludy lot I. by Sellin, Areas­ Audience: 7.000.952. MIRdi... Inc" ~ II SAMI. SAMI. wbich InJCb prod .... move. Nillin AIIvettIaI"II -,...... _ "TURey ...... hlOll'" I...... Niuin FoodI, .....en 01 Top Ra­ C_orc wilh 5pqhct.i· i. Lady­ looked 11 40 Icadioa prod.... CI'" men, Oodles 01 Noud.... Cup O' smilh-Chcmainlll, Ladysmi.h. B.C...... and lound 2.696 bcand OIIIICI Noudia and Ouick 'n Tcodcr. Is ..n­ (•• dooin, SI ....• own prive libel pro- nin, new color coupon ads in winler "OIristmu Shoppin. Guide 'Of the d .....l. • 9 pelt

Durum Outlook "Hard mI aprin, and durum wheat tion, in sioeb will be n(""lry bl'­ Slock. nlimaln as of January 1982 fore durum prices will reco\'er sub­ ,,'Trlm USDA f:nmumic RrsnJrrh arc lar~r compamJ to put projec­ IlInliall),. s,"'if"r 1'''''",11',.. 1911] lions for the gme period," Filber uid. "Mort eIKtMltl.in, neWJ and On January I. Durum s.todu arc lhe AlgerIan Purcha .. further rtduction. in MOCks 'Io'ill be hi,lln. evcr for mkt~lUOf1. dnpitc: a Alteri. booked 2W.OOO tooon Nn. n«dtd before 'Prinl wheal and rebountl in diSlppc:arancc durin, June-­ 3 hard Imber dUNm al 5201.50 (. durum pricts .ill rerover suMI.n­ This d~ Dcctmhrr. is mainly 10 ,;'lIy.- 225 • tum\(', c. " f., February-June. 19KI ', record hanna uI 186 million M.jor portion at trade . ·u rtporlcd bUlheb. nearly 10 million tafaef than Fisher gid dUJUm and sprin, whe.1 by U.S.D.II: . 24-hour oervice. While • year 110 and 40 pcm:nt above the uron rommrUmefti ••1 this lime ~ most uf the lranJX1lon will be shippc:J pre\lious hiJh in ."n. Thnc l.flC . 'ell ahead or last year', 1e\'Cls. He 'rom the Gulf or Great lakes, a por­ mklycar supplen . 'ill Mnlinuc: 10 dam· uid U.S. durum gles are up 67 pcr­ tion oIlhc trade .ill be ,hipped from IIJINUI'ActUBING pcn ~ J'fO'PCItb and ..- ill liLeI)' ecru from 1111 year while hard red the West ro&\t. caliSe ),Clrmd IIQ;b to lUI' 100 mil· 'prin, . 'heat ..In hnc incn:atal 12 Hon bushels 'or the fa .... time. Durum pcrten •. Planting Intention. "The farmcr·u"lOcd reKf\'e pm­ 'Iocb in the rner\IC prosram Irc DUNm produce" ma)' plant 21 per­ likely 10 be around 2S million. ,taIm have b«n elltcth'c in suJ'lkM't­ in, prices, hut he.vitr carryovers have: cent klii acreqe 10 I>'lfum than I:ut BeaUle 01 Sow prKeI, abumlanl yur. The traditKMWly markcl·k«n SERVICING In.scned lhe ellcdivcnHs 01 the re­ .UJ>IIIies. and ohon 1981 wheal CfOJ>I Ourum ,lOonn intend to pllnt 1.89 in Italy and MOf'UCcu. forei", pur. "rV(' by incrusln, the quantit)' of not romminN Iu lhe mil. hi. (4.66 mil. ac:ro) comparC\l 10 (hnn of US. Durum haY(' bern nry wheat prOJl'lm," fiwr waid. 2.38 m~ . bo. (5.18 mil. acres, plan'''' urona durin, J unc·Dettmbcr. Elpon lUI ",rio, whicb r•• ped • r lard'l It lI>hllUlJ lIclt: rm ine h.: I1 ,," ('Iltl\. . R~JftI«h INu aI.'II1' bnn GIl 1M;· TAIL&. in!! 4ua lilic.. in pa"3. "" hl.' n Ihl.' 4u:m· nllitHi 01 ,Iw "I,lIli" tmJ cvmnU'mnu a...... , ...... ~ I iI} anll 4I1alil )' (,f rrlll\'in, arlo' i!qual. ,,1 II rompany wltklr iIImJ 10 imprrnot '1hl.'fdl l l~ t:4ual 4u a nl i l i~' " d Ihl.' " a m~ ill prudurtl. Til, Bra/bontl ComptUty dUll , anti t: ~~ alhuI111.'11 "here.' :uIJ\'''' Iuu tMtII'tIYl born, litis nnrll" miNI lINI in ,~~ 1"lt .. Iarl;hr.-, ,IIHI 1"11 ' ;IP'IPIl.', Iuu In up lIS Ott'lt ffMtUrh IIItd ,zpnl. 5tDlliu A ••• •• •••• 12.62 0.11 ... , Itf r a, 'a "" cr .... rfi nluc~J frum Ihe I~'H """1111 rm/". rs,,,,,U.lain, lids wI,II ,low ptractioll nil' mi\ 1tIf~ .. t'I) u ~i n ~ Ir;uliliunal : ~ (' h · nlll ll ~) Jt)in~ . "tJrioUJ llIStl'III" IUII/ lI";vnJitl" s..o&iM • • •• •• • .•. 12.17 1.01 n.o}' 10" > )00 urn 10% < 106 um IIf eltru§i(1I1 :II1J Ihrou,lwul ,Ir, .'CHId• .. Iwu llUI/'. I ..... catndioa rue, '1ht: /,:um""'ililln til Ih \,' l11i\I\III." It'd study ,rllII" aM 4tWG1W1s. StudoA " :I' : I( M.3' ; "tarch. 11I,(,'j cummer· efnn InIIOliu A) .• 10.07 The utlcl. wbicb 101 ...... is .he ... .. " d :11 , ilal ~Iulcn, 1.1 '; ",,"Jer.:'" ei!~ alhumt:n. The ch;lr al: leri~l i e .. uf lhe • ull ol eoopenIlon he Bra]· ...... betwee •• If.... -.HiM .) " 1.4) 0. .. 1.16 "'Ii Compa.y and .... U.iveni.y ol 1"'1.1 lIoa m l' k~ IIf r a"la 11.7 mm. dia ­ Milan. mel,'r, 'p a ~hl.'ll i I~rcl anJ Ihe re ~ ult " .,e.'­ " IIf thc cU"I"in ~ It:.''. art: MlI1'1mariled ..... "I ...... ee.... in lahlt: ~ . •• Th .... s:lIl1l'li! :\ shll" "'d \\lUst: cI.'I"k· !lLA...... -P._ ini! qualilin Ihan tlk' ' :IR'Iplc n. al· 1_01 Ar_I­ ... Ihl lU}! h Ihe 1\\11 pastall> ,,"ere rrcrarl.'''' UeMIIiIJ- 01 _ ", jth Ihl' 'al11l." anl\lunl III i!lu :l.'n an'" ... t: ~ rrll:t:i n hul "ilh ''AU Ilillercnl n PfC"ious ..nrb Cl .2} -..e painlcd ..tarch,... . Thl.'!w,.· tir .. t IC'UIt\ ..: un,,·em· I 0\11 how the cooki., qualiJin ol : i n ~ the inl1ucm:c Ilf !>tIme ..:haf'JCh:ris· plill can be CAptained beana. in mind '"1 lic" 111 lI> t:I,..:h anJ rUlldn un (,\M"in~ two cODcvrmli phcnomml which K1 tit rtpone ... (S) that in the C'Cnlral ran i. opptlIi .. ways: SWdI ,.IaJi.1Dl1on of the " Olin. Ilareh ",oanuln ha\'e Ihi! and protei. polymerization. largnt sizn; therefore. Ihc)' "huuld Durin, cookin&. the I1ll'th panula praco' il high s{'ICed of imbibitinn and ol pilla a.. imbued and underp> a .. (ut ,.·cllinl C6. 7). partial loIubUizallon "elali.izallon, OM 1b: starches from umr1c) of ' wo whereas IDe alulen proIcinJ.. lCauercd "'urum wh.:1:1 toemolinas. hnin, "'iIler· in the spaces belwetn 1M ,ranules, H. ent CllfaCliun fOIlts h emoUna A: 10"" polymerize lannia, a protein "Iwort. nlc; ICmolin:l 0: hiGh ralt) were u· Owin, 10 lhe former phenommon ,.. trlCle'" by usin, tht e!oloablilhed melhod t.an:b aranules ,.~II rcducia, and oc:. an'" uamined b)' II Leitz ~Ucrow:opc: cludin, the spaces amon, them. where for phase contrasl l~n"iltion ami Ih. protein. ar. poIymetizlna. leste'" by the Brllbcn"'cr Am)'IOIraph. Obvioully I liard. aclatinizadoa, • ...... " , ... ..". ... • .. or _ "The chmicill characterislics of the cilher filter or morc advanced than " .. •• .. .. umplcs arc ~ho""n in Table I . ...· here· lbe protein poIymrril.allon. will.,..· H fi&- I and 2 report the OplKaI Mi· Ycnt the 100000lion 01 the JlulCn ntt· Abo ...... wort by Onby. durum wheat semolina. which are des. croscope pho:OSfOlphs of Ihe 1"'0 513r· .'Ort. bowsI:i (3) on lbe .....b ,.latiniDtion mbed below. ches and the t ...· o am)'logroanu ttI.pte· On lbe conlrary. an advanced for· durin, cootio, ol pula rq>orIJ .... It is known (4, !hall...... moIi ... li\·cly. malion of the protein network will _ilion bel_. .he .WO J>I-o­ "'hich have the hi&hn1 eltnction rate As ur«tc::J. ~ t .. rch A (inner poIn occlude lhe II.rch inside the juu. form· mena. provide bener mulll iD puta makin, of the rrain, contains ~ranulc § of lar· cod alveoli and avoid a IIfJC lou of These oboc ..alioal are bome 0\11 by than semolinas with a ~r eltt'KIion JC'r ... iameler Ihat those in u mple . D il into the cookin, " ..ater . the rnuhl obtained in a preliminary h". II ..... II far ...... cookin, (high cJ.lfaclion fOliC': 10· 30 urn In· C1

