Supplemental Release .1998 Klaus Fuchs »

Supplemental Release .1998 Klaus Fuchs »

Q Dr SUPPLEMENTAL RELEASE .1998 92 9292 KLAUS FUCHS » 9292 pages '0"" w '§_';{D I / r SUBIECT: KLAUSFUCHS FILE: 65-S8805 SECTION:I I .....¢-.4 _.._,_.q- - ¢ """--w--»-_....1.___-.____, - » - ~ , W: .~ ~-_~--=' ¢f?¢*."*'*?"'*..:.'-.1""l"> E ,Yl.. .u.¢..."_..- .1 '¥ 1 1 w 3 '>F."; 1"*;.> "-44,'-1 *2 W,-1 §._ 5 $526»-K'-; 1;. ;~ . - N1 ZTK IE . THE BEST COPIES OBTAINABLE ARE 92w ,1 INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THE FILE, PAGES INCLUDED Ext? $2 4. THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT OR OTHERWISE DIFFTCULT TO READ A41 ARE T HE RESULT OF THE CONDITION AND OR QOLOR OF THE ORIGINALS .» qr *92 YA5 <~§_92 PROVEDED. THESE ARE THE BEST iii Kg, -.-<1 COPIES AVAILABLE. _ ~92 I 3 11 % . 1 5. 92:' 1 1 :21 ._,; % L} 3 ! 13 __ Q-92 " _--¢-- . .-_ _,-_.., 4.--.-_-. -- . -..-¢»-» - '~_-I am. new nu lull!!! :2, mm . Iiritwra '3 9. U . mun n1mr;°;;;;_5air$3f=,'_92 . I - Rf-'pt' 11-=1 ' xmn $3 :1: ,2 M, . '" v mm nmsixzsaaxcnasszrignggqpfnin-nraum-mcarmlza worn ornzamss. ?°gg:KRF.1]'"fpe1!» . 92 . ¢ . 2! N 92 lusts-x. K31512:3 mam 192123 Ea-that-*5 lltitlzsmi; nub Amt: I» -I v ICES 'MIME '-1N ;9292 I4-{nu ma, la-lnbi Qua, - mvzsm :.:=.*m| 92 . nan»: hula, in. Ia mu. sz.xr s;~ __ i _. , Elm-=au'L1antbn1¢aGm'1-It-dfuehl - ' - an-lanai - :1 ~ ¢= 11," n:'g;g;,ia j Bill-10 SW-A6328! " ' E392U°92 *-'j¬!> %""""J, % ~ ' G :1 1"arM¢!s0d an nnutlonaaeu-ufug V it-hoocvarnmruofiluotandbarl l'7Un,m¢uho1-1 u,-393111; ummzaupunwamaé? x lo '-hiam» J-gust" 5, an-nan I-ha mzz. ii. on in an arksrtu» 1: armumwnumng tho atomic Easy A ~, arw pa-92.l.a92l:~.r11 with ruapuot ta 1-In 8'8?-hh pcnlcigattaa is that wu- Cadnnolh 1&1 Bu!» karma carurthathirdpartdnloeaamidnligtuwd 1 an d2.g$92@:1uln5;- - - - - - BI:-at Qtllru-! Flmtuai-inn a 1 _ ---------~-- d1ita1;axm:awkwé~-wurkoauaapoalzdty." Q . daaltwmmmf-Lnamdwat Husnnkghthnfétolusndlhluamttarni 1*»-92" wh Ulifslhlfo u 5300 . - 92- ,192}¢.k, mmmst.ualmdo0nnn0rn1n;$hldlanaa92rat»dva1uw _- the sum. sun» mr-1 m eum;mm um gnu pat mu year mu-as; " an !U,4.j_ ;"' c.n-P-I8!!! 3i;1§lu3, matleaculwhsf thopwdbluécpanaacfi tun. hr Brut. m-Lula and Ln um cum-action Ha man or -nds uuanq! and Gui Int-mxmud. laecgtlm In DIID at at ocu¢Lq1»!Goon mus ::.;.7'_"" an M "~ I commumcATi0N* __ .» "5an;-nunana §92~ 1-. 1 §@»1:¢!¢o:»a-v'=~~=~wf3 WM] ....;-@~- |nua____._ 3% M M"? Uwqqggygggg. J : Eu ;gm%11!J__ u-. 6. Oénnrlrw ¢»o,_{-£b'§'X so bu L y C /1 --a - __-_~ q 1; ' /1 .='_ 1 Expmptf DS, Caf my "I, ad ,/, ...- 1" I ' l IR, L?, < ' '-' 2 . /- . "K3*.;" . 1 >_¥;'-7;-M 5" - ""-Iv3 - _,:_ - _-,';._.._§% __ - A: - 92 Y * .1 1 ' -1 __ 1 < ix 3:» Q'T!