
Mtaii(£ PRICE FOUR CEINTS. V<*<> XXVU.N*»' 8,274. NEW-YORK, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 16. 1867. -*«-i«i- «'.ay. w,t.« i«. ha'..- reetoced t<» lum eertaia landa which TIIE SOUTHERN fit be forthe Fta-ianGovernment themoat lion for the rest v. a« thoroughlv, heartily. STATES. would here WASHINGTON. he owns mar and which are now occupied of The mi re ( vi" nae of again allv, national and int-rspeiaed Memphis, EUROPE. unwieldy elephants. patriotic, bjw h tiger, tranaferring the capital of italy to what ia ana lhere with a three times .m: wik o\ tuv. METROPOLITAS lîi'.viM'F. hy 1'reed ni en's I'unau pAcara iMAKVLAM» i. political «cut. i h ii-«»t as e*» i 1« ntly Uah to .ill;» .nu! nth-, :it least ¡it pn only ii« honorai volume and l'.OAltn.INA« ( «UNI D'.l.i. n«, t pv «'! IHK The I.vtcctivo Baker, bring < i««l tin- waitera. There waa only A, attachment against. PABAN Of «'V. «1V1VN'« HHITlRY. THE ROMAN BEV0LUT10N« capital, would be a ver] grave matter in the actual indigenous LOBBY.***..«.ov. ORR «« «un. i in- «d ORB. him before the ( ntnliiit t< «. '.'. .1« 1' Og since i. harmony, whan was Judicial y 1 condition oi the Italian but that would be ou« ',iiak -telling « BaLTIMOKE, Oct. ».-(¡«.v. Swann, nilli hif» *AT V_BOLl treasur. " statee." As- ISBY'SJURI ORDRB.i:\i-i:r. M.HIVK Of i««u. «I in «nance a of th«-lion««' tt N_,V_-BATT_E het1« :!«t era ia i ..;.¦. |ii. ii«. i hw of The Prosiil« L'nited put of i'«-«oiutioii stalf. to ,1 »\ rivietifd Hu- hirst Dlvtstooof the li ! ital B-UBTIBO propotjeil in some throat«, nil but¬ V Milli 1 li Y POST <>\1 VI 1NHAN II!! KART- ar.v Till: -TITI moat mu-i n!.t ein istian, King Vi« n ni to that toasl »tu« I» dr. Kepi, «entames. Th,. urit trss but rec*?nHy SSSV-d Nat.on ii «Hi ml, QtU, H-nvennaii cnmmandlri-. Of oA-tlBALDUrî- .¦ .;' thal it wa« offered to the l.\M> UTI I..«'I I«. ITION. Mater AN -STIaCM. Emm .ni!' !. 'Him' tlic Holt B< uti A ter«**- by the trug**: ilion Hi, ,1ll"l I ""Ol incubus. Directly ii waa ir TSLsussra tu tiitriium. lin n-vieiv took place on Broadway, m accordance with. i» iii.- retiring monarch of Cathou« Ch-istondom, «»Hie«', not to the presenl throat.« STANTON* AND THE TENÜBE OF KILT,. IO TH« tK»Br!»B. in«i«t on lind h,>m our lubricated w OFFICE UM programme. Ti« re wate in Hue two battalions ni at AT..»-**,. TBltl-KAPH for tin' mildly obstinate old Pop« would "personality'' it. team*i tom, Tueeday, Oel A to Cant a but. tlnnllv, the Italian draak and hurrahed to Ajaongtbe <»f Washington tUspatnb The Ewswtng three companies ol artillery without gawa, ead rcvolu- being peraecuted exile; cheerfully wen JihIl'«! Allison ol When Moaamore asa reat-oved from tli*- potitíoa Contaii.M Hi. statement« cavalry, FtOBBHCE, Oct l.V-M«.riiiii!..-Tli«' Government had i»» count with the Inn« h »Govern- (OllOWlag nui«' n .lUiiiits of in.'.tiiti y, t (iinpri«in< fruin S.ftoo to S.wO of N« a Dcpntv ('oininis«iiiiicr of Internal Keveline and Is (Tit«!«(l the St;i!«« ment. Beside considerations drawn from the Tory Judge Zabriskie The following the Statement of the President'.«» men. are non HalHniore-st., which 14 l.atttls ..»hi«'h Papal Philadelphia. Baldwin <>f s <¦ 'liny parading tiouaiv nature of the caae, there ¡ne muh«' facts ¡nil many «».i*, s.nator DooHttle, ('apt. Kic«iii»nt ol the M.ti.ipii.itaa Board "f Internal i li a relative to the <-a of Mr. Btanton, and it.« publica oat l<»»i«i calla f««r tien lure wa« authorised him Whoever ih iii t ike the I packed with peeplfl towttaaeataa military »i.", ob the Eastern ant- Southern iei| i.dillie tumors to induce the lielief thal the N.aiv. who brought " in «or!» >. by at diflVnnt and li. venue N'eu City, and 1 puty-Comnii«.- an as w h 1* a '.»rilli.mt elie. The Hiiard« points m i« ti «'.i «i n-i- his poem of the Vulture and place will receive appointment outright Becretary l-l« very present MilliliterMoustiei li al riven M Kata//i Mr. Read again, and was it was nf War, i M r< moved, for it is the play, t« in« ntiiitt ii in PtOSÍBOEM iiniltr H, i of thefighl between the Ala 4!«mer Kaindi lent OB to take In« pla««', lee B, Stanton, purpoae sppeBianee, and ¡.re niau bing Hfca veto. ÍTüiiticr bars lv to understand thal if Italy «li«l no1 the Pom igle "descriptive nt I'uffnm <»f tor Of Mr .1« liri.»»it to lu.ii,«' un absolut** removal of .Mr Man¬ ly iiproted ana the Kearsarge: ..lion-til that that Woald bl the and of tlie matti I tin«. and cheeta and of hai.dk. n _i»f» <>«' Mmotti <'.;iiil»;i! to Kon»»-, a French garrison j lu \,ti-).rk Umtiti. Rov.Dr. Eidrige the pre«» nt In the l.'i'-t Baw «lay«, how ever, tin; I. illili of (lillee ¡tet, WhlCfa is held hy the it theSS at *1 BB-BS Joyous na 11 them. ment to the pul»,i«. ami the singing good opinion Mr. Stinton concurred lan the bill und of «>f "How v is the veto Kol an Incident has oce*ared to mar tim tit it M« m»tti had been arrestad ii a.« a r. hvtnii to Auld I.¡hil* 83 ne, ijorac main topic of bBWS ¡i!»«mt the .'iva-ury is. passed, ami blmsetf prepared a i»art of me-e- pearaoea. The lin« «nit equally deprecated by both Gov* friendship, ol s twpoti moa« ««hil'« of our late nar. 1 spe< ¡ally does Internal Keveline ga denying the poorer of Congress to pass such an set. pleasure of the honAy, lu which ¡¡n elasseeare ii« art. y nente. At iir«t glance one would think that Na¬ tin populai Its the MiTiopnlil.in Board of Tin- riTinc al nf Mr !«t.Hiti)¡i been in tobe ivit!.