Sales Offices IESEARCH PIOJECT: UTlUZATlON OF DURUM MILL FEED STREAMS Characteristics of Durum minatcd and acrmiDiled umpln. Our· u and leu sticky (due 10 lower cook­ in, spache1li cookin,. alpha-amyl.it inl lOIS) than for spaGhclii from the FOIINClWING DIETAIY FIBEI IN DUIUM PASTA Wheat Slatch wu pmcnt In Ihe ..."unaled sampl< othc:r I..... cycles. (Cont6nued ftCl'l'l poge 23: up 10 I' leur 6 minUin of boilin&- These studies will be Cltended with by lhoda K. Kordonowy, Graduot. lesearch Assl.lanl, Eaamiutioa of IUpn In the durum the objective 01 addin, an HT dtyin, I . __ ,~ '-' M.A. whell lndkated that tbe levell of ,Iu- cycle to our routine laboratory quality Department of Cereal Ch.mi.lry and Technology, Fmu.fraclurin, specimen pre· COle and SUCfOIe incrnsed If'PI'Oli. teIIin,. This "'QUId allow increased -- maltly 50c;l upon scrminalion; lhe Ihrouppul due 10 thoner dryln,limn North Dakota Sial. Univeniiy, Fargo ~ration and lnnsmiuion elcc· Iron mlcrotcopy In IIody of pu­ mallosc &evel doubled. Coovenion 10 and ,Iso .'OOld update prOC'CUin, con· la productl uiltull'UC1urc. Mac­ the Inpcdive lemolinu errectN de- dillons in line wilh modem commercial Incrca .. ing ~ pa t;h~'lIi rccd !otrcar.I crtates in supr whertU prCJCC:UJn, praak:c • IIIIjrdl.. , "",... rltod "'"" .....1 Schoul. 27·30 .prile: 1981. I'uh'criud bran was blend,,':.! with el1nh:nl ,..-dJcn .. / bruwns lI pl };hclli cul­ M!n ...pnlit. Minn. (USA). into lpaplti incrcued the maltose Feed ,ueam use in pasta produc­ ur. ('t,ul.cd !opa}:h.:l1i apjlCars bmwnl and elU 30n mk hud UIlt:\'I!ll culuratitm in Ihe cuukcd ne.pnl;" Minn. (USA). due prnc:al in the cookinl Wiler and it)' of 22 Canadaan durum wheats decreased the supn prneal in the .-ere compamt 10 thole of )8 e,na­ .. ream comtitutnll bind in, efleets ilnd II .OW;; < 300 mit and > 212 mit sr ach:lli, a r c~ ull ur m i ~ing difficul­ ties. Results Ilh:ainci.! frum the cooLin~ 3. G..,-.u .. A., -,.. L loUd. Plrt 01 lhe cookin, '~7Iter mi- dian common wheats. Durulll ~'beatl reactions on impon:anl minc:r:lls n­ 2 ·UO ~i < 212 mic ilnd > ISO mic and r 'lX-': ~~ i nl! wc"~ nut !ltr3i~htror. , •• - La celatiniaazioac deU·... d .. wu oomprited of hlJl> molecular had F~nlly .uk.. elulen than ...... Kntial in the human diet, 16 . 20 ~f < ISU mit and > 106 mic ward. hut S{ 'III~ gcncrali/atitlns can b..: mido ateli lp.Iahctli COllI. Tee· .... IJI>I dellrin.. "heall. AII"ou,h J 1S mit mon J.. _Iooo: Io lalci.! . nita MoIilOria, 29. 473. (1978)...... ,.,... C.tk.... er in blkin, qUAlity than commoa 12.15% < 1S mit and > 53 mic San1pll.'l with hran and h~aJ ~ horls 4. F.., A., II...... A. - II com­ ~' heall, some 01 the "ronser cJuten F,ber and fiber components are 6.3S~ < 53 mic and :> 3M mit Inun portamcnto in COCtW'l ddla 10 I'tCleIIt yurs tbe use of temper- durum wheats eahibitcd fairty &ODd thouaht to have a dircd effect on 3.20';i < 3M mie and > 27 mic a:!dcd holll hishcr ,,'tluLing than puta visto AI mic:roKopio. Tee­ Alura obove 60° lor dryi., ...... pro- bakin, qUililY. Similarly. aI"",",h health and disuse. Known heallh 4.2S':i < 27 mit and > 19 mit thc HlW'; w:m.,lina !oample,. IIran .b Moliloria. 23. 481. (1972). ducts hal IroUiCd couidcrablc inter- common wheatl wtrr: ,enerally infer· bencfitl from fib:r in the dj,r.l .re re· 1.4~ r.i < 19 mic and > Il mit ~ample) IohuwcrJ nu diUcrcnccs in duccd inlntluminal colonic pressure. .6U':'i < 13 mkons cuul.ing lus\t:1o Ihan the lOur; sc m(}­ 3. .- G. - "L·lndullri. dell. nI. aptdally in Europe. Advantqes iot 10 durum "'beats in lpqhcul cook· of 'hiJl> Itmpenlure' (1m dryln,... in, qualhy. l0III< of lhem elhibiled reduced fecal transit time and IOft.:r ·mi: lame: as miaoos lina loal1lp1cs. Ihan !l3mplcs !ohuwcd pasta alin'tntare" cd. da Molini KpUtcd of 51001s. Tbese rxton arc relaled 10 11<0<1 _ no IliffcrenC'ts in cooking luss to Ihe d'llalia • Roma 1937. to be reduction bacteria betler quality than the poornt durum counIln the product. thort ... _e ..... Bread douJI> I.ri"""aph mi.· dis.eaKs luch u colonic rectal canc:cr. shuns. Neil h"r bran nur head Iohuru _IS. Hcad ,hurts wcre blended \Io'ith M: ­ 6.""-"'-'cIIG.­ nomkaJ dryin, times. more intcnlC pas· in, limes ,,-ere related 10 &luteD di\' eniculOli~. ulccnnivc colitis. lip­ rcncrall)' had grC'alcr couking los.o,c\ ndina 31 IC\'l:ls of 10. 15.20. 2S and L·amido. Ind. Alim.. 19. I ta color and an Improvement In cook- It"nllh. Durum lCmolina douahl at pmdicilis. IIlUsionn and t..:monhoid", \Ioi:h It!.: i nch'3~d pcrccnt a~e ~ "r hca:! 3Ut;( . The Microtrae panicle size an­ (1980). in, qualily. b",ad douJl> .btorpllnn 1< .." ..hiblld Nutritional propenin or durum pouta "hllth. Neither bran u rheaLl shura al)7.cr lI! ilius 11 lascr b..:anl to deter­ .. hmn.':.! cuuLcd \Iocieht Irent.is \'\'ilh in­ 7. G.... IU~ F_ DJI., AInI In the Grain Rewarch Laboratory. shorter farioopapb milin, limes lhan O"Y be imprm'Cd by incorporatin, bran or hcadlhom. Bran. the ponion mine panicle siU'S. The panicle size er::a.i~g incorporatinn. hUI all blcmh G.B. - A c:omparilOO of loti lhe quality of Canadian durum wheat bread flour dou,m. ""'ever. the far· lhuibuliun or lhe he.w !!Iohorts \I.·ere IlS of birifrancmcc with the percent i'i monitored by evaluatin, lpipettl inoanpb midn, times at pasta doup o( the Lerocl crcatnt in dietary fiber. ha:J "mer cool.cd weights than the i, alst) hi&hcr in prOicin and mineral fnllnws: 11 :11"; ~m()lina sampl!!'s. aelatlnization and viKOlity 00 which bu been dried under low tem- absorplionl "'ere limilar for both J.9S t;i 3tx'mit poIato. ...·beat. rice. com. cow pmlU" (L.T.) condilions. Wilh the ...... , d ...... in"hal potla hy· COOkRt than semolina. > Fir",nc~.. fur head )o hun samrles 1U' .... '1.0;':":' 300 mle and 212 mit incrulin, popularity of HT dryin, in dration lime was not aft'caed by in­ Evid-:ncc uiilS linkin, inloOlubk < > \\'a; Ioupcriur hI the lOW:; ~c mo lin a rockl<; and ....'" barley ..... 21Aoril < 212 micand ISOmie ebet. Ce.. aI Cbtm.. 31. 764. the pull industry. an inveuiption of ansin, &luten ItreoJlh beyond that dietary fiber 10 a bind in, e"ttl on min­ > till It-wugh the 2U .,.; Icwl lIf t;ead IH . 4U~ ISO mit and > 106 nlie (1974). the dl'ect 01 alterin, dryin, condition\ pounKd by an intC'1"lMdiale 5trenJlh enb makinl then. una\·.ilablc to in· < shl' Us incurJX)faliun. Thcir fnmn t:S5 16 . 00 ~ < 106 mit and > 7~ mie on ipaPtli quality ,,'U undtrtaken. durum wheat. There was a Itron, testinal abwrption. Fiber \Ioill kit u­ ~ C1 ' re s rca\;c:.I l...Ig units greater than 1O . 95 ~ 7S mit and. ~3 mic Two HT Khcmes "'ere developed to (r :;: 0.92") linear relatkNtship be- amiDed for its binding reactions with < > Ih o: IUO r ; )Cmulina samrlcs. The 15% reftcct dill... nl .pproa..... commonly , ..«. elulen .."",ph and b.klnl Co, Fe. M,. Mn. P and In. 'l.S5'f < SJ mie and. > 3~ mic hea:! lohurts );!mpk ga\'e the highest Ca nadia n Gra I n Cammlulon uted In coounercial pllnll. One dryin, qu.lilY loc the c:ompltlt ...'" 01 Ilu. Tbc population IClfIlCnl \Io'hith pr~ 3.2S 'if < 3M mit an:! > 27 mit lirmnei)o !oCIlU:. L~\' c1s c( incurpnratinn. market stream ~ . 40 t;f, < 27 mic ani.! > 19 mie Grain I_tch cycle. HT·A. Imuted an Inilial dryin, len "ren"", in hoIh "heal cia.... . (n y:des tbe (or feed in­ ui 2~ ;IR:! 30':i t!a\''': IlIwcr lirmnc .. s IAll~ < 19 mit and > 13 mic Laboratory leport 1910 tcmpcratuRl of 7SoC for 1"'0 houn. a conlnSl. "uten of intermediate cotporation into bread prodUCl1 could !oon!' _ 'hun dill IUO Iit- semolina. Uran feuibly provide Ii limitar marLet for .20 'ii" < 13 mit Amber Durum Wheat dec:rcue in temperature 10 38 ~ C over slrcnph appeared 10 be beta for &ood :IIHd ~ alllpl~ werc ahn hii!hcr in lhe nell fi .. houri 1001o"ed by .i. .",pelll cookln, qualilY. the parallel in palla products. ·mi; nmi! ~ mitHlf'Ilo lirmn..:!os Ihan !uU'ii s:mnlina loam­ of to I,k) up thruugh 1~ 7r hran. 111.: IS"; Comparison Alpha-am),lase and hours at noe prior dluulown. The lVorI! .... c....u0J QIIOIWy Simple Su,", Le .." in Sound and ..her cycle. IfT.B. lcalul\:d • low in. EI... of .,..,.... F...... firmnl'-~ ; The (C"Cd. stream/ M:lllolina blends hran sample had Ih..: ",,'ll.; Germinated Durum Wheat Durinl ilill temptrature (42°C for 0.5 hour. .,... WIIaI Q.IIIJ. The: proposed rrsnrch l"Onsisb uf w::rc cJ.uud. ..."fJ on a Dc MacI' cunlin­ ~ cn ~' rllr hrim anJ \Io-a" 0.1'1 uRilS ~ re :t l­ P.... Procellin, .nd Spoahc"i Cook· 33'C lor ....her hour) Iolowed by The individual <11m 01 ...n:hy k.... two major ICClions. SKd. OM char­ .... Ihan Ihe lOor;; S(mulina sam(llC$. Ideriza nw materials physically Ilml L: C, Ul semi-commercii" scale vacuum in,. 7DoC for the remaiaroer (II houri) of nell. \'aI'ious ~ of immaturity. Uran IC\'ch 'If 2U. 2S and 30% had chemically. processes them ir.to spal' pasta c:xlrudc:r. Alpba.am)'Juc and lupr levels of the cycle. and dlrunkm kc:mcb on durum wheal CooLing qualily results were uh­ lirmnc~ s !o(we .. Itl",.:r Ihln th.: wu ~ ; unICrmiutcd and &erminated durum 80th HT cycles deacucd dryinJ dwacteristics and ,nd-use qualilY was heni. plus analyzes the quality of the .ubseq.... , '",ahclli. laind (ur cooking limes uf 'I. 10 and. ~ mulina \cnr..:s. ,,·heals han been compared al various lime by OVCT one-half romparcd to the invcslipted. Alltarthy kemtJ coalC'n1 12 minutes in distilled. \Io·uler. The 'J pnxculn, ...... Alpha-lJllYi.uc: I,,· coovcnlional 28 hour dryin, eyel<. Incrwed. ..molina ....ul.,ion be. Prcliminary "udln determined the ,\11 samrles wilh r..:~, :.1 lo irC:ln1 incur· level of fced uream incorporation. plus minute cooLing lim: yidded M4 ~f. of J'Klrali un dricd \l.ilhuul appar.:nt stret­ e",... d 133· .nd 321).fold In the Spqhtlti lrom hoIh HT eyelet.... am< lin... and """" flour wu prod"". the umrlc .. ur.dercookcd as shuwn b)' upon Frmin,,1nn loc n and "ielllly """'... !ban the L T '",ahclli. ed durlnl millln,. ProIeln coa''''' d<- the feed stream particle size nccdc:d In elling ;as Jelcrmind by ~ ra}!. : II·lI i dia­ _-he., anain a JOOd spapni product. P.re­ the present..: o( ungc:lalini.zed star;;h 120 hours rnpcctivcly. Procnsin, Color intensity was puter. npccially creased with increuin, mrcby ker. Tcn and 1"'CI'\'\l minute cookin, times meter mealourcmenlS . into Itmolina aad spapni decreased for trr·A. with no evidence 01 brown· nc) content rcsultin, in a deterioration Uminary "udMD were conducted using dlec:i\'ely cooLed all samples. IConlrnUfli 0" P :o~ l ei alpha-.myl... Itve" In hoIh "".... In,. Cooked HT·B Ip.IIhttli .... firm· Ie-_ on _ 301 • common lot 01 dwUnl. ~~~2~6~~~~~~::~~:::::::;:::::I==iiIlIlIlIiIlIlIl1i5lITHa~J~AL Pasta is an art and a science. An art A science r.".I ., Pl l" ,,\ll'\; ' '' , '' 11\,111\ »~ (I U r ll l l ' l 'UIII1' ".1 " Ill ' Plll l ' .111 It'l l u l\, 1f H' ·\ !lI \ " I \ 1 (,,'" l1 ' lI tHI ·\ 11 .1 " 't' " , .. , 1,1" ".,1 , 1 , "1,1 I,n h •• r. , I' ", .... " 't'ront' ~l l lll f '(1 \tII\Itll l l ' I{,h 't " ·\ 11 •• 1~ ,lfth' 1I ',. '11 ' '' ''''' 1, .1' ,' ' 1.... 1.. .. . t,l, t • T h ' .. .. ' p ...... ' " l' l ~ U ,H lI \ t'flTl' ( I'II, ~ p.\y,lI t ·" ~\ I l" ~ ll l t l i': ' t ''' I ' . T , ' I,ll . l P " I ' 1. ... 1 ,." I t "1,- ,\1, 11 I't ' " ~'. " r P ' , - .n 1\ 1' '}. ~ \I ( t. Ht, ( IMnll" "\01 11( 1' I'" I,1I1 " itu' ( " 'l " ' " .>, .,1 '. .. ,.\, >,.1\ ,1'" ,," .1 .. , ·.,11 " _. , ' ,n ' ',1 ·, ·11 •• ., ' 11'II,I/ l lI lt' l l n ~~ ull H' I' ( ,,111 1 .... . HU t · '" .IIl1.' " • 1," '1 ' ~ .• ' t ' ' " ••\ . d .. .. " " • ' I, ,' ! .. l\ p ~ .. .. r" I'.I,' ~. •I' · , " " . ' ,', , ' 1., ... 1 ...... , .'1 '., ., TIl t ' ·"lf1lt '" ,.h lt " · ,. ' t ' .,. , I" ·" t. ,u ...... 1 ' , ' · , 1' ' " I ... ,' , " " " , ",,'11 ' " " , .t·' t •• ,, ~ , 11. 'lt ·... .\ T' ." '" . • , ." , ' • •• , ., . . ...

