Ab Kauno Energija Set of Consolidated
AB KAUNO ENERGIJA SET OF CONSOLIDATED AND PARENT COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FIRST HALF 2017, PREPARED ACCORDING TO INTERNATIONAL FINANCIAL REPORTING STANDARDS, AS ADOPTED BY THE EUROPEAN UNION AB KAUNO ENERGIJA, Company code 235014830, Raudondvario rd. 84, Kaunas, Lithuania CONSOLIDATED AND PARENT COMPANY’S FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FOR THE FIRST HALF 2017, (all amounts are in EUR thousand unless otherwise stated) Statements of Financial Position Group Company As of 31 As of 31 As of 30 As of 30 Notes December December June 2017 June 2017 2016 2016 ASSETS Non-current assets Intangible assets 3 77 107 77 107 Property, plant and equipment 4 Land and buildings 8,929 9,290 7,423 7,590 Structures 83,920 84,919 83,239 84,207 Machinery and equipment 25,593 27,420 21,980 23,507 Vehicles 521 497 487 448 Devices and tools 2,891 3,186 2,882 3,175 Construction in progress and prepayments 5,610 974 5,610 974 Investment property 404 299 - - Total property, plant and equipment 127,868 126,585 121,621 119,901 Non-current financial assets Investments into subsidiarys 1 - - 2,968 2,968 Non-current accounts receivable - - - - Other financial assets 1 1 1 1 Total non-current financial assets 1 1 2,969 2,969 Total non-current assets 127,946 126,693 124,667 122,977 Current assets Inventories and prepayments Inventories 5 429 486 413 416 Prepayments 443 491 400 384 Total inventories and prepayments 872 977 813 800 Current accounts receivable 6 Trade receivables 21;23 3,231 10,117 3,231 10,117 Other receivables 23 1,389 1,001 1,368 984 Total accounts receivable 4,620 11,118 4,599 11,101 Cash and cash equivalents 7;21 10,980 6,285 10,933 6,193 Total current assets 16,472 18,380 16,345 18,094 Total assets 144,418 145,073 141,012 141,071 (cont’d on the next page ) 3 AB KAUNO ENERGIJA, Company code 235014830, Raudondvario rd.
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