CHAN MASTER SHENG YEN Common Questions in the Practice of Buddhism, 2017 Volume 37, Number 4 — Autumn 2017
AUTUMN 2017 Dear Reader, please see an important message on the inside back cover. o individuals, the monastic lifestyle allows them to Tdevote their life to studying and practicing Buddhadharma, and to the growth of their blessings and wisdom. To society as a whole, this means that monastics can offer their whole body and mind to concentrate on promoting and teaching Buddhadharma without distraction, and to make their utmost effort to uplift sentient beings. Although they ceaselessly work for their own and others’ salvation, they are still able to savor the joy of being free of attachments and being at peace and at ease. They do not need to worry about tomorrow, or to search for livelihood; their daily living embodies their vision and mission of life. CHAN MASTER SHENG YEN Common Questions in the Practice of Buddhism, 2017 Volume 37, Number 4 — Autumn 2017 CHAN MAGAZINE PUBLISHED QUARTERLY BY Institute of Chung-Hwa Buddhist Culture From the Editor 4 Chan Meditation Center (CMC) 90‒56 Corona Avenue Chan Monasticism 6 Elmhurst, NY 11373 by Chan Master Sheng Yen FOUNDER/TEACHER Chan Master Venerable Dr. Sheng Yen ADMINISTRATOR Venerable Chang Hwa Deluded Thoughts, States of Mind, 20 EDITOR-IN-CHIEF Buffe Maggie Laffey and Discrimination ART DIRECTOR Shaun Chung by Harry Miller COORDINATOR Chang Jie PHOTOGRAPHY AND ARTWORK Rikki Asher, Kaifen Hu, Taylor Mitchell Grand Opening of Tallahassee Chan Center 32 COVER ART Photo by Venerable Chang Duo by Evonn Elaine CONTRIBUTING EDITORS David Berman, Ernie Heau, Guo Gu CONTRIBUTORS Venerable Chang Ji, Venerable Chang Zhai, Chan Meditation Retreats 36 Rebecca Li, David Listen, Ting-Hsin Wang, Bruce Rickenbacker, Dharma Drum Mountain Cultural Center Chan Meditation Center Affiliates 38 CHAN MEDITATION CENTER (718) 592‒6593 DHARMA DRUM PUBLICATIONS (718) 592‒0915 The magazine is a non-profit venture; it accepts no advertising and is supported solely by contributions from members of the Chan Center and the readership.
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