_. , THE MACARONI JOURNAL Volume 63 No. 12 April, 1982 I I j I I SIdr...... A•• leac_, W. Ie.... 0., AI...... " ''''J I C '".,-se-, ,4 ... I • 10-14 M.aU -1*""" ..... MIl C ., 'I.. .. 16 ...... 000eI00II- ......... lei -... 20 a .......... of ...... WIooot SIwdo ... c:.lloot Qwlloloo of ....:S-Pu" I ,e "n ..... .. .... 22 C, " .... Lit iIIu' ..... 1.. .. 2' • .. ,....... lIIiIIMtIoIof _ MIl .... sn-_ .... 1= "-"""',,_,_ _ _ V Cool • -..... 'I Up .. 1911 J2 ow_-...... ................. ,- U LIft............ J7 IUYW' GUIDI 4J c.c __- '-........ WwW The ~Du @ [J)[?@ OOOO@[? [J)~~~~ . , /, [J)~C5Ocs~@@ 0 0 0 / ' " /1 . , " \ ' , -I.h·"· \{ I ', " , " \ .. "',. " \ " It I, , \ ., "'. \ " \ I " \ , . ", I ' I I . " ' " II \ 1 '. " , " ',., ·r H. · " '. ' \1" \ II ' \1\1 \ , " " ~;"t'I 1",..1 \1 \ '1. 'II'" - ~'1.J" .. I., (J"r ~JJf , , · , · I;" ' ''I.' 1."11 , . \ \ 11 . \ I ' \ 1 \I \ , ' • • II 1I , II 'III \ ," " , '. II 1, " I. .h ', II II I( '-.' H,' /.- " I . ' 1 ..... ' . HI " " I 1. ,\ .1 I , ~ , I'. , , \I I • ,', \{ 1 " , " ,,, \ \ ' I ", I ' I' \ " I. "" \\ , ,',. ' ., I. .',., k \ \ ,1,,, I 'If \ I' , , , I . \ \ , . " •• ' " " , . "\\ I ,."., \ \ ' I , ' \\ .. 1: 11 . t III(' I • I \ 1'1< " "I" 1 CONSUMER AmTUDE STUDY North D.kota Mill il one 0' the Irol. Your mlC.roni producu ~ill be importlnl to us ,h.rs why .t Ncuth top milll in lhe nalion for mlny the bell when you st.rt with durum D.kot. Mill. "'e df'INer ~ef\l i cr he: most inLerntinl lindin, at • producu hom Nonh D.kotl Mill . siudy about CflMumrr IUitWn 'U~I! leo Cantwell, m.rhlin, T On.. of our lOP prioritiel is to Ia-..rd ...· ht.1 pnxluci. rondaK1d for director, jl proud of the f.ct thlt blCk our producU with relponlible, the: Whe.l In~U5'ry Council is Iha' only the mott modern millin, equip· "'he moil promilin, palh for nutrition ment il used to mill the finell. hiah· pellorul leNke. line Rowllnd and rommunka,ion. ltel in ,ivin, ron· ttl quality durum wheat in tM K.thy Hjelden like ,rea' pride in ___ lULL lumen perr' , 10 c.1 more 01 1M wOlld. Nndlinl .nd proceninl your ord .. 11 food. they _ dcpri .. the ....I"". of.- SU~fiof l.bor.tory Ind testina throulh our euUomer ,,1.. 1 ernter. GtMd Fan... ...., DMou se2~ I ConsumeB need help in adoptin. '"ilit'" Inure you of qu.lity con· Your complete ,,'id.elion i, VI"V F'hoMI7QI ,715·7000 new positive vie"., 01 Clrboh)'dnln based on authoritative nutrition,1 in· formalKln. continuN the 'Iud), prepar­ ed by Fine. Tr.vis Ii Auoci.lts. Inc .• New York. 1"he 'Iudy . '" • qualitative CJ;plor­ !Ilion of consumer Itliludn and value-s We Deliver Ulin, ninc focus ,roup Inlervtcws. Ihrtc' tKh in Philadelphia, Indian .. • poIi •• and l.oi An,elts. In each market two ,ruup" 01 ..-omen and one of men. oil head. of houw:holds. bet_.... the IF' of 25 and 49..... ere ad&lrc:sK'd. Se"vice. Alt had a' leal' one child livin, I' home. The: ympk "'Cfe miu:J UToCrs and non·UitB of "'hile bRad. pa\II, and ,,,,«I JOOds. All 'Allmen re,ut.,I)' did the food .hoppin,. and lOme men n:,ularty panicipalN or shoppnJ in­ - frequently. " Food Shorpin," cuuld in· clude chrckin, invenlor)' and makin, • lilil I' . 