Jan/Feb 1999 £2.25 Geoff Ryman 203 SF and Pop • Elizabeth Moon The Critical Journal of lain M. Banks and T.S.EIiot the BSFA Editorial Team Production and General Editing Tony Cullen - 16 Weaver's Way, Camden, London NW1 OXE Vector » Email:
[email protected] Features, Editorial and Letters The Critical Journal of the BSFA Andrew M. Butler - 33 Brookview Drive, Keyworth, Nottingham, NG12 5JN Contents Email:
[email protected] Gary Dalkin - 5 Lydford Road, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH11 8SN 3 Editorial by Andrew Butler Book Reviews 4 Paul Kincaid 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Kent CT 19 5AZ Letters to Vector Email:
[email protected] 5 The Ryman Prescription Printed by: Ceoff Ryman interviewed by lustina PDC Copyprint, 11 Jeffries Passage, Guildford, Robson Surrey GUI 4AP 6 Telling the Tale: Ryman, Fiction, Cambodia |The British Science Fiction Association Ltd. by Elizabeth Billinger Limited by guarantee. Company No. 921500. Registered 8 A Geoff Ryman Bibliography Address: 60 Bournemouth Road, Folkestone, Kent. CT19 5AZ compiled by Andrew M. Butler The BSFA is a non-profitmaking organisation, staffed by unpaid volunteers. 9 Uncommon People Elizabeth Moon interviewed by Dr. Kat |BSFA Membership Patrick UK RESIDENTS: £19 or £12 (unwaged) per year. Please 11 Cognitive Mapping: Transformation enquire for overseas rates. by Paul Kincaid Renewalsand New Members - Paul Billinger , 1 Long Row 12 The Music of the Spheres - Part One: The Close , Everdon, Daventry, Northants NN11 3BE Influence of SF on Popular Music by Ian J. Simpson USA Enquiries - Cy Chauvin, 14248 Wilfred Street, Detroit, Ml 48213 USA 15 Poetic Licence: lain M.