'00 C;MMi £OIDl£ 'O~TlON ( .... "I .... r""f' in ,,, ,-

lo m,olt o rot",I" lom .. lo "ur"" (h .. " .. ,. ...". . ,....

'. .. , -, ' ... " -1 " ------• '.' v •

Pastas - let's tell It like It 15. - - - C>--

ADM \ \ -1 .. ... l ' \\ '!I"I' ... " •.•. , ... . .,., ' ,', ..\ ...... , .: , • ......

.\0'" .. Iw \upplll'\ qu .. l.." .... 0111'''''' • . t " I" ... l'l' fI' "I' .... (0, . \0' p IOII""\. dou." to"It"IO"I'I\ .... d ,11 .. 1."1' .. 1 .Iull''' I Of ' ''I' b .."I ... I"d ..... " Research Proiect Project Sod_ Two oul of hand and lhe consumen .'On', (ConUnutd from ~ 271 Projc;: l Stdiae TWo invoh'cs min­ be served at In." - Dr. Richard t. In lummary 01 cookina mullS. the end bindin, sludict on lhe fccd stream LnhtT. ",tsw.:.,. u.s. a.ambrt samples did noI have III ef color. or Mont Processlng LIMs =-,..,.,.. I"al a particle size ranJC as lbe bran ilnd fellin, of macaroni plants 100 Allhou&h iI was pouible 10 demon· plan:s o( allied imiuMries. rampks. The 5I11allClI bran ~"iclc , Irale Ihal starchy kernels. Immalurily. Rouoni has dcsi,ntd and producc:J • fWJNI:I • ...., MrIe size sample had appro1imalel)' v.. of lind shrunhn kernels . 'ere all denim.:n padagin, on a nationwide boo for Ihe poInicles < 53 micrord. ~ > 53 M)ft1C t_' .P_-.dD ...... lal to end·u~e quality. in cases --­ o\'er sevent), )'caB. Rossolli has u­ _IN_ and < 106 microns, ami Vt > 106 Ite qualit)' dlC('u ,,'CK fairly lliublk. ""' ltH T~1ti microns. The larresl bran particle ~i le ~ricnce in ules promolion. havinJ .AII~ktil" 1."."" 1 WI IIU Ita"c,'cr. il ~hould be borne in mind oUrC)fO'lll~ roncei\' e~ man)' promotional plans OTt1EJlUS u mple had nol quile of the par­ ...... T (NtS~ v.. th:al each Iradina factor "'ilS consid· ticles < 75 microns. v.. > 75 and and hving studied man)' lhat othen • AIOn IingIrI .~ erd alone. lJnder normal circumSlan­ 113\'c pKbgIng ..... on 24- I launched IhrooPOUI lhe indus­ < 150 microns. and linl!! mon: than C... 'lo s:\'cral deSfadin, faclon ..' ould be _IN v., > ISO microns. Ir)'. RouOlli hili experience in mar­ pm: nt al once. each cOflnibulinK 10 kelina aU aypes 01 macaroni. splJhclli • V",., unMann ptodYd 19HO ,rotAn durum is used in this qualil)' deterioralion. UNIQUE FEATURES OF and egG noodles and allied combinllion "uti),. Crush)' and Vtc bolh ITO'An in This projttl is beinG calCnded to .~IHd.ac · THE ADVANCED STORAGE North Dakota. MClicali gro'An in Cali­ producu .ith modern markelin, AND ACCUMULATION SYSTEM tort\ider nther factun su~ h as smudp: melh(xh. Rououi can poinl the way -­.....-.... or,.,...... rl>mia's Imrcrial Vallc)' and Mukali ilnd blacl.p:tinl. mildewd kerncb. ef' of dllleate and- tragile ~fUn.a : in merchandisinl new produ(.1J and __ oato __-- ...· gru ..n in ArilOOiI. gO! and "proUI damage. Knulls of la)' out Rlcrcbandi,ing methods and cNtge productI_ TI'I'I'IIIng..., ..... '--' Physical and chemical sludics h;m: Ih~ ~tudk"S will hc reponctl nelt of caneiIIInI,.... programs. ~ noodItt. troJ:en b«n conducted 011 the raw products. )'ear. .... The Rououi'l are considered lead­ _ ..-:I tCftIIInO, II 'lilt' II torwW.-.I reIfWW'd ~.. • allIIN U",m 5CJC'tling a ftAliJattor)' pan ide ---- ing ronsuhanll in aU phun of the ----_power tom .. COI'WIyOI' bill bri'IQinv ~ to •• sa.ifteM,_­ ..... 01 size lhe)' prOCC"!lKd inlo spag­ Serving Cansumen ---- will he ~ .". COftV'IYO' ..... IIIIChId to poeiIiwetr ~ helli. and rook in, tnls ..i ll he com· "The bc ~ l Ihin, for Ihe coruumer il nw:aroni industry. '*'* IOIIr ~ No bel ~ pobIIrN _ .... up to 1S' • plt'L-d. • . 'ell·oiled indush')' ufterin, • variely ~~ wtnIatycllc:hlrgtCOl'WlyOl' ...... ,., .... i'Ig dIIViceI or IMII COf'hIL ProGdI .. dIId'IIf9IId ft. ¥ttY INorm A t~e panel . 'iII be conducted 10 uf scni ccs to lhe consumer• • 'ilh a lot Courage Cauntl ..,.... • SlngIe. ~ or ..."...... indi~te market acxpl.. bility and ~ile. of competition in that indull1)'. Any ""Su."'CCu is never found. Failure h IFIElcl plus 10 in\utipte ils si milarity to the time you anifi: iall)' ralion the: supply never fatal. Couraer: is the only thinJ." FOOD IENGINIEIERING CORPORATION ··bro.. n brc:u1" market. o! somelhin, ib price is coin, to IC' Winston Churthill. 2161 ..,.... LAMI • MlHHIAPOUS. MlHHaoTA SloW' • ,NOHI: "Ill 1I'·SlOO 31 30 MIIL,1981 Corrugated Shipments u.aoo"TID IN'IIIlShY 1IUPM&Nn IN ..UIONS Of' lQll"U naT Up in 'II Despite 4th 1m 'Ii~ 1- .. ~ ..... Quart.. Slip; 'nv_ri" I. ').16 +0.) 6).4' -1.4 6%.51 FROZEN EGGS • DRIED EGGS • LIQUID EGGS Hit New I_rei --,... 6U1 -l.S " .J! +6.1 61 .• ' ,.. 61.U -6. • 51.·n +6.' 6%.4) ShipnK'nlS b)' (he naliun'~ Corru,OI' ted hoI manufacturin. planlS ..'Crt up 61.00 -1.1 _s.) " .1) ••• ..... OLDACII, WILLIA/ol II. I NC. ( 6 09) 6 6 5-4 66 4 I.t,% in IIIKI. tlccordin, In prclimi· V.., %RI." _).1 %41.)1 +u %4'-11 nary dala released b)' lhe Fihre 84u IS EXECUTIVE CAflPUS , - Prdim....".. Auocillion. CIIERRY lULL. NE\i JERSEY 0 8 002 "TOlal shipmenli nf 245.2 billion will rek&ic ftnal 1981 d.la in April. chanpa evcf)' day. M€n recent !iqWlI'C feel of boles and other products. Final numben arc usually .,.. ithin ant­ chanan include: made 1'18 ' the second · be~l )'tlr in (he half pcrt'Cnt of the prtlinlinary tilufn. histury of the indullry. ... accordinJ to • Inmased sun Slzcs. • Incrcutd cmphasis on onc"'lop Thomas J. Muldoon. FDA Eu;utivc FBI. I",ructured Vice President. - CorruP1N continues shoppin, ,.,itb new Ilorn offerln, delis. b.kcricl. pharrr.acln. floral 10 be the number one pacha,in, mOl' AI a mcctin, held in Sannnah. GA, Itrial." be noced. "";Ih more lhan 10 00 Fe ...... ry 3. lhe Boord 01 Dir.aon ...... ond even bonk!n, IlciIililtl. Muldoon added. be: mlruclured. Detlils 0( ,he propoo- • New merchandi,in, .. ratqin.. Ge· Your Egg Ingredient Need •• The bllanu Inchldc ..'DOd bolH. wire· ed duo .... aloft. wilh .... 0( llI1WlIId. ond ... bound crain. barrels, drums. hap and By·ta...... h! 0( .urplien. WHOLE EGGS • EGG YOLKS • BLENDS • EGG WHITES as mUC'h tiS 3.9% ahead 01 year-11O ICrvica and coalaa with pennnn. • N..... ICd",olc'l)' WI Is """,hin. Icvt'ls IS reocnlly as September I," and other rcplalry .~ many componcnllin lhe dislribulion Muldoon ".ced lhe qUIl1M)Ci:uion jl condUdin, ill Tbe supermarket industry IDly be ;annual ccn\lI\ ,,," indu\lry wta. and ~u yean uld. bul it j, ,ntwin, and ~,.--­J.., 11-15. 1912 Renewal _ _ New Sulncription 32 THE MACAI.ONI JOUI.HAL APIIL. 1912 Salvator. DI Cecco produceR and manufacturen of equip. ens 01 dryln, pilla atlcmperalurH II menl for lhe rnauroni industry. Ad­ SaI\'ltorc Oi ettco. R.R. =I. Rich· tlcnl 01 110- C. or 212- F. wilh h. mnnd Hill. Ontario. C;an;wa. UC herin, 10 his dnire to improve and latest ')'SIems which combine lhe con SALVATORE II co:co 4X7, T.1. 