'ell IS ,,,,ulIlIy loin, 10 the Ilore. Dlue and •.... hile·roU., badcrounds I "'ere rrpmancd. minimum family in­ romt wu $15.000. and ''410'0 black fe­ spondcnt:\ "ere Ipccifitd for each ,mup. ori,ins ihould aha be intclVltcd into thai food communicators can addreu. Nutrition kno.'ied,c amon, ,roup oommunic:nionl, _II, fo, e.. mple. is perm.d .."'­ memben "'ere sc:aucrcd and c;onfusnl. lively u flttenln,. while c.t.II,..., and "mos' lend to r.n back on • kind -NepIha h., a kind 0( scientific neutralit), and .,1 'nllurc' model 0' food values - An clement mawn, in "'rrent food _ bene, informed IIId up-l<MIotc. a model that ..... riPl. m{uirn lil­ ond nutrition pcr«plion by tbe pub­ P"'foIc: h.. e 0 ooptcned O~"mlCU lie technical education," lic i. trull. People do DOl trust the loud 01 the Imponancc 01 carbohydralCl to industry or in.\lilutions likc the FDA. IthltlH - . 'hkb tends 10 brin, an _'OIItl> .. thc prns. lhe science community, or aura 01 mcru and health to the tenn. The ide.s of "ain and whe.1 art coolumcrilt inldlutionl. This, coupled II may be perceiVed n I neceuil), but \'cry JXl'ilivc and carry • kind of "na­ with confusion IIId Ixk 01 _­ not II I &lamor ida II proItin has II· IUfal" imlgt!)' . 'hkh ,UO'A" pcorle to hctn.ion lbout nutrilion and health ."f' been or Vitamin C. h.·t:l good abo!;. the prod..cb thai can)' iulleS. help' uplain ""hy label in. ".'S While: carbohydratn an: KCft II the "naluDI crain" imace. ... hich purpm to ben" inform the "'otteain,-. they an: not occonld the " Pasta, ahhou,h Ken as II hip­ J'uhlic hive had IlfIMJII the opposiLe hostUity ,,,,,,ned fo< ,upl IIId f .... calnric food, has no.' become: pan of effect. inercuin, Indelies while es­ The impo<tant findin, 01 the Iludy is the meal rcpenOf)' for man)'. HOll'. plalnin, nothin.. 1bcre is I amcral thai ""CODIUIDCn Ire willinl to adopt ('\"(r, "ince i.s Ui( is limited. as com­ moW", tMt somcthm, is """" with I more poIitivc view d the Yaluc 01 p;arttJ 10 bread. it don not link 10 ',he WI)' . ·c cII;" the foods "''e CII: clrbohydratts. bued on luthorilatiW uul)' ncplivc pcrccpliofu. 'The idea and that no one Iftml able or willin, nutritional infonnatioa. II lon, u the lhll thit. ,,-ell-liked, inclJ'ICmh-c poi'­ to ""r.i.lum it 001 once Ind for IU." imam pratnlcd Irc fm: of an)' focus c(luld ha\'C polilivc he.llh benefits .nd KcyW_ on lUlu. fits, or other lub ~ lanca to­ rouhl be UKd ,,-hen on a ,",'Ci,hl.lou ~.. rds wtUch they are bed in hostility. prosram ",'al ICCn as tluemcly posi· How ,espondents pcn:<iV<d key "The ...... _ilin, poth for ___ li,·e. Unkin, pasta to its natural, . ·heal .unJi in the . ·Mal industry is an area munlcatiom appun to lie in malin, 4 TilE MACA.ONI JOURHAL Consumer Attitude Study 01 pace from poI•• on: hlp _.1 lor PASTA PUIUCITY Limb; II &OOd filler. a wnalile alt­ ICartt'"'-l ff'Clfft poge 4) National Puta