Clifford Sifton Was a Lawyer and Politician in Manitoba, He Was

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Clifford Sifton Was a Lawyer and Politician in Manitoba, He Was Clifford Sifton Was a lawyer and politician in Manitoba, he was appointed by Laurier to be the minister of the interior in 1896. He wanted to change Canadas immigration policy. He wanted more people to settle in the prairies. Immigration campaigns The settlers soften wanted where attracted from Europe by Sifton’s immigration campaigns. The government prepared pamphlets to show immigrants the advantages of “ the last best west”. Prejudice Someone who is prejudice has unfavourable feelings, opinions, or attitudes towards a racial, religious, or national group Racist Someone who is racist has an intolerance of other races or the belief in the superiority of one race over an other and many people where considered undesirable as immigrants. Push factors People left their homes because of the: -Lack of land -Lack of personal freedom -Threat of war Pull factors Many immigrants chose Canada because of the: -Free land -Good farming conditions -Ethnic communities Multicultural -Means to live with many culturally distinct groups living within a society. Manitoba Act The Manitoba act of 1870 guaranteed both English and French speaking people that the province would be bilingual. It also made guarantees in education. Wilfred Laurier He thought that English French problems could divide canadiens. To prevent the issues from destroying the liberal party, so he sought to find a compromise. He offered solutions to problems in the House Of Commons and with Thomas Greenway, the premier of Manitoba. Exports An export in international trade is a good or service produced in one country that is bought by someone in another country. Imports The foreign buyer of one countries exports is an importer. Balance of trade The difference between a countries imports and exports. Foreign investments Money invested in companies in a country other than ones own Reciprocity An exchange of privileges or favours as a basis for relations between two countries. The united states was closer than Britain was to Canada, so Laurier wanted closer economic links as well. He consulted with America to reach a reciprocity agreement. What were the two population issues that Laurier faced when he gained control of Canada He didn’t like the fact that the country was very large in area, but there very little people living in it, it had only grown from 3.5 million people in 1867 to 4.9 million people in 1891. He also didn’t like that the population was distributed unequally amongst the provinces and territories. 93% of the Canadian population lived in the Manitoba-Ontario areas. What did Clifton say about the ideal Prairie farmer “A stalwart peasant in a sheepskin coat, born on the soil, whose forefathers have been farmers for ten generations, and a stout wife and half-a-dozen children” Why did the Immigration Plan try to bring in a large number of Americans? Sifton activity recruited American farming families as they where experienced in prairie farming beforehand. Sifton also realized they also brought with them equipment, wealth and knowledge. How did the high immigration into the Prairies affect the Metis? The immigration plans caused the settlers disruptment to their historic, traditional lives. The settlers developed farms and towns.. As more immigrants came the Metis dispersed across the land in search to find a secure place where they could hunt, fish, and trap. Some of the Metis found them selves as second hands to the settlers as they where skilled in farming, and breading. What was the most serious English–French crisis of Laurier’s time in power The change in systems because of anglophones, Where broke out and Laurier tried to calm it down with his compromises. What did Archbishop Adelard Langevin of st. Boniface, a Catholic church near Winnipeg express about Laurier’s Compromise. “Today is the saddest day of my career as a Bishop. It is with a broken heart that I stand before you. I protest with all my strength against the use of that word: Agreement… Instead of negotiating with us, the government dealt with those that oppressed us.” Why did the government change the language laws in Manitoba in 1890? They're grew to be a vast English speaking majority, that wanted a change to Canada’s language laws. What was the result of the 1911 election? Laurier was voted out, and the conservatives took office. Reciprocity had no future in Canada. Canada would remain economically tied to Britain. This critical election determined British ties over American ones.Within three years Canada was at war on the side of Britain against Germany. Why didn’t Quebec like the idea of Reciprocity with the U.S? They feared that reciprocity would lead to the a U.S. takeover of Canada. They also envisioned their culture and language would be further threatened. They did not support Laurier. The Manitoba Act of 1870 gave guarantees to both English and French speaking people that the province, would be bilingual. What two things did this act say in education? -That there would be religious schools -Although later the system evolved to having English and protestant, or French and Catholic. Anglophones began to press for Manitoba to review its language laws and in 1890, the provincial government passed laws that changed the rules. What were these two laws? -It abolished French as an official language. Debates in the legislator and proceedings in courts had to be in English only. -It passed an act that removed government support from Roman Catholic Schools. Now they would run as private schools and parents would have to pay fees for their children to attend. What 3 points did Laurier’s Compromise state to the House of Commons regarding the Manitoba Schools problem? Explain Laurier’s position on Reciprocity Who was Robert Borden and what was his view on Reciprocity? Why is the 1911 election considered very important in Canadian history? .
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