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idulncn -»?%¬»-A GM % 7 $51 I $8. % hohnhntalhaldtmdl-at¢h niutaamnqrwwtxm ans-nng all tats-ausaxwunlly anti:-ldnnautt-lg lhnhnll Magical Zlilo 92 1 _ A - - - »- »_ l. _,~~ W11? _4_.-A- 4_.~-._. -7 .. __ .. _ _ 1 ,_ . . - - -. __ ~. ..___ .._._____.___.___-__-- - _ ._ . _ ___ _-______M__ ' 3 - . ". I . . v. " I. '~92 a . --. ,1-,. 1 - -' ' } ' ' '92 r"' _ - 92 '@ xoiti 92 Memorandum - unrrsn 0 srarss ' " GOVERNMENT / .. " ; L» M t-I - i . - [T9&'IEr.D.l§.I-add. _ E 191:9 -mm. an s sums 1=u' - %7§ "=- ". mu Dr.hr ml s,qh,,____,_-__._ "-1- m1n1s92nH=M$$I1' m'°*°'*"°'°°" K _ Iv»-mu-.__..._"*-=-"----- §pI _ !NA@ 3 ' IXCEPTIHRESIOIB m. -mamas: _ - 4; m KHISTEL Imus rmnmm - ' - - Qu- , _ Kristel u12s;'ms1a=z'rKlaus, snocx Krietbl Klaus,mmnnfis; ' _- 77'4__/#/ /L-W--~---~nu. Hubo--__-1 Kristel Fuchs, am. Bob Klaus . 7:':°'*f- -.._- ___, Elma Anna Dorothe Ida. Christel Fuchs M Z §PIONAGE _Bufile 100-346228! R c"''°d . '"7 OP I [MW F '- °"""""-"I0------_-. JD MM - 3//g/' b92 - *> '1. av.-21~;~'1'-~BI , BK Soviet lgent The purpose known to oi this mdwmemorand is to cover attempt names an ident ofRecationof uC$!'i5=T1§D ! . -5 @"'> V=V9aD1>R.lF"l3: §@I@D{ b lb shed information set forth hereafter concerning Q» 0 wo S et Agents, one of whom was known under the cover names Rest and Charles, J 92 § E and apparentlythe other pronounced one who was Arno!. known According under the to, cover this names Source of on Goose May 8, Gus!l9h1+, and theArnaud m92he G.B. work representative o the Br tish in Commission New York advised in the United MoscowStatesthat Best was had meeting reported with thatno E. uccese. as not certain of the reason for the lack of success but ,- thought i g ave been the result of dissatisfaction or a misunderstanding. ~ The M.G.B. representative advised that it would be proposed to Rest either to ' 1 forsupport res Great Britain or to work at a special laboratory - or camp, apparently Dg June 15, 19M, it was reported to lloscou that "the ten" had "reéeived from Rest the third part o1"the report BEN-1 _ onedigit missing! ------' Efrent dif:£u?!eion Eerent?!method Fluctuation,in¢a,5tream -- work '6i_1 his specialty. - Rest?!- - - - . -. -. -. - . - .diubt -- - -- cf- t- 1 J ' V I : I s. Q IHEW v ~- corxss DESTROYED 92 -";1.z_-Tm, 5 ~34 <:7£l$'z7 "9y%1 so/=1 /I I {Zf' R47 NOV 161960 1 .Z>-,3? - . - " __ {O .._C]a I I 1- A /715 ~.?*'Y'-.-"'>.f'*'[ ' -"~ I?-.Q.. .}5*%C '75 ;.. //£1 ;..I'I_ J- _E= l°0fD_eclna fro c-vs, "'-aiionl },eg,, R -/ 1 . Par 1¢/<6 "sore . _

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1 M bt92@ possibility of staying in the without arousing suspicion. According to'Rest's information the British and the Americans 1ina.lIIy_. . .| . ~--..-s...-...... 1-.¢.-,,8lOIingdDImOf18B6a.rchVnrk on diffusion. The Americans advised the representative of Great Britain that construction of Ia plant in Great Britain will directly contradict the spirit of "agreement onfAtomio Energy signed together rdth the Atlantic Charter. Right now . . '...... of?! Great Britain in Washington is looicing into the details of the transfer of the work to Great "Britain. Rest presumes 1 he will have toleave in a matter of a month and a pg! n On July 25, 19M, HDBQOW V8.5 advised that "The almost half a year Of connections established?! with Rest has demonstrated the value of his work?! for us. We consider it indispensable to pay him for this half year the due i reward of 500 dollars. The said sum he fully deserves. Telegraph consent'?!.a/¬!I S-I On August 29, 191.1,, Moscow was advised concerning the possible depagmrel of Rest fol?"-.Great Britain, and in this connection the names of Alexis Aleksey!- and Goose Gus! were mentioned. In part it was stated " - - - - - - Goose advised that Rest - - - - - - Great Britain. With the aim of sending'?! Goose across ?! to see Best's sister ------see her husband their?! de- x partu.re¢1f2OSeptemoer--+------n - - - -". Something was also mentioned about checking on someone's arrival, probably v that of Rest. Mention was also made of $500 allowed by Moscow which apparently was turned over to Rest. <=»-=> W " , returned On home October and that 1., 191:1 Goose's lloscow next was trip advised to see that her was Best'splanned sister for had Octoberalready ' r _ J On October 5, l9M,,_Rest's cover name was changed to Charles Charl'z! and Goose Gus I was changed to Amend '2'! Arno8_:>Gw{u! On November lb, 19%, reference was made to Arnaud's last trip to see Charles sister. There was also some mention of Great Britain: u_! 11-. . should - also be noted that according ti Goose mr- J S M nished the M.G.B. representative in New York with information concerning a Soviet Agent using the cover name of Constructor, who has been identified as Abraham rofhman, identifyGoose who was is a nowprominent being carried subject out in in the the Gregory Brothman Case. CaAn se.!@é!effort to . s-92 . o lWith reference to the report LBN-l one digit missing! Efrent Efferent?! W ?w 714$ // .1. _ A ,4. I/R, 5'» rp-pf:/00: n/Qaéféfzofffi Qgfr/J57/7/7. 5;, M orig"//9,%A _ PSL. 92C.l

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M? 1 w1=>%5@' ' 1 . ' Fluctuation in e Stream", it was determimll at the Atomic Energy Commission that they have reports deaignafted ISN followed by--a numeral. The MS -series was borrowed from the British and eth-e "N", was added to indicate the New ' I or 1; orri , ce oi the llanhatte.n engineering 11istriétDwQ,9 A I » umnetei mu - 10, mu - n and us»: - e15 as not being tn documen men one on une 15, 1941+. An effort to examine all-documents from - l&SNl2 through JEN-19 was made. Docmnents ISN-12, 1.3, 11+, .16, 17 and l8 were 7 examined, t-here appears to be no !lSN19. These documents were noted to be dated in chronological order, IBN-12 was dated June 6, 19%, LEN-13 Ias dated June 2., 1941+, and the documents with higher IBN numberhad later dates all in chronological order. Inasmuch as the document to be idmtitied was mentioned on June 15, 19M, it muld appear that it was IBN-l2 dated June 6, 191414. III,IBN-12 The is Effect entitled oi Fluctuations "Fluctuations in and the the flow Efficiency oi 282; by K.of a Eughsm Diffusion Plant, M Part ' L -|J M MM 1-rigl M r e report It will and "be thatnoted mm-12 that ie the Part document 111. It to will be identified also be noted was the thatthird the docu-part ment to be identified dealt with Fluctuations in a Stream and LEN-l2 deals with Fluctuations ob N-2. It will further be noted that the document to be identified apparen deals with Diffusion and Diffusion method, and that ISN- l2 relates to a Diffusion Plant. Finally it is to be noted that it was the custom, according to the Atomic Energy Gommission, to assign the NEH number from a central source inachronological order after the project -had been com- pleted, though on some occasions the numbers were assigned ahead of time to , refer to a particular project being accomplished. The Atomic Energy Commission stated that the chances are that the numbers were assigned to the document in chronological order at the time the document was. prepared but that they cannot EJ be certain of that. W The informat on i'romFconcerning Rest includes a E is referenceidentical to with "work the on his author speci of the ty USN which document gives mentioned rise to the " by lief tha Rest It --' the furthenappearsBritish aspects. that Rest This has awould knowledge ofsuggest that Atomic he might Energy be a an British partic pscientisjisaeaarly The British Intelligence suggested four . possible candidates e for C $1 'identification - Idth the Soviet Agent Rest. '1'hqY are Rudolph Ernest Peizsrla, born in Berlin, June 5, 1907, arrlv ed a t N em Yor k on D ec , ember 3 l9l»3 t visited Los Alemos in February 19414 and again in Hay 1941», .ma1-rted and accompanied by Iuife. G. F. Keartonarrived in New York on December 3, 191,3, returned to th e [4 gl /Jr?/ wtbufm =2 /be n 7-44! >%w~$ Epq, lwéf,u;{, /2.4 z-//ya MW 5440/ 07¢-ivy/9/M 7' . _n ,. 7/az/yg,5.;/mg/;r_<> g/ft 4095'?/l7Z£1§¢7'r"7* F, .n¢.=c/M5!/5 5°- IHPSUJ 111; - 3 .. _ -._.- ~- - » iv "' _.. a _-__~--.~- I

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. . C 92 SECRET 1 United Kingdom on a visit on February 18, 191494. He returned to New York on March 16, 191+!» and final]; returned to the United Kingdom in Sqatember 19141;. 1>r- Tow Hilton B-oyle Slow-me arrived in New York, February 16, 191.14, he was born in London, lhmglsnd on December 5, 1922-'and traveled to the United States L

2 1931 onBritish at Ruesselhtenm, Passport #35235. country ail unknown, Julius the Klaus son of Fuchs,Emil was Fuchs, born who December.29, in turn , Q: .-A; born lav 13» 18'?!» and was aprofessor; idinglin Ge . ' --,1? .~. 4 ml Julius Klaus/Fuchs 4 - land so rife dmzw 1 ' m933 and from " 1 i 19:41 to 19143 was a Qedicalhohysicist at the University of , England. - - _ 0 'In November19143. he was posted to the Unitedj States on an Atomic Energ ' - Oonmssion mission. He arrived at New York City on December 3, 1943 and_p!__as&____'_/ "Posted to ak Ridge, M-lgut 1J4, 19414 and left for the United Kingdom from llontreal, on June 28, 19146. In correspondence about the administrative arrangements he was referred to as Dr. Karl Fuchs, he was closely associated _, ., l during his visit with Professor Peisrls.mentionsd above. Psicrls landed in -Z i the United Kingdom from the U.S.S.B. in 1931; and became a naturalised British I .._ . 1 subject in 19140. Fuchs became a naturalized British subject in 192.2. He is A" 1 now a senior research worker at the Atomic Energy Project at Harell, lan

The Britih further advised that Emil Fuchs, Senior, the father of Emil JuJ.i.u_s Fuchs visited the United States on April l9L,9 traveling on a temporary I .1 traveling document in lieu of passport issued in Berlin, Germazw on October . 6, 19107. He returned vie. the United Kingdom leaving the United States on ' l about June 15, l9h9 UL L

The British also advised that a reliable confidential source reported 92i that Fuchs received a letter in February 19147, from Hrs. Klaus of Harvard Z University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, who signed herself "your sister Kristbl." [- It also appeared elsewhere that the name was "Kristel". It was believed . 4 P°ssihle that her husband's first name was % ' . 4 The Bureau files reflect that the address book in the possession of Israel I-lalperin, Soviet Agent identified in the Corby Case, at the time of his apprehension in February 19146 contained the following mtry: land"Klaus Camp Fuchs, possiblyAsst. to comp!M. N.-CampBorn, H4 L., Grange Internment Lane, University Operations of $1-ivstelEdinburgh, Heineman,Boot- 55 Carve]; Road, Watertown." , The phrase Camp Iris enoircl loo-3142-972-3§ _ w R

.92 Ian :64 9 5'-1* ' i_ 4- M7 V .4 .- / 1 19% SELML1.

-4- ¢ i _- ~___d*i _4¢a_"_-.» 0 .. _. - a_. A-0 -'r-,-*1 i .»_.-_-_. . ~_- - " --'*-?! - I 0' _ ,-|92 3 ¢_ - . , 1 I . ' 3 O I

r - | 1 ~ Q66 SUI l // The Bureau files reflect a Sec ity Matter C Case on Robert Block ~ 3 Heineman and his wife Kristel_"Fuchs Heineman. The file positively re e , K 92 that lire. Heineman is the sister of Dr. Karl Fuchs. It will be note in 1 connection Iith the notations in I-1alperin's address book that Kriste Heineman resided at 55 Carver Road, Watertown, Massachusetts prior to January 9&1. In I other words Halperin had m address for Kristel Fuchs Heineman that s e 92.years old at the time of his appr&msionm UL - 192. The file on Mrs. Heineman reflects that she had the,- owing relatives outside of the United States as oi February 191.2. Dr. Emil uchs, Be , ! - father; Gerhard Fuchs held at a sanatcrium Jurich, Switzerland ~. brother, Dr. Klaus Fuchs serving in the English Army -1 mothe u, r I | A The file also reflects that Hrs. 1-Ieineman toldQniormant§éhat she had ! lived in Germarw when Hitler first came to power and that er ather and brother had spent some time in German concentration camps. She said that her brother a later went to Imgland and became a British subject. She described this . brother as a very brillimt. scientist and said that Einstein had smt for him to help work on the atomic bomb, and that recmtly he had returned to England. The le does not clearly reflect the residences of the Heineman*s. l It is indicated that they resided at 1141; Lakeview Avenue, Cambridge, Massa- A chusetts until 1914.1; and possibly until 1916. It also reflects that;in l9l.;h, Mr. Heineman at least had the address of 320 South Plymouth Street, Chicago, Illinois, which may be the address of his parents;¬K!6! W Inasmuch as 19M is the pertinent period it should be noted that according to the file an occupational certificate on behalf of Robert Block Heineman was filed at his local draft board on January 17, 1941;, by the General Electric Company, River Works Plant, Lynn, mssachusetts W By letter dated -July 18, 191414, Heineman advised his draft board that he I had applied for overseas ambulance duty with the American Field, Service, 8 I Newberry Street, Boston, Massachusetts. As of August 19b5, he notified his I draft board that he was employed as a teacher at the Antrim Public High School, '>- Antrim, New Hampshire. In May 19146, he had returned to Cambridge, Massachusetts I where his address was changed from 11¢; to 91., Laheview Avemne. This appears to x be his lest known address/.Fr u__ *l$ ~ _ 7» '| l The file reflects that Heineman made a trip to Mexico and registered at 4 J the United States Embassy on February I5, 19147, giving his address as Calls

1 4 Db MP i' ~ ' ' . . - 1 1-»

_ SE§{ 92;| Idelfonso 71. He resided at thieaddress mu lay zo, 1%? under the name of Authuro Helnnsn. Ihile in Mexico he attended classes at the University of-Mexico. On lay Z!, l9h7,he left for Chapels, Jalisco on a vacation Ihere he planned to remain until the end of am 19-'47. He left Chapels enroute _ to the United States on or about August 19147. During this time in Mexico, he Golden receivede Beach, letter Hollywood, in care Florida. of the United StatesThis was most Embassy likely fromfrom Alma his mothe1~/.#!/$9B. Heineman, "It has been determined that a captured. German document which appears to be a list of persons compiled in 19141 for the use of the German Arm in the invasion of Russia Lists the following: 4;¢Lg> » "Klaus Fuchs, student of philosophy, December 29, 191.1, Russelsheim, RSHA-IVA2, Gestapo Field Office Kielipf

H ®5'Gerhard Gestapo Field Fuchséf fice OctoberKiel.Q3J 30, 1909, Russelsheim, student RS1-IA-IVA2,A I "Dr. Fuchs, Jew, Director of the sick md in Ozernonitz, Russian N-Agent, Bukowina, RSHA.-IVE5, Gestapo Field Qffiee Breslau."'é-Va The translator of this document submitted an analysis oi the file numbers. RSHA stands for Reichesichercheitschauptamt, which is the central ' office of the Security Police. The roman numerals IV refer to the idepartment of the RSI-IA. The file IVA]. and IVA2, usually assigned to German Communists. The majority; former German Comlmmist Deputies and German Communist Writers, had the file number IVA2/ mjg! pt be the father A notation of Emil concerning Julius Klaus Dr. Fuchs Fuchs. is In setthat forth connection above as he themight file possiblynumber IVES scans to concern key GPU and NKVD Agmts, Es i ge and Military ts. ..

Bureau files also reflect that the follo u -3hW15h;persons arrived at page l63!l. Norfolk, Vi.-rginia aboard the British Navy Transport I-I.M.T. Andes on December 1 1+

Klaus Fan.|.l Julius Fuchs, born December 29, l9ll at Rueseleheim, Germany, British citizen, naturalised July 30, l9l.2;e,,,!' ® e u.

T15? s2'3'92¬T

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A . .-_. .._7 !-__._ _ . - I . _ . - -I - 5 . o - ,_,__, I C . a ' ~ 92 Christopher Frank Keerton, born February 17, 193.1, 1ustall,' A Staffordshire, British citieen;@,6- ¥!,,_1 . Rudolf citizen,Ernst naturalized mu-anPeiez-ls, bornJune 26,1940 5, 1907, at Lm®n KBerlin, Germany, British K Eugenia citizen,Pederlc, bornalso naturalised July March 25, 1908, 26, 19140 Leninpad, at Mn®n Russia, BritishW It was learned through the Atomic Energy Commission that K. Fuchs arrived in this country on December 3, 19143, and had E51! pass number 8795. ' It appears that General Groves had been assured by the British Supply Council in North America that all the British aliens in the United States engaged in work of interest to the»_1£EID had been cleared 117 British security prior to their departure for the United States from the United Kingdom. Fuchs was assigned connectedto nan Los the Alamos. llanhattan -He returned District to Project England through June 28, June l9A6@ 191.6 H was /At57>/1* According to the Atomic Energy Commission, Book II, Gaseous Diffusion K-25! Project, Volume III, Designed, Section 15, oi the Manhattan District History developedreflected diffusional that separation Dr. Fuchs was processes.one of a This group rqaort of British stated scientists that dur:Ln§who the period from March to June 1.91-41+ whichperiod is pertinent to this case certain manbers of the British group Measrs.C. F. Kearton, R. Peierls, K. Fuchs and R. Slqrme were stationed in New York, and on request from Kellex ' . and with the approval of the War Department undertook an analysis of certain theoretical series,which studies were helpful which were in anticipating summarized in problems a series of of plant reports, design.the MSN / ,9 - The Atomic Energy Commission furnished a list of reports prepared by - Dr. Fuchs which is not meant to be complete and which is not being mentioned here except to note that it lists one report prepared by him on July 26, 191.9, Thisentitled purports "Shock to beAttenuation a list of in reports Rods, report no.prepared at LAMB-2,02, Les 'Ala:m:%,._classified secret. The Atomic Eiergy Commission files also reflect that Dr. W. H. B. Skinner and Dr. K. Fuchs were cleared to visit the Chicago qaerations Office in November 19147 to confer with Dr. H. L. Anderson for a discussion of un- classified and declassitied aspects of neutron spectroscopy. The file reflect- F States,ed that Great Fuchs Britain had participated and Oe.nade: in dec ssiieation '4 conferences ,vfy among the United


d l 1161?

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>v -- -v ------__-1 ~..- _ - .. _ - _ _ . ..-_- .__¢-~..- .1..-._.;. ...4...-,. 1».-.>..- . _- . .1 _.-m-1. D -- -- .- - > -. _i______,____,-- -- .--.______. __.-.7, t U Q " " e~ 1 I .92 ..._ I .--.. 1 ' 92 I ' 1 ! A E i . r

gig? I 2 snz 1 41 ~ V asoozdcmrmimom ~ ~ I ments be It delivered tis recomm ed that the attached memorandum - 'szmmsrizing develop- wry - g Attached herewith is a letter to the Field to institute separate 95/ . espionage investigations on Dr. Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs and Kristel Fuchs Heineman. It will be necessary in the latte:-; case to develop detailed infor- mation concerning her activities in 1941+, to determine er or not they coincide with the information furnished oncerning contacts between Goose and the sister of $3 Ll!/pg

L P. SE" En 7- 1 ___ _ . - . a/i 0 ._ ~ f .92 . l92 -- '92n92ui:uuruu|vn.l4 92 ' - . x - _ _ J A "Oice Z;/Iemomndum3 UN TED smrnsGOVERNMENT ..:/V . _ ' . I * % :"5"H""' 5-TE:3: nxrm ' l September _921949 ' 26, I. Irt HQ Bo 92@ _- '' . U.- ~ Z5 »: i W,»-~."*F"§""/'57E'- B- an-. Whitaon1.. ; "R . née-lass pan.._I. N" 'ow! mm 'RT"" 19°- Karlmuuww cha "°°-"HIRED~ in 6* ~ "on. ~-_$"/ I'- I B. W-:_I£,F£'s.;mn':é!.:i.92.'.!§rLi92;|."T r 3»:-Q, EXCE?92>_ _ _-7 Lo , _ ~ - __m#'15?"?'bI There is attached here a blind memorandum Ihich~h§d""enI,»U. prepared for dissemination to their assiatanco ' in connectionwith this"matter. 55 . The a tlached memorandum identities the individual kn I. Fuchs identifieseiliE|-as 5 assied 5 WT! I. IR U- H. I. Q- '1 P1wh,i- A- G1.¢1¢¢fI_.__Lld ii II.ch5U k R,;:!;i__i 1211105 km in O92rnI92__i_ %°¢ni over eo oatas mil Juliusus lgK1 F I Theodoz-e%g, dsets out thatmmweei poaaib be identi__asq£'i£n"E- with PArthur e$§92ber ! W *.:*-;.*:::"-o o Q min now-51""-"' Recommendati _ n: 0' _ by '1n Om6:___i Deciassyon: n pig] 1 {- - It you approve, this memorandum ould be returns to Spooi .. .'_/ A _ ;._-.._.-.._.._...._...__-..___@_¢_.. .4--.-__ .. _ @ . . 1 _, ,__ _ . ' ' ' .1?----"T mi":--- L ' L! 5;.! - Y L 0 g_ ' - i A - 4,,.,.4».4L_ Ur A ' . ¢-4.L¥3$§27;¢{¢L- -=¢*/+1 Q1? H! 79 *D L RET 7/ 909 taint 1 it, sis 7!:/Zn,_ 95°!-'A5592F_Y. 1.. t /I hrlhuhl , ' A E7 17/ I //p?l'rP'v'"t'3 mu cumin u Wu 5-@%§g_%33~ ~ $%»<-,w| q~,,,%f";£;. e11<-w#-"-1 A En am 15 1$La,'am. m-mm tq . 1-qn-uquuvd 0! Soviet. Intelligence i~'..G.IL,Part III oi 1 damamonnur idmtiqd cl 1158- '. I $92icdooaantdaLodJma6,J.9MiIcu!11oIithbhn nminian and in mtitld "Fluctuations and ab H £mmAtom.cSnnrg_7 : ._____ Plant", mi Part. III qncitically rein-I to "Ibo ltloot oi Fluctuations Ln!-hol'1oIctI." byBritish lhocaig-utiaa&SRQ1,n:ub uho sure in Rn York City working fordamnlmlpropordon Atomic tau-gy rematch. The author of this doowaant is K. Iuchl, mo in actual]; Emil " Julius Klaus Fuchs, who Ll utually km an Karl Fuchs," Bo it I top ranking Britilh Atomic U! V lnturmation mmilaulc concerning Ron tndicatéd that he was a 92 Britith uicnt-int, inasmuch n he had 1.190 urniahad to the Swioi nu Inteliincnce intoramticm concerning British participativn in tha Music *5-:: _ ---_.: . 1'-.¢iergy dpvolopmuut. It was also indicated that no had a sister in the Unitud States 92 > indications that Rant was atualh the author .,_ at the ' - ~ . W-Q? ._;I Fail Julius Kim: Fuchs aha kmurn as 1'-u-'1 Fucba, ns born December 29, 1911, IL ihusollheim, Gurmw. His father, B2111 Fuchs was born Hay 13, 18714, and was pmtoaaor Ln Germany. -Hail Julian Klaus 92 Fuchs unto:-ad thy Unita Eixgcbm in 1933, and rm 19!;-1 to 1943, was B Q! . ~-v moéical phynulst at the Uuivu-city oi uningham, Englamb In liovember 19:0, no In daaignatod W t-MA British Government.-to com to we Unibaq States as a part. of the British Atomic Salary Cominlcn. Ha arrivgd a$,_ Nun York City on Dumber J, 191.3, and lint. go Lotilmoa or to isalciftiagu Tannosaoo agroup of in British mgult noiuvtiatl 19%. Tamils in in mothe period Unitud of Btatoa, lurchto Fuchs Juno works; on-aim the duvelopmmt. of diffusional operational processes vm-king i.¢ul:uJ,y °""-w1t-h thc Kaila Gorporatioa, inch no nu:-king under : Ii; .___ - .92 :f,,§;:'_ R.-I .1-mpnm= ml 9"." "H /lmm .1 A UL # »/;~W and Q: ,_-481? _ A I in nzcmiii

i- _i_- in E?w92* _.._..11-¬- Clnaaiczlrb S gag -_ 2 .»§;';Q5 3 J §RE P 1* .1 .. .. _ -»-, ¢ _ 1 . t_ _ Q L} .. _ _ I X ,'7 . . . _ ! * 0 _,_ _ D 4 i , 1 . .. 0 - , Y H?$. OP RET !ronbuu'u1.,Guudaon hm, J ' . ' k In Iovclbot ma, man up hook 1n tho nun: sum mo um. ad the $1-16130 Qvltiono Ottioo at the Atomic inc-37 Cockatoo. Mi that tin, be at-knead discussions rogardlug moloultlod and ooolouiad npootl of out-run ppocwonopy. Ho olno pwtiuptod in dechuiticntion oontonnooo tick in-0 him hold batman 1'-he Unltod states, 0:-out Britain ml Dunk. Nob! 10 prountly the senior nun-oh worker at the Atomic Burg Candlslon |:|'oJo¢bnt Baron, Eng1uz:l.r-My Fuchs ha a aiotor, Kristel Fuchs 8'01-noman, no prior to January 1951, raided at 55 Carver Road, ?mt.orbou|1, I!-lslauhuutti. Frau: approxi- lately 191,1, until about 195, the added with hm husband, Robert Block Human st Mk Ldwrio-n Aroma, Cambridge, Iuuohuntt-I. may prooamL7 reside at 9!; Loki-view Avenue, Cambridge, liasoaofmntta. Robert Block lh1rnmnhaoboonro11obJ.yreport0duoacnbaro!tMCoamm1nPai-ty, um. am.» or Maurice in 191/If 1;} The add:-an book of Israel Halperixi implioatod in tho Canadian Elpiomga network oontaltwd the tolluudngz "Klaus Poona, Mat. to I-5. Bom, B14 Grange Lam, Univusitqy of %inbux-gh, Scotland Camp poaulbly 0053;»; N--Camp um-u=u».~3..., lntorzumnt 1".-u: phrase Operations Camp L is - oncix-clad?WKristel Heinemn, 55 l2u'voQ._ Bead, ' '- In addition to the for-ogc>i.m a captured Osman document. preparod p:-crumbly by Gama; Counter Intel} {gonzo and which rohtu to Coarzmnist. Party mambo!-0 inuormny-contains the following: PA

"Klaus Poem, student at philosophy, Docombtr 29, 191.1, Hunse}.aJ--.e1.m, R53».-IVA2, Gestapo Field Office K1o1. 92;! Uilllpo "0rhard nae Fuchs, Office Gotcha Kiel." 30, 1909, M3- hunaallhdn, mmom. H

xx. 1| 1.» bu mm um-. Gerhard mu 11 am bu-other 0 mm Julius Klaus Fuatu,{! ~ *0! . I . n nqmuction with Rent, who furnilhed tho document 23:55-12 and g 4,: g|.92Jnss :13 can feud-92"N§"*"*¢ .s

-3- __- ...--- ._.._4.._.~.__- ..-_ ..» _- -- . -. _

' ¢ - 5' -.,.{ _- L3 ~ K2} I 1 ! 3 Q s Q Q 5 J

-92 I. A - -*~-92--" TJH 2 Q ugh; A Q. Q11. eludsl, e also moi! that Beet-Q Iietor In e ecnhetj , i920"hee e loientitie bock- "_ puma, tion method You with L11 reppeet ea-ml lahd dlttoeien prepu-lug of g o work on the Lb}px-o¢uc- _ '. Ieuuill aloe :~eca.11,9ue, Ihohuoot beonidnntifiedneeleo e contact of Abraham Bmthzxan, e Coaeulbing Engineer in in Iork City, iao fulfniohed ' It ineepioqnge thought tho inferno.he M poiHyiubeth identical Bontlqinwith 1Iu0.@ Arthur UL! Phineaa Sober, rho ie present. an employee of tho Belle: Wrporetion which ie engaged in work under the atomic Energy Cominion. Weber was horn kin:-ch 10, 1920, in Brooklyn, new York and in 1 oha-nice]. engineer. from 19M to 1942, he Iorked with Brethuzan fer the Hmderick zsanuhctuz-in; Company. ' From June l9l¢2 ho July 1944, he worked Iith Brotlmnn in the Cheanrg Deni,-ign Cerpu-onion, end according to acme information during A put. oi thin "period _ho was also working for the Kalle: Corporation. Faber list! onploymont with Kellen Corporation as a chemical engineer from Joly 19M to 1-larch 29, 19b6, and again from _-'8p1'Ll 8, 191.6, to the present. It ohould be noted that the Keller. Corporation nae closely working in 19514 with the British Scientist Z103? vrhioh included Puchan M [_z?»_*I&'§§ _ V~! _b _ _1 W in -believegit}: to roemliizoaoro t. to q:»5f Reilig, o I§e*o_e'Fn"iu,gult wm1, 51.1./,¬1¢_92a 6, 1897 Heilig Jo:-sqQ31 oned City, New Jersey and raaidao at 126 East Walnut Street, Long Beach, New fork. e is ma:-ric.-cl and his l'Ii.1'0's name is Lee Heilig. In November 191.2,. Hoiligg famed the T¢;i].Q92: Chemical Corporation. Phil corporation received Gaverrumnt contracts £0!: _t.he ti Lling of mctql bromide onpoulea. In July 1%}, Heilig formed thoiiogal Chmneol 60:-porntioa which received Goverment contracts for the filling of eeuynsol containers with ineectioide. The prime cmtractoo no the Bridgeport _ In zcbober191.3, Abraham B1-euun krthur r. {Saber became eelooiated with the Tadlee Chomiod Corporotivilb-iioing work for Heilig under o contractual agreement to .n'or'.; on an eutuutia hchino to fill eeroeol boobs. In on interview B:-otlman claims that in April 1.9M Hoilig offered to oak for a draft deferment tor 2-eber if Brothmn uoulolis-511 W01 $9 3611-£8 the automatic filling machine. rothmn refund to do this and broke up w1r.nuq1.11g. ~u_!" V Q ~:>".a»»=é=4 I are l.ILJ5'3oc:$ll P"/"""M~'b- '=-l'Z$J§§ 1/91» en:'l5-"*4 T 3A RET.