_ . _>._'_ 5 i,,/ I _ - ' u , F 1 .» ,-~ 1 T on§oasbI'3,l0|I0h92l'lll hit-nu-118,19. Irritan- atnnnltotho . input II, 191.6. his-rod to hum Poin- lhn M$.:i.B- ll iillul I nltunllld I 5I at I-In Atoll: burg; bujn b _ Ihuamnulu-ihcaid-Idthn92E.1luha,in:le:,thtuth|ret Enuulzufmmvtntdzbdtolstaainiarllnwnrnilqnu tcqaral-iLrud1:gdo%llBn0f9u¢u:'tLauwuIlaluri1.n,6lIwcn 0&oh*6,1%7. lb .IlawlMi.todlla;dnml_ln1:$92hoi!nl920dSts!-u auah:satJunn15,1% Q fhinuoaruadlvatltllthmt .-_._ .~_.L___. -_ 4 - _~ > ' J !P~ 92-I i§PsE ini L ifaiblldhthwcnnnt dlhgppnhuatpnhhllruly 92IIh1.1adn;cnI1'a| vunttwotadaus-¢,&ot1nni " buprmhwthunmiagxwIaNI'Ianut0pn'lHau- wanna, _ 92htir1Itd!1a$lid.a|nnndadct5§¬u'vIr,- hiatus: pthriollmnly 151 4 'allwulllllité lhnldaant-kuuntiwnun hIaunaynL2,lrlndhlauuanno4uwhL}adngrnnuva Ittdlluclthollltdikd-00. h'¢inl1h|lh,,lI|-1Ln,6c|nqi-hthu-; Owns-ifnlb0,hn1¢auqncLu1n,JurLd92,illtlI'1ml@hrot-hl';h.l1au N-u,al'rL:aglatl|oI¢1§Q;.lIw-h'ath¢» - 9 q_;! - ItwP92'lthu%uhnl|Aannn£===|-001 in 2-trvma, 1 1!-H. Now- 333 South tub:-1¢¢o,lu=nauau,n-unlibluutulo 'f_, ! ' applnn that:-!u§§g1 1%, the Gourd. iiwau-Lo Riva- war,1thl|nn&hntn19Uulbhnu-tneinnumIaauh:a0tU;~£1ll-naunnqnldmaaluntlnntooubdxj Maldlnilnnnluugnhud. numwm ctlhnui. ¬aJnl;w,19H»,nLnunadI1.nd Plynuthitl-tut, $1-mam, 111.1060, chkchau 92 dturnwuoaanmlanuzmyuuhuo -~.92 Ialhlrwéil-l'wt, .U! T -4 .II" uama4um6,1sH-6,mu-ap1q¢»¢ E !$9nmu1,satrln,asuuaplh1r0- [email protected].,.__| ._._..%_...-.._-____.__..-.-_._ _ > __ ._ 4 .__.i.. r - 92 msa gt hnabouthnmh I50 - thatncqtuwddarunbumulbla unpudlnlitlluthounotthounn zuuxn-:¢11_.uu.ap u!__ 'l1aaIYahn,0tu4a:tctp|nJp|uplqyuBuoIahu-I9,1911,luQo1lboLa, B81402, Oatnpu I101/A ttlu llabfu! ' "Durand Inch, at-ohuriil, 1.909, hnuhhdn, mans, R::~.'u-Inz, nawnnuaauun £101 .00V _ _ W. hob, Jon, Btnot-urn! I-in nta'aln6i.ahGiuaultn,lnuL& I-Agni, Ilhuiim, R585-CV!-5, QIIMPO 7101.4 Gila hu1a.?=M! . Ihtnmlnadsnudoqncaahnnnnuntluuwnxp unborn i1:+IAutnniltorldahcn1dzardad92ldIcnp=t$,ah1ah1uthn0u|zrn1 »rm<.»=¢:un Seem-ti; Pollen. liurumllannm-51.: IV nitric the dupnnmnt aftholllmh ho.1nIYi1nzdIYA3,llaL117ll-diidlolrnnnuiiltm aw n.;w.1.w,tu~:nar Gnnm ezummint nuputiu an: Goran nnmuln. 3:-1500, hadtlalcmahu-0I.Wa2_. U! . Ilu nanumomcmatag mu Inch: but ta-than night possibly nine to tho at-ha or Idléunm Linus Imam, taunt. connection the lilomaba-IV25uumtoaana:nbqGHIuadl!FDagu|tn.Eaptn|1s.;uani Biiitay 351;. M1' In hahnnmluhwthunntnbhd. Lnthluwuntrymnuaninz-3,19A3,|huudtboB:-it mda. Abnrithhoaaougaatartsuphwhml 4-;»~J.1 Pd.or1.canlhhu1!oEu¢unhFu&u~ll¢ Rh-u?d.lr1J E:-ant ___ _ ___._,_;@_ _._...._ .q,..~.-_|.¢-.4--»'--- * . ___ . ._. 4 ¢- J " . ....__ , _ - -_.._ __._.. _,___ * Lu ' uh J. 92 @@ Pad Q . Mqnaaahc h%!hJa$,:mInn-¢y0aad.nhn,luntII, &MnU,d Biutrlatlineqntioctalthtag-. Iiaonoatagnupd .lu1uIllItltlolII0ZopIl¢ll.