14161 773·4CllJ. T.I.. No. perfect lhe production proctdurH of \'CfUional and lhe Rolino. procn ~ his CU~omcB , he has left lhe sales mo­ I.... ~86963 . drallil:aU), rcdUC'in, pmduct:ion link tivalion alwa)'l secondar)' 10 his dc­ Ind spa«. eliminalin, any ch«kinJ! RICCIARElU: f-lfl)' )'~IIB ,." his lire dir«ll)' inmh'­ sire In help and 10 pin lhe ....Iiludt and pmducinl I product cacellenl in Automoh' PockoglOQ Mochln! ' Y 10 cd in the macaroni production and and mpttt nf .11 members oflhe mac. a~arancc and cookin, performance CO tlons Of cellophane bogs fer uln on 1"0 conlinmb hnc in~lallcd Ironi induslry. He' rqwa.enll 1M Ric· II U5CI 'peeial fUIt-proof strucluroll Lon, ond shorl goods MJCQ, Onl in Mr. Sal"llo,~ Di CtcCn • unique ciarelli, Dauno. NiccoI.I, and Bram· ~tcrials with efticimcy.unsurpa"cd Le'feols, rice. dried vegetables. Lnow1cdee and .rr«lion fur the mac­ had firms in North ArMrica. in~ulallon. Mon: Ihan ever in thl' new. coffee. cocoa, nuts. dried frUtiS. aroni induury. cra of \'try hi,h tempcnuurc dr),lnr spiCts, elC. .- lhe unique quality. 'Ifmlth. durabilil)'. BASSANO: .',...&.Iy and dcpc:ndahili.y 01 Bassano', equip­ Ri«\irdli is lhe r~no.' nc:d manu· Ce mplele posto 'inCS eqUipment machinery Rom in Pakna. Abruuo. h all' on facturer 01 packa,in, equipmenl and ment I nd ore . 'hat the' fa,. Rolinox parented processing equipmenl the Illh &la)' uf February, 1'l1S in a lJoIopa·Stylc "ampin, machines. Well .iahkd and cnlcrprbin, macaroni in· h.u) mac.mni r.mil)' thai been manu­ cst.blilhcd in thi' 6cld for over 150 dUllnllist Ihould seck . BRAMBAT!: fac1urcn fur '."0 cc:ncra1iot'ls. he qutd.­ )'UB. it has alwa)'l hem lhe trmd-lC1· SySI~ms. lOt pneumatlcolly conveying I)' devcloptd • ben devoclun fot his tcr in innovadOll and ctlidenc:y. .., ...... d semolina ond flour family busir'C •• , With Ifnt intcrest. he Storage for noodlu and \hot. goods mKhinn are dniptd for durability. The Orambali finn, allO I f.mily op­ THE IEIT Itlmed the .Lills uf his falMr and minimum .nd limplc maintenance. crllioa. ha, b«n in businns for at Macoloni products. of Ory posto mill g ri nders uncltl. and II the yOU", lit 18 speal, pred,ion. and ItSIMtil: appeal kill fifty )'tal'l. It is hi,hl)' spedalimt )UB. he ...... alrcady production man. PASTA STARTS 01 .he finir.hcd produa. I. covers Ihe in lhe manufacturin, or syucms fOf .44.... : .' of the "OIId-rcfMJ"A'ntd filii De ran .. 01 pacheia, all produa, from lhe pneumalic conveyance: and bkDLI . Cecco Macaroni P1anl in Far. San • •• • 1, .ich...... Hill, O .... ,io L4C 4X7 form film 10 canons. It provNlts ma­ in, of tcmoliRil and ftour. Slorqr for WITH THE ~hnino. Ilal),. He: rem.inN there un. c:...... hi.... Ihe 'ull pach,in, proceu tilthe Ice of 211 by which lime he had 'ot noodles and Ihort-JOOds macaroni '''~ Ph.. : 14161 773·40n indudin, loadia.. 1ran'P"flinJ., ~i&h· due .., and dry pula mill ",nelen. BEST EGGS bttn in charlC for ~\\!raI )'can 01 in,. packaainJ. bundlin,. elc. Riccia· If N. A••• Jr. Cell AI ...... r. Oi Cecco. both the macaroni plant and tklur mill. relli equipment 4, already beta inrro­ "I-Itll From 1943 r.".1IN. Mr. Sal vatore du«d un • larae scale in North Amcri. We have irUlled auppIiefs Tel.. No, 06-"6961 The Niccolai"'- firm is a m.-alab-- been to Oi Ca:ro ... ent on 10 build. operate:. ca and pro&pccIive purdwe,. .re in­ li\hcd Itali.n manufacturer nI din .nd the pula Industry In Ihe u.s. and and mlnuJC a sene. 01 ~uccCldul mac­ obtain n:le~nc::n of vited 10 from all die washin, machinn. It makn dit\ aroni pluts stanin, fint in lhe Re­ Rk:Nrelli's climts whkh indude: The abroad 101' nearly 30 years. 01 ail shapes ond 'pccilica.ions in public of San Marino. then Modena. Crumen. Company IWiMipca ond bronze "'apa and Ipccifications in lhe!e'•• 18lIIOI1 lor the and later Rome. Hi, innovatmn skilll Minneapoll,), Primo IInponi"" Laa. DO YOU NEED? brOClll:·atuminum or other hi,h'fn3' linked him very clalcl)' with :III Euro­ cia Bravo. Skinner Macaroni. Viviano reputation. ManulactUI81S know lance 1110)'1. hs din are manufacturcd pean manurlClurcB ol macaroni man­ Macaroni Compan)', Gioia Macaroni. witb Interchanarlblc bronze. alau .nd they can rely on the quality 01 uladurin, and pad:a,in, equipment A. hrep &: Som. Calelli Primo ltd. • • Posta Production / Oft tdlon with "'ho promoled his invoh'emml in lhe Fouldi Inc.. Romi Foods. OanulO. canridae inscru 'pec­ W8IuJIIeId Eggs , , . and they ial inoaidur lreatrotnt '"' Ihe cut ,ur­ Lines? COf1sullin, fKld . Ahhouah • macaroni Unico Foods, R.varino" Frachi, and race. Prcmouldi", inlCn, are in bronze know they can depend on us 10 manufxlurin, cnlrcprtncur hinlsclf. Ih. Pillsbury Compony (American his inlerHt 10 prumocc and perfrtl lhe lkauly). Ind the pins in itainm SI"1. Coni' deliver whIon and where they rwed penulin, plaia and ute die fibeR arc • Noodle or macaroni indlUtry made hinl a ,rcad)' i. salnlcss ....1. II our products. Our customers are scuahl-after and rnpcc1N coosuhant made: Is • palenl MacQroni StOtoge holder of automatic: CUllin, apparata. and promoler. Tbc UbUno firm has been manu. sold on our service. Can we be 01 System,) fac1urin, macaroni prodUClion equip­ lis die wllhin, macbint.\ can coalem· In 19S'I. he .1Uo retained a~ a con­ - por.ntOUSly wash round and n:c1anJU· service to you? menl in l),on. france. since IYS3. !I ultant b)' Count M," larazzu or Ora- Concci\'ed and operalw .s • ramily lar dies. Pan'lhal c:omc in contact wilh 1il 10 supcni sc. rnlruc1u~, and im­ • Problems Solved? busincu. il hu maintained and lOkIi. waler arc aU in either stainlCH pnwc c\'cf)' lacel of Count M.t.taZ­ 0( _ ond Ihe I, fied ill capacity in lhe international ...eI machi.. CALL DEAN HUGHSON IO'~ ligantic Brazilian macaroni indus­ field by joinin, wilh Ihe AlsIhom ...... equipped _ith croIoJic: ""IeI' rewvcry Ir)·. In 1960. Mr. [)j CettU decided 10 lanliqUC' Group. 11 is the o.ncr of the and decantation tanb and ma), be TOLL FREE 1000"8-8176 Coli HOSKINS COMPANY transfer his "'hole ramily to Canada unique: Relina. ~tenl .nd the succcu­ purclwcd .ilb or wilh ...I pumpa, DlMACO Posta Production Lines, and acceptN the ~ilion uf planl man· For Iny rurther informatioa or u· of lhe nt.l)' cruled lui piontcf in the dryin, of paila a. MEleO Pasta Conveying and ager Romi FuodJ sistancc you arc inviled to coallct Mr. he hieb temperatures. hs machinery n Storage Systems, IJd. in Turonl" .here rt'lncd for rompIcI. and • .,y aca:s. )'oor pan, sibilit), and maintenance. Its tquipmcat Soles A ••• U\CS tbe lalnl and most advanced HOSKINS COMPANY For the I~I .cveral )'ean. Mr. Sava­ sySlenu 01 insulalion and super-uni. 7.... ""... 1--. Phone: 312·362· 1031 TWX 910·684·3278 lort Di Ctcro ha~ opaaled hi ~ 0.," lary malCriab. ... has been avant pro ~IP_"-­ P.O. 80. F TWX (110) I»-ItIOO WALDBAUM WAFL businn.s asNnnh American saln a,enl de in the hieb temperature dryin, of J • ., 11-15, 1M .n ...... L,b'''Y'',lIe, IL 60048 HOSKINS L1SY. .t( the moll prnti#klUs and advancrd JXUla leadin, 10 Ihe rtWJIulionary pro.. CoIoN4o Spriop. CO - .1: o""':"~"'" .. I;r-'~ . '- ' -' :~:,...., \ . , ~ : . ." , - , - -