«»ut fniimhitiou. Hi- 1.uni old John Brown epinicion, with having accomplished and the is _mbm proves would no1 resolve on it experience in "i faith and aod stand P It i« BStO-dahiag, the Mg jilliby thnt is the manner imü. al« d, the 1'residi nt will limply send his throag li;i*- poleon lu-¡in«« and Rusao-Polish might*. horal sough and swell ** hope a. ii. to news from tli«- Booti the United Btates " In re w m kin:' in tin« matter. As ii i« iiii(l.'j.«toor any i.i.«;i.«i..\n in.. think, have taught tbe great teacher oi the 'riic Rev. N« v.m.m Hall '»f Koiiiloii spoke ol men, the «hilf of whom is Col. Hilly.-r, 1,'« v. une oilier tunde, if therelegalbe other out law. «Lu ti me. the ;-i .it of the non-interven tem any pointed by I.«.! H. Oct. lo..It is now s.iiil that tho tween iiic Garibaldian volunteers and the ility preacher the relation» al A.ertaaaadOreal Biitala. «t i-f at N« w Voik, ulm are end« ami ¡ti- to have I ins u iii bril the question as to the < onstltutlonallty of ÍT. n. I'ranklin'*t eoined ¦poa e Iii-.pt lion doctrine the wisdom of B lilt'' ta fnre itll illl.lle.lse illili,elll the I'.imr. «.t oil!.,, mt before the suprime Court of the Fund ('.Tiiiiiissnunrs of Hu« Mate have .1,1, 11 i.,* «l«'!;ivliii!4'iii <»f Itali» n lîoiiian l)ii-i- alun.' ii« c ia a aettoeUea a «-11.*_ m» bw nder the old law the Executive had to State fiada their pnv Mctdiiou«. Papal tlii« 1;, fore tin' «pi bai kid, it la power due on state Tb«! balance to tbo nu l.incoli. in I»! iiT.. bief of whom ia Goa. Wiaewdl, or ¡.ml the of Mr. stanton past coupons the bonds. new ia his nome business. "All ma«!«." says the «re. lum ni B tin nun ni t«i Alirali suspend removía; suspension i-ieii;! Mate of Commerce la over two '/(HKii.« v. »- sen. frota Koine (lininir the latter from Robm. .I, lu I «-niall Woodbridge ami :i prof« ss'mnal ivas for the time being, out of strands of the in the Bank the proverb, "lead to Rome,*' and anil, in HallsoM that it waa often asked wBy 'ongi*, adopted, be the and 1 Batt millions. lui' 1» in t vi 11 iah ¡¡¡ni !¦ l..-f bon, and in order that this act might also within nf week t<> the <»i sigl pin l»lr .r tlir 1 boult! aLmore angry lobbyiat named Claoae. Ami sis Ifaaa» of the of Office but it was In the ilrst '/. ,', "., »¦ (.,.\. r».i lahei 1 part las« prevent jniiction n« linne. .'. ¡I'll c, lilli II III« terms Tenure bill; ¡.ii «Li h .i anti .uni confessional lill] Hi lil .Ill -»¦ an extras« .nu» of lim -tissoBri about the pulpit " na« luían.--' r :n and l... trisada mIh«h includes Thi Instance the purp or the Président to make an abso¬ L-g-sIature liliicl.c«! ~ theil fue. It ,. in F_oa_none with the I« tUHIS cuni.I ill I'«.'.». Hie |Minit« Iii. T willing te 'imt'leil-e unit ..I later. It is further «.r in mber. the Los-argent bands v I»« v. huh now that Mi «sinon- i« BO lute of Sir Btanton, sooner of on tee Inn icon are iii«' dark-robed priest«. If tin \ .mi. loved I. ne 11 i.«l «1. anil fell thal grief lnlilliu».nf lin.', ulm, (I'.laii'i that the cal.iiet maintains that the Tenure of who was to be candidateain um f. ela w lien he hi 11« nd has 1.I 1 party undei Menotti, repeated not rise in favor of the Government ¡» loni"cr in powir, «li'i.'t ears whether the "in '¦ I.iii li IIIieiill-tltTllilllil!. I.OIIS1ANA. Willie..,« be «'Tit lo li m li, Hall) would lake this Ipdlenatloii as in I««'»'.'. lIl.TI VV ill a ii.il k 'i.llil ni 1M1 m Imt Mho m wera ___8ueeess_nl I m. Mr Hail nin-ill enumera!. I the eauseenf II. ard i« ¡ilioli«li« »1 coiiiiniieil, TIIK l!K«T LT OF i:i-K'TI«»V. thal Province. Thej tlie 1 e, i«« it inn: down on cenl rand left and i.iii|iiiin. YAYB <.m tiii d Ills surprise, uti the . ¦«.vi.i.vmiat financf.**. WOW monntain a storni-tlirc it« Ding shrouding 11»:.i against only was so vv i.h t«. d.i. i! \Vi-cvvell and haie revenge \\ \-hin«. los, ( i« tôlier Hw.'Advices )<<t much than t" the sime \\ \-iii\«.i«is, Get io..'l'lic wag tb m* ii.d votes above Bia nambi r rtv/ulr« .1 to call » Odo- i 11.11 andei the coaatnand tim monte, manv mnseqnenrea, with them forthe ei hange uf pi lonei ; that the the control of the appointmenta foDawiDg (uhiu.s Among treating ¡--m d tins viniioii. Only two Ibu .lisa ml outride af .New -i m- a fur¬ ):. iii«ii lim w.1 » linaine to aira did Biitpreterí i« » timn II»' ¡uni Rollins Bsotafag: (;«n. in person. m «i pu n-«., to the conjecturas eye yel prevent, lu t i K lum. Commisaloner -toil d Bgsiaal it. Ifenotti Garibaldi ther and ol lim! ¡Hill Gill'.'.can ««ii I« nun.nu.-; 1i1.1t tbe Aliil.ain.ii mild no1 stopped Titi:tsii:v lu I'.tiii BBBTi Ott la. 1*«"*. vigorous growth 111I1 nth ii f..r hale full faith in Karin 11, whom tin', (BCentlj Beria The Is to HO bonds «>f 18SI thi: \(;i:i( 1 i.tithi i ah:. t«»«.k outside the town tiiü.'ii! which is alii ¡«.h in Her "debt ve Department prepared give A desperate fight place rampant Italy. ii in it an "!«l .a.nit 1 "..li! I."! 111 and if the ist.« ami in \. fur 7 a the to i» oa ni t.. ¡. rendered in llJßfl Mcssinore's place, lobb] bange io notes, interest barged (hi. la..Tin tun«- for gratitude*' In such matters aa promptlj si s young natioa iin bonds and allowed on Um notes op to Hie tissa of Xnv-Oia.kan's, bold« i.f The Zouaves were bailly in and Nice. It i« a at In I. "I here eaa he checked from they the tura! Fair has boen Veroli. waa e interferlngi Papal presently paid down Savoy ii :n « a« m |_|i_ la.nl ... jobbera esto U' forwarded t«> the Asslstan; log postponed to the ('mivin »t« « io the Till of II in killed and wounded. not forgotten tliat the French party knowledge of the rhai letei "f the nlted Bl Oov« rn li.i.e in. ti.U lint it Hill he lie!.c!i( ¡al to the Th tun al N« u York,or t<> the Depe-*t--en1 here, at the January, beaten, losing heavily tionof Villafranca and the Treaty of Zurich did his m. it, and ii* n latlons i" the <."n am« uts ol the lèverai . i*l» and ««f the bonds to Lu returned (.i m iniiieiit in every nay. Thi- ring's arc expense the hohlen; The Garibaldiani lost B killed and l8 wounded. utmost to the au ol the Duchies «tali*. But there were many in England who Ban thai at ih« risk and tpense «>f the Department. vik<;:ma. prevent and lniifii "f t'n -tf bad -in. ;.i. fh« nil ¡n ivork nilli the Proaidenl sgainal II Mc* !