..-e 7*

§_.. ~,_ ,>.. _ » .... _ _ -.._._-A-_.._- _¢ __ ,___k__ _ __.,___ ,,_..-,--.-..__- a -- -4.»- .~ - .. -- 4. -¢_4 4...... -~Ql- ~ -~ i-_ 9292_. - _ .. .. _- -4-92 - F A Q - ff _ . , ,_ . - -' ' . - " ,. . '._.'>' - f - 1 ' Q. 'I . 1' X - . - ~ ' ' "... ,~- ---$1.4 __ ~12 4-92§_,,____!$ - _ , >53 _ ;- ,1 _ - - :5» .-1! ;*,T-:"fj-__- _ 9 f.;'__|'..-.-:.."L ~ f : jj-1 -. - - 92 »» v Q ' mm 92 nu: ¢ggg;*""*~; Rii _- If .a¢%' "'L - mi: ;E.'.'»' .1 _;:.»1»§it,*.'_»<"_3' .1-..92= »;* " 51 ~* w. -~ M 'W *% +x--.'I£S"A A 2&§§£:3' ""

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in|:uuna_|a|uuu|~nna|92nanuIni92n|hw_l!,929:%|L tun!-Ialztihul ' muuumnly 3 92=-»-=:=¢»-1-wn,-u»iiyouizltl-klin . nu!-in-~ . ' - Ila. tunic-vnnnuyntallailtrunmu .||Iud92n

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_.. . J _. .. __. ._ Y. »-¢~4 *"> """ ' . *_ _,, -..- ~...__ 4;- _ -_..-- .. _ . | ;L ' "-. l4.v - _, . .- - .-/~ _ , 92-'-.f --, .. _ .1 . . 1 __ _ _ . *._ _ , "_';.. H _ _ v p "' 9.: 92.;':-jziii '~ .:' ' I -4 I L =92 .r .5-I-I '"1 _ .};_-1;¢1u:'>-';~_- .1 --' ' '" "'_ 92- >'3""~:"f.f J I _ . -'>._~< .1 , I I > > W 92 l

0 92 u 14,19-u,mxuvm I|m=;m,n.a.,:u-¢ - -Qffmaj 'yg q up ma-on 1 J Ma ms .um: _A _l|:_!.660,_ A 1

u q. %:mr . an *- -" I1. ms. *:."'~...,.,...==»-**".:*".@...... §~'=NM MW I!-_=~»» pi-¢-3 tun 92hI:'c"ioakbnquorqun¢ II! lulu, tlbtvnlnltornnlainvtnittha 1/

-M Jiml 11, 191:5, IMhl' "?*f"" hum, Ohbilu, haumaul. tho manta Ijl92l1¢:I_il!l1392O1I;~Dv - "n. o-an 3&6. no tip:-u hm bnhnnl It 4810 M, HM; 4,! * _ Inlunzton uid La raquluted to mm: In tnvuttmttion at 92»@Il§O1i0_ll1vI1'I1nl thelaughafllnhrolqnoathln auvttill Sq Iuhingtcn, D. B. during Jul 196$!-u92 nr. lnnolph Auauumsmaazp-M-»¢1uunnus1::g92»_u"m4 -3. vialtadllpncotogothurunaprz vuitm u-191.5. qunmqmmzmnommommzumixbw i l9I~5 as 5% ay _ .1-mu-an * sq-on mm sum-may 'urn: =- the Manic morgy aclminicn npgltal infatuation tam the records of it-0 installation at Ina Alma to the aoat that Fuchs no at Inc Alamo: {run Donablr I944 through the latter part at 19156. I On liovanbcr I2, 19%, mm nut to Inntroal, mun, fur ha dpyn tor tho p1IJ'p0II at azmamg 0 pontarana with mp:-cunt-stinu or u » * British org|n1nt.1nn." no ntu:-and to nbuqnn-qua, In lludco by air 92 mum-mu, 191.5. ludnn92lut.dat06cplrhdI0l'II1eu6;y- no X

n|1nI|:1.ooc1t7h~anlavauhu-84ionoanbu-»O,L9£5,torthop:rpou otnunnlng. Ituuallo rnportodthnttranrahu-nn7l1920?ohrnn725, l 1945, Fuchs III on u nation Ind viaitd n In-I. llotunm, I-44 ukovin W Avenue, Olnhrmgu, huqahuuttc, R! 92 ' nu Maia mug cauunen mum tb 92 " - " A-~-1~ ~' ~_-~~ ~'~4--4mJ~~- ~ _>_=~_-._.. >1 -~, -- - _.* __a..4 . .._..- ___' ...---___'_. -. - ....:- _ > > : K . w ___ .; I ',_,~:fi-2%-_ . 1 ' 92' -I _- - . " 3 .' _, I L3 92 Q - ' I - 92 ; - I ' -. __ '_ _,_-J-.1-_; 92~»:".__-,n -1;»: _- -' J I _ -, - _ - T v I . 92.»_--r=" ' ~ . ~ 1 - ,- 1.. ~ .' 1 .--[:1 -.-I "'f "?'7_?!I.-:.j'§7_7._?__"!:".-':_'__ >_ .¢-T- ._ z~-§'.~7-i;q-w,--- ., . .* , A . . . I . . __ --.- ,1-~ : . 1 Y . -

I 1| i Ill-I1! Ijl I '11; EH11! D Q p RN. ' 5.: 39510 . - - _ .1, /1-

1 . IQ ~

» Gm-nciwuobothuubjootontlhdnmngykl - . 0- 'maM1nuuuyI1w0£uIvunna:92lw1.q=|o17vns¢I92lnooaduchlcnnou-n1n|l|nn14I$.1tr0d6m'n0y.¢£.Q ' '

I awn-uvum1maumu19a§@u~n '.l0ouH£n¢Ml.nfo:a92t1an'auln1.'thtl mm~u.$y,a~mmn,am» MnI0l.I luau-aw 1,1:-mun jun nunmumnu may-oaaimm aim mum-"y haunt 5, Ihtycnntuhthlywbc avian,"-nmum.. ,condangozth|rough1av1a


92 92 I ? 9'1"?! m _



4 0. curacy goon:-on Q llibnhlp In the WWW v- wealth ltratqv In-k 8&7. Ill Ill @0306 in ! _ . nun-ah and ppu-cat]; III uaociatad with vb 2011011121; urn about 4 __ _ ._,, _ A __ ~--..,,__ __A_ -~ _ ., _- ~__._ ___ _ .>.. - _-21-. - _ .: ,_ _-. - -. _ _, .-.'- __,___*.__5_¢E:m: ... -J 92;- - -:-:-3. r-I-:;,§!._¥.>_:_q_v::__{7,l|-;q:;:gf" .-.1»:-. .- .--=1-.~ <.. __ I -. ~ . I E..- . --. 92 __-I - - _, /-A --L _..,,. ._ ' . ~.--.E*-:'-.--_£-.__;-. -:- 92 I, _ - _';> . -- -__.=~- 0;,-_;.:;, _ v . ,_ I -.»-., _ '|§'_ -_ _ -3 1-~, _$_1_~_:-|__;L_ Ev; _;._. -*3; . -A _. . _ _ 92 J; /3_ .A _ '-. _ -2 1 _>__ 9292 - 5.r - .. .' i . £4 .. iv!-§:f¢* 31' .*' ' __;- Z _ _"'~¢5'1 _ Q.:$~ ~ .- ~-. '_f>_u;921 11. __..¢ . Q " ' L I J, _ -114'? .,.. '1 ". W 92_92 A . _,. u;_.,_.;;..~;g§'J!:;;¢§;_ .» .--.~.~92¢~' @§rj . ._. M, _=.'~_;-, > ;,§,=4-3-r¢§$m;__ $51? ,IT. $4; §5_¢.~, _-_. I <- .}-.~. .~ 92-. ~- V *~: _.~_ _ _ 5.}-. _.J.~;»_4 ,3.. - . .. " > ~ '.n --92_ .4. ; -. _ '.r__ __ 4. - Kn -w

M; oeuaa 15, 1956 u 1910; um-mu,tn92l920Il_|_l:_|ntl.|a1' m@ m __ unna. cn1l.cl!l'='hi|nd.n1 - -Q...

tqtdl-_ §QIl"lll&¢lllO§IllI land» A t;,hI.Hua,8nI7hnd- Iorululnod unuap¢1m. - ,;!u;, . . h aaconawau, Il¢l|I.II92ubI=:.:;thntollsd1§ id§lIdd'¢ni.l|92-10:017.!-l.-uup,I»o|u|92,!n'c4' u_ ,I-unuynnlltnula~ ' 1 lhurr:'t1nm::an::q,MId!0,htdtoluuq,inuo am1quu,:?¢; u:'uamauu.1num:m.niu»~a1umau;a1m omen. &ppn&;;tld.|nplqIllll.lltll&M11§3,-g!|,g, 19lA,Ihonnthnunuutivonucrotu7 !Il'kG192|y,Ih1lIhh0diII1tls|&i aloifthihlndilnitlnk "' dnhrdnhudnlqu1 1 _-Inn 3.95 to 1987, In. Ow.-my Qho lutltuh pl cal, I hit "SIM: Strut, In In-k _ . M110 tho md Ixntpunuuutivuln_ npaoplnenitlbou 1.nf.t:at.a'1_m-athonrgntsatlonand 0ouln1aumnCo|nn:d.ut.Qwatkb¢-Inn: hlvobvmuuecontnl Ln irxttltratimluto 0101011 positions

Aooc1n1doqm1utuuoottho°92lPM7Ipd.or92-o19&5,c:pnun:l Haul:-0.0m-noynon0cnmd.stqyqn92hhu-. his buns! honctstlutlx-a.0m'nwlpolnahou$nnoro1at.tu:cnLpc 92 '. L ~- . -~ >» ..-4» ..-¢ - L _-- A»A;~*-,;_~- ~-~ -@_, ,> ,, _ __,i _________| __ 92 , . xi . _ . I 92- IIAwnuu Penna-1&0: - _- '7-5 92 " 92 _ 2- . I s =__ Qi Mém0VdFid m - UNITED sures GOVERNMENT 0 .5 s _ re _ = m-. n. s. mas H ' one sew am, 191.9 i - l U P,-0.; = Hr; n. B. Fletch _, *_ K y I ""°"7"'_I. u 9 mm-"r= n|11.'.1u$_:c Dr. Ker he cm-," eke; . - ' " E ' -4': 5'-r;-Ii '___ "_ 2 ISPIONAGE - B. 4 "Qt 'AI-L tmmarroa conunrm ""'@':. Q i PURPSE: _ _ WHERE. 522033: |'_11'_q5:Qm5-|- . i I The purpose of this memorandum is to ohtain your epprovel to advise $ the Atomic me:-gy Cosmission or cex-331:1 aspects or our investigation on I '°° M b3°°*' 6}'7§J92'ss|r4s0 "H92oecssrons rmauzzo Bacmnwm, _ _ »Am avseen MENT no/new M R Q, ] . Jig ~ received You are snare that o nhsrein estigation we learned oi Fuchs that is on ed l est on'1n:<>1-m.1<>n covername!! had furnished o a o e p onege ent in 19M, a docume t regarding P ,,, _ Atomic Eher designated as USN - 1.2. X Upon the receipt of this information we@ -' Q rent to thekomic Energy Commissi and identified the document and found / Fuchs was the author. The identification of Fhohs use based on this inIer- !¢.__ 92 nation. The Atomic Energ Commission also through liaison furnished us - considerable date of interest concerning Fuchs. llr. Rolender st the Atomic .I g Energy himif Commission possiblethe hes results requested usof amr through investigationthe liaison we have section ccnductqaéy!to furnish ? In vie! of the tact that we do not xgseminate to agencies informson 92- <5!ohtei.ned to the Atomic £1-om erg theress o furnishing has them n prepared the result e short of our memorandumin'vestige- L - _ tion excluding the basis for our investigation. You mu desire to cons er t1@_ed!;ig_eb:|lit[ or discussing this matter wit or o approving - l i§§ the attached letter. ii S " ""." W 92~ 1zncoma:nmx1'1oN= - £""":p£ q i P- 9'.*"L =92*"--*~*-"c . through It liaison is recommended the attached that nunorsndum we do furnish concerning to the Atomic Fuchs .05 Energy Commission. Attachment: .,$_ _ , .RJL:gn|n . _' RECORDED-131:1 - *7 F6-- ,;z¢/ Classied by 54 PW/lmw @,§§,EY§§'2n?¢§ 12 0012¢m::»

ta - / Y. EM 1:-0:1 Classifier; E.1: __h!:_;j/ ET.L,%.L*"|"92 411/ g D @$e"- //u . 2_ 1iif§££5;Z gwssgésve .. - -- _ % :25 _ _ 4 * l ,4 - en ¢§frY{-¬£7 " - K ___ _ ,__ >__... -

IO I*5 1?." 1,!

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FILE: 65-58805 SECTION: 4 ___,.'_..__..---~ --- is _92 1 2.-- .""-x 92' . - 'I ~ _ ------92 _. - -- - -* ' . >-., 92 _. .-B 2-_ *.-. c " Q, "-+:'.J I J- .3:§"J-4-_;.§;:E3|-'-.4 ':*,, . t -' 1 , I. 5qT7:':.f; 50 1»Q-I./IQ '_' V4 '92l t- :='E-- ' . 9292.'_.Z _'.-e -/AMi-1-.!;='r.-?=$;:,~# ~ A _ ._ »~*¬Y--4i A - ..92L '»~ ---~12 __!-'-0"-r;-9:41--~ . --i -- ~ §- M l '

, EC!-F c s - . "i k H '1? W j' i:<_§/ T _ ._ _¢,_ _ . -/ _November _7'f,i9bZ¥_5§E' 2 . 7 . / ".'E-.~n;i. O . ', - ~3-I _!''=92:{- _ ---~'F;. _-;_:.'_. r. l 49 5 » - *3 ;;.=.. . e _ A " t 9 A feranco in madeto our8/9801. October dated 29; 191,9iftoutabove named the indiv1dual.@1,L » An episode had occurredihich: K. to some extent -J 1" modifies our previous thoughtaoh this subject an92iv-'hich ' '5 mayn any wayofferan opportunityendangering the of source interrogating ,0FUCHS withoutb I f I Officer at FUCHS Harwell has Wing recently Commandersought Arnold! the 'advice.A_o!' with whomthe Security he is on good personal terms. FUCHS explained to Arnold that his father, who is at present living at Frankfurt, has been offered a Chair at Leipzig University which he wished to accept. Because Leipzig is in the Russian zone of 92. Germany FUCHS said that he was worried about what effect t1S might n&V6 on his position at Harwell, and that he had come to the conclusion that Arnold ought to beiaware :1 of theposition.W@@! 92 ' Arnold, who probably Knows FUCHSas well as anyone % does, reported the conversation, stressing that, froze FUC=iS t"1c-mostuch e coni ioence was and root reticent unusuei self-sufficientisince of he isn.=en.m I Q} ' '., ._ .E:¬}-.i,§¢'{|-om1 atcgoryZ / GD DilluuI .-:cc;:92.r.-¢~ 4 ..11 ' on "" of HUB . 92 _ ? -, _ % _ _._ _. _ _ -__._i_i¢__. v-_ - - -1 ¢ ._ V - _ | 4 u n

1y . af - _ '. 1 2 Y - > -92. at _,-"A 192.cf.:-"Z .?¢-- / ' - ',_,¢Z7fZ? . - "@Fm?? --;1:».>92?:'1 »92__.-92,_.____. 'FH!rq@m*~-. ~~" ' J -R F ----_. ?f?->, , ,- ' l "L2,;-.;_-__ K;-fit. .. L _ . _ 92- -u --» ix , l .. .. 1 R _ ._~_ _ . > $ » } '* r '_ '~---::+~. . : ~ . S. 'V , / - 92 - _ 3!! . I -

. . . II .. 2- ' 22 <-92 _ *%$L faudr Headquart s a examining the proposal that Arqoid qight again intorvio ,EUGBS informally and, by - 1cidLn3§ha conversation round to a-ciscusbion of how. - fqggpoaic behave if the Ruaoiana did.app1y yrossure = thrcu3h.b1s father, so load to the diréct.§estion of wnothor FUCHS had ever come into contact with Russians or with members or the Communist Party. It is Just 92- pcaaiblu that such a talk might load to a confession if.- FUCHS really wants to unburden himself about his past. But oven it he does not oonens to Arnold-no hope that, .. on the basis of the attitude he adopted, our Headquarters _§=j would be batter able to assess their chances of success I 1 IH v "_ 92 were FUQH6 later-confronted by a direct aocuaationrin o .2 in a rormai no way interrogation alert FUCHS £01» '$his compromise preliminary the source. bijstep o uld it r . latest development. We would ap ® reciate 4 your comments on this A!

.1-pin -'.>._m:-..--:__

4 A

- - -<- ..---_. .._-__. _, - . .-- _ _ _ _ . - J 1 -I ' " ~ ... 3 -" .= -.-_~ 92<»~e92 = -@-- ¢ A A» w ! » - --'~-y7.*,.¢ I B 1 / 7 ' . WP , a 92 _92 LL ' ' CR Inna-r 1.4, mo V 92 92 W¥'P**""4Y¢%, * i%** % % .»-_~:@m-111.65»-5'5/$49 " . @- A V. .'&i#§;!8'ILl Iwnonlllulltoyour that 2:11 Fuchs apps»-1:30;! ilk '0/1noonnum»u7 } =~9292* WHO! at 5 ,'lq1nnd,I!.92btho1atn:-an|t10lI92hl92_IlI@lI1lIniM»920 aaaptahntrctlalpgnlvurnbyhtblpndiinilun-m'» f aaihlhtrldahmtndflil-dklkhqphrQ06 " plnnllttytl alga i-~. Qdonnwfatlqhuowmxwnsd ounldtuaw »u11=gnuuuwuu;n.1@==m1u T or.-0 Ln ht! @311-wllnt Ihule father all prucairnmoo LnmoicI&otuph|n,adwvJ.euaamnI orlesa uratadntdwmacu. Fruanh-019015 amt, i . zizlccnucloudnnumwnotcantrulacrlhllaqulawwonldpoaslbzy '3 -ppouhhlnhbzheuatnlwai unavoldnh-hnLtuaLunur&ai.ng' tnmnclzuuntunuhquaaruauatml. _

hinonaobjontionwyoar _ A_ hénaiumtionod Lnaurmaurnndmdabcziéavamberi, 1 N6; sin _¢'O0lluttho action" " of ma hthlr allows aa by.-vo2'%=n&ty 92-<1 taltltuh UM-In lain an i_.nf<>rm1. ' or an-Iattaining gculnl lilcnsina the urtglnal nbr.-at neuron his tanking: at an: ialonitl Ilthmt that nIe1'..&1m- - '" - 1.03-ml London,M-tubaHqxma _ L rm-4;» Sluice om y 1' ' if

._-.- ,1- ; Jo |_>. v . ' _... --*-~ "-;- .,-or ,-"', Q 4/ 4 "'10- 3 .. Q Mr Ladd Qgk- . '_ ,. _ . .,;..|./,r?..1a?I-92-~ ft -'1 »='--4? _,~';Be_£_ereno,e . is =ea<_l_e_ ;!;6j'1929 " ~92 * Q am! previous cox-resp'ondeo'oe' SEERR V1 ,_., 29, '~ ; n 3% rmauzm _ 117 {s above named indilidualt by U - _ _ "" eadquortere"'e1§fh¬§f§f @533 opinion that ..-.. ;Uh.' 1igh~t'o!j informa ti on r eu lied -A 7b you ,_, FUCH . has * J proved »be o In e_one*bhe*>;>qméjit.o;M1d.ig1 Tjl >,~ ov e r _ agent _ REST _ and iey feel -that,-the __ time has now c'o*me*to-mike defini to - recommendations . ' _,for action ,-*1 *e;9.v_P,r.1%,=1"~h *?#!*¥<392*-?1»_°»1#.»!!.§..@P$! "'.i.3;;i;" ii y>' 'A 'Ie know that in 19A£'*"FUCHB-ids a Soviet agent. Our Headquarters have no evidence that he is operating as a Boviet agent today. After some weekad the fullest -_ ~. ~...n_. :,: tn t he is still gcoverage nothing has emerged to suggest at 1 a J active," nor does he appear to make any oontac a 0 contactsusp icious dates kind may . occur We fully at most realise, infrequent . ,however, intervalsthat his There is at pr_e_eenti__n9__gy,i,den,ge Jhich could " be usedtop1"'osecute' "hiinin a court of law, and we cannot specify any period of time within which, by continued investigation of his case, we can guarantee to prove C beyond doubt that he eit.xer " is or is not currently engaged in espionage. Wk __ ,- 'In view of the above our Headquarters feel that they rare bound to advise the appropriate authority t, *1at A -an the continue e d m p lo y ment of FUCHS at the Research Station K at Harwell, England, represents a grave riax to SGCJPI ty, 92- _ and the t i n consequence he V should , be removed from 1t. L9 it . | E2£ .LGT»-.-EZE.. - e 9 We 1ré;+.sie.»r-:33 ti rm» sum £593 r 4 I: 1 C2 Clneledby P, "J§%/I/4,11 $ii'{¢i'59 I Date 5"'"P'n|3cclae B-19 in ¢~=*vB'<:ZwL,Z,2 ' 117'» " Pldhssity on: DR .. -..._ _ 7 . . .1. . - . I: ' . ,5: I -. !L,.1 "I *- I _ <. l- t W / A xx, . I ~92 PH _. 1' ' , fr ;'- . -' y vi _ _ ' , . I 1 - 92 '_' 92 ' e 921. e _- _' e tgvsitiiii - 2 , n ' Before our He'adquarte make this recommendation, however, they have asked us-"Ito present to you the full facts of the British aspect of the case:A® _ - ' i! Our Headquarters are fully conscious oi the ' A factthat the -case of FUCHB is only pert of a much engaged,-_ larger investi tion M upon which It . you are 1! That the-position and status oi PUGHS is such that the operation of removing him "-from Harwell, however it is achieved, will certainly 1n_volve~ supplying him with some explanation which may in fromturn an interrogation. develop into somethin not bk far removed > Our Headquarters believe that in all the circum- stances an interrogation of FUCHS is, in fact, the step which is most likely to lead to o satisfactory solution of this case; and it is one which they would like to take as a part of the operation for removing him from his work at Harwell, Before coming to any decision our Headquarter B .3 are anxious to obtain your views on the proposition that FUCHS yourcomments should be on interviewed, the following and, questions: in particular, to M.-have ! Do you consider ~ that it will be possible to obtain either from the source or from your 92 current investigations, for instance, into 1 the ElNEEANs or HALPERIN, further material implicating FUCES and useful for the interrogation of him? ii you consider further material will e com e b ava a le, is it possible for you to develop? indicateW when w urtner evidence might 1! Since an interrogation of FUCHS, whether "or i92 not supported by further evidence will involve J a consideration of the risk to which the source might usbe clearance exposed for would suchan you beinterrogation? willing to give .'- ,+-.92 ', - 'f.92 < - 92 s._ I I I I K; I I he sum l 92 J / A - . 92:92 ..__92 -<- " " "" t 0 e

an t 92 . . "w ' . 92.__. t . 92 I ' - K 1 .. . a J 92 a ' r" f no-further evidence is forthcoming, 1 our _r_te s are of the op_1n1on that s plan can be t- , 4¢v1'asd' tyle interrogation of FUCHS baud on information - provided by you._ For instance, you may agree that the information from Israel HALPEhIN's-address book, the tact that FUCHS brother-in-law was a Communist and the informationmightbe cous_¢a.'1;5! tained the captured > A German documents 1 , ~ t .s.,.-§.Our Headquarters wish to assure youthst they will await your comments before taking any action in this matter,urgency of thethey need tobutsure take are action you to that removeappreciate will the immediate % the danger to atomic energy security, both British and American 92