Old Pa.ta Make, Laak. Toward The Future 1,,, .. 111 ,'1 I' 'IUlh: ):''1'11 . \\" 1"'II J! lu Ihi, llr~Cf nlal1"~ f, ll II, ~· I'· f . IIII1 }! ~" II~ ' .. ul,I' .. , In.: .• lin\." '" Am~:rkOl.,. eUfoltmlCI l> ha\c liLed il uwr the \Cah '·"·nicn"... · . Thc rnttJucl IRlrflIH·m..:nl 110 :I ni,... · di\' ut~·nl l . W~· e.ln ,'. ""L 41ur lo r ;', F .. hl~· '1 prIlJIl C ~' r' "' maC';aruni ,inc\." il ~\'Cs them cleaning and ;nain: ~h~';1i :11111.,,1 lIIinuh:, anJ ,Iili h:l\e rr, ... III~· I .. . h .... im JHII\\.",1 11\ ":llmJ'll." lenanl'C timc". ~'s UEM ,\('O', l ..· ,tn , :11 ,,1m..: tlll~ Icfl. ('lllllr and ,,,.Iil!lll lh·" 1111\,," f\t"IIII'!I 111 !Ill' lilllg t!1"~" mar· arJ IkFrancisci. In urder tn dn Ih i~ . h;l\c al!WI .....· .. · u Iml'fI'\':'I" . L,'! "1111 Ih ... ~I :t rlur tl' an..:", lIi}:h .1 uni~U;.· Ih~fRltkl)na",k t.}SI..:nl \\o a~ I ~' lIIf'4' r .' lur,," 1.111I~ Ci."..t :- I.in,,', dl.'\·cIIlPCJ , Specht! "rchtal cuil ," arc F,lulJ\ h:h rn·'('n Ihal "lml.'llm 1.' ~ I hI' n..:" lin..- , \4hich "a .. dc: .. it=lIcd ahernatefJ t,,:I\\oC'Cn th\.· It'r and hnllnm III~' 4IhJ ..• .. 1 "',lIllr;tnk .. ;IfC Ih..: m,hl fUf ' aud ~\l i ll h) Ilk.' IkFr.Uh:l-..:i MadlinI:' 4'( Ihe url",:r lien.. Thc~ arc tl ... loiPl.:J .... :IIII .l hinL inv. ,\III:r .. It. \\ ... .. 1 all I" (""'1".,alillll 11ll:~IA C ()1 ,., S,'\4 intel!tall) .... ilh Ih.: l>lruClm ... h' pcrnlll tlc1t~' r tIff if "~. rl:lmwtl f,l, IIlIt Ih'\1 YIlIL ('il~ . ' ... prt.'~'m" \C\er,,1 n..:", .... aILin,: traffic. lOti ~ear.. . hrcJLlhhIUt! h .. In 1.1Ila; .:,,,,.J, I,'chnuln· As Mr, Uradlc) I'UI\ il " It\ ,..:I .. ti\ (, }!~. indlldll1l! ( 'UnlrU1a' Clllumi. I~ ~·a .. , lit lIl' a ~1",ttJ ~' k a n i n F jilt'! lhC',... arc n•• 1 lI"'t ",an, nl"'IL., ;Slid Lift leduc.. Bending ( 'umP*"' erannic!O .•• Uef,lI''': the r":~' t'lI l in\lalialil1ll "I ;1 " \\" IICH' r Ihnut!hl \I.e "'uuld Iii a lIul U,," C.'nul , .... 1,IIUt .. lh. ,,:"ra t'i l~ ARlcrican h~ llr aulic "',·l1l1ou,'u,, ,,~ .. Icm in nur phmt ",jlh. ...;oi,"'I, lifl Oil 'hu.. ' (,htln~ C,t .. \\oUfL.eh 1 h~' dUM·d ·II""p Ihcrm,kI\nam l~' IIUI ~ l· 'hIU .. I) lli.\rU(llilli! Itur fll anl la)· al Ihe Seattle W a 'hin~ltln ~hul .."!oak ,~ .. t\·m r ~' ,ul" in nil Ih\."rRlal cl;ntami, I lUf' ..ai, 1 FlluIJ ' ~ l'u1\Jucti,'n Chier. n,,,,"'-'Ie manuf ll( tu,in~ rlanl " ... ,~. II,'· nalilm t'Ct"C'\'n It'....: dr)er and ih ~' n , Ju~~: ph A . IJr : IJk~ . Jr. p.-at ... JI~ t'CmliuJi' anti 'tf(l..:hin~ ht \ if411Ullent , lhis r..:\ulh in a ~· I.mf,l f ' Th.: FuulJ')I planl h,h ili\ r'&:~~"> un hand Iliad raw chl1\\ 1II~' 111 n4,,,JI..:, fWIll lahl..: ft",lm I":fllpcratur..: dC'~(lilc Jr ) ~' r Ihl,." ~11"Cr n"'or. ",ilh n~~1 tlr ib dr)inl hul1um .... irc ha:o. L. ... I" ,In a C:lft inlll :. hC' .. !. ,,· ~ulrnh."nI un the UPp'.' f n,Xlf. 11k: n.:,,· mkllJlc rr~cr fm C',,,,IL.i ni!. " We h ... ,,,· a h ' l) draft) rlanl" loa), t.lr~a I' ..:unlinuuu,Iy ft'iJ hom Ih.: S,I~ . "'OIIIS arc (l1:t .:~· tI I'n Ihe lift (1h" .,. .. ~ l1I~ a n~ uf II ..:h ain wn\'t'n>r Mr. Uradlc, . " It "a.. dillicull In ..In ~· ,tnSi)tcnll, in tuumt.... ' allJ rai""",,, in in",,,,·", ... n" \01. \'OIc h licr II IhnlU~h hule in th ..· fltkU . . IIf ha,Lelt. b OIl th ..· nll ... t ':1111\ ~' n l \' nl 1\~'" ~alini! Rl('thud ~ dd a ,":1\ -The r\."a"' In ~~. C'oull! nk: ~' 1 their J!u"ttJ ~Ih n~ L.ceping the he;II in . .. , PU'I hdghl h' unloaJ Ih" mlldk, IllUtI .1 h·w wi!in!! d..:m a niJ~ ~ a \ IhOiI tt...: iJr ),­ ctlm·..: )t'r tlch l~ adi nJ! In Ih ..: ff~ " ' . Ihl." m) hand nght un the p .. ndlo and fell ..· r . ~ a, JI.".!oign.. · d "'1' \erlical :.\(101nJ­ IIfl i, maJ... h\ ,\n,,·ri..: an \l:Inul;lclur · IIU & '011 Oil all. )C'I it "a., IbM cF im.kI ..· .. ablhl~ . In ulh~' r \\ou,iJ !O. 1\\011 mmc tit'rs \aW J,)EMACO\, JUl.' I>cFrand\Ci. ini!: C"Rlran, 'In..: .. T:'CUIll:I, W ••,1Itn l!· C'a n h..' 'IJded lin h'r II( Ih ... "OI!O iI; dn. lun. I'raptltJuh L. .."~n a\ "AirlucL,," L\."c l' lilt: IUnnd". ,ap UE~IACO Chid F.~­ Ik.:au-.c ,If Ihh. a planl .... ilh 1t1~ cdlin", "ill nu" t'C ahle III u~ ~· un. III,,' dr,l"r c1u'W,:d \Iohtn nn ,tid" af~' "Wilh the lif1. "urL.er, C'an ~' a ,ih t:1II,·I."r. Juhn 1~: Lu C'3 . Thilo mudular linuQu) df)in~ . cnl\."rin):. unlllaJ all III ha~ L. C' h lIn III ... ~' arl "ith. d.. · s,t:n ~· 'IIt..: ..·(11 .. lIv~.!o (1hklul'lion "'01 ' nut l i ftin~ tlr handl ing Ih,· h..: a' ~ .,,1" Tht' dr,.:r ;A1!oI1 tk)(\ nlll r.. · ~uir ... I''' ': 'I~ hI I);.' dl1uhl..:J ~I i h a minimum u_nl, L":b." !Oa~) I\(n I.uui( , rfC'lo idelll ,.f nll",'h flnor spa..:e. A WUU 1~/ hr , lin~' III link' and mun..:, . hul.' Chllng. "Elimin;,tin!! Rlu ..: h ,.1 Ihe laLc, up tlnly lOCI linear ftcl. I he rUIIl1 4.r th,,· pa ~la I!O in th..: cal· ing. A n'llfdin~ h' Mr, IIralllc, . " rh~' t,.,.' nJ i ll~ anJ hhin): h~ \\oII,Ll'f' (lh" \id":l0 a !roafer. 01\'1'''' r"lt.lu"' II\;.' t'I,,·fa· MIn.,...... -C..... 1;lIn." A ZMUA- ha-.cd micropfll(C!O\t" A~ Ih( .. Irin)! 1l4,,,,.Ik, arc \'U: III .. iN. r..:gulalcs RIOI") 11( Ihe fun"'liom, uf Ih..: ~orLcf~ put Ih\."111 inlu ha,Ll'I !ro \\ hkh df1er. Sp.-dal w,'nMJh "ilhin Ihe d,,· in)! ..:hilm~r (lHJ\'idc infurmaliun in Ih ..' C'ompUlcr, .... hich "Iarh and .. I"ro­ all .fam, hll)~~' u, and drheJo aCC'lIri.l inJ! h. lhi prugr.. m. II.".T. I h~'" .,.11 ... Ih,· ..... , .1\\ . 1\ I "" ,\ . quid, luuL. allhc 'an rand .,hm" ,Ialll I 'I ~· "Ul~· 1'11,,, ... ,,,,.111 1I11 " 'II II•• h aI''' rl:t c ~' J ,III '·... ,b III "11111 ..... h ·I .•l Ihe Imprm.:fJ simplicity uf nper.lliun. 1T1,'" nl ~' d I'" ,,,, ,11 ~ Id .. ~, I Ih .. trh" .,1 li": 'II. Ih..:n mH\;.·,1 t'!~ (k'al.., "["Ialf' Onl~ .. fc ....· \\IoilC'hc!O and hulhlm dlt Ihe II'" .111\ "",h'l I.. " I' '' J.II~· Ih,· 11 11 Ir"1\1 hI Ih~' ,k~' r 1r~( 1. I:ach ..:art ., flllla:,1 ~url.; "f "':\':'011 d411":" un tlld..:r dr)":h. "Ilh,·, ~ I,k ,.1 lhl." II~ ~' I \11,1",,,1 .,·. •.; h· inll' J'IIhithlll 'I\Cf Ih~' hft "h.. · r,' IIll e J'ur ~· .\amplc . III "hanl.; dn~n" Ihe dr)­ Inj! "h" Ih ~' It" l ,'114111'111 .. 11' ..:r :11 Ihe ..:nd IIf .. run. all tine h.l'I, h. ~tlfL~'r tx'l!ilh hI unlttaJ th.· h'r h.l)· III\' n."lIlk • .IT, ' .,,,' l~' d " ., 1\\" do i, lurn urr Ihc pre», 'f'hc micropru.. L..: I III ",,,, t ll~::o. . ,\It"r ..: ;,..: h Itl" ,.f h ... ,· l1I inut,·, .1 1 .HiU ,kj!I\'," " .h.·" III"" ,,·~')sur \Iojll "ulumaticalJ~ cueulC Ih\." L~' h j, ('mrlied. Ih..: "tUL.cr f,'nWh" ..,;I h, "·"IIH'"'' I'ul " I lit,' Ind. ~' '1 ' ' . hanL.du\\on ptuccdurc ..... ilh(.ul loUpet. Ith: h'r ha,L~'h fWIII the ..· atl :U1J ~ i lh th" lift cl'nlflll rai,(', Ihe n\." ).1 li~' r mill ~." ~\ , .11""; I .•n . .lIhl ~· "II\~·H·. I 1111 ,' \'hitm. in that C\'(1) lolid i~ plUrerl,· ..., •., .;!!at.·.1 .... "~. , I", ,IIII'I'II;)! dricd. I.'lI nh'ni,· nl unltladin~ J'II"il i'ln ,.ilh III..: In ';:1'1' 111 .· I.· ~· lfI ~ I"" ' ~' I I. ·". Iha: Ba~"'h of nood~, 0' Twe ChcJroY" Co , lift. hit ., ~' t.jUlrl .....,'d \\llh , I 1'1.· ... '"1\· ".1/11 Ilpno T ..... St-olll". 0'" ~ 1W'd 10 con'I1",,,nt ""'oh' 10" When all ha ... L.cllo ha\..: ll..:":11 ulIlIl ... J . to,,, OCt ... by I.h. mad" by "_" (0" ,,'11,:.1,·.1 11"" '1','1111 •• 1 \.,1, ., Ih,I' 1\,11 "()I~'" Ihin~ ...... : hah' '1lhnl In ph:. cd. Ih ..· 'I",,'rahlr 1"~CI" th~' lill unlll Monufocturing CcmpO"t "" . TccQlOlO . ~ , Ih ... \\hed~ ,If Ihe "'llIrl~ ~' ;lft H·a..:h Ih ..· ~' f\~' h III~' II~II tunnd lk!Oi~n . Our ,_ ,...1 ...... _,...... _ Wcnh.,·'Oton. 17 lm: ~b,t : .uUM JUU .~" . \r." I"K' .-______~~~~~======::~==~~~====~~<===~...... ~II~~'~II· I·II·I-IIII~II~IIIIIIIII (BUHI.J:R-MIAG ORT GOODS LINES ... Performance Yo an Depend On! Energy·Slvlng De.lgn temperature and hlQh humldlly drying. r.qulrlng a mini· volume of Iresh air. Th. mOil energv-ellielent design! Panell'"'' thick with polvurethane loam core. Aluminum lining Inlldelor he•• reflection and absolute vapor ba"ier, No heat