<.' u, !-« «i» of the Treasury. and the larger pari of the Papal Btates, though tint in lary HU iIl.<;i\'IA AN!» TKNM>«KK U.llüin.MI DIF.T- is "t the numbers on union lu« favorite «chcnic ..I tin- It, aad fail« «I m his - ^ No engaged to by -¦. Culloch ¡.lal Rollina. hat report giveo anticipate lu- inn ii And Um in. :¦. M« Rillyef lag |.ih.m expedition: thal he pro- ni I. Tom's « a'.:i," 'tli,, In ard of H,. Dn abolish thi Board. Wiscwclld Co. want the Board Wa-hillston, and had «ati«i*.ctorv inn r\ Ml I B iib ('en. all immoral aid and comfort th« km,- Fort [Vei longed by possibl« dei isloi rles In rontinned, lmt wish the Preeidenl to re» ommend one St. Louis, Oet 15*.A dispafcli Croaa (inifit on ¦aadaaraai w.ni GeB.0o_-e.eM hen to osst of lH.ile-illailly Impel. II «¦ of Kill- li.Ill' I« iiani 1.1, tnaal ..! the BoaU* t.. abide bj (bal iinii.ni «Cobb- lag !_ all nf Bouth Carolina, and the of them for on the taine, v.l.ile |f_aa i.a'.i.eii aaaouaeae the arrival -baca at Um 1« now eerfain that an «lection for President of the road Pun«. 1"»..It is rct.'.i t««l that if tlio con¬ 1 ..iiiile ti'.:m ; thal mosl bitterlv rcmcmliered of appointment on . :i 1.ii»e al an ed «on .M.ihoma Oct <»i .m« i.t of a cmt. iI.t.n 1 ..n tin- ein,it stone of ¡ne Mi. .I.il.i.-«m tooan- ;.*. all well. Ti' push din place, adjoin:, meeting, hi«. Interferences with tin- independent growth im i ami hi« h,hhy soliciting is to be will i.« ahoacn by aechtmatlon. 'lins gives binicontrat should .-lal., 1 ian thal 'lou o1 a »1 «. Medicine Lodge Creek, where tlu Grand Council dition ol' affaire around Rome become Italian iii d Italian national pride to dornte itc ov« 1 »n!" \ii (nil.m h ¡mil ¡tollina m ¡my manner lie h'ld. of the ¡1,-ic fruin Norfolk to Tennis ,.-, und arrangements . and iii.ii Braal hi« HW nli . bl ii' ¡'iiin: from An-ti ia, tlii! will the Tennessee ro.nl« foi a to ateinphla have and take ne tue, m iii, free Slates musí ria« and declare » hno«.-. which will be satisfactory to them. These çeutinuation t tim critieal lh«- Pope will ilii'|city alii _:., iously presenting to Italy, the \ in li.in pail 'i lu ra were same, la nein perfected. The interferí ne« an the p.»¡ of longer alni lilli. h.iv lan svvaimiiii* aroiinil the White THE PACIFIC COAST. Be« retary of War trttb the electtoa, was nor Int« nd« «I as a in Bavaria where ha hMboen offered au of herself. »Ici .1, 11 nu iliil iml lulu- tin Ii..uni. lu lee 111», lobbyists but tua result of fallnresof th«» refage Nan n n fatality, moral law it. in ti« n, scientific Law the Halted State beeauee tint wera ilmi-e all »lav ¡uni all the The l'n >!«l« nt military proceeding, " always opnoeed 11,ti. 1- evening. i:n iroivi t'i)iii]taiiy to cninply with the contract ia pay- asi lum. of force ol things,** jui on, hand owlh and feared ita overshadowing .nti"!i li. the Inaller. It i« Sin Ki:i\i i-iii, Cal., Oct. KV.The Tt haunt history, in.. -» «ii ile has iml ni taken SBJ meat for the rolling ¡stock. Nemesia, or. the pi « m ., fm^eHu, nt Hu- f.n iii.ii Hu- me United Tin um;- Hills at 1» bama, mire destroyed hy nie to day. i \T1 «r I!«m ITALY. of Providence, modeaty, ie n vt. tv imn and n«r of the Bucceswul author «»f Lb« » »ay Mai. - .f i.i.k'i »ml l there S-BSXing what s iiiiinlier of Sis BOgSged, 1"-«. »i. THK Ti:oihit. mihi Tiir. MT.1:0 BQUA-TBM impolicy) -1 i-f ii.. -.¦ « im ihm 1. : ;'¦ PI '. a «Oct. I'».Midnight.. Tho following (/'< '.(«' hu« lilnil.'ht lum and li.Hut to lill« Mtil.lt ¡on. sume :'««¦ «I« nd.in», what an :.iiioimt of tin.c, lalnii. and inoiicv iehe.Bg unship Idaho sailed for Honolulu to-day) With niau \f Bismarck's circular. And of Hi«« bim! Biietrnsting Iboee who profeeas- sented the record mt the coori which refus d all offers of .. «ouipioiaiA«-, declaring a maiiift st«», which part .forth, ¦, flinn al noan Eta waa spokesman no to ¡sud wiU be like enough to conclude aa nun h from for lire «lave, wlilln ina <¦! inly tri.«! Coi,Gilbert,poet «mima-niant at Cata- Blagara sails to-day. that the Pr«*sldent had ruht ¡-union Taylor, in to ii--_t- and a Be- you sympathy i- tin «ni remain on farm and defend what patriota Bome preda.b the conditions of the case, from the easentis ne.,iii«t tin-«"Inri ii i." Ile-, people tboughl «l« «trot oi aacortad from the Fails Depot to the "fmhaagnat Depot that they would tlie very '. ¡.mi .1 I »h n. \ik m«.is. (as big eloainga aswapa- .1 ti,« ir all catons. s*< ps rational doctrine "i thal circular, despite it* irri¬ : iii it mild keep Um aime lu bonds, a of beaded l>v a hand of thev consider« prop« rty against public. bei-ansi and w i ¡i letter l)j small procession carriage«, m to t them ( ml Th» re lim tone. l'.T ( nilli I. mil BUOUld IH'!«-, trusted the PToclamaflon «.f Kni-uicl|>»tlon, Im i .-»t.ililnabineiit ¡it that place, King iii he taken «jil hy process. \t I*». tating, ironical In .«. ln»«l ii" "> inii-f and ooe of Infantry. Major «¡en. no outbreak au t.t..ni]>]». hera pr« constantly pushed KilnupheldIlilli ill..ill -ill.' tie I'll -ill"Tit -."*( r tO lllt.ff. f«- tii.it tim Kelcrai ollic-r* were tlu* in.usters i! in. TUE CA-F, OP <.K\. IMJIODKN. vaho ii« in ctuniiiaiid ou the Papal frontier, will with Bealona energy by the War Mini-rt«*-r, Marahal ¦sith the wai oagtwereJ peate of Stans, Cl w IT vm», ( ». I IS.