£hItcnn10cpanikn'v0ltltl. Hall ILmtOGhQ$il 92hl!&l9206It&3lIIh¬OAlm;Il9£& QGbI'ld1l§PII~ ttannttastlcnln! maa-odthn!|~1tlahg:'uulcnra.¢.l% lieu-92nn,ll.Pclc:-1.1,! P§d!Ill§4K4$K'fl.'IIIUI'OlGl|l0GdlllII!Gi.dl.92 uablnnhnu n1thtanapprar|l.e£&huhrnpu'hnluhMok- 0 92 L1; _v> % -<2 in .@ . " t3s0',uHr I h'ulea-s ~ *1 ,'f'* H H '6 1 l 92 0 lulu:-au92l.un luml tn: an Hb I an-u. av mu ' mm nu, -mm an - nun u nu. idulncn -»?%¬»-A GM % 7 $51 I $8. % hohnhntalhaldtmdl-at¢h niutaamnqrwwtxm ans-nng all tats-ausaxwunlly anti:-ldnnautt-lg lhnhnll Magical Zlilo 92 1 _ A - - - »- »_ l. _,~~ W11? _4_.-A- 4_.~-._. -7 .. __ .. _ _ 1 ,_ . - - -. __ ~. ..___ .._._____.___.___-__-- - _ ._ . _ ___ _-_ _____ M__ ' 3 - . ". I . v. " I. '~92 a . --. ,1-,. 1 - -' ' } ' ' '92 r"' _ - 92 '@ xoiti 92 Memorandum - unrrsn 0 srarss ' " GOVERNMENT / .. " ; L» M t-I - i . - [T9&'IEr.D.l§.I-add. _ E 191:9 -mm. an s sums 1=u' - %7§ "=- ". mu ml s,qh,,____,_-__._ "-1- m1n1s92nH=M$$I1' m'°*°'*"°'°°" K _ Iv»-mu-.__..._"*-=-"----- §pI _ !NA@ 3 ' IXCEPTIHRESIOIB m. -mamas: _ - 4; m KHISTEL Imus rmnmm - ' - - Qu- , _ Kristel u12s;'ms1a=z'rKlaus, snocx Krietbl Klaus,mmnnfis; ' _- 77'4__/#/ /L-W--~---~nu. Hubo--__-1 Kristel Fuchs, am. Bob Klaus . 7:':°'*f- -.._- ___, Elma Anna Dorothe Ida. Christel Fuchs M Z §PIONAGE _Bufile 100-346228! R c"''°d . '"7 OP I [MW F '- °"""""-"I0---------_-. JD MM - 3//g/' b92 - *> '1. av.-21~;~'1'-~BI , BK Soviet lgent The purpose known to oi this mdwmemorand is to cover attempt names an of identRecationof uC$!'i5=T1§D ! . -5 @"'> V=V9aD1>R.lF"l3: §@I@D{ b lb shed information set forth hereafter concerning Q» 0 wo S et Agents, one of whom was known under the cover names Rest and Charles, J 92 § E and apparentlythe other pronounced one who was Arno!. known According under the to, cover this names Source of on Goose May 8, Gus!l9h1+, and theArnaud m92he G.B. work representative o the Br tish in Commission New York advised in the United MoscowStatesthat Best was had meeting reported with thatno E. uccese. as not certain of the reason for the lack of success but ,- thought i g ave been the result of dissatisfaction or a misunderstanding. ~ The M.G.B. representative advised that it would be proposed to Rest either to ' 1 forsupport res Great Britain or to work at a special laboratory - or camp, apparently Dg June 15, 19M, it was reported to lloscou that "the ten" had "reéeived from Rest the third part o1"the report BEN-1 _ onedigit missing! - - - - - - - ' Efrent dif:£u?!eion Eerent?!method Fluctuation,in¢a,5tream -- work '6i_1 his specialty. - Rest?!- - - - . -. -. -. - . - .diubt -- - cf -- - t- 1 J ' V I : I s. Q IHEW v ~- corxss DESTROYED 92 -";1.z_-Tm, 5 ~34 <:7£l$'z7 "9y%1 so/=1 /I I {Zf' R47 NOV 161960 1 .Z>-,3? - .

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