.Smal"" high-elllclency units requlr. less floor space. t~I~~~I~~:'1~~ •• ~";rr,";an~ mOlor ••r. mounted Inside dryers. utilizing I 100% 01 en.rgy. (New type olenergy-efliclent motor I.Ivallable). i he.t recovery system (optional) utilizes exhaust lir heat. Pfoducl convl')'Of bell mAde Dt Ip.elat .... aY)' duty roll ... chain •. e.Uuded aluminum allo,. ...., ••• 1. Ind SlnUltion Control "S···tI'laped e~tl and anodlled aluminum High temperature drying controls bacteria. Dry bulb product ,Ide Qulde •. Aulomatic conve,.o' chlin temperature adjustable trom l00·F to lSO-F. ItnllOn., and lubtiClllOn _,Item Ooor. are In Iront panel lor product control during operation. They l1ao give ••sy Iccelllbility tor weekly clelnauts. Swing· out Iide panels extend entire dryer length. allowing fast cleanoul and service. i.abaolutely tight, yet easy to clean. maintain and super·

QUlllly Product ~hch '~nll.rls equipped wllh a palenled, U.S.·bulll BUHLER·MIAG Celt.T Contr,ol Siysl:em that allow. the product to adjust its awn drying climate. r.. un Is • stress· free, nice yellow-colored fi,.1 product. igh drying temperatures, In combination with Ideal drying I ne, Incre.se cooking quality of final product. -educt IOSS8S .re minimized through the entire produclion p ocess, Including star1ups, shutdowns, production interrup· ti lns and die changes. E..:h dry« il ~u l pped .lth 1.0 drive Ila· lionl. Special IItely device PfOlec11 drlv" . • 'IlIllU4~t Quality Is What Really Counts! GNtmotOfI mounted oullkM .,anetl lor long til. and .aly ttrfice. AC or DC vallable , '-grade quality is yours from BUHLER·MIAG equip· IPHdI. Standard Us. buill dFive com· ,I. Your customer recognizes and deserves il. Can ponent •. alford to give him less? t us for Informallon on BUHLER·MIAG Short Goods Lines and other Macaroni Processing Equipment

MODEL PRE·DRYER FINAL DRYER CAPACITY, LBSlHR Integrity . .. I~ ® TRT Tn 5()0. 2.000 TRNA TTNA 1,001). 4.000 in deSign TRNC TTNC 2,001). 6,000 TRBB TTBB 4,001).10,000 in construction.. BUHLER.MIAG 'C.nada,lTO ., Onlarto (416) 441)-6910 :\11 Lift ...._ lending nt 01 an . Fllnlter pin. weI< IIIIdc by The 2-percenl quancNo-quancr In· CtUlW)'Dr belt IfPC Sunday free·~llndina imenl. whow: crease in dkpoub&e pc:11ORI1 income, 13. Spiral lei ()ro.-n Chute .harc cf dislribulions rOle from 14.9t,f, 10 51.8SO billion, was almo •• locaDy 14 , Rocary Coove)'or Bell Doffen in 197~ 10 26.2'l1> in 1~81. Mapzina Ibsorbed by inllado;:. On a pcr capill I~ , Product ()iltribulon (lr uniform held In II .I'J: "'arc 01 ooupolll dr· ...." ....1 diIpooablc pc ...... 1 income "jX'eadin, cul.led this past )'(lr. Direct mail of­ fin 1972 dol.... ) lell by mo.. Ihan 0.5 a. <>SCillalina ChUIC. cunSlanl (cn acrounled for 3.3% of locil dil-o perttnl. \'ekKily Iype h. SCillalin, Vibratory Cnnvc)' ~ R.O.P. Solo ]6.2'l1> ]1.114- 27.3110 or. ron"tant velO('ily I)'pt Daily Newspapcr d. Vibralof)' Conveyor. dia,onal Co-Op (All) 16.1 17.1 17.7 ,101 1)1'< Sullday Paper 9.5 9.0 7.] c. Vibratory Conveyor. diaJOnlI Sullday Fr-51. In ..n 14.9 IB.4 26.2 .101 I)"PC v.i lh product finn Of Mapzinc 12.2 I].] 11 .1 lump removal !Creen!. Din:ct Mail ] .2 3.4 ].3 r. Forced Spreader (or ~ i cky In/On Pack 7.9 7.7 6.4 or non·(ree now,", producu,. TOTAL 100.0., 100.0., ~ 40 BOYERS' GUIDE n. f.I ••II ...... " .....". •• tra. ,... datlon al _late _ben and/or • .tv... ..,. 1ft .... MIIINftI Jou.... b

