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In Focus FALL/AUTOMNE 2006 AGRICULTURAL and ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Edition in Focus FALL/AUTOMNE 2006 AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES edition édition LES SCIENCES DE THIS ISSUE / DANS CE NUMÉRO 2 From the Dean / Du doyen 3 Research Notes L’AGRICULTURE ET 4 The Macdonald Library - the first 100 years 5 Building for the Future 6 Celebrating 100 years DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT Célébrons nos 100 ans 8 In the News 9 Convocation 2006 Canada Post Corporation Publications Mail Agreement # 40613662 10 News from the Alumni Relations Office The Years of Green and Gold 11 Alumni News From the Dean’s Desk FACULTY OF AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Dear Graduates and FACULTÉ DES SCIENCES Friends, DE L’AGRICULTURE ET I recently met with the writer DE L’ENVIRONNEMENT hired to produce the Macdonald Centenary publication, and I had Fall / Automne 2006 cause to reflect on the day that I first arrived as an undergraduate student at Macdonald College in early September 1974. I had never Office of the Dean seen the campus prior to that day, Bureau du doyen nor did I know very much about Macdonald Campus Macdonald College. Having arrived at Mac, I knew immediately that I McGill University wanted to study here. I had that 21,111 Lakeshore CHANDRA A. MADRAMOOTOO IN ETHIOPIA. instinct and inner feeling that I Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue made the right decision and that Macdonald was for me. I felt at home, and immedi- ately formed an attachment to Mac — a rich, rewarding and exciting student experi- Quebec, Canada H9X 3V9 ence that ultimately drew me to being a staff member and now dean of the Faculty. Tel.: 514-398-7707 I simply could not have imagined it any other way. Fax: 514-398-7766 Macdonald has remained within me for 32 years, and with each year, my passion and commitment for Macdonald grow deeper. It is a passion and commitment, which many of you share, and you each have very fond memories of your days at Mac, which you have mentioned to me on various occasions. It is evident that Mac is in the heart and Dean of the Faculty soul of each and everyone who has studied and worked at the College. Doyen de la Faculté There is a common thread in all our stories: Macdonald formed our minds and shaped Chandra A. Madramootoo our lives, thereby providing us with the tools to make outstanding contributions in our various fields of endeavour, and also in our communities. Contributors As we approach our Centenary celebrations, I have been reflecting not only on the Harold Blenkhorn greatness of Macdonald as an institution, but also on the vision and legacy of our Josée Bonneville founder, Sir William Macdonald. Our College has flourished and excelled over the past Erica Burnham Helen Cohen Rimmer 100 years because generations of students, staff, alumni, donors and friends have Janet Finlayson shared in Sir William’s vision. We have collectively followed Sir William’s words: Donald L. Smith Onward and Upward. Ron Henry I feel very privileged to be the dean, at this most exciting period in our history. The Editorial Board Centenary is about celebrating a glorious past, it is about sharing our memories, and it is about building an exciting future. I invite you to join us for the many Centenary Robert Bonnell, BSc(AgrEng)’83, events that have been planned over the next 12 months, and to support the work of MSc’85, PhD’93 Josée Bonneville, the College for the next 100 years! I extend my deepest appreciation for your contin- Development & Alumni Relations ued support through the Alma Mater Fund and other gift programs. Your support makes Erica Burnham, BA’94, MLIS’98 a difference. Helen Cohen Rimmer, BA’76, MSc’79 Ron Henry, I look forward to welcoming you to the campus during this year of celebration. Director of Development — Macdonald Marie-Anne Hudson, BSc(Agr)’03 Kathy MacLean, BSc(Agr)’81 Rodger Titman, BSc’65 Editorial Consultant Helen Dyer, Communications Officer, Development, Alumni and University Chandra A. Madramootoo, BSc(AgrEng)’77, MSc’81, PhD’85 Relations Dean, Faculty of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Proofreading Pascal Zamprelli Coordination, Design and Layout Helen Cohen Rimmer, HCR Photo COVER PHOTO: In celebration of our 100th anniversary, we take a look at laboratory teaching, sports and research then and now — a milk grading lab in 1912, women’s hockey in the 1920’s, BioPhysics lab 1950’s, Professor Suha Jabaji teaching a mycology course in 2005, the McGill Martlets champion women’s rugby team, graduate students conducting research at the Institute of Parasitology. AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES 2 Research Notes New plant research network based at Macdonald The realization that agriculture has a sig- researchers. In addition, there will be an nificant role to play in climate change and inter-university graduate course in plants as a source of renewable energy has greatly and