Nakladatelství Bridge s.r.o. Giant’s Ševce Matouše 22, 140 00 Praha 4 Causeway tel.: 241 443 003, 241 444 242 – an area of about 40,000 rock e-mail:
[email protected] columnsco created by a volcanic eruption (but according to Dunluce illustrations: Ondřej Strnad© Castle a legend made by a giant) IRELAND Not for sale. Bushmills – the oldest legal whiskey distillery in the world Gaeltacht (established 1608) – a region where people speak Irish Gaelic as their fi rst language; these areas are mainly in the west of Ireland (the greatest number of Irish speakers live in Donegal Gaeltacht) LondonderryLdd ((Derry)D ) – the “Hands Across the Divide” peace statue joins the Catholic and Protestant n areas of the city and symbolizes getting a over the past troubles e Beaghmore Carrickfergus Castle c Stone Circles – a 12th-century Norman castle, – the most productive fi shing port in one of the best preserved Slieve Ireland; known for the production of medieval castles O carpets and tapestries League Killybegs in Ireland NORTHERN Belfast – a centre of confl ict between c IRELAND the nationalists and unionists i Lough t (UK) Neagh n – the largest lake in Ireland and the UK (388 sq km); it is a an important place for silver l eel fi shing t Ben Ireland’s main cereal crop is barley; A Bulben it is often used for making beer and whiskey. Co. Sligo – country home of the family of W. B. Yeats (1865 - 1939), Potatoes are one of the most important Irish poet, prose writer and crops; in the past they were the primary dramatist, Nobel Prize winner food source (when they were infested by a fungus in the 19th century, it resulted in a devastating famine).