NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1867. -*«-I«I- «'.Ay
Mtaii(£ PRICE FOUR CEINTS. V<*<> XXVU.N*»' 8,274. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1867. -*«-i«i- «'.ay. w,t.« i«. ha'..- reetoced t<» lum eertaia landa which TIIE SOUTHERN fit be forthe Fta-ianGovernment themoat lion for the rest v. a« thoroughlv, heartily. STATES. would here WASHINGTON. he owns mar and which are now occupied of The mi re ( vi" nae of again allv, national and int-rspeiaed Memphis, EUROPE. unwieldy elephants. patriotic, bjw h tiger, tranaferring the capital of italy to what ia ana lhere with a three times .m: wik o\ tuv. METROPOLITAS lîi'.viM'F. hy 1'reed ni en's I'unau pAcara iMAKVLAM» i. political «cut. i h ii-«»t as e*» i 1« ntly Uah to .ill;» .nu! nth-, :it least ¡it pn only ii« honorai volume and l'.OAltn.INA« ( «UNI D'.l.i. n«, t pv «'! IHK The I.vtcctivo Baker, bring < i««l tin- waitera. There waa only A, attachment against. PABAN Of «'V. «1V1VN'« HHITlRY. THE ROMAN BEV0LUT10N« capital, would be a ver] grave matter in the actual indigenous LOBBY.***..«.ov. ORR «« «un. i in- «d ORB. him before the ( ntnliiit t< «. '.'. .1« 1' Og since i. harmony, whan was Judicial y 1 condition oi the Italian but that would be ou« ',iiak -telling « BaLTIMOKE, Oct. ».-(¡«.v. Swann, nilli hif» *AT V_BOLl treasur. " statee." As- ISBY'SJURI ORDRB.i:\i-i:r. M.HIVK Of i««u. «I in «nance a of th«-lion««' tt N_,V_-BATT_E het1« :!«t era ia i ..;.¦. |ii. ii«. i hw of The Prosiil« L'nited put of i'«-«oiutioii stalf.
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