climate change that will be directed by increased the demand for scientific insights Smith and colleague Bert Drake, of the and new crop development. Donald Smith, Smithsonian. professor of plant science, is now taking up “Never before have researchers asked: the challenge to develop or select crops ‘How can we, beyond the practices already which will reduce the negative environmen- available, re-configure plants and their man- tal impact of crop production. Smith leads a agement to augment existing opportunities? national network — the Green Crop And will these approaches work in a chang- Network — coordinating the work of 55 ing environment?’” says Smith. researchers from 13 universities. Funded by Finding new ways of reducing net green- a $6.6-million federal government invest- house gas emissions will have economic, ment, the network’s goal is to find ways to environmental and human health benefits. If reduce greenhouse gas emissions through more carbon can be captured by plants and agricultural activities. stored below ground, the soil may become Smith and his colleagues bring together more productive and for longer, thus expertise in plants (hence the network’s enhancing the sustainability of agriculture. main focus on plants and its location in the If nitrogen leakage is minimized, fertilizer Plant Science Department), soils and soil costs may be reduced and negative environ- microbes. mental impacts diminished. And not least, if Part of the Network’s focus will be the fundamental processes of C and N flow extensive research training of 40 graduate through the air-plant-soil continuum are bet- students in the various laboratories involved ter understood, solutions not yet envisioned and under the supervision of the may be discovered. OWEN EGAN A visionary idea leads to a centre of expertise Valacta, a new centre of expertise in dairy production based on the Macdonald Campus, was launched in Quebec last month. The new centre integrates the resources of the Programme d'analyse des troupeaux laitiers du Québec (PATLQ) with those of its three shareholders — the ministère de l’Agriculture, des Pêcheries, et de l’Alimentation du Québec (MAPAQ), the Fédération des producteurs de lait du Québec (FPLQ) and McGill University. When John Moxley, BSc(Agr)’47, MSc’52, established the Dairy Herd Analysis Service (DHAS) in 1966, which later became PATLQ, little could he have foreseen the enormous success that this venture would achieve. Moxley, then a professor in Animal Science, was interested in livestock production traits and nutrition. While working on his PhD at Cornell, he had the opportunity to observe the set up of Gilbert Rioux, President of Valacta; Roger Cue, Department of Animal Science; MAPAQ Minister Yvon Vallières; Bertrand Farmer, a computer-oriented dairy herd improvement operation, and the fore- General Manager of Valacta; and Marcel Groleau, President of sight to see that a similar system would greatly benefit Quebec dairy FPLQ. PHOTO: Clément Allard, Canadian Press. farmers. With the support of Dean George Dion, DHAS was started. It is a success story that never looked back. It started with a staff of five, a computer and an infra-red milk analyzer. More than 100 farmers received individual records for each cow in their dairy herds and feeding recommendations to improve productivity. Within a year, more than 300 dairy farms were benefiting from this service and, within 10 years, the production of more than 200,000 cattle from Quebec, Ontario and the Maritimes was being analyzed. When Dr. Moxley was awarded the Grindley Medal by the Agricultural Institute of Canada, the citation MACDONALD ARCHIVES stated that Moxley “… is a Canadian who has made one particular identifiable contribution to Canadian agriculture, the A young John Moxley working in impact of which has been far-reaching.” Valacta’s mission is to strengthen Quebec’s milk production sector by stimulating the Nutrition lab. the development of knowledge and technology transfer to Quebec’s milk producers, a mission started by Dr. Moxley, whose immeasurable contributions have laid the foundation for this new centre of expertise in which McGill is proud to remain a partner. 3 AGRICULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCES Library The Macdonald Library — the first 100 years THE EARLY YEARS DIFFICULT YEARS basement, where conditions were far from How many of you remember the The 1970’s were difficult years, and the ideal. Macdonald College Library in the Main Macdonald Library was also affected. A third Eventually it was decided that Macdonald Building as it was in the early days? College would occupy a separate area Centrally located, it was an impressive on the campus, centred around the room with large oak study tables bear- newly constructed Macdonald-Stewart ing green-shaded lamps. The tall win- building. The library moved to the ren- dows had stained-glass coats of arms ovated horticulture barn — the Barton at the top, and portraits of various col- Building.
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