DURUM PRODUCTS NORnl DucrrA MIU. AND BROWN PRODUCE CO. INC . .... ELEVAlOII. Crand Forb. North rina. illinois 82&18. (818) ~I . A D ~I MIWNC Co.. &or 7lI07. DUoIa lIUII. Manu/..,...,.,. 01 has boon .."idng lhe .....""'1 · Sba_ MID"", ICansu 1J8207. Dwa10ta No. I Semolina, l'erftcto mod'" IndUJII)' IOf 0'" twenl)'. M....,odIIreIo-. Am Gude Yolk SolJds, F,... Flowing \VhOlO Eg SoIJdo, Debydralnd CbIdt..,. 91U77·7400. Un L Luudgunl. _. 110m .... Turby products. lIenry L Sumpter. John LoSptna. Sales In ncb 01 the major Complet. IIno of durum pro.tuc.u 0_ dll.. In the Unilnd 510101, Watero mllltd In Albony. N.Y ..... Port AI · Europe. J..... M.. 1co .... South l- .\sEECO CORI'ORATION. 88S7 .en, .tr,.... (also Nidi rnod>lne) NATIONAL EGC CORI'ORATION W..t Ol)'lllpio Bonlevan!, 1Ie\..,1)' Spodalty Proeeuing Equlrmen" P.O. 80. 608. Sodal Clrel<. c.o.~ 1II11~ Calilornll 00211. EnglllCft1 - ...... er (lor Ins.an. produd) 30279. Telopllot.. : (-161) 4/U-!lII52. aod ..... ulaotums 01 complete _ . - ntnKlen lor snad loods EU Yolk Solids. Free Flow. Whole al" 1)'1101111 lor noodIn. cut goods We also 011., a mmplete line 01 Egg Solitls. F,.. Flow. 5ff I"'ge aod specialty It...... Ptodud Lines, labora.ory and • dk 19. A...... ove,laf1Plng buoket lifts "Iulrmen~ wuhrr for t!\'t'f}' .izr and ahape of (eJe.... on). helt ron""l..".·... hll)' . die In the rnacomnllodustry. u't,mll\·C1·on. \tfbratDr)' c'Ou\'C')'on used lIuhkr.Mllg·J ...SI .....lIng and aod "'"'pin, ...... modular dis­ WILLI .~M II. OLOACII. INC. 115 tribution oyslmd-Ylbratory aod manulacturing .taII nn IlIpply )'ou with oornpkte semoIlno aod IIour u..uUn, Camp".. a..ny 11111. hel.. selectomatlc: bin lion," 1)"1- N.). 0Il001; Phon. (fUl) 6IIS-I66I. tmd. automatic continuous blend­ bulk haodllng sys.l'nIS Ir""odlng SpcdalWng In ~12 S. ada om"" Bralbantl Corporation. WrstrOi A\'rfluf', Chit-ago, Illinois 110 Eas. 42nd Sired, New Yorlc, New fIOOOO. Mr. Morris Schnt-idf'r. prnl. l'urk IOUI5. Pho"e (lit) 682-6l117. den., C1IJronlSdwelder. ".1'. Sales Tel.. IU71I7 BRANY NYIC. MItIU. IlEFRANCISCI MACHINE COR· & MI,ketlnK· Chicago. IL, SI"'..,· lacturrinI t:gg DI,is· I"," lor produdo( long. twI.t.d A,... ue. Ridgewood, NY 113M. 1011; Sand)' St·idlK'r. V.P. National aod shoot goods. Ptoductlon Ii... Full nllgl' of automatic lines of Sal... Phoe.. I.. AZ, Do.. Potts. lrom 5.000 '0 ""'"' than 200.IJOO machiOft)' lor both .hort rots and Sale... Manager. Atlanta, CA. l..kl' pounds oIBnbbed produd per tlsy. I... g goods In cluding lasagna. lrom uld frozen and drift! «'gg products. l'nnlmatio IIour handling sy.terru. 500 '0 5,000 Ibo. Full rlllge 01 hig" All types 01 spedalty maehines. In· T.·I. """", (312) i7fl.OIOO. •..... p ...u"' "'lull""""" cluding ra.ioIl aod .orteDlnt Free .-\utomatic long.= cutten. auto­ """"lUng _ lor ladory Ia)'. matic shcrl lonnns and noodlr ,"n. aod engl~nJ!. Sec ad pog.. t:\lUm. Drying rooms. Die wash· .J6 ...01 47. ers. dry egg I...m.. hydraulic tuhe MILTON G. WALD9AU~1 COM· dtaJM".n and COQ\'q'OR. Dirrd can­ PANl·. \\'''''e&.ld, Nebrash 68784. ZAMBONI. VII G. "erg.. 3 I'hono, (-102) 2711-2211 . (800) WI­ .oms nl"g sprnden 10' &lling Casakoc:hio de Rmo, ""'-- NI7R. n\'x YllmlliOll Waklh.mln. Oi l a prr-ddmnbM'd 'Iuahtlt)' eli .. 1.. ly . U.s.A. aod Carwla om"" n't'll)' Ilito cans.. Frah palla WA...... o..·all Hughson. Protlm.1 Dralbantl CorponUo". tlO £ad 42nd o&lId E"pmt Malla,;rr. Egg Prnct"i' ('Ift'ft for rrstauranb. Concrntrk S...... Ne", Vorl. N.... York 101M. rdnuion din. Twrnty·R\·e round, "Ir. Frnh .hr ll ~" frn" UCluid Pbone: (212) 1I8UI07. Telex Ii­ '"gg. fron... ,,"holt' t'S-gI or rgg '" hour Labora.ory Ea.ruders. Pi­ If1I11 BRANY NYIC. MlIluiaotums I'!' a"d produdlon ntruden lor ~ · Cllh . Spl'lul pac:hgr slu a\'IU. 01 rolling maehi_ ravioli rna. able". DOl'" l1Jlu, wlt"ft. rggs alMI .nod loods aod eernIs. 5ff ad ml.... nesting macl>ines. Carton. pogo 13. t1Qt , ...Ib a\·allaM,· UII n"ltac.1. [,. Ing. "'riw.lng aod bag poolin, mao IIiI ·rit'lM, .. I. ·~purt. · r . St .. · .ulll;l~t · :\'\. ...talon. (ConI ...... on .... 411


* in auuring conlidence to palla flUltoria all over !he: world * with the mOllt advanced tcdmolOCY * bcc:aulC of experience acquired throughout the world