Q . 7 Q ' ' i if J. . _ - 7»:-11"" I _ _ _._ , I-V _ A _ _ J , 1 - . . . 0 I _ __ > - - }.' I - v - 7 .1 - 9*-4! 3 ., ' - .>_*' -l---- - ._..- ,. ' a i Qce Meiafdndm - uiwrnn STATES ;O92I:i3§Rb?1:i92h.~1Tfif--~ 1'0-" . nae-._ use -F om, I amt» 2,;191§9 A ROM = Ir. . J3. Fletcher /J . 85 I . ' v=mc'r= rs _EPImms; sun. JULIUS xtms . I W » A; emmea Dadasm . ,L¢%2z/'/pali . i J , ,:u_; 4,! wept 7/P/1b é. '.. . ._ ;., --' e so of s nemopandaan is to call to your attention the 5* / o _ mieuea ranitica or mmrmauazi our investigation" October oi!-his 29, ease 191.9 connection with the I . ' 1= nacxcmoum 5! 5 H ii , " 7"; . "3 . t, Gib- 92e " | I 1- 92 L!T!."5 1- ', I" . - The information w §i1oates th ollouing oonneotionwihhache t 'aoi tv yase__ ov pnag io e Ag : Q ___ - '1. om Goose Sovietcover name! was using Kristel she I-leinemang _92 as a out-out in the Espionage activity. We have instituted an go investigation to identify Goose. This may take considerable time ' and the effect at an interview with Fuchs on such a.n.investigation" 7?, ~;" -e is problamatical. _ -'1-_--l_:: 2. We are active]: {>92¢L¥!investigating Kristel Heineman whether thi _ will develop information of valueooncerning Fuchs sill depend I on our ability to trace her activities in 191;-I; which is difii I but perhaps not impossible. Ihile this investigation nub be -1 3! jeopardized, a successful into ew h hone will materially 1 , - g92 - assist this ir:vestigation. 1,4,! A v Q . I W-e3._ We are instituting an investigation oi the Ten who received Q __' 3;}; espionage data from Fuchs. There are indications that the Ten " were Soviet students in New York City me were being used by theE M 414 11.0.3. The identity oi these students are not known to us mt. pd; 5- ! 11 i Minvestigation may identify them. In 0.1 likelihood they have returned to the and therefore an interview of Pu s -_._ P M. probahly would not in any way Jeo so this investigation. :__z;=§; - ' ' - - t -=~-/,1-*.-f 1. _.,_ § I_ to mu; 111.1 be m right as we" are eoncernqt. j- e mo: on-t the current attached investigations memorandum cannot ti désernrlned A also with.__ _degree;o.f that at sccxii-agzp all cos ? ,}.-Kg???92 the origiml source gust eo " A -,. 1/ Y" :1 _ "-L Attaohmenteé I _ ' nail} m. .1/f//4_~ .-/; .-o---» ~ Sémm;@ ". em,-' . 0-414-on in WZ:-pép,/KA L 92

-'~ <---» ¢ ------_._.--1._.-...;__,___4______' __m J _

1 92 Q6"_ v '"I ' ~' ». A. *'- -"1 . % _»~ ~. . 92- §- " ti ' W a . . -I I £2-¢ * 92 3'5? .- / I 6 !M P» W» , . 92"P**;J, A_ , 7 T:-£F1*92 F

n 92 j7fv_45" 3-2 A %'§y'& L! an bl 92. Oeuw-or 29; ' 3-fvb _ La " nub the inaphlenodnlndlvl A . f I In

thelurathz lg Io.l@0and|w920l1Il|lG>QIiAc;wmrdmlIw -u aammaairnznsunawazhhanunquqnnlpunrcn-rut mn-rim. l92lQIIt1l'bIJ.1ottbattha0l{0¢92ll'l&!I'0gatino£ - 1kaOt&Illl.lBi-1-|92Llul8fI~llIS¢1YIdlIbl__*$H'J009- ax-di:c¢.~ku92a92I92QI92IIlt1ln1t£cr0a11|adt!a$l', lnlllvicw af Fueiu ldmt later-LA1ll.: main that invoagatlan. Q tn In nu nalaubinlyat the bu netlong!-hr. um. <.~u.r we imutluilaa an at I001 Goose Q Ilium! and cl:*.u1:;o to 11 M Illnil taking, mum: um rnqwll in I1 an the haLa92-. vt more in-nltipttans. we are of mu-so lupchl tin. an unau- = - _, qatlmb vb]. . prvlih mu with additional an ctnlul bqlv-'* -1 1 mg, luau hlulvnnt in mm zap t aura '}1.:m¢. such manna» an he nrzllabla ¢ amdm mm». _ ,-- I1 - -,- Q wznkouvmmyuanwaeaaim. 1nl.%olt.21c1uavnnaw1aMqp4wuch6£92u'tce11nglrao. Iouanof uhliyamn __' of um asovudiaulpwvhotix-4; A an aasi.nLhel'$d.h.lIc»ur~¢0oI- 2.11.1: lmwetignktalu HI tn:-M Q-;;-twiate being hupt advild Of lhl nation gas um Itkh '-* ' -.¢ °'° *° " --?¢<>92u1 L--n

cc - Legal Mai-who AI.-L Irrumurzom cmmmni I d M._w ~* ¢. Ww» Fnahd mmxs xs urmnssrrzmncm Fox-sign Sarina Bax "PW-RE !?F4'?"'i5 D1!-l£5:Ig!51<;_ " 8 RJL:@1 L % % n-18

i it_ 0 ¢¬£{§¥Y;E¬% cuss: on 25x W ~__°' %7 1/4! 1 mp [T f » .re,zu V,/:4J4,/2/" /_ Cg,,;;{i¢<1 S9 '' ,-I ' J _ I X 92,.' r a _ I hemp33* dagclab {mm gp ' _ _" eg0f'§_'L|:3.-I-2:1 'l _,..,. H 92 9292 ¢I. _92 92 ' - .._ <_~.-_._....___,&.._-.-_...-.._ __-.__ _

92'92 ~ ~ , H I-M»~' 2 92Aiwoay

16-man "I /'*%=-5 $8 1 **+,. b u 2 3."? "X" El llovmzber, 19499 ""7 : '6-l%:92 In


keterence is mace $0 your memorandum 7481 ated October 25, 1949 about the lbove named indiv

lth reference to the final paragrap of your letter, GURt~.':.! visiteathe Atomic Energy hesearcn Establishment, daruell, on Boptaabar 10, 19$? in consequence of a provloun-tasitation to do no by 1r John Cockroft Sir John Cockrott being lbset at the time, bdhbi was rpceiveu by Professor Herbert kinner, in nis capacity as bir John"! Qeputy so mvt §dCdb, among otner scientists at ddrell, §oCJS appejr to have assisted bklnner in conouctinu hi"round tn»est.ab1i=»hment.]@ lu CUh.H£¥'s cor.t¢ct with FUCb upgears t*1181 re t.'~ now0 en only inc1de~at.=l in t>== Cu92...1Se of an official visit to th A.b.n 1" Tne on_1act *"'- ,. CL the vlsit was ae~cr1bed as "unciussifiea discuseione H , n . it is come;ue*92tu to b» assm ac toot uU:*I E1 Q: a'~~ Mg"? not givenccess t1secrnt lnformhtionLE? LI . . -112! us nmuzio ms BY cussmeo 8' nzcrsro m mmag Q <1; 7 D2534 _ $ 37 , . s J; =1f_%L1 {-'¬'P'*?r1 rt . N r 2 Q49 I .gil mu ¬Lu,~x» 4~uo92|-1:-M.=' F ¢9210115? * 2 Clanihed3* w/'a/ by 1 I ? Exempt fromCD t ' Z G bme of 3¢»°li ifs:-mo ~. ML sariU ~¢43 E3RET - --<--.» _.._._.-.-_-__._~_.. __..-.. - P - .. - ~ ._ _ ,_ _ - ..< -. -,- m F-Ir»

/~ ~- A . <1 -.;-E _->- 92 '5. ' --'1'! ._- 1@§'>"'-"5 - - " F . "1 ' ". - --. . - ~ . 3-Ii. . .- -L s - 1 _ 1&8" _- _. 92 _'- , _ _v-Q . <'!1';3_1_'f:92 .:_-,,-;.- ' ..__. .4, __ 92 yr . . ._§;»A :._. . i-;_:-_;_;.-;1T - _'+" _' 1"; _ by;-;q T" - » sq 1 1-ii :$g*"1;f;_-f--._ I ' -- I. , -a -. -. 3- .. '. .92 __ _- » '~* . 6 . ,, .. _. I ¢ P V -- ' 'RE ,u-yr i<§eo=1p§;aZl§iii P§m[I.?:.i/ an-¢»a.1mv'_ . -. , ~ ¢ ~---7~Sn7,:L.-an ,,§g£Qg¢y.:/ ,_ may - f " . sen - E. I 1- I '';f";'..,> hI92nl0l92&'&¢l&liI31. .,:!., llnwntlatlqilnl 3.: . nnnniQLn.l.lIdpcnus¢ ».~»~-~, 4.1 92,_> _ .

.,_-Kai:1-sea? W *.

92 ,.,_ ghtutttnt _-. dth lathe 7 villi Ii-Ill

_ hltqtannll " ~ EVLagn|n ' ll

lam: amor_ §::*:::":m, 152. ousss % V %B;#§,{:_°-_-$4-j44/ In _ - ah I r :7 I ,- _ ._,,, . __ 1:,/M vi 1' 4 fl 2' -V ~ A I. .< " '3 H no L . ' .' .1 uz-IL H" ' -'7 4' _ ' ",1 , /It J;-A "Li.- new/nun-=" . /I/.[ 7 | . E a ,4 »W , L-_ < " ascmeu~uv921 B0 ~" { u1|_4-- .__i --v-1- 'NOV 251949 en. 2 "am / q-ii co; -FF! ' § 92 T ., Q f @ * ~ udéd . mssw gqgz Q," /aw H.- I 5.2.. _ hm 'A - 9'"=1, Dana! lump . 1-mam, -- K 594415851 _ ~j':'ti? _ -> 7, .>_..¢92->¢-.---A-4-4é@_l->-¢_92_._ .1 .- _- va- . U --,-_:r~.i., ' 1--'-"*"'"92',~ . ._L, ,-%**@W?"" - ll __ _ _ I I - 1 1 W . H v. _ e I _ . _V '_._ _ _r Q>- - . ' I I-if '_-7 ____S;-1 '' Q Fpv;,. _ "5-xi7 ~ 1 iii: I,5*-1 V_ ,1: . j,_' -2;1, '_-st- _ I » "I . I , ,! __ I _1 Q: , _, ,1 _ ..>~= - ___- . '.:3» ~,.-. r,-hj/aft? .""-Pm_ nil?-_=_ --~--1;-J-'_~_,', <2.-92.;:.-.1,_H_ .7-u 41- -__ I I . -.__ , 3:5!. -ALI ~ _ 92 < _ . _ |-- - _ .-» -- . " ' 'e "If " ' 'v3.*£, ~ r-Q-Q:";¬-,_'»' » ~ . _,f L I . ,- -. ff 4» V __ - f _ : r I ._v 92 Y ~ I w 92 I 1 . . 1-H; r ; l V " , ' 121.; L-3 _I_v'j " .~ A -_ , __ ..;_- 'AlF.. ..- ,, -_:_ . . -..> .'" . J.,, {¥~'- ~ .'-92'. ¢~- "- '' AL FE'BUREAU OF4 |NyE$Tlt§ATi6i§1-*7?'92!>nu dd92 , I - r ~ :'u7|l¢AIron|cIaA|ID7'92.kEWiYQRKIwmliml ~ " | .. ;-_ .| J Ir-:|.:'u$£_15136' d F " nnoununuw aninnn nuuoo 7 j * , 1/ .--q* ~. 1'' 10-2o__'?''71'0'7F25'*2e-13? I .4-; Jom~1n.-.-warm .- I' Ae JWYORK /5/1.9 _ H1»: 152,5».A 92 'rrn.i _ * W" * 5- . 7 _ r ,,,,,,=,_*,,,,,,_ e ~ +- A jm.. 9- JULIUS mm*&{992§%¢Fr%%%E¢f§£¥I$1§»3'mzE» » /Ia-/ 'IOMGE " E51: R.-~'~ " » ' e Y T aw.-*-*1:'92.~- P ms _. »a k V if . Ball I---____,_.,_I, is R __J__-__JE4 H_I. ___ 2 ,_ ____ v 111,1-mponmu,_ _ !92 ._ W I - flan:. 92 ]v vnorsna orran-rs: ' _. - IN IS uncmssxrz " _ v ._ ADzlTNI5TR-ATIVE - _ mans snmmomxnwzsgn mam!F No recordof sizbact at Kellex Columbia I I ' 1 . sfl, p 0 30/ W'3 indices University negative.or A36,ssNYC. Boards, 1:31-1<'1':-.£tIiotel New . Office P ne ga tv 1 =e. ase ch "W 1.a ional Bam:92 has no record

yos of subjectsaccount, Q P D LASSIFIEDC BY " d. i ¢p*- 1; ' SlFYON:25 / K Bureau letters,9/22/119egw ;31/119.¥r%<%:"; I ; Report oif SA J.Jerome ma./mell, 10/20/h9_,'E1 Peso. Report ofsA_ H.Dudley Payne,11/15/119, Washington,11.0. '2

DE-'1AIiS: No record of subject under his true name or aliases . . I could be located in the New Yorkindices. f ' mftl 6 A - .-I mam? -= "D A review Columbus of .ImigrationNew Avenue, and leturalizationYork,reflected records,aw hie into dam the United Stateson November ll,19!-17 asKI.-AU _ age 35, underVisa #V-1.161431.At that t £ed V |' . himself as a British Government Official, -address, Lacies Abingdnn,Court, No England. UnitedStates destination was shm.m_ I norThesil s ep ureinregoz-dagdid r1otJshcm une, ig£.;¬S'entry, . the UnitedStates in > into December, 19143,". COPIES DESTROYED_ -» - . » i R47No 61960 However,-t!'1eserecords revealfthat did subject'sI unnovm > ' A r" " r ~ ' - e pgpg aux XlBYHIl1l92Il'92'HI 1 " v @7511.rea.u_ it . W - or L it 1,1.-13? _ * 7

- / re .65-15135 _ 1 _ H 1 . father, Dr. ER£l%92lCIi.S, ago 711., arrived at New Yo:-k on Ogtober 10,-19148. He was admitted an April 9, ~~19h9, "which was later extended to July 9, 19749, -Dr.-mm more 1=r+. the United 5tates on July 6, .19u9. He was hero e.s.{o._1ooturor, sponsored by Pendle Hall, 1-allingford, Pennsylvania, in cooperation with the American Friends Service Committee, 20 éiouth 12th Street, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Ho listoct his daughter as Hrs. ROBERT !FHu1INs§7-iA_N, _9h Lakeview Avenue, Cambridge, hassachusetts. . " ' No roocrd of subject could be found at the Taft Hotel, New York City. It was ascertained that registration records are destroyed by the hotel after four years. - I Confidential Informant T-1, of known reliability, advised that no record of subject couldbe found in the rolls of scientists who are now or over have been eznployed by the "SAH" contract at Columbia University, New York City. » ~

The following investigation was performed by SA F. L. " Yard:

Confidential lnformant I-2, of known reliability, advised that no record of subject could be located in the files of Kcllex, Inc. , 233 Broadway, New York. A photograph of subject was exhibited to Confidential Informant T-2 with negative results. Confidenti Informant T-2 exrprcssed the thought that possibly the records of subject had bec-n_Ibransfo!'r~.;d to Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Confidential Informant T-3, of known reliahiiity, was unable to locate any record..on subject. Confidential Informant T-3 stated that it was possible, if subject had been employed in the so-called "Columbia area", records on him are nos on filo with the Security Officer, HERNARID I-. IENKE, Oak Ridge, Tennessee. Con.£identia1_ Informnt T-3 did not recognize subject's photograph.

'' Confidential Iniormants T-la, T-5 -and T-6, Of known reliability, were also contacted regarding subject with negative results. . The remaining investigation was performed by the writer. /


3 ekntf _ - . _ _..- ,..._.._,___.__.__.___..-- -_. A - ~ v -. » W- O

**'_"'_".'h -92 I | I 4' " ' ii I: nr 65-15.135 , - 1'

_' The records of "the New York Office reflect that TONEI,1-III..TOl%§KYRlE, an associate of subject, who was born on December 5,, {. 1922, at London, England, arrived in the States on March 6, 193111. - SKYRIJE stated he was a Junior Technical Officer, British Supply Commission, New York. He claimed-_.to be destined to Dz-,'.1'., L.;T:EBS'I'ER, Grafton Hotel i Annex, Ymahington, D.C. On July 2, 19hh, SKIRME was arrested by the New ,1 York-City Police Department for failure to possess Selective Service cards-= i: At that tim'o,=' he stated he was employed by the British Supply Consul of North America, IS Broad Street, New York, as a p!-wsicist; His address at that time was 339 Host 87th Street, New York, On July ll, 19hh, SKIRME appeared at! the office of tho United States Attorney, Southern District of E i Now York, with a State mpartment "blue card" attesting to the fact ho had been notified to the United States State Department. t " Confidential Informant T-7, of known reliability, re- called that resided at 339 Fest 87th Street, New York, for about six months in 19blu Confidential Informant T-7 stated SKIRHE lived. alone I there, Ho was unable to identity the photos of subject and RUDOLP$Y,P'.~2lR.iLS..- , ' No record of subject could be located at Local Board 20,-- New York City, covering the Taft Botel u-Loci Bo.-_rd 27, covering 339 West 87th-|Stre-.t¢ Also, no record could be found inthe Locntor Index, Local" Boards I-75, New York, Ne-"w York, and 133-lh? Brooklyn, N.-tr York.

I Confidential Informant T-8, of knmm rolibility, stated that ID Ir.-cord ofa present orgt moan a:uldh21a':a.oec!'at 1h:'Cl'1.:5e Bank, 18 Pine Street main office!. This check covered all regular ccmmrciz-.1 accounts at all Chase branches and all main office eccounts¢

» Confidential Informant '1-B also checked the records of the Chase National Bank at 11 Broad Street, New York for special checking and regular accounts-


» // ,I

._3_.. s

L and In-1-*0 _._-. _ -. - 1 --@ . , -

- Q-n»-aw-¢ -v 51"- § I +- c 8 . . - _ 8 . 4' . -, k I ~ ..*1 N ;'§'u:j'*V:r_!"E.92 1-P rl s ~_-E--gqé-i§_ - -L§.92|§_j-¬!:3n7£1"."" 3% 0 A3 ' - _ - .'_ ._ .1. 'f;:'¥'"?';""'.*-'5?"a»'%E"-'"=='t"9 U, _. ,_. _.- _ .,__. ,1 '1* '" f'_4_. ~ __F. _ -;-..~ 4- _, 3 - '» - ».-.~- ' , I 92 s -I .»- J Ii . -~.,__. 5 W! .. ' - . , - , . .>." - s ./

mt 65-hi './ I S136 _ I/' _ . ND? YORK I

At NewYorki New York - > . I.-ill conduct further investigation on subject as direotodby the Bureau orupon informationf1_n'nish.:d auxiliary by offices. , E '92


it 41- -If * 1- -I if

Copies of this report are being dosiglmtud to 'a.;1shin'gton.2 Field, El Paso, Knoxvilleand Bostonsince thoseoffices haveoutstanding I E loads} . .5 l

I 1 0 t/ L.1,..

4 L.! _ . ._~ _.-. - _,_.._- - - - * - - -

'~E ..-*'-_ _ , I . .'~-- .-- -- ' ~--~~- - "" -'--*~-"""'' V -'»!1_;§ __,__1 __» -_. -T - ha,92,. _,_.,,_._ .,_ __,_92Y..¢. , "'*'"5 . _ ~ ._-»-.2» 4'2;1,_,--r~_-.;If'!'I.* .=. .- . §,*._~*

mt as 1512-6_ :_;_,+@@,m;u --A ~' "

.~92_ ._ I I ..¢, I I I .~ ,'_> 2.<>1FI1>_@1i@L li1?§3@92iP3"~- _ '. The con.fidentia.1.In.f__6mants mentionedin the report of - SA John R. llurpbgy,dated at New YorkDecember 5, 19!.-9, are as follows:

T-1: LESTER WATSON,Columbia University I433 T.-last117th Stroét, New York '

T923 Kollcx, Inc., New ark City

T-3 = I-LLRIDY UAISH,Security Officer, ABC, Nowiork City

T-hr Hz B4 LYTZ, Socurity Officer, Kellex, New York-City

T-5: I-HLDYED PGHERS,United Sf-at-Q5Engineers, 90 Church, New York City '

' '1- 7: PHILIP 1"ALTI§ICH, Superintendent 339 92AI-.151;87th Street, New lork City '~ I , T-6: A. RIZZO, PBr_So_n_c}.1 Officer,United States" , Engineers, 120 Wall Street, New York City 92 T-8: THOLLKS 1-lcGE.1HY,Offiqer, Chase National Bank, 18 Pinb Street, N.":1.-:3'-ork City.



-5- 92 - "_ ' """*' "4 ~:""' ;* *92~*-~ - - v -~ - -_..- -L.§-4_ , >9.-'4 -"p~ -. I . _ _ 'J2. _,_.. :3 I - =1 ~'-:_.¢.,'.-w,-@- -_ j ---.~ . F J } ~ _¥ v 4» .~;'~q-' __._,._.~r "

-- . au:,~uI mu . Danube: 22', 1949 92 nm_ncm,m I'JQ£II8IHII8IUw5 f - h II"§*li~IlJnIa6 Bi 45-3 ' '1' DB I5 ¥ Q_ _{..-& ¬-_,,uan ha F nu $2 nahlcnot Ill:

1 //+

aim. ~- , 41 _. 92__ 1 ... _. -J

hi: 414 not 2 hpnclihb tin coma-In 4-.- _ hm Iuunll» _ 47 ""'_""' In P! mi ""¢r' "- the aw ¢ I192il§Edl' mum nu] li92ll1'1: J ' _ _ %=mmm¢ ll tahrdn -an man an pul:!.h.l.l zmm-m $1. ~ ~ sav1.nol1|l.mlalltavur;0ulyIst:3ég7 la; b >1 . 3| mt ash nluuhrkdtttailmqantadto ri. in In Ink Git! at-ithn kitainglqaomangngmum laden tv O muhlph Rh tinned 2 x-* mm .... 301949. ..< 92

I _. .r_.1»'~'4-4""'_' 1 ialllvm M@b,~J-'1_ 5¢.'6wr. 11113!. ___. H ,,.....6,;92-V_..__._' E 8; EEBC, L , 4. mam--I /_/___,92 .¢_-___-_ l___.-5...... -- -..;_. . __ -V ~~ . 1, -

--1*'*.{.:=: -.__ __ ' 5'11-X U'924.r X q | t 2 - ' '7=A',"'">-»92 - - . 1? ' ' , 8/9837 - 1 -ix ;'";cii§stnt5f0£L|o~sth~ALrz:B Euxe m tt, . , ; .. A / November ' 22, 1949 1/._ '$ = I .3//9:/. - ' .1 - .. '. v In_¢o=ii1¢c;15n,..pifen .t1;,e_.§§Pl-911 iimepcigazion Ihidn _ 'l'i>'1ea'ently being eohlduotbd are -hev.e be n informed that a e amalv. I replayed bs'_*=n@rBr1*..1@P M9112 =..§.n.rsr_!4#.§1¢n,in . ' D I51? "!b'r1£'. "'I"t fa 'i'ep'ortiiH 't!i'at-the in ¢ooa'11y_reoru1ted ' gt. 4A __h___&_ by Pl;IERL6 or 23 in Januar !'ea_f_§l. or February 1944 and , at .that time was - _ .1.» _-_-_;4'_*"_,__ _;_;_-. _ __ ,, -,;,,"_,,.-j',r_-,_1 12.. _, . _.,._~._ I . '_ " -5 It is believed that this girlis parent: -were ~ 1 aussian born. It is also reported that she horked as a machine computer for PEI!.-JRLS and FBCklS.g! 0|, When the British mission in New York was disbanded ,4 . . the girl in question was recommendedby PEIERLB for work '"" "r-" with beenrepored an American that agency her application probably at was Loa turnedvdoln -Alamos!, but on_ securityit has ' § 'g grounds i u_ p I; H - Our Headquarters are most anxious urgently to. employed discover bythe FUCHS name andof the PEIERLS above and mentioned we should -girl be who grateful was *= if you can assist us in this matter. We regret that at, present no further identifying particulars are availabke _ graduated to us except in mathematicsmthat she had studied u/, _ at e University andhad b /H REC9RDED'w_ . 7 . " - > { , . i~ -E» - ___1 92ND?-W3 .>E_1, 47. use 131949 V Chssied . ,- Dedassify ' A IA . --- L 4 , 4 J, Q __ _ ~ be J K v- Q --EClauifia-dbic tego-->_ _ _ ~-.<...... _._.-_¢.__..-1.-.-..-,_ ___ _ ._ I -' r _ '> -'7 I V I 1.-,_ V MK! 1 '_ ~ ~ '- ' - »~-;.§s:*f~';"i~r»;%>':@s;¢s*""=1 1,. . ~ -. ...-~,:: -1}7-» ' - - - ~ 492g" -_ _- _ V " ~ *I*.?;=.-'54:" - -- ~ - .~ @-==.%. = 1- 2-'55:}; .,,~_ 1:,-.-i=-f_§"ar~.' ;. l ." |_ . _.: . __.». ._..E ;_ _ ~_ > ¢_. r .,- __ .0. _ '- - _ . >~i,;-=r..4>..92_'r_¢; _~92: 1 k ,1 -5. 5;:__'a- . my . _ . _w Q _ ' _ 0

80.6, In lurk Iuvninr 1 - 3!, -- 1059 r ~ , ; Q J! ® / ' 91 ' mu. H?'IOIA80l'anus n.ms ' locus, Y um ' / M. j

REWRDED A5-%, 5566* % 1:, W*>P-92Q M onihlln ""*' * 11:3-S ~4'~-b" " .- J F - - __ _._._._._-___~__..-_~_-__...,-._.__4_..»--1-- e ¢ ~- s - .. A-._. .--- _L--.A -