- Tien, phil Sheridan i'iss,d through etaotat i Slaver) Othersopposed «¦ of tin- p. «pie the Boat-tern is the letter ia which ('.«ii. Im- Nil 1: and thal mon« v capital ia aa timid of ..iel others still Hu kins thal th. ith ou I 1 thi«. i!> « n. route to Columbua ai>d the West this evening. Tha followin.* his to eiOSS the line and occupy sa i<» li n I1I.11 .It tim!« and ssateacea bim to ortie, troops cial venture as ever. The tide of opinion She li "I lu ula j ii«-:. i|, .1. d, Ii Of lh»'Court Gilbert guilty ia met at the depot bj an éa-hoaia-tio t-rowiL aiul bodSB applied to Ngia!« under the .resident'* Lütt am¬ « of «hniilii ix- .. and the Pontifica] and march on of -x-_ing wai ria« sad Calla from week thal the independen***, the South "f f!.""". to bs r> (Im» »I lo tbe rank ¡nul after thanking them for Uie welcome, wlthcheera ie territory, possibly pa> aftas " -ty pro«-lamaUon: probability u «f.m.tiine«; hut what .-. .1. .1» .« Bli ii» of Um **nr »iM-cdil) for the Little tlnvin-tiii tttarti'd off. to ive» k. from (lav I«» «1 yon rloelug ¡tt the of list Hero," ( l'rmúient Hoard uni Mi se« the di-breña 1» pal of ('apt.un. ami li«' B-BSed end the "/ Tii'iitts K ROBB, of Rraittration of Boase« may the swell of that battle Do not, asked Ball, I of Uni style »ground persnsaioB -.-..« ta. .m.f bale, and be the tin J.'icfu,, i« and w ill. rao.iin or later, be «1« hund, t n opposition opposition sf ta tha District» Unie asa ovtrSOCap» NE " ENGLAND. I lu- au a citizen and FBANCB. hnciliiii*. : 1 in 1 atura of vi-.*. suaii« 1 Cáptalas Sik I request thal may regMtSIUd nnderUea all mi n's thoughts since Sadon a. th liol from waul ol heart« ¡Ntl tams im tim ii«t who tim« mitiaiik Gilbert« The voter 111 Miulisou Waid iii a.wl eily. The ground« of my Ort. IB flies« pre- w«» ,ir n« ii opposition ( Va Pasos, Ftasilini activity juiat now ii. rumora oí the Emaeror*a -,t i'if .,f iii,nK.it « '.in, Mt, Hall (¡¦¡a' ruin«'nt *< ntenett. application an- that I waa bora In Augusta minti-, , i from approvea the HIIlIWlY « FT. BBB ATHIS IN HARTFORD. in the »Ula« imiti in lbs Narval Ai-arnal nt Toulon. design to r-Viva bis favorite ides oí European «.Hil. urn««' fnmi n : --i-tuhrrn on the 16th Of I", hill 1.1. 1821. I have resided th. . ..min in* tin- I», -lin t of the Caro . Mate. and Congreaa, it.« definite obiect, tlii« time, being t<» ina of lin- ni -1 a'.d Ann 11 li. ii. Canb] ami l*»..Tlie Providsoc« all my life, and voted 11 all lections, Federal, Habtpobd, Cono.i «Oct. « hirth durln-r res¬ al sn of disarmament« A «a. lint tin- keartol (Jreal Hut on. 1.ttin-i« ?«, lui k in < ii.nil «ton to morrow municipal, held In the ounty of my my MARINE INTEI.LIi'**N(T. arrive agrotsinent gem-ral graal lmis. i« )\|.«t..l Infantil. («1. IieiiiiiS. nith 45 inu«kc:«, and tin: I wai at home I removí .11<» this ,. Hain- K true to tin cause, and tb« knrtish fiieinl« idence there when city SOITII »Ml l.i.N. (»ft. IJ.No-l...Tie moatdeairablereaaltBurel, [latas Alphonse remained loyal "m h« « n in rain- < since. lu ian««' um.m thee« frmn ('««liitiiina, where ¿m*) coBanlts- V.-t.-rai:s nf Manch« st.-r. V. II., iilth 71 m ii loin r, l-'*i.and have re« .'.eil hen- ever llllilila. « ll[il. 'a Nell Vm m OB Iori), «aid. ¡.t.i'op«"'« of publicists ¡uni philantl of thal strove ú» inlsAod^S] AflBOalBMg ago vi m« 1 ti., tbeee efforts met wish th« 1 tiou willi (¡ovs. On- and Worth. Ile i« it v to and a*WS IB" ISas I took the oath ol aneaty prescribed by UM Presi¬ itiiiu ti li« n- ¡it ;,j u'i un. k tint« uioriiiii»; ea roots to llam- i «t« iul'i in. i nt « for the ahnli ti on of the death n n ooootry expected k' :». arm« d in this about BOOO day, 1 now offer tak« of the great uiadtirity of the l_ird i tin- Putnam Phalanx, numbering dín:'- proclamation of Hay », tuts, and to mWU»L "Kit Mi«-i. i.i- iii» murderers begin.** Ii I ivmpathy people to an milli im ii'liions _0 Nm tli hy tin-oath «i m oiln-r n lain,it,nu oi the Pres¬ tram I j iUi'lt'j.V iaSSMI m .»i n»» iniii. at the and were after- 1..inn« an; pi. Afternoon- The steamship Bremen, Capt. Meyer, ia in earneat for a disarmament, Ü ti¿l -U_jK ».l-tjil t«. depot, of the United States of date, but de» mi the 2d last., arrived ¡it tin« i«"rt ¡I'mut noon Napoleon heartily '. «mi Cri .t«.'.»«! given and *-.iiiii Carolina Immediately. Gov. On w nd eilen a i-oll.itinn ¡it the City Hall. ident tubeequenl Mew-York ht him hy n »lu» hil'hi« anny ol hall a million (,,iri-"ii we lt\>\ stfin. h i ou c1.ne to take the within oath, l>«c,.T.*e I could not Uo»><» to «n route tt) Bramen. hiTs'in Mr in the l.iiL-li«!i Cabinet h.»« wiiti.n ¡i lassas t« the K..«ni.nt Mum- Chapman web-tuned the vitititig entúpanles day I«) an internal i- .; twohundred thousand .n and the Hit«' «>f Baking t look conscientiously. But I will toke au 0.1th to -apport the' QUBKNSTOViN, Oct. IS Soon. Tile City pt ¦' b-ieydi Ulat-stopi M Ulbbe, I ball ol the city, and a strei p trade pla! e, undina ,1 Matt I .lui« .«. ¦. Cul.si.tilt,on and the la*»* of the ITnti from New York m the tth ami Cnnonhce the »Withd*-a- .1 of In- «. r lum to revoke Gea. Caabv*a tmaaut Jary oadar. aa Uli m drusa im: mle nu Hu- l'.«i«.. la tin j.i, n« of many obey very Antwerp, Capt. Mirehouse, publicly s- .vm ni cvcmiii* .1 D tuBOOBir. i .i« «t« t<» a million nd .»ml tin world's f. iihicli «i.e. fafor«. Tliis a splendid banquet was given cheerfully. Very respectlally. morning the way Liverpool. «("in ii that the otihr, conatil « '-' oplains A l« Hit «iii«*: it la to thal when ,. t.. i «r M. Richmond ina «I, < li f. 15 Afternoon.