Emergency Plan of Action (EPoA) Myanmar: Floods Emergency Appeal n° MDRMM006 Glide n° FL-2015-000080-MMR & FL-2015-000089-MMR Date of issue: 11 August 2015 Date of disaster: 30 July 2015 Point of contact in IFRC Myanmar Office: Point of contact in Myanmar Red Cross Society: Udaya Regmi U Khin Maung Hla Head of Delegation Secretary General
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Operation manager (IFRC): Myanmar Red Cross Society operational contact: Richard Casagrande, U Maung Maung Khin DM Advisor, IFRC Myanmar Director of Disaster Management Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Expected timeframe: 12 Months Expected end date: 31 August 2016 Operation budget: CHF 3,891,747 DREF allocated: CHF 298,478 Number of people affected: Approximately 1 million Number of people to be assisted: 58,000 people (11,600 people (of whom 440,000 are in the three targeted households) states of Chin, Magway and Sagaing) Host National Society presence (n° of volunteers, staff, branches): Myanmar Red Cross Society (MRCS) has 30,000 active volunteers and 321 staff in its headquarters and 334 branches. Red Cross Red Crescent Movement partners actively involved in the operation (if available and relevant): The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and a number of Partner National Societies are supporting MRCS in its response. The Partner National Societies supporting the response in-country are American Red Cross, Australian Red Cross, Danish Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Singapore Red Cross, Thai Red Cross and Qatar Red Crescent.