< J I 1 . I '1 92 . I 1 A 22 /<19 .i --51'. .- e- ' - ~' -' 1! mu: 22,- U ~ 49, > ' _ :5; _,;;:§; '.:._.~~.._-:'_-5-_;I. :. - ."_ '5 C ~ n- .~ c », ==,»L'# - ~ J mm -1»'9.1 -~*~*~**"-~'.-" ! ' .' g '_ oz WM r r' am W IT!!! ~_ -. "-. . we. - -...,s ~ -24. e 3 _ - ~ > Q - V _ Reference is nede to e_ _geapondence_Ven¢1ng . _ ,. @111! your-nmeruwum 7540 la _ D ember 6, 1959 hbout F =a§ 'A _ .- '-92L'e92v-1.»!-,u~'-»;.'|p;;-.-92>;>$ the above ,a§-.#' -.-named individual. . - égg , ' * A 5* "4'-' " T''."f;"73":;;':;:*:§ ;;;g _ ' Q92 FUCHSwas interviewed December 21, 1949 ~.- x 64 - we-are informed that he eithe volunteegeég/or adshitted i. ' _- Z,_ f~'*1: "'fl¬$§Ill-3-OH -we known 71:1": mexgrmma except ifs-3'. -92 _i_*j;;f_'_;'1;j§j";, "fugue-be aeaueaa trans. am- a;'§efc"1_i1§soui-ce._J ~~~" =1- 1y denied that he had no ed as an espionage 92." 92"~ .» ' "iii" he was either unable, ornnwilling, to suggest - . ..-1,1- an? cts which might have usedh1m as an "unconscious" sou rce o ' 1nformat1on.K§4 '-"" _ _ -

92 It 1» understood that up Bzgiemén Directorate of Atomic" Energy I111 meet in Londbn conAD_ece1:.ber 28, tq 92 lag; U decide that action should be taken regarding subject. - ¢ .» 92. wv f ~'Je:.-' K92 -5*-3; A ' 'In the meantime, FUCHS"£_'AA»bere-interrogatedL J.lr 'J92JU'92 ~in-= and "our Headquarters as}: if any new, information might be, 3 available to Y ou re E ardin S this es"Lonage_networkI. - A113 such information will be of the greatest. value to them. e shall be very grateful if this matte; can be t1'Pat6d

92 as most urgent. W 0. V 0 _ 1. 1 2 X¬§s92 Y%§ ' at/15%?

i __,- --n-..__, D ?£%F_ _ . . . V A U 577 85 JAN 1'? 9-- TY?! F-I 8 Fr ' ..92_ 3F_Eb ~' 19 9 i a L- ¥1 - . I-_ Chumadlii "S y%4*F' om _. 5 Iron CD uegmy "" "< - DIII Dechld U0 nQg , L..J --.._-~ _ .» _ .>-.- .3 . _.._...... -..._...-_....._,_..->.___»--_..-_._. -.. - ._ .. ._.;, _..~.___.._-.-. -4 . . --4 - 1 '. _ - ___ Z _ -- ...»T- . -_.?_¢- ---- :._...:~ -- v___ __ F. " He 1» ' ' ' -' =1=~'k1;' -H *~1¬'-/i-'="-"-'-'-'-'~'- '=~#~"~ ~f-'-2'2 w;1=f~._ .- W_,/ =.» -- - - . <:.'»=.__ Q; ~ ~- -'1» -. 1 . -,.-. - Tr-,,,__i_ * "'.x9~' "?»>92 7- c-$7311-:~" " '>; 5:7: '5§*=-- . _ I . it - ' 1-,: J1-7 '~,_ *.,92 '~ =.-1-:'=1-1-&1"?§5"_"».°"-'-ii. ;92;:__ - _ 1 -- .'__-___~._q-~.?*- ~'-*' - . - - _._._ ' 1- - §-";._ .:.. ~ -'-'..¢» *1 er-R; "9->-.'*92-321.:-P .1 ,.P."-- . * . - " " ___¢,§ H :1? - '¢ ~,""b~ qr 1 -_ A < . . .. 4; 92_ -92~ 3; ,.;-,-.1:'.'__ - _ - - 1-_.';.<_,. - ¢ -- 92 * 14-n% " u wuss m§n£c1$:onsr:92z -- $1, - '. wq 4, ' ..,,.. A .-.-- 4 I '-. ' . 1- .. . 1 ~- V A 9, 1999 J 07$ %°" ' ,- . ='-@1'1_."-@Y?£§.>=. 'ms ,

92 ' ADV92I$¢.L L; An ,_ 4.m.| I _ °"" ~ ~- * 3:0 4IEQMED-M $137705-T5 .- an"; 1' 1," f ,-_ ' bteetbiir, mam ' aura r D _9-nuns¢ puqQw@uu_,. dun-u-¢m=¢mm!n»ammia?__. -~--" r!# uj name a l°hn Q: - . e ' - 1 I "*»"*2"".*.;'!=:**1"-2 -;'1.;.'- é 92- mar ma .5»;-1-= 22; 1949, me In ahittedLnterrlend an u on mm Ileelr teetetkuy.1949, at Ihich ? {. e #IP¢I.I@!.. 91 é to -nggeat my ha of inforndm. Inrtt ilkiil 11 QQIIH | » Aomlng ejihte eeux~ee,E-tame Britilh htneetoreto at and-e may I foneetlnmndennleonber , 19A9, todidhdntpeaaebndbe regarding 92 ' Q; Ion um um 'El rhunlflearton uhiad cl 1: qq


I w te at mobs Ill in csnhet I. nesenmh group at Oolunhh idle:-11¢ van carting an behaitlot llq, Lt-6., and xgfthar, at tl:pg.gI$.*_: ihon Fuchs Iould nnrnJ..].y Mn dealt as named cohen. herb: she dated that an the IBN an Ind pronheul prtlcularly for the research group at Gohmma Uni-vex-ei:3X92q " U §-k 92 Intonation pavleully tumiahed by the Monte Energy dominion ganling Fuchs ntleete that the B! eerie: related to the l.L¬1u1on Project. lint of _lcilmt1ltI Ihn lid recearch Iork on the Dltfulion Project. included - themneo.tlpr10ehn¢n1ln1dt-obepraeant1792d.ththn!Oubon& ' Cubicle Chilled. Germ", did: 10 probably identical I192l the Glrhide Q Du-boa chnieal Oorponm, N hat 42:11 street, lei jerk pita 17. It 1 r." 1-&pp0I-PI L 1. whennu In memuenbed of Division Implied 4 byof apu'om='i1-u the lltnltnn Project. on-mum Oema1ti'ao.@j_!» 1 - ' -~ . 1 &$;EM'i- - Dr. In-1 Pally when III the eubJeg1".'o'£ u': A,ppii.eent_- Atcnie Bnarg '92 Act mu: investigation. an mp» In naanm Ilq,'1~eee$.ve¢ uuau121=z§u-ab! by nnm-x ' 191.! 5 1-an aid ¢x.B __. ., .-- -to.-<_--~-no,--@<¢-I_4-n_--Q - - -.-I-.k - c- ~>._»d-.l¢-- oo

! ' _. ""92 92 t.!1 I -Ll! ,' . . ' i 1 - l I $£&i'§ A0 v tho qupltoolit // Lnnottgoon, cohonottomtod / Oolnohio Unlvorli. _ 1- 1929, to 1936, ad aooind AI, AI, om: lb-D Donna. Io lttomoi iho who to rpnoo, In-Lo, tranoo, tron 1936 ohodotq, $0 1937- Illtlllhll and that hi-0 -Vltlflll noord no H!-I onoollnh Ind Iilotod in that . bl Blond in Oohouio povlouo Qplnyunt to ohom no 1938, Rootdont Losllt-out, Ooluohlo Uni-vorotw, In tort; 19; Sdmttrio Mott ooohor, Gui »{p1-obohly 0.0. for Oolxllhh Ulllilrliw!, Million of lug loooroh, In Iorkg 1.9 , Plvdclot, Qunhrd 011 novolopnat Oooaum llioohoth, In lorooy./ u mo rooordo of Oolunbh u!-voroiw, Govomoont. Gontract Ilivloion, diooloood that Gabon mo boon upland no o Qonmlt-out oath tho SA! Liber- otorioo, In tort Olw, Inn July 1, 19140, not-11 April. 29, 1944. I; ma rst on-rod oo o contractor lib OBI! and tutor rim tho llmhotum aomld mginooro»G. Brow I10 boron rooord. Pnotoooor no good. lo Bhlro bod to-anotor on-no oo to Loaiatont thollnivorsiiiy to Professoror 0h10&go u> tho roooréo of tho Stmdord 011 Gunny of In Jorooy afloat. that Gohon no onployod by that company only 1, 156$ It no tho undo:-otonding of Ir. A. V. noon, D1:-actor or tho Dovolapnont Divinon, standard oil Company, that Cohen nod boon highly roooomondod by ono or the Vino President-I or the standanl 011 00!?!-IUa_ Ibo rumor]; had Iozkod :7 closely with Oohon at Columbia Uninroity-. *u92 1

Aoooz-ding to tho PBQ, Ochoa bod tho follooing prior oddroooaa:

Q0 Ioot 123:6 street, In York City} I00 Iost 108th Street, New York City; 15 Boulevard Jon:-don, Ports, Pnnoo! " J19$8 Eootorn ! Int PI-tk 1091'-h I0? Strut, Ir00n¥n0 I01 fork II! GitykiuvYork; According to tho mo torn, Oolum unoJ.o:l from Soptoobor, 1936, to Iovoabor, 1937, to tho following oountrlon

M In-um Inahnd» Ivlaiwu Italy» llxoota, Gunny, Poland, Aunt:-to, !921aooh11o, Bllt-larlond,Groom, one nonml. mrkqy, .10» mic trip no for t-In pm-polo or ohm in Ironoo om tonal. Oohon again visit-ad homo tron Juno to Boptmbor, 1938, to got nor:-iod. Ho has node Passportmxoerouo no. 337,80 u-1. to no conodo ioouoil on to bulnoom Gohon on AnzuotInvootigotion 8, 1936, boo tor roflootoo travail tothat 1'1-moo, nngland, mania, and other oount-rioo tor pnrpoooo of at.u& and Wnaval. =1~ this 1%»poooport. no ronowod -onby the Aoorioon Consul, Paris, P:-onoo, 92 ,. .-.__.__.___._._... _- ~ _ ~ ~ - - >-- -l ~

i -9.2 -.:>" x! In ~ Q 1 ¢ 92§ ; J _ . 92 I aw!-I t 92 Cohen listed tho unions Hwsiul sosisgqslnoo 1939, and snubs!-snip an Ghnioal lociow tan 1 to 1941 ft!. moss on professional orgudutlons. ls also nma membor-ship in the an apps and an Phi lambda Upsilon col- unbia Ohaptor! lino: 1933.0/t! - ' rho PSQ rotlsots that Golan is mrriod to lartiis-Boxnaoo lab:-tn Cohen, who no born in n-moo, is a Pnanoh edtinm, and rslidn at S01 West 121st Sttsst, In tori: City. He has two daughters, E.rtim~B1a1lda Cohan and Elisabet!: 6ohsn- Its father is listed on Joesph I. Cohen, dooaassd, who us born in tbs United States. Ills anther is B7 Inlay Cohan, 159 Rat Pu-In lay, Bmokbn, in York, Ibb no horn in tho United States. Invastigntion, honour, neotod that Cohen's bi:-n sortifioats listed his mthsr as hobo]. Paley, Ibo III born in uid. I1! sistsr is Iatila C. Sinon, 15 Inst 11th Strut, Hem York City, who no born in tho United States. lbs mrasn's indioos are negative roprding Itlls 0. Sil0n. u92 pr]. hilly Oohsn In burn Fobruuy 5, 1913, at Isl Tot City, and 23:23this no 125 verified pounds, hp guy investigation. syn, brain Ill hair,is and dose:-ibod906111 as $¢m.rit1 fin toot, Io-15$mas W Ma

" U vor cage, whose identity s protected, D a thl. aoquain

so in 1967 tanoe and protsanoznl associate av" of cohen and at radical politionl wins, though ha did not baliovo Cohen to be s Gounmist. In dasoribod dohm as s theoretical and analytical thiuhr in politics, as sell as in soisnos, Ibo was not in H omaplota stated,for sgraosont sannpls, with that any Ochoa one nightcouplets ag:-so sot Iith or political sons or tbs ideas. philosopiw Es oi u. interest theinOonmunists, mob but nsttors would no disagree doasribod violently as pm-017 nth professional sous of it. and Cohen's '.thaorptioa1r/ I 00113111!» Univ- srsi he

.!J . _ EFLFZIQE: 3 la stated Gohsn dafiai was s Omuxist, no sympathetic to ______/V _ _ . _ .'. ~-r~ -_..;

. _ . .- '->.r_ . . - ' ' >...q. .u92. .

' _ ' _ .. .- A ~- ._ -.~,__ . -, - -A ------q I11 -;.=i5' ---:~..;.= -_-."4;v-1-1" _"_'_.--_~ . ___ i _-"-f_:" _'.. _ ._ _ _"1._ " % ,._ 7"::-?,,_; 92f_- -,.|--v 1 Is:M* _~92".."-_ iviff. M.-._ 1138': V - I :,____: A . -' - '_ _ 4 92-. -~_~-;.i '-_- x;-rt _w~- - --" _ ""-1>,:C_ _ -'-~:'- -'-J "__,_-;__ '* -I. ,__92.'~- ~ _:i;=" .- "7 -" "1?-2%.; ' - i ;- <- *2 ='-,=§i$:§:"%.=*;~ . - --'¢.-';;T-9-_;=92!¢'P?¬55' I *"-'--'~'='-T,5,="}5,'-,-;-_ - _ -.»~¬r"¥.*§L.:?192.:;f:'--"".5"*' -- _'.'-I.'.'.'IT; ,'.=*-=5 2-" 51;-£i'4. "". ¢92 , , 1 * -:11;-j - - '- ., -~:;~:-~-;<'*».~1"¢_ :..-;.*"=*-;.r§;-.- *-=,=?-=!¢:.r'=r; 1957-'~-F-A r ._..... > ,92_n.:. ' _;_,_____ P, _ ,_'___»>_--_ .- 1 _ _> .__:_. 3;, _:_...... A _ L7 U

_ in quanta. ' lnnuié M .-92 | ~%!!!Ei:l||">IIOK§I¢ ¢¢E> Q" t1r192hQaothila£or "Q-= pronouns _ 1z_n|dun92o_Oahn' andnpl; Qmmcaubrlnhntm § - u£crbaal:u19$»Q_7a,' inddlotuuuhnlnatun prun-lntnnthn" -I -': ' 3 . IllllllfnhnallktulinlIulultuy 92hI5Gohu:ha! an aI'rnnhd.1caa4_ln¢bln_h;t§u_~1;aat1-Quinn $1-Milli; and that - 'In aha. pounced my no auoahai lunar,-at no had an ioynltluhe I38 at ind entertained II! I» railul mmro Ibdlo in wsuny has mtg:-an aw n-dial thoughts and in no Landau torn at Oovonnant. I0 laid Cohen had not as 7 aunt or stunt: uhnatl Ihioh lad boon Iabbying in cauru an a_tcII.¢ control. I.11.@L

' In win at tubal:mutant association nth huh, in tho I b I uibilli t. Gab» my yaw aonnautlpa nth the stun ltniod M o ea In coneu-ning York Olcn mm-wkshould amine its indies: for

jlab DWI _ -0- _._ , _.. ._-.._-,....._ .__-._._._-e... _ in... __ - ~

a ~ ~ M.-' {I _, lvp fr -. oix mm L ___ 4 WP I If: 4 bu ,> I. 92 "


'1" January 6, 1950

_~/-v v

%~ liar u 053! n r Ira DFRE! Lé -'2

92f»Mie/ '

Reference is made to our 8/9929 dated January '§ 5, 1950 about the above named m lo - .u92 I We are informed that ies 080882! first or .L"». 1;-Iii ¥ reco like is Gertrude, and that aha was born.in New on July 19, 1923 She was employed by the Department of bcientific and Inaustriel Research in New Xork City from February 7, 1944 to July IQ, 1944 92 It is known that FUCHS typist had the '92initiela J E G and that KEARTOR's typist the initials It is presumed that these initials apply either ' to Ir: GOLFREY or Iiss GORDON, but I9 are unable to be definit $é?%S;%RE!, rs Can a record Rch GO please FREE,Kiss be mede J L Gon GORDON and lies B 92~"*

Reference the last paragraph in our above

quoted memorandum, our Headquarters now state that FUClb was in New You on August 11, 1944 W l "W7 wgmvza z 4» g B 2,1 -.:'Z. -I - '1: REPQWFD 62 Ti 18° E -.92-92 Q 6'1 61 .§ qp i . Y S *" JAN6 I '4" §". 53" gemC1aoe1Iie

January 10, 1950 I 1

¥92 QM!PJAMd; mi now ERNE§T s / PBIIIHLS if?-5- . ,, , Reference is made to your memoranda dated January 5 and 6, 1950 ':~%'.-'~;~1. _ _.___:l*1_: '~ .1" ;_- -... e have examined our records concerning the names . or Mes ll Bi ' ..-..?..'a!>f~'7 '92', ' HACKBIZIE,G E%ROBBY, J E GODFREY,R. DDFREY, J E GORDON,_.~-5>.'£|: _' andR {DRUG}? h vs been eb todevelop any infonmtion _- Jr-" identifiablethis nthmtcer ~ . . . , 1*-"'_. It will be noted that your memorandum of uary 5 reects gs-, t that Ihss Gordon was a computer. It would appear, therefor that the typists' initmals "JEG" and "RG" would not apply to her mi-= Efforts to develop information concerning the ahnve named .921;, ; ~ _92.u4 our personsare bemgmade inNew York. Q 3.197.:-5 M I J _ 1: E93??? -1* B "".92_-innr-§_'* .7 ». ;~.:-_:_:-»92 1" a.; a §J- _ -- _ *- . ..

65-;53ao5__," P 0-.1- :- Legal Attache,London oacggggngi Q. t :-_._;. Ladd xiwu *"" X _ ,.¢._e- ForelgnFletcher 1!-15Deg S61'Vl66 $3!$331¢ 92 "F. 0" 1 I fa-' ;92E592O-25$ {Q I 0 ...

:_:_A,f' J. ;,_ -a- . e . -e 0E Y'

394/} I M2,, cn="*° °,f°°iwmm ,.. Ohssied mm Deciassalr A03

~ .1 sbiim " .1 A J ..~"'_~_'-Exam Date :lZu:92av I1-unCCeteguf t*_';'1§,__"":° I - - _._.q,_-_ P -> .-.._.--r .,~_ _ '--- -- . .<_~.>- - .x~ , 'n'?"i" I ,5/Pb ell; 1:.»-.-r/II-! 78 9; L

7 "Z2f.Cii i SBPBGDQI 22, 1949 | Wgm AL ATIHTIOI II-Lgl, Ila; - '!.PvRQy; l-. ,,..._,,.c A. ,:"" T A»-I-_r._~ n¢a, [email protected] 'n.aaéru=hn1 1 -- - v,~ ~- ESYIOILGB I I1lIs§L HAUS mum! 4 n-s mom mull!, was 0 I1-is Inna, lrlutu E-Ru: ~ mm, In nob mu, BIB All-bl Dorotha Id! Christal .,1.4=2.'BnF nsrxomdsz - n {sum 192oo-31.6228! Ea

érnialnd rm-tiun Ibo u e cover 105 191.4, and who ia believed to boidnnticlliim mil Julius aualh Bl According Sovi r. Agunt Pest furnished the 92g>$ representative in I oration concerningtho Atolic Ennrg Prop-an and particularly with respect to the British participation in that 92 Jll-D0 15 1944, 888$ hlrned over the third parto f a. document douigmtod ~ 81'"! O11 as I8!--I one1112,11; mining! - - - - - kt:-ant Mreren! t? Pluutuation in a - - - - - di£1n2!aiun nethod - work on his apodalty. 3t.raan tto at On that date it tau onsd that Bast night have to have Iithin 8- I. r amnthandaha "J-1

on July 25, 1944, eoummt no ado concerning the dsmnntratod value of new; work for tin soviet during the pat half ynar thority Ila Inquest- ed or Iowa! to ply Bast $230 tor than pat nu-vi as mat sq: on Great August mum 29, 1944, and in nationma was wlmactionIda of the the name possible o9 departure ! .t and D ' tinned llmtion Ian also ado or " aanding1! Goose ac:-on to one B333-gator ------no bar husband their?!dsparbnr~ - #5 0//F/" 18% v_,i 4,1? -u___-i 1=s__iE1 Ghice-goBostonLPun ! $1} Knoxville u Ia-shingtcm Field 05'- *2 _ __ .. . 70 - - - - - ~ ; _ t t ¢~ L at 1 7 .4-_- Z 0 ' I Y 4 0 - 0 ' " I 92 j V

8cptenhez~------_"--é --- - J 5uuethingIa.ee1eenenti.ane

that he might be a British eaten at A eon.denti¢:11_eo'aru abroad he mggemugu possible candidate: "§1=e__i_e_;_'_1a, tar identiiication B-Eeirton, ti: the liltan soviet m1 Agan . and 1' Eli], are Julius Ruyl-Egjgmp-t.K18-us Fuchs. "According to this source; __ Rudolph lamest Pele e a born in Berlin , June 5, 1907, anive-:1 at L In Iork on Deeenber 3, 1915, vilited Lee Alanna in February 191,4 W n d aga.1.n1nIayl94L, larr'1edandaceonpin1edwI1£e.&i?: !/ 1» = mss&|t I Zefum spamas J.bL»6z://94.1-an/e. '2' j _. _». ..___ -._-4...-___..._ -___..-- _ ~ - ._. .. 4 _ ; . .._ .

.-r / . £2 H-V... . _-

5 f*.?.'.===.;-.r*t-,£a='-I; .1 UJ c. 2. K9!-rial -Arrived at new Iork on oonbor 3,1943, Hwmd to on mm hgbn ouo_v1==u. on lobruu1 18, 1944- In awr- sum 0df|OI'!b&IRBrGhl5,-19l|4;lmd1_1IIllhl'O@'Bl0,th0 an loptbor -"_._ H" ~' 92 _ cg.!Q . 1 myumm nnielinl nizummqm .- ¥§u?$!1%awu2s*aqua won mm law.-mg;-1--q;:'ué-3 sum on mum pupa _s1;ss_jml . - me unzumm. amp oouroooA11oodt_ha%1 mu rm; naoonbo:-29|J.911atRnsooJ.aho1n,tIornw, lnotE.1hoha,Iho ho-{add 13, 18'IAmduu|.protoooorn¢£d1n_;_laGomaq. :I.n.tho Un1todl1ngdmin19ildl'rC 1941 to mil1943, no cal 1lgd.d.o_t at tho linivoroiw of Bimini, llglalll. In Iovuber 1943, he was poitod to u United Stltea on on Atollo Rory Oultuion mission. ' Io arr1:n_d. I3 aw on noaunbar 3, 1943i to Oat 81588: Augnotu, '1Itt!orthoUni.tod..ng&i._1i,HI'92 _A -Gamdaonlimn 5 28, 1945- In oornolpondmoo shout tho ulniniltnwo lrrmgoumto ho no 7 reformed I Dr. Karl Iucha, ho I88 closely annotated during his visit with Professor Polo:-1.: natiaaod above. Polo:-ls hndld in tho Unitod > ran 5 tho u.s.s.n. an 1934 no pm» 4 mmmm m-nun Inbjoot u 1940. at . booamoamurlliiodlrltloh lnbjoctin-.1 ..lI1a ' -loniorro oh .» worker at tho Atzqm Dory Pnoioot at 5%], B . 1 his lotto! author advised lb!-dnil Pinko, " _ , tho rather or 92 Emil Julio: 1I'uoiw=11a:l.tod tho United Stu s in April 1949 tmnng on I 92 tampon:-y traveling doouaont in lion of passport iii it brliqumnny on 92 octobor 6, 1947. turned via. the United. [ingdon hiring tho United. States 92 on about Jam 15, : A . 1


tbatacha this roooivod mm.-co also . lotto: odwiaad in that Feb:-noo$11nh1a 1947, mo ouatidm. n-.. mu aouroo or mm:-4reported university, o-u-14;», Ilsaaohuaotta, who signed I7: o1oto::;::L§_b}.' 1" It also appeared olznhoro that the name std. It Ill boJ.1.efoid . possible that hot lmabaadlo rst mm no Bo L Bin -mroan than reflect a Security Ilithr-G 0100, baton. nu Bo. 100-16615 on lobort Block lloinennn and l:l.a lite, &1p&m. Ibo latter 1a denitely idmtiod Ln the til: as tho llltor of B:-{Br}. mu. rho innsgaon oonoorning Ira. Hoinouan no ialtlhtod thou it no dotonninod that her naao oppoarod 1: an address book of Iomol Bil-P01-in, Soviet B81110 ' ¢ w Fk Li: $1/t/42 Ema giro? .1{- llfghb -3- ______,__ _ ... 4- ...- _____~

! . 1 ' v , _ 11>; . 4.»-!9

< e _ Mm A.gen't1¢In"t1£Led' '1» c»:1§'¢¢~.;t'u¢uu¢rn5;pp-nun» an ; d.'.. . ~ .

L'rev$ieI oi the address hook reflettithe following entry: K1811: helm, Lint. to 1- Born, 36 in-n30 Lane, University of Edinburgh, sootland Gelp possibly nip! I.-Cup I.-, Interment Operations - lirintel Eeinanm, 55 carve} mad, Intu-tuna." the plush ll?L in mmdod & e le reect; that Ir!-Ital Inch: Idaenln resided at 55 Garter Bead, Intertuun, Ilaaadmeetta, prior to Jhmry 1941. his would indicate tht lhlperin had an ulclreu for Ixtste e lleinenn that no rive you-a old et the the of hie apprehension. u In hhruzy 1942, lntetel lieinenan listed the £o2l.l.oI1ng relatives outside at the United Stea. Dr» hi]. lhohe, Berlin, Iermw - tether; Gerhard Phebe,serving Fuchs, in held the at English a nutorim, Lny Jurioh, hotmSiit klnqd - brother; Dr. Klaus ~ » A Kristel Heinellnn is reported to have stated that she lived in Genmny then 1t.Ler_.1-at cane to power and that her father and brother had spent some time in Oemnn eanoentratton camps. She mid that her brother later rent to . England and hooue e Brleh subject. Ibo described this brother as a vow hri.1l.'ln.nt eclentdat and said that Einstein llld sent for his to help work on ofthe the Atomic earl! Bomb, il ofand 19 that eently M had returned , to Ezglancl. hie was ta It appears that Bginenene resided at 11.4 Lnkeview 178mm, Cambridge, Hssachuaetts, from 196 until 194-Q and possibly until 1945. How-_ rmouu ever, it Street,is known Chicago, that in 191.-4, Illinois,Robert men Eginemn -y be had the the address ofaddress of his 302 Southmmnt . It lppwra that in January 1944, the General eet:-1c conpany, River 'M1 Iorka Plant, Lynn, Iaaaaehneette, tiled an ooaapatlonal oertiiioate on behalf of mbert Hainemn with his selective eervieo draft hoard. This was during the period he nu in attendance at Harvard. on NJ; 1.8, 1941+, Beinann advised Americanhis draft Field bond Service, that he 8 hadIelberry applied for Street, overseas Boston, uhulenee henemattduty with M A Fm: August 1945, unl about June 6, 1946, he nae employed as a _ teacher at the um-11 Public High s=1m1, Ant:-Ln, In Hllpabire. After the. H-

-0- Jfg sM£r

_ 1 ,..-...-_._..,- -..,_-._,-__ - 1 > _, -- - _. < --~-__.4<Il.-.-.. ._._ _- - _ 4

I 5 ~_. - . : » ' 92

WW school ten he returned to Geibridge, hmeachneette, where hie uldreee Ia: elnnged. from LU, to 9 Ihhevin Avenue. this is his last known add:-sea. the at Iovunberr the Heinensnu stlllI96 telephone reside directory at that !orGlabrl.dge, eddreee dmutte reect: rum :l'i.lee also reflect that a oeptu:-ed Genoa document Ihioh Ltet lionof or Russia. personalietecompiled the in r¢1941 tor th no W;or the Gonna

Ixlau Fnehe, etwlent or philoeoyiw, Deulber 29, 1911, Bleeeleheil, nsn_;m2, Gestapo nan Olfiee ne1,@u" Imam GestapoField men», om. oetoher nu 30, é 1909, Bzleeelehedn, mam. ma-ma,- I Dr. Pasha, lei, Director of the sink mm in Csemolits, Russian ILgent, Bukowim, REEL-IVES, Gestapo Field Office "B1-eul.au->659; _ Rho tn-nelator of this document euhldtted an amlyde of the tile numbers. BEA stands tor Reieheaicharoheiteehauptut, which is the central ottice oi the Security Poliee. The romn none:-e].s IV refer to the deparwent of the BSHA. the le IVA1 and IE2, nmally assigned to Gerlm Gomuniste. The major! ty, former German at Deputies and Gemm Gonmiet Iriters, hadtheJ.enunbero£I2- >w '- fhe notation ooncemig Dr. Fudm is eet forth as it night possibly relate to the father of Hail Julius Klaus Fuchs. In that connection the tile number IVES ems concern key GPU and IIKVD Agents, Espionage and lilitary Agents. [,4_ - ' .