Auociation. throop ,Uf)' lin« man)' forms ,,'CR' a"li)­ ill aameY. Bunon-M.nt"lkr. pined conc:rcle and objective currenl Ihint­ ahle. m.. ny combinalions ponible. Fta. publialy (or lhe indUSlry"s pro. in, ahout carboyh,draltl: wrnsin. quick and coovcniml In prcpar,,; in­ duct' durin,lhe tim mornh allhe rIC" WINSTON he.llh fadon and increasin, the f'Cr­ tlp:n,i\'c; meal strelchcr. )'ear. In addilion 10 the pllC'Cmcnl' "nllp of c.rboh)'dr.tn vmus other Ne,lIlh'" r"~tons 10 pa~a: very lisled below, lhe NPA ollicc COI'ItinUCl! food "tepics in I rtrommmded UBORATORIES, INC. '.nmm, and hilh starch; hllVin,linle 10 ans"''Cr consumer rcqunts for back· dtetary rcaimen. linkin, ,,'hell·haioN or no nuuitional value; favorile pasla JroUnd and inrormalinn and suppl~ '.0. Io. 361 - 25 MI. V.r... Str ... products consilient v.ilb Ihis 'f~1'OKh dishn demand bread alto; difficulty or Ihc instilulional trade: ..ilh lhe Pasa .. 10 ,cocral ,oud nUlrilion and ' sound jud,in, tw.., much uncooked paSl' iI aw..llaW .ork, He. J ...., 07660 FoodHTV~ Manual .1 a em1 0( S I II v.'Claht lou proarams is both nUlridon­ "nou,h - lack of ponton ronlrot - elCh. 201-"0·0022 aUy Kcurate and helpful 10 consumeR ltads 10 cookin, 'and COI1scquenll), .h_: and bmdicial 10 the . 'hal indu"f)'." calin,) " 100 much." As one l..ot An­ Mpl AI the s.amc timt. lhe industry ac10 mot"'" said: "You don't ~ TIlI.1 Cin:ula.ion: 12.510.138 IhouId not Clpett to tum public: per­ 'piahe'lli. You jusl pile II up." Good Housrif-rpin" Fnru.,}'. It is witn p,ide tnol we call you, ottenlion "Plionl around allolC,Mr. Since usaac 0( puta .'U infrcquml Monlhl), "Susan" fellurc - full pl3t ralher Ihan re,ular (IS ~ 0( bread wilh color phoIos devoted 10 "Skilkl 10 tne focI Inot our o'gonizolion eslob· t_ ofCnloo Maclronl and ~:. Circulation: O('Cun daily) ntplivc reactions "''Cre lished in 1920, nos Inrougnoul ils 62 yeors By far the mosI pot.hivc imalt wilh­ Itss SIron,. The .ervin, of paua is an 5.138.948. in the world of carboyh),drates is lha. "occuion" . 'hieh Ittfm to allow 'us­ lI""rh. Frltru.". "'.... room "'•••. in \'lperotion concerned itself primarily with ot ... II sa)'1 directly that .'C are "....ion 01 .he ruks. bal. (5""",,'i an In,ltditnll r«ipt. Circulalion: Ialkin, .bot.u • nl,ural form of • na­ Most people said lhey . 'auld like 8!S0.000. "",coroni and noodle producls. unl .ubslan~ . Since ,,-heal and ,rain 10 cat more puta lhan the)' do. There­ S4*lltnn U";n" Frb,..,.,. "Ifs Iialian arM.I II's Up"" SCory bq:ins: Hem 10 be .)'non)'moul. they are pld­ fort. the pi oll'Ornmuni;alion about "Ilalian spaplll and priM: bread arc ,Ile objeclive of our orgonizolion, no. ness symbol .. The barrier onl)' UiloCl p~nla is 10 enhance posla', nUlrilional when one Uitt 10 make the link be· usually na.ly n:f...... by • dtdica'N imaae by providin, lOme .....tural been to render better service to our clients Iwtcn nature imlJtf)' and product Ip"­ JUOdnns" linh to pain.
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