- '¦ ;. d re .n-, (oiiiiitin Smith, John Stuart Mill, ai Hall by the Phalanx the F. proper ij .v> one wants to kttaca Frane« Um ni liTit ni m s all «... n s w ho ha Ve taxes and tho General to n- ¡i-t« r. the min er told him ho reí.t ..f ". >l» lit Hie upi ii :!. li n of which tllO a li'ive I« tt. r lo Col. l'»o.«e um ii |adgad pal I.) Hut hu abilities, whatever they may be. arc (] to ..ml Hu fl hllli le I.', «Tt-ttiietion act«, is i;n 1 and n: ¡i:«t and «lanild in¦< .-. .English and lil«- l'ii.ift. ni i«!« r lierai. written. Tho registei FINANCIAL AND COMMERCIAL. « not w« .¦., and vt.il i. ave for lu.un- In Um wen! summon ».. n. lui od» n b fore him. and h «i what the needs of bia ofl pretended that, ci-ilv espoused oui baa taken t,, ,,,,, ,.| //.» I..,,,,/,.,, ¡,,ne, be iioine.ii.it. l.v set aside. Ko action been in- ii ni «ay. in ase of refusal to allow him lil. li,11,inI,!i_ upon Hie afternoon. ».entrai Ute President's advtr-e aad i« el :..¦ to abli he 1, inning «»f the in.»fti ( H HI S. III MlTU'll the will follow bring ...util ¡ti.il -ie--¡ahlc hu actual situ itioii agr« whi« Iii the BS lill. nMTI'IM E IN, before the «'our! a« ¡1 t. «: .,11.-*t:on. t a ti« t vi. ni and «a-11 right the Batter « but it isf« It that ,u u n n i n .ii il.pl on. penman wrong, tully broiigb! ,!> the .imiii Commit! TO JAIL. weeSern oi Mdid ited ... Committ.f i.iry Mil ti 11,1 « it! AT lil» H1'"M». bonds., iii- And -. 1, Ml II ill »¡. ..( (fa B1 have lent them a pitia-tan -*i'i:i-..,i i; i». Mt--.. 15*.Gea. Ilum- * Afternoon might / H e 11 lae mt to-day, bat transa« led no baal* Oct Tin- Hichmond lint the action <>f rwi'tifv '..¦ .T-. «y shan -, we heal. : u tall» of his retirii again :¡. Id o;,iiili in .. m m, srreeted iVklij taje thi n.: ,.. nf the local 1 he p« np!». -.«.« m ( the .*-. en t.i;v of a'ar In the number i« I im in»' i» "f i m s«, tin re !¦« ill- no vv ltd* pr« seut. Ha*, hap wa« te nulli lit« d to ¡I m di fault of ordering large at t'.i. wa] turn his p ras tin n nun nd a r< uiarkahle «-vi ¦Ti it!, dal ja tired oihi«: .-ioin at the liiataucc ami Bia tin, ilk. i« M «h- ! ' ' vi w ho : a His true name ¡« i!» Kin,»« It notable thal «!" IH l»f Ulli ,,f Hie man of Kal li mole and J.J, Sic ait. ran oda to iii trial foi perjury. eation of high militari ofhcersof thal Department, i ithcr weak at .'¡' for mi « w « n ...¡ned m Foi t .n r,.' h.« n pi atiai i« mu» ni the Foreign Yorkshire and 1-au« ramlshing heraus« rf ¡¡liol. "1 »¡«ill. t«.v. ¡11 Delaware in.d with a 1 i«:w lo ;in-.«;.ilih-,iiiiei.t m ;, inn.ta.y enuit. i lulled " ess a n ai api ill otieol till' Kal! An. it tbe foliowing rstes in the conduct ol in« "I the D rUi of eoltou, to a u..m. -ml Wa art read] g1 .lilli! g Hie Wa. l.iii-iml. with ovei all ases of v lolatlnna : ¦ Affairs Ministry, who, tomonow. lh.- K.Tnocratic al Bli jurisdiction Stat« .ty bond-, lUwaj* of the teni n « im are dlshonoi In pu «m. ;ind ti «til i n m i«« i of militari law 01 1 oininiltetl Within that «ils- lllrtll .«, T. li «li.ile«. Ii ¿ At-BOtlC Ullll important diplomatic negotiations pr« .nu: mt «ri 11-1 RIOT. dlMlpli.Te ; one of them ing lahnr in Um of 1 i in ¡i_.i.i¡«t im tin- tru't. The reason anslgued foi the cluing« lethal i-y the Weetara ¦:» gime; thal be has conducted nardi] person . ai.didiite who chapín.m Mayor¬ i'\;niiiiiiitn»ii «»I State tho« bond« quoted :¿¡ for the in manv minda -, The reason Between Bismarck and Garibaldi, sad Boath Beda Railroada, under lbs ' st« rd.iv. and iv.-ie In Id to answer to a al. It initier him a Btt ¡it ainoiint of troubh Issue - took J tiny a than ia the financéal I'l I I «Hi ».lil I I 1 ! «H HI ||V\M I *. I'eterabarg plBM for retired oflcers the oourt la to previB&a . upon I.lv-Ki-.i ...,i ,'»«... r .Hoi. finn. The «-tiiiiit.il holding larger place either, iTe-iileiicy of (¡in. Mahmie, has bsSB »an. »h d hy f ni.i.i«l.iiii*!iti r. Th.- ..lina rs have «.neil a placing U question. Here the center ol interest no longer the Havana, Oct. 15.- \«l\i««s from Porto Rico oiin .1« on n -ii.u dut) from being tak..u from th. ir «.tot-in sati-da« t¡..n of la vi hieb say that «. ¡uni. «¦ of interests ia the Credit Mobilier. It Hank t"«',: 1 state that the BnaneeM of that Island wai an ¡nljiistiin ni ol the illili« nil y to the lengthy aeeoai I of the aflhlr, they they Im oin l 1nat11.il pin p.m Midd Braadetuffi ai Corn cn :. «l iii« room nil, r>- «rere al ibout 11:1S, it «H a« h.w a« K k1 '..ihn is SOO, I tate. 1 The ii m.-1» t. 1 he older ni (len. Wilcox forbade the gamblers lol; VC« ». MoYKMI.M*. labuoya er for nlay inppli the <«"v -net i-.-. in ai while about v..n ' '¦ alia t I al.. foi < ad-B. .uni i.d resting sight of the men, Mixed Weal ni Wheat, 14/10 ental ior K. H Western to an old of -, 1--57, that ita v el li¬ the mouth <«t there vera per by turning papel April (he. onsol illation until tin' anio nut dm (lu Go a lin/en «i ,i|i. d through Um windows to UM street, sod Daring Septeatber ol Br¬ and it, fe la. Barley, J c v w «li.n.« sold that «hu at 14*430, During the depth «.i of a fire bel shipped in ininti fi um Richmond 1.1T3,¡*3H pounds h» hu should be («ens. dil ii rsonal exertions and the ringing 1 ¡..»'¦¦« of Hie las upon Aue Aneri« a». Peas, the woi hi Imam :al i-i« ni tlii! '.. ii I ..m H. K PANTO DOMINGO. nn nt tim.i tboaa railroada paid. i-.i'iieiTi d iboul too inen und around the bouae, ing tobacco and pounds smokiiiK, .i an. I'.«« !. I It :..r lilla IT,n,, boya to $»7i,» _s. 4' member thal it sank bo lou foi n «lav or two aa to the in 1. i'..