Hm Bureau les further reflect that EH11 Julius Kline Fuehe arrived. in this country on Deoel|ber.3, 1943, aboard the British levy Transport HJLT. Lnde. Aboard this same ship were Christopher Frank leerbon, Rudolph Bmet Peierle and his life Eugenia Peierls. Ira. Pei-erls was-born July 25, 1908, at Leningrad, Ronnie. She is a. Br}. eiialsen having been naturalised Ierch 25, It I|O!@_, A It no learned throng: the Atomic hmergy Commission that I. Fuchs arrived Itappears in thetthis country Generalon GrovesDecuaber hid been 3, 1943, assured and by had the BB] British Pas! Imlber Supply8795.6ounc __..._»- 7- - I t - 92

_ S Y | l


. ~ . . Am:-in the is theleitell Qtstee engaged ' A at irterest cleared. by British eesuriw prior r departure t States from the United Ii-H8491. I-hshs used tooted you sith Lhasa. the tau-sed District to hglsml Project Jens through 28, l96;éu>;q!bLJune 1946. Be was I iocording to 1-hi Atomic Energ comssicn, Book II, Gaseous A mffssion I-25! hcjeot, Iolsm III, Redmd, Becticnsl, of the lsnhattsn District Histazy -reected that Dr. Inchs I88 one of e group of British scientists the developed ditfnsicnsl separation processes. ihis feiaort stated that during the pO1'iDd_II'Ol I8-rah to Jane 1944 ihich period is per- 1 tinent to this ease! certain neabers of the British group losers. 6.1-. Iearton, H. Pcierle, L Iilchs and R. Skyrm were stationed in Isl York, and on request -tree. Kalle:-and sith the approval or the Ier lbpartaent undertook an analysis of certain theoretical studies Ih1Oh_I81'I mmnsrieed in e series oi reports, the IS: series, Ihieh were hslphl is anticipating problems of plant design. use s prise contractor of the Isnhsttss Engineering Distr1ct!.J}py Me _ t the Atomic berg Coniasion tiles also reflect tint Hr. I.E.B. Sbmer and Br. I. Peeks were cleared to visit the Chicago 0perations'01'Iice p in llowemher 1947 to center with Dr. H-L-Anderson for a discussion of un- classified and deels.eeified_especte oi, neutron spectroscopy. The file reflect»- ed unitedthat States, Fuchs had west participated Britain and in-declsseifi mm&. on 14/contspsmees snong the ing ta the 1 Atomic list mergy oi Oomiesion, reports prepared lists at one Ins report Alssos dated IU Dr. J11]; Fuchs, 26, 1919 accord-W the New Jon: oice "should institute e separate espionage investigation concerning hil Julius ans Fuchs. this investigatlonlehonld be desigaed to develop all possible in.torla.tion concerning Fhd1s' activities and asocistes during It 1944I111 particaallrly-@_!u ube recalled that e t Goose appears to have had sols eonrseeon with Rest at the time course, all pas ble infor- mation concerning Pouhsv sstivities at any s uld be develo d. , The Boston Office should reinstitute an espionage investigati n con- cerning Krlstel Fuchs Heineman. Efforts should be made to develop informa- tion conceming the iseresbonts of the lieinemane during 1944- It 1111 - W fa-$,. ,,fP5'tIl-=r A

Ibtgm i q 0 0 > I: 92 ' 0 Lu 1 4, ~ 0 : I t

1 / 4 H , _ 2 El $2 J, 1 _ J reea11edthnt'tlII.n pertof Ruth deter u I111 no I. information outed. travel fails to.&nu£rononthe reflect on trdvel e pert of the Heinnnms dozing 1941», except as light he interred front the Chicago eddren listed "hy lbhert H sum 1 944, and tron the application he led: for onrnetj ubulmce duty.

, the Boston Oioo should also develop infer-tion oouoe the associates Gooeeno in and contact contacts with of East's the Rein d t culsrly u I dining 1944 The Boston Gffice should inedietely illgt 1 wiry report in- corporating leads. 1 1;n.tornn.on u_ presently available and setting forth all logical 1'he Chicago Office is nsquaeted to determine tlm period during 1944, when Robert Block Heinenan resided at 302 South Plylouth Street, which is believed to be the address of his parents. It should be determined whether Ire. Heinennn was nith him at that tine. Information concerning his activities and employment should also be -developed. This investigation nhou -be expedited and it mat be handled in a very dine:-eet'nnner. , The El Paeo and §noxvi1J.a Offices should mks discreet inquiry at the Les Alums and Oak installations for my available information con- cernin _g Dr. Fuchs-jaw M L 1he'Ia.ah.i.ngton Field otfice is requested to canine we records of qr: on theStatethe pert Deplrtnmt, of Robert Block PassportHeineman Division. and [1-'1 MonBeinenan. The concerning Iashingtontravel Field office should also check the record of the Ilnigrstdon and Naturalization _ Service macBtltes for all of infornntion Dr. mans. conco J the entry and/or entries into the /rfZ¢""~?"f 2'];-5 '. h ngzugz11%-:4

195.259 I

W3 J " ___ . _-__.>.'J- -_ A - - 92 -_.. .--_.-.__.._..._>. -_.H _.____._Tv<_._.- . _*___b>_ , _ 92_ . > ,- _ Q uf-_ 59 ; ~. " . ' '.acnn.L'auas1:us. nmnmzm u. or lN92'ESTlGATICtl onusncz A 'x 4 92 0, -F14 - _ - ~ cnnmrmcmmes _ szcnon A _ .51». "*-um: ...... _' ~_ ; res 4-wso / 54 £4 , .'Z:2Z:;:::;:::;:: 92 ~ _ ' 7' .'i'.:;.;f;:::::: E /1 A an-. II; 'lhq_-.-.-»--»-Ibb --ul--i I _ 7 lg. -Iji qnnunnlillll II. M-qnnnoannn ;%://yiguiucwou 1 rnon Bosyon T 4 T _ a-29 P lb g-manual - nxnzcron " unseat f _ »_ ~ i IRISTEL -KLAUS HEINEMAN; YAS, ET AL, ESPIONAGE DASH R. REBUTEL TO BOSTON AND NEH YORK DATED FEBRUARY THREE LAST CONCERNING EXHIBITION OF PHOTO OF SUSPECT HARIINREUTSCH TO MRS. HEINEMAN. MRS. HEINEMANS LOVER, . ' ' 92= KONSTANTIN LAI-AZANOS, WHEN INTERVIEWED YESTERDAY, ADVISED THAT HE CAN I O RECALL THAT ON ONE OCCASSION, K_RISTEI,_I IlAUSHEI!EcM,A_N__AND_,_!§LA_L[S FUCHS 1 - vxsxrsn SCHENECTADY, NY To Q5; §§;§n;;§;§ rg;;un. szsr nrconnzcrzon IS T AT TRIP OCCURRED SOME TI ME I_N_A_£ORA_TY__$E_VEN,__:!'HAT U_N£D_E_N_'[_IFIED ,92 .y sq;§§I£§I """"*~ _WAS AFFILIATED wxrn "' CORNELL_ONIVERSIIY_9B,§£NERAL_§L§CTRIC Q I t u~92S 0 PHYSICIST. ---~»~ - BELIEVES CORNELL ASSOCIATION - z MORE LIKELY FURTHER STATES'A .. ~'1, _ <§Q;§,vn1nz~T1r1£n susazcr uan A GERMAN_NAME wnxcu as aznxnvzn HADIBEEN AucL113 . C ' :1

U9? KIZED;1' x _ REIREPORT SA JJERONE MAXWELL AT EL PASO DATED" OCTOBER/ZENTY/' I yy¢g§ST RE J ,1 rucns. PAGE TEN pr CITED REPORT REFLECTS THAT rucns was * "1 pf/4, »°¢,v"i:Los£LY ASSOCIATEDIUITH HANSBETH1-I, RICHARD FEYNMAN, ROBERTMARS}-[AK »i'AND vxcron wzxssxopr AT L05 A F1 sw 1 REE NAMED C L an un1nrw- I » / 1 yr LbF _rxrxnn sczznrzsr SUPRA. sosron I Amfbm noss - norI24 A £5 my-£1? ING - BU FRAGHEN- " . l92* 92».:_ . mnsm-124 -. gaso - .. AP TARY INFO ON FIRST THREE NAMED. BUREAU IS TED TO REVIEW THEIR 1 7 7 ' V B __ _ rxnzs AT soc, Aug_szr og; LEADS wo_gLauauznQuz coucgpuxuc AISENCES or L 4% zncn rnom Los ALAMOS. _BUREAU nzauzswzn szanca 1;s,g1Lz5 FOR Pnq;os A g or cu AND ronuann SANETAUSD %q aqsipg FOR zxnrsxrxou ro ans. nz1~- -x 5E T ' EMAN ALONG WITH THOSE OF DEU'lSCH- BOSTON HILL OBTAIN PHOTO OF WEISS- O V ,Av 92xovr FOR SIMILAR PURPOSES. IT 1s uowzn THAT mas. HEINEMAN HAS vow lg {Y END PAGE ONE g HQ???-"-3-5 ALLIurcavarzou 13 [}§j"T._l_§,SJ:FIEDCGLTAINED - H ~ AV halo 1 Q-B ,5 "~- .._. .-._.-..4-_»-_.._.-_-A ._..____...... __.-__._.._ .-. .4. » .__ - ¢._-_ 5-l_r-<4-_J.bI -- -- -

" " _' - ' I " ' » "~--r =1-1-? ". . '.-2"*'"T _~~ :"" - "- "_ - %¢*'-~"- ?Z_;~q1;?-.;,,$.v- -»=_vr--. -.-:5! f_¬_-'}__';-3'_-v-:_f|.92;Y;: -¢.;.92- Y4--. 3" 1 I 3 - #3-t-..:.¢-' 23;-.,:.~. Iv»-._ =v... .WLQIJ58-Is. ,_- rw-.-.1* _._ .. 92 _ .., . ._ .32, - __~ '__. -:_-.__ '_ - LE ___ J 4--92n I / L , 92- -- 92 I

! I

I / A.1 I i . v .. _ 1 v92"' - 5






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C US R 1 HA _ mum Idem.

M , _ RETYPED EYEE . WV- 4. ! "-<%;-~ 92 92 I

-_..._- ~ ._ ._ ._ ....-. »_- _ _ 2- _ _, _-T» __-- A .4._.¢--7___~ ~-, _-;._.._._._. .__._,___..____,_____._...¢._.._v-u._-n..|..92-'_;.. -._ A . f i '1 " - _- 4 mm. mmimor rnvas'rxcn-I01; _ A -.cc-I50 - . _ -92 _ Q ,' ,0. Q . an sums nxrmnnm or ~ __.; _ J _ -2 v < . P . 92 L I _. , - ______i in - . _ . 92 . -1~¢;_./ cowuzucrrzons saimou. -- - , n -. I "lib:-may 7, 19$! 'l'r|msm1t'$ho following manage to: ' ' ~" - % %_,,,i,_,,,u,_,,% Mm A8 -UDIBLIBD

92 F l % wvaxxv U Z 92 0 H Iltuumsmm'mm,ns.,Iar-a.- __ *-~ k + 92 I I mo nmrs on mnmmmia, min: mu, smmsmnbmm m vnuriuusinu. ammo, acimmunr, u apr. I. A. max, u. 5. um.

nsncm wnmm n u. mum nmmusu oanxuuaunxuazz mo J rr ca cwcxmm mum, mm-munnu :n_nmr: mun AOIIYITIB n run, unnmnamonns mxunmm III. £121.. Q

Q one F . ~ - N " .',¬H'9;1 T" . . Q HE:- - 1 1 ;~i=;- -_


I-P Q . 5 -,3 LL -92 INFORM * [Qua01¢ . J3 55.5%; - ..ég _;. E It Wzmzsnow H¢REI2J15.rmwz. Mssmgggwz-inCtr: @ 92 re 15 1 , % % CC! III YORK, I _k. ts Iolill, ll .= l u . I . I . W A 1 ? . I IJTLQI: I .1 *> ,_. 1 _ - I _ TMI_avmo 7;Hn>;¢§Y1l°*? 96. A i» _ _ Tmgrypg A § EH l %._.T_: - X ___ 92.'FEB_71950b

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1' I


FILE: 65-5 8805 SECTION: 3 92

xv _ .. _._'.,_ - __ - _H. _ - __ .-<._._._,--__-_-_>-> ,_ __.-- .--.._--.-7-.-_'--.7 5 ' 1 / . . . ; - =r,>-'"-.o.Z~""-r-.;--' '-"7-3=-7~:~i=£i.~=- /"." ?~:1~.- . - " " . I I ~ ._~.r.~.;.:-=~ .5-r,. -'~_ - 4*"-..x>;'.:».a l '- "' " '1. - '' 1 -92 5,," ~.. A - 1- -_ :~.'a=-- [email protected] -:=-=-:1-;..-i-W-t--3 --~ -@- ~> "£1 -' R t. '~ 'A ' _'.. a A . ~ lununll . _..-.;E'._¬w; :.;- _..~.'Qf$'>".~ f'*-:_-»_*?- 3 _~.-¢:5_.1 .-_~*~_--_ g-g"_¢_'» - ;*.__-. -_ ,> -9 I"3 Y _ <7 | .4 . W F" 0 J6M - , _ 2---"*'U- I '< ' Q-GV-ERNMENT I- T° ="- 1-"hm PL " " H " ""1>m Feb:-na1'.Y1p 1950 re».oz 3 PM wmc-r==IR- =11. mm JUIIUS mus mcm,1é.e. » TAB SE" 1 'Q J l, . e M ifZ,"'"" E , _ mnomgs?-gsgos _ J HEDB F5 ed l '1 mam Mile nuns szmmmae. _ Q C-Ai Z _ '5/W/?7 I ___ A - mrxomus M/:5,_ 4/1:°5:£xw a- r'c':7$/' %;61;¢j-/25;; r- Classied -I =¬/iL.¢1.lT_,4r,g ¢A,-15"! / 2--1::_-|___-__- gal:/x=¬':Cw_5§ mam : M7?/76 , s confessed his Soviet espionage activities to British Int-elli To promwf obtain authority I9'$|.Zn4>!I to ark interview ./as/7;0. Kristel"'l7$7/519;,/7' Beinenau, sister or Emil Q ' ' I nous she who he - gen g; mu Fuchs entered the ms. on December 3 , 1943, as e member of the British Atomic Energy Iisaion. He was gL until _..&.abou nugget; 1955. On August 19 he was postedjo lee Qgosdg co, . ere runs --Ell?! - de -.= _jq_ IT _ -, L_.= -.= ' - Lt Ins ames Fuchs worked in the flheoretica "w sios Division and had access Z to high]; classified intonation oonc-e ~ -: the present atomic bomb and the O long range research program. names BestFuchs and operated Charles. onbehalt ,%!q,_;of the BBB while in the U.S. under the cover

has burnished intonation to the effect that a i another ___ gas Soviet _¢ nt o| or August, !e"nams 1941., Goose mm Gus mom was zulettoiieap appmth meetings. Thismluie _ » o Pperently was indicatei oooasioned ¬Ei"53Eae by mobs contacted transfer to PuohslLos Alanna.sster,__§;-1, tel

. s!, _. , -. W! 92 . furnished additional information indicatlng that L. Goose omatlon eonseming gbzehem §;gthman to the Soviets. It will be recalled that Elisabeth 1'. Bmtley charged that Brotbman h:I.msd.1' J had furnished information to the Rllslinns. more El-1'9 fW H. 92 H the unidentified agent noose, but the pwinoig one new appears to -_ Gerhard Gus 1 Iollan I I former partner of Brptlman. 7 Iollan _ sun-en is causes. am Dahlonega, asan issqkatsf-?:_1,j;£essorZ Georgia. oflsthsmatics l l * at the Berth Gog ' g_f~3__tg_ . e 4 m».rs%~ l 00 5-sgakgafs . i¬§71950 '0' l mar-;~ ~ _ ._- .___.*__._-..__.._.-i_._...- ...- _..-. ... -. - 4 - - >-92 1 .. - -.- .. _:_ .~_0e_-~- "_"' or _ _. _ ::_,_:,_.'_O,. . n _,

, 3 . < JI i _ . _ X . ' 92 QECZT ., _ ,__ _ . ,_ I , ~ Investigation of Kristel 8 has developed that her nane, together , - with that of Fuchs, appeared with 1941 addresses in the notebook oi isneel nslperln, a Soviet agent identified in the Corby ease. It also has been developed Gemini-stPerth that her Io hnshand, other sigaicant Bohert Bloch information llsinsnan, is hasa been torner developed.w"umber of the l4! Fuchs has denied that his sister is, or was, engaged in Soviet espionage. owever, hiscontact he mEgooee sts the y have this witnessed mmmy have contacts surmised between the nature hineslf or Fuchs and _' K! ', activities imsemch as had engaged in undercover activities in Germazw. Fuohs also has stated that he net his contact Ian, apparently at Cambridge, Massachusetts, daring F , 1945, when he was on leave iron hoe alamos to visit the Bed.n@s ! U» ' 5 ' L I It also shoal be noted that according Kristel Heineman did not have a code name. It would appear rom e circ92m- - stances thst:ere is an even possibility that Kristel Heinemsn is not an active Soviet gmjw Consideration has been given in the past to the possibility of inter- viewing Kristel Hednemn, but such action has been deferred in view of the 92 possibility of thus jeopardizing the investigation of the unidentified Soviet i92 agent I: Goose._]p- flu It nos appears that prosecution of Fuchs is contemplated and that _ publicity will be given to this in the near future, possibly as early as < 11bothtomorrow Kristel morning Such antlooes, tion, iifmy 1 se, are will presently alert and active, render and inactivethus make mrther investigation practi ueelees. EGOIEEENDUHOH

It is recommended that authority be granted to interview Kristel Heineman andsecond} at the toidentity earliest the possible unknown moment, e1b,1eotEos:b§![ rst as an espionage agent ,Uherself,_ 92 . . It is fhrther recommended that this interview be conducted by Special Agent Charles E. Pelletier, Boston, to when the Heinsnnn case is assigned, I and Gccpilgf-MSpecial is Agent assigned. John B. In Murphy, the event New York, thatmuw to Ihon is the unavailable investigaon because of of thethe with Co A gaestigation is re commde participate d that another in the expo intervie~I;@¬! /,ri enced New York agent familiar . It you approve, it is requested that the attached telewpe be dispatched _/ b to Her York and Boston. ' ,-J t .1 v » -. '1 E-1;e If M 5/,/! I / / zz! l_ 3 W 92 »-;;;*.1o 31 Q,"Wt bl- ....sEMEI

' - 4 _....-.__,_.,.,.,_,.-. a...-<1 ..,_....- .- ... 1 __,___~..._ ' . J »~ _ _ _.._-4=.- ._- ..,..-_-._~»- . "' 92 "' WC! ' __ .' & '1. }eunn.sl . ..~-l ~ Ot Mmddm -_ UNITED STATES éovi-z1u§MENT V

TO 8 Ir. I, oars. February B, 1950 I W , 1,. .;- .. H: B. ' '% =1 @».=»s-~=/ ansowfw A M4 sus1ac.'r= nuns mus moms, or / _, ' ' I-/17/9 "2""""" _. -ssmmnox - 2 Q? v In T ALL Ill! 0 kmrroscomnixm cuxssm 0 /65' ::j_ moss umsnus uucmssxrrxn axcm: DECLASSlFY N: 25X _ mm suowu arm-zmuszz. 3%» é%;£6/ 75-//A DI W L!K ; To show ! our notication of the Atomic Energy Oomission of :::"_/ g this ease, ! action taken upon learning that ~Fuehs' name no in an M1,_"""* address marsf;¬"g,Z;;:79¢, book 0! Israel Haipez-in, pftll Soviet an agent 0/Q 7/7/90'.Q '//6%-' 'on#7?/7:7 wl~ - Iben the identification of Fuchs as the Soviet agentiéest § i t a i 1r y apparent, a letter was directed to the Ltemio Energr Oommis on underod 92oonducting date anof October investigation 21, 1949. this of Fuohs. letter It no tififurther ed the set Camission- thatforth the roots we that-were _' Fuohs' name had appeared in the notebook of Israel Ba1perin;.thnt the name of Fuchs and his brother we re contained in a list of persons considered by German Gestapo as Communists in 1941: and that the h bus and of Fuchs sister, Communist Robert Bloch Party inHeinsman, 1947. had gébe n reliably reported as a member of the at the time of delivery by Liaison oi the letter dated October 21, further 1949, the intomation Atomic Energy on this Comxis case si on E;-em was the requested British Qmmaesikoa i _ ask us for anythis ' *5 information. lio requests were rec iv ed from the At_°mio Bner 51Conmissionw The information received from e t made available to the Atomic Energy Conmission for these reasons: ' .. 1. The limitationinformation that from itnot this bedissemins_ted.outside source is received with he the Bureauzf expiio !9 '2. The identification M-»..;1..' , 1.reasonably certain, we not *' ' * -1 > absolutely positivergy bl V _/,~ /1 3. it the time mm was no longer in the United States and there "A : was Statesno Atomicindication Energy that Pmgmmu! he was presently working __ , 'LZ§1!'XHF0RNEAT!ON on the United COW1A1FED92,92I _ ~ ; ._nsasxu1sa=:::ssssxr12g>2J:czrt /:5;-W / . mzsssaowa ommm -A . SE'.

outow Z3 /1/1é_F:..¥5E~"7'7/',7' B .N'!.»|ho|d'Ec;a5s"y 31 71958; . 92'§ ,//2:?"/ { ~ is; 312.21% '__._, ___ 5 H si3 " ; e~ - U , ~/"Y. i ,2 ' ._ 9292 ,, " FD. mes 1/ ,,_..' amp! r m J. V . In '._ . : , 1 3 _ A ,.;. L I: .-;h92s~.<.;La-.-_ ._92_F _~;1P___.--- $ f ._ . Q n:. ' ' ---" _ ¢ _ _,_.___.._.%.._-_-N ~- I - _.._..._.-I ' ' _ , ._.s .1; '~- W _ , -:<.~! . l a 'T " a .9 § I I __ . 92 ¢ . -P - . I, 1'. K. M ' I ',-_,92'_; j_ '. ..~ T-/. - . 1 I _ 1-__ '1 _' ' On March 12, 1946, the Bureau 1,111.01.-'.-.p.-.....»¢mv. on , J I Canada, forwarded single photdstatio copies of the address book anddiary of 11 I Israel Halperin, who had been identified as a member of thesoviet espionage .1 network in Canada, disclosed through the of Igor Gousenleo. Note: 92 Halperin was brought to trial in Canada, but the charges against him Iene 92~ subsequently dismissed.! The address book contained several hundred names theof individuals entries appeared living the in the following:United State fa!! and .other parts of the world. Among

I I Scotland, KlausFuchs, Camp Asst. N Campto M.L !Born, 84 George Lané, Univ. of Edinburgh ' Interment ' 3 Operations In] Kristel Heinanan, as Carvel 114., Waterto'wn"k§! U - . -¢ A preliminary review was made of the names and add!:-eases contained in the address book and diary and on June ll, 1946, photostatie copies of the two ~ docunents were sent to offices 9! covering tentories in which the addresses were located. The memorandum contained. the statement that many of the e individuals letter.Of listed others,are there already is no known information to the offices availablereceiving concerning copies them."aQ§ of t11is_$92'92""ltd! The offices receiving copies of this letter were instructed to immediately identify all of the contacts of Halperin listed in the enclosures. Reports should be submitted setting out the identification of these contacts together with any information contained in your field office files concerning them. In the event there is no information contained in your field office files, a preliminary investigation should be conducted of these contacts at the conclusion investiationof which, of them if should it appears be oonduoted.?Q92 necesaa or de USirable, a more intensive The documents having been made available to the British Intelli genee Services by the RCMP, no attempt to investigate individuals listed therein as having addresses in Great Britain was made. Furthermore, though the concerning British had Fuchs this data tous. availabl §J17 !they did not furnish ani further informationY ' '

AB a result of the above-mentioned Bureau letter dated Jime ll, 1946I the Boston Office instituted investigation of Kristel Fuchs Heinenan and // developed the usual background information. The investigation was closed by ' report dated December 26, 1946, and carried on under the name of her hush?/' Robert Bloch Heinenan, who has been determined to have been a member of 1; Communist Party. The investigation of Robert Bloch Heinenan was closed-sin he October,had gone 1947, as a onstudent the basis of Lum i creation aQthat ghe was in Mexico City .where

_2 _EL Tk , . 1- , ii; -3» Q-11 ' 4 _,_ ' * *__" ' H _ : iii _ - -- _ _ I _ - - 92 J . _ 92 . - ____ I r _ . -,3. _ _ . .". . -w. ,1 '1 _,".__ _ -,_.__;%%,_-znv _ '1' _;-_ ._92';,: __,]AE§§_"§,.-"4 *- 1 '- ;*~-=&:-"='-=~§ =-- » ., -*~:=i~w - - I f 3* .. - '. :=- "/-1'.-.1.-,'.-5,"7=Y{'> 1 725-=:;_f.!;:~i:~~.;;14a3'::?":*'l~ 1' "'51 _- -- "= - I ~ . .~'~ .-'-1. .'{-.,_-:7 _" I '£~ :-"~"!'-T-5% -fir 1, -.,,~=.;.ri92,_. - -. '13 -1'»--1-4 § -.- , * p-. - - ._»_ '. Fl _ - -_ - -, , 92.|- ____";_ . - "- 1 '--~9292-_0 _;- . -_.. - 4," -~ 1 ' 5 . 92 ! _ ' V

B-IAN igfi '. ' "" 51' . -_=' /X 'llznmasn-u§s _ _- 92 ammu-

I ; /P/,£J_i,-. . ._ _ 1- . 1, 4-. 1 I l ' 7. , 7 A uttthltlnlune

I , .._.., "M, _ Y £1: L /P3 . . ~ - M W 4. . . _ ¢ ~4 » a={"§=£§,i={s;"l,¬@1¢d#a»~>»»=F#;»»~7"* °/=¢/W vu. > I ed ' '-1hl.Iti1';rethe92:.ngnaahre021!aaenem1:d.tted1h 1 ~ _ - 99* ???!1!.- S! 'i~- ' I nu , .» . ecttha .* _. Soviet op'e1eti.ng1.n1944un:!e1-tn nueiea hadtu:-nieheclto_ _, B the air! pert of the report ISD-1. onedt¢i.tI1ad.ng!----lttrcnt 92 , '4 £erea'51!--Ihew».eaSnestreu-- §I1§mlll_:.*"-Zlb__. .-,1. I _o~._.q-Q

I 0 92 I

. ax - ?a A.- - ~

92 92 I Io _4hr92hlr» ld.u,tu'|o>_ it OB at it!» naoaluyti Icahn **"""'. . -._ gr. .- !92 r u Idaunnp liq! cl nun: at huh lth: >92¢;92-» Anon law lnlt-ruin Q that Irina]. Iolana nnu hi appllol lqnrtumt pea-dz Ion nbpttn cozfm _ Qlqnnt and lllotl $11100 80-ll! an ht! Ihcnabontaq It I_u dull-0906 Int in 1? Gianni. Ithdt-rzlo 6017;, z7m|h4euh:.|g'tta, and daring that yur ca'2Lv=£_c_r npruslntcly Q10 dun .- to nlop trawl tntomldol n 801:1 Illl ;_t-o,1nre:.-matted rbpdrk ahatigotla may not aria: s! I

. nth ntormco to u hnlwn ortl 92 -E _a uc_1m:I.cat1.nn and Outohlrli, 198; - n lrltid _ nail _s us pm. in £o11.v|n' luv hadqurhrl nul of the qnnu um. m_ inn nus; bf intonation lappltod W you Pad: has ban rangzablo danbt to bu 1:1 M --- dualum: fan am. spat, ans__ . . '2 Innntigauon alaowu wnducttdlb anulop an hr u ponnhlo the uuvu-.19: or mans and other British scientist: in In Ion: during u J jiurttmnt um. Ila roanrdl at tho ataxia Borg Oomziaaton at tho Boat. of Oovu-meant were consulted and mnatigaon was rnunuoud I47 the £101: at Q itlbs luliu Janos, 60:11., Oak B5-480; Golmpln and Uninrdwg liar Iork 01?. an-the the Manic latter hug011100 Gomsdqn,checking reecrdsu tort. 1;! tumiahed%1t.ho A a relult Brl of t A nlopsd Lion, tognthdr a. tall with lot at helm infatuationInstr ~ '~- abouts 1n_ a country. Briefly 1 in an tollallx -Dumber 3, 1918 <1 Arrived 8-8. and gun ruidmoo an an Hotel and butane: adn§:u as 4,3 Exchange Pka, In fork G117. n httar mbouqjuntly I. 92 Bhlnsld to 1!:-Ltiah ntntry of Supply Millions 37 I111 street, III Iork 617. ,!

