Department of Anthropology Telephone: (317) 285-2443 (office) Ball State University (317) 284-1639 (home) Muncie, Indiana 47306 E-mail:
[email protected] CURRICULUM VITAE Ronald Hicks EDUCATION Ph.D. 1975 University of Pennsylvania (Anthropology; dissertation: Some Henges and Hengiform Earthworks in Ireland) B.A. 1963 Purdue University (major: International Relations; minor: Mathematics) TEACHING EXPERIENCE Ball State University: assistant professor, 1976-80; associate professor, 1980-84; professor, 1984-present University of Pennsylvania: lecturer (summer sessions), 1975, 1976; instructor (part-time, Dept. of Oral Medicine), 1974-75; teaching fellow, 1970-71, 1972-73 Community College of Philadelphia: instructor (part-time), 1974-76 Hahnemann Medical College: instructor (part-time, Institute for Human Resource Development), spring 1976 Spring Garden College: instructor (part-time), spring 1975 Wagner Free Institute of Science: instructor (part-time), autumn 1972 Ursinus College: instructor (summer session), 1972 CURRENT RESEARCH FOCUS Analysis of Irish pre-Christian religion as reflected in the relationships among the characters and motifs in mythology, sacred sites in the landscape, ancient agricultural cycle, and ritual calendar. PUBLICATIONS Monographs 1986 (with Frank N. Burkett) Archaeological investigations in the Upper Big Blue River Glacial Sluiceway Ball State Archaeological Resources Management Service Reports of Investigations 21. 1982 (with Jeanette E. Buehrig) A comprehensive archaeological survey of Mounds State Park. Ball State Archaeological Resources Management Service Reports of Investigations 6. 1981 Archaeological investigations at Mounds State Park, 1979. Ball State Archaeological Resources Management Service Reports of Investigations 1. 1975 Some henges and hengiform earthworks in Ireland. Ann Arbor: Xerox University Microfilms. Edited Volumes 1992 Native American Cultures in Indiana. Authored components include seven section introductions and an appendix on Indiana radiocarbon dates.