--St. «»f Mahmie ami basa barn two <>r wini commenced throwina )»ri« ks and stones, which which amounted Meei Pork, J00 it, tor cn. Prisse Meea. hueon, Hw \s 4, Doaningo sdi less the Bosaiagard have 11 1 nil*. 1 tnt, «'. WH KHAM. neighborhood ni boo. Lurate on the 19th ol January «a 1 1 about this crashed through the Windows, soma of them BOM ti i'cut for Middles. Lard, U/s pewt» tot Aaaerieaa i'tii till n 1 everything apoar. ntlj ,.nn thnc days for the pur]."i bringing n and ». .1 fur Middling American. I. of {ho year was 923. Great material, pel p.i iiog through ¡t wooden partltli makli Gen. William ('. Wickham, ulm was fur Cbeoec,.. 1'ivit following «» wa« then toned and but ttlm cvri for common American ami vi tot Mediae sanad, and political interests lu inga" b1 ike, this one. ! I lenient. the place untenable. The gas mt, tune ¡1 member of the Confederate Conoeas, « ANA tin- descended to the street, ivers at- under expresse» * erica. iii all stockjobbing« «ni« i nt has be« u bai II.W I'lisimasiiT Geasral Randall has ratttcrnedfroai oiiieer.*, having reaigaed t to enter the army Lee, 8pn mightieal Jual .in ki d Hu- nuil., w Inn Mr. Chili.in. thinking Ills life lo tin views hi a letter io (')eu North ewt Petroleum Spirits i i, and btninlaid ed from disaivtrou« bankruptcy by a loan from vs 1. Oct. Ki. -The is «-.T tin i- v ( 11 «11 inni. \\ hil. ni Kostoii be the by following liarriiigeroi II11 the Ninth. made preliminary in lu dauger,fired four shots, la each ease at men whooc ( u 1. li na.- ve and a -'¦ " the Bank oi Prase« ol thirty-ii millions, Baili (1 .... liI il.eitv. fimii ¡f.:,.i Hal ni m brick. The crowd then di«- I sin «Icli.ht«. to fn«! s ibbb lil«-t» ,r-«-'f (oeWBrtl *«i ti«! i« . pa a lor a arm« re raised to thi a »nts'ist: Alter :.v ball -, Ma! it- it« founders flinn Nev. I 111. Iii: .*., \ for procuring Bite Poot-Offioe af 15,000 ehaiigeoi managers original and tilni.I. .nil l:.i!. ,|.Ti ni«, York arrangements -I. ami the i onstables, a kose team had been spirited <*«>Bi »-.lil« »1 tli» iin» iirtr, I ia*r »Bj___-Çr***l»». 8 .-.¡'(I, Hl.e-I.». rtllT'.ii. Till- - it« «1«' pera. t .!. t" B_.)<* t-«r»S thul r»»» illili»- l_ll.il.'!«. Middling m-pi im.' getiiusi « the broths r« relre r« tiring with m a (oiiKTiKTit bnaineaa locality, parchase away, walked to Springfield, a Sistauce oftenmiMB. it i.'». I'..: li r»«a ta nfi.iir !. ..t. auti mince.«Itrum M.i:., in .-.c-an favorable. l;i«-n»i-iuir» .ne enornioua estates from the hiukint_- wreck ol the afterward thal John li üin.iks, a »nan of bad ipiir. but leo! fi>t*ir«t|»ith hu; -.'.. j'1 .tious mor rn to ii ... Wheal I / M./.l ETA. «»n » good t-tla being givaatotba groaad proved u, 11 4t »,-.- in.'ii -an i», I out to :h»mM* patt Is «tri» rather baa advanced <»i pending i uai ii i w in nu tin- ..ni. rraaoeuaeof lead« r shareholders' fortunée. Tin- disastrous tall th» . Mi,i -e in the h and beluga ¦-.rill lion with all its »Itriilant lil»aainr-a of s| |iii«a», 15 roi .-¡i, ami it for White California. Barley si hi nd. None of th«- plans iui'al'.i-t enid a wound in lunn fron, ni'ii.mil! i.i 7i il Mobilier, .«hak«- to theil foundations the of the Hot« rs. re« the thigh, which L.t.uLsi blJ Issl, bul B»t list:, lu :«-. _J*b. «r. al f, las Fork, au hour. _ri'»lucss, ¦.¦. New-mik hav bSBB entirely appiovcl. he died lu half hu , «»Uni establishmeBta oí »-redil the ( redii fatase A Hi I.T I ll«.S IMI'I.M'IN.;. City of The t«»i M'diuiii. im,,,-, fruía tom u,-. ami the rest, L'ssa pa " have li.-in 11, Heath of Westfleld writes to Sprinañelt Repob¬ u, and ia Tallow, ts/s. the (i.t. ia. 11 inn ireBiT.'tl f ¡itiiic«, however, agreed n, Im! «tones ware Hintun, a« "tilt CTOWd NORTH CAUoi.INA. «¦«> Havana, Advim«. Vaaesiiela Tha lo thal few IIiiiiit.«, 1 ., and i.iiiuiiu. the Fren h and «mt Horn ¿. 1*1'! aays proverb; « 1 and vvill In- liken from several ol' the d .-anuí«- ..f ti.»- mo«! respectable of West order <>t (»«n. dated »Oct. extemla bUi. lions tiond of Of '4th «.lit. 11,'net an limiln hat the "li.atiliy h.id upon, thaaa people An Canby, » tli*- Flaet di In Bmurtt this turbid the Held;" ih.it Mi. liiiioit« exerted himself to "quiet the the tune of collection and pay liicut oí taxe.«, ni [h» «ninty ! *n r at a -i arl. t financial mishapa to swell the run of ill luck -,i ihii.it« «i. Ma feared that saw tavolta trill oe- (»lan« w In. h have been sabsnitted. disturbing elements," and Hint when almost perfect of «1. veland t.» Hu 1. advance o authorised were Ii. made uni in. m vvhnh the Emperor i« expoaed. Ho, poor ssaa, iiii, anl tin- ininti i i« líeme organised lo realst futan '1 he lui Ki «li 1'inliass.idor, lila« i|iu: Hey, preaoatod «ili-iu «- i»i«-\ .ill« «1. no Hu-!-.its Mg IIiuï -,- 1., « .»..«1 Hun Uplands, Middling Orleans, as lu« late the Peroii-s, have A strong (lovernmeut baa been 'linn« to th.- I'rc-ident to .1 n. stout « thrown, the Hi- rs Un d upon the crowd .*.«! the I r.."*> balea. tire, friends, revolutionär*)» attempts. ,i¡"ii nf (ó ii. Hiissi'in l'l.cha of teams Lathe lu try ata¬ ANN! W.si:sM(>n <»K Till. PRESBYTERIAN BVKODB Bri day ap done, from the threatened han! ami safely ontem formed if which Gutierres iM-euntcs the po Min ii« ,i to Springfield, leaving their i im i.n ah.... « The followIna m vi duties iii! the Interview Mi. I'la« «inn took occaaionto ble OP INDIANA. Mix« d \v. -a n., the ti.I. He ia bound to th oar of latero! During plate ravaging ina n On «Uoffee, to- onGoiroa,! lh.it iii his addie««, when he * '' in, and I,' :.n tin- galley he nmild and« it..!.. '.,, guide li» no1 ..t Imposed nu.