Dtudber 25! 191$ ' _ E A In first vidtod Ir!-Ital. Buinnnnw /-1 , 1 5; 29 ma 30! 1944 IA _ , . n rum; unm Iontroal, mam, for 1 mnfemnua with labors of m¢!/"~""

lllnnllj Buoarnh Blind-19Ml L0! I l"92- ,n . .-»"/ I _ - __-_- _.-..__._.._i?-_~ - -0-..»A_. ...- ._ _ _ _ _ - 4 / i , 4 _

1 !..=Lz..5¢.BY£ 114?=#r*~~*1 % . qinnu Qnimmy-ha-, tor 4 aurora» it lu can unuuuig ,4 uaatunI92n,1%4,uunt&nnlraut.ur|uu!c,ln Dd-00- --

453-1. 5, 195 L

loan elu-lag11 £945» nmnu-1 1-am, lbma hbrulz 11. 1956 ' in hit Ina Llano: for 1 nolttnn with K1.-lial Onbrldp, lluaahnnuttl. ma! lib:-nag 35¢ 1945 Ill returned to us Llama rm: unman- Iwuabor 21¢ 1916 Q Bu 1021; In! Llano: tor Iontree-1, ca-ands, via Bhlugo, for a two-day antenna I12: representative: or t-ha Britida arpnipation. Um llovunbor 24' 1945 In mama in Albuquerque, In an», and ommsd an to Uudoo tor 1 vacation in the annpuq of hdnlyh 8. Pdu-10 and I110. _ Ollrll 18 delmilbod by the Br!-tilh an a alone uaaociata of Ruin and mtunlilodLt Ll into:-uting lrltilh nb3 to to that ,4Ira. Pniorla 10 A Ruuim-born 92 , . nuasnbor 8' 19.5 _ lo and til: Pdnrlan returned to L08 Llama tmu llnz:l0o, 116 ll Puo. Dlcenber 12. 19L5 Lh-! n Q *- ____________, _ .._,-_._ _-.__.- @_-._.»__.__.-v 7 4 -l~--'- ____ ~ ____~_4 ,-_..> ..@ --

' '1 9292 92 Y ' . "EU ¢- a /V 3'»

92 /I 5511.195 .- ' _ 1 . l 92 la man in n. an awn ennui, Indutuy n.0.,":u- cu" _- dt or inch! out athr one n1¢1t'n 0&7, pvhlbk tin latter. . ' E 21,1946 . '- ' u .692 Bo Ii-8raiding at in Hlinnua rollqmon, Bnlbrlqu, I92ala;.clnn6At§s. Juno 8:194!» '_ lo mnunu-=1, Gumda, :1» the m¢.u1m-wuh-§#&"" lovuhr 12., ma ' * Bo roiazrnod to the United States at York Glty an Br1t:I.ah mainonw Iovumbar I!. 1947 . 92 He dopartod the Uniued Statas from Haw Ink» Q!

92 Investigation at New York to locate a bank account and a residence utter Fuchs loft tho mm Hot-01 was nbegat-ha. W -

A review of the Bureau; indicea devuloped the interesting information thin that subject oartn.1n_an.ptm~odan a mm Guam doeuma 0, apparently andapparently I ouupllnd connnwist in 1941, Iorw lintodor consideration for apprehension IU the German Any during thn 1n1a_d.nn of Enoch.- lhia um list contained u name 0! his In-other, arhrd hicha. -Q In this unmuon, investigation or Kristal. Bqucmn Gunlopad that . in F0bruz1,_19A2, she hated the {alluring nhws ouil-;h the Unihd scams: Dr. bhrztfhgrmineam Ih. Nola, Ba:-Lin, -- brothar! Gama-gy Dr. -- tamer; nan: Fuchs, not-ham serving ruin, in "held the gt Bngliahxnsy 1 unite:-inn,- 0 ' ~ - '92L

I It nu also ascertained that Kristal Hdneznn rcportodly muted aha 11-164 in 001.-nn.w an Hitler xnt can to pun: and that bar rather and brothar '1nd spout. an lm in Gun: oanoantntlon cap!» aha aid la: in-other um- Iint U hzland ind bans 5 Britiah uabjact. Sh! duct!-had this brother as a ...... "¢;*{;**-p very~___92admndhunmtdnmdumtfortohlpnrkunaoa 3?o ' -4- .,~ 'I Q; b

ieeieeeee enema: an 50801-I1/Ileceetwe ieek e£_lll92l1Il1ierl..ng e ee_.e92»e¢eet1en*1vee1e ue en etmeepmeemeeumruq, ml» nee: Ieehe, not greege-bee, hlvere1Q"o!Ille92|ergh.|lee92»%eee ' pa-nu;-Geepi.-3 nmeneuoueem-nene1_euenee.lI_eogee4,emoumpnuaeonunnmu. - »_ - l4 ' In he revue et the eureenle lndieee no tnreuenen ln1l:lee92»1ng that lb! Made leery ddeh bed Ilthllttei Tidal! M8 tor e Obi lll1.M.92v'I$192' reeorde Iee leaded. -In thin regard it ie of intereet l-het GD AMI!-e Iner|7qon1ee1oeueer4erd'1eetnt0me:e10roveehe4he|euen-eewehe Irlttehiwlieimeillnlorihlwrtm. thetellhe I1-iteltenelnihe hit-edltetee emeged invert at tnteeeet. to the Ehedbeen eleered y _Ir1tleb Security prior to their Aeperhzre for thie Milk?» hie eteteeent eppeea.-ed tee eeeoe-undue thet pointed out the ea-rival of thle nbjeot in this eeuntq. A _ - ~ -Q

be prinoipel eeeoeiebee or 1-uohe in thin country were E1493-P31 B1-net Peierle and In-1 Peleg Cohen. R5-erle lee born lune 5, 1%! Ber1i.n,_Ge!mny, end beueee e lrieh oitieen by netnrmlieetioe on lurch 26, £940, at London, Indeed» 81: cite, mgenie Peierle, wee hem Jul; 25, 1908, et Lenlnped, hale, and ehe too beoene e naturalised British subject In-oh 26, 1940, It eppeere that Peierle no mohv enperior in eteuic energy reeeeroh prior to eoltng to the United States in December, 1943. Be tolleeed thmughee euperlor otteeheehile theywene Lnieetozt Oityendleteret lpeeme. Lt. the . letter pleoe Pele:-1: nae in ohea.-go or the B:-it-Lab group. It bee been noted above that the hoheee and the Peierleee have veoetiened together. /S1; In lea-1 Paley Cohen wee born February 5, 19.13, et lieu York City. He etended Golnehle Univereity from 1929' to 1936, reoeiving 13' m and Phene Delreen Iran: 19460 to uey, 1944, e tee eonze prior to the time that Fuche vent to Lee Demos, Gohan nae ceployed on ear reeeeroh et culpable Univereuy. The BI eentee prepared by Fuohe and other Brit-ieh eeientlete wee deeigned prime:-11.7 tor the nee or the reeeeroh group et Goluebie Unirereity, and Cohen e I-11 he be the person with Ihce Puehe Iould. o:'4i.ner$.11 here been in contest. Upon etdet hie reeignetion with Szemlerd from 011 Bolnmhie Devizrnt University, Do l1_£eebet-hater Cohen took up Jereqy. employment Cohen ee e wee92 the eubjeet at en Lppltoent. - A o Energy Let invee time this tailed to eevelop erg info:-metion to the effect that Cohen lee e Ooeeuniet. me person lntervleeed It-ti-ed t-Int Gohm held eoue ruoel political. ileei, though he dl¢l'not believe Bohen to he a Oommiete He deeeribed Oohen ee e. theoretiel eneenelydoel thid:erLnpoJ.1t1.oeeeee1lee1neei.enoe,ehoweenotin eonplete egreeant with any one complete eat of political Melee mother person qepethetiointerviewed to Ooenunin. etet-ed that He eeid Bohen Iurther thatdefinitely In Cohen not wee e e Gennniet,nil-ronndrg!nor ...- --.;.%._.__.....__._._....__ ._... _ -- » 4 - ~ ~ ~ '

Q -.7 L Q ~ - .- _ - ,L~! al-,9 92 , .

~q@@!E% 4 , _ c. _ _ 1. mm; van um-1- to um-4 preamp nuns;-a " ' .

Meta I9.-1 we eaterkeiuei Aim}. aware imi peently in Ihnuate end i i_'ere.et ueunt that he was hora December 29,1911, et luneldmin, , e. pereuor» Ie errived in the Initedlingdnl A3 In I leunetieel phyainiet. at the lhlvereity et limngk tnglend. lle bean e netnraliied lritieh ngbject in A1-94$ .// um his 1-etu-n to Landon fun the United sums he continued ewuic energy reeeelvd; and current!; is e Senior Relelrch worker et the nude Energy Project, FIFO]-1, Q11-I-t; mam seamen was burn aw 22, 1933, and in e Inbie ¢1,0eIIlI=v~- age Iiret entered the Bddoad Stetee on Sam-ber 20, 1936, residing here Imtil My 17, 1938, et which tine ehe sent to Kenn; Gum, end re-enerei the hited_8t-ates on an immigration visa. Sue attended Snrthmre Ocilage, Uerzhaare, Pemqlnnia, end epprantly net her husband there. She bee three name,ehildren O-abridge, is the present leneohnaette. um. me Q! naimmnuu-eamuq "nu is 9411!.hu1eI . S!b . A bri 6.t ream: of the inrorm'H.nn mmm m ingiueheiethm-uofl|y8,194b,headvieedtheBu rkat the 31-itieb Gonaieiion on atone energy in the United state: no aoetingyiiah no noun, and eppn-antly that there eea diseetd.e£aet.ion orpiauaxlerst-agnsiing. I u - 4 I - ! ___ ______._4_-_-_7-- - ,._.-s... _.._.._ _ ¢_...... __..__,_.__>.___ .-...._. -..-_.-. .¢_. -_.._._- - - ~

_ _ my .. ______.__._ - __Q_?__: , . . - » . ~92:' ' - » = ' . of 92 ' ' - ' . I; . _. ,1 F!. . , . A 5 ,..


n it E i


-.i F I

0 § ; poo: ninph to ulnar - h hahadulnuilqnatdhut I.l.1IlPUQ'Ill"; 1814; 9!-A, it In Ilpbd at Iuhll ."..M~.n¢;gn:datcrhmmtput» iophnnsdnotbarh-lpboa % % A

0 -Al or Ontohr 5, 1945,-Indm nrln, and thou: bur nan In lonahurli, 19-U», bola hullldi cpntaet P _ t that hula had an ail:-and in lrl Id-Uh, R Iwluieo» Iudhlbdlvlahia dab: that » > cm-intaaatlaoial UB5 H3» %! aalinonophnnodiooa H1 q 5 A so ta inn: lo on din subject, éoonogh in lg I active lnrorna amm on coma:-aing nun tie: a also or an Mug! Brot-In Goon tumisha ;

r mama 2. muq In-I nvnlvul 1. sum. Qlpiomgb art: L! hnahoonmdato1.¢l0n..qlannoneIhouou1dlmawbothBrotlnan . - Ilrloun aspects Mn ham eunnidlrnd, lost o£_ Ihuu are onnnoctjcd nith ~ lrothasn Ln buinua activities. 'I.huo'1nc.1Mi'1H-ha: Phtulu lobar, hhl [or¢hBLIl; Oarhu-A Iona}. I 0 J 1' Iago. It has not bum -pouibla to tabli the 0 til! it Iollm on is the ahbatter 1dnn'g,1_92:y_oE ;z'cmpe' ." 92 jja..tgr'lar' wean; partner of _Brothim appear: and atat >0 Iollm one time andthoro ma a p!1ya1a:tutA ma m by tho" ue:-othe law. Ha is aunnnlw ~.-.~',_- !1ratmana.£' Imam as ms- - sJ us! anImiiddzml 1031011 lunltlpttn appeared in effort:tho ntarinl an bain of ~ _~'~ =~ ¢I"~ /"I pal 1 0-. b I _ 1I T » _.- l _-_-~- - 4

-111. . V /.

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FILE: 65-5 8805 SECTION:i

___ _.,.92 . - _ - - _, ~ r . 92 - ..- _... r____._. _. _ . ._ _ - ._, _ . . .. ~.~:-_-.~--_ -3-.._--0-,~_;,, |_._|92_.92"_ ~--U hp. ,~¢ ._ .1-1 92.92.__ p_92~ ,- I 92__.,,,_ 5 _ .. ¢. .:_ _ u_|._A 9292.. > , .. r: _I "-:_-,_.,~..'-_- -._~; .~ a .-.:¢_- _'_._~.~;._.~,;.~.r-E;:;-.-.;.@§1;.?;'7 .Q_3_~ '92 ".. ' _-";' '~._,_ .__. 92,;,;.' E;;§*V.j§-i:$92'.~§q'P»',I§§?=§'£7:g.;*;§§f=g§p;g$_.*§;_-- .1," ,'-~'-"v ..;.§s~.~Y£. __...e-~.~--*92 -'- _ " -7. - - .- ..'- '1_ __ ~.--- "§»_'_""'' eoppll f:I.-.921'1-" .-"r':"-.:'922;" 2' . 1-Q-f5 Q! I?-:'"'1i':¢'q."¬¢~'=1=-~ .---.3-r :_!:'a1""'-§?";'.u»;;.-;1% »~ --';r-1 - . -*. +51»-. -"'92~'-*5?"¥5~.'f-.2;-~I¢§-F=--:1:. .-F ., x .1;-. "L_ _ _ J . 92 _;__.- _..,;;..'-. _ -. ,..V , --. _ __- ..'_ -~ _ _ _ _~-92_ 1/!.,_.,f . . . _ 1, -_~ 7:»~ __4_g* . -, ._ _..*-,_._:_v92'~¢_V _. _»_ ._ . .1 ., _ ,. . .~*?.¢. ; ' ;- . "__ . r _._ , _,. ~_.. '_~. _, -_- _=-- . _ ~-_, 92- ..¢_- __! . ..~~.- -. .._ 1..--1 . -. L ; _ 'c1"}1 . ~-_,'.~,c '.-_L92 ifN _2.. ; ~ -r '1». _, A_ ~ : !-A-_;'-- 4,_-,.'__', -- 1 .__.; -"¢?- j'.'l:.'1.'-1-. . '~,_: , _ .. . ' -_ 44"_ .1. i-;f"T§-'1,-'..- .3, }| M .0 4.4: ~ _.-.,-~::--.;,.._ A ~- . - - -"~'=.:.§"-'-,.' ' . =" '.*7-"'---."-"--v Q . 4 . . K. --' a ,. ,+E.I. .;_-92.¬Ygfl. 5 I_. _._p - -5 - 1 " ' c V _ "@=*§*¢=w"1:*.*1§$¢ ' . 5 1 _ .. ~ A _ - , ..- . _ ;¢g_{'_sw@*_7: v 1 u ' hziliitis, -.- '0 .-"h I - n_-."."f - __

I -- 92 s.#oB~'?./Wom spoon: e PML »*r¬::ek , ; P - ' __1" L.e| _'._.j,_. KB-,_ Joan z anon .EY »___-; . 1.6.34.-..-- - /' .- -. *92 R .> Dr. Karl somePal $ . 71.. !. 92 - ' F ' A study of nfvaileble les ' - . provided tollloningthe intonnati _, ' . s / Movements of members of British Diffusion Ission, ' Ear Y_<>5'a_19113-h2;__<__ _. 1 _ - . _ 92. ~ . ! Professor RudolflPEIEHL3. Arrived mmYork ' , - ecem er , 9 . de nuxoerous short joumeys --'7 .-. within .U. 5'." un'ti-II;ou_iIun9 @;"19hL¢ihg 0f.cia11y:|:92.;. left the New York office, joumeying to Lee Alamos. 1' I He returned to New Iork on June 21, 191111to tidy his 4I affairs and left again for I-oa Alamos an June 29, '.

- b! c.r. Arrived New York December3, 19b3. . Ieft for 5.3. January 18, 19M4- Arrived New York from U.K. March 17, 191411. Hade numerous 5 - short. journeyswithin .8.until on September1?, .~» __ g 19143.1 he leftby planefor theU.K. - F . Q! Emil HIGHS. Arrived New York December3, 19113 and Q remaea Eere til a date between 1.1and 114August 191:1». OnJune 1,3, 9M4London telogrgphed P3I13RLS §__ - - asking for advice on hether HIGHS should return " to the U.K. to work on roject. 01 June 214, _ _ 19111» PSIERLSreplied that }e he thought mans _ should retum 11 the project was being taken _'__. _ seriously, he nevertheless knew that FUCHSwould - __ - C 7%d J ! r ' ¢...... #5»; 5%fB%@"=1*%:-1% Zi .2-::.~~ °"""7!h,14 m@.,,, " ZZ;7*'"412% g/7'§°._*7 COPIESN J; , ~& _, -~ /If PE. '0Hb4OYED ~ _ 7"., "*"°l'1s 1950 nc.! HQ es-sssos-ms1 P . 1VAUG1~1N.PAC¬__-'52 _- -av ------_.,-_¢_- - v--1 - -» < - . - _ _ , __ - .....____~ -_..._,__, A I -_._ __} _-¢~..-..-. .. - . A. ..»_.______.. _. _ I ..-_ 1..--_ .- - _ - ._ _ _A _ > _ _ ' ,_-;__; __::. "~- ,.=»~*»""ae.- . J - . --5-'._~=- i -.:='**'-1":-'-1-Y-=1-st='v:-#1,. - - _4 l Iv -r r. Q !1.'.'.1' i ~ H » H11 1' i- » e =5?"-, -' *. _»=.--'--F 92-r -- ".'=-1:=r'~~~.l"-<' - 2. -T-?:. ¢ t '11- =1? ~-<-* I " ' -J r - " -"_; .~ _ ~=. --. ~ " _492__,§. ~ so-= fr:' '1 ~. - .3-g -92 - -e '- 7' ~ - on " 'e~*"* 2 V -:3 ..': 3*: 7'5 -'A. t -:"92 lq ' i ..~7: =- £7 1 A1??-1-tr '4 ""z.§1:-,1-§;.v? 1 . '.'" I-. 4-1 -- ; v , ,"E.r!;f 1 ".'~':' Iv , Z '_ :- é = _*_ _v.-'¥i_' . "fl '.,.-.- ;:|.'.-92, >I,!.: '-Q,. 3» 7 _.1'- _}§ '~»4..'___. . _ ,_ _,Q.-' Pm?_.__ -33 I-.-;.. --,_- e 92 f_ .g'-- w" ~ _r,; ',- *' _l.~ ,3: K t >*~ r _

.~ -1 ~. -» .- ~.. . -' ' .-l~.92. ,~ =->. - r.~ ~; "92 4'-'t-X_'<"'£- .. .1, ; "_ .' .* " '. l F ~ .1 _.-_,. - ~;~;-1 .=..-_. ;' -~ -_-L-__~ . '=».t~;=-="',-_. . ff-_." _I___;i'__- 1 *.I»;=-;.;. ._ .,' ~.=_.~.~._3;=$,- '.__,' ,1; -_ --_"-Q!: . " 1?!-,;¢{r;~.:'",-Ya. ~ 5 $11-92*:k:*-% .~: - ~92==»-;;,a:-=,ev.:-*é§f;.z-1,{'3.;! r_-¢,-_-,_":--...-_ =.___,:. "L, . 3- -_92 '.i . _ -=.'-.="1;-v. _ '.1*§", ' '?-J92_-..~: Li- ""' .-'.:~I. - '.:'.';I- - 1" -_ - -.~.. - '» ~ - . 5'5 ; ~-. "_'§"" . .-_¢-- " "-'5--3&1? 5---3:. -'-;"'fT§'¢'T<-v. - '. 921"|>-./g-- J -- .* "'1-- "','_:f» *~/1 - . -_ .,I ... . - » -- ¢- , , '. If - ._l'4~-.. ' " ,v;"'92_/is; 1. _.-,,T_7».92__'='_.s . = -__<'_~..92.-__,_ = 5':-Q',*_.- ?,§.§E! - C . ~. _ ,1 ' be'ire1ooi|:eiI' to"Los oi-"' - --L ;i-I - -- f _ ,' _l-u1do:i_'t_e1égrep'liecI"_'PEI'ERL5 .='ieig' eienaa -g ' =5»-'».'e f-i 3 92 should--take x-eoeda1c_e'ti¢';l:;"the p£4E>'JTu'o't'_'SIu r k the U . K. .- -,1-_-=.i',1-. - » Q1 -my 29, 191m and agmm-"um; 21¢; 19h1»,' ~ ;;i;f-. ._ » mum wrote shying um messy poa1.§iup'Ias still . ' V unoortnin Sut that it looked aa'_-i£ rstum I __P I" * _;.- - '-->921====>=~<--§.==.92.;1.1=em" to the 11.31 Ether h.-191-11 thsn'b_e1'-**!?*¥P§?9Pi§trsn_sterr9__c}_._1_i__<';_ t-.2.__i . 13-i 3 A-** _mm1'9N esp!in FUCHS! emmqa E-I I ."' _9,§,f-as ;¢_- . - - to Lo: _1lsmos1'md instnzctiug that »he"§_ou1tIf--c'atch - '.- . ~ » the plans for Satitél Fe Iron Ohi'cég_o' _dn_~lO], "- 1 ~ - ' -191411 vnieniaoulaepresmebiy be co|_:ve?r_xien"t t_$_.qos" '- . , JUCHS had previously stated that he io1'_1Id:be_ready ;f_ , to leave by August 9, 197411. kl M-1_gust;A_B, 19111; " '_ " ' -' mmm wrote um 1-vans would be 1aavJ.ng'He|I ~ , '*== lork signed "this a 1e__ttar week". from Ch the August New 11, York191114 O££'ioe¬% me UL - - . 'd!_'r.n.n. srcmm. Arrived New York rm u.x. March ' _ 3, I955. ii June 1,-19141: KEAR'ICN_1r:;'pts that SKIR:£B would be leaving New York fox-*1-09 L1emos'"in about a month". ' He le*t ifew York tor 1-osAls.mos' on ' June 29, 1'91,|¢] 0, _. .92

2. - *ie',?I:~2<1?h.3.-Ph- SecretarialStaff in-British __ Diffusion o._ o ".l.ssion o . f 92u A letter from xmswon dated July 215: 19th stated _ that Miss CROSBY left the office {last week" and might take up , ' ' a GORDUNsimilar were job still therewith KFILLET $92 '*tAt2i-1: Hrs. GODFREY -and Miss In early February 191.-lz PEIERLS wrote saying that ha'/ might be able to recruit suitable computers from one or two '{ sources. rst he would ti-y a member of Columbia University Mathematical Physics Department. If this failed ho would . I . go to Professor Cour-ant or the Mathematical Tables Organisation. ;__-;;»_92 V -lashington should be on subsequently the British agreed pay roH@- and added [A that the . " computers _- _ ' e / . .


4 r.