8RAIBANTI "liT" lines

... I. ITALY II I. FRANCE When there is I. io U.S.A . • I. JAPAN "HIGH" Temperature 5 I. PORTUGAL 5 io SPAIN to be considered, 4 in OERMANY 4 io U.5.5.R. the prderence J io VENEZUELA J in POLAND View 01 the: of the customers J i. SWITZERLAND DCW factory of . I in AUSl1IIA PRINCE-LOWELL-U.S.A. IS I In BOUylA with -HIOH TEMPERATURE·· r in CZECHOSLOVAKIA I in FINLAND lion J io OREAT BRITAIN I in OREECE I in INDIA I in IRAN I In HOu.AND I io RUMANIA I in llJRKEY DOT[ INGG. M.. G. BRAIBANTI & c. s. p. A. 20122 Milano- Largo Toscanini 1 mol which 53.,. for 100, pula. . . 60 .,. fOl ilion pula •• • ., ~c:orpomIioa ' .. l.a..Ilt.• SoolIe2MO • Hew Y.... NY 10165 • ,..•• 12121 612-6407/612-_ • T.I.. 12-6797 lRANY' 47 FAUST pACICAGING CORPORA· SEIVICE IktJ labur i~ in \hml supp!)' and pro· Buy ...• Guide TAN7. INc.. 0017 N. Mllw.uk.. A'.... aging consulting Ofganlzation oIt'f. dUl'1ivit)' has h«n rallin,. nue. NI .... JIIInnI.1IOflI8, (312) 617- lug maO)' servkft to the pasta In­ TlON. 145 Oval DrI.... Centrol IContInued IfCftI PIlOI 4.) 1I0SKINS COMP.\NI·. 1·.Il. I~" .'. In France thiny paita plant' havc 9830. Manufacturer of rstruslon dustry. SpedolWng mainly In fie •. bIlp. N.Y. 11722. Creat.... nd man· IJbcrtl'·lIIe. II. 111 ..18. 11 ...... 1~12) .,fac:tureo. of muhi-color cartons enjo)'ed ""ead)' busintu bul they lof.) S.\LVATOIIE 1>1 CECCO. IIR'I. dies I ... the lood Illduslf)'. See ad ihl. 81ms such as I"'lyprupyln .... 3ftZ..l00l. nvx 911J.ffl..I..'l!7R . .\n· IUtd promotional material for mac­ complain abuut hl\ll' qualil)' imports, Richmond 11111. Ont.ri.. Canada. '"' page 21. polyt'thyknn and their \'ariOlu swrrb.ck: 1I0SKISS UI\\,. Sail'!" aroni·noodle products IlIIt frozl'n The IwtnlY limn; in Turkcy sec fu­ LIe 4)(7. T.I. , (410) 77~ E.­ laminations, " 'e ('In orrn up to IU rf1l"'1",lIath',· fur Dt'FrandK1 lure rrosrecu. .s unl)' fair. Dem.nd dush'o sal" rrprrs.rutaU\"C! for. Ri('o. color Hnographlc print ",... hlli. londo. ~1adlifl~ Curp. ( UE~t.\C() ) in Call­ (ur pa~ta has tN.~n iliad: and mllnelar), dan:U1 Firm, Automatic Pac:bglng ties. Anothrr smite indudn new aillt.ml tiM' Wtosh'rn Unitt,1 Slail'S. matters have been a pruhlem, ~I.mlnery In cartons or crUopbaJM! PACKAGING EQUIPMENT mm .....rch and packag. d ..... 1op­ .·OLD-pAK CORPORATION. V.n I)E\I.'CO l1uulllfat1nrf'!" palil" h.gs 10" Long and .hort goods mao men" We orfn complete art dr. Buren Street. Newark, New Yor" pruductlnu Iinl'S. Sail'S n·IUI·5C"f,la. T"1.l rlanh in Trini:lad are hu!'i)' caronl; tftftls. rice. dried \-eget ... AMACO. INCORPORATED. !IDOl partn)CIut f.dlit," for ftrW graphk' 14513. East.rn Sal.. Office, 110 Ih'C' for .\wt't:n . fIlafluhu.11Ut'f " 'ilh cunsumptiun tin It..: incrcase. West Pnenon Avmue. Chicago, II' hi... coil... oocoa, nuts, dri­ I(N'", total oost in nrdhlr ad nil p;,aK" ~ ...... 1 dies .nd dl...... lnS rqulp­ and hid> .peed cartoning "'\ulp­ pack'~ng. The CooIl')' Sal ... maauonl .nd I...... lood Industr), rund~ . ment. 0 ...... Firm, Complol...... ment lOr long cut .paghritl .nd ll1c. TOTAL pnOCR."M analnn Maoulacturing Capabilities, Of",.t other paac:bglng S)'sI ....., In-depth engi · Pml,"'"" Pmft'Ssinnal <:CJ1II1IIt.ub or the JOn plants abuul ~O arc large slK'C."t'Uful qWlllt)· rHults. 5for ad Under A,,,",ue. Skolcl •• III. 1IOOT7. guods Im'n,lory JlfOKFAm .nd a ,...ring analysis to help ...... )'0" In all JlbasM uf IhC' \1a('\lollli h~ ur medium silc, Tbcy haw rruhlem~ on page M. Phone (312) 877-71100. Vmlt-ol lV' ~' .tc\" to \irtuaUy eliminate )'our of the ....t .mdent pac"'~ng sy •. dustl')', IlIdmliult P.. Ihc priC'\: or tlurum .. heal being toning rquJpMnt with \vlunwtrlc oul nl Ilud.. 1.'011.. , 1De l'l"uranln d.aKIII~. Sa1c'~ It' tem in )'our plaut. ThI. is lollm,'f'tI p(6fnolloll. ~lar\Mill~. ~11'rd,all­ kcpt artificially hi¥h by Ihc Cummn1 FOOD ENGINEEIIING CORPORA­ ... not welgbt RIling. IIorizonbl thai We!' "~I )'OU arr. Itntr· "Q up by continuing service hy our dillng and hU)'ing ami M'lIing uf Markel; tMre is l.('cn cllmpctilit," ~ Ih..: TION. 2765 Niagara l.ar)CI. Minne­ autonen lor long macaroni prod. gleall)' J.oc:ah~l rOJ eu'dlmt fJcol~\'­ englnee... Pac:bglng Deslg., Pro­ Illlll.. nllli Plants, SC'l' aIM cm imillt' high l,.'05t o( monc)' i .. reducing in\'n:­ apolis. Mbu...... 55441. Phone, uds. C'ry .nd W!nil'C!. 11tt-y are Piliatt­ rnskmal deslprJ eaperienced in hal-k l'll\·t'r, mentl IU impro\'e pruJucti\'il) . (612) ~. Manuracture. as­ iug PnxlUl'tl Corp.. ~tlldon Kan· the puta and relrdr.d imlustrit'S al1'" In Italy aboul a ~uanl:'r lit Ibe (lui· K'mble and lCnice a standard line! gs, Packaging looustrlcs, In('" San anibble for )'OI,r pack.glng nt't"lls. pUI is in bm,es. threc quar1CB in 1.~lIn,. 01 shert ....b proceulng Lrandro. Califomla, and PiIlU \\'ISSTOS I.\BOII.\TUHIE.~. lSI: .. g...... WRIGIIT MACIIINEIIY I>IVISION. Sre inskJe fror,t cowr, rh.me, Popular pad i, ~( ; (J ~ram!o; Amcorican Industries. 51. Louis. 20'S ~tnllnt ,'MUOII SIrN't. JU,lgt'" "'Iulpment. Indndlng 1>,)' ..... Coo~ REXIIAM CORPORATION. P.O. sellin, price ''Ct ..' cen WUO ami I SUU rn. Vibratory Con\'r)'ors. Rin Stor­ ~Ii"uuri. All are l'OmrnlHrd to ag­ Parlr:. U76f1J. Ollr 1;.INlr.. · Bo. 3811. Durham. North Caroll", firM N.J. lires pcr kilogram. age S,'llmu. Continuous Belt Slo .... moo. Td"""".." (919) 6SZ-Illfll. grt'Sll\'f~ l"Ulton,", """k'C aud han­ torin. with 61 ),.. :ars nf I'~I)t ' rit'lIl"" age and act"llmulaling I)'lIrrtl1 and "·)lut.Uons ror high ~tanda"b of FOIITlFlCA TlON colllimll' to rul61l y ,'11 .. 1 m'('tl ul Wright Mad"...". I...... Igned a NabllCO Acqulr.. Minority ,.her ..Iated .... ull"""'t. AI .. sup­ .pedoiized lI"e 01 pa...... gl"g ma- clu.. lity atKI drpt'ndahillty. Coole)' I'ITA~IINS. INC .. 200 East Ra"dnlph ('\" '1')' Pasta pndtu,'t·' - E\·"Juatinu pUers of Dryen. Accumulating d.1...". I... the macaronilOOndI. Sail'S, Inc. atHl the ron\'rrten thai Dr.. Suite 7000, Chll'8Ku. lIlinnis .. f r,rotlnct fluality. QlIalil~ ' ~I a rtli Siak. In Gam.... of Mexico S)'Stt'mS. Vihratory Corl\'t")'on and industry. Forn,/FIII/Seal systenu ""r rrpresl-nt will impnn'e )'Ollr IlllOOl. !'bo'If" (312) 881-1171.). wit I the scll-c.1lol1 "f the IN'SI raw Nabisco Orands. Inc. , halo ;u,-quircJ utlN..T prt'K.'t'Ulug IIUlchlnes aud indu'" the MOS·o-O.\G VoIu .... l)al.... giug lM!rfonnance and ron· \lanufacturrn of t"f,ridunt"flt iI~ matrrials frt'l.· uf imid"111111 IIcltli· a minoril)' interest in Gamesu, Mexi­ rqulpment ror roan)' otbn rantl In­ Irk; an automatic single tube SYI­ tritMltr to )'our hottom Unr. Sre .d grrdieuts usn! by fna(.... uul mallll· Ih't'S such as IN'Stldtlt! n· sitlUt~ . co's leading producer ul coukin, crac· du.tri.... Mr. Ralph 1>. nurg.... Ir.. t .... which permits high .prod pr0- on page SI. fadurt"fS and nour milll'n, AI5C) Illthogenic hadl'ria. IUKI "dral)(!oo kers and rdatC'd prnduch. The pur­ nullo matter•• "Isu a continual dU'l-k­ r ...llIeul. Mr. Dunald L)'llWI. duction when ntreme WC"lghlng al'" manufa,durrn ur pmlrill stlJlld,... ch;&)(' price was S4~ milliun, or your .ollli "f Sales Tf'Chnfcal Managrr. 5c.'e ad t'Urac:)' is not l'rudal; the ~ION'()· tnC'nts Induding ddaltf'C1 wht'at lug c'gg milk", fn! page 31. BAG II and MOS-O-BAC III. not germ and milk prntrlns Hf high unodln and )'I"lr "uridlllll'ut l1)l1- I>IA~fONI> PACKAGING rROI)· In Bralll wrighn's employiug the FJrctroRrll biologkal \' alu~. S.IM rrprnt."filla­ l'l,utrilliuns an! nl't't~f'}' In ill~urt' UCTS DIVISIOS, Diamond hltrr­ MICROI>RY COllI'.. 3111 Fostoria Jal"': and the DU-O-8AG III. a th-n: East. Loub .-\. Vi"iallt), Jr.. IKflJX'r lIutrition aflll l1lmpliaul't' .\l'l..... nlill~ III World Food Report. national Corporation. 73.1 Thinl with Fnlrral n'tlnln·mellls. lIan' 11")'. San Ramo .. Calilomia 915&1. not wngher that rombl".. t,..o P.O. 00. 374. rt.11I6d,l NI 071161 J1l1hli~h('l1 h,. Cllnaill ~oIn til IAmdnll, A\·MUfC'. Nc.-w York. N.Y. 10017. 'Itlntinns IIlIlrilinnall .. - Multistage wylng..... t .. w­ MON'()'I"~CI In one unit. Wright (;!OI) 7S4-1lOOI: ~lId.· ..t. I ...... W. l'lIlK"r1Iill~ Iw" largt" roo'ign l'lIlIpanit·s han' rt"· rWnr hC'lIIng? Know what n'l't101s nm);t Ing mlcrow.ve trdmlques nr: ~ ," .lso manuf.cturn the FA IN·L1NE J\ngl'f1l. Chit-ago, lIIinl.lis tn3Ol; l't'IIII~' t'lIh'n'll tilt' 1lalltlllt·. Wallatt. 17752 Slriypar(,; Uh'd .. pnKllIl1 dairm. TIlt' Willstllll Lah­ till' It·.. ling "'n'fIl~1 rl"tNI l'lllllpan)'. pasta. E.Mlnnons sa,'ln" In me'kj·. WEIGIIER. for ...cI I> I A ~I ON I> INTERNATIONAL uratoril'S lu(·. - SIN.'lialisIJ III Ihu ami Iht· ullwr is SUlllury. Jall.ulS space and lime.. \110 noodle roUen, ducts In rigkl ('Outalnt-rs at high COIlPOIlATION. DIamond F.cI<­ Suite 242. In·hle. Califomia tt271 .. dll' wad ten. .Iuragl· I)·sh-ms. Ipreds, Call ur write VI('..- Prat­ Chl'lIlholry &: Hadt·rinlng,.. uf ~ta· I"",ding tli ... tilll·r. IN·1t .glng Prndud. Dhi.1on, -107 1714) 957-11101. Jent-Saln. Martin O. Ck'tbt-JU. ror aw· C'.. ronl ami Suot1lcs, J:UIlt"S ami USS-C"n'ais I).mum' has al'lluir­ I.. Stre<1. Mlddlnow" Ohio 450e \lanin Winston, l>in'l1nrl. Prnm[ll II rn.oe ttdanicallHllIrtin. Sn! ad 011 l"tl Trrrol Uraud, Ilidusiria dl' ~Iai"" (513) -I!2-2772. C ...ton alld pro­ page 15. and EffidC'ut Scn'il'C !l;iut'C Ift2n. FrrK..... ,,'hiell pnMIIIt't'S frt'!"h pul.. DIES dUl'Cn of multi·colOf!' labrls. rolding Comment from Phollt': (201) .uf).fWl'l:!. St't' lui UII fur IlIl' nnlulian mar"t'I. TIlt' a""Ilulsi· 1>. ~IALI>ARI 6< SOSS. INC .. 5S7 lUO"S. and Di-Na.cal heat tnnfo Around the World I);IJ.!(· 7, Iiull was dmlt' fa\' USS-Gt'n'",is I>a· Third A\-etltll". Brook!),., N.\'. I.. Iah.1s. Sal .. oflicn In 19 pri'~ The German ....10 ,oJastry has ha~ IIUIIU'S Hrazilian s~,IJ!lidian· . l.alidnln~ 11215. I'boue, (212) 499-3555. E.. d ...1 dtles 011.. nationwide pack­ saIeJ. an inl-:'f1\ified Itrugk ror I'u(:os dl" ('.ahla~. lilt' 1t"~lIillg maull' truslon dies ror (lAIta. cerub. PACKAGiNG SUPPLIES age drslgn ,",'ice and maRC'tulg "at market share ar..eonc the litly manufac­ Germany t!i at a diydvanla,c " 'ith ral1uU'r (If ru·~ll dairy tlftK1uI.1S ill .ual-ll. prrluls. animal rC'f'd. R lc COOLEY S.~LF.s. INC .. SuU. 112. rousultatiotL Six manuf.cturin~ tURrI. and int.fUlin& imports of 10'" Frolnee and lIaly in that me muil im­ IIrlUil. D in non-rrlatrd rood fields. Src 6025 Mart,..,)'. Shaw""" ~11uio .. plants are .trateglcall), located pori all 01 Ihe durum ~ U!M:~ . Ouali- ad un page 9. KS. 00!D2. (913) 3£8.I!ll. I." ...... rout to roast. quali" ltaliu ...... 49 4" I ...... 111< BruiI.... It b also paalble that C..,pbo1l QASSIFIIO amnrd IOUp' de&ade b • ftnt lor mlghl Iry 10 buy • Brutl.... 100< , A8VIl qsuee IATII Campbell. which .... -nn... with· produ.ownod _I product'f Swill. propl. conc:ontrat. on buies, ..hich -_ _ Armour SA. Indultrla • Comrnio ...... riaghrttl and _ produdJ. ill loa,.. aIlowtd Frill<:bmu.hI. W.b, ton aucL u knon' and Maggi. whkh Odobr< 1978. 51 .... Ibm \'ulcaaia', lhor could ...... p _ but I'" largest mIl1Ing and pula .....r u1es ha,.. I"",""", by OIl • ....go III AIIIIrIa, IAI ...tntaID good pod.... - MERCHANDISING -We can pa.nt the way towards new stlU add tboIr ....n lair and "'gmII- 01 lID.. po< )'t.... 111< Indg plant ... \be AIIIIrIan Attn' tbfft' )TU1 and au ad,,'fttiJ. 'p«I Boacb. pula bIduatry. Mach 01 tho ...... Rossoni CONSULTANTS ASSOCIATES, INC. CampbdI wiU _ oIaortly lug allnpol", lhat ooak"" up U mil­ pony', output b ... tpodaIty pula 1SI Unwood Plua liou. CampboD Soup Co. b nxwIn, whether h wW mnain in Brazil. noc:b u ..,..lty "'"I'"' lor chIldnD. It, Brutlla. amord IOUp oprnIlou Shaytr pmIicts. It. options iacludr rstra loas ,pqbotU aud I." I•• Fort Lee. New Jersey 070ZA to. back bunln', 1M rompany" pro­ i._na ... 0Ih0r kindl 01 equip­ pulal ""'" .. 1IabaII Conn" ,Iuctlon lu Hrut!. "'hkh .... ohsrply man 10 nwkd i&cms well at -In 1m total productIoa cI pula Te~phone(201)944-7972