>nd the I.» -ni« ni Hil. I'tiiM-Hei ni NJ-TY-YA-tD HABEAS OOBPUl ImhanaI'oi.i«, Ind., Oct. I*»..Tin tvi(» Similis li.liiel-Ilillllill.ll libortj tu «lip out of lu« chosen Beat, like thal laal had the honor to present his credentials as Envoy ( LBS. of th«' Psaah) t. riaa Church if India: a'j «, l-oik. 7i 4.-.. Und, a, oi 1.1. i.e. little I ».»no (.n I» .. f HE \ l.TIE Beef,im,, Bacon. lubrii Kin. HIE El III nuil Minister thal in tliree lush nu.ii .'...««.mi« m this 1.1-t m^'ii a rcBolattoa '*»" Its Turpentine has de- 1 in« «...«.lili son ol Hamlet's race seema to ].\11¡nu«liii.ny Plenipotentiary, Some time AiiiHist, JO-OSf boy-i city saylag *¦."'.¦ (riniiri. «.t ¡i or tne two «Otd K.ialll ( Dllllltill. Mi. remarkell (hat linn- was somewhat « fruin tin ¡r f ttln r«'lminc, in Lowell, and shipped that the organic union church<-s, be p«T«»i.idcd thal he is not the natural doctoi * » I l I I UK. Kla««|iii !ii|«ed speedy .1 *. a. i. rallos ¦,. fully Hil. HARRIS BKL1 ,un- anil New Schools, u eminent j ntrable, J* Petroleum, l,2.or Spii- to .«« t th«- d ted Grecian t .ni institutions of tlie. two onutlTcs ; the United States n 11 ship Vandalia at the 1 »¦ .¦ i .¦. righi sadl} people, « ni Hil« .ti la Mimi..lill in tb* au almost UBanimous vote f'oa Um,toa ' Bl I! HU* li"'. 4 '.I «I. .iib« each Synod by Dutoh Stand lh<- iiii.l«t of whom ii» 1_ ami ihat it now afforded him much pteaaore in pia. Pnrtamouth (N im Kavy-Yard Into the naval aervlee, vention of the Young Men's Christian 1-*«....!".. 1.* »11 ,.'''. :¦»-. m iii«- jin ida Institutions, fn Brooklyn, the a «tat» in» nt aa to th« ir agi.« and ni«, i be ;.lt. Tided ht .10 IS jmt lim for fci du.-.'. Lil ¡uni glibly -lapsed. tm so athai reaaoa afi. r false pan ««.««ion iU till« City. Hi« iar.eli |.'|i (»ii. un i«, Mi dii ti uni*. Biiitiiii. i waa including 17 In the count] iasUtuUons seoting the General«ii tbaato] nte of these «boys applied to the Savj Department Mia * of tin- l( ail 'li. iii ,. tua Whale Oil, i -allons. 191. pel »mi was I in Vandalia He shows no inclination toreturn from biaiaai ullin ii..!« beyond the elty limita. The denth ratebv ¡n.... the correctness ««i his asaertion adding thal fur linn ii:-« bul li refused. Is felt In its siii..--. «.-.- i...... «resides. II« l1 .nT. i- ha- f..ii. n i" h -« ih,in mi. aira id« "f the l'i«,m Hin i. Mr. John Mc- (..in ii» tin caros ol royall I !»<. iiun ih« .«i iii eighth, wa-, i ini It S ( am a -ian «lue. Bad ' r mi'ltiilltt iii the (¡in.Tal foi by ( r.ii in i, .na u Uni to i.iii-.i t ( al «I «.¦.¦n. t. » be at hy fini! iii aa .. of Ule total .u. i, hoya, applied Judge Tapley « n.« 1 " -"J' throne and land» estate generally under r« irs hut ii had lo his a writ of habeas corpus to rellev« his son s Tocita «roilti -nier m ii» ii' 1 n« bothcities. Th« mortality amoiiBchildren, flv« hu ot\ n mt Innis and tiaSB Ililli po» of Maine for m t. Let fei \ em will no1 " 1 mark« |0 rCeilt, III Ne l 1 la, lilli! .¦. from the custodj of the commander of the Vandalia Ort. «ll'.'illl'liäliv«' OO '. ¡ii 11 act i h« rabie atti ntion »>i Mi. >. ward I |M " ia the Tarkiah assay« The Preai» i«i ClN« INN »»Ti, 15..A fav« cent lu Brooklyn ; and Di Marri charges this kind nf sitian ssGeneral ,i,ni ra,'!, i i'ii ted tbe .im m an t,i\ " It« m h'« Cm ii«, ¡it J..»ton. I i« the moi lo p lyera lu ratant. :-|. lu f i.il.t ilniii' n' ...i'lil lons .tli«) li.idilnl ml he was ninth plSBBSd to IBOSÍTS tbs iimt which showed the enlistment to hive been without the B1 ' iii i foi tboae at v .-.ni«, nt ami IT iv li ¡» niau minn ti Win. li., na* tire»! tin« thal th land ag« Tin ii.iliiniiiati'ii andeongestlve lualadleean Hin n. a oflse, r.uiu i the boy to be years of age, gave during lin itiid t«« » temi to (h Hassern cordial wah Ila Bight, nan «m.. W .ti 'laid White. «ian, m Turco-Ruseiau. « unaiuerationof ..f death, and oouaUtu- a l.nimil and elaborate opinion on th«- questions ilpti.1 tho ring 111.1«!er. but. IliissiUK bim, He . ill v nie Hie that in Tuikei, as in this tin to be *.' -Illili finit remind« your i »rroeuoudeul !«¦ raooai linn.H a:.d fmil all dlseilBCS .j.lilli residue, was .i.ilili'tl lo know presented in ise, and oirdered the ney lady named laiunpbell, kiùlag bei and Jj iii«, ii in tin- mean time the Chief til the Bureau <>' bulletyoung ii» r li» ait. **¦¦»."' ,' '.! V. lui. mend to th« pu. .n.ii attention of tan-paj (»mining 31 caused bl devcloi.utal disorders, cniiiitiy, m» mal ici how hiinihl«' a man's position. Im trgr-d. the pa-tsmi* through and whom it may t. .M fmiii ,1'iiiien't or iiu'iii'i-ii". In »ii warda <>r recruiting for the Navy, ordered the cormbandcr of p!iilaiithro]n«t«. OtfaetB from foul-air mai».in- mai to the hi-ln 1 ])«>-atiiiiis ol the fStl niuicnt. not to five up the recruit, who had returned on ..iinern. th«- t. r.ni'.k'i n, not a death ocourretl ¡ a-pire Vandalia «»I' TROOPS IB M«»M INA. t I.'.1.' ftdlowing passage i "Un t UBI h llit- le.ml nhile certain queeUona REPOKTKI) DESERTION from news-bulletin of the hilt III ill» IlilliV **Hli lilli ¡Hld inly W___U, The mi.tv!, w vans ol a mutually airrceablo cliarac- Judge Tapleyeonaldered of ""'' iated the Mitoriaj diaih laie la »nu iiiiai. fruin nlahh csaaea r. «1«'« Iston of the «tate Courts, and nib u-d foi of in h um.'if. uni in t of the an! lim ill« a of to at¬ pay attention buj the iMpturc ifught l"vi i-, Sept. ST, UBI ...-Ton to th« Mi mi-hi«, <>«t. 1*i- 'I lu- y«ll«>w fetei In ei i«, lien, (jrant left titi*»e\ dUahargod lr»i l.i«t ten I'i» n. ('ulidia. W »¡un tl> beg the hirkiah vv cid nix of a fi n nil. Um »Lu-. li BttoBttOfl ÍS « that «nd H»«' aaeltemenl snbaldb-g. Many peiwoos tend t hu OF KIsIllNH VI.«-II, MOH VIiH.KNCF. IN MAIM i ic.ii!' ii tu \\ .t«liiiik'loii lo ill the attention of abating had made IHK LOsä TB! (lA-rTOn 'liv.l!.«i fll.lll 1l,c JllliL'l.«« .I Hi-J,i.,,,K the 1 nited bave left tnvm, and othert who preparations (.Muir K'Uii'To and jiarty iver«- to have sailed to-day \\ lill Al.I. '* Oct. IV I lie .Intimai ol this lartBfl]] |o (,i>.iii.Tii«nt to the inhuman eonductof in hive abandoned the Id. i There were twenti I.IWISTOV, Me.. the ¡u i,-1 vm leave to \'era Crur. 'i'be I'utted States .«um!« ni about SO men tore upa "tide ,,t QtuibaldL ThersaaasaaJ »sansaqueBesa "«tales toward the Indian Exchange of>"»««l ed foui new eases and mena d« ¡»th* np t" notm to day. The from (hail'stoii A rtTTTit.l .»(¦«tciTl.iy (»tilteil hi icily place learns thal (lis]»:it«h " V I Nioep«eott. Maine, a sei ve H n from owned ' Carnseyof WTOBl ¡ti.« «I« i-t uni* the «.i.iisiil.Mili'iii thal is atal pü'MTit« temi- to pu n»l.«hip*.'" di«! mac )* of a mild type -dispatch Vnlialmrg Mt.-iiin« i NN ihlini» ss i»Ti*i ]>la4«i-*l at »Scrtoi Koiueio's homier Juliet Tilden of Castine, Me, had ilaui by the dam iiiti.i.l' mi of Mr. (iiaiincd tfnre «liirinj- the that tints« ML few since. The rioter* alleged that iijared Laal lne«iliv the lavit-ttion says m» _n have p_S| fl lum home. of the M.i.dal« n (lays them, tlioio/h tli<- fiiiiix-r are j>,irtly ami Qu .lan.« I, ( i.«.'horn ol some hundred hours. dis|)«»sal to carry In ni lost on Ainlieist Island, one group, navigation. Philadelphia, " »tier iii.Uîei of In Zotli.t« Hall" re Bert two ¡uttrui« nth to lleiidquiirters Hint be has that all «>n beard had A correspondent of wholly conjecture. eX| and fifty American! saaemblod In the Moiiirr. Ott» l*i.-'rin (Kji. Uni telegraph« and SOft-hat of the SOT'THWEST TACIFIC RAII.ROIH *Ur ivtM-lt« »vu rn of lh« (ii.unl Hotel. Ui d<« bonni t«. lu« tinml. our fruin ti Iii.* feiiT' U> dtt>. t«> niovo tilt*) «»1 Ins liis- The tangar Whiagtveathe fii'd'tmng partlculara THF "piiiinii ihr»«- Ilia! flic old Ik hu«! Keen (Diiip« Ute lieadquMi'toni ir.i-.lv In a letter dated Caattne, wt l." Her cr»-w ntlug piMtt, T. Buchanan Roed ami lo Ni vi Oi¿i.i an«, Oct. lo..Tlierc were Mi» yellow to account of ead to Castine.the Nr. Oct. 1"»..It is said that Kantern -aytasiBomeal .» i»i».iiin«l hlsaacpadilia-iSBBotBM i fighting, pal ever out li««' li biMlltfllilUMi |S|| llli.t'llllie. tini from Vu kubin-, Holly Kpiiugiton m list» «1 »»r l« üii'ii, li of them lieloti.iiiK LOUI_, on. ol lin n.or! elegant auppers thal aproad fevel llldllllellt« during »mc mau In to Dei r l.«lc. This la the have asada to take the nuki. ¦ned ( »« Tliere ii« re Icier. OBI tain lind longing capitalist« propositions a« reaaona wby he should w-aaaaeeM that exenB to indigestión. Amia very d« ln/hiini nighi ti \i 11 «i«.\, Texi-B, t. Vv «»lily the yellow loss Hil« town lins aval ssel withal one lune, and au Wama <»f Pve«MBÉ*a«ask -*¦ 'I I«.- waa «¡ilhil fover aad nf fruin tim greatest from one town in Ue-t Paetflc EtaLlroad the ''--i tl.e Italiau (Joviiiiiii« nf and tin- i'lcii« h (.«tv Bod Booming we made ol it. pom two new caaes of fellow yesterday, onlyfotu (Jen. K« tchum, meinher Concrets ii |,.«. lilniii the case when» so many k<> tracu, and build nat -COO. Tins and other importait! " « ii»«- ih boars. sixteen .""» «m t.. n .a!.¦ sin-nil n. Ride,*1 alni, aftei inciting iiitmni.nt« «1.inni: past I'istiict of Nett .oik, mut .nu t.«*iT. There are widows and father Ms furnish the reason for Un» es tra «ni ¡nu! tin- I'.tili-.nn-ijf.irv lairiSSBef Iha Italian I)nt( lu is and Columbia eight of tin ni have lost their railroad inten aa with that fighting lyric, rocked na i«> « liol I l( 1 II MAI TA. less children left, ami the munt h sud galloping, t«» «Ki\- men were soiuu of the best of the BSSSbSB, mm .viii//ifM ssalasrl Usa Batassl Jia«i throe re-*».'«!' with th« BW»3et_owing, floating, delicately, «let. '.(»..Our ('..ti«nl at Malta. in the ..li only support- These \Va*hiv(.I(»\. to has teiulired his 1'hc vc.«-i I was limit this year, one of two that '"' ' .'" n was m tatt of abdica an* <>f the l'«y o. Naples n that iii.-. had ('cn, Kilpatn« k Mini,«f.i Chili, town. i CM Of v |___l PBOraU.B. ii«1""".'* "i'i'"*-ii"«>ii rhymed picture ii'.'i. «late "f Ht ptembei II, p»_rts bolera will vail to start a new business here thal of in.i.kereliui*. I,,»,.fui!..'.'u um-aal\ liltiu.-lI »ViMinister«>f**. * I tri thelill Italianllflii.iii «;«»v»sirs Then were sme-shes sad toaata, no1 «mt at tli.it a« Captain ol' th»' 1st Artilloy. It unfortunate eraw were Bar) uir, Oat. 1%.-Tli«' siii.tll pioiM'llcr ¦ja«.f ^, there " hi.'lt'Ti platt r.'siiTiBlinn mu nuite a number of the Minvti "ifiunt t». m, li« .«.. "11 hand and and. no well' lilli two of Hu- who!. r.-iv icii-n aii.l let the popular licro of the ut and «li i «mt. but s. I" «ó ii. (¡lii.it lo monow ¡»ixl will, ,,»., 1« of th« «/( l«l 'I lui'- on Hu «-hore, was lost ina «tonn el " lie niel \\ iink.i*tMi. Castern »nd «< in!. Ilntv «'I lal'» ¡UkI olh'T I» (»I I' "I; I: -s M. »Mi«.!. j,i, Um schoonei waa a fine ko vein ite m..-, ««.runi« affaira (wperia-a hi d,:t-|., willi I-..Ililli.: T "I |\Y (»V Pill rit« »A H 11,. ,i niora than 34 yean of age. of Hi IHier on y.iiiudai The jyjl*** li,»Icial i.nihl nolle dtiilli! I««' ¦»'" I'"1' 17 m w n,i aaun nu nt, hu.it ii. IBB, n. »,. ine mounüi I'alBMBBSe -""I »Kaili n It hud buen coi.«.«ti nt with liquids Sii'iji <¦) l!« «p.al-.-i». C«t. It. vtvw ol' i,«,,i of tuna, euri we « SUdu s J, _!'"*'"' t,, «lilan- KTBRSS M¦..!'.<.. «I,I |Hi.-MIa_J«,|| ni 1, on,. »I lh« pi».»« m i»«IK« :<«i »n. ino Ussaa «(««-«'li. ibe inajiii««-u