-0 .- _. Q n HQ 65-58805-188 inc.!P.2VAUGW PAGE » . ..__._ _...... __._ »- -1- - .. _ _ _ ¢_.__-'_ __ 92 Y U

-'_-*11 _ ._ =i2,._',._-~.i{_;>,,X=;if ;._j_ 0- ;..-J] ~. . .<__-,.I-._.- -.. -- --._ . - - 1 '-._-r. . . ' -£9. -. Z .7 7-'1. "> 1-. " .92%-iv.»-.:-.--=~e:::c=3. -- --.-1-"- ' " - :9 = ~R'..-'-~» . ea-. ' -*~?.: T . ' 1- "1 . »::,e=§*- '-.1 < ~ V. ,5»-» ~ -1": .i*- - . .-.~ ' . :i*'.ZI. -2V '~ » .-9": 92 - I :c'- '.»~ 92 ~-, . --{ 1- -~ - - .;,'+*- 0 ~ _ . '~'~ . - .- ..t 11 ~ 92 ., e ,1-__ ~ .- at _ . ?;_. - 5 . __r_H,;§-;- A Q92 ._-_»..- ..5@.; ..;..fr-g.-,*_"'._§_W>.,-Q-92..-,;;_- *"'-.-.._'......¢f1"-Y.b.__>, ;_h_-_:._,- -:2 I: -" ... ~92-.~92i=z31- l.92_, ..@~.~Ai--t e_-' - -4,2._-..-*» fe -W =,==-:=*~..<"-§c=_*- ..- kw-=.---. 4 ,_ n .- - »~. 1, ~ .e. ar _- . £*92.~n.1-'it-;_'.¢ " I-§-l.-. -=- -'t I ;. ,.$ q-92-rm;-,., A» '' ' '.. -, ' - -'_ 92-, >Y92*,».¢,-._ ' I . . - -0. --I. -' 92,, ~"s~:T"»;.*'-.-P,- ~ -_-.. - ,4.-';_; ..,1-. _92.f -T-1.~?--. -'-"»- -_. 1 - * .§92,-1; ;;- '1 , -,_ ~1 - . -5.;_'_ - :"'Z.-L';3_?.§--i-1 . ~._-.'.'f;.'.-'-. -.. . ,,. zuajJ-,_ I-'.;.-4;;§'.Y _. ~'.:n__ -... A, 5 _ * "w__;;__*:;_;. . -.,._-u-1! . _ =;'~ ~"..,:_".;! ~'_; ....,>:-92.92 . _- Y _..'J:_!,: - .. 1-, -. ; -.. -- '-_'_-_.-___. -_ _- H _-_ "1 .'=.'.--,'~, ~.~_.- _ :_.__~¢ - -__. A. ,. - ,1... _<_.>_:_,;;_;'_-o_"V'7.. ':_»..-_-;;-;.,.,. .- _4 . ~v.x,.>. _,_. e._ U _¢' s92 Q L,92r:- <-4, I9292:1,s92e '|-.,.. o - , 1 -_ " ~ I. -3 -. ".< :. "'. -_ _»'. . --- ;."I_-1-. -" 1- *- --..»;.1--==»~ .-_ :. 3£1.-'1;-"§_" :1 -..r»- :_.----,': .. -15%,."-1Q.-._. 92 .55 . n w 0 t ,' x _4 ¬ k 9 " 5' L, , -. 3 ~a! * _ _.'. -D;-0 I =e ~, * m Pebi-nar.v_at. 19» '1»-_-1-ml -am: ,='>>i*; he ' | .92'~ -v -" hadalready tak ' computerone 3m{._t_hathe hoped to -get .-___"_ Q. ' - 03 e .1:-:," -. nu"!-3 .' "1..- T! _ I .,- . "°°"'*..'. . . . M e " ?"°"-I???. - -. -'. :- 'mom? - --me ate; {tam aiemesédgu."ti1":i§A1i1tzi its - J "5-== =11-=9 9m='==.*==u . > _- -. 7 ' -*- 92=I" ¥ - ' ">-3 1;-; ~ - 1-llaclml Ilia: Ewes-- ~ a temporary --_-eecretaryéah--' - » =->-rl- ..~- "-.;.-,..a.- . _ 92 I - emit;-*~t.t peziiandlta_ ¢rm".¢;>;e.s@." H > and Kiss lites tDHD_ON Gordonwas 1|ere.the marriedonlyto an Amortoanpermanent butsecretary-fetypiste usedher ' maidenI_' name - J ~ - in +.ne'jerriee!. meécmsex wasA hesitate: 'é'1-;n'au'gh_t,- » a first generation immigrant fromRussia-. He__Iasf_tmableto say » .--n-_ definitely whether mother computer had been engaged but he _-r " thought not. . -" -_ - E The'I'bcrp1*ali q _ D§.f;?u§ion*Procese I - There are several reiferences-to t .§1if.cu.lty the Ission was havirig in learning -about the 11.5. Navy Departmentw research into the Themal Diffusion Process. 1 . It was early suggested that Professor UREYof Columbia - University, me visited the v.x. in the apringeof 19th, might ~ know something about it but on Apri.1'1O,11111 I-mdm reported . that U£:.E! hassaid that he had been trying to get i.n£omat:j.on about the process without success. Q1 April 25, 191111 Dr. ' SILi0'lIwrote to PFZIERIS esling "have you access to CDh'.E1H's manuscript of experiments on thermal diffusion 01'the liquid". On Hay 22, 19th Dr. smon wrote to Professor Chadwick saying "we heard from CO}-[EN - actually P5131115 knewalready - that .' _ the Navy laboratories are building a 1 t plant working with the thermal cffusionof the_1_!.q921i.d". K 1:. American a! C01u::'51a£53.72?-siY_.Contacts of the §ri.t shl l _ lssion.'

I . ?. , . '1he 1'olJ.owing namesappear on the files of ~ 92 - weremembersin contact: of Colunga2' University u . whom , _Br.LtS.sh with the' __ Hisaion 92 ' /.. . V // . 1/ / .- ll

I _.--J -- HQ 65-sssos-188 i.nc.! P.3 mucus mes - 54 92 '4'-~ -~ » - --_..,_|_._. _._.-_~_..--_-_-_-_.._.92 _ _ 4 -__<- __-..-on-. _w-.-'.1 ._ , _ _ _ _ . ,_ _ . . _ - '' '~ -' . ' - H1 I , . -"+"~ - I '_E{ -.5;I.--sf f"':J. $5S. .4 -.'- ,3.';,1l--"",:?-"~ Jr '7".'$ "-I-:=_'1'. " f."- tk" - _ e ' It ._ - - . . '__7.1x; K-3 __.=-. .. 7,4.1"'92 12. ' i-- ,--,"l,92. '" P}. 92 3 . _»=?*~-'92-.41:-:'1 - -, ~-..1'-0'1; ~={- -~,e_»- v 1'1- :1-.. .------...... - ~ ..._» - ~ I 2 ' . . -. . V92 , . ...~ _ 92 .1 '»Q, . _ 1 _ r, ..'_a"'._ §' _-.' ¢ "2 '" 4- .'::Yff Q!-"J 92 ,. 92 1.; -?,'.~"{'~-,.I!;_1{I_-3 "1-".;'.' ; 4" - .- w - .*...'~ _-,. M¢| -. _ Q . » _.4 . :v-1~ _2 ; sq! .v -92Y-l " >,_-92 _ _ _ - -3:_ ~.'-" -, ~,.._ 92, Q. ,.. J Ia. - -_,~. V T- '1 - ;"-.4; :>.92._T|*'ivJf,:-_§q92-I t:-0.;":;, = I ' - -' ' x ' . , J _ - ' -. _ a ~'.9292--Z:b92_~s--}.,92-=-- :1 ''~-'- J!' L¢- , . _ 4'_ . _ . .. 4;, - - _ llr::A- ; - .14.-ax s. - ,_ 4 a_' . _._ . .1 ". __..,,__..~ ~ '..? .,. 92. ; , - ~_ ProfessorSEE UREY / pr. R- .D. PRES?-FIT > r. NEZEBH-IBERG . __ u 1.1, or. F.c. suck , _ ., t 4 , . r " - 5 - » -"=..z>|:~.;S_'-T ! r. comm ' - . .;_._, _,:,_-I. " > mmrmr _ I 0 92 - KAPLAN . I BORASE /~-~* r=2» 92- ~ e - .. _-.:L4.ij;. EHLHETT _ I 1 - LIBBEY BOOTH ., ....,' 1 POM T-[Us » .-~ _-=-'1:-;;;..;»~.--»-¬.»,Q vl SCA1C}iARD ' ~, I n Mrs .- mma 5- A- Dr;Q1 C 1 March1,M5 Said'1-9111:,PFZEEHLS tobe FUCHS wrote to nona13~co'ntact Sir,_ Wallace AKERS;&! G01. bia-". at ".A.»~:-1_.-»~":.'."»:-e- .-_~ 1 ~_ ' ~_r'_._H-_--."Ar|_y _ _'_~__i;;;-_ ~.-.*._-vi-'-§=.'/, '1 "B02131; told no coxidentially that he is resigning ' from Columbia and expects to leave there in a few ' months. He was asked to go to Los Alamos but turned this down. I mentioned that Berkeley 92A were in needof Someoneto workin his line of - -Q 5 country buthe said he wantedto getout ofthe 1 _ _ project altogether; in any case he had already ' méeéup h'is'1:iiri'dto accept a p0sitionY'!ith ~» -> -I Standard Gil. He asked me if I would like to take over his-team at Colu.miba...... I believe he was chiefly concerned with facilitating his own release from the project". -

_ . a of withThefollowingthe whomnemes appear British Mission on theinfiles contacttg! ofpembarswasI I I 0 /_... A


Q '5 20; _. - - -.,-_.-_-___.-.-._,_-.._ - ' , - 9 . _ _' . - ~

'&-f.£P-1 ": ~ ' *' 55.5.-ggi; '-ir - -" as _- 3 .3 h :~'~."r-.;--> .-- ' -~.- _. , . . Q - -4 1 wlh 1. "3 _ v _:-h_ _ 1 f . * ,. 3"? .:~ - V ._92 _' ,!_ _,._ ,L- -_ .- - '92f_§>"92"'. ;.j.,,»,;[;-. '47 . . -. scmmmv _ . i B I :92 1 - -5- I J *3 - x'- .. ~ - "z:¢j;,@;f~ *1 1-=JGHNSOl{ -g:._ L -- ; fig... ~~-;;.-3;;-'* ; ".EDIC-T , " -mI92N_ING _ OBBS ' ji 1450055 5 '32! ,_ ;-.' - BB1:MS'IER_;2%.; __ ' ' . . '"" - 92il£?%"r§-?92'-ii-9-§5:::___,§4:¢§i;,¢. ,-.- 1_.,~- . - ., _ ~ . "w - ¢ - - A .==-'-""5.'I'~¢?r'f:~F.'<~1>>1#~..s~7~ . .-_ 31;.-1' _.'.._ I . -.92l=,'.;,»_:.- ~ ' . 5 T * " ::;=_: G5,, 1.-g~_ A; -- ' -:;;>%';-1%.-*-r_:*E1;

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I - ap -_0 . : l ~' . ' K - .-L-. _;_<;:~_""l- ' 1 . - _ :" ~' . -, '[| K .92 . . ;;,.- '- . - ... _ . _§_-.G.;=,.x. . . , ___. _ . u u-. .-.-4 . aw, mi mu run; 1, use nnmml. m Q '7-| 1 ml. mmnunun - 1 mu: sscaspu. S / '- ULNIFIEP DIOLASSIEY. FY" .

Ahtlhly 16:11.5 muqhl nid 18¢- In mh@1%19 u » _ $ - | I - mrum main -.u-yivoalu manna thin Inltod StaA -:'92_ otcilllq at attics, jpurn - ... tau:-at in 21, 19; to 41 apt: tar 29, 194$. % Q 0 I Arrhod In tort Dinah! 3, 194]- _ __., . -. >=n . ll, 191$» urlndlnflhnlnlll A.- 1944 iruastpunpdhhilh 8 ,19441lI1u!twp1Ann£0rllIll£Iq_@- ' C Fuchs -Arrived In Icrk nounbcr 3, 1916, an! 1-mind than until nlMMAlHn, 1944. 0mhlIlJ,1964, Iaadon ~ '|"___.._-_Pdnrllnting tor union on iuthnr hula-dwnldromra ll» tathlhitolliliilnltororkonapropct. 0III_I#;19lp,PBi-It'll replied thatlmln In thought Inch: should rotlrl tho 1:-ojaut Ian v Elli.- bang uh: in-1o'a'|J,y, in navartholln haw at hlhnll ha 1 nlaandntlplllunn. nnJu!;8,19-'»L,!Au4Ia|!N;@'l1bd?a1o1-1| nyi.ngtMt1p|A1aIu shouldukopraoodnoaonrnpm ctinthn Li Un1todI:.mtn.0:J'I1J2t>,19M»,nndlg-liar < tau-tour Irota lookndnny1ngthLtlachl' an it hi would return position to the Ian United atlun K:l.n Qgvthaf rthan beit nunqKen:-ton tunatornd copyto tn Ion mm! Alanna. confining On August rum-92 4. 1944; pmngii 'Alamo N10 andin inatrucng that ho should catch tho plan: tor Slll ID Chicago I luuu___hadon ugut gruioualy 10, 1944, stat-ed wind: that Iould he would prcmnh]; be rub hi h cog an _ tFuchs9, 1944-ik lthil Onmam look." a, 1944, OI uguat Iaarton 1.1, mm 1944, that mm rum Ian :§4m8- 1» in-g Be! theme:Ila! ii-1 York attic! W92t M 5Q vb"J '92 e f u92q_____u 3,-11: ' "*3.'.~Z;'u **..~ BY L ; _-_ _---__¢_.___._.-, < _., _ -_._, A5 . L Y. ~ umhn . >,,»v . U5 7.3.!g E 565 Ari!-ndliltorl: lutrtmwmb thatrm:

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'' unJc||o29;19M.@92k £u'IanA1nma'$a Sunnis." Bu, / __ _ _ thna1Ja_na¢1n£oun.aun|nn!.ngu|u-all tlnlxitllhnllnnqlloont-net: q

0 in} 8% ' ' an-an Arnold Q9! Q mam nnq Inttl hdnha Bnniur Ibulnr §!5.-IQ? ll§O$92 A _ 92___9292 Paul TDuring hm-any, 1914, Pain-1a.and hen: n:-0 > _ ¢ ~_. ______,_..-_....- _ _ ___ *__ _ _ _

U ix- '_., I A1 .; 92; _Z " _y'_:' T2-.:!§__: .

. Itthnhznatothnudnunutnlhpplqnrd Dds;-lntnhlriny 194, Saturation 0O1IBlI.'Ill.A&ll ll _ dnuclIovnnhw,i94$,th1o|on:-annLda¢tho_!'onn1a¢ -uuomntbnuubddshotmnkimuuld . - . , _ <

'92 I am, ma-u mu

Iciilrilmiomo ofulnnhhnivuraiq flilldholouldpin I ,- - |I:au1db0uIfId-.dI=3-don. Iuhtngtonnbna and -Y:-..."~.:.:.'-...~,'-* -%'-g;,*;>-

C-hrlstoplnr but Inn-ton nu queatioand comunmig this nttorpad. houhiui thntlhalaulouinna A unporuy aocrutuyvith Pain-1:, 92 not a pa-anon: umber at the urn». In. oanq an In Gordan Iuruthoaulgpn-Inna! aocrntarr-wpiata lunrknnaurdadha lllliiihillikflll um ut.Qr lllczoswuua. kl ihmght, I first gnontian t hm nds. Ho denitely vhathor not-bar aunts: bl ban ngagod Qghu-.

tho II York Oleo it iuatmetod to ilndhkly inshtl investigation to tnrthnr identity and lento an abovo-nntionad clpluynn of tbs British Diftnaioa Italian. Butticiant investigation ahauiui In ooadutcd to dotarntne u advinmnw or interviewing than enP1-Q1"! in ooanunn with this cue. You should nnit your rloonndntiana in this ronnb 92 ~ _ » _..__ _¢ *;~_-, » 7 »~-»_.... -».~i_i~_ -...... __. an JG . 0.. * ~~ - - .. - _ _ _ __.__. -- __.i..__ .___ H ,. ....- »__,-._<~_-_-; Ar~*-:7 - A, _ __> ~ . ~ _ _ . _ ~92" ' ', »92-4-Lr '-. -- *1 ~@ ~ ;f*f* **"'_'i' _ -,.,. i,_i_.i* V 4., - - J ,__,,_ _ ... 1 6-. --.r - ;.»~;.':= -3,, - ~- . .»-1.-.1 4; r -.- .¢;r - - " ww, -$4--,-, '§4x"1I' 3! /It - -~;~S_. , -=- .- . = * - _-$3;-.,""' * ~;~--*-z<.~' .;-- -.--*.'».'1"-;».-.-'- +r."s o 1 * "*;-1*:92*.*-":=="*.";v . =.':-.='<=..--_».-@-- M: --w 92 aP¢"5-3' -aw-.4 § -~-'».»?~1.<~.+ -r-*~'3-- . ' V '' .~ _ >.. " '_. . . > .5, , .Y ,< .." -in .4 - | 9 _. ¢.. 1 -.53; ~. _a,-. ,, -r,-v,,1,~ u;..,a',¢_- ~ ' _ crnouunlaunll .-- - 92 ~ I *. '~ . - ~ '»- , ~. . '-1;-. 1» ' -<,=,--.-- "z =~»->»- - _ Q -é;§I,§";a-@431.&?;%i'ff§}.-,;;§;*:e1*=;5§%Y. -v-:=>-¢..=»*. -"_ -~ - ;:'>- L _ 92 L - _,M: , _ . ~- -' ., . '- §-_ -.§. ':5_':~:51' . $5!» 1 *- . ,~ o Oics Memwa - ;;___ - ,UNITED ; -> .-ESTAIES1é 1;: I in 92 3"" -. ,-J,if: J ::;OV§R}92TLii?tNI;l;f;§Ij;i3_ , _ _ . ., A r , , _. . _ e .. - __ . -<1 .-, __n. :._¢ . if ._ v-_ n,_.N* a_ J - g__-j-. K TO H =_ me D ire ctor -. _ ,_-I-'11 9 ~13 |_ i'~t1'95_<§"'*"'_? __ _ * PROM : D: TL Ldd / . V

8!-'BJnc'r= mm. Juuds mus rucss,"u¢. . 1_- __ - is _ e 4" -1-i '~ % .BS_PIOHACE -.11 - ' iJi . _ -. 7 ,- 'Y ms-" 11- _- ' - H H Reference is made -of February , 195O --" » wherein as well as thereindividuals wens listed considez-g!a¥ oon£s_fo,ts7_and associated being of identical Dr. Fuchs with ' b1y"" """ .r the unknown subject, with alias Goose ' ferenoe is also made to my msmorandm of February 11, 1 , erein you were advised that ' , [consideration is being given to interviewing these associates for ~ information in their possession regarding Dr. Fuchs. , i A that of ChristopherA One 01' the Fm names c wn.tained That in the individual listeof is sssooiatespnssently wasin England and unavailable r interview by the Bureau. However, it is ' 1? , noted that Kearton was a fellow member of the British Mission in the United States in 1944- Kearton was interviewed by the Britialiprior to their initial interrogation of Fuchs and it was indicated that ; ' all information in Kear-ton's possession has previously been obtained i by the British and furnished to the Bureau. _ V i no ti-l~" Tu, 7&1353 t 2;/N. t|:>§;sF;EsPY Hg; on 17/ if F . RAC:Z§am ' {A ~15 '_

Tr . A-Lsgfln-=3 as , 7?"-B? .-»~-" 1"-.*~i*92 - . -IA ~ - o RECORDED. 114 %w92+*-~~'-'1 " "£511 23-? ! I _ - f ' - % r Eciauifiql amp: from by GD 3' ego? Q - - l L q-s . < uHiu sasisiir-' - rm 1 1050 T .00Pms . DE$TR0YED '70- tn 7;,;;- = ,-J 1. .1, 3 ' ' R-Ba Nov 16 - *0 .-~ » . CLASSIHED B ;|_A5§_]&YOb 25X v A 1 __~ asrsn M 2.4-19$-E » _'%?;#3'»,é- . I 92 _ Z .> . :! i ._ T0 ET, . s - » 92 ------_- - _---7 . - ..i_____.._,_._....-_T?4-¢.---;- - »-u-- 1-~--0----.-.. .._ _ ._ -»J 1- 92,'-~»~- l>---F'-- -1: 1- '1 "15 -.k--- I/1' . 92.. .. > ._ _< - _:_!'f;"__.:*. '13- -5; :2» ~ - ~- H .5.O I C .». ' D. '.".=-. " "?'=?-f>;'*=l"i~f?1* ' " - U! _ ~ -1»;-j-pom|:n;:cA11cu_z.,atc¥xou. * - ' '-- .< fq ~ - " [Ewan " H, Big '1' {mm 1 t. tlu tannin IOIIIII to. . an sum _ _ , . mm, *"**'*'»#*i/" I .comtnmm.InmrmmM 92 2' , 3, " ;~,;.~v1.,s::.s1r;'s; kliuicussmw B =_ ozcuxssarx N- 4/

ADR mucus .1i. "

92~. aamw L; 4 g1? ,°§I%§¬§°§%s 1 ".1Q K *9 ~25-y3¢!:' > <>_ 1?: 4 3B16i9@R._' .__uf'? 92. Eli Ch % ;~*" _/S Bempt 5;,/A I ~ - " P/IQ! GD § FU. . > . -"2.- Ducal "° [email protected].. ,3/,1//71; 5M

O- ,z.: 15 ¢LASS92F92ED _ _ T5 r . F4.-':",*,~,.-92-,~ .L_mDQCLAS 92F;2T;. 25 . . 1 BENT VIA 92. lgaf /" ]44"i5 F}:;; .1. ..¢af §1511*! i '0{gL¥@/ _ -TI:%f5 ____._.___.._92 - .._-_-.+__.¢._¢_. .__. . . -< 0 . 0, .1 1, " vi. _! k / 1 92



FILE: 65-58805 SECTION:Q _ -.__-- -..-.._~ -.-...-_.,-.-.-__-_¢...._-¢. 7 - . _ . ..._ _A.-. e .. ea ¢ <. _. I >-- r * "- r"' 1

>.' - "v 92| i____ .,, __ _ '~, I-__ _ ,. . ~~ . _ :1, - -,1 .-,5 . .._ , ee ' -,.e__ ,. " : __~4.92;":I' ea :, . - :4 , _ _- - 4r 4% ~-- <_ -:'- ~ -L '-1" . / - y; - .' ~- ' . It ~- ." ' _ . " --. - > 1 é "- " ._ _;nra¢; '1,__.. }§_kF:{:1"92i?:;4E?§'." . til 3.-3-_ ~ ~ *1:4"--1 1 ' 1 ._ j ' ' . 5 ~!.'--1.:-e-".1> - -~ .1.f- . >1 - -Pa-f_"_¢--.,-' 2: ~ ~- . ~ -;. » , . '/"* ~ ' '~ P -"-i-l1- :'+¢~. 9 . - ~ - 92 i-:$@=§",YéF,§EE5ERALe1¢>Bi*LlREAU "_¬*92"" R "" . - e - ' ; S?iTlGATlON. . ""' t92 * V 3 . - 92 '3, - -r - _ ~92. - - . . - tjt e- _ " r _ ,1" / ~ _"~_ " -' e _ , {IA $¢§:E;DRlOl!iA!@A1'A f q. .- "_ .,-- _,; 3%, . .- " ~ 1* - . _ ' I i -f nzfuo. $5-162'] 4. _ I ' >001

_ lweurumef "~=~ . ,;,_ . , . A_-.#wmmu4n|1-;;-si. Zuwn-r_ -=--Y * *7 » '*BAI:_I,"jl§;=.';[mI 1:, ¢__§-=z}§'1jge j -~a_/14,15/so :1-em r. nxsou 4;

Halllllfl . ,. EIOILLGS-B . '§.> ."-'J , _ _n.:.mmmnoucmrrn . _92 1&3.-1338 !§'[{3L&S3IE!EDEXCEP1 H 92 wn rrAc'm= 3, 11'. jjwr comell UuJ.vereity,. ' . L ' 1-'1 since 1934, ,. E at the mivereity at Bristol in hglenm ~ u § | F? 1 mum-hie euperneionvz Len ame inthe Ilhieién, £1-ea 1944 be 1946. Subject visited ,0 E133! in 'Scheaeete.dy, I. I», in the gunner at 1946, 1.. and in Ithaca, I; !_-, in the spring or 1948 or 1949. Ir. r ? . mm visited the nbjech-in lnghna Harrell!, during 92 the euner oi 1948. Br. EIHB advised he never had my" reason to enepecb the subject oi espionage, and further iA'<2; .92. '»

b_ha.b eubjectiaever eenedie be pro-Russian. To his know ' ledge, I'U$ never attempted to elicit any confidential iatcmnatien .'ou'hin. He described him as extremely In-i1J.1ut nudes one otthetepneninthetorld oni *2 atomic energy. Ir. BEBE furnished the names or subject-.'s 'knmm .nteuta in the llnited Stet-es ' H ' _:ur:< .92Q °:$'r.=°"l?:l|8I§;l $-E53''" -; rm " - L wSSlFiE6?$ necussmv- - R1: u to ype to bmy, 2/14/50. _ aw! 92 ~

mum; - 5; ITBACA, mama _ '929292§--big:-1 . _ . w . 92 - V COPIES DESTROYED nr. ma ea-ms, nueuu nmrihgermn Bainraity, 5 R 35 uov 161 0 advised that Abe has been I. cloak soeiate ux! triers! o 92 subject, and that he eoneiderh cue or the um-_1d'e hiding ltallln lclenbllbee He that let FUGEB Ch the .-Ci University 0! Bristol, Brilltol, !ngl8.|:Il,' in 1931» . 311% was 0. graduate etndent, and mt}!!! ne a reaeer"eh"eea1etenb- '1

___92 _ lkmf AND i FORWAIDE: ' n-ou0192Ill92l"|"lm'|'n$I>A1 - _ '1.¢92»0-¬d ~ I cu-uiarnusnlronr , __ .e;:'+~;_:Pw-=~1e emee» ii/§ - Bureau usn! 7;. ,.{ -3-_ M859 5-" ' §?""Y _ % ;92 92 ¢ _. _. A- 4 -?__..___s_,- .-._.-..... . _. _, __ ._ ,. ___ _J_7-__ I _. _ ------3,, n- . - -1 . ~ . . . . _ ...~- _ , t_ , ». ,_ _ _-1;!" _'_--_-T ' -. -; _ _v_.. a I -_ .. __ {U r _:, l N r - v . l 92 _ .5 -' ,>.92;?___.h;_;r,|A._¢:..:¢ 5 -1 . , . 0 1: 92 92192|"~ 5-" ."_~'-T v. 1' : , _ i . .-;i<- .- . -,,~, 92i'r- » r .-3,.» 4"i*Y-:5... ' . J43 _ A . _ 5 ».. . ,

A '7 '-_"- .:.

LL 65'-1527 t ~ ' ' vi 7 . I . ..__ . . _ .. ., -_ .. .-_>-. J,-_ .4 II .»- Dr. BBTHE stated that they did not beeone too sell acquainted at this tine, and that this pried oi association lasted for only halt a-year. >- He learned that F065 had lsrt Gerasny for political reasons, hut did 92 not learn the details of his leaving. Dr. BREE rensnbered that he had thought this to be quite eomsmlahle at the tine. Ishjeot impressed . 92 his as s very hrilliant and qniet,and unsssuing young nan. Dr. ETHE . i recalled that new at the students and roses:-eh assistants Iould attend s I gather for political discussions and that the majority sensed to be very tar to the left. However, subject never entered into these discussions am! did not appear to have any political leanings. Isrther, he did not appear to have an particular friends or ssseoistesi '

1!. BT15 stated that after leaving Hzglsnd, he did not see subject for S SN. -92 quits some tine. He believed, holster, that he perhaps contested his in-otessionallq in 1936 an! 1938, than he B288!made visits to England. In 1944, 11'. ETHE was in charge oi the Theoretical Division at the Ins iluos Project. This division performed the ~oal.onlstions ahead of time I. as to how the bomb no to be made and assembled and her it would work. is a result oi the Quebec. Agreement, England furnished several top l92 1 .92 i scientists to work in this division. They were about twelve in number, .~4 and Dr. BT88 stated that he does not believe that the bomb I92'>uJ.d have kt A 4been personallycompleted requested as soon that as it ,was wit their _ assistof the ll-G30 University ll. BET!-IEof Birsinghaf; be assigned to project. Dr. PEEHI-S l6G6pbCi_"I1'§k the stipulation that he bring Iith his two of his beet collaborators Dr. FUQS and a-research nan honed,-PBKIBIB!. they Joined the laboratory, and with some ten Ase:-ioan scientists, rare assigned to the particular task of determining the best way at bringing together parts of mterials, so that sitar assent]; there would be more than the Ieritieal sass. ~11. E'1'HE_atatsd thn the muse of this group is still classed as restricted in1orsstion'due to the tact that theirwqrk no about the lost highly oontidential work dons. is s member of this group, subject Ina in Qg . vital a position as a¥o_ne on the _gnti;e_ Evject, and had assess at all 5 tTiiesto"sII*;urts of he laboratory and doounents, except perhaps "1 Ions Itop secret! documents. However, Dr. BIB stated that this did not seen that he oonld not examine the "top seorstl documents which were I necessary to his tort, upon proper elesranoe am! peraission. 3 92Ir. BETH! advised tint snbjeot lived in s dernitcry on the project. He had a personal automobile, which he bought second-hand at this tins. He had no particular zoss friends. Subject worked at Los Llsaos under 4 _ sesgzzre . ' 1 1 _ _ _ ..-.4 _.,...-_. . . .- .. .._. 4 -_- <¢- 92 . ! o v 1*»? <~ ~ .. -< -~ 1 . i__, '-.,=r=.1~-:92.+*»:'"'"'g_~u-.-,~,»,"_ . ._- 92 | I pa ' , z _ 92 _ ..~ 1 92 ._ ._,.' 1 __. 92 I _ 1- ' , ', K _ 1 _ -r __g- ;5 .~ --K: 1 _:-:_ _ _ ',;.-*,,'-,_ _,-;5_v-§,_..:__ » ,_- 4_i}-k - ' - 1- _ . __ .. u4 I _ __ I _ _ - . . -,. -. '- . ,_' 92 5 0 " *' Y I . .» vi . . _ 5 l 1 . . 1 , " - -- _' '|92[ _. , 4 :A_ we,_ - ' 4

. < .. " ': .r ,3 21- _;--F-'_' :1 N *, I . '.'__ r _ YA . --I. S 0 X "i _ ' ._ /'._|-m K. _! . . / , new » ' _ 1 . > o F-& ~3*Z;=?.&

Sines the above nesting, Dr. BETH! stated that he has seen subject two other tins Che oooasion was in mgland, during the amner of 1948, when at BETE spent -a day and e. halt at_arI_e11- Betalked to subject, aewe11 ' several other scientists. FINES showed his around a bit, and told semi-M53 of the theoretical work being dons there» BBTHB Ins under ers or the Atomic Energy Oomnission not to talk or restricted matters, so the eosvereat-ion was strictly one-sided. Be stated that the ' e Jeotiiid not appear to be particularly interested in what was going in this ooudtry. marina the spring oi either 1948 or 1949, subject visited Dr; BEE, at i is invitation, at Ithaca, New York. Be had cone from Haglani to attend ibeelassifiontien Ieetings, which were held in hshington. Dr. BETHE ad- Qvised that he believes that FUGB stayed one day. Their lain tepio of {conversation was nuclear reactors and deelassitication, Again Dr. BETH! was undenerders not to speak or restricted information;-so all eon-aer- ~ zsation was one-sided. '

11-. BETHB stated that daring their association, he sever had any reason to suspect subject or espionage or even to consider his to be pro-Russian. 111165 always remained aloot from political dieousaione. Ho was always very quiet an! reserved, and appeared to live tor his work. He never epoks or his lite in "Ge:-may, or snob eonoerniog his tenillg. He did motion his tether from tine to tine. lb. BETH! stated that he bad always understood from eonvereation with his mglish associates that the elder FUGB was a fine old gentleman. Dr. BEIEE advised that to hie lmolleqe, s§s%§r ~n.- ...-~'-.._>92.... ¢--,.__..@- _-_.-_-.___....-_--. _ ...- -.- .. _ .-.....;.-1- .-r-92 _ , , _..__ - _.,__._> 0 . 'V '~ : O _ H .- ._:'._._;-_-,1-,_=;"'t'92"£i¥K'§,M%"." -;»~1- -J-5.: __.-1!? ' --",., . w-'~_-=1. "." .. ' ' __ _.¢.-A » . _ s A - 0 > - '- -_-.'--_~'~_ _..<_ :,- . -.14; 92 .._.;-92_ ->1--~'

n. 65-1627 , ;_

FUSE never attempted to elicit any confidential information an any A oi his co-workers. But, as Dr. BETEE put it, subject knew as much restricted information as anyone and really did not have" to do much ,_questioning in order to know just what was going on. Dr. BETB stated - -. that subject's arrest was a complete surprise to him, and he now tools that he does not know whom he can ever trust since he had always regarded FUCHS as absolutelylioyil and trustworthy.

Based on his mm personal knovedge, Dr. BETEE furnished the following background data. concerning subject. He immigrated from Germany in 1933 or 1934 to escape Nazi oppression. He was a student at Bristol University, Bristol, England, from 1934 to 1935, taking his Doctor of Philosophy Deg-ee there. He remained at Brdstol as an instructor until about 1940, when he was interned as a German national and taken to Canada. His work, while at Bristol, was chiefly concerned with the theory of solids.

Subject was returned to England and released in 1942, when he joined the research staff of Dr. PEILHLS at the University of Birmingham. His work with PEIEHLS was concerned with atomicenergy, particularly in the separation of uranium isotopes by diffusion, which according to Dr. 92 BETHE, is the basis of the Oak Ridge Project. When the development of Oak Ridge was being considered, Dr. PEIERLS was asked to come to this country as a consultant. He brougzt FUCHS with him, and they planned many oi the installations there, particularly the diffusion plant. This work took place in New York City in 1943. _ -

In 1944, PEIERLS and FUCHS went to Los Alamoe, where FUCHS remained until about July, 1946, when he returned to England. Since that time, he has been employed at Harwell.

Dr. BETBE stated that he knew of no relatives of the subject in this country, aaaseociatesother oi than the his sweet enter in in this Boston. country.He listed the following persons 12:. vzcron nmssxorr - Physics Department, Naseaolmsette ------Institute oi Technolog, Boston, Mass. Dr. RDBEH'?/ HAK - Physics Department, University of "*""""""'~" Rochester, Rochester, New York. Dr. HM -Los Llamas Project __Dr. CAPLSOQQMRK - Los Alamo Project ...PEIi2IiNG- V .~§ 92-_-.--* ~._~-.. -----vwa__--_-<.-n . < _ --. . a - §-@¢s>I§ ~ J-uI-4- -i - J -. -I 92 .-I r-q-qr-<|pqr,. . - _ ,, - , , _ ~~ '. 1. ' -"~'.. Q - '- pa ~ ,1 .92 2 @'4" .- e 92 . 5 5 92- 1 '>-17> .. » -f_- -A --F __. .1 --'.-7* .--. Q1, "F_ :' . -.~_ "1; - ,,_. ' 92-.',> -.» - _- -~- ~,_~._ _ -- 1 4 - _ . ¢ »:.-_ -1-in . pf? 1-P.- '-".'Y¢ f'j92_' -'r,'.~~,,.-1;.. I-.<|J--ti 2 ---4-'- mu * Q, ' _ =1 I * f "H _.-3 "R. /__--:1. ' .. 1- '.irw,''- " . *8 'Q 1'. --5."¢'7-¥;i .1 r1"~-3 1-".. ..-;_..!_ _= W -. U__ ._ . I ' . ~ . -<3 I . z ,1 - ¢ s 1 vv ; , . '-U , , ».~ 3-. __ H .. .. ' 0 34-§?:tl 92 -n , _ , .- *~ ~ - ~ I .-r'_$:'1"92.. .', .7.- . IL .1»:_ ..*:#;'.92"* = .. .-.1 A ~< 92- Q. 92_92_ i s fav I . ¢ . ;"#.¢ v ' ~. -» 4 1 I 1

92 .»s " 2 "4 r , _

n. as-162? , , | 92 9 '

. _-' ! , "" <~"92 _

Io ma» are being at m-an to interview thanontactn Br hubjuct as - lirbodintbia report, ainotibilthovght zmmuamnambn to a the discretion of tho ptoe at origin. . a | 4 92 1 !

J 92 I1

l I


' ¢ ..5..' siayizr -~~ ..-_.-.¢_-_--...-@~.u_-i.,..._-_ ; s - - .... -- <-92.-.. - 92 ,'- ~*+'-;'.»~'"A""=--'- ---. --.. _ 'U"-'§§ - ~ 92 " *'-' *"'*~".*»------'t,"2""~_._,.¢=-.-_~.,-V.- 4 " w _ 4* - - ; 92 ¢. , . . 92 g - ». ¢ I I 4 .92 _,:$,._. .._ , .. 92 , " A s rl<- é5- , ' int, ~ .92 " .» I/92s' K 1

92 pa

» I 92 "/JSE g > AL es-1627 -'"

1 @ . '13., 92 .15, 59116°§.§==1!...1lB" '!91'k _!* Will report results of invesbigatién requested at Schenectady, 92 New York. 1 /


i w Q, >. ¢ _ if .;.T-/' . , 92 ,92 . I |. , 4; ~<~ 1 ¢ * 4,. 17;- Y 4 4. ' I _ ¢


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Y¢ I 5

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,_./ Tiygégg .»- K"? » a ._._- ~.~____...-- . -. _ -- -. -- _

...w,- #1.:-.»**~"».==*r'=1" ==-.1." ~~~_~.~ * I -"3 J .; 1 ;}_:r :1: "i,..,_' ... L » ; .. - _-._ ,f~"~J*,>*"'-.-;:'='92'~ . -- " =*'-' 1' !" *"._- '- , "»_:T:vT-j~':_1. 1.: _¢ >__;': . » " . .; e __. If _ 4 ' _/ 4 W mm - -..._ 5 .é-/. irr '_92._92s nfteb Mate: mzntni Jmrtirz ;[ _ . __ ,,_ ET? an.-'-:. 192' '.:92> ; .2293 Iehtral Bum ' "" " » , Q ' pl f-'-vw .92R__.,.92 __~ 3 . 3 n ' _92[Ir 'I mu-u.n.ummuu-nu" "" ' Q, V T 1, AmericanGrosvenor Enbaaqv '§,quare "' I-<~'PM 92 X _ . um. A arc: Mm - London, W. 1 ]/ e -- » lfebmm 13, 1950 - . Mi ~; v.."*.92: ...__.:~ K ,92_ . > ' " _ I I _ :'m<.. MI.Rcué E<92!9292 ...... --I.

' i .- .. . .=*~..'as1r " .con:;;m " n#¢f.¢I/0V . "AIR PERSONALANDGO 7 __m-F .. .. <--,-- 9292 - ----qowv I§'5R%92"{5'E. cm um, 3! y ' I l - J i ax? ower u ''o1"i§ 92 A .. 5 I ecao? FederalBureau of Invesbigabfegn 501 *-5*2¢'?:'§%"£-*l»'~=/'"'T! - * - Washi;}gton U1 8. Department 25, 1:. of c. Just ca " Qmm hag? ' , mlalaa lg, C3 Dear 313-: RE: EDIT.» FUCHS 1 P ESPIONAGE - R

Reavlet February 6, 1950, and Cables Nos. 357 - 362, dated February 12, 1950. J {' __J Enclosed are the two fragments of the TOP SECRET document g ,1} '- _ referred to therein, portions of ch were read, either vei-batim _;;-, or in aubshance, by Mr. christma umphries in the Bow Street 1 Mag:|.strate'a Bourb February 1 , 950 I ® M ; , respectfully urged ehat care be taken not to disclose 1 y"§Jt#'xe Bureau's possessicn of the exact phraseology of the document, 33$ S sinceeven these fragments have o eejz made public, either

accurately or in their mthaywm . '_

Very oxirs, if/' 1' '- '-/~' *1 in Pr t*5 3/ 92 é V72? '/. 92 ' me. _ ;X .' Sh Yu'hiBO11 I f _ - I /1 Kpxgelosure U1 5/Hi-I caKl Pe:ifa:i;g,L% A ! .. -'- "-...... _, . _ -. - 92*-, 3'Q - - , ' _. ,1;-5 1 .1 . , L 1 @.~.;~': ~ . Q3/®-=§§v T9, . e w_ ,. - ~~-~~=~ -

I czm§1;l=-1 Iii-2' - "0_.-=_1_§ _ 7 5 1 92 . __ ¢~- ._~ _ _ _- , ..__-..-_...... - ____. __ _ ,...-._..¢..__. .. .. -. ..__..._...... _.___ _ _ . ,__ . 92- . _ I. t _ x !"92, ___>______ 92______J___ ,_ ,_:_;_ 1;? _, ___ if» ,_ ___ ~__»_v_, » " . 39., 7 Shortly utter my releaseI on usher! to help Zmfenor Pete:-1: in X ' _ ~92- ' - Birmingham, on somevar work. I accepted it and I ate:-tesczrk without ' > 92" A knowing at rst what the work was. I Qoubt whether it Ioul have made ; I mydiftermmtonyeubeaqumtaomeitlhnihaomthemhareotthe~!~ ._ ' to:-k be1o:-ehm. When I learned about the pm-page at the york I dgqig, 5 to inform Rude and. I established. of-intact through another member of the . Gonwilt my. Since that tin: I have had oontimoun oontaot with ' I would poruulhaul who Ihatover can completely Lnfomaticn m1moInto me,I gave than adept to the tint muim I knew authorities. that they J _, - It this time I had ocnpletc confidence in. Rnnlian pulley and I beliliod - that the Ionian A111 deliberately allovd Route and Germany toght » each other 1» I10 death. I ma enmrm no helihon in ;1.v1.ng- m the infou-mtim I hi, oven though occasionally I tried. to omoentmte I I 1.: _ 2k min]; on xing lufornaticznhout . __/J4 the results of_ up omwork. ._ Inthaoom'eeo£th1eInrkI'bogmn'aturaJJyto mmbondeofper-7 II» - zonal trienlliy and I had. to conned. tron thealq inner thoughts. I used my Ma1:d.at phoaoptgy to" establish in on mind too separate oomparhnents. » neoowpu-hnu:t1nd,ohIe1lo1e&n92yue1ftouko£rieneh1po,tohavc - i ..92 personal relations, to help people and. to be in 9211 per:-mom]. ray: the ld.nd.I,, , =1-mnxmma tobe and the kindofmnihidz, inn pa:-soaalway, IhaEf"! beu1'bo£O1'e'?Il.ihnU'1md.l in crneu: thoOunm1at Perv. Iaouldbe - 4 _ t because I Ina that the other compartment Ioul& atop in if I approached. thug - danger point. I could forget the other couparbnent and still mly on it. ;_ » A . It treeeppeu-eimi. anyto noand happyat the uith time other that peopleI had. became without a fear "true of man" diacloeing because awaitI had Q -auoceeed in he other oomparhnont to eatabliah mm: ocmphtely i.ndepon- -__ f . L my dentofat expressing the mrrozmdhmg it seemsforces of to beto society. c2J;'1'i;;_ Iooldng back %:;at it now tho heat g ma aa4£H~5T'"" 1- I ,_ , ...-w on,-.145, " ow-* -1/1-H 2- <


. A 1*-0

sq as-sssos-32a P.2 vwcmq mes - 53 1 " "'* "" ""- '-*' ' ' *.;;_''_";;"..-'_..-, ,?:I_,_¢_g~;__-_-;__---__..-- _-.._¢._ . ._- ...,--_--n. - 1 . ~ - ...... _ . * ' " . - - - » F ,, r-. ~ ~. __ I I._ ~ I F e 1 .....____ _.__ -'_. >3 .. ~_, ' __. - 1..,-.. ~ , .__ 4 _ ;~ ,'*'cI:. - ~_ [3 ._:3 "-1'" - _ .? w ._ ', -. . _ " .. _ __ .__ dazn _- -~-,- .92-.~~-.0, U, . .-......- - .-. ~ - ~ " . -. - - '. - . {' >_5.' ":-.".;.:. " '11.-gc " -- »..* _ .4:-'. '. 92 - . '- _ 1 _... ,. . __ , ' *- -. *3"-"'<""-'--- " - 4" ' w -em; Z»; ' - »?*<""~F~-1F=*_"§'ee,. ;,-Hi~~*--».~"~-»~-~92'- *-.-:-w=:.?1-W-' " :1!-"--" 1 '- -* .- - .--e . . 'I ' ~ _ '-¥ I . *~'-9': 92 , e:-,,». " '1 » ." ~>;- .'" .-.¢r.92<. ..~. ~ .- ' ~' " '--- ' - -' ~- 5- k A ._ _ _ &_ _| .. , ii § 1. - ~ e .l~I,

92 I In the poet ear period I began again to have qy doubt: about 'l Russian policy. It in impoeeible to give definite imidente because -'92 n not the oontrol _meohe.nien ma against me aleo in keeping sway from t- ue taote Ihioh I could not look id thei hoe but they did peneirate . 1 I. .. -I1'an! eventually I oenie to e point .ihe:'1'I knew I disapproved of ma:-qr -__ -, actions o1" the mam G-ovemennt and of the Oomunilt Party, but I _},_ 5-1 . 92 etill believed that they would build a an orid and that one day ;:..:., I eoulo take pert in it and that onthat lay I Iould also have-to etch! » 4.». - upgaeno esgnto then; that there -_ thing which theyoere doing ' -92 --. § , During t1.92ie92tine'I"1es nd,t"nn-0 e Egon}! 31 allthe ¢'¥ that I luul. -' Bolever it became _ Z euro evideaoewthat the time she: - _ i Russia 1|ould_'e::pg._'e4 he:::_;zj._I._ _ "over Bucope nee" for spay and that there- _ fem I hie to decide! noel! whether I oonlé go ,en tor mmqehi-s to ' 1 continue handing one-iaferntion yithout being sure in QT It, I nu doing right. I decided that I__oeuld not do eo.._ I.4_ii4~,not-go to one A 92 remiez.-voue beoauee I was ill at the tine I eeoideiaot to go to the . following one. __ _' - ' - l V _ _ .n. ._ i. . * 4 Shortly efteruerda 117 father tol me that he night he going into the %' I Eastern Zone of Gemeoxy. Lt that time my own mind was closer to hie than » it had ever been he£ore,__heoeueo he also believed that they are at least V ~ ! I trying to huilo a on world. Be disapproved! of may thingsend he had i 92 always done so, but he I:nthat'ehen he went there he would say sound; he thought that in doing so he might help to mehe them realise that you cannot build a new world if you destroy some mtlamentel deoeneies in per- sonal behaviour.__ I could not bring lqyaelf to etop my father from going there. However it made me face at least some of the facts about qyself. I I felt that ow father's going to the Eastern Zone, that h letters, would touch me somewhere and that I was not sure whether I would not go back. I * suppose I did not have the courage to ght it out for myself snd_thep'$fo1;e I invoked an outside influence by informing security that ow father was W ..._, --%. going to the Eastern Zone. A few months passed and I became more and ' more oonvinoee that I had to leave Harrell. I was -than oonfronted with the fact that there was evidence that I had given away information in New York. I was given the chance of admitting it and staying st Harwell or of clearing out. I nae not sure enough of qyself to stay at Harwell and therefore I denied the allegation and deoideé that I would have to leave Harwell.

However it then begebn to become clear to me that in leaving Harwell , 1. in those circumstances I noul do two things. I would deal s grave blow to Harwell, to all the work which I had loved and mrthermore that I would leave suspicions against people when I loved who were ow friends and who believed that I was their friend, I had tofece the foot that it had been possible for me in one half at ow mind to be riends Iith people, he olose friends and at the same time to deceive them and to endanger them. I had to realiee that the control meohaniam had earned me of danger to myself but that it had also prevented me from realising what I was doing to people who more close to me. I then reslieed that the eombinetioh. of the three ideas which had made me what I was use wrong, in feet that ever; . single one of then use wrong, that there are oertaio standards of moral behaviour which ere in you and that you cannot disregard. that in JG ' notions you must he oleer in your oen mind whether they are right or wrong. That you must he able before eooepting somebody else's authority to state your doubts and to try and resolve them; and I found that at least I 1 I I ouaelf ens made by oi:-cumstames. - i t I I know that I cannot go back on that and I keel that all I can do new _ 1 uw ietotryandrepairthe damagelhavedone. The first thingistognake 1euro that Fnnell will suffer ae little as possible and that I have to save /, tor cw friable as uzuoh as possible of that part that -was good in ow relations . I1-an them. 92 0%," 1» 0,.

I . ,/


FILE: 65-58805 SECTION: 5

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Mm > ' » bacon: or nouaus coo: mane: miss: 1: Euro reuunav-11, 195$!" . LT H1100 CITY, IEXIGOQ REO£92V£092IIA AllGRAIo


RECEHEO: 2-zo-50$. 1 { 1 PI L BY A t%§§i§%;Y:?$¬;§E?;;;l*hHjb'pgc, *9, 2.3! 45¢/I 'zE§@225xL-Q-JIé£ A ./ . _, f Q13» Q>?$@ 'gm ,,. _§i%@Qs: '/v/7% §,92W-1195b s.u_92, ~.-1mgo:'y ~ M i --I" .. u __.:....n.k92.. r ;m_>¢_;§n;[° yum **"' - 5 tmuw. M CORP! W. -_ _ 92 ' > _- __~~..' L. h 1 coP1E5 D U _ _ - _ A $42.5 NOV 161960 ' : ' ' _ .-_...-.-7' »--..,.>.. , - ' ' ' '~ ' -

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huIru~u:t:tnd___Q9292{!92 gem"? , mg" at mmu;, mm¢¢x¢.£1@-92u§=i§§»¢mm:qmmqnu § gum. 3 gmA '& nhhndotawpctiamtéunlapnlnta ' i % SL0//5b '1, ----- I I .z 2 RAG:ow _ . i é bf ALL Irlrozmarlan "0" / = -._ . H£RE Z551 sacam 15 UN6z,@"§1;;gNED_ vrHERwxsE__ - = EXC an [EC]-AS-S $5{F 2;? 25 1#5 _ . ¢ J :5 5176/ 4¢ . ., 7* .//;u = ,_ '1 .E 92.3 ~.92;¢0 ¢ 0;"";:'l"C£ - . 92 1 . J1 -7{»:/ 1-'5 -92 9292_92 92L',- 5 '"""" '1 £8 . I5 $3 6!! =2; 74/ _ ."/ mm_____ ,-i_a_~___ 92 u@MALI.» |g " 4 v I H :3 uh = " " "7'-:~ -U Exeiqpt méic fro . C-D3,Categ:>rv' ! 1/VW9 ,,,,,______nu.uu___ / I i -__, Y. . I-1:}; i a :- ::'.io:. ._ 92 _- 92U __ __If. ~1'§ -l...._-- ¢ .__-,-,_ iI4L__...._ U. '--92', -K Q» . = "AL 1{ » 3 '* av- El-41'? I 92 ~ .- . .-__4.._--_-__-.-_.- _ 4- . _. o ...~ -- 4 I» ..Irununrg-unn.Ol ' . .< 0% ' 92 I ' '* - . .. " q - 0- 4 M 7 ''-017566 .'Z92/I67720M72'du772 - UNITED swims eovnnimnnr, ' /f 5[?'o __£;_--...,_ N! 1 ° MPH c ASSIFIED MM M "" 11' 995° .

iq-ii d K non svmcr..:.:D§ho 'mz. ovum xmus D were "Ins __, | _/ r '* I- I ._ ;.. fl L-» - ._.. if a 92 mrromms - s L/l}§f| 3"; "/I .' , j/Q . i '/ f was t.»':..»1;/ --l-10----'-**" so/9*./:,*_*_~a../17/>%197F5~":/?~=a """"*M" -L -' Qfhc '~'- our Ihe purpose oi this nenoreniun is to bring to your attention'the " / -j poi-wooot developments in this investigation since the arrest or the subject. 1:: -- : , .mmB1-P- svB~u<='r£;@qe1Q QQQIIZ" ' " _ Oar investigation at the present time is primarily concerned with Ugh jsilable tiing inter the Boriet on concerning espionage thiscontact individual of Fuchs who in Ias the identified Ihited States in.t_he 'The ' I infometion tr dsr the IIIO cover muss of Goose and A

is asIollolsi ! . _ g .. E " ~-~. Le or August 29, 195$ it was reported thotoooo hadsttsnpted to contact Fuchs alter Fuchs had missed meetings uni on ixnuiry at his apartment Goose had learned that Fuchs had returned to Great Britain. For the purpose C or verifying this, Goose attempted to contact Fuchs! sister, but learned the Q; the sister and her husband Iould not return until September 20, 1941.. no , WQ October 4, 1944, it Ins further reported that Fuchs sister had not returned " 92| home and that Goose planned mother trip to see her_.on ootober 12th. _m er 14, 191»/u it was reported that Goose had made contact with Noble $ xsister and had learned that Fuchs had not returned to Great Britain but had R ggooo to Camp 2 Insnmoo!. It was reported tmt Fuchs ma told his sister t iuot he Iould nest her at _ s 1-.1 1944, and Goose planned to establish g oliaison with Flwhs at that time __ . LU - _ ~§f_ _ no addition to the contacts ._.. with -Fuels, intormationir Is! 92g; fleets 1-bet en August 1, 1944, Goose reported to his espionage super o gghat coee Abraham reported Brothman that Brothmnn had stopped had been working atcollaborating the daenurgy with Theodore Design Goszpangj.Heili 1 gin the production of aerosol bombs. It was reported that Brothmen had ' chested in two business arrangements by his partner. It was mrther set forth that m-ct-man had set up his om laborat-cry at 114 East 32nd Street, Is! Iork City, and would soon conclude his work on aerosol and DDT. Ihile the into:-nation §1o A ; ':1_,92.'. fragmentary, is also the it mention Ins indicated of st$lO0 that a no Goose _ >,,__=_-_-i,_: templeted . 1 -Q3_;_5/ '92_._'_., using '._'I""I"|'Brothmn,_,.,~.»;3jQ,/ I" 'mDecm92ber13 1941+ the1l}Breee P1 8 tivelgglelkA I.. or re /LP 1530 againstthat Atomic 11° <11-¢ Energy00* installations deem itfsdvisable in Goose, to concentrate for the reason all espionage that it would sctiiity - be too risky. Be commented that while such e plan would he nvorahle in that it would hlimit th e group o I persons it hly would not be advisable from snot er uns pa eied commas tend nEg;R0§ int o IkD" 6;? ,. ""' , I4 _4 ' A Attachment R 35 NOV 161950 /Iv . 3 I RJLaea1 " FM een!M.Z.EMeqgf¬J,_o-~ 0' '"*y'T; 135 gnu;